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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392





Because the thread moves soo fast I am quoting sun_sun so it will be easier to Gogumas to find the links to the latest ep with eng subs. Thanks so much MountainMadman, j2dlee and sun_sun!! :D











Hi ALL ^^ ..sorry for late ....First , I have to say thank you for j2dlee's translation...Thank you for great translation..you translated for us even a little black box ,,,THANK YOU ^^ and thank you for all link and capture about Inkigayo today that missed it...That's so easy for me to follow our couple.^^








and here link ENG SUB latest Ep.>>>








Ep.32 -1





















Edit : DONE ^^













Caliope: Hopefully someone will translate it! ^_^








I agree with you about the changes in SeoHyun... I think it's pretty obvious, specially to the ones closer to her like her unnies and to us, her fans. I mean, YongSeo biasedness apart, she has really really changed and WGM and YongHwa played a big part on that. She has 'blossomed' :)








She loves her Yong~ choding ♥








I really really really can't imagine her with someone else than him (nor viceversa), they complement each other, they balance each other :D








She looked gorgeous on 'Chocolate' (I adore KJE!), btw did they mention something related to YongSeo? :o


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I should be doing homework right now, but instead I'm spazzing about YongSeo again. I've re-watched it 18 times already (I counted lol) and watch it again before going to bed. What have they done to me?! :crazy:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Chocolate didn't mention anything about YongSeo unfortunately.

































































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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I watched the Britney Spears performance in Chocolate and at first I was thinking, would Hyun be dancing, too? Because usually they leave her out on sexy dances like these. But, omo, she was there! And while watching the whole time, my jaw was like dropping on its own. :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun really looked different. She exudes this...subtle sexiness? :phew: Aww, she's really growing up. Wonder what will Yong think watching her? I can't even imagine. :lol:

































































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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to Caliope for the link~ (below)


Hmmm...let's see now. Not much about our YongSeo couple, but I've translated some of the interesting bits below.

2am이 지난주 뮤티즌송 받으로 올라왔는데 이제 2am이랑은 많이 친한가봐요.슬옹이가 올라오면서 용화가 슬옹이 팔에 기대면서 애교??(뭐라고 설명해야하지?ㅋㅋ) 하여튼 팔에 기역자로 기대면서 막 반가워했어요.

He looked very friendly with 2AM.

When Seulong came onto the MC Set they leaned on each other in a friendly way.

카라 컴백이라 엠씨석에 올라왔는데 구하라씨랑 친분이 있나봐요.

카메라 불 들어오기전에 뭐라뭐라 이야기도 하고 올라올때는 안녕~ 도 하더라구요.

KARA came onto the MC set for an interview and it looks like Goo Hara and Yonghwa are friends.

They talked before the cameras rolled and also greeted each other when they came up.

소시가 뮤티즌송을 수상해서 용화가 트로피랑 마이크도 전해주고(서현이 자리가 딱 좋다능!!ㅋㅋ) 서현이가 소감도 말하고~~용화 나가면서 서현이한테 빠이빠이~도 하고 서현이도 얼른 인사해주고... 이 훈훈한 현장~ㅋㅋㅋ역시나 나가면서 진운이랑 인사도 하고 이야기도 하더군요.ㅋㅋ

Yonghwa gave Seohyun the mic and the trophy (Seohyun had a good spot!) Seohyun gave a speech, Yonghwa said goodbye to Seohyun as he was leaving and she returned the greeting...Yonghwa also talked with Jinwoon as he was leaving.  

그리고 조원빈씨? 이분이 에프티 아일랜드 멤버였나요?하여튼 무대 하기전에 서로 멀리서 안녕안녕~ 하던데...아는 사이인가 봐요?

  Jo Won-Bin from FT Island? He and Yonghwa exchanged greetings before the performance...Looks like they know each other?

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Guest Crystal392





Thanks MountainMadMan for translating that. Won Bin is an ex member of FT Island, which is from the same company as CNBLUE (FnC) ^^








I wonder if Hyun~ remembered Yong~ when she sang 'Gee' and 'Oh!' in 'Chocolate' :lol: "Oh.. oh oh oh oppareul saranghae... ", "My girls... my first love story..", both songs are so cute ♥









(5/5) SNSD - Oh! / Gee(Nov 21, 2010)


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Guest wallpaperfood


omg I can't believe I missed out on discussing the most notable/spazz-causing episode of Yongseo (as of yet)!!! Was travelling all day, managed to backread like 6 pages in Changyi using their free internet stands during transit hehehe. Then caught up with the other half when I finally arrived :)

okay so I won't really go into what everyone else has gone into alrdy (though I so would have, a few pages back ><); the moments I loved:

(1) Yong explaining his reason for going to the shrine

(2) Hyun's hair shake that made Yong speechless - that was very bold - like, SEXY bold, not ''sweet''-bold, which was the daebak arm linking

(3) Hoot/spy moves in 7-11- Yong wouldn't be Yong without his choding side, and imagine how much formal Hyun would be around a serious Yong for their entire WGM filming life ...o_O ...besides, he's a normal 21 yo. boys will be boys. dudes even my dad is still like that, and it's embarrassing, but it just lightens up the atmosphere, ya know? makes the whole family feel closer, somehow..

(4) When Hyun made her move - the look on her face and the position of her arms were just too cute!!! Like a little girl grabbing her fave boy toy to cuddle, with no intention of letting go. I LOVED her side ponytail. Too adorable...

(5) When playing that counting game in Japanese, after ''roku", they both turn their heads towards each other at the same time - as if synchronising steps weren't enough :P

My ultimate favourite though, is the fact that in ep27, it was HYUN's linking arm position that was awkward, and the MCs were going on about that. This time, YONG is the one who reacts like :X hahaha.

If they had linked arms from the beginning of WGM, Yong's thoughts would have been: "I can't believe SNSD's maknae just held my arm! It's freakin' SNSD!!!"

Now, I'm glad they link arms only at this stage :), as he no longer looks at Hyun as a fanboy, but most likely as a *ahem* significant someone. <3


- I am enjoying the fact that Yong was wearing the ring when giving Hyun the trophy (and other scenes too, but focusing on this one ^^). To show to her that he still cares for her outside WGM. To be honest, I was thinking that he wouldn't wear the ring, and that he would be more detached from Hyun on purpose in this week's Inki to avoid talk. ...--> and ohohohohooo look at him approaching Hyun on stage in front of all the other eagle-eyed idols - no doubt many must have seen/or definitely heard about ep32 - Yong doesn't give a hoot about feeling embarrassed. And the wave was cute.

-I'm also glad Jinwoon has accepted(?) Yong - or at least not being distant hehe. I like what someone said about the 91ers' approval of Yong. So true!

- and am i the only one who's developed a girl crush on Hyun recently? I used to think she was the least...photogenic out of SNSD from certain angles (I didn't know her before WGM,only saw some shots), but SERIOUSLY - she has come out of her cave and is working her way pretty well...(i'm so glad they wore their sexy cowboy outfits - her midriff was so exposed, unlike her Oh! costume hehehe)

anyways, THANK YOU to j2dlee, mountainmadman, sun_sun for the translating and subbing! And to many others for the pics, caps, gifs, fanart and fanfics!!! It's what keeps this thread alive! :D

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Guest ashiya_mizuki










yongseo couple really made my day....



i used to be a silent lurker on this thread but the recent episode totally make me goes 'volcanic eruption'...haha~~



i've been searching like crazy on youtube when i heard about the little-yet-sweet skinship...keke^^



and...juz wondering...during their way back from the convenient store,when yonghwa said "That star still…lights us… Why does it keep looking at us?"...



did he meant the cameras???... :w00t:



as if he wished that there is no cameras to record their every moves on that moment so that they can do whatever they want???... :P






i still have one more paper to go for my final exam this coming tuesday, however i couldn't resist the 'impact' that yongseo couple put on all of us....haha~~



i should stop here...need to revised my notes quickly...and keep dreaming about yongseo couple in Goguma Land~~




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Thank you for all the subs & videos & pictures :)




soshisoshisoshiYeah, u can say this that way! I am really excited with this ep. I think I started to learn by heart the subs!




And, because of that, I had some imaginary thought again from their conversation.


When they came across the sweet potatoes game and Yong immediately jumped into it to take picture.



What is it this time? A sweet potato game


H: You fit there perfectly


Y: What? Perfectly?!


Y: You should try, too.


H: Do you want me to take a picture of you? It really suits you.


Y: Your face should come out a bit more.


H: How do I look?


Y: You look perfect!




Then, when they met the photo-zone and cho-ding Yong wanted to take photos again!



This time a sweet potato photo-zone!


H: You look good in there!


Y: Do I look like sweet potato?


H: Yes. One, two, three!




Let me make my idea clear, we all know how much Huyn loves sweet potato. She even used to say that "Sweet potato is better than men". Those lines above from Huyn just gives me a thought, it seems that Huyn has found her sweet potato-man! He's the one looks perfectly with sweet potato and even looks like sweet potato! (bonus that he's also the one bought her a sweet potato field!)




Btw, can anyone help me with this? I just don't really get what Yong intended to do when he took the photos of himself and Huyn. Why the MCs said they were disappointed about the photos? (However, I dont feel any disappointment in there. YongSeo enjoyed taking those a lot and I just love the way he was trying to take the photos)




Also, i'm so curious about which photo Yong was taking about when he said "I'm looking at you!"!!!



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Guest Crystal392





^ He was trying to take pictures as if Hyun~ was a little person. Like those pics where you take as if you were holding the sun. When he was pointing at her, his finger was suppossed to be under Hyun's face so it will look like a hotdog, or like he is holding Hyun's head. I hope you get what I mean :) And the MCs were dissapointed because he didn't succeed, on the first picture his finger was too far from Hyun's head, and on the second his finger was more like pointing at her body than at her head :lol: I really really hope you understood what I meant.


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crystal_malfoy Thank you!! I read your explanation and watched it again! I think I understand now. It's like the game he often plays with CNBlue's members (in Making the artists with JongShin selfcam and in the making of X10mini TV CF), right?




I don't know anyone has the same feeling with me, I just wish that we can have the whole continuous clip when Huyn linked her arm with Yong and then they walked like that back home. I like the MCs very much, but this time i just wished they could be a little bit more quiet -_- .



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Guest Joh-Eun
















































































Hananimkke kamsa. I managed to survive 2 weeks without YongSeo. I kept myself occupied at work and during the weekend, meeting and going out with my friends from the city. Just returned from a night out with friends. It's 4:30 in the morning now here in the Philippines. Rewatched the episode, so many times.






























































































































































This was worth all the wait. I was so bored last week, hajiman, I'm okay now. More than OKAY I should say. Geez, how crazy am I for YongSeo???






























































































































































They looked so cute like kids trying to sneak and gradually finishing off all the samplers (Yong specially). It's really interesting how Hyun is crazy about anything that has to do with Sweet Potatoes, so much that it is infecting Yong. It's funny how everytime they see goguma products, she shrieks and cheers.






























































































































































What I love about this episode and with this trip, was that there were really a lot of Hyun initiated physical contact. Hyun being extremely happy when she saw him at the train station, was a bonus. For starters, she pat his arm when she told him which one to buy for their parents at the Sweet Potato shop. Yong wiping the dip from Hyun's pants near her feet, Hyun patting his back when he could still say Oi-shi when they're both in an awkward state slurping a melting ice cream in front of a crowd...evrything's so cute and funny. Yong must have missed this suttle skinship, and MAN the EYESHIP, everybody knows this couple has award winning moments in the EYESHIP department. Most evidently, when they were telling each other what hairstyle looks good on them.






























































































































































Hyun has transformed into a woman, ditched the aegyo style, and embraced a new tactic. When she disentangled her hair, surely she was flirting with Yong. And nomu cho-ayo, sincha sincha cho-a!!! What is it really necessary to be oh so sexy while untying your hair in a seducing way?? MULON! LOL. But in this case, it was PURR-FECT!!! I'm a girl, but I can only imagine what was goin on Yong's thoughts that time. It is satisfying that Hyun is really learning, now concerned how she looks infront of him. It was so couple-like when he told her to tie her hair up. Guys can also be very conscious about how their girls should act and carry themselves. Another couple-like act was whenYong was trying to take a peek into Hyun's message on the tablet, teasing each other.






























































































































































They seriously look like a honey-mooning couple when they entered the inn.































































































People have problems about Yong being playful, what is so wrong with that??? Even my abboji and oppa, who is also married, are quite playful too even when we are in public, making fun of themselves. Even though they have been together for about 8 months (if I'm not mistaken), this is the 1st time that they were to spend the night intimately, overseas, alone inside that room. It lightens up the mood when Yong displays his playfullness and HYUN DOESNT HAVE A PROBLEM ABOUT IT. She's even now learning to respond to his "chodingness".






























































































































































I kept laughing when the food started coming in, and it looked like it wasn't going to stop, "the table might break", LOL.































































































When they were playing with the camera, once again you can hear the hissing laughs of the crew in the background, :D .































































































I think the MC's were disappointed because we all know that they're actually really the first ones who have high anticipation about how Yong and Hyun make sweet and spazzing moments together.






























































































































































Then, once they changed back to their sweatsuits, went back to the table, suddenly, there was awkward moment, it's still early, think of something fun to do. Yong is really SMART. Drinking did sound fun. And we all know everytime Yong asks Hyun to do something, she would surprisingly say YES, whenever he least expects it. You can recall in more than one occasion.






























































































































































It was pretty understandable, why Hyun was suspicious about that cute little canned drink. We believe in the saying "small but terrible". One sip from that can is probably enough to make Yong tipsy and maybe she thought uh-oh... My mind is imagining whatever crazy things you can imagine if your partner get's drunk, and if we are Hyun, Yong ottohke??? :unsure:
















































When they went out, I was seriously anticipating that either Yong or Hyun would initiate skinship. I had thought about it since the Japan trip started airing weeks ago. This is how I imagined it. Just that, I didn't think that it would surpass my expectation, and BOY it did, 100 times more double mutiple quadruple... I've never felt this ecstatic. I've seen other WGM couples demonstrate skinship, but the thought that we have waited for ages for this to happen, and even coming from an inexperienced and adamant HYUN, makes it SO SPECIAL AND MOMENTOUS. And man I really LURVE MC Kim. If it was really him who said somethin about Hyun's arms, I said to myself, "I think so too, ku-rae, yes, looks like it". AND IT HAPPENED!!!:w00t: Like what I said, the MC's are the very first one's who get all hyped, wild, crazy and rowdy everytime there is an unexpected YongSeo skinship moment. But man, nobody can beat my sarang MC Kim's expressions. He always makes me jump off my seat and rejoice as if I had won "the billionaire" jackpot. I like MC Park too because of her motherly expressions. We all know that she has always fancied YongSeo even off the WGM shoot. Did you notice how noisy they were after that explosive scene, LOL.
















































Hyun must have thought about this a lot during the time they haven't seen each other. It explodes "Haengbokaeyo. We're together. Nomu bogu shipo". Ahhh, if only we can squeeze Hyun to say sincha bogushipo, argh... dry.gif She was so happy to see him again (Evidence: she giddily said "Amazing, I found you" when they met at the train station and the blackroom interview) She was just waiting for the right time. How perfect can it be? I thought Yong was really surprised, caught off guard, for a moment it crossed my mind that he didn't want it, withdrawing his arm. But it was really that he didn't know what to do. Do it right, Yong. You've been done with all this waiting. Ofcourse he was the happiest man on earth that time, but just didn't want to be too obvious giving Hyun the satisfaction that he was sulking about it since day 1. But it was too hard to hide in his blackroom interview (just like how he felt during the birthday episode, lost for words...) Thank you Hyun for not letting go. Yong fighting. Like what I said, WORTH ALL THE WAIT.






























































































































































This is why many of us choose to believe that real feelings are involved here. Had it been 100% scripted, Hyun would have done this the 2nd time they met just like the other couples (not that I'm saying their's is scripted). YongSeo allowed us to sustain our energy of excitement, and it's all because they showed a relationship that grew with a profound foundation, not just because of the reason that they are married so they should act like one.
















































Kyahhhh. I started browsing here at around 2am, and now it's past 4am. Gawd... YONGSEO is driving me crazy.
















































































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Guest Yamapi77
















I just started watching the ep, and can't help cracking up about the sweet potato city. is this for real??? a city with everything made of sweet potato!!!! :lol: there's like sweet potato ice cream? sweet potato picture thingies? and sweet potato cafe? Hyun is one lucky girl!








I guess goguma land is in existence, literally! where everything is made up of sweet potatoes! Gosh, I want to visit it one day :P








OMG I love the hair-talk scene!! ITs sooo adorable!! they are soo adorable!! They really seem like a real couple!!








alrite back to watching...





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oh me oh my... what is this fuss about Yong spotted not wearing the ring ding dong for a short while in Inki today?































































IT IS OK folks, be cool...B)   he was spotted wearing it on Kara's comeback interview and on the finale stage he also wore the ring ding dong (you could see it clearly when he gave the trophy to Hyun...). Nothing to worry about...






























































































































I'm stressing this out again. IT'S OKAY if there is a time when one/both of them spotted not wearing the ring. As much as we somehow made that ring to be some kind of indicator of Yong & Hyun relationship outside WGM, lets not go overboard with it!!































































I agree with heartbreak_warfare22 it is UNFAIR to bash Yong when he's not wearing the ring for a little while. There could be various reasons as to why he was not wearing the ring, it could be because of work/endorsing other accesoris/or simply maybe he forget to wear it because he was in a hurry...^_^   all of those things are possible both for Yong and Hyun. 






























































































































Lets not questioning their sincerity again just by one incident of not wearing the ring... Both of them have shown us the importance of that ring by wearing it numerous time OUTSIDE of WGM filming, especially on Yong side. He was spotted wearing it on airports, CNBLUE events/showcase, His other shows, and most importantly he wore it touring AROUND ASIA for god sake. the RING is IMPORTANT and SPECIAL to both of them...let's not doubt them about it...ever!!
































































































































Just like jnj said.... GOGUMAS HAVE FAITH!! :lol:






























































































































To ease those with weary heart...here's a "Yong and his beloved ring ding dong" galore...



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and this is my all time favourite... The time when it's only "THE RING DING DONG and Yong"  :wub:
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































pics cr to owner...































































To me it screams DEVOTION..................:wub:
































































































































ps : THANK YOU J2dlee, MountaiMadMan and Sun_Sun for the epic translation and subs video... THANK YOU~~~~































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much mrsjoker for the pic,before i'm not so into the ring thing in fact i'm a bit annoyed by it by fans who are so obsessed with the ring. I mean how they are reacting if yong or hyun are not wearing it.But  because also of this i too become conscious of the ring thing, like if any of them would appear on any show or they themselves have shows locally or internationally  i would wait for any fancam or pic that would confirm if they are wearing their ring.But i'm not going beserk if one of them is not wearing it.But it does give me great joy and spazz to see if they do wear it.:D

































































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Good morning/evening goguman  I watched Hyun in Chocolate.  She was great - both her dancing and singing.  SNSD always seems to do well with Britney's songs.


Anyways, heard there are some fan accounts of SNSD - Hyun - arriving in Japan this morning...so no wonder Yong waved goodbye to her at inki.  He must have known her schedule.  I don't know what idols must do to prepare for overseas trip, but she probably had to rush back to the dorm and pack for her trip to Japan with her unnies.  Hyun must have had to catch a very very early morning flight to Japan.  I saw from SNSD thread that they have a performance in Japan on Friday - so hopefully they will be back for inki this week.  Wishing that Yong called her after inki to wish her goodbye properly.  First time Hyun has been out of the country in a while.  Hope to hear news about her and Yong this week to keep us going until saturday.



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<br />Anyong goguma villagers!!! Still in the goguma heaven like I am right now? haha<br /><br />Today Perf was HOT, see the abs  <img src='http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/default/w00t.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='w00t.gif' /> lol Even a girl like me can't take my eyes off them haha Yong, I think he cannot control his eyes  <img src='http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/default/w00t.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='w00t.gif' /> <br /><br />Oh I saw this and found it was hilarious. HUSBAND DUO keke<br /><br /><img src="http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/526/hugbuj.jpg" /><br /><br />caps by me<br />
<br /><br /><br />

































































































Why they are hugging each other? What is the commotion all about? That's how they miss each other?

































































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Guest kerobear






hey goguma's NEW HERE. signed up on this website to comment on this thread.


and ahaha about the ring issue. he did wear it at inki last night. Im pretty sure but about him switching rings im not too sure about that


:) long live yongseo!



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seohyun's drink is actually alcoholic drink called chuhai! i recognized the can as i've had it before and that its located in the alcoholic drink section (oops on the 7-ll attendant) lol... wonder if seohyun will notice..


i'm happy that seohyun is becoming more bold, her flirting has def increased a lot this ep, i guess being in japan where they still have some privacy (not being surrounded by fans) lets them be more casual and free with each other hehe


inki, love that how he was looking at seohyun like sharing the win with her lol



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seohyun's drink is actually alcoholic drink called chuhai! i recognized the can as i've had it before and that its located in the alcoholic drink section (oops on the 7-ll attendant) lol... wonder if seohyun will notice..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I found this on Wiki (not the most reliable, but I'm sure they're accurate with this one):

Chūhai (チューハイ or 酎ハイ?), often sold as Chu-Hi as a canned drink, is an alcoholic drink originating from Japan. The name is derived from "shōchū highball". Traditional chūhai is made with shōchū and carbonated water flavored with lemon, though some modern commercial variants use vodka in place of shōchū. The flavors available have recently multiplied, including lime, grapefruit, apple, orange, pineapple, grape, kiwi, ume (plum), yuzu, lychee, and peach.

For the chūhai sold in bars and restaurants, the alcohol content can be quite low, allowing those with a low tolerance for alcohol to imbibe safely. Canned chūhai, however, can have alcohol levels as high as 9% (15.75 proof) and is often sold in convenience stores and vending machines.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Omg... can we see a drunken Seohyun next week? :lol: I don't think she can take alcohol too well. The alcohol content is even higher than normal canned beer! Which is 6%. This is going to be fun :w00t: I'm so mean, but I can't help it ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I was so happy when I watched Inkigayo yesterday!
































































































































































































































































































































































I think Yong Hwa didn't wear his ring for some time at the beginning? But for me, his sincerity was enough. At this point, even if he didn't wear his ring and didn't made any interaction to Hyun at all at Inkigayo, I will still believe in him. Besides, my parents don't wear their ring for more than 2 decades, but they love each other. Sure, I'm happy whenever I see him wears the ring. But if he doesn't, it's not a problem for me. Hyun wore the ring since the beginning, during Hoot! And then finally we see Yong wearing his ring. I don't know, maybe because it's an SBS show?
































































































































































































































































































































































Awww, but I was so happy seeing him giving the trophy to Hyun (again) and stood beside her. And he told her to move more to the left? To make space for her unnies (or to stand closer to him? LOL). And they waved to each other!!! Yay! He was reluctant to go backstage and even talked to Jinwoon.
































































































































































































































































































































































I'm happyyyyy! To add to everything, Hyun was wearing that sexy bely button exposed costume. Hahaha! Yong must be happy. And Hyun got more screen time, I think? I like the rumor that the trophy was chipped because Yong dropped it while he watched Hyun performed.

































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