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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest hihi_hehe
























How many times has YongSeo taken their rings?
















For Yonghwa: GDA, Inkigayo, MMA (in this month 3 times)
















For Seohyu: I've seen her without the ring today (in this month 1 time)
















Let's me say this
















We all saw that, Yonghwa was wearing the ring during the GDA's rehearsal and latter, he took it off in GDA. I believe the company and manage must have told him to do so
















Seohyun didn't wear the ring today, she didn't wear SNSD ring either. So I think, She and SNSD must have been told to take off the rings
















Yonghwa loves to wear rings, I've seen him (even before WGM) wearing so many rings, not to mention it also comes from endorsement company.
















I wonder why we have this discussion? Back to 10 pages, we had it, page to the early of this thread (during May), I had a heavy debate over the ring
















And now we are back with this topic?
















I know we're obsessed with the rings, but don't let the obsession get you being irrational
















If, the rings were just for WGM purpose, they would probably just wear it when they meet each other, but heck! They've show the rings like crazy, ain't you satisfied with it?
















We, now, some unreasonable, to worry about
















If they don't film WGM, we think "why they don't film, something happened? I miss their filming in Tuesday...etc"
















and If they film WGM, we think "why so rush, they must be exhausted...etc"
































Actually, if the contact ends, what can we do about that? Come to you sense, they will end someday, we will all get heart-broken. But that will wait for us in the end
















You waste all this happiness just worry about that? It ain't right
















Let's think that, they don't wear the ring in public, but wear it in their day-life. What is more important?
















you guys worry me, not YongSeo or their couple rings
















I don't blame you guys for paying attention much about couple rings, I, once, was obsessed with it to :)
















But, I hope you guys, can let the obsession just the small part of YongSeo's sign of addict
















Don't see their interactions in GDA?
















I think that speaks louder than the rings itself





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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Should we make a rule to forbid discussion or mention about the rings? tongue.gif




You don't need to judge based on the rings, just see and judge from their happy expressions in those newest fanpics. Even i do rarely put my wedding ring in my finger, and my wife doesn't complain about it laugh.gif




If they didn't have any interest of each other, they simply could stop filming. But hey they don't stop filming right? That's the true sign of their affection, we just need to judge from another point of view :)




Be happy and keep your faith Go-Chun villagers wub.gif



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Guest glennpaulo



@bee_ichigo and aurora82


I understand about the ring, of course were addicted at them wearing the ring, if they suddenly change we cannot also change with their pace. Of course we need time. maybe some of us need time, I also said in my past post that i don't care if they are wearing the ring or not. but you're reasoning, why the Pdnim rush the filming knowing there's CNBLUE concert 4 days from the day they shoot and it is in cold area that we all know is risky for a singer's health, and yonghwa and seohyun state in melon award is not their usual self. I don't know if im the only one who notice it but yonghwa didn't smile with their winning and always a serious look, i thought to myself that he is sick again. As well as the SNSD, i read from the other thread that SNSD is not in their usual energy as well as hyun.. So with that reasoning i thought to myself as if their something going on. 

Don't mind me if youre not interested in the ring incident, im just sharing my opinion, maybe im just scared because i don't like to happen what i'm thinking. If you don't like my post just ignore it, don't give negative remarks. keke sorry. Maybe i just observed first before arriving to conclusion.


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Guest Faith_memory






LOL. okay, this issue went far again. Let's just move on everyone, we have our own points. Some people might get bored of this already. but anyways, still a nice way to put our thread in motion eyy.. hehehe! ♥




yes!! so excited for Yongseo!! and the ski boarding...!! ♥ the busan episode!! ♥ yey!




hahaha! got to sleep now everyone!




see you all tomorrow, here at my time. keke! ♥






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I really love our community here ... When I began writing this post aurora82 had a unfair -2 negative rating and our community policed up such unfair negatives. Negative ratings should be reserved for HATE and breaking the rules not critical or different opinions coming out of someone's love of Yongseo! I know some people wish the ring subject to die and think the subject has gone on way too long, but forum threads are like conversations and subjects pop up and again in them. Just because a subject comes up you don't care about, I would personally urge people not to abuse their own desires with the negative buttons.

That said I agree with others; Yong wore it to rehearsal to GDA and not to the awards ceremony. Maybe they don't wear their rings to awards shows is these are special moments for their groups and it would be rude to wear "individual activities" to such type events? Secondly while I don't think Yong or Hyun's members would really care, the very fact it's become a emphasis for some here, is why perhaps it's become a issue for their companies. I'm more knowledgeable about SNSD and I don't think the girls would ever care what Hyun has on her finger, however, a entertainment company is always looking for ways to prevent and end all rivalry and/or conflicts ... so I do think managers are probably asking them to wear them less and less.

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Anneyeong :wub:
















So we are back to same old issue...the famous couple ring... I fully understand the concerns that are fellow goguma's feel each time the rings are not visible on their hands cause honestly I feel the same way too.  Each time I see them not wearing it, I always have this strange feeling, an emotion that's undescribable...something like fear...fear maybe because I cannot separate the thought that seeing their hands without the rings might mean an end to their stint in the show, which I am not yet ready to accept.  But at the end of the day, I always try to tell myself that, Hey, the couple I am watching with all my heart are just make believe couples, and that I really have no idea what their relationship is, beyond the four corners of my screen.  The only one thing I am sure is the fact that this two are friends and might be playing sweet music together based from the fancams that we luckily saw these past couple of days and from the answers that we hear from the interviews that they have. So to the rest of our beloved goguma's, who, just like me, worries a lot each time we hear or not see them wearing their rings, let's always remember, that this two lovable individuals are famous celebrities and definitely they have reasons why they have to take the rings off on some occasions.  :wub:









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Guest glennpaulo



I know many of you are already tired about this ring topic, but if there's a new reason the problem will always arise again and again,right? I think if yongseo couple is still there  this problem will emerge so Let's just endure it and understand each other opinion that's why it is a community forum. We should understand  each other and share our love to yongseo couple and each other as well.

Changing topic, i dont know if it is already been answered but im very curious about it.

I'm watching all episode from the start. And in episode 10 when they went to see the sunrise, theres a seen where yong and hyun have their duck and frog eyemask. How yong know where's hyun and the number of fingers hyun have to guest by yong when yong eyes has mask on. 3-1=2 and 4+1=5, remember. I'm sorry if this is a small problem, im thinking and cannot figure it out. keke i'm very curious to know. keke...


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first things first...
































































































































































































































































































































































































who else busted out laughing when they saw the pictures of yong on the red carpet?! hahaha. not that he looked funny, far from it!!! he was so handsome and hott!!! but, the fact that he was reliving his "I'm a Loner" days with fringe up and all (with hyun's fanned hand movement) and after this past episode, it was too funny. and so... appropriately timed. lol. love it! but during their rock version of "Love" he had it back down, which was hott too. and definitely reminded me of their cf for the phone.
































































































































































































and congrats to both yong and hyun and their respected groups, snsd and cn blue, for winning big this year at the melon awards!!!!! they indeed deserved it and am proud to say that i full support the two (yongseo AND snsd and cn blue). congrats X 100000000000000!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Nett_Prinzessin okay, so you're awesome for having found all those pictures and reposting them! awesome! and i love that picture too :DDDDDDD :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































and yes... its a little disappointing to not see our yongseo wearing their rings to events like these. first time i saw yong not wearing it, after he got his new ring, it was a real shocker! hahaha. like he had it on for EVERYTHING. but mostly that was cause he was away and was in a lot of media away from south korea. i'm not hating on the south korean netizen, but they are scary beings. hahaha. and first time i saw hyun not wearing the ring too.. same reaction from me. its weird that they both are at the same event today not wearing the rings together... i wonder if they agreed to do that. since yong didnt wear his last time at the golden disk awards. but! one thing i want to know for sure is... does yong or hyun have any bruises from skiing? cause it looks like hyun sure fell a lot. but hey! maybe they dont bruise easily. but when i saw her all covered out, at least she's warmer then during the golden disk, i was wondering... does she have bruises? hahaha. random, yea? yea. but yes, i love yongseo with our without their rings. because... well duh! their yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































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I know many of you are already tired about this ring topic, but if there's a new reason the problem will always arise again and again,right? I think if yongseo couple is still there  this problem will emerge so Let's just endure it and understand each other opinion that's why it is a community forum. We should understand  each other and share our love to yongseo couple and each other as well.
















Changing topic, i dont know if it is already been answered but im very curious about it.
















I'm watching all episode from the start. And in episode 10 when they went to see the sunrise, theres a seen where yong and hyun have their duck and frog eyemask. How yong know where's hyun and the number of fingers hyun have to guest by yong when yong eyes has mask on. 3-1=2 and 4+1=5, remember. I'm sorry if this is a small problem, im thinking and cannot figure it out. keke i'm very curious to know. keke...































Hi glennpaulo...I remember that scene and I find it cute.  I guess, during that time Yong was just playing around by guessing the fingers that Hyun was trying to show him, luckily he got it correct each time he adds or subtracts the numbers...hehehe:wub:









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more pic from ski
































credit : DC WGM
































































hyun lost her hat and yong put it for her

















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Guest Revelmonk






more pic from ski


credit : DC WGM


*quoted image*


hyun lost her hat and yong put it for her






that was sweet and very yong like, I wonder if there were any cameras around at the time filming or was it just a private moment. The girl who took the picture of our couple is probably the one who left the comment about how sweet they were.



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hi all~ ^^ *waves @ shawie*

a shoutout tojnj!!!!! i'm not sure if u're already on ur way to korea... but if u're still around, i wish u a safe journey there & may u have tonnes of fun & remember to go to at least 1 of the yongse-related places & take many pics of that place!!! xD sorry... i juust remembered... but it looks like u're nowhere to be seen today -.-" (oops too late)

faith_memory, otty, bee_ichigo, gabyfrederika, hihi_hehe, shawie, K1L1, & others:

yeshhh i agree with u all 100%... about the.... u know ;)

sigh... i'm always belated in a lot of things these days :sweatingbullets: . anyways, regarding yongseo's WGM filming yesterday... the vibe in all those pics... it feels like they're at a higher level than what we've seen in ep35. those pics look veryyy couple-like... it looked like they're very comfy with each other ONLY. i especially love this pic below, the one with them walking side by side... they looked like a couple who are already in a stable relationship. oh, actually i think they started to look more stable in the busan WGM filming not long ago.



btw, aurora82... don't worry about whether the PD is rushing yongseo for filming or not. not that i think the PD is doing so anyway, since WGM is a very flexi show. instead, i believe yongseo themselves are the ones who are allowing WGM to film them whenever they think they can make it. besides, i'm certain for anybody who's in love... they'd do anything for their loved one :wub: . if u see it in another light, it could be 'cause of yongseo's love for each other that they made an allowance for WGM filming ;) ahahahah am putting on the +ve thinking cap hereeee xD

whoa... it's late! i'd better zzZz...goonite~!


sally7~!!! wahh new pics!!! thanks so much~ yahhh soo sweet of yonnnggg!! :wub: he looked veryyy protective & caring as well there!

panGG!!!! yahhh i agree with u 1001%!!! yong looked sooo handsome & cool in MMA!!! KYAAA!

hyun looked very sleek & sophisticated & veryyy beautiful of course! too bad we don't see any yongseo interaction there! spot anything interesting, sharp-eyed-panGG? xD

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I didn't mean to make anyone upset or angry, in fact you are right(maybe I just wanted someone to contradict me). Let's get over it and enjoy this lovely couple while they're still together before our very eyes.





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i find the melon award such a boring event,

thus when i see BOTH yong & hyun did not put on their ring, it bothers me..

BUT...only for a mere sec..

they both would have talked abt the ring getting media attention recently.

so it could be their very own 'mission', not to wear the ring during public event?

and that they agree to do this TOGETHER..

since this thread is being recognised by the Korean media, i sometimes get a bit

wary if what we discussed here, may get all the unwanted attention..hmm..

we don't see them putting on their rings during award shows,

which is only for a few hrs.

BUT they could be wearing them again during their private time, u know?

aah..idk abt u guys...

but i just have to look at the skiing pics, and i'm happy already..


hi hi dreamy!

me going this fri..will miss MuBank & wgm..huhuhu.

maybe i can watch it over there?! hoho

hello there panGG..will await for your new redcarpet pic

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Hi Boo :wub:
















What a coincidence, I just finished watching your MV from DM and here you are waving at me when I come back to read more posts...hehehe...anyway, thank you for sharing the photos...they really look so cute specially with the attires they're wearing...hahaha...can't wait to watch this :wub: And I agree with you too, about them looking stable...I think they are now at the stage that they know who and where they stand from each other's lives...hehehe









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























Should we make a rule to forbid discussion or mention about the rings? *quoted image*



































sorry to cut your post....














hmm, I somehow agree with your post. Well, I have my own reason, it's up to all of you whether to agree or disagree (don't throw hamburgers at me guys...sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif)














maybe I should put this inside the spoiler.....






















how should I put this.............. since our thread is already very famous to the media (especially korean media), I think it would be okay if we just minimalize our talks regarding their rings (I'm not saying that we must not talk about the rings). Why? From my point of view, even the ring issue created sooo many rumours, from them quitting WGM, etc, etc.... because of so many concerns about the rings, their respective companies might forbid them from wearing their rings, as a way to reduce speculation from netizens regarding their relationship, just like what we always think.... "are they dating secretly". That's why I think we tend to view the ring as the most obvious symbol of the relationship, which is not always the case. just like otty said, it could be to prevent rivalry and/or conflicts. The more we talk about the ring, the more attention will be put by the media on the ring, and honestly I don't feel comfortable should that happen.
















The korean medias might be stalking on our thread right now, and come up with some new issues, and then read by SME/FNC, then they might come up with a rule not to wear any relationship-related objects (do I make any sense now??) and then who will be be at a disadvantage?? of course Yong and Hyun.
















so that's clearly just my standpoint regarding this matter, and by talking more and more about the rings, we are making it obvious to the public that ring=dating, no ring=not dating. but then..... COME ON!! we shouldn't be talking about this old school issue right now <_< . I don't know why I'm talking about this suddenly. maybe it's just my worried and troubled mind afterall...








forgive me if I upset anyone reading my post, especially the "ring stalkers" (that's actually a cool name :lol:). I hope you don't misunderstand my post, because forgive me, I'm not very good enough in sharing my thoughts through words























moving on!!..... looking forward to future events (MuBank, Gayo Dajeun, CNBLUE Concert). I'm sure there will be alot moments connected to uri Yongseo. anyways, would there be an award/festival by MBC that would feature the WGM couples?? just like last year if I'm not mistaken. I hope MBC will make it *fingers crossed*
















EDIT: reposting sally7's pictures from previous page
















credit : DC WGM

















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hi guys,





i know that we already had tons of debate regarding "ring" issue but damn i think i missed something..someone in here mention about they stop wearing ring in public because of media?? Mind to tell me more since i think i missed reading that post..so im kinda blur here.





What did media said that make them behave like that..Just want to mention that im so over with the ring topic except i am clueless about the media thingy





EDIT:@justbulan - thanks for replying..i read about that news but i think maybe something else..idk..still wondering about it





EDIT:#jnj - oh..becuz of that article..hmm now i understand thanks again dear


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Guest justbulan
























hi guys,
















i know that we already had tons of debate regarding "ring" issue but damn i think i missed something..someone in here mention about they stop wearing ring in public because of media?? Mind to tell me more since i think i missed reading that post..so im kinda blur here.
















What did media said that make them behave like that..Just want to mention that im so over with the ring topic except i am clueless about the media thingy































i don't know if i'm right or wrong.. but it seems our goguma thread gained some recognition on korean media.. read http://www.soompi.co...of-korean-media link for further information... 
















yeah [soshisoshisoshi] i think we should minimalize about "that".  seems like people becoming more and more sensitive with yongseo issue lately (especially some CN blue fans)









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i think erxmeeza is asking for this?

posted by caliope on 6th DEC.

and translate by klee22 as follows


그룹 씨엔블루의 정용화와 소녀시대의 서현이 2일 오후 서울 여의도 KBS홀서 열린 '제12회 한중가요제'에서 커플링을 낀 채 무대에 오르고 있다.

정용화와 서현은 MBC '우리 결혼했어요 시즌2'에서 부부로 출연 중이다.

the article isnt saying anything important.

they're just stating that yonghwa and seohyun both wore their couple rings

at the asia song festival.


talking abt tonite's show, while hyun can still smile, but not that brightly tho,

i can't say the same abt yong..

he look dead serious tonite! and he doesn't sound good too.

hope he takes care of himself and do his usual best on the upcoming concert

yonghwa hwaiting! cn blue hwaiting! ^_^

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Guest Caliope


Those who have read me for twitter, know my opinion.




This topic makes me tired.




I'm a Boice, and always seems I have to fight some Boice...


[some Boices want a divorce... and If Yongwa cough... was the filming fault]




Obsessions are bad. Easy to obtain but difficult to remove.




Over the last photos of the Resort... I LOVE IT :wub:




Where I live, can not snowing ... Sometimes I wonder how it will touch the snow ...










SOME are angry because:




- Fanarts wedding photoshot (especially Yongseo Vietnam Fans)


- Filming yesterday (snow). It was cold.


- They want that Yongseo film in the house


- They want divorce




I have the impression that the small group of radicals, has increased. :blink:


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