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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Thanks to Caliope for the link~ (below)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hmmm...let's see now. Not much about our YongSeo couple, but I've translated some of the interesting bits below.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































He looked very friendly with 2AM.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































When Seulong came onto the MC Set they leaned on each other in a friendly way.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































KARA came onto the MC set for an interview and it looks like Goo Hara and Yonghwa are friends.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































They talked before the cameras rolled and also greeted each other when they came up.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa gave Seohyun the mic and the trophy (Seohyun had a good spot!) Seohyun gave a speech, Yonghwa said goodbye to Seohyun as he was leaving and she returned the greeting...Yonghwa also talked with Jinwoon as he was leaving.  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jo Won-Bin from FT Island? He and Yonghwa exchanged greetings before the performance...Looks like they know each other?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*seulong is close with cn blue boys since 2 another member (jonghyun&minhyuk) plays movie acoustic with him
































































































































































































































































































































































































































also yonghwa is close with jo kwon and changmin from 2am,so maybe seulong close with yonghwa too (i also remember seulong said about iritatingly slow skinship about them in eps 26)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































*go hara and yonghwa back then join a variety called Hunters with kim hyun joong ,but dues to some circumstances the variety got canceled.btw kara is very close friends with snsd (they friends because they debut in same year and in japan they under same company labels,some members is close to each other,hara is close to members like jessica,yuri and sunny.for seohyun she is very close with nicole)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































*ft island and cn blue under same company (FNC music) ,btw jo won bin already out from ft island,he going for solo now,but maybe he knows yonghwa back then in their trainee days.

































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Sorry if there's a link about it. There's an article about the We got married about the broadcasting time.. Anyone who understand korean language do translate for us. Thank you..


[뉴스엔 박정현 기자]


'우결' 분량논란이 재점화 됐다. 사실 우결 팬들에게 있어선 오래되고 지루한 논란이다.


11울 20일 방송된 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(우결)에서 조권 가인 커플의 방송분량이 너무 적었단 지적이 있었다. 많은 얘기를 20여분 안에 모두 풀지 못했단 것이다.


1시간여의 방송시간동안 3커플은 20여분을 공평하게 분배받는다. 제작진측은 "인물들의 감정선을 연결시키기 위해 상황에 따라 커플별 방송시간을 다르게 분배해야한다"는 입장이다. 짧은 시간에도 충분한 얘기를 담을 수 있고 긴 시간에 걸쳐 차분히 풀어가야 하는 에피소드도 있기 마련이란 것이 그 근거다.


그러나 이는 사실상 불가능한 상황이다. '우결' 팬들은 각각의 커플 지지자적 성격이 강하다. 지지하는 커플의 방송시간에 민감하다. 이런 분위기는 올 초 이선호 황우슬혜 커플의 방송시간이 줄어들다 못해 결국엔 마지막 인사도 없이 하차한 시점에서 절정을 이뤘다. 방송시간에 민감한 팬들의 반응은 자신이 지지하는 커플을 조금 더 오래 보고 싶단 단순한 희망을 넘어서 복잡한 갈등 양상으로까지 비화되기도 한다.


이후 커플 당 20분이란 방송시간은 게임의 규칙처럼 지켜졌다. 그 결과 제작진이 예상했던 부작용이 나타나기 시작했다. 20일 방송된 '우결'에서 조권 가인 커플은 결혼 1주년을 맞아 제주도 여행을 나섰다. 1박 2일짜리 제주도 여행이 약 5주간 방송됐다. 그 결과 시청자가 만족할 수 없는 에피소드가 탄생했다. 20여분의 방송시간 동안 조권 가인은 그 매력을 충분히 선보일 수 없었다. 1주일간 기다렸던 팬들의 불만이 쇄도 했다. 불만의 양상은 여러 가지였으나 결국은 "우리 커플을 더 보여달라"는 것이었다.


반면 같은 날 방송된 닉쿤 빅토리아 커플은 하루 촬영한 분량을 갖고 4주간 방송했다. 또 서현 정용화 커플의 1박 2일 일본여행기는 2주차를 넘어 3주차로 들어가고 있다. 그럼에도 불만은 없었다. 제작진이 말한 커플별 방송시간의 균등한 분배의 우려했던 결과가 그대로 드러난 것이다. 길게 보여 줬어야 할 얘기에 20분은 짧았고 짧게 보여줬어야 할 얘기에 20분은 길었다.


결국 '우결'은 다시 한 번 근본적 문제에 부딪히게 됐다. 커플별 방송시간을 공평하게 유지하면서도 충분한 얘기를 해야 하고 시청자에게 재미를 줘야하며 동시에 출연자들의 감정선을 연결키 위해 촬영도 지속적으로 계속해야한다.


최근 네티즌들 사이에선 '우결' 번외편 혹은 특집을 만들어 달라는 요청도 있다. 방송을 통해 다하지 못한 얘기들을 특집형태로 만들어 팬들을 만족시켜달라는 적극적 요청이다. 이에 대해 제작 관계자는 "기회가 된다면 긍정적으로 검토해볼 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 현실적 제작여건상의 문제로 실현될지는 미지수다"고 밝혔다. 최소한 그 뜻에는 공감하고 있는 것이니 팬들 입장에선 한 번 쯤 기대해봄직한 대안이다.




박정현 pch46@newsen.com


기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com


copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지


The article link as below: 











And i tried using the free online dictionary to translate. However, it's not very good i feel.












News of Park Jung Hyun (Lena Park) told reporters:












"We have a pain" controversy over the amount of rekindling. In fact, fans broke down there is long and tedious controversy.












20th November, "We were aired married MBC (broke off-the-the right of the amount of couples was too small, it was pointed out that it. I talk a lot in 20 minutes all they’ve pool.












1 hour, and the three broadcasting time 20 minutes, the couple be fair distribution of wealth. The production team "with the feelings of the characters, in order to connect depending on the situation broadcasting time star couple differently [!], distribution ". In a short time enough to contain a long time solved calmly over the episode, there is evidence.












However, this is virtually impossible. "We have collapsed fans of each couple supporters nature is strong. The supports of couples are sensitive to broadcasting time. Such an atmosphere, early this year, Hwang Woo-yea prefer couples in the wisdom of broadcasting time due to decrease in the last disembarked since without at this point, the peak. Sensitive to the broadcasting time, fans are a support a little couple and longer I want to go beyond mere hope complex conflict between developed by.












Eventually, the collapse once again in the fundamental problems, then,. Couples’ broadcasting time-Fair enough to have an audience and fun to do and at the same time feelings of the performers, in order to connect key pictures they must continue to.












In the recent "among Internet users, and broke off-side" or special and request. It is the failed to talk about special shape fans to satisfy the request positively. Regarding this, an official of the production "opportunity, if it might consider positively. But in reality production cannot be realized, but it is still doubtful," he said. At least he will agree, and the fans a spring to a solution.
























Somehow, i feel it's one of the couple's fans are complaining about the broadcast timing again. This is a short brief summary about this article by anonymous 6557 in sweetpotatodays:












it said about pd said the airtime of each wgn couple is 20 min fairly given.but adam's fans complain because the episode is adam special episode,they want more airtime for adam but pd said impossible because each couple time are fairly distribute.no complain from yongseo and khuntoria fans tho their one day filming were strecht to four and three week broadcast.basicly,the pd were replying to the issue come from adam's fans where the episode have to be strcth for 5 weeks for their jeju trip,which is special episode.












Credit to: bettygugumaslover from sweetpotatodays who provide the article & people who helped to translate in advance. Thank you









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It's about time we caught Seohyun smitten. We know how different she was during the Japan trip. I guess she finally put ALL her walls down and decided to show Yonghwa how grateful she is to him.




















credits: dc married



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Guest Crystal392
















































































Thanks aneng and tempss for the article :) I really thought the airing time was fair, the show lasts 60 minutes and each couple gets 20 minutes of air time. And also Adam couple once got a whole episode only for them with Kwonnie and GaIn watching their cuts. :ph34r: Hmmmm or maybe I didn't understand what the article was about? blush.gif
















































I'd also love to see them arriving together to an award show :w00t: The three WGM couples should receive an award for being too adorable! hehehehe :wub:
















































Hyun~: do you consider yourself pretty now? ;) Because you are!
















































Btw, according to saturn@CNBLUE thread YongHwa and 2AM were very friendly. ^_^ I think Jinwoon and Seulong really like him, but see him (specially Seulong) as a little brother and that's why they make fun of him :P

















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omg! late with the spazzfest..








squealing when they linked arms... total sweet (potato) -ness overload!! yonghwa was trying hard to conceal his huge grin and happiness but you can still see it written on his face.. he's totally over the moon!








I do think the ice cream part when he switched places with seohyun cute too!








anyway, i believe the factors leading up to seohyun's deciison to link hands are as follows








1) because well, its time! and she wants to.








2) after effect of mildang + snsd = its a way for her to make him feel assured that they are close, shes closer to him than anyone else and that he's special. and i do think that her 8 sisters have been providing her advise and telling her how to do it. lol judging from the awkwardness of her linked arms in the birthday episode as compared to the japan episode, she probably had practise sessions with snsd or given pointers by the 8 girls. LOL








i do think that yong's mildang and snsd (and partly pressure from them for a skinship) are main factors for her to take that action.. I'm super glad she did.








now hope there'll be more natural skinships and sweet moments from them...





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Guest wishwash
















Not sure if this has been mentioned before... I was surfing through some cn blue and snsd threads and I realised that both yong and hyun have stars in their autographs. you can try confirming it on google images. well, it COULD be purely coincidental that yong likes stars and hyun started talking about stars out of nowhere during their walk back to the ryokan.









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































Hi all!!!






























































redrev...... I'm so in love with your video, and also the choice of the song!!!! it is also one of my all-time fave. I do hope he will sing that song someday because Yonghwa himself is a hardcore BONJOVI fan lol































I'll post the lyrics here......... sooo lovely :wub: :wub::wub:













































































































































































It's hard for me to say the things
































I want to say sometimes
































There's no one here but you and me
































And that broken old street light
































Lock the doors
































We'll leave the world outside
































All I've got to give to you
































Are these five words when I
































Thank you for loving me
































For being my eyes
































When I couldn't see
































For parting my lips
































When I couldn't breathe
































Thank you for loving me
































Thank you for loving me
































































I never knew I had a dream
































Until that dream was you
































When I look into your eyes
































The sky's a different blue
































Cross my heart
































I wear no disguise
































If I tried, you'd make believe
































That you believed my lies
































































Thank you for loving me
































For being my eyes
































When I couldn't see
































For parting my lips
































When I couldn't breathe
































Thank you for loving me
































































You pick me up when I fall down
































You ring the bell before they count me out
































If I was drowning you would part the sea
































And risk your own life to rescue me
































































Lock the doors
































We'll leave the world outside
































All I've got to give to you
































Are these five words when I
































































Thank you for loving me
































For being my eyes
































When I couldn't see
































You parted my lips
































When I couldn't breathe
































Thank you for loving me
































































When I couldn't fly
































Oh, you gave me wings
































You parted my lips
































When I couldn't breathe
































Thank you for loving me































































































crystal_malfoy...... regarding the adam couple thing, I think it's because of the unsatisfied adam couple fans, because their 1 year anniversary episode seems so bad, probably because of various editing, etc (you know how disappointed we are when we notice alot of editing by PD-nim right?? maybe you can check out this article































































































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soshisoshisoshi, I'm glad u love it biggrin.gif  feeling motivated to do more, but I'll wait until after exams.happy.gif Thank u for posting the lyrics. The words are just beautiful.



















I love watching YongSeo in actions and what I like the most is the different facial expressions displayed by them. Here is a bonus for all...










                        Their eyes and their smiles are like a vitamin or supplement to gogumas













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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































Hi all!!!






























































redrev...... I'm so in love with your video, and also the choice of the song!!!! it is also one of my all-time fave. I do hope he will sing that song someday because Yonghwa himself is a hardcore BONJOVI fan lol































I'll post the lyrics here......... sooo lovely :wub: :wub::wub:













































































































































































It's hard for me to say the things
































I want to say sometimes
































There's no one here but you and me
































And that broken old street light
































Lock the doors
































We'll leave the world outside
































All I've got to give to you
































Are these five words when I
































Thank you for loving me
































For being my eyes
































When I couldn't see
































For parting my lips
































When I couldn't breathe
































Thank you for loving me
































Thank you for loving me
































































I never knew I had a dream
































Until that dream was you
































When I look into your eyes
































The sky's a different blue
































Cross my heart
































I wear no disguise
































If I tried, you'd make believe
































That you believed my lies
































































Thank you for loving me
































For being my eyes
































When I couldn't see
































For parting my lips
































When I couldn't breathe
































Thank you for loving me
































































You pick me up when I fall down
































You ring the bell before they count me out
































If I was drowning you would part the sea
































And risk your own life to rescue me
































































Lock the doors
































We'll leave the world outside
































All I've got to give to you
































Are these five words when I
































































Thank you for loving me
































For being my eyes
































When I couldn't see
































You parted my lips
































When I couldn't breathe
































Thank you for loving me
































































When I couldn't fly
































Oh, you gave me wings
































You parted my lips
































When I couldn't breathe
































Thank you for loving me































































































crystal_malfoy...... regarding the adam couple thing, I think it's because of the unsatisfied adam couple fans, because their 1 year anniversary episode seems so bad, probably because of various editing, etc (you know how disappointed we are when we notice alot of editing by PD-nim right?? maybe you can check out this article































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































oops. soompi is being weird to me now............ how come my post suddenly become duplicated?????































arrgh, sorry guys I don't have anything to share right now tears.giftears.giftears.gif...
































































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Guest criZtiE
































































































































































































































































..G0guMa viLLagers!!!...i'd like t0 share this song.. IF WE FALL IN LOVE by Yeng Constantino..I'm Cristy from Philippines.. I am a certified YONGSEO fan here in the philippines..the lyrics of this certainly fit our YONGSEO couple..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There will be no ordinary days for you 
































































































































































































If there is someone who cares like i do 
































































































































































































You have no reason to be sad anymore 
































































































































































































I`m always ready with a smile 
































































































































































































With just one glimpse of you 
































































































































































































You don`t have to search no more 
































































































































































































Cause i am someone who will love you for sure so.. 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































Maybe we`ll sing this song as one 
































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































We can write a better song than this 
































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































We will have this melody in our heads 
































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































Anywhere with you would be a better place.. 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You can watch sad movies in a diffirent light 
































































































































































































So i`ll be there beside you 
































































































































































































Hugging you oh so tight 
































































































































































































(oh so tight) 
































































































































































































Your hands will never feel so cold and empty again 
































































































































































































Coz i will keep on holding on and won`t let go 
































































































































































































(never let you go) 
































































































































































































You don`t have to search no more 
































































































































































































Cause i am someone who will love you for sure so.. 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































Maybe we`ll sing this song as one 
































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































We can write better a song than this 
































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































We will have this melody in our heads 
































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































Anywhere with you would be a better place.. 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Feel so good when you`re around 
































































































































































































One smile from you 
































































































































































































(one smile from you) 
































































































































































































Be mine,this feel so right..so.. 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































Maybe we`ll sing this song as one 
































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































We can write better a song than this 
































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































We will have this melody in our heads 
































































































































































































If we fall in love 
































































































































































































Anywhere with you would be a better place.. 
































































































































































































yeah aaaaaa

































































































































































































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luvtokki ahjussi~!! now that's what i call words of wisdom!!! i learned a lot from ur posts ya know :w00t: i thank u for that~

redrev, thanks for that sweet MV... i enjoyed it :D

GeumJanDi, thanks for the info. i never knew JW & yong are that close! i'm really amazed with yong's capability... he can even be good friends with his long time rival! haha! xD

lunasol, thanks to u... i now know hyun also has a very sexy side to her! haha!! yong could've gone all red from watching that vid!!!! kekekek xD

wow criztie... that lyric does fit uri yongseo~! :wub: oh ya... welcome, welcome!

and thanks everyone for the caps, links & POVs... i enjoyed them all~!

i just thought about how much they've progressed so far... do u guys remember the 1st time they wrote down & hung their wishes? BEFORE, it was out of duty as a married couple in WGM...


NOW, it's more to wishing that they will be a married couple for real~! :wub:


uwahhh notice before they fell in love... there was only yong tying their wishes but after many months, there wasn't only yong but hyun tying their wishes. i wonder what are their true wishes... it must be THAT... i hope their wishes will come true~!

oh ya... Christmas is coming!!! i wonder how will they celebrate it? will WGM take the opportunity to film yongseo during Christmas??? gahhhh i hope so!!! i wonder what'll they give each other this time. kekeekke


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I don't know if this info has been shared yet but here is the list and descriptions of the two books Hyun gave to Yong on their 200th day anniversary:


"A Secret to Teen Power" and "Letters To Sam"


Credits to YongSeofacts of Twitter.


For those who has read the descriptions on the second book:


Now humor me on this but I feel as if our YongSeo might do a time capsule thing, where they put a lot of their memorable stuffs of each other and their letters to each other in the future, just like the movie, "My Sassy Girl." It's just a delusional fantasy of mine that has a low possibility of happening but somehow I can really see them doing something like that. It is a fact that Yong and Hyun are more expressive in their letters so I won't be surprised if they ever pulled a stunt like that.


On a another note, I'd love for Hyun to suggest some books for me lol. Those books sound so interesting and a fun yet touching read.




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sorry, but I have to say to something




Even without Seohyun's manager approved the "alcohol drink or non"




Yonghwa wouldn't let Seohyun drink that considering he's known how pure Seohyun is for such a long time :)




But we will have something fun to watch, not to mention that, Yonghwa got the real one LOL




Have a nice day people!







Totally agree with you on this hihi_hehe ... remember? on the early stage of their "marriage" Yong mentioned on one of his backroom interview that he would not put "dirt" on Hyun's image....something like that, sorry, forgot the exact words he said.  So even if we are made to believe that Hyun okeys the "drinking"  invitation from her husband.  Yong still decided on buying her a non-alcoholic drink when they got to the store.  On the other hand, I just can't wait how the next episode goes knowing that Yong got himself a beer :D  Probably, decided to drink to have some courage booster.....:lol:



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Guest ricevol





j2dlee, mountainmadman & sun_sun Kamsahamnida for such hard works



redrev: thanks for the MVs...OH I LOVE IT!!! The song matches so well, it's like feeling their love getting stronger and stronger. Btw, this is one of my fav song of all time



rxp080100 I wish to see that too, can it be Yong in his suit looking so damn handsome, and Hyun in her sparkling dress looking so dead gorgeous. Of couse with their arms link together, or holding hands maybe :wub: (Just like go to prom) OH WAIT, I WANT TO SEE THEM DANCE TOO OMG



aneng totally agree, I just want to see our couple EVERY SATURDAY. That would be enough for me and my weekly dose, together with spazzing here with you guys



SophiaPia oh so her mom can play piano right? When they get married (I mean real marriage - of course my imagination runs wild but who cares :w00t: ), 2 families could get together at weekend and have a small family show together with instrument. Music brings people together, u know, and I believe Yongseo's children will be excellent at music and playing instruments, just like their parents kekekeke..........Sorry for such illusion but that's what I want mine to be like this blush.gif



p!nk22 Oh I think so too, Hyun probably practiced wrapping arm with her unnies. kekeke no wonder it's so PERFECT :rolleyes: But above all, she is willing to do it.



criZtiE thanks for the song and welcome to goguma heaven



dreamyboo Thanks for sweet caps. This kind of place is very sacred and if you truely deeply wish for something, It will come true. (Suddenly thinking about NAN ep where Psy talked about praying for rain :P ). What if It'll come true? :w00t:



d3j1k0 the capsule things...It's one of the most romantic things I've ever seen. :x



shawie829 Yong can't get drunk, can he? HE might spit out *SOMETHING* :wub:











Edit: Opps top the page


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Guest Caliope

Another AMAZING SCENE (PREVIEW) Shalalala...


Credits: 구마구마 ♬@dcgall

I can't wait the next episode...

That preview is is is.... AMAZING!! :wub::w00t:

- [sUBS] Episode 33 Preview:Yukiandjudy

- [sUBS] Rundevilrunsubs is OUT: 1º PART and 2º PART

- [sUBS] Sun_sun and Jd2lee is OUT: 1º PART and 2º PART

- Jossa New Fanfic: Taking Chances

EDIT: Thank you for the translation that article, MountainMadman

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Guest MountainMadman

I was surfing the Korean interwebs and found this interesting article:



The debate over screen time in 'We Got Married' has flared up again. To WGM fans, it is an old and ongoing debate.

There was talk for the 11/20 episode of WGM that the Adam Couple's screentime was too little. They said that the story was not able to be satisfyingly told within 20 minutes.

The one-hour episode is divided equally into 20-minute parts. The stance of the PDs is that "some episodes should be longer and shorter depending on what happens". There are episodes that deserve a longer running time and some that could do well with a shorter running time.

But this is, in fact, impossible. The WGM fans are fiercely supportive of their chosen couple and very attuned to how much time their couple gets. This feeling grew to a peak when, in the beginning of the year, the Hwangoo/Seulhye couple got less and less screen time until their episodes simply stopped broadcasting without even a final goodbye.

After this, the 20-minute rule has been kept. Soon enough, the prediction of the PD's came true. The Adam Couple embarked on their 1-year anniversary. A 1-day trip was broadcast for 5 weeks. This led to an episode that the viewers were dissatisfied with. Jokwon and Gain couldn't show their appeal within 20 minutes. The complaints of the fans, who had waited for one week, grew. The reasons were many but in the end, they boiled down to this: "give more time to our couple".

Meanwhile, the Khuntoria couple used 1 day's worth of shooting for 4 weeks of broadcast. Also, YongSeo's 1-day trip is going on their 3rd week of broadcasting. The PD's expectations came true: for longer stories, 20 minutes were too little, while for shorter stories, 20 minutes were too much.

So WGM has hit upon a fundamental problem. They need to maintain viewership and continue the relationships, while maintaining an equal screen time for all couples.There has been talk amongst netizens about requesting 'special' episodes. They would tell stories that could not make the final cut of the broadcast episode. In response to this, the producers of the show said "if we have the opportunity, we will definitely consider it. But realistically, due to scheduling issues and production issues, whether it will happen or not is still undecided." At least they are agreeing with the netizens, so it could be something to look forward to for the WGM fans.


Saw this comment...cracked me up.

How about they cut Infinite Challenge down for more WGM time...

And it has 25 thumbs down. I guess Infinite Challenge is still more popular than WGM...  :P

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YongSeoForever oh that fmv is so beautiful! i love it. thanks for sharing!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































blueshoes for some reason i cant view the fancam :( that sucks. lol hahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































rxp080100 i agree! i really want them to do a special stage together too for the end of the year specials. maybe mbc will be awesome enough to allow the couples to attend the awards shows! my fingers are crossed with ya!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aneng yes! smitten. i love that word :wub: and it fits hyun so well. not that she's smitten with everyone, just with yong :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dreamyboo i was thinking that too! about the wish writing and hanging/tieing up. they've come a long way! our yongseo has grown up so much together and apart! :wub: and hello! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just saw these on gogumalove@tumblr (credit as marked)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so sexy~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so i was thinking, i'm sure yong must have watched this or will soon because didnt he mention when they were eating at the restaurant he recommended for the A set about his "brand new cd" and that they were on the charts along with snsd and she said she didnt know and he was like of like T.T and was like "yea, you don't have to check it everyday" so that must mean he must be checking up on his buin and unnies every day right? :w00t: lol just my wishful thinking...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. dcmarried shared by iloveyongseo@wordpress

































































































































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Guest angg_jagiya


today i still smile and happy after watching ep 32.. repeated many times to see the movement of their body language.


I can say they have feeling love each other. :wub::wub:




I am interested in their conversation about hair. yong clearly says he straighten her hair because 'hyun has said she likes yong straight hair' ~ Conversation confirms their close, chat and share views with one another. w00t.gifw00t.gif




hyun hand touching yong body when they chat and laughter when yong make a joke.


This makes me think hyun accept and feel comfortable with yong.




help me!!! often thinking about yongseo!!! sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif




oh god i love very much sweet potato couple.... :D:D




thanks 4 all pics, vid...goguma deabak!!!!




sorry my english not good :(


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