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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia




















jnj i thought i'm the only 1 who has problem @TVU, now watching NAN but yes! its lag terribly :( we just hope good people will share NAN vid tomorrow. Looks like funny show but we can't watch it coz it's lag.












I just want our YongSeo couple saturday paliiiii












Cheers to all












edit: I just want to say I MISS YONGSEO COUPLE SO MUCH





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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































It is lagging soooo much... Just catched the part YH was asked to sit down, and someone mentioned something about the ring (I hear Pangi, Pangi and I definetily can recongnize that word), and then love light was playing and YH was asked something and then he stood up really quickly and PSY sat down again... Poor boy I think he was drilled with the questions...
















































































































Hope somebody will upload this, it is lagging really bad... Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!
















































































































Edit: Random question, but does anybody know what NAN is about? They take turns to ask questions to the guests??? If someone can PM the answer I will really appreciate it!

















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yong gets to play a lawyer?

if i'm not wrong, hyun was voted as the celebrity most likely to become a lawyer

or something close to that..

aigoo...yong's happy laughter makes me miss the time he spent with buin...

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Guest VinaDoll91














































































I just dropped by to remind those gogumas who still have some missing info for the 300th day project. We exceeded 300 so we have to trim down the reasons and the reasons with least priority are those with missing info. I'll give until tom. to complete your personal info. IT'S JUST USERNAME,AGE,COUNTRY






























Leslie_Lei, _____, _____















Lucy Marie, _____, _____















Vina, 19, _____















Blueswim_boo, _____, _____















Mashamishmash, _____, _____















Norabella, _____, Singapore















Jielun_Aini, _____, ______















Miel_1301, _____, ______















Cailei, _____, USA















Kevin1320, _____, _____















SophiaPia, _____, Philippines















Ladylia257, _____, ______















Kulaylay, _____, ______















DJHinata, _____, ______















Desirenhope, _____, _____















Shadow_of_Atumn,_____, _____















Hacker8, _____, _____















Jes_see, _____, Australia















Afifah, _____, Ireland






























I'm sorry if we'll remove your reason just because of missing info. We really have to finish this soon for the shipment to reach the yongseo couple just in time for December 10, 2010- their 300th day :)






























FINALLY, thanks for everyone who helped in the project. I won't name you all to avoid biases...kekeke...and to those who sent their reasons for loving YONGSEO, I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I must admit that doing the project isn't that easy most especially for our eyes since some are pretty long reasons, but what kept us hanging on doing the booklet is the sincerity, love, and devotion that we felt everytime we read the reasons you gave us. It has been our energy booster all throughout the process of creating the booklet.



































































































































































I'm Vina From Indonesia ...  
















I don't want to be removed from this project.sweatingbullets.gif
































Ohhhh... This Thread going so fast.
















I saw the news that made me wonder , in Kim Heechul Youngstreet , Seohyun texted Nicole KARA and 2AM Jinwoon .. 
































Seohyun does look more comfortable with her friends. Poor yong~~ 
















































I can't wait for WGM this saturday .. Hyun looks so Cuteeee ... biggrin.gif

















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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It is lagging soooo much... Just catched the part YH was asked to sit down, and someone mentioned something about the ring (I hear Pangi, Pangi and I definetily can recongnize that word), and then love light was playing and YH was asked something and then he stood up really quickly and PSY sat down again... Poor boy I think he was drilled with the questions...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope somebody will upload this, it is lagging really bad... Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: Random question, but does anybody know what NAN is about? They take turns to ask questions to the guests??? If someone can PM the answer I will really appreciate it!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Because of the lag, I can't really hear anything but I saw the camera took a close up of Yong's hands clasp together, so I guess they were saying something about the panji. But, looking at Yong's face, I couldn't help but laugh. He really looked :sweatingbullets: . Psy asked him something and he didn't' answer, and then there's this "wang-wang" siren sound, then next I saw, Yong was sitting on the chair and he couldn't seem to say anything.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He prolly got drilled. :lol:

































































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Hello, everyone.

First of all, thanks bee_ichigo (and Clumsy), for the well-wishing. I'm a lot better today. And second: I updated my fanfiction.

Goguma Hours (4/?)

As usual, I really hope you like it.

Best regards,


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Guest Caliope

In the program, there are WEBCAMS IN LIVE... O_O




YongHwa - Seohyun


The Yoong moments... only 2 minutes... but it's so funny :w00t:

Oh... I want translation xDDD

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































I got this pic from twitter... :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































Credit: @BOICEIndo 
































































































































Judging by the look on his face and the ring shot,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's safe to say that everyone around him was grilling him about the ring and his buin...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































The expression on his face is hilarious... :lol:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm actually downloading right now the NAN episode.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































But my internet is so slow... it'll probably take 2-3 hours to download it... <_<
































































































































































































































































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Guest lovelorngirl





I found some articles about the show. Hope someone can translate these. :)






Jung Yonghwa "How to deal with an exemplary girl" Is it Seohyun?






Jung Yonghwa, in response to the last kiss 'subtle smile'






I couldn't watch the whole episode It's lagging so much I only managed to catch this part.



-> After Yong's question Psy also asked him something along the lines "Do we know that lady?" What I find interesting is that Yong seem lost for words. :sweatingbullets:



It's so unlike him cos he always has his answer ready. I have a feeling he really is asking about Seohyun here. haha the boy so shy :wub:


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Guest pollykpy








The translator from baidu briefly translated the part where PSY questions Yonghwa :








"That girl, do we know her ? Is she a solo singer or from a group ?




Please tell us the number of people in that group.




That girl, is she a SONE ?




Plan when to KISS ?"








Of course, Yonghwa didn't answer this and just smile shyly.








He also asked Yonghwa when was the last time he kiss, and he answered he forgot !!!!








Omo, I can't wait for the full translated version even this part is just a few minutes.




And I love PSY for questioning Yong hubby this, he really speechless.





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Hello, everyone.






First of all, thanks bee_ichigo (and Clumsy), for the well-wishing. I'm a lot better today. And second: I updated my fanfiction.





















Goguma Hours (4/?)


















As usual, I really hope you like it.






Best regards,

















hi trent..first thank you for your fanfic..i luv it..keep it up..and im surprise that i found as well some other fanfics...its so amazing how talented our gogumas...all the stories are about our yongseo and still its all entertaining and the plot differ from each other..






no matter what you will never be lo9nely in goguma land kekeke why? everyday theres always some interesting to watch ( fancam, mv etc) or to read like fanfics, pov and sp yongseo news.and im happy how gogumas respect and care for each and everyone..






how lucky i am to be a part of this family and please pardon me that i cant contribute but only enjoy what you












thats why i luv gogumas and of course i luv yongseo..






trent take care always..health is wealth..



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Guest ikekeyou




















































omg Caliope thanks for the clip of yonghwa!!












































hopefull translation will come out soon!! ahahahah












































epic shot of the ring on his finger ahahaha












































hehehehe he is sooo cute couldnt say anything!!












































but its okay his face says it all!! :D












































this was recorded on Oct. 27 according to sweet potato days












































a week after the rumor of filming at the aquarium :)





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I uploaded Yong cut in twitvid...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongHwa interrogated w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa Interrogated
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please!! We need translations ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo Fighting!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Saturday... pali pali ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you for the video! I know basic Korean so here's a bit before someone who speaks the language fluently will offer better translations.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The general idea; first Psy lays out the question of Yonghwa (about the girl), Yonghwa confirms it by saying yes. Then the first question,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Psy: 'Is the girl someone we know?'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everyone in the studio starts laughing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa: 'You may or may not know.'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Soo Ro: 'Is she a solo singer or in a group?'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa: '!'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Psy: 'Please tell us the number of people in the group.'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(Myung Soo does a wordplay with the word 'Myung' which is number/amount in Korean but also his name. He said: 'Myung Soo is here.')
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Someone: Do you love her?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa: ... Yes? (As in 'excuse me?' not the actual answer 'Yes')
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Camera zooms in on his hands.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Caps: The couple ring with the girl?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Soo Ro: 'Is it perhaps because he's a girl?' (This is weird, someone else needs to translate this. I don't think I got the word 그분 translated right.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa: '!!'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Psy points at the Yonghwa <3 Seohyun sign on the cam.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Caps: Everyone thinks this girl is...?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(They all talk very quickly here so I can't comprehend.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Caps: Perhaps, protecting the girl?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Psy: 'When are you planning to kiss?'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Someone: 'When was your last kiss?'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa: 'I don't remember.'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Psy begins to ask more, but Yonghwa says 'Please sit down' and coolly continues the show :)

































































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Guest _d3seohyun



thank you for the caps and clip of Yonghwa's new show :D his facial expressions look very similar to the time when his buin was questioning him during their birthday trip's bus ride :lol: cute!



I apologize if this has been shared (:



Another reason why YONGSEO is extra special <3 Their appearance on WGM goes far beyond just making their followers

squeal and spazz (:


It reminds me of the blood donation Yonghwa's fans did last June for his birthday <3







YongSeo Fans donate 1300 books in the name of Yongseo Couple!


On November 13th 2010 Yongseo Fans donated 1300 book under their name, ‘Yongseo’



Credits: qwenli@DC+Baidu

Shared by: SherleneSayo@dkpopnews

+ angellholic @tumblr


@Trent. Just discovered your new fic <3 thank you.

posting a YONGSEO fmv by ichicgokawaii

[FMV] Yongseo "Perhaps Love"


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Thank you for the video! I know basic Korean so here's a bit before someone who speaks the language fluently will offer better translations.
















The general idea; first Psy lays out the question of Yonghwa (about the girl), Yonghwa confirms it by saying yes. Then the first question,
















Psy: 'Is the girl someone we know?'
















Everyone in the studio starts laughing.
















Yonghwa: 'You may or may not know.'
















Soo Ro: 'Is she a solo singer or in a group?'
















Yonghwa: '!'
















Psy: 'Please tell us the number of people in the group.'
















(Myung Soo does a wordplay with the word 'Myung' which is number/amount in Korean but also his name. He said: 'Myung Soo is here.')
















Someone: Do you love her?
















Yonghwa: ... Yes? (As in 'excuse me?' not the actual answer 'Yes')
















Camera zooms in on his hands.
















Caps: The couple ring with the girl?
















Soo Ro: 'Is it perhaps because he's a girl?' (This is weird, someone else needs to translate this. I don't think I got the word 그분 translated right.)
















Yonghwa: '!!'
















Psy points at the Yonghwa <3 Seohyun sign on the cam.
















Caps: Everyone thinks this girl is...?
















(They all talk very quickly here so I can't comprehend.)
















Caps: Perhaps, protecting the girl?
















Psy: 'When are you planning to kiss?'
















Someone: 'When was your last kiss?'
















Yonghwa: 'I don't remember.'
















Psy begins to ask more, but Yonghwa says 'Please sit down' and coolly continues the show :)































oh thank u sooo much for ur translate. our yonghwa was too shy. we know he always shy when the topic about Seohyun. and one thing i noticed that when he answered the question "Do u love her?", he actually heard the question but pretend not to hear and say "Yes?". i think it's weird. It was me to think that Yong said "yes, i love her" :wub: but pretend not to hear the question. oh im so excited :w00t:

















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Guest MountainMadman

Hey all, I've been following this thread for a while, but just decided to join - hihi everyone. ^_^

Anyways, being a fluent Korean/English speaker, I felt that I could help out a bit.

If you guys didn't get it yet, here's the link to the Psy/Yonghwa grilling (uploading credits don't belong to me):


And here's my translation:

Y: What are you supposed to do if you like a girl who lives life very cleanly and honestly?

Subtitle: This is suspicious...

Jaedong: Is there a reason you're asking this?

Subtitle: all the focus is on YONGHWA

Interviewer: Do you like someone?

Interviewer #2: Sit here, please.

-Audience Laughter-

Subtitle: YONGHWA is now the focus of the questions!

Subtitle: (sorry, my Korean isn't nearly good enough for this one...)

We're now at the 0:22 mark.

Interviewer #2: You're supposed to ride the subway! (Note: this is a Korean idiom that means you have to finish something you started)

Subtitle: Witty!

Psy: Yonghwa is asking me what to do if you like a girl who's honest and clean.

Yonghwa: Yes.

Psy: How you're supposed to approach her.

Yonghwa: Yes.

Psy: Is that girl...someone we know?

Yonghwa: You could know her, but you might not.

Interviewer #3: Does she go by herself, or in a pack?


Subtitles: by now, must've guessed who he was talking about...

Psy: Tell us how many are in the pack.

Myungsoo: I'm right here. (NOTE: this is a pun. Myung = form of counting when referring to people. Soo = how many.)

Subtitles: Smile!

We're now at the 1:00 mark.

Interviewer #2: Do you love her?

Yonghwa: What? (NOTE: Technically, he said "Yes?" but in reality it means "What?"....although that doesn't stop us from dreaming, lol)

Psy: You're fingering the couple ring.

Subtitles: Is that the couple ring he got with her...?

Interviewer #3: Is she a girl...? (NOTE: this is a joke. He used the phrase "So Nyuh", a word for 'girl' which isn't often used. He's referring to So Nyuh Shi Dae, the Korean name for Girls Generation.)


Subtitles: the elders are very into teasing Yonghwa

Psy: Yonghwa and Seohyun. (Gesturing to the screen.)

Subtitles: They're currently on a program as imaginary couples

Subtitles/Interviewer #3: Oh, the girl who travels in a pack?

Subtitles: That's going too far~

Subtitles/Interviewer #3: Are you protecting her, by any chance?


Jaedong: When was your last kiss?

Yonghwa: I don't remember.

Psy: When do you plan to kiss her?

Yonghwa stands up, end of "interview". ^_^

Hope this came in handy to all my fellow Gogumas!

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wow was that an indirect confession yonghwa?








the fact that he didnt answer almost all the other questions except for the do you love her question. almost the entire time he was 'interrogated' he kept his cool and didnt answer any of the questions except one. lol








now, what made me suspicious is the question on "do you love her" there was a brief pause, and he said "nae?" as if he didnt get the question or if its an awkward question or something shocking to him... BUT because there was a pause and from his tone, it wasnt the usual "nae?" used to question. it sounded more like a statement covered with a question. so imo, it was a solid yes which he's trying to cover up. lol that pause gave him away. lol








i compared it with another "nae?" towards the end, before the kiss question - his tone was totally different to the love question. this "nae?" sounded more genuine like he didnt get the question or was confused with the question.








so its definitely a statement! i guess he's in love with her..








its something to celebrate for gogumas!!








oh and talking about the sbs concert, there were not many interaction but from a few fancams of the MC, i felt that he was trying his best to again keep his cool. really hard stopping himself from trying to look for his wife but wanting to look at her. lol trying hard to look cool while hoping his wife is looking at him and thinking of how cool he is.








gosh i cant wait for tomorrow's recording so MC jake can tweet about it.. hope it'll be a fun episode on saturday!








 yonghwa loves seohyun! and vice versa!








^ thanks for the translation! haha yonghwa didnt wanna answer the last question huh..





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