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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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In episode 36 when Yonghwa and Seohyun entered the CN Blue dorm the BIL gave them a glass of orange juice and Seohyun got an apple too. Has this some meaning? I just recognized it, lol :)








One of my fav. moments got to be when Seohyun switched the lights off for the photo show. Yonghwa's face was like "what's going to happen now, what is she planning to do?!" ;)









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Guest Sopheli




Hi guys, ive been a lurker for long time already.


I just wanted to know how you think about this things so i decided to come out and ask for your opinion.




I found  this yesterday's 'feel the blue' concert photos and fancam on some blog.


apparently, this blogger thinks


this necklace he is wearing  is actually the couple ring.




My link


credits to in121564










credits to Jsuny




i cant see properly so dont know if it is the COUPLE RING.




well, please dont be offended that i brought up this ring issue again.


just that if it is the COUPLE RIng, Im pretty impressed how brave he is and his love for her is real high possibly.:wub:




this is my second post so if i do something against the soompi rule, please let me know.













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Guest justbulan
























Hi guys, ive been a lurker for long time already.
















I just wanted to know how you think about this things so i decided to come out and ask for your opinion.
















I found  this yesterday's 'feel the blue' concert photos and fancam on some blog.
















apparently, this blogger thinks
















this necklace he is wearing  is actually the couple ring.
















My link
















credits to in121564
















*quoted image*
















*quoted image*
















credits to Jsuny
















i cant see properly so dont know if it is the COUPLE RING.
















well, please dont be offended that i brought up this ring issue again.
















just that if it is the COUPLE RIng, Im pretty impressed how brave he is and his love for her is real high possibly.:wub:
















this is my second post so if i do something against the soompi rule, please let me know.















































































mian he.. but i don't think that's the ring... 
















the shape of the pendant is only half of the circle... and it's much more wider than the ring.. so i dont think so..
















but i dont know.. maybe somebody can correct me? blink.gif









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Guest Seychan
































4. I highly doubt that the second mission was any of what gogumas have mentioned so far.
















In the preview, YongSeo opens the second envelope, and they both show signs of surprise and the fact that they kind of don't like the mission. If it were, let's say, the pepero game, I really don't see why both of them would have gotten so upset so quickly. I mean, it's a little embarrassing to do, and maybe a bit awkward, but nothing to get that upset about, you know? And if it were the wedding photoshoot, why on earth would both of them get so upset? If it were seeing each other's parents, I feel like at least one of them would have shown signs of some excitement. At the very least, I think the WGM PD's definitely would have chosen a mission that would test the relationship a bit, something to take the relationship further. But it must have been something unexpected. I think so anyhow. *quoted image*














































Hi everyone! This is my first post. I always read comments but I don't post anything. But I love you guys <3 so happy and friendly :rolleyes:






























































I totally agree with my.yonghwa.baby






























































I was curious about the 2nd task and I think it should be a very interesting task, because when looking at the expression of Yong & Hyun, I found them a little nervous and seemed embarrassed. Then Yong smile and Yong & Seo feel shy together :wub: At first I also thought banmal song but how can they be upset if they can sing together, Yong love duet with Huyn buin. This song would be great and full of sweet lyric and melody. And the wedding album too, they don't feel sad if may be a wedding photo album with the most beautiful and handsome groom & bride like an angel couple. After reading comments of mountainmadman and my.yonghwa.baby. They are very good detective. I like them so much. I bet it is Pepero game for couple <3 :wub:






























































During the episode 36, Seulong & even Yonghwa mention a  kiss ;)) I think PD nim also thought it was time for a nice & cute kiss, to test their relationship, as well as more close to the couple :) Pepero game is entirely possible ;)) imagine how cute when our goguma couple play Pepero game, there will be so embarrassed and happy :) Aigooo, like the whole world is loving :wub:






























































I also thank hihi_hehe's videos and a few others. I am a person interested in the ring and really worry if do not see them. But after reading and watching videos & comments, I absolutely secure :)






























































I love you guys : * Fan of YongSeo couple at soompi and Our goguma couple : * Keep on loving Goguma couple































everybody love love love <3 :wub:















































































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Hi Hi,



Read this fan account on Baidu translated from DC. Two fans actually visited the shop that Yongseo ate the prawns and shared her experience.



Key point is the shop owner shared that they were filming all the time for about 3 hours except for the time that somebody need to go to the washroom. He was disappointed that only 15 mins of it was shown on TV. (I also want to scream "What happened to the remaining 2 hours 45mins??? Give it back to me!!!")



Yongseo only ate prawns on that day. The shop owner said they were beautiful and handsome. There were some people watching the filming outside the shop but there were no photos on it. (Not too sure about this, it could mean nobody took any photos or the actual broadcast did not show there were people watching)



You can refer to this link for the pictures http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=959011411



Gentle reminder to all goguma regarding the Yongseo 1st anniversary project, we still need more contributions. It is a very meaningful project, the more submission we have the more daebak the end result will be. Please send in your entry soon. Thanks 


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helllooo gogumaS!! :)








































huwaa... sorry for the late spazzing time... kinda busy with college thing..








































ehem..ehem... okay,,, i already watching last episode almost every hours.. hhe..








































i want to share my favorite moment :








































1. when yong choding appear... thats so cute :)








































2. hyun teaches yong Hoot dance.. and yong kinda lazy to dancing.. hha...








































3. when they are prepare the goguma for the families.. they are really have kindheart :)








































4. Watch photo together!!! omoooo.... love that scene :*








































5. CN Blue boys!! JH relaxing with underwear in bed??? , JS "aaaiissshh~~~~" , welcoming the couple in the dorm.. really funny :D








































6. seulong is so funnny.. jinwoon to when he makes expression.. hhe..








































7. when they started compose song... i love how hyun see yong with her gaze.. hhe...








































8. yong teasing hyun with her laugh.. and the kyaaa part.. always LOL-ing!! hhe..








































9. MC Kim reaction of coursee...








































hmmm... i think i love all the part.. hhhe...








































and about the mysterious mission i choose "Visiting Parents" maybe.. just intuition.. hhe...








































wooooww... there's SBS gayo, MBC gayo, waiting for YongSeo moment!!! sorry for the long post!!








































cant wait for saturday :)








































Good Night Everyone :)









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Guest jo_ce_lyn
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wonder if anybody has posted this:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Banmal Song(Piano)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Its the song that yongseo were working on but its a piano version^^

































































































































































































































































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my feeling about this ep.... they are just like in their honeymoon mood. maybe because of the sweetness between them. a blissful newly-married little couple... giving their owned planted goguma to each other's parents, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, common friends (2am, studio family), sharing their photos in their harvest trip, composing their couple song, hyun being shy when looking at the photo she dressing in pyjamas...




after watching this ep, i admire yong more and more. maybe because i like 'play hard and work hard' boy. as what i said before, yong's charisma is that he knows the right timing of being serious and playful. he would be serious when he has to be serious, that is the time he makes his music, he composes his songs. i believe what he says. when doing music, he would stay at his room spending hours without talking. even the cnblue brothers said the same thing. yong doesn't sleep when composing his songs. his passion in music is also seen when he was asked to choose between music and acting. i totally agree with what mc kim - that is the most handsome moment of a man.




yong knows his own talent. 'y. why', 'love light', 'i don't know why', now the 'banmal song'.... i really want to know more about yong, how his experience in japan which i think stimulated him a lot in music ... how can a 21-year old boy have so much talent in composing songs and writing lyrics... when first hearing 'love light', i already love the song... already felt his love to his lover (at that time, he said he wrote to his first lover). silly me, at that time, i felt slightly unhappy because at that time, he had started filming wgm with hyun, mentioning his first love, i thought, was a little bit not respectful to hyun. even so and even the song was not yet released , i still replayed and replayed it on my computer. even there were a lot of news saying that it's written for hyun, i still did not believe that because they had known each other just for a couple of months. i could not believe he had so much feelings on hyun.




then in june (after knowing each other for four months), he started to think of writing a song about 'banmal'. 'banmal' bothered him so much that he thought of writing a song about it... interesting. he did not finish the lyrics for the whole song, but he finished the most important part (the most important part to him) and he expressed it very well...




'step by step, coming closer to me slowly... slowly..., now ....looking into my eyes... can you say to me "i love you" ?'




..... it's touching... can you see the whole picture in your own mind... i can see how yong wants... he wants it slowly ... but he wants it surely and honestly ... so he asks carefully... and wants hyun to say it from the bottom of her heart to him ...'i love you'.... he is caring... he wants it terribly... but he knows hyun well ... can't push her at all...so.... slowly... wishing three words from her. i think that's the key message of the song... asking hyun to speak informally to him because to him it's a singal that hyun already gets close to him. that is his ruler to hyun's closeness to a person.




it's a meaningful song... showing that his feelings to hyun is already a level upper than 'love light', he started knowing what he exactly wants...




to me... 'love light' and then 'banmal song' are much better than kisses to hyun. i start to worry ... if one day it's over, will all the songs written by yong are sad songs...oh..no...no...no...


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Hi guys… this is my 2nd time typing my post after I pressed on the wrong key… GRRRR! So sorry if I sound impatient & moodless now. Coz I am… :P

Anyways… my thanks go to:

GeumJanDi for the info about the new yr special~! I can’t wait!!! xD

Sopheli, for the info… & ‘cause of u I now know yong wore the ring as necklace! Yahhh he’s now very careful so as to not lose nor bruise his buin’s heart again. Kekeke I wonder what’s the purpose of not wearing the ring offscreen the award if the fans caught it on camera? And in the end, everyone will still know that he wears the ring. Hmmm… I dunno, could it be something related to showing respect? Oh ya, the vid indeed showed the ring if u really focus on it… my eyesss @_@ haha here’s the best that I could capture.



whoa.. i seldom write this long... no wonder am feeling very tired now. :P

wokehh goonitez~!

edit: ohya i forgot that some can still watch it on youtube...so here:

2nd version

wokehhh i'm kapoootz already! byeee~

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























Wonder if anybody has posted this:








Banmal Song(Piano)
















Its the song that yongseo were working on but its a piano version^^



























OH MY GOD!! the song is not even released yet but someone already made a cover of the song????? that's AMAZING!!! the person who did the cover must be a die hard Yongso fan like us......... I bet he is totally puzzled over the whole song  :lol:. Actually I was trying to make a cover but I seemed unable to connect the beginning and the chorus. so WOW at this person :lol:














Catkat........ I agree with your post. I just can't help but feel amazed by Yong. He is clearly a talented person, and the fact that he and CNBLUE made a breakthrough on the korean entertainment by promoting band music is a very great step, so that the K-pop is not biased just to 'idol groups'. However, about your thinking that 'love light' and 'banmal song' will be a sad song, just don't think too much about it. Those songs will remind both Yong and Hyun about their innocent love. IT'S JUST TOO MEANINGFUL to be a sad song :wub::wub:














Oh, about next week's mission. it really puzzles me. what is the reason they should read it after 9pm? their reactions were like "surprised and embarrased". maybe it's a pepero game? nah...... I mean since the next mission itself is already included inside the "banmal song" mission, wouldn't it be something related to that?? So I guess it would be performing LIVE ON MUSIC CORE XMAS SPECIAL









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Guest CallMeDayDreamer




















About next week's mission, I'll go with the others that it's probably about Pepero game...






































They're playing basketball, right?






































The mission must be about it... They play basketball and whoever loses must kiss the winner  smiley-love011.gif...






































lol... it's like a win-win situation for us goguma villagers... and so cliche... but i just love the thought of it...smiley-love017.gif






































But hey, daydreaming is free, right? ^_^






































Until Saturday, I'll stick to my guess that it's about pepero game!






































But if it really does happen, jesus i'm seriously going to die from spazzing! smiley-happy093.gif





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Guest ahn_annann








Wonder if anybody has posted this:






Banmal Song(Piano)






Its the song that yongseo were working on but its a piano version^^











OMG! OMG! thank you so much for sharing .. so really beautiful






how imagine if Yong plays the piano and Hyun sings "Banmal Song" ...






Let me think, may this is the next mission..



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i want they finished this song badly and will release a special CD. i know i want this song only for Hyun but if they make a single together, is this a great memory. this song will be always for Hyun, noone else. i will buy this CD for sure, unless YOng just want to record for Hyun and never want it in the market.




my addition of Yongseo just worse everyday, and sometimes i get worried about that. i keep thinking of them and forget a lot of thing. just want to stay away from them for a while to keep my life balance but it seems so difficult. try to stay away from this thread but cant:-) my eyes get hurt because whole day long Yongseo rerun and news.






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They're playing basketball, right?
































































































































The mission must be about it... They play basketball and whoever loses must kiss the winner 































































































































































































































































It's so simple, so cliche, yet I love it!
































































































































On another note, can mountainmadman, my.yonghwa.baby, or j2dlee help clarify this: At the last episode, when Hyun and YH, JH, & JS were in HY's room, during 4:47 - 5:00, what did JS tease YH? Does JS implied that YH doesn't have the habit of hanging his clothes properly or he is teasing him with something else? Something like when a girlfriend is inside the room of her boyfriend? Maybe the screencaps would help.

































































































































































































































































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Guest ahn_annann








It's so simple, so cliche, yet I love it!






On another note, can mountainmadman, my.yonghwa.baby, or j2dlee help clarify this: At the last episode, when Hyun and YH, JH, & JS were in HY's room, during 4:47 - 5:00, what did JS tease YH? Does JS implied that YH doesn't have the habit of hanging his clothes properly or he is teasing him with something else? Something like when a girlfriend is inside the room of her boyfriend? Maybe the screencaps would help.











I think, JS meant why did Yong not hang Hyun's clothes first? hahaha






that Yong have suddenly knew what meaning.. said "Jung Shin ah" and shy..






haha so fun, I love this episode..






my pic :









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its almost christmas! i'm so excited. and on christmas we get to watch yongseo, too! it's a going to be a great couple of weeks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































merry christmas!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for a larger version
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for a larger version
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































screencapped by me
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. as marked
































































































































































































































































































































































































yong is so handsome in a suit playing the piano (picture was found at cn blue thread). he should play the piano for hyun!!!!

































































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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
















It's so simple, so cliche, yet I love it!








On another note, can mountainmadman, my.yonghwa.baby, or j2dlee help clarify this: At the last episode, when Hyun and YH, JH, & JS were in HY's room, during 4:47 - 5:00, what did JS tease YH? Does JS implied that YH doesn't have the habit of hanging his clothes properly or he is teasing him with something else? Something like when a girlfriend is inside the room of her boyfriend? Maybe the screencaps would help.








*quoted image*















JS asked YH, "Hyung, you hang your clothes??" basically teasing him by indirectly saying he normally does not hang his clothes. So even though I believe JS exaggerated it just to be funny, yes, I think JS was implying that YH does not have the habit of hanging clothes properly. 









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Guest fabiistar07












Hello goguma lovers!I don't post much but always try to read all the posts cuz u guys are AMAZING~







especially goguma detectives keke




I'm very curious to know about the mission card







Waaahh~ Saturday is so far away!




I want to know what the Pepero Game is?




If they have to kiss the winner then I think choosing basketball would b unfair and Hyun would've probably suggested something else don't u think?




Hope someone can answer my question ^^




-Next Mission... i'm not sure, they seemed so shocked!!




many said that it's not a performance since we would've seen her by now ... but doesn't the Busan trip come soon?.. so i'm gonna go to extremes and say that they have to perform the song in front of their parents lol




But..I'd really like if it was a kiss :wub: .. maybe not now, since they're just starting to get very comfortable around eachother, but in the future, i'd LOVE it! :D




& lastly ... Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!!! , i'm sure the new episode will be like a X-mas present to all of us :D





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Hey you guys! I visit this forum as often as I can, but this is my first ever post! Not that I haven't been spazzing any less than any of you though. excl.gif

Just wanted to share with you a piano cover of our couple's 'Banmal Song' by smrr00 on YouTube: CLICK HERE

How awesome is it that there exists a piano cover when the song hasn't even finished yet?? That, dearies. Is the power of the Goguma Villagers. LOL. wub.gif


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Guest fabregas215

hi fellow Gogumas!!

ah, i hate to say this but  for the latest mission,i hope it wouldn't be the kissing yet.

as much as i wanted them to do that, but i hope they don't do it only because of the mission.

i want it to become as natural as possible. Like when they really feel like to do it =)

it might be a LONG waiting for us, but it worth to watch  it if it is done by their own will.kekekeke..

but wedding photoshoot will be a good excuse for them to kiss.kekekeke...

and about the cd's from 2a.m, if i'm not mistaken,2 a.m gives two cds for both yong and hyun, rite?

and seulong message to them to kiss each other is on the cd that is given to hyun or Yong?

coz,if it is for hyun, then, it is a brave move from hyun indeed. it is as if she wanted Yong to read THAT on purpose..kekeke..like giving yong a hint that she is now ready for a kiss..sweatingbullets.gif

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