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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I promised to post the link of my first ever Fan Made Video, so here I am. \:D/































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Eng Sub] Love Melody - FMV Yongseo




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pardon if it's done badly. Aigoo. Anyways! 22 more hours before We Got Married ~ Youknow skinship. I'm looking forward to it, Seohyunnie. Don't fail me. Haha. Just kidding, I( hope there'll be no embarassment and she did it whoe heartedly. I don't want anyone forcing her or them to do that or this. I wanna see them act comfortably. And I also hope Yong will not do the same thing as that when they were eating Patbingsoo wherein Hyun vounteered to speak in Banmal but he ignored it. Tomorrow, y u so slow. PALLI
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lunasol


Found this news article in Daum and loved the title (at least the google chrome translation version) hahahaha




Seo body contact attempt to surprise! 'Jeongyonghwa big-richard simmons smile ~'





Seo Jung Yonghwa husband tried to body contact a surprise.



2 weeks after the broadcast MBC 'We Got Married (hereinafter woogyeol) the forgiveness couples' jeongyonghwa - Seo second story of a free trip to Japan will be released.


These are dramatic in Japan (?) Sweet reunion after a backpacking trip in paradise, the Kawagoe City

Students enjoyed free travel like some couples.

One day soon, will stay for two people parting yeogwanin traditional Japanese Ryokan Ryokan both of them went to find the place pretty good at the first courses offered traditional Japanese ryokan John shooting two employees serving in the body of his back door what to do.

After a journey of two people last night launched a walk to decorate and present wife in the process itself and for the first time, he drew attention to the physical contact to try.

Unexpected physical contact of hyeonbu is very unusual in the yongnam side responded to the scene, first through the recording studio watching the 'We Got Married' casters like a volcano, saying that I feel like seeing a naejilreotda cheers.

Meanwhile, his wife's surprise present for the physical contact that captivated my husband the November 20 'Just Married' is broadcast on.

Bnt News News Report star@bntnews.co.kr



Here is the original article:


서현 스킨쉽 깜짝 시도! '정용화 함박웃음~'


[연예팀] 서현이 남편 정용화에게 깜짝 스킨쉽을 시도했다.

2주 만에 방송되는 MBC '우리 결혼했어요(이하 우결)'에서는 '용서부부' 정용화-서현의 일본 자유 여행 두 번째 이야기가 공개 된다.

이들은 일본에서 드라마틱한(?) 재회를 한 이후 고구마 천국인 가와고에시에서 배낭여행하는

대학생 커플 마냥 자유여행을 즐겼다.

어느 덧 날이 저물어 두 사람이 묵게 될 일본 전통 여관인 료칸을 찾아갔는데 두 사람 모두 료칸은 처음인지라 그 곳에서 제공되는 일본식 전통 코스요리며 료칸 직원들의 대접에 몸 둘 바를 몰라 했다는 후문.

이후 두 사람은 여행의 마지막 밤을 장식하기 위해 산책을 나서게 되고 이 과정에서 현 부인은 난생처음 스스로 용 남편에게 스킨십을 시도해 눈길을 끌었다.

예상치 못했던 현부인의 스킨십에 용남편은 아주 특이한 반응을 보였고, 스튜디오 녹화를 통해 이 장면을 먼저 지켜본 '우결' 캐스터들은 마치 화산이 폭발하는 걸 보는 것 같은 느낌이라며 환호성을 내질렀다.

한편 용 남편을 사로잡은 현 부인의 깜짝 스킨십은 11월20일 '우리 결혼했어요'에서 방송된다.

한경닷컴 bnt뉴스 기사제보 http://www.reviewsta...ml?idxno=245613


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Guest ahn_annann







WoW!! Thank you so much for info. and translation shml, MountainMadman and lunasol





Next 20 hrs.. Let's Countdown ... T-T





made by me ..







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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello lovely Gogumas! :w00t:
































































































































I wish I can express how giddy I'm feeling right now. I cannot wait for tomorrow. So many posibilities playing in my mind but whatever happens tomorrow, I know I'm going to love it anyway :)
































































































































I really miss them, Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Joo Hyun. I missed them so much that my heart is aching, really *sigh*
































































































































Anyways, since I don't have anything to share, I should post this first writing attempt I did. It's a Yongseo fanfic. HERE
































































































































Keep on spazzing, dear gogumas. I love you all :):):)

































































































































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Guest Caliope





Yonghwa <3 Seohyun: Goguma Land's YongSeo Couple <3

Enjoying their trip to Gawagoe, Goguma Heaven!

They don't notice the time passing amid the goguma snacks~

What did they write to each other on the "relationship-strengthening" wall?

The sun has set, the couple goes to their traditional Japanese inn to spend the night!

Their reaction to the traditional Japanese dinner, gaiseke?

Seeking some alone time, they go for a night walk to the grocery store!

Hyun wife's first attempt at skinship, how will it turn out?


The couple goes on a late-night walk to celebrate (?) their last night of the vacation. Hyun attempts skinship for the first time. Apparently Yong shows a very curious reaction to her unexpected advances. There is a rumor that watching the (We got Married) MC's cheer, as they were recording, were like watching a volcano explode.


The staff there said, “I am surprised by Seohyun’s Japanese conversation ability. Even though they’re just here for a trip, it really wasn’t an inconvenience to her. She has a good grasp of Japanese,” and “Since they were filming overseas, it appeared as if they were more comfortable here than on their dates in Korea. The expression of their love looked more natural.”

Thank you so much for the translations: shml, MountainMadman and lunasol

What could be the skinship?

- Holding Hands

- Kiss

- Hug

- Back Hug

another one?

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Super LOL at the BIG richard simmons SMILE headline.















thanks for sharing that @lunasol
























I love that trans as well. Now, I'm beginning to get it.
























I was rewatching the preview... and i had another BIG richard simmons SMILE moment (lol)















I noticed that while YONGHWA was writing... SNEAKY SEOHYUN was reading what he was writing!!!















LOL!!! @0:03 hahha! epic!!!
























so tom.... it's GOGUMALAND's BIG-richard simmons-SMILE DAY!!!!!!!





















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Guest yslovelightys
































































YES! Finally something to whet our appetites! :D
































































Yonghwa <3 Seohyun: Goguma Land's YongSeo Couple <3
































Enjoying their trip to Gawagoe, Goguma Heaven!
































They don't notice the time passing amid the goguma snacks~
































What did they write to each other on the "relationship-strengthening" wall?
































The sun has set, the couple goes to their traditional Japanese inn to spend the night!
































Their reaction to the traditional Japanese dinner, gaiseke?
































Seeking some alone time, they go for a night walk to the grocery store!
































Hyun wife's first attempt at skinship, how will it turn out?
































I've quoted what it says in Korean below:
































The couple goes on a late-night walk to celebrate (?) their last night of the vacation. Hyun attempts skinship for the first time. Apparently Yong shows a very curious reaction to her unexpected advances. There is a rumor that watching the (We got Married) MC's cheer, as they were recording, were like watching a volcano explode.































































































 Thanks to yslovelightys and shml for the original links! :D































































































When I posted the link earlier I wasn't aware that what it contains is THIS BIG. 
































OMG! OMG! OMG! I can't wait for tomorrow!
































































People really shouldn't underestimate her just because she lacks experience.  hahaha.
































I'M SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW!!! biggrin.gifwub.gif
































Edit: I think a back hug would be really sweet though it would be even better if its a kiss (even if just on the cheeks). haha. but i don't really want to get my hopes high. So I guess I'm going to leave the kiss part to imagination then. wub.gifwub.gif

































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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































OHHHHH so excited for tomorrow Ep. ...Thank you MountainMadman for you translation ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and here this is link for download vid from j2dlee's trans
































































































































































Ep. 25-1  ,  25-2
































































































































































Ep. 26-1  ,  26-2
































































































































































Ep. 27-1  ,  27-2  ,  27-3
































































































































































Edit :
































































































































































Ep. 28-1  ,  28-2
































































































































































I will post link for other Ep. again when finished upload ^^

































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Guest nadihee












cant wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA what will seohyun do???








 i cincca i cant wait.








 i hope someone can eng sub tomorrow wgm as soon it'll be released. AMIN








i really wanna watch yongseo!!



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Guest lunasol


I don't remember what were CNBLUE activities just after this Japan Yongseo recording, but I read somewhere that Yonghwa seemed extremely happy. Can somebody provide more details?




Also, did you noticed his fan in the preview? hahahaha laugh.gif






Even if you don't recognize the original photos, Jungshin's trademark hair makes him/them instantly recognizable LOL








Lenovo: LOL Yes, tomorrow no matter what happens I know we all will have a 'BIG-richard simmons SMILE'!!!!!!!!! laugh.gif


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Guest nadihee












what time will the wgm be aired tomorrow? i really dont wanna miss it. please anyone tell me!!








thank you!



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Guest anne0129
























^Hi lunasol, I also noticed Yong's fan when the preview came out. It was also the fan used by their manager when Yong had a fan signing for Suit House (don't know if that is the right brand name).....Anyway, with regards to Yong's schedule after the Japan date....if I am not mistaken right after coming from Japan the boys had to go to Taiwan. So if Yong came home from Japan on a red eye flight that following morning or if not the morning he arrived from Japan was also the day they had to fly to Taiwan for their LTTCNBLUE Fanmeeting. It was also during interviews done in Taiwan that Yong said during a their press conference when he was asked to show the ring that Hyun gave and he said some thing like "If I don't wear it someone will scold me" somewhere along this line..... blush.gif Not really sure of the exact words that he said. It was just during their Taiwan Fan meeting he seemed to be showing his ring very often. blush.gif





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and here this is link for download vid from j2dlee's trans




Ep. 25-1 , 25-2


Ep. 26-1 , 26-2


Ep. 27-1 , 27-2 , 27-3




I will post link for other Ep. again when finished upload ^^


















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Guest lunasol




what time will the wgm be aired tomorrow? i really dont wanna miss it. please anyone tell me!!




thank you!








WGM starts at approximately  5:10 PM KST on Saturdays in Korea. You have to do the conversion to see at what time it is in your place or google Korean Current Time, count the hours difference compare to yours, and then determine at what time is going to be broadcast where you live. For some people here, including me, it is very early in the morning, or shall we say Friday night hahaha




For live streaming channels there are several but the overall consensus preference here is:




TVUNetowork Channel 82048




However, one time it didn't work because it was changed to another channel so you have to be prepare and change it to this one: 




TVUNetwork Channel 89991




You can also watch it at Soshified forum.






Its also good to pay attention to what others will write over here near the beginning of the episode because if it is not working and you have to change channels or website, usually people over here quickly scream emergency and put links they found that it is working hahaha






nadihee: Awwww, but I am sure that by the time you get back, raw videos will be already uploaded by our amazing and talented Gogumas so you won't miss it!! smile.gif


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Guest nadihee












lunasol oh noooo i'm going to miss it. i have to go to take math course tomorrow huuuuuuu. it'll be 3.10 pm on my country :sweatingbullets:. by the way thanks so muchhhhhhhhhhhh



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so, its official then!!

20th November 2010 will be

GOGUMALAND's BIG-richard simmons-SMILE DAY!!!!!!!


see lenovo chingu? u are the only one who could come up with this!

okay, okay...looks like everyone's mood is high with the latest prev & translations!

tks mountain madman, yslovelightys and shml.

hyun's initiated skinship

a kiss (tho i still think its too much for hyun),

holding hands,



a peck on the cheek

my vote would be...a piggyback and massage

my imagination only...

they went to the grocery store, on their way back to inn,

hyun asked hubby to piggyback her.

then before going to sleep, hyun volunteered to massage yong's leg/feet!! :w00t:


faith, u are right.

how can we NOT spazz abt yongseo's skinship?

even if its as minor as hyun holding on to yong's pinky,

it can still cause an earthquake in goguma village!

mountain madman, so the cheers is more for yong's reaction than hyun's attempt?

hmm...i just hope hyun would not feel uncomfortable and goes back to her shy self..

here's the link for those wanting to watch WGM live streaming, tks to spb

Sweet Potato Blog

i think its okay to be greedy since we are soo deprived of yongseo,

and i also think we are going to be okay IF what we wish doesn't happen,

we are talking abt yongseo here..always expect the unexpected

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Guest Faith_memory


















now, im getting curious and hyper after reading more post about the 'yongseo skinship' with hyun initiating skinship. gosh, our couple is surely developing slowly, but surely. keke~ ♥ since i don't have classes or businesses tomorrow, i'll hang out here until midnight and spazz some more, hahaha! ♥ ♥ ♥














anyway, just like what some of the gogumas posted, let's not expect for something REALLY HUGE to happen tomorrow. *but still, we can't help it, we're spazzing* haha! ♥ you guys might get disappointed and stuffs. but for me, whatever happen tomorrow, i'll be surely happy! ♥ kekeke~!! ♥ im excited to see Yong and the MC's reaction! ahahaha! ♥














in my imagination.














while walking back to the inn, hyun will hold yong's arm shyly. kekeke~ ♥ and yong will be shocked then he'll slide his hand to hold hers. kyaaaa~!! ♥ ♥ ♥




























before going to bed, with separate rooms, hyun will give yong a good night hug. ♥




























piggy back ride!!!



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I remember some pages back that there was once going around a rumour concerning a kiss - and remember the SNSD girls during that Japan fan meeting? There were a lot of questions concerning Yonghwa ... as for the list:

a kiss

holding hands,



a peck on the cheek

I'm not greedy - backhug, and I'll have an awesome year. :) It's also more "Seohyun"-ish, since she doesn't have to look at him face on and can hide her blush. But holding hands would be awesome, too. Yonghwa's one lucky guy!

Best regards,


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Guest MountainMadman

Hello hello hello! Seems like this thread has exploded since I've checked it last...let's see if there's anything interesting... ;)

Finally, Korean articles/news about Yongseo episode tomorrow. Click

I read through most of the articles in that link - they're all basically playing off the WGM preview that I already translated a few hours ago. Nothing really groundbreaking here.

Found this news article in Daum and loved the title (at least the google chrome translation version) hahahaha

Seo body contact attempt to surprise! 'Jeongyonghwa big-richard simmons smile ~'

Here is a cut of the original news article for this part. Since I only have the google translation it will be good if our savior MountainMadman or another Goguma will translate it properly biggrin.gif

특히 용남편의 독특한 반응에 ‘우결’ 캐스터 박미선, 김정민, 슬옹, 진운, 김나영은 “마치 화산이 폭발하는 걸 보는 것 같은 느낌”이라며 환호성을 내질렀다고.

cr. Reviewstar.Net

Link for the news article I took this part: http://www.reviewsta...ml?idxno=245613

"Big-richard simmons smile"! LOL. That's actually a very good translation...I know that we'll be definitely having a lot of "big-richard simmons smiles" on that day. :D  <-- Like this.

Savior? Hahahah. 

Anyways, the above quote just mentions all of the MC's by name. I'll translate it anyway, just for the heck of it:

Watching the 'We Got Married' MCs Park Mi-Sun, Kim Jung-Min, Seulong, Jinwoon, and Kim Na-Young cheer to Yonghwa's unexpected reaction was like watching a volcano explode."

Hmmmm....interesting. So the MC's are cheering more because of Yonghwa's reaction, rather than Hyun's attempt?

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