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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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hahahah...all gogumas all over the world went crazy after watching the video....i am still in shock myself


thks sun_sun for the video...




can someone help me monitor the number of people in soompi.....if it ever break previous record of 1077....


please capture them...hahaha...it will be sweet....




but remember no to keep posting abt the number of people...cos it is also consider spamming


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ahhhh.. is it over????!!!




aaaaahh... i don't want to.. :(




i wonder what's yonghwa said about the sudden skinship back in the blackroom LoL judging from his expression.. he was really shocked...


aahh.. somebody please translate that part!!!! sad.gif



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Yeah! Way to Go Hyun!!!! laugh.gif She did it smoothly as if it is the most natural thing in the world wink.gif I was grinning silly watching them.










Cute couple indeed. The MCs were over excited just like us, gogumas biggrin.gif










Yong was shocked at first. I bet he went from little shock to super excited inside hehehe...










Argh... can't wait for the sub and video. Thank You in advance to the kind-hearted fellow gogumas who would Upload & translate this sweet episode. LOVE YOU wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif



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I'm out of lurking mode too... heheheh... to share with every Goguma my giddiness at watching Hyun attempting and succeeding in holding on to Yong's arm. Gogumas are so very easy to please, really! It's just linking arms, and Planet Goguma is exploding!!! Big-richard simmons smiles all around, eh? LOL
























Although my screen was lagging like nobody's business, but I managed to catch that sweet moment. And how cute was Yong??? I hollered (yes, hollered) when I saw how Yong placed his arm awkwardly when Hyun held his hand. Yonghwa, Yonghwa ah, you must be dying of happiness inside. Is that why you were out of your mind, at a loss at what to do with Hyun's bold move? Jjashik! Jjashik, Yonghwa ah!



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Guest miel_1301






dang! nothing works for me today! this has got to be my worse goguma life!




gogumas, pls don't faint now!!




take a deep breath and tell me what happened?




god! i missed hyun's skinship! what was it!















Coming out of my lurking mode, Chingu jnj.












We have never underestimated our girl, right, chingu? We have kept faith in her since DAY 1.












jnj, like what you posted some pages back... we are about to witness uri SeoHyun take her first "baby step".












Yes, it was only a "baby step" --- linking arm with a Namja. But it was the sweetest, loveliest "arm linking" I have ever witnessed a girl do to a boy. For Seobaby--- "Less has always been More"!




I shall wait for the ever reliable j2dlee's translations and redtulip's summary.



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Guest Faith_memory


















waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OTOKE!!!!!!!














omg that was the cutest thing everrrrrr!! im seriously spazzing right nowwwwwwwwww!!! hahaha!! she was like, excited to link her arms to his, and keeps on giving out weird noises, then BAM!!! skinship!!!! darn, yonghwa looked really weird!!!!! ahahaha he just don't know what to do!!! wahahahahaha!!!!!














yonghwa should've held her hand!!














hahaha but anyways, sooooooooo cute!!!!!!














♥♥♥ im dying!!!!!!



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Ommo. I feel like I'm going to get diabetes because of the sweetness overload, not that I'm complaining, of course. When Seohyun looking at Yonghwa from side, I was like degeun degeun. It's coming! It's coming! And when she linked her arms around Yong, I was squealing so loud. That's so sweet! Yonghwa's expression is really one of a kind. He really didn't expect that she's going to do that, did he? When they linked arms, looking at the sky, ommo. Super sweet. I guess Yonghwa should be more confident now to hold her hand after this, especially after she already showed that she is very comfortable around him now. Seohyun really looked so cute when she initiates the move. I can't wait for next Saturday. How I wish everyday is Saturday <3

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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my heart is explosed. i dont know why just a simple skinship can make us crazy like this. oh my god, if they go further with skinship how can more crazy we and the Mcs are. just a small thing from Yongseo couple can change the world. hahah unbeleivable. still can not calm down. oh my god... :w00t:


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Guest MoonHeeTae




jnj hyun linked arms with yong :wub: in the cutest way ever!  they just finished dinner and went to a convience store and on the way back, she just slipped her arm through his and :woot: from there pretty much! sorry you missed it!




i almost did but i found a good stream somewhere else.  :)




edit sun_sun so fast!!! thanks for the sweetness :wub:








may i knosw where is that streaming?


yvu sucks..i wont open until the couple is already done..




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Guest lilmssunshine


waaah!!! that short moment was ssoooo worth the wait!!! proud of seobaby!!! yong was so cute!!




he was so surprised that he didnt know how to react!!! hahaah




i just love these two!! :wub:






thanks sun sun for the link.. gosh youre fast!!


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Guest lovegood
































































































































































































holy crap, nearly 1000 people reading this thread? is this regular every friday or is this just a special day, because I'm kinda creeped out right now. I didnt know Seohwa was so dang popular! :o but OMG guys, thanks so much for the summaries and everything. I'm so spazzy right now (: can't wait to watch the episode!

































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Guest revi21ph
























waaaaaaaaa i dont want to be a silent gugoma/lurker anymore lol gosssshhhhh i was so proud of hyun that she first initiated the skinship its so cute lol :wub:








lol at yong's reaction hahaha and he is blushing so much and cant look at hyun lol... i knew it that  these couple is going to be a romantic couple from the very beginning ....you could see theur development toward each other goossshhhh i feel like crying out of happiness lol...








im spazzing like crazy here....i love yongseo....









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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Yay! Thanks keoconvoineverdie
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































reposting this for those who missed it:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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so after rewatching the clip sun_sun post already (thanks again your awesome!) i think one reason why its such a big deal to me is 1-she, of course, initiated it! 2-yong was completely caught off guard and 3-when yong was like "what are you doing?" and pulled his arm, hyun didnt let go! i think thats a big thing because girls normally will either pull back right away or they hold on tighter (which guys dont like) but she just simply held on. awww... she really missed him :wub: as i'm sure he did too.
































































































































































































now it makes me wish that they shared a HUG when the reunited at the subway station (sigh)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































moonhaetae i went to sweet potato days (videos) ---> http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html
































































































































































































and i went to the last link before the tvu links. its an MBC stream from the actual channel but it requires a player to stream live. it says either windows medea player or quicktime, but i played it in realplayer and--NO LAG!! it was great so i got to watch our yongseo very clearly. although i think i missed the first couple of minutes but thats cause i had to change streams.
































































































































































































powerof9 so fast!!!! awesome indeed :)

































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Guest piru1804
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I swear it take her a lot of courage to link arm with Yonghwa first.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can see it through her eye. While watching it, I can see there is sth going on in her head. She is planning for something really important to her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If she did not make a move first, then they will never ever link arms. Yonghwa will not suddenly grab her hand because she is not the type that you can force. I like him here because he wait for Seobaby to be prepared first. He leave it for her to decide when they will have skinship. Good job!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongHwa, be good to our maknae.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Our SNSD's maknae!!!! Proud of you, Seobaby!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS:not comment in this thread often, but I know it's holiday for this thread today, so I decided to comment. :P

































































































































































































































































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Guest 08trip08
































































































wohhhooooohhhh superrrrr! this episode is super super sweet. i really want to watch it over over and over again.
































































oh my god, am i dreaming??? ARE THIS IS FOR REAL?? SEOHYUN IS JJANG!! :wub:
































































i've been waiting like crazy for this whole week, and finally it's worth enough, because this episode are totally daebak!

















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Guest chilipadi_22




URI HYUN LINKED ARMS WITH YONG!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG....i'm spazzing like mad now!!!!

and she actually planned to do something to yong! we can totally see that when they were walking to the 7-eleven. hahahahha:)


uri hyun has grown up alr!! and yong's shocked "bo~yah" was totally hilarious!!

but they look so cute together!!

together with the MCs, i am going crazy...................ortokkeh???

where's the part where yong asked hyun how much gogumas he has???

why has PD-nim have to cut that part off???

and now another one week of waiting!!!

although uri goguma has just passed, i alr want next saturaday to palli come~ ^^


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Just wanna share some scaps I took








Having Sweet Potato Ice Cream











Mr. & Mrs. Sweet Potato Head


























Just loved the gaze in their eyes





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Guest yongseofee11
































Kyaaah!! Yongseo Couple is super duper cute! Our Seobaby is growing. hehe. Love this episode. 
































Just want to share this cute gif. ♥















































































































































































































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OMOMOMG!! *i just died but yongseo's lovelight brought me back to life (for the lack of a better word)*
































































































































































i just died! this episode is so daebak! so they went to eat goguma ice cream,t ake some pics of each other with hyun's digicam, then they went to eat goguma dessert, and yong fed hyun hehehehe... she tied her hair and i think she asked yong whether she looked better with her hair up/ down, and i think yong said 'down' coz the next thing she did was untie her hair.. then they went to the shrine to write the message for each other... the japanese guy at the temple informed them about the temple being famous for couples and marriage related stuff *i might be wrong but i heard the word kekkon* hehehe and then when hyun tried to write her message to yong, yong tried to peek.. yong was using a cnblue fan all this while hahahaha! so funny.. then they hanged it and there's a pic of yong n hyun tht yong drew on the wood block *similar style to what he drew at the blood donor center and the picture book* then they went to the ryokan and got served a full-course dinner *kaiseki* and then the grandma of the ryokan asked for autograph.. during dinner they took more pics, yong tried to take pics of him and hyun together from an angle.. then they changed to sweaters and hit 7-22. some choding by yong with the juice/beer cans.. then on their way back hyun wrapped her arms on yong's!!!!!! and yong's first reaction was like, "eh, what's this?" *i don't know korean i only guessed it from the facial expression* but he didn't let go... hehehehehe soon after he smiled... :D:D daebakkkk then didn't let go of the arm- linking until they got back on the dining table.. hehehhe too bad we didn't get to the part where yong asked hyun how many gogumas he have now... :( can't wait for the subs.. omg it's super duper sweet.. the MC was literally shocked when they saw hyundid that.. totally jaw-dropping.. and so cute of her... hehehehe.. cant wait for RAW + SUBS omgggggg!!!!
































































































































































some caps from the online streaming:
































































































































































































































































































































yong trying to fit both of them into the camera































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the kaiseki 































































































































































































































































































































some writings i don't quite understand..
































































































































































































































































































































found in front of their room's/ dining room's door.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the message on the block































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the other half of the block





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: yongseo got into my mind and look at what i typed up there.. instead of 7-11 i typed 7-22 HWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i am now laughing at my own stupidity and how crazy yongseo couple has turned me to be... zomg.. and by the way on their way back they count numbers until 6 in japanese.. idk what they were talking about though.. need some translations ASAPPPP ahhhhh im dying n gogumaland now... <3

































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