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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest glennpaulo












Really!!!!!????? they are in the 3rd spot now, with that gap in just a short time. Anyway i will restrain myself on what i want to say.. I will stay positive. 




Anyway i hope there's someone out there will relay our message to all Korean goguma's that support yongseo to stay positive and all of us internationally always support them although were not voting. 




One thing i saw in this episode, is the feeling of assurance of yong with his cnblue co member interacting with hyun. You cannot saw the face of jealousy of yong in the old episode(when they meet for the first time in CNBLUE practice room and visit in CNBLUE dorm) now he is just only pretend to be jealous. If you want to know what i mean rewatch the episode 6,7, 21 and 22. Now you cannot sense a feeling of jealousy to him. 

I have a hint why PD-nim is doing this thing(adam 5mins airtime and yongseo no preview) but i dont want to say it, because i don't want to have an enemy here in soompi, and this is the only thread that i always find happiness. and my hint is base only my feeling and dont have evidence.




EDIT: Thank you for all the translator. We all thankful.





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Waaaa thanks for the trans whitezephyr! This episode was awesome :D I like the mushy Yong XD so cuute XD I really wish Hyun can speak Banmal to Yong soon.














































































































































































Oh and random info: the song Yong was singing when they got to the basketball court was the opening song of the anime "Slam Dunk". hehehe just thought i'd share ^^









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Guest blueblek
































today episode was great.....i love all the interaction between those two lovebird...huhhu
















and thank you to those that give us some translation of what happening on today episode....
















i think there is no preview because of they dont want to show the filming of the banmal song mv n the real mv...the pd-nim want it to be surprise.....that is just my imagination....it's not a crime to imagine a happy thing..... :P









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Hello Fellow Goguma shippers!!
































































today episode is totally daebak. i have my many favourite moments.
































1. when yonghwa tell minhyuk not to sit/hug seobb's coat :D
















2. when yonghwa interrupt when minhyuk and seobb is talking comfortably (and seobb ignoring yonghwa :x)
















3. when yonghwa and seobb is preparing dinner and looking a chuck of 'convenient food' and yonghwa saying: "yea, this is C.N.Blue style" hahaha...
















4. the way yonghwa fiddle wiv seobb hair which got greased by the cake :D
















5. when yonghwa held out his hands and seobb hold it - hand holding quite comfortable now :D
















6. when yonghwa warmed seobb's hand :)
















7. when yonghwa showed his basketball skills, i think seobb looks give me the impression that she is impressed by her husband's talents ^^
















8. yonghwa and seobb's piggyback!! omo!! i really goes "WHOAAAAAAA!" for a happy cause
































and last but not least, yonghwa's blissful yet cheeky look when seobb glare at him and his coke (cold drink on a cold weather...) HAHAHA!
































i am petty concerned about the no Yongseo preview when i checked into yongseo grp fb via my iPhone but a couple of pages on soompi prove me that... we should anticipate something surprise for next week or rather, hold our faith that WGM PD-nims wouldnt let all yongseo shippers have a disappointing NEW YEAR (01 JAN 2011).
































nevertheless, if it comes to the worst of no episode of yongseo, i will spazz soompi + rewatch all this episodes over and over, to ease that disappointment T__T

















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Guest blueeye
















































































And how about this convo, yong? what are you really trying to say?






























































































































































Y: what to do~ can I find a way to walk into your heart?
















































H: it’s too mushy!
















































Y: okay, you’re mine






























































































































































keke, thank you again whitezephyr and Baidu Gogumas for the translation. it makes us spazzzzzzzz even moreeeee. :D





























































































































































































































@shawie829 keke, i smell something fishy here, no? keke, yong, you are caught! :P
















































































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merry christmas everyone!

i still have not gone to watch the episode yet.

waiting for a good download :)

but i read everyone's comments and saw all the caps...

and well! this episode just looks :wub::wub::wub::wub:

thanks for sharing everyone.

merry christmas again!

especially to all the "OGs" (original gogumas, lol)

our gochun has become a place of happiness for me.

i hope it stays that way! and i'll forever will be...

a yongseo and goguma lover :wub:

have a great one everyone.

and be safe!

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Merry Christmas to everyone!!








awesome episode today. as much as I like the attitude of many gogumas here like just enjoying what we are getting but twenty min. fly by like 20 seconds. why on earth can't every couple get at least 30 min.? Can't there be any petition I would sign it with no second thought and send it to MBC. I mean its just a waste of the footage and we every WGMierrs are craving for every more minute we can get of our couples.








I am sorry for the Adam fans, it's not fair I mean its christmas and to get to see our fav. couples is a little christmas gift.








Regarding MrsSoJiSubs post about the banmal, me too was very confused with Seohyun. I mean in the cooking epi. how can she be this comfortable with Jungshin using banmal and everytime Yonghwa asks for it its like she is trying to speak a language she just learnt a few min. ago. crazy.gif But I've come to know its somehow Seohyun's uniqeness but I am hoping she can overcome it for the sake of her lovely husband who still has problems coping with it when she speaks banmal to same aged guys but not with her hubby :phew:








What else to say, I am loving these two together and when Yonghwa held her hand and warmed it with his breath I kinda thought how great it would be if in the future Seohyun takes the initiative and grabs his hands to warm them :wub:








And me too got suspicious with Yonghwa's comment that it feels like a real couple's story, is he hinting something. How I wish he is!








And last but not least regarding the ring. I came to realise if it is hard for us to see them not wearing them how much harder it must be for this couple?!! They have come a long way almost wearing their ring for one year showing how committed they are towards each other! So it is nice to see them wearing their ring(for their sake :phew:, just kidding )









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Guest Claude71






Hello, Goguma lovers! 


This is my first post. Hope I did not break any rules. 


Anyway, thanks for the translation whitezephyr!


All of us appreciated it. 


But I would like to correct this part. I meant no harm! 


Y: what to do~ can I find a way to walk into your heart?


H: it’s too mushy!


Y: okay, you’re mine





Actually Hyun is saying IT'S TOO SWEET, instead of mushy. (She is referring to the hot tea because she was pushing the hot tea away.)


Haha, I bet she heard that Yong's sentence but she wanna divert the topic.


We all know that Hyun is shy! HAHA


She just don't know how to reply and talked about her TEA. LOL









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Guest YukiAgne




i think the next episode is the making of the MV of their song or maybe the MV itself will be the next episode...





If i were you guys, stop worrying for now... Let's wait for SATURDAY! as for Saturday, PALLI!!!! kekekeke








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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hoo. This is my first time posting a Yongseo fic. Please do not bash as you read it. Arasso? Eeesh ~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Listen To My Heart - 1/? The Lost and Finding of Maknae Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Listen To My Heart - 2/? The Lost and Finding of Maknae Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Keke ~ Thanks for those translations, and goodies! Those are my inspiration for the continuatoin of this fic! HWAITING ~

































































































































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Guest Caliope






I have a hint why PD-nim is doing this thing(adam 5mins airtime and yongseo no preview) but i dont want to say it, because i don't want to have an enemy here in soompi, and this is the only thread that i always find happiness. and my hint is base only my feeling and dont have evidence.









Don't be afraid to expose your true feelings in this thread ^_^




Although you have a short time here, WE (Real Yongseo Fans) know that you're a real fan who want the best for them ^^




That's what we want for them (the best) blush.gif




I would like to think that something amazing will happen in the next episode :P






About the poll:


Everything is out of control


But, my conscience is clear.




I don't want to hate a couple, because of their (some) fans.


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Merry Christmas to everyone!!!:lol: to the GOgumas Villagers, to all who continuously shares their thoughts, photos, gifs, links, To all the papparazzi of goguma couple, to the critics, to all the fanfic community of Goguma, Madmountain, Trent, love all your fanfics.:wub:. Thank you:D I love reading all of this. Wishing you all a wonderous holidays be it with your family, friends or special someone.:D Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!:)



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Merry Christmas to all citizens of Gochun country. This has been one thread that I really love. I love our couple. They're so beautiful and so talented. They compliment each other to a T. Daebak episode. One of the best episode so far for me. I love the way they have adjusted to each other. Whatever the real score between them, I'll support it all the way.




Take care everybody.


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Gogumas! I can´t stop spazzing after reading the translation!! thank you so much Gogumas translators, I´m in the Go-chun again :wub:.
































































































































And I want share with you the song that Yong sang before they started to play basketball... It is from the bball´s anime Slam Dunk and the lyrics is just sweet (in spanish is so romantic) and just Now read the direct translation and is also so sweet... yong, that song fits you so well :wub:... Slam Dunk Opening 1 - English Subtitles
































































































































Thanks a lot for pictures and thoughts and spazzing, fanfics, MV and everything! after reading translation I forgot about no preview for next week XD, PD please let it be something YongSeo spazzible style :rolleyes:. PLEASE!
































































































































Edit: BTW Merry Christmas again ^^

































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Guest BluMistLaydee




I cam back just to say a big old thanks to all of the translators here, we can't do this without your help. I'm going to wait for the Korean-English translation so I can get a better sense of the song. From what I heard, it doesn't quite sound like they are finished yet. We're still hearing just the snippets and I'm really stoked to hear the full song!


to the Adam fans (I'm also one to)reading this thread, remember to keep your heads up. I know how frustrating it can be but let's hope for the best!


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Merry Yongseo Christmas to all my Goguma Chingoo!



My heart just melt like butter in the sun after watching this episode. (Borrowed the line from Clumsy's Yongseo Fanfic "Complete", it just stuck there in my head ever since I read it).



My liking for Seohyun just went up another level today. She is so true & sincere. For the past 3 episodes, she has been saying thanks to Yonghwa and credit him for her change. Now, she even expressed it through the song. No matter what happened in the future, Yonghwa will always have a place in her heart. I am very sure of it.



I imagined those flashbacks are played at their wedding as mv and I know that I will be crying on that day. Sweet memories! It gets me more excited than Prince William's wedding.



The hair and the cake!!! If any other guy is to do it to Seohyun now, she will be giving him the "look" or run away. But not Yonghwa, it was just so natural.



It is like bbq chocolate and banana, simply heavenly!





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Guest whitezephyr

Hello, Goguma lovers! 

This is my first post. Hope I did not break any rules. 

Anyway, thanks for the translation whitezephyr!

All of us appreciated it. 

But I would like to correct this part. I meant no harm! 

Y: what to do~ can I find a way to walk into your heart?

H: it’s too mushy!

Y: okay, you’re mine

Actually Hyun is saying IT'S TOO SWEET, instead of mushy. (She is referring to the hot tea because she was pushing the hot tea away.)

Haha, I bet she heard that Yong's sentence but she wanna divert the topic.

We all know that Hyun is shy! HAHA

She just don't know how to reply and talked about her TEA. LOL

thanks for pointing out my mistake! i've edited accordingly sweatingbullets.gif

gosh I hope seohyun would one day give better answers to this. bet wgm's viewership would soar. LOL.

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Hi Gogumas....







































Glad that everyone is having a great time spazzing. Thank You so much for the translations. biggrin.gif 




















Their complete banmal song is awesome. They both did a great job. can't wait for nxt wk ep. While waiting for Hyun to complete the lyric Yong was playing Judas Priest's Breaking the Law with his guitar. wow! that surprised me. YongHwa is definitely a very talented Young musician. He can play the piano, drum, guitar, compose songs & write lyrics. I love all the sweet moments in this ep. However, watching a serious & focused Yong is really great. I like both moments When he was reading Hyun's lyric he was quiet & full of concentration and when he was playing the guitar while Hyun was singing. Composer Yong looked cool. All focused & serious. 







































Did you notice that when they were walking towards the court, Yong linked his arm with Hyun's and sort of pulling her along lightly as they walked? Then he ran off singing to shoot the ball. He must be happy & proud as he gets to show his skills in composing & basketball to his lovely Buin biggrin.gif




















Even the lyric caps for their song is glittered with stars keukeukeu....





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spazzworthy scenes~!!!

yong wanted to stroke hyun's hair badly but ended up removing the bits from the cake xD


yong's 2nd winning holding hand style of the season... hold gf's hand onto chest keekeke!


leading buin by the hand... very gentlemanly, busan style!


yong telling buin that he can be her heater if she wants him too :w00t:


they've calmed down a bit now... and now comes the show-off-yong -.-"


they're at it again! yongseo just can't get enough of each other! :wub:


yong at his peak! atta boy!!


testing, testing 1,2,3... xD FINALLY!


jyheahhh! yong's so happy that he almost took off from the ground to... cloud infinity & beyond!


feeling each other? :ph34r:


he's still happy to carry buin around although the exhaustion is starting to kick in. kekeke


still ain't putting her down :phew:


blueeye, claude71: yahhhh those sentences are soooo obvious!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! i wonder if buin caught on what yong was confessing to her... it seems buin often realizes these things after some time. i hope not in this ep! xD

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