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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest blueshoes
























I could be imagining things but I heard Sulli mentioned and asking Yonghwa about Seohyun during the MC talk in Inkigayo and he replied her and was sort of shy and embarrassed before doing the thing he likes to do most which is "turning away" for a moment.
















Can't wait for next week's episode!
















































this moment ... I heard only named "Seohyun" ... but I'm not sure :wub: :wub::wub: :wub:







before this moment I heard Jokwon mentioned to Gain too ...
















































credit DC married gall
























WATCH IT !!!!!!














mention to 서









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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































the name of the song which being used in that fan vid is What I want to do Once/If I have a Lover by G.NA ft Rain
































































































































































you should check this one too!! --> http://www.youtube.c...h?v=COYMAttBiFY cr: popangel94@yt
































































































































































it used older moments but Yong succeed got my heart fluttered when he saw his beautiful Hyun with those sweet eyes in 2.38!!
































































































































































happy watching gogumas!!
































































































































































pb: omo I topped the page keke ^^































































































































































































































































































































Tks for the response. I actually have that song, no wonder it sounded so familiar..hehe.. Also love this older version. While watching both I had the happy butterflies :wub: in my stomach...From the beginning of their relationship to what we see now, they have truly progressed and are showing what normal couples would do, ie hold hands, linking arms, feeding each other, inside jokes, flirting, telling each other how they like they way the person looks best (long hair, hair tied up and then down) and can't forget they are the best at the "love eys".
































































































































































Goguma I Love You!!! :wub: Have a happy weekend Gogumas!

































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Guest nadihee
























okay so do u guys hear yonghwa mention seohyun in inkigayo??? ooh cincca i wish i could understand korean. can somebody translate it to us? what did he say? i'm really curious. yong seemed so embrassed. :wub:  :wub::wub:





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Guest MountainMadman

Ohhh man! This is what happens when I decide to work on my fanfic instead of catching the live stream of Inkigayo. *bangs head on wall* crazy.gif

If anyone can provide a raw cut, that would be wonderful! And you'll get to see the translation, too. ;) Please?

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Guest pingpanter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































happy watching gogumas!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bettechai
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just dropping these by here~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 2 ... it's all HQ now ^_^ youtube played nice with me. Finally.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you to j2dlee + MountainMadman for the amazing translations~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Note: In part 1 like the first few line of speech within the first minute is out of sync by about 00.10 of a second. Dunno why, it got messed up while the dub was in process. =/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Aigoo... anyways, enjoy the episode. I did. Next weeks preview looked Deabak! (which is what this thread should currently be spazzing about.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will be here next week to sub aswell~































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omo...thanks subbers...your Daebak..!! Jjang..!! :):wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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thank you for the photos and link




unfortunately, the video clip wouldnt load for me...




is there one uploaded on youtube?




but just looking at the title of the dc gall married post, they were talking about a yonghwa and seohyun duet and thats why he was embarrassed.





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Guest chelupa






hi guys, this is chelupa from ustream and ssfstream. in case some of you guys watch wgm on my channel every week, i'm here to notify that my ustream channel got banned recently and i'll be moving to a new channel www.ustream.tv/channel/nublupa . if you view the stream from ssfstream, it'll still be on channel 5 (now named ITNW), it'll only be affected if you go to my ustream channel directly.


please pass on this info to other sources that you know might use watch my stream for wgm. thanks!



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here's YONGHWA'S INKIGAYO CLIP where Hyun is mentioned
















i heard something about duets...
















like who they've done it with...
















if there's something to it can someone please translate the pertinent parts?
































p.s. thanks chelupa for the heads up about the stream!
















and thanks for the subs and trans Goguma Villagers!
















edit: updated the link...sbs is on a copyright spree on youtube! grr!

















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thanks to rxp080100 for the clip (:




translation of the part:




sulli: [to yonghwa] now that i think of it, you and seohyun had a duet together, right?




yonghwa: yes, yes we did. our sweet voices really matched well together, better than anyone else's.




and he laughs and is embarrassed as he says this.





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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg!!! thank you sooo much klee22 for tranlating the part!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































another thing to spazz about!!! ahahaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love jokwon's expression when yonghwa said that!! lmao!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg yonghwa you are such a cheesy boyfriend!!! ahahaah but i like!!! (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i think hyun will add more gogumas for you after she see this :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway...SNSD and CNBlue are going to attend the 2010 Melon Music Awards!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































on DEC. 15TH!! (another lookout for our favorite couple) :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this will be the week and three days after the next episode will air!!! (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a week and a day after their 300th days!! ahahahah (im on countdown mode)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2 more days until their 300th days!!!

































































































































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Guest lovekin




lovekin: lol I think you misunderstood saturn (she was the one that posted that info @ CNBLUE thread), she is a Korean Boice that shares info of the boys @ CNBLUE thread. She was reporting on what the company staff said and imo she was just pointing out maybe one of the reasons was filming on the beach (which makes sense and I have to agree)... If you go to the beach on winter and spend lots of time outdoors on winter there are high chances that you will catch a cold or have a sore throat... that's just how life it is and we are humans. As I said before in my opinion, if YongHwa was indeed sick it was a result of lots of things going on in his life, his immune system was probably a bit weak and the cold weather didn't help... it's no one's fault really. That's just life.








oh no, i mean, i do understand that we get sick.  and yes, being outdoors can have an effect on our immune system, but physiologically speaking, it has to be weak already to be affected.  so, like i had said, he must've already been feeling under the weather.




what i was mostly referring to was the idea that dreamyboo presented - that the antis were all up in arms about it, so i responded to her post as if "speaking" to the illogic the antis make regarding the yongseo couple and how being on WGM is affecting yong.  theoretically, anyway, because i haven't read any anti-yongseo perspectives, and i never intend to, so this is all hearsay to me.




but again, i was mostly responding in theory.  smile.gif  thanks, though, for trying to clarify~


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tks for the inki link and pics blushoes, and to klee for the trans.

after blurting out something cheesy, he suddenly feels so shy...

*imagine* phone call to hyun "don't u think i was cool?" :rolleyes::lol:

kwon's expression says it all..

after 3 weeks with hyun on inki, did he miss her already? ^_^

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Guest Faith_memory




























yey for inkigayo... haha sulli i love you for mentioning hyun! Yonghwa is lookin' very hooot these days. inspired much. ♥ anyway, i hope he's getting a lot of rest. He should take care of himself, im getting worried. his schedule is pretty hectic. hyun will be worried again. keke ♥ Yey, cnblue and snsd attending the same awards night, so excited for yongseo hidden interactions.. keke~! ♥




















btw, since 300th anniversary for our YongSeo is fast approaching. What are your plans???




















haha~ I made this refrigerated cake with "YongSeo's 300th day anniversary" to share with my friends here. keke~ ♥ We will celebrate, and will re-watch our favorite wgm episodes and Fanvids. ekekeke~!!! ♥







































Remember, do not post less than 20 words on this thread. please gogumas.. ♥







































have a nice day/evening!




















I still have exams tomorrow, got to go!





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Oh I am sorry to hear that Yong is not feeling well? Yes, his schedule is too overwhelming. Unfortunately that is usually the fate of a young talented celebrity, they will cramp whatever into his schedule and expect them to be superhuman and still remain healthy and look good. If anything, it is his company's fault.








I dont think fans should judged which program he should be on or off, its his choice and if he is really in love with Hyun, taking him out of WGM will be even more cruel.








Let's see how the Busan thing ep turn out before judging anything.








With regards to the goguma leaves, actually I like that dish too, but I am not sure if it is in Korean's culture to eat it? I know not all Chinese places eat that too.


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Guest adriana_kian86








it been long time that i leave msg here. Anyway thanks a lot to all for the WGM sub ep 34. Love this week episode coz they look more like normal couple with the soil & dirt. Just cant wait for the next episode for more interesting episode. Hope both of them take a good care of their health especially Yong.




Just want to share the 2nd Version for the vid..









it perfect for our couple with all the beautiful memory that their have make together....



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Hello , Thank you all shareing in SeoHwa thread ^ ^








































































Woww....Very thank   inki is good news YongSeo duet 








































































I hope to see YongSeo debut soon or in 300th anniversary 








































































WGM please MBC please rolleyes.gif























































































































































some cap in this ep. 








































































YongSeo very cute 





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello my chingus ; Jnj,d3SeoHyun,SophiaPia,miel_130wub.gif


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392
















aneng: Thanks so much for sharing those banners. They are awesome ♥ Baidu Gogumas are really talented. ^^


























Thanks blueshoes, rxp and klee22 for sharing the link and translating that part :w00t: hahaha his expression and reaction makes me remember of when Hyun~ and him were MCs at MuCore and they appeared for some secs when Lyn was singing saying 'Yoboya... chagiya...saranghe' (or something like that xD) hehehehe


























phokar: Thanks so much for sharing those screencaps! They are soo cute ^^


























Btw, I just read on allkpop that for 'Melon Music Awards' there will will be many collaboration stages... I hope one of them is between SNSD and CNBLUE ^^ (also because they would have to practice for it! ;) ♥)





































~Feed me














































































P.S. I really wish tomorrow were Saturday... *sigh*





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Hi guys.. again I want to thank MountainMadman & J2dlee for the wonderful translations..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But please, I feel sad, just because of what shared by Dreamyboo brought the word antis
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe you all don't think that Saturn is an anti, but after dreamyboo posted her quoted news here,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































suddenly some posts after mentioning the word anti, and to me that sounded like what Saturn shared considered her as an anti.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am a Boice and that's why I'm pretty familiar with Saturn post, she has been nothing but an angel
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and never in her posts she ever said something negative about WGM, but she's very subjective, if it's the news, than that's what she shared.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And from her quoted posts, she just shared that news about how crazy Yong's schedule was, and we all know that,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and of course, reading her news, I felt sorry for Yonghwa, not because he had to film WGM but it's just that he's living his daily life like that :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but he's a famous person so that's some of the consequenses he'd have to live step by step and I see his determinations to succeed,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so I'm sure he'll be just fine and strive to work even harder.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if you guys notice, most of the translations, wonderful fanaccount and some updated news for CNBLUE boys (Yonghwa including of course) came from Saturn.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've seen her posts quoted here too many times, but that's all good because any news about Yonghwa is also news to our Yongseo communities right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sorry if I upset anyone with this posts, but this what I felt and I need to share this to you guys, not pointing at any particular :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now to the preview for next week, I'm sooo excited, I'm thinking if they are that close during the goguma harvest trip, they'll be even closer during Busan trip.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and this time it's Yonghwa's hometown. He brought his girl home. all the possible things he planned for her, and knowing Yong, they'll be another heartwarming, sweet & fun episode all into one :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Crystal_Malfoy Wow I really hope so too, I hope they can collaborate together, and u know what else I think would be cool, CNBLUE & Trax together hahaha :P

































































































































































































































































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