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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest LiyLiy14










Definitely i'm ready to tweet for  YONGSEO tonight as i just finished one of my PROFESSIONAL EXAM.


10 pm for all MALAYSIAN. 


I'm already sign in to my twitter to join all goguma villagers tonight.


So excited.


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#Yongseo300 is going to rocks twitter!! hahaha...







































































Thank you gogumas so much for all the good stuff. Too much good information lately ^^.
































Thanks to mountainmadman for the fan account (and thanks to goguma who brought it here),
































Thanks to Lenovo for her mood!, I love your post!, OMG MC Kim replayed you ^^
































 thanks  all of you: Maggie-Seohwa (really Yong´s parents?, wow, now I got why he is so handsome), d_????? (for information and wed vid), anink,   bezbezbez, glennpaulo, kubih, Kerube chan, Ichigo, everyone!!!!
































About the song, I don´t know why (hahaha), but I got the feeling that can be another song, not that (even when I´m so pro of IDKW belongs to SeoHyun), because he said that he has been composing it since long ago, and I thought that could be an unreleased one ^^. I will have to wait and see ^_^.
































About Yong singing in a weeding, I was so spazzing when he started the rap part, I didn´t see it coming!!! hahaha, and wedding´s guests too hahaha I wonder if they are YongSeo too  :w00t:.
































Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh new album for CNBlue!!! I´m so happy, the boys deserve it :wub:
































Yeaaaahhh lets celebrate their 300th days!!!! :wub:
































Edit: waves to wildcat and all new villagers!!! Welcome to our go-chun ^^









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An hour to go before we trend #YongSeo300. Remember it's #YongSeo300 not #yongseo300 or #Yongseo300. rolleyes.gif































































































found this vid, Yonghwa n Jongyun singing lovelight at wedding  
































thanks to chiara/soleilavery @ twitter for uploading it































































































Maggie-seohwa, thanks for sharing that link...






























































































































































































































































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Will also help #YongSeo300 trend later, in exactly 40 minutes from now! I'm really excited.
































































































































































I had to un-protect my tweets just to help! Oh, and you can follow me also here: http://twitter.com/sayrooldh06
































































































































































Let's see how awesome this day would be. I'm really freakin' excited. lol.

































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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Evening gogumas! blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think that photo was posted here several pages ago and gogumas speculated whether they were indeed Yong's parents because they were always focused by the camera when CNBLUE performed (it was in SBS Chocolate performance) but I remember it was clarified that the couple was merely an audience that happened to be focused too many times. So sorry if I burst some bubbles. That's all I can remember though, or maybe anybody can correct me? :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the fan account translations and photos shared. Aww, the kids are so cute. "It's I'm a loner, I'm a loner", hahahaha! :lol: It reminded me of their movie date, Avatar and those fan girls at the amusement park.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun singing randomly nowadays is such a telling sign. To think that part of the song in Tell me your wish is her own part (she sings it together with Yoona). She's just too happy, I guess. I think it gives us a clue of the state of her moods or mind. She's happy at that time going out of town with Yong, to check their own planted gogumas.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I forgot to mention that "goguma drama" they were doing after being disappointed of their harvest was probably the most hilarious scene for me in that episode, especially when Yong threw that innocent spade. :lol:

































































































































































































































































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








My eyes are really sleepy but i'm determined to help trending about uri Goguma couple's 300th day anniversary :D




Wave to jnj, i saw you called me in several previous pages, sorry just now i'm waving at you :D




Hugs for all Go-Chun villagers here, finally we will watch more sweet episodes from now on. Forget about awkward couple and expect a lovey dovey couple every saturday wub.gif



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Guest bizzie_b


i honestly don't know how to use twitter but i just registered a few minutes ago. hope to see you guys there. rolleyes.gif




For the love of Yongseo, I'm, very much willing to rock with you guys! haha




Yongseo jjang! wub.gif


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Guest yhayhayha








annyong gogumaaasss in go-chun! laugh.gif








thanks to maggie-seohwa for the photo link, uuaahhh... is he really yong's father? i think he is too young..




but if he is, wooowww.... he's handsome too, hahahatongue.gif








i hope yong's parent or his another family member will appear in busan epi and will welcome hyun warm and well.








i'll help trending for sure. i hope yong and hyun will know how much we love them..\




lets make this night fun and memorable!!!








*oh, really.. "duo Busan youth" makes me crazy, yong and jonghyun are amazing,,so cool.. hyun is really lucky to get closer with them.. i envy her.. haha biggrin.gif








ah, i wanna ask something, i'm sorry if its not important, but what kind of food goguma sprout is? hyun mentioned it in this epi. i want to know. korean foods always make me curious... hehehetongue.gif 





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wow! Still spazzing on next week's preview!!!
































































Just want to share...
































































































































At 4:27 I think ONEW said "it because of Jung Yonghwa" to Seohyun... can someone confirm this??































































































































































































onew did not mention yonghwa's name.. they comment on seohyun's voice how she dubbed it and its like a 정극 ...
































































hehe ^_^\
































































happy tweeting yonseo friends.. its time! start'!









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Guest buge1087





Annyeong Goguma Villagers.... *waves to all*



Another lurker here since day one.. keke~~. :rolleyes::ph34r:



It's been so long since the last time i post something in here... :phew:



Anyways, i just want to thank all the awesome villagers out there for contributing pics,links,wallies,fics,gifs,translations,subs,vids of our favorite couple in the Goguma Land: YONGSEO!!! :D You Guys are Jjang!!! :)



Btw I also want to join the trending of #YongSeo300 that is i think is happening right at this moment.. lol



If you don't mind, here's my twitter: abi1087






Let's flood the twitter with YongSeo Love... #YongSeo300



Happy tweeting!!! :P


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If I'm correct, the tweeting starts now?

I've recently posted something about this week's episode, mostly about Seohyun and the response is beyond my words. It seems that many Goguma's agree with my point of view lol thank you for the thumps ups as well. I was going to post something about Yonghwa as well on this week, but I think I'll leave that since it's all pretty obvious now right?

Let's have #Yongseo300 a TT everyone!

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































yeah guys finally it's our couple's 300 days anniversary tomorrow............. sooo let's trend #YongSeo300 now!!! make them popular on twitter
































































anyways do you guys notice that in the latest episode the PD edited the part when yonghwa was helping hyun putting on her boots. Am I correct? coz I remember someone posted a fanaccount about that months ago..... ahh PD-nim why did you edit that part, It should have been super duper sweet
































































just like you guys...... I want to see next week's episode badly!!!
































 in the mean time we could trend #YongSeo300 ....... I don't mind reminding all the time coz we need to make it popular w00t.gifw00t.gif
































































here's my twitter @iradnarukaya

































































































































































































































































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Guest variiin
















































































































































































i need some fmv for spazzing #yongseo300 on twitter.. can someone share yutub links =)

















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Guest slurpeeslurp-
















































hey gogumas (:
















im out of lurking mode, like finally after a long time from my last post.
































found this pic via gogumabar at baidu.
















someone there found this pic of yongseo at dcgallery.
















its amazing and PERFECT for their 300th day !
































i'm starting to trend yongseo300 ~ (:
















even though i can only do it for awhile.):
















my twitter : @whatthe_finzi
















cheersssssss. (:

















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Guest yslovelightys




























i'm so sleepy right now. 




















But I don't want to sleep until i see #YongSeo300 on the trending worldwide list. haha. 




















tweet. tweet. tweet. tweet. tweet. biggrin.gif




















can't wait for the next episode!!! w00t.gif




















Edit: WAAAAAAAAAAAH! I don't really want to sleep yet but my eyes are failing me. Plus I have a class tomorrow morning. i need to sleep. sad.gif








































But I really enjoyed tweeting nonstop. haha. Yongseo Fighting! Gogumas fighting! 











































Good Night Everyone!!! smile.gif





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Guest wallpaperfood

got my account at twitter finally =)


omg why did PDnim edit out Yong helping Hyun with her boots? PD is so selfish lol

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































wallpaperfood......... I know right! I wonder why the PD didn't show that scene but just skip it. I wan to see that scene soo badly































































yslovelightys .......... yeah I also don't want to sleep until I see #YongSeo300 in the trending list... sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif































































































by the way has this been posted?? I found this at DC gallery...... very nice pic





























































































let's keep trending #YongSeo300 on twitter!!! GOGUMAS!! show your power and let's rock this night with the celebration!!
































































































EDIT: guys... looks like the korean fans are also going nuts over the celebration...... check it out on WGM official site and WGM DC gallery
































































WGM site































WGM DC gallery
































































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#YongSeo300 Trending Update:









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