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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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They said "Hello" in every language they know,,,
























































but to tell the truth they forget about ARAB fans who are supporting them also :(
























































I mean the both groups CNBLUE and SNSD had an interview with ARAB KBS WORLD with Amira and her friend,,,
























































there Yong and Huyn said "Alsalam Alicom" which mean Hello in the ARABIC WORLD,,
























































they also said if there a chance to visit any Arabian country they would visit Dubai (UAE) << my city -_-
























































I was disappointed ,,, But now I don't care ^_^
























































because I love YONGSEO so much and I'm happy that they said it in many languages for the other fans
























































it is OKAY as long as we understand their language :wub:

































































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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas, do you have the translations for the banmal song? I mean, the second verse because I only saw the translation from the first verse and the chorus part from WGM. And Seobaby was smiling like crazy when Yong sang his part, the 2nd verse. And also! I find it cute when Seobaby wasn't strumming the guitar. Haha. Hope someone would reply ^^ Kamsahamnda

































































































































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pen, i loveeeeeeeeeee ur wally! pls make moreeee :wub: heh heh it's already on my desktop~!

d3, what duckduckduck??? waddya mean by that? did yong or hyun mention duckduckduck in the MV? @_@ oh ya! u noticed it too huh about yong trying to make a straight face LOL! but his straight face was pretty convincing. he's certainly a talented actor too :lol:

hachi dear... i LOVE UR MANGA!!! i love everything that u do! LOL!! aigooo so talented! :w00t: btw, how many pages does ur manga have?

oh ya, i wonder who arranged those toys on the sofa... i bet it must've been yong's idea to put some of their "kids" there LOL!

and another "oh ya"... sorry, i forgot who posted the new busan pic but THANK U!! :) they definitely look like a stable couple in the pic! kekekek i can't help to imagine what they could've been doing IN BETWEEN PREPARATION for the Banmal Song IF they were really alone!!! gahahahahahaha A KISS?! after watching the latest ep, it seems like both of them are ready for a kiss. :wub: maybe they've already kissed secretly somewhere!!! xD kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! um before i kyaaa any further, my reason to say that they could've already kissed is because, the ppl in the NAN show brought it up... & that was most prolly before they went to yong's house to prepare for the song. and then, out of the blue... yong just suddenly blurted "I WANNA KISS YOU TO..." heh heh heh yong already has that in mind, & thus, has already input the KISS into hyun's head. i'm sure hyun would really luv to kiss yong since she rejected the kissing scene in the Oh My Goddess MV 'cause she wanna reserve her kiss for that choding yong! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! so, maybe they could've already kissed secretly! hahahaha i wish!!!! :w00t: sorry, am not in the right mind now so my post may seem senseless 'cause i want them to kiss badly since they're already a real couple IMO although they don't admit it :P


tinybeatingheart, here... the complete trans:

Yongseo: 1 2 3 Hello (Korean English Japanese Mandarin Thai). We are Yongseo couple's...

Y: I’m Yong

S: I’m Seo

Y: What have we prepared today, Hyun?

S: Today we prepared a couple song that we, the Yongseo couple, wrote personally, called the ‘Banmal Song’.

Y: It’s a nice song and we hope everyone will enjoy it. We will perform right now.

Lyrics (credit MountainMadMan for first verse and chorus)

S: It's so hard for me to say 'thanks' or 'bye' to you [NOTE: these are informal words in Korean.]

All I can say is "thank you" or "thanks so much" [NOTE: these are formal words in Korean.]

Everything is brand new to me, so I'm a little unsure

How should I say it? It's still really awkward

Even today, I worry about it

YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship

though still unnatural

Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”

let me hear more intimate words

S: You know what, Yong?

Y: What?

S: Do you really want to hear banmal from me?

Y: Ah… it will be good if I’m able to.

S: But you know that banmal is hard for me right?

Y: Why is it hard?

S: Err… I really tried very hard… It’s really difficult. How much do you want to hear me speak banmal?

Y: A lot.


Y: When we met for the first time

Even our smiles were shy

After today we should be closer to each other

I’m both excited and looking forward to it.

YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship

though still unnatural

Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”

let me hear more intimate words

YS: we can have a banmal relationship

one step at a time, slowly walk closer

Y: look at me in the eye

can you tell me

YS: “I love you”

S: I understand, Yong. (in banmal)

Y: Me too.

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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you dreamyboo for the full translation! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways, I'm back with my fanfic update=)))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Listen To My Heart 3/? - The Lost and Finding of Maknae (Part3)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Listen To My Heart 4/? - The Lost and Finding of Maknae (Part4)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please do not bash! :(

































































































































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Guest jerbear89



annyong everyone!!


i guess i'm crazy.. i'm at work now but look what YongSeo did to me.. just can't help but watch again the Banmal song.. kyaaaah!! and i'm spreading the love to my co-workers.. and they're now addicted to the couple's song.. wahaha ^o^

*waves back to glennpaulo* and hi to all Filipinos out there..*

so yeah, i also keep on wondering why our country is not on the list.. hmppp.. (kulang pa ang powers..haha)

KAMOTE~~~Goguma~~~~~Sweet Potato~~~Saranghae <3<3<3

edit: erasing the Banmal view post.. ehehe laugh.gif


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annyong everyone!!

i guess i'm crazy.. i'm at work now but look what YongSeo did to me.. just can't help but watch again the Banmal song.. kyaaaah!! and i'm spreading the love to my co-workers.. and they're now addicted to the couple's song.. wahaha ^o^




BanMal song just got 600,000+++++ views.. and i'm so proud.. the power of Goguma.. ehehe




*waves back to glennpaulo* and hi to all Filipinos out there..*




so yeah, i also keep on wondering why our country is not on the list.. hmppp.. (kulang pa ang powers..haha)


KAMOTE~~~Goguma~~~~~Sweet Potato~~~Saranghae <3<3<3






Long time lurker of the thread (about 500 post ago). Finally came out because to remind you that stop posting youtube views numbers. I don't want the thread to be shut down because you can't simply stop posting the youtube views.




And also I'm also sad that goguma couple isn't well known in the Philippines (Yeah you guess it, I'm a Filipino). Maybe someday Filipinos will know this amazing couple.




I can't get enough of their chemistry!




Can't wait for the next episode!


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Guest rieyzajunkisshi






I think that I'm already went crazy keke~


I keep refreshing, replaying, liking & commenting on our couple Banmal song hahaha >_<


But I never feel enough....as I keep doing it as long as I'm on9~


The banmal song is not only for them..but also a present to all of us!


Their sweetness, cuteness, shyness can be seen obviously... (^^,)v


Yong looks soo handsome n Hyun looks soo beautiful....


What a perfect couple!!!


Yongseo fighting~






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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello jerbear89 and xanshi. you're both right, the goguma couple are not yet known in our country but i hope they will soon.  at least we have this great thread to get connected laugh.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ang hirap kasi ikwento kung sila ang topic, madaming ndi makarelate sa mga sinasabi ko about them hehehe. looking forward to see the next episode. they are so cute together. nakakawala sila ng stress at pinapasaya nila ang munting mundo ko.  
































































































































































































































































spread the love people- the yongseo way!!!wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































Gogumas! Are you sure the BANMAL video is for public viewing?!The STARES, THE SMILES, THE GIDDY FACES...I feel like i'm watching something I shouldn't be watching...something private between the two. No matter how many times I've watched it I still cover my face during some parts as it makes me too giddy..i can't take it! hahha
































































































































































BTW, I'm curious too who's duckduckduck! how did he/she find out about the video? and sweetpotato4339 is definitely Seobaby!
































































































































































@rjcm127 LOVE your post and I definitely agree!































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post short..but I totally love your screencaps and comments and spoilers regarding the banmal video...esp the "something private between the two" part. I feel the same way..I literally cried from happiness watching this video. It is an awesome video. I am anticipating for more.































































































































































































































































































































































When I read the "duckduckduck" part it reminded me of Yong's part when he sings "clapclapclap" but then I imagined his lips coming out duck form 3x's, :phew: (why? kekeke). My take duckduckduck is Yong..didn't seohyun give him a duck PJ as a gift when she gave the rest of CNBlue characters.. and yes Sweetpotato4339 is Seo (crossing my fingers).

































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I can see everyone is still high in the sky :wub: But I am curious too about some things. they kept me mind-boggling since yesterday.




1. Where is j2dlee?! does anyone keep contact with her? Out of the blue she came and gave us fabulous translations and suddenly she disappeard. Was she indeed an angel? I begin to wonder.




2. who is duckduckduck? I think he/she posted once or twice in this thread can't remember it clearly though




3. I am still wondering who this one poster was, before the Bday episode. He/she guessed to a T what would happen in this episode. It was extraordinary. :sweatingbullets: (this just a random thought)





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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas Annyeong!  So long since I last visited. :) Dropping these 2 articles here. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[NEWS][12.28.10] Yonghwa's Piggyback Ride
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa's First Time Carrying Seohyun On His back, His Smiles Can't Be Stopped.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On MBC'a We Got Married That Aired On the 25th, Seohyun and Yonghwa were ''Dating'' at the Han Jiang Garden. After Playing Basketball, the both of them played a game. The one who lost have to piggyback the other starting from the Coffee Shop. That's Yonghwa. He said while carrying Seohyun ''You are really Heavy''.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































However, his mouth can't stop that displaying his Happiness. When Yonghwa thought of that moment (Piggy Back), he can't stop smiling. Seohyun also said ''I'm heavy and so does my bag. I think I have x2 heaviness''. Seohyun used that line and expresses her apologies to Yonghwa. At that time, her embarrassed feelings can be seen by anyone.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Baidu Goguma News Team]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[NEWS][12.28.10] Seohyun expressed her feelings to Yonghwa through the Banmal Song?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Girls' Generation Seohyun used the Banmal song and expressed her feelings about Yonghwa after all these time. On MBC's We Got Married that aired on the 25th, Yonghwa and Seohyun received the mission to finish the Banmal Song together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa told Seohyun to write the lyrics according to her heart. After Seohyun has got the motivation, she started writing it out slowly. Seohyun's Lyrics were
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































''It’s so hard for me to say ‘thanks’ or ‘bye’ to you 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All I can say is “thank you” or “thanks so much” 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everything is brand new to me, so I’m a little unsure































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How should I say it? It’s still really awkward































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even today, I worry about it''. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Banmal song's last sentence was
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































''we can have a banmal relationship































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































one step at a time, slowly walk closer































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































look at me in the eye































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can you tell me































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“I love you”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On this day, Adam and Khuntoria were also preparing Christmas Presents.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Baidu Goguma News Team
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews

































































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Guest jerbear89



oh my! oh my! what have I done to get (-)?? I'm so sad.. Is it because of the views??

ow.. Mianhe Gogumas.. I don't want this thread to be closed.. i read Rebby's message but got excited that I posted the number of views uri YongSeo got.. unsure.gifwacko.giftears.gif

hello again to glennpaulo, gogumaforever, Xanshi, and to all YongSeo lovers biggrin.gif

<spoiler>anyways, I'm still happy able to say hello to Filipinos in this thread.. ehehe

ok lang ako.. kayo, kumusta?? ehehe uu nga, di pa sila gaanong kilala dito sa Pinas.. pero ok lang guys.. dadami din tayo.. just keep on spreading the love.. laugh.gif</spoiler>

BANMAL song is DAEBAK!! can't get over it.. YongSeo fighting <3<3<3


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I think what makes this video so warm and personal is because Yongseo is talking to us, us the viewers. Throughout WGM, they just talk to each other or to their friends. But THIS video, they talk to us. They said their hellos so it feels like they are just singing for us. THAT is what makes the video magical. Its like we are an invited guests at their house.
















































Its so cute to see all the babies (elephants and all) in the background. Hmm, I am guessing the elephants must be selling like hot cakes in Thailand? :D
















































At the rate of sweetness that these two are going into, I think by the time they take their wedding shots I will be exploding with happiness just as if I am the one getting married!
















































Can't wait for Saturday!



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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































pen, i loveeeeeeeeeee ur wally! pls make moreeee :wub: heh heh it's already on my desktop~!
































































































































































d3, what duckduckduck??? waddya mean by that? did yong or hyun mention duckduckduck in the MV? @_@ oh ya! u noticed it too huh about yong trying to make a straight face LOL! but his straight face was pretty convincing. he's certainly a talented actor too :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































tinybeatingheart, here... the complete trans:































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post short..Hehe my hd is giving me a warning of low space so i started deleting other items just to keep a vid on replay on my mac (keke) I'm so in Go-Chun :wub: with their vid, most of us are...Totally agree they look like a stable couple :wub: . .As for your comment about "what they could've been doing IN BETWEEN PREPARATION for the Banmal Song IF they were really alone!!!"..... :w00t: spazzing like crazy in my head (giddy look)! I can't imagine them kissing, although it would be Daebak! Okay that's a lie, I can :rolleyes: but I don't think Seobaby is ready yet..baby steps still, but I do believe that it will happen privately..I know "kissing" has probably been talked about with her Unnies', that's for sure
































































































































































Do you have the NAN episode where they were teasing him about a kiss or are you talking about the epi where Psy and Kim Suro was on and Yong suddenly became the interviewee?
































































































































































Anyone have a translation along with romanization of the complete lyrics? I would love to sing along with them...

































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Guest yongsarang
































































TADA~! Posting up Banmal song english subbed :) Actually, I already finished subbing it the same day Banmal song was uploaded but one of you told me to delay because it will divide sweetpotato4339's view~ Without any further ado~!
































Credits: wishwash, MountainMadMan, camjenny@goguma baidu bar















































































[FULL HD] Banmal Song Subbed





























































































































































This is my 2nd time subbing (my 1st one was Bakery Attack) so it need some improvements^^  Hope you guys enjoy~! Tomorrow is SBS Gayo Daejun 
















































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Guest Kerube-Chan







Random thing: I dont upload videos in Youtube but maybe someone that upload videos can make a guide for SWEETPOTATO4339 on how to put caps/comments/translation directly in the video (send a PM through YT), we alredy have the lyrics translated, we just have to tell them how to put it....





It will be great if we could show them how....





Well, that was just random, I will post the tranlated lyrics again... Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!

Yongseo: 1 2 3 Hello (Korean English Japanese Mandarin Thai). We are Yongseo couple's...

Y: I’m Yong





S: I’m Seo





Y: What have we prepared today, Hyun?





S: Today we prepared a couple song that we, the Yongseo couple, wrote personally, called the ‘Banmal Song’.





Y: It’s a nice song and we hope everyone will enjoy it. We will perform right now.





Lyrics (credit MountainMadMan for first verse and chorus)





S: It's so hard for me to say 'thanks' or 'bye' to you [NOTE: these are informal words in Korean.]





All I can say is "thank you" or "thanks so much" [NOTE: these are formal words in Korean.]





Everything is brand new to me, so I'm a little unsure





How should I say it? It's still really awkward





Even today, I worry about it





YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship





though still unnatural





Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”





let me hear more intimate words





S: You know what, Yong?





Y: What?





S: Do you really want to hear banmal from me?





Y: Ah… it will be good if I’m able to.





S: But you know that banmal is hard for me right?





Y: Why is it hard?





S: Err… I really tried very hard… It’s really difficult. How much do you want to hear me speak banmal?





Y: A lot.










Y: When we met for the first time





Even our smiles were shy





After today we should be closer to each other





I’m both excited and looking forward to it.





YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship





though still unnatural





Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”





let me hear more intimate words





YS: we can have a banmal relationship





one step at a time, slowly walk closer





Y: look at me in the eye





can you tell me





YS: “I love you”





S: I understand, Yong. (in banmal)





Y: Me too.






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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































Aigoo..it's been 24 hours and the ♥YongSeo effect♥ on me hasn't shaken off yet. In fact, I think the ♥YongSeo effect♥ has been growing ever since Saturday's daebak episode :D I have lost count of how many times I've abused the replay button. Someone should suggest to YouTube to have a repeat button instead of a replay button. Plus a 'Love This To Death' button in addition to the 'Like' and 'Dislike' buttons :D
































































I've just been analysing the video (as opposed to simply gazing at it in open-mouthed admiration for the beautiful couple) and I really like the way Yonghwa talks to Seohyun in the video, especially at the beginning where he asks "What have we prepared today, Hyun?" The way he looks at her when he says that line, especially how he calls her name..is just adorable. It speaks volumes of the genuine affection that he has towards her. I like the way Seohyun looks at Yonghwa throughout the video, as though depending on him to lead her through the mission like the responsible nampyeon that he is. Ah..Hyun, was your heart going 'dugeun dugeun' when you were sitting beside him? I especially loved the last part when they were leaning in so close facing each other; they were close enough to lock lips ;)
































































Aishhh..jinjja, will the two of you just get married for real already? :wub:

































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Hello all....































































































































































































































































I'm curious who is duckduckduck too. How s/he know about the banmal mv? If you out there and read this, please share your moment when you found out this vid. I would like to know and maybe some gogumas curious about it too.































































































































































































































































This thread has jump +- 17 page in 1 day just because this one video from our lovely couple. This is the power of gogumas. We never tired to spazz about this vid. Can't wait for saturday and watching the BTS. I hope they explain to us about why they choose sweetpotato4339 as their name and why the country is from Hongkong. 































































































































































































































































I really want to see them perform this song with Yong in guitar and Hyun in piano. And they perform falling slowly too. 































































































































































































































































to yongsarang
































































































































































































































































thank you for subbing. 
































































































































By any chance are you euni from cnbluestorm? and one of admin at CNBYonghwa at twitter?. I think that's you when i saw your nick.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jazziejec and the other gogumas who post in other language beside english, I think there is a rule that we should post in english. or if you want to post in another language, it must have translation of it. And i think that's why you got minus.

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest digidigibob

To my fellow Filipinos and to everyone..

I think we aren't allowed to post here using a different language aside from English. If we will, we should post an English translation of what we have posted. It's stated here


And, if you want to talk with fellow Pinoy Gogumas, you can visit this site http://www.pinoyexch...ad.php?t=445452

Btw, I really can't get over the Banmal vid! I've been BANMAL-ing (LOL) for two days already. I keep on refreshing, liking and commenting on the vid. I'm pretty sure we can make it reach 1 million views in 2 days (or maybe tomorrow). I can't wait to see next Saturday's episode to see how YongSeo did the DAEBAK video!

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Guest glennpaulo






































hello!! fellow Pinoy Goguma!! i agree!! hirap tlaga..pero in fairness naman..marami na ring SONES at BOICES d2 sa atin..makikilala mo nga lang cla sa mga KPOP gatherings, di ba? buti na lang meron akong kakilala na Goguma as well as Seomate..LOL..kaya lang hirap niyang hagilapin..nakakatuwa naman na d2 sa thread eh may nakikita me na Pinoy Gogumas..








Let's keep Goguma Love Alive!!















I know you're excited to meet a fellow pilipino here in soompi seohwa thread. But you receive negative remarks because writing in tagalog is prohibited. We should write in international language. you put it in a spoiler if you have message like that with english translation. anyway we can use english since were fluent to it Then outside of spoiler is your message for this thread. 








for jazziejec

There's so many SONES here in the philippines but my Co-BOICE is still starting to multiply, i really want to meet a co BOICE here. Don't be scared to post again just because you have negative remarks in your post, as long as you follow the rule  and youre post is only for our yongseo you wont receive negative remarks....








Anyway The banmal song is still running through my head, i cannot stop to watch it over and over again...keke.








EDIT: @jerbear89 ~like this [ spoiler ] "message" [ /spoiler ] just erase all the space between the bracket and the word spoiler, i just put space just not to trigger the command, his post is 3 post undermine, i just don't want to post again because i been quite talkative today..kekeke...maybe happy because of the vid.....









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