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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia












wow! thanks dreamyboo and credit to Saturn for that news, YongSeo couple might be so so happy to be together the whole day. Whole day baby! :) It's like almost every day they seeing each other now a days yeah baby! Tomorrow again in Music bank. And hopefully wife Hyun will go and watch the feel the blue to support hubby Yong and bro in law. 

















I like ur wish dreamyboo wub.gifwub.gif








Let our YongSeo couple win in this best couple award. Here i am again. Saturday paliiiiiiiiiiii

















Wishing every one. Merry Christmas and Have a blessed New Year.

















Cheers to all





















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anyeong goguma villagers *wave wave to all* its my firs time post here
































im so happy everytime i see this thread,, it's my go-chun haha
































it's almost saturday OMG...
































when will the preview out??
































i can't wait to hear their song.. that small part yong sang last eps keep replying in my head all the time,,
































the song sounds really good, as expected from composer yong
































i wish we can hear the song this saturday..
































please release the song immediately...
































i would really love if they make an MV for their song omg it would b really sweet XD
































im sure their song will beat another couple song :phew:
































i want to see our couple work together outside WGM or MBC,, drama or something but maybe my imagination its abit too high since they're both busy people
































but still....:tears:
































































about the WGM award,, i really wish our couple would win
































i know the other couple is a strong competitor
































but as long as i know this thread has more page and viewers thatn the other couple, it surprise me
































i dont mind if our couple can't attend or can't win
































they are still our king and queen in this go-chun ;)
































































until now i can't stop spazzing about the ski resort date XD
































one of my wish list since yong is well known as Ski resort ulzang b4 debut XD,, oh he's truly handsome
































i wish he would show off abit infront his buin
































and hyun will mesmerize XD,, can't wait already
































































as for chrismast,, my high imagination tell me that it would b great if hyun attend CNBlue Concert at 24th at Busan after that they will celebrate chrismast eve together wif fam *yong fam or CNblue fam once again*:P
































and my normal imagination tell me it's oke if they wouldn't do anything special at that day,, just please let them meet each other and i wouldn't expect anything more bcoz they just will make me surprise with anything they do..
































i love winteerrr *eventho there's no winter in my country*,, it's easy to do skinship at this season kekke
































well everybody just wanna feel warm XD,, no one will blame
































































one thing i heard that seohyun will duet with DBSK's changmin at SMtown concert at japan next january *not sure*
































well it's not sligtly important but im abit jealous bcoz changmin is my bias and my first love forever :wub:
































of course i really anticipate it bcoz seohyun is my fav snsd member now,, and maybe bcoz im just too focus about yonghwa nowadays *sorry changmin oppa*
































i want to see yonghwa jealous once again and get my changmin back huhu..

































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Guest shawn_daebak












for next year...I WANT YONG AND HYUN TO....__________________________








a) have a baby doll that cries, poop and eat...lol. iwant to see them panic...








B) see them at the beach...hyun in swimsuit and yong in board shorts...yeah








c) have their parents meet...








you fellow gogumas? what do you want them to do?



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Guest Crystal392






First of all: welcome new Gogumas!!!! *throws confetti* Don't forget it's against soompi rules to post less than 20 words or to quote pics. Also be respectful to Yong, Hyun, other Gogumas and other artists. Let's all take care of our Goguma thread :)




Thanks to everyone for the info you've all shared!




Noooo MBC awards is the same day as SBS GayoDaejeon? :( Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad tonight... (hehehehe I'm singing "I'm a loner"). Awww why did they choose the same day? *sigh* anyways I'm wishing the best to uri YongSeo. Btw how do we vote? :o lets all show Goguma Power hehehehe




*Btw I just came up with this idea, don't you think we should make a 'FAQ' page (maybe we can add it into sweetpotatodays.blogspot) compiling the posts with more (+) about topics like 'photoshoot with another male/female', 'ideal', 'rings', 'duet with another male/female', etc so it will be easier for new Gogumas to be updated how most of us think about certain issues ^_^


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Didnt come here for a few days and find that the ring issue is still hanging around! :D





























First of all, will just like to say I love them in the ski suits, the colours are lovely. And taking time off their work to ski, is really cool. haha, literally cold and cool!





























As for the ring, so they both dun wear it anymore?



















Well, I think it is good idea for them to agree to either wear it together or not wear it together than there will be some consistency and speculations can be squashed.





























In a way its good to stop wearing them to make things easier when they go about their work and also for the future when they end their time in WGM. I know, that is far away, but it will come, so why not let fans get use to them not wearing the rings, than when the end is near, it wont be so difficult to explain whether they shd continue with the rings.





























Anyway, just my point of view... :)


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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































































dreamyboo Thanks for posting the short excerpt from the CN Blue thread! They sang Love 5 times? That's a lot! No wonder they looked so exhausted during the awards show. But I thought it was really cute how they were fooling around on stage while Love was being shown on the big screen. You could see the choding making a cameo there..hehehe.
































































































































Just following up on the favourite YongSeo moments topic, here are a few of mine! :)
































































































































1) When they were at the blood donation centre and Yong looked sideways at Hyun while smiling secretly to himself
































































































































2) When they moved to their own house and Yong stood beside Hyun at the kitchen counter and looked at her affectionately while she prepared some apple and milk concoction in the blender
































































































































3) When Yong sang Love Revolution to Hyun with the rest of the CN Blue brothers-in-law
































































































































4) When Yong confessed that he wrote the rap part of Love Light, thinking of Hyun
































































































































5) When they held hands for the first time (I've lost count how many times I've abused the replay button for this episode)
































































































































6) When Hyun linked arms with Yong in Japan and caught him off-guard
































































































































7) When they held hands at the beach and Yong placed their hands in his jacket pocket.
































































































































I really like it when the cams capture the way Yong looks at Hyun, even if it's just for a couple of seconds. I dunno if he's simply a good actor, but this guy can really emote well through his eyes. And if he were to look at me that way..I'd probably melt into a gooey mess :lol:
































































































































I would love to add a number 8 to my list, which would be if they give each other a hug! It wouldn't need to be super long, like a 5 min hug. 5 secs of hugging action would suffice in making us goguma villagers delirious with joy (BIG HINT TO YONGHWA/SEOHYUN IF YOU'RE LURKING HERE ^_^ )

































































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Guest gmanalangster
















































































Hmmmm.. it's been a very long topic about the ring.... To wear the ring or NOT to wear the ring.. All I can say is ... Yong 믿어, Hyun 믿어.... (Trust Yong, Trust Hyun...) :):):)

















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does anybody know if WGM will air on 25th dec (x'mast) and 1st jan (new year), I really hope they do, cos I will definately feeling super empty if they dont air WGM for 2 wks :<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe long time WGM fans can gv input on this??

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kevin1320












i dont know if it was posted or u guys already knew it or not...but it sounds interesting...hopefully, they will win this award...i wonder this award will be counting by voting or something..if by voting, u guys know anywhere we can vote for them....i want them to win this award so badly




It looks like fight to get the Best Couple Award in MBC Entertainment Award will be a domestic fight between couples in "WGM".




MBC Entertainment Award, which will be held on December 29, is currently setting a poll for Best Couple Award. Among the six couples, "WGM" couples Jo Kwon - Ga In, Seo Hyun - Jung Yong Hwa, Nickhun - Victoria have stronger positions compared to the other contenders.




"WGM" fans are in the middle of a heated psychological warfare at the moment to make sure their favorite couple win the award.




The producer for the Entertainment Award told Newsen on December 16, "At this moment a couple from 'WGM' has a huge chance to win the Best Couple Award."




Last year Yoon Si Yoon - Shin Se Kyung from "High Kick Through The Roof" won the Best Couple Award. In the case of "WGM", in 2008 Kim Hyung Joong - Hwang Bo couple were a contender for Best Couple Award.




The other contenders outside from "WGM" include "Sebakwi" couple, Im Ye Jin - Han Sun Hwa and Yoon Se Yoon - Seon Woo Yong Yeo; "Come To Play" couple Yoo Jae Suk - Kim Won Hee.




A staff from MBC stated, "This year we set it to be one vote per person. In addition to that, we also analyze the result by age groups. The reason is that we do not want the result to be determined by people from the 10~20 age group, but we would like the result to reflect the entire age groups."




Everybody is waiting to see who will win the Best Couple Award at MBC Entertainment Award. The voting will start on December 20 at MBC Entertainment Award website.











TRANSLATION by suzelle@IAMfor2AM - 2AM International Forum




Read more: http://iamfor2am.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=wgmacnews&thread=573#ixzz18IEFxOPd








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awesome to hear their up for best couple. that means THEY HAVE TO GO TO THE AWARDS SHOW TOGETHER! i mean they dont HAVE TO, but they HAVE TO! you know? haha. but i dont really like how they are all going against each other like that... cause wont one feel bad because the others wont win? cause i'm pretty sure the 3 couples are all pretty close now. and i could have sworn that the 1st year they started wgm, didnt all the couples win? so... won't it be better for all of them to win together :DDD.
































































































































































































































































































































































































that would make my heart happy :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































so i got inspired yesterday! hahaha. and i have to say i took an idea from another fanart. (sorry if that makes it a copycat :( )
































































































































































































































































































































































































this is the one that mine is very similar to and do let me add, i love this picture! it's my wallpaper on my phone!:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and this is my version:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the picture of yong is a backstage shot from inkigayo during his i'm a loner days and hyun's is from her recent domino's pizza cf shoot. also the lyrics are from snsd's boyfriend
































































































































































































































































































































:)) hope you guys like it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest fabiistar07
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey goguma lovers!!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































can anyone tell me where to go to vote for the couple awards??
































































































































































































































































i just found out about it a second ago xD
































































































































































































































































but i dont know where to vote D:

































































































































































































































































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Guest kaydee_
















































I just want to drop in and say hello to everyone here. Big time lurker here but, I actually try to visit and read almost every day as the discussions here are very entertaining. I'm in a sabbatical from work right now and I must say, WGM and the Goguma Couple give me a reason to still look forward to Saturdays because believe me, 7-day weekends can get really boring. Anyway, because Christmas is just around the corner, I want to share these with everyone. Made them to keep my skills from being rusty from too much vacation. ^^ I hope you enjoy them. 
















And on the favorite YongSeo moment?
















When Yonghwa said that he loved how Seohyun's eyes are sparkling. I don't know, there's just something about how it was both in and out of them moment and it's lovely.















































































































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Guest pseudonykkaii




omoya---BESTCOUPLE FTW!!!!




i may be eons late but heres my happy 300 to all goguma villagers~



What would Jesus do?




a fantasy fanfic of yongseo!!!




ps, Happy yongseo Christmas everyone!!!!!<3



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awesome to hear their up for best couple. that means THEY HAVE TO GO TO THE AWARDS SHOW TOGETHER! i mean they dont HAVE TO, but they HAVE TO! you know? haha. but i dont really like how they are all going against each other like that... cause wont one feel bad because the others wont win? cause i'm pretty sure the 3 couples are all pretty close now. and i could have sworn that the 1st year they started wgm, didnt all the couples win? so... won't it be better for all of them to win together :DDD.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi there! sorry to cut your post...but i just have to reply to this part. It's not possible for all couples to win the award. Joongbo couple was the one who won "the best couple award" in 2008 MBC ENtertainment Awards (i remember voting like crazy for this couple, along with other joongboers). But Joongbo and all other WGM couples won "best brand award" (or sumthin, cant really remember what the name of the award was)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and at that time MBC Entertainment Award was also held at the same time as SBS GAyo Daejun. Kim Hyun Joong and Son Dambi were listed as performers at the SBS Gayo Daejun, but they managed to attend the MBC ENtertainment Awards (and even did special performances, with their respective partners). But maybe that's because they were just performers so they only needed to be at SBS Gayo Daejun when they needed to perform, while Yonghwa and Jokwon are SBS Gayo Daejun's MCs so i think they will need to be there most of the time (they have 4 MCs though....so maybe...perhaps.......the 2 can go to MBC Entertainment Awards while Heechul & Jungeum continued MCing for a while :P)

































































































































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Guest lovekin




I just want to drop in and say hello to everyone here. Big time lurker here but, I actually try to visit and read almost every day as the discussions here are very entertaining. I'm in a sabbatical from work right now and I must say, WGM and the Goguma Couple give me a reason to still look forward to Saturdays because believe me, 7-day weekends can get really boring. Anyway, because Christmas is just around the corner, I want to share these with everyone. Made them to keep my skills from being rusty from too much vacation. ^^ I hope you enjoy them. 




And on the favorite YongSeo moment?




When Yonghwa said that he loved how Seohyun's eyes are sparkling. I don't know, there's just something about how it was both in and out of them moment and it's lovely.




*quoted image*


*quoted image*






eek!  these are really pretty, and i'm rather picky about what graphics i save.  sweatingbullets.gif  but i love the simplicity of these, and the first one has a beatles-esque thing going on there, which makes it awesome by default!




but can i request these without the "yongseo couple" text?  i don't know, i have a thing against text when i use wallpapers.  if not, i can just use these, but thank you for sharing them!  i've been looking for really good yongseo wallpaper but no luck, and i'm too lazy to make my own.  tongue.gif


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hi there! sorry to cut your post...but i just have to reply to this part. It's not possible for all couples to win the award. Joongbo couple was the one who won "the best couple award" in 2008 MBC ENtertainment Awards (i remember voting like crazy for this couple, along with other joongboers). But Joongbo and all other WGM couples won "best brand award" (or sumthin, cant really remember what the name of the award was)
































































































































































































































































































































































































and at that time MBC Entertainment Award was also held at the same time as SBS GAyo Daejun. Kim Hyun Joong and Son Dambi were listed as performers at the SBS Gayo Daejun, but they managed to attend the MBC ENtertainment Awards (and even did special performances, with their respective partners). But maybe that's because they were just performers so they only needed to be at SBS Gayo Daejun when they needed to perform, while Yonghwa and Jokwon are SBS Gayo Daejun's MCs so i think they will need to be there most of the time (they have 4 MCs though....so maybe...perhaps.......the 2 can go to MBC Entertainment Awards while Heechul & Jungeum continued MCing for a while :P)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OH. that makes sense..
































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for letting me know! lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































but still it would still be awesome if they all won :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo fighting!
































































































































































































































































































































































































edit will be back with something...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































crd: klaritia@cn blue thread
































































































































































































































































































































































































his so handsome in a white tux with a blingin' bow tie too! seriously cant wait for their wedding photoshoot :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































crd: omonajungyonghwa@tumblr
































































































































































































































































































































































































that smirk kills me!

































































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Guest fabiistar07



















of course i'd want them to spend christmas together, but christmas is about family time..soo, how about they all get together with their families and take a beautiful family picture :D that'd be awesome, and would make a great memory, even if it's not the same day of christmas, i feel like both families should meet and spend time together ^_^














for new years most couples kiss, but that's too much for this :sweatingbullets: lol .. so a new years hug (?) and watch fireworks at a park or something like that would be very romantic :wub:





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Guest Revelmonk




I prefer khuntoria or adam couple to win best couple in my opinion, that award just brings unnecessary attention on yongseo couple that already has so much attention on it from korean media.


I really hope yongseo doesn't win the best couple award, even though our couple is hands down the best wgm couple.



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First of all, WOW. I never expected my previous post to be well-received... thank you for all the replies. Very, very much appreciated.
































































































I was thinking of going back into hiding but I wanna clarify something before doing so.
































































































What I meant to say was "I don't think I can take another irrational ring post" (missed out on that word while typing). I'm not saying that the ring post should stop cold turkey. Admittedly, it is thrilling to see them wearing it everywhere and gush about it. I just thought people shouldn't be speculating the worst and treat the whole ring-wearing/not-wearing as be-all and end-all.
































































































I don't wanna go around in circles so this will be the last time I'm talking about this.































































































































































































Anyway, can't wait to see them on Music Bank tomorrow! Here's hoping for more of their interactions, preferably a special stage together ;D
































































































































































































I loveloveLOVE your wallies! Very clean, simple and sophisticated. What brush did you use? And did you use Geo Sans Light for the font?

















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I prefer khuntoria or adam couple to win best couple in my opinion, that award just brings unnecessary attention on yongseo couple that already has so much attention on it from korean media.


















































I really hope yongseo doesn't win the best couple award, even though our couple is hands down the best wgm couple.































I´m very sorry, I was going to give you a green vote but I blew it :(, really sorry... I don´t see anything wrong with what you said and as much as I want them to be the best couple in the whole world I think you are right!, they don´t need any more media´s attention for now! but my shipper heart still want them to win this one XD!!!
















Thank you all gogumas for all the goodies, I´m still spazzing about skying pictures ^^ and I loved MC Kim´s tweet too...
















About ring, I didn´t read again and it is because I think we are having a great time lately with our beloved couple that I don´t want to get worried about that.  I feel deep in my heart that we will see them with their/our precious rings again :wub:, but because of the media, not very often this month :(,  remember that Yong once said  that if he have  a girlfriend he will hide her!! hahahaha... I think he is (they are) trying to get the attention out of their meaningful rings ^^, and those crowded award ceremonies are not good places if you want to keep your "whatever you have with" under a low profile...
















Have a nice Friday gogumas!!! (and Thursday for some of us) ^^





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