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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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wow... so many daebak posts! i thank u all for that~! :wub: ohya, thanks sun_sun for the subbed vids~ u're our heroine! kekemy connection is still slow... dang!

i love what some gogumas posted with regards to anne's bf's statement. no doubt i felt depressed after reading ur SPOILER, anne but IMO, while yong spent some time with hyun during WGM Horror & also their duet... i'm sure yong could've realized how trivial it is to have hyun speak banmal to him after looking at how close they are already. or he could've realized about it right after hearing hyun's explanation...the real reason, we may not even know. BUT the reason for him not wanting hyun's banmal is certainly not 'cause he's backing off. i'm sure yong himself must've realized how comfy he is already with hyun's formal convo with him. to have hyun speak banmal would make the atmosphere weird for the both of them anyways... so i guess yong could've thought "why bother if it's already comfy enough" haha!

oh, i do feel the slight distancing from yong right after the Horror eps or could it be right after the b'day trip? i still think at that time, yong could've been veryyyy CONFUSED about her feelings for him & the whole situation itself, & also how he should react towards her? whether to reciprocate thru' the show or not? i myself am confused with yong's actions lately! >.< wanna know why i'm confused? here's why...

during the previous inkigayo show, we could see how close yongseo were to each other despite them acting all awkward! they must've brushed shoulders more than a few times (the other few may not have been caught by the cameras ;)) besides, it's inkigayo & not WGM, they could've just not stood together but in today's inkigayo, yongseo stood next to each other again! why is there such a spontaneous position arrangement occurring TWICE? and why did hyun's unnies (esp hyoyeon & yuri) just had to giggle in the previous inkigayo, whenever they see any shoulder-bumpings or any kinda yongseo-interaction? there must be SOMETHING brewing between yongseo! :w00t: mind u, this time they DIDN'T BUMP SHOULDERS AT ALL. imo, yongseo could've realized themselves giving away some hints about their relationship after watching previous inkigayo or their agencies could have given them some advice & that's why we see what we see in inkigayo today... less closeness. despite my confusion about yong's action... i still believe there's SOMETHING MORE than meets the eyes when it comes to yongseo. so what i'm trying to say here is that, what we see in WGM may not be what it seems. i remember someone posted manyyy pages back that some WGM staffs ever witnessed a couple secretly holding hands whenever they're alone (forgot which one)... i think yongseo could also be like that too. after all, yong ever mentioned that he'll hide his gf well if he has one in one of his interviews ;) heheh i may be wrong about their relationship but i'm 100% certain that yongseo have feelings for each other. whether they take those feelings to another level, it's for them to decide & for us to know in the future.

and about hyun advancing a step closer to yong during inkigayo, i'm sorry to say that it looked more like she got pushed (most prolly pushed by taeyeon xD) or she just lost her balance there... maybe it's just me? ^^


*waves at panGG* hyun buin's glowing again~! xD


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Hi gogumas!!!... I think about WGM this sat, we need to wait until wednesday and see if MC kim post something in his twitter ;),he will tell us what will be happening with wgm this week.












And I want to say that i read everything until this post and I think that it is normal to change for them. Now they know each other well and Hyun finally said to Yong that she is feeling their closeness (remember that the same day, she was talking about how she got close to the other members and Yong was kind of frustated? (he laughed) for that). So now he knows what she thinks about that subject (and I want to back to this point after).












About banmal thing I think that he was thinking a lot about that topic (and I could swear that I see a woman´s advice on this) because he was very determined to leave the issue aside. That fact is screaming  me that Yong´s feelings for Hyun are strong. This is a TV show, he spent months telling her that he wants her to speak banmal to him but now he says this and baffles us all.  But with this act I can feel that Yong is really thinking of her and himself and not in the sake of the show.












Remember how he once said to her that he was not sure if the banmal was a punishment for her or for himself anymore? I think he was thinking about that again when he said he was no longer interested, but now with a deeper meaning (and this is the part were I get delusional, so feel free to skip) :sweatingbullets:. Besides he does not want to force her to do something she doesn´t want (or can not do) I think he is protecting himself  because NOW he does realize his feelings for her and, as many of us when we fall in love and have little experience we can feel insecures when we can´t understand the other person´s feelings, I think he is so insecure about Hyun´s feelings towards him, but he has good reasons. I bet he never forgets that she is more interested in sweet potatoes than boys :rolleyes:, he has said that she is unlike any other, so this kind of relationship is all new for him, he is watching her always,looking for answers but Hyun is a girl who does not show her feelings easily, is pure and innocent and he thinks she doesn´t understand his feelings (or at least that is what he thinks because he said it while he was explaining his reasons to her), and I think that sometimes he feels as if he was not good enough for her (ex, his birthday letter to her).... sigh...  I believe that all of this is driving him crazy :(, and he is trying to suppress his heart for the fear of getting hurt. As the banmal is a big deal to him, I think he decided to forget about it to soothe his heart, because she is too cute to resist.












That is why Yong needs to hear her say "you are important to me" cause is the only way to make him feel safer so he can get carried away by his feelings again.












So I think we need to wait and see and trust unnies  :phew:.












And finally, we, us viewers can say, but if she likes him!!! :lol:, but it is well known that when it comes to  a love that begins as theirs, the last  people to know are the protagonists themselves.












Sorry for this long post, I wish I could have a good english to express my self in a better way but I did my best!!!












Hugs gogumas!!!!!












BTW, did you watch this?












sulli and gogumas? Did Yong said goguma??? haha LOL





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j2dlee...thank you for the translation and sun_sun thk u for subbing...u guys are the best!!


j2...i sent u a PM also....




i thk there are some new gogumas here that are a little bit confused with the sequence of WGM filming....


everything is in order except since ueno juri episode:




June 29 [WGM Filming] Fishing on GangHwa Island


July 31 Listen to the CNBlue concert in Korea


Aug 03 [WGM Filming] At the hair salon


Aug 06-13 SNSD @ Phuket, Thailand


Aug 13 [WGM Filming] Practicing for the duet performance *estimated date


Aug 17 [WGM Filming] Special Episode with the Adam and Khuntoria couples for a horror special


Aug 29 [WGM Filming] Incheon Korean Music Wave. Performing Run Devil Run and Love Light together. Filming also occurred at their house before and after the concert


Aug 29 *Sweet Potato 200 Day Anniversary*


Sep 01 [WGM Filming] YongHwa & SeoHyun meet Ueno Juri


Sep 21 [WGM Filming] Filming in Japan






actually i got this feeling that they did not contact each other also after the 200 days eps...simply because they only talked about the oricon thing at yoshinoya....it really really make me sad...




i just dont understand y i invested so much feeling for this couple....yongseo is driving me nuts...so obsess with them...sigh.....



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Guest pseudonykkaii

Ahh--chodingness Must be contagious.OR is it that husband and wife are just becoming more like each other??xD

When i saw that avatar scene--and the super cute babies scene, i just 'awwwwed'.

First of all, she initiated chodingness and second, they were just too cute!!!

I wouldve loved a hug at the end of that running scene(but that wouldnt be very yongseo, would it?)

BUT i really was expecting a lets-feed-each-other-in front of our spider babies scene.


yong's tellmeyourwish answer on running man got me thinkin--cupids arrow mustave hit him reaaaal hard.


chodingness is <3

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Guest ninyaah
















































































































































































SNSD Fan Signing schedule for Hoot
































































































































































11/9 7:00PM KST at ' 'Yongsan Children's Park mall' ► Jessica, Tiffany, Yuri, Sooyoung






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































11/9 7:00PM KST at 'Yongdeungpo Time Square' ► Taeyeon, Sunny, Yoona, Hyoyeon














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit: silent_scream (girls' generation thread)































































































































































































































































































































































So I guess this pretty much confirms that YongSeo has WGM filming on Tuesday? Seobaby isn't attending the fanmeeting; I hope Sones are not too upset about the news.
































































































































































































































































































































































Wow, I wasn't expecting a lot of posts after yesterday's episode since some mentioned that it was kind of bland -- not a lot of happenings took place. I thought it was more of a 'filler' for the upcoming daebak-ness of the next episode. *crossesfingers* The long posts were very analytical yet interesting. See, even though the episode was kind of laid-back, people still have a lot to say regarding it <3 This is why YongSeo is special. We always find reasons to analyze every word and action we get from them.
















































































































































































Regarding the banmal issue: I don't think he's backing off, because that wouldn't make any sense at all. We're talking about the guy who resorted to mildang to gauge Seohyun's feelings out and made a pin, handwritten guide book and a special patbingsoo date for their 200th day. When he told Seohyun it's okay for her to use jondaemal (formal/polite speech), I felt that he was using reverse psychology on her. He told her jondaemal is fine because she's more comfortable with it BUT it doesn't mean he doesn't want to hear her use banmal. By using reverse psychology (saying, 'No, it's okay. You don't have to speak in banmal.'), he's actually testing the level of Seohyun's willingness to speak in banmal. Look at it this way: If Seohyun is really prepared and wants to speak banmal with him, she would do it despite Yonghwa's resistance. This is just like us girls who say no when we really mean yes.
















































































































































































The slight awkwardness during their meeting in Japan was understandable. Come on, guys. This is YongSeo we're talking about. They wouldn't be YongSeo without the awkwardness! LOL. Anyway, remember that during the period leading to their Japan date, both of them were super busy with tours and concerts. While I still believe they contact each other outside filming, it's likely that their texts (or calls?) only consisted of mere hello's and how are you's. I think it's best if we wait for the whole Japan episode to be aired before making assumptions, because I've read an article (posted in this thread; but I don't know what page it was posted because this thread is always on fire) saying they were a lot sweeter in the Japan episode than their dates in Korea.
















































































































































































Yonghwa was adorable in this episode. His choding-ness is contagious. Even the MC's find it cute. His DJ imitation was so funny. I wasn't disappointed with Seohyun's gifts at all. Buying gifts isn't an easy task, for me at least. I hate buying gifts because you always have to consider what the receiver wants and needs. It's even more difficult if it's for a boyfriend/girlfriend. Anyway, it might not be as fantastic as the gift she prepared during the birthday celebration. But the fact that she bought a lot of gifts shows that her fondness for him outweighs the disappointment she felt regarding the mildang trick he pulled. Lastly, the 'I Will Always Love You' background music was pure win. My stomach was hurting from laughing so much.
































































































































































































‘Let’s run (towards our dreams) together…
















































































































































































Here goes Seohyun's 'together' again. I love how she always says 'Together. Let's do it together.'
















































































































































































Congratulations to SNSD for winning Mutizen. She's beside Yonghwa again. Are the unnies to blame for this? Haha. I'm excited for 'Happy Together,' since MC Miseon is one of the hosts there. I'm sure she asked something related to WGM. How am I going to survive without WGM this week? :| I hope there will be some pictures from Tuesday's WGM filming.
















































































































































































I missed you j2dlee! Your translations are always awesome. Thank you to all translators, subbers, to everyone who shared pictures, screencaps and info regarding the couple -- we appreciate it so much! Ugh. Why is Soompi acting so weird again. I can't edit my post properly.  
































































































































































































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Thanks for the translation, gifs, pics and news about our couple.  I've read everyones posts and found it interesting and I try to look at how others view the episode.  I've always felt that what our couple says or their actions could be interpreted in two (or more) different ways depending on what your opinion is on where our couple is in their relationship (reel and real).

Honestly, although our couple have serious talks about their relationship nearly every episode, I feel that there are more to their conversation that we are not privy to - this is most obvious to me when they communicate with their eyes.  Like in this episode when Yong was explaining why he does not need banmal anymore, he said "you don't understand....you can't understand... but....(then he looked into her eyes)....Hyun then said "I understand".  This became obvious to me during the kimchie ep where they seemed to be having a whole conversation by staring into each others eyes.  I don't think that Yong started the mildang only because of banmal.  I think he has insecurities about the relationship...in terms of SNSD (top girl group) and CNBlue (rookie)....and how committed Hyun is to the relationship. In the birthday ep, what struck me the most is how he was always saying "I'm a man of capability".  Like the other poster ^^, I think Jiwoon may have hit the mark when he said "I thought I could have you in that way".

Maybe I'm just delusional on my view of the couple, though, I do have doubts sometimes - I don't think any of us can be 100% sure - but looking back I feel that they were at the stage in their relationship where they were flirting between friends and gf/bf during the Apgujeong (pool/piggyback) ep.  To me, Hyun must have gained some confidence in the relationship for her to sing "love light" to Yong knowing that it is a song about first love.  If I was just friends with someone, I wouldn't have the guts to bear my heart like that.  Even for a make believe marriage and tv.  I think Yong started the mildang after the birthday ep because he wants that relationship to turn serious and not fall back to the way it was (hence turning point).  A lot of their conversations seems weird if they were just friends or even if they are acting because of  the way they are just left hanging in the air.  Like in the last ep Hyun asked Yong whether its ok to hug a fan and Yong answered sure, but do so appropriately and only once in a while.  Yong also quoted a line from "Oh" about Hyun not changing when she goes overseas.  This to me is like what a bf would say if their gf were to go study abroad.  As mentioned before, in this ep he mentioned how the tiger balm can cure a bruised heart (?) and about what he was going to do with all these waiting (?).

I did feel that there were awkward silences in parts of Japanese ep, but for a different reason than others.  I feel that there are some subjects that yongseo deliberately not mention on the show.  It was glaringly obvious to me (unless they were edited out) how they didn't discuss Yong's first concert in Korea and Yong singing love light to Sulli (though with lyrics changes - no darling and sarang bit).  We know that each monitors the others indv activites.  In this ep, why didn't they mention about Yong's concert in Japan just the night before.  It would be an obvious conversation to have and would have filled the silence.  Maybe Hyun did go to CNBlue's Japan concert since her unnies have returned to Korea and she didn't have any activities.  Maybe their awkwardness is not because they haven't seen each other for one month but because they are thinking of topics to talk about. I believe it was mentioned how PDs want the couple to have minimal contact outside wgm so they have lots to talk about in wgm, but yongseo may not have much to talk about if they had met with each other the night before before/after the concert.  I think Yong is an observant guy too so why didn't he mention about Hyun wearing his necklace?

I think that its too early for us to judge whether Yong is backing off.  I will reserve judgement until this ep has finished.  This ep is supposedly going to be another turning point in Yongseo relationship.  I don't think that every ep should be or can be like the double bday ep.  That level of emotion cannot be maintained for a long time.  Just a guess, about Yong not touching Hyun as much in the latest eps - maybe this is the "waiting" that he mentioned - giving her space to decide what she wants.  I want to look back at UJ ep which is between 200th day and Japanese ep.  Maybe this Japanese ep is her deciding what she wants and where this relationship is going.  I'm wondering whether its a coincidence because of Hoot promotion that before the bday ep - at SNSD fanmeeting the unnies talk a lot about Hyun liking Yong...and now 2 weeks before the Japanese ep the unnies are talking about how much Hyun has changed because of Yong.  Tiffany also dedicated her song "the ring" to yongseo couple.  If you read the lyrics, its a lovely song.

Today's inki - my thoughts - it is rare for Yong to mention the winners name 3x - he usually only does that when the winner is no where to be found.  He also normally looks at his card when the winner speaks - not stare at them.  Also, he did not exit the stage right away but went the long way out to congratulate Hyun.  I guess we just have to be satisfied with the bow.  Who know Yong might have winked at her or communicated to each other with their eyes.

Sorry for the long post.  Just adding my opinion.


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Guest hihi_hehe

































According to acct. during Happy Together recording, Seo was daebak during 반말토크(not using honorifics in speech) game. Everyone was rofl.

cr: silent_scream@SNSD thread































































































































































































































































has it been shared?
































































































































LOL ... I want to see that ... Seohyun with no honorifics? Yonghwa has taught Seohyun well or maybe Seohyun has been practicing?

































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Guest basiCblacK-junG
































































































































































































































































































































































































Aigooo.. I have so much task. :sweatingbullets: So I’ve done watched it now..
































































































































This episode was too short!
































































































































PD-nim cut it without consider that we must wait for 2 weeks to see our lovely-dovey couple! :crazy:
































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for your translation...
































































































































Also, thank you so much for all of you who put a lot of effort to tranlate this episode..
































































































































You guys are daebak!!
































































































































I hope my Korean wil improve soon...
































































































































From a lot of spazzing that I’ve done, there are so many goguma lovers who dissapointed with hyun buin’s gifts..
































































































































Yeah.. I’m understand their feeling.. since their daebak episode (couple b’day celebration), I have a HIGH expectation too for her gift :w00t: . Like Na Young unnie said in their b’day eps: “once you have a taste of a (surpraising) event, you come to expect more”
































































































































Some people said that her gifts are nothing if you wanna compare it to Yong’s gifts..
































































































































But according to me, even at the first I feel dissapointed and a little bit confuse (Tiger balm? What for?) :unsure: kekeke, finally I realize and feel the meaning of her gifts.. I have my own opinion of her gifts..
































































































































1. A box of her ‘THAILAND’S TRIP’.. the box is consist of stuff that she got from her fans in Thailand (An elephant shaped mobile phone string), a tiger balm, a room spray, and a soap.
































































































































I feel funny when I saw it.. how simple minded is her. But at the same time, I also feel familier with those gifts. SHE DID A SAME THING WITH MY FATHER!
































































































































Anytime, when my father got a trip, he always brought a simple things like that (even the soap in the hotel!). Once I asked my father what for he brought those simple things that we can get it at market, he replied like this: “Yeah, you right. But the feeling is different. When I give it to you and then you saw it again at somewhere else, you will remember this as my present.. On the top of that, you will remember me everytime you saw this stuff..”
































































































































Yes, my father was right! I got that feeling..and even though I never go to that place, I feel like I was there..
































































































































It means that Hyun wanna share everything-what she feels, what she likes, what experience that she got, what soap that she wore, even the Tiger Balm-with Yong!! On the other side, Yong also learn about her wife. About what she feels, what she likes, and so on.. :w00t:
































































































































Imagine it..: when yong use the soap, or the tiger balm, he will automatically think about her wife! :wub:
































































































































I’ve feel like that too from what my father did.. A simple thing with A DEEP MEANING INSIDE IT..IT’S REALLY AN EVERLASTING MEMORY.. :wub:
































































































































2. A book. At first I felt “oh.. long time no see.. finally.. she is back” kekekeke...
































































































































Really.. she is indeed SEO HYUN.. the same seohyun when they first meet.. maybe the reason behind the gift not only because she hasn’t give Yong a book for a long time, but also as a reminder for their first meeting..Also, a reminder of her...(the soap, the tiger balm, and the room spray will finished soon.. maybe she wants Yong has a ‘physical thing’ as a reminder of her?kekeke)
































































































































Yong was right about Hyun.. her mind is so different from others..That’s why I think her gifts are special... :D
































































































































My comments are too long..hehehe.. sorry for my bad vocab..
































































































































*whooaammm* time to sleep.. it’s 03.00 AM in Indonesia..
































































































































Ohhh....2 weeks...hopefully I will have many task, so 2 weeks become nothing...

































































































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi gogumas! I see there's a lot of confusion and discussions going on about YongSeo again! These 2 confuse us a lot it seems? :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to share a little story of mine actually.. this happened last night and waking up today.. I realized that this is sort of like YongSeos situation but in a different scenario.*You don't have to read this.. but, it's just me trying to transition into the topic I'm going to go into afterwards*

Last night I went to a party and this boy confessed to liking me.. the whole night we had actually been glancing at each other every couple of minutes... there was some tension there because it was obvious we both liked each other, but were timid. He was too shy to come up to me, but I was also too shy to go up to him. How do I know he liked me? He asked a friend of mine to tell me. So what ended up happening between us? NOTHING. My shyness is definitely a problem when it comes to boys... and I think this is how Seohyun is too. Which is why she was so awkward in the beginning of WGM.. like Seohyun and Yonghwa, I am also a Cancer. What's funny is, the boy who confessed to liking me last night was also a Cancer. So, it really made me laugh at how my situation reminded me of YongSeo. And now I feel like I have a better understanding of them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think our couple is misunderstood a lot. Which is why so many people go into deep discussions about their relationship. When it really isn't that DEEP of a problem.. it's just both Seohyun and Yonghwa are very timid.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa doesn't want to pressure Seohyun into anything... not using banmal, not doing skinship,etc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































While I absolutely LOVE Yonghwa for that.. I mean, I sincerely admire him for being that way towards her. I know that if I were Seohyun, I'd be very grateful for him being so respectful. It's so rare to find now a days... BUT - if their relationship is to take a step forward, the ball is definitely in Yonghwa's court to how he handles it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In other words, it's his choice. Yonghwa and Seohyun are both very timid... but, Seohyun being a girl AND inexperienced with boys is definitely more timid than he is. I'm also a bit old fashioned in the sense that I prefer the boy to initiate the first couple of "moves" until I am ready to do it myself... and I have a feeling Seohyun is this way too. She needs that reassurance. She's not ready to initiate the skinship herself just yet... but if Yonghwa slowly opens up the gate of "skinship" little by little.. they'll be able to hold hands with no problem.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































While of course skinship isn't extremely important and it isn't what defines a relationship.. in the rut that YongSeo has been in lately, it would be a very good idea and a step forward to their relationship, as it would make them grow closer. I think that's why there's still so much tension between them... because they both are so timid and if each of them over think the scenario..Yonghwa must think "Will I overwhelm Seohyun? Will lose Goguma points?" while I think Seohyun thinks "How do I initiate skinship? Does Yo~ng not like me?"... a lot of it is also their pride. I can relate to this A LOT.. and it's a very bad trait to have because it makes having a boyfriend difficult at first. T.T If one of them doesn't drop their timidness, it's very unlikely they'll move forward. That's our couples biggest problem.. and it's why people misunderstand them so much.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What do I think needs to happen? I think Yonghwa should try being less respectful little by little ... ok before I continue, let me explain what I mean...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm not sure how to word it properly. I'm not saying he needs to be rude and not consider her feelings.. but little by little, he needs to drop that degree of niceness of not doing skinship,etc. and telling Seohyun "It's ok ok.. don't worry" all the time.. if he does this too much, it'll confuse Seohyun about his feelings AND each time it's taking a step backwards instead of a step forward. Little by little he should suggest certain skinships... very slowly of course. Don't want to overwhelm Seohyun. If people are worried about how Seohyun would react, don't worry. I really don't think she'll have a problem.. remember the birthday episode? In the backroom interview she mentioned that Yonghwa initiated it and she said "Ah.. we should do this now". She didn't seem upset or overwhelmed at all. But, like I've said before... she just needs someone to guide her. At least for a while, until she is comfortable to do it on her own
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now that I've explained what I mean by "being less respectful' (again, wrong wording.. but, I'm tired! :lol:).. so their relationship can move forward. I really hope someone tells Yonghwa about this because I'm scared he'll become too frustrated and just give up. When it really doesn't need to be that drastic... he just needs to take charge and I think their relationship will become a lot better than it already is.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry, for rambling so much... but, I really needed to get this out there since so many people are getting frustrated and I felt like I needed to give a couple of my two cents and observations when watching them! Let me know what you think Gogumas! :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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has it been shared?








LOL ... I want to see that ... Seohyun with no honorifics? Yonghwa has taught Seohyun well or maybe Seohyun has been practicing?















and you know who's an MC on Happy Together? Park Mi Seon, who is also an MC on We Got Married. Maybe after the Happy Together recording she talked to Seohyun about her marriage with Yong Hwa ;)








If there's one thing I miss about the original We Got Married format it was that the couples (schedule permitting) would actually get together for the recording with the MC's and watch the program together.





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Guest Crystal392



jastubee: I am dying to know what will be Hyun's answer and what will she say at the black room interview. If the WGM PDs edit out that part I am going to be really mad :o


panGG: Your screencaps are ♥ Hyo and Yuri soo cute squealing at the back, YongSeo's biggest fans! :lol:


aneng: Yeah, it's scary! hehehehe she seemed a bit mad, maybe she thought Yong~ had hanged up on her? or was annoyed because she couldn't keep talking with her hubby? :D


As jastubee mentioned, the Oricon talk indicates that they weren't in contact for some time. My theory is that may be because SNSD was in Japan and Yong kept traveling, I remember once the CNBLUE boys said they had cellphones before they went to Japan (way before their debut) and that they stopped using cellphones because it was too expensive (to call to Korea, etc).


ninyaah: THanks for sharing that. I hope the same :o


lulu2: I agree with most of what you wrote but I disagree with the part that they monitor each others activities, Hyun didn't know CNBLUE had released a new CD in Japan and that they were on Oricon chart (which is something big) =/ I love how Hyun's unnies said she has changed and said indirectly that it was because of Yong~ and WGM :)


hihi_hehe: Thanks for sharing that info. :D Can't wait to see uri Hyun~ at 'Happy Together', hopefully MC Miseon asked her about WGM!





Please vote for SNSD and CNBLUE for 'Japan Billboard Music Awards', here is a tutorial: http://cnbluestorm.com/2010/11/07/info-vote-cnblue-for-billboard-japan%e2%80%99s-best-%e2%80%9cindependent-artist-of-the-year-2010%e2%80%b3/

On Q1 select 'Shoujyojidai' (SNSD) and on Q4 select CNBLUE, you will understand what I mean when you read the tutorial :P Let's support SNSD and CNBLUE!


basiCblacK-junG: That's uri Hyun~'s charm ;)

uh-ohvex: I think Yong doesn't want to scare/become a burden to Hyun, he is waiting for her to do something because he has done many things to make their 'relationship' move forward, and Hyun~ is waiting for him to keep guiding her because this is all new to her xD I am really hoping they had a loong conversation on their Japan date part II, I don't want to get my hopes too up but I hope the rumours that said it was a turning point to uri YongSeo relationship were true.


~Yong ♥ Seo~





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Guest Maekiwi






I dont think that Yong was backing off or what. Its a very common issue in a relationship. When I want my bf do something that he was not willing to do for me, I was kinda confusing between the idea of that should I ask him do or not. And when he did those things for me, I didn't feel 100% happy as I had thought I would if he did so. Love is confusing, isn't it? You want he do something he doesn't want and you wish he would do it for you, but then when he does it for you unwillingly, you feel bad. So I understand what Yong feeling rite then. He actually wanted Hyun to use informal speech, he really did. But at the same time, he thought that he should not ask something that Hyun might get trouble and difficulties to do. When you are in a real relationship, you are more likely thinking about what your partner wants rather than what you want.


Love is always like that you know. complicated but sweet. blush.gif



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Guest sweetcake_










Well, after going back several pages and monitor ur guys comments, I started to want to share my opinion too






I may sound negative but (plz dont throw goguma at me!!!) I felt that Yong is tired of this already, the way he smiled wasn't like before anymore (when they were exchange presents in the bakery), I dont know if it was because he was exhauted after his packed schedule, I dont really know how to express this, but yeah, I felt weird. But now my attention is more on Hy~un, I think Hyun is getting into Yong now, she starts to think about Yong more, I mean, it's too obvious isn't  it? You can see the happiness on her eyes when she met Yo~ng in Japan, remember last week episode when she changed to her uniform, she checked herself out in the mirror like 3 times before she stepped out. Hy~un wants to make the move now, that's what I think. U know, as I said before, seeing these two just totally reminds me of my first crush. The situation is exactly the same, it even goes with the same order! Like getting know each other, the boys fall for the  girls first, he takes care of the girls and everything but the girl doesn't really seem to into him, or just want to be friend with him. Then the boy wants to get closer with the girl so he starts the "push and pull" game, then the girl gets mad. But really at that moment, the girl thinks about the boy more, and eventually realizes that she fell for him. But now the boy grows tired because he didn't see any moves or response from the girl, so he's thinking about let it go. Well, it's my first crush story, and I and that boy ended up NOTHING. It was my first time having crush on a boy and I didn't really know how to express myself... he decided to give up, so yeah I did the same thing even I liked him a lot. Back to YongSeo, I saw exact same expression on Yong and my ex-crush, and that makes me worry. I don't want them to end up like us, absolutely not. Good thing is now Hyun starts to step up, take control, and express her feeling more to Yong. Honestly, I'm scared, I dont wanna see them like this (especially Yong). However, people r saying that this Japan trip is their turning point, leading them to a new stage of their relationship, I'm dying to see them (Why the Korean soccer games has to be next week TT____TT), and I believe YongSeo will solve this problem and have a happy ending hehe.






P/S: wating 2 weeks for the next episode is seriously torturing TT______________________TT



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Many thanks to sun_sun & the ever amazing j2dlee for the quick English subs!

This episode - ehhh - not too much to spazz about, just another cute & sweet date, same old, same old. No progression with skinship.

Maybe the 'push - pull' is over, can't really tell? Has Hyun forgiven him - are his gogumas back?  Maybe.   Just expected more of a 'pull' from Hyun.

The running to each other in Japan was cute & romantic, but I expected at least a 'high five' at the end, again left wanting for more (along with the MCs!).

I liked Yong's - 'Seo Hyun will find her way to here…. Why…? Because it’s Seo Hyun!' comment. Like Hyun has almost 'mystical' powers on making things turn out right, funny!

I guess I expected more of - anything - in Japan.  Feel like we're back in March or April with these two, want to see their relationship progressing - but it's just not happening yet!  

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Guest Crystal392



aurora82: Aww dear *hugs* Why don't you go on "vacations", take a break and then come back to Goguma Planet to keep spazzing with us ;):)



~Yong ♥ Hyun~








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Hello, fellow Gogumas.

For some reason, I'm not particularly concerned. I'm pretty sure Yonghwa didn't know where he stood during the Mildang thing - and that made him unsure, especially since it turned out completely different from what he expected. And then Seohyun was quite good at making him believe that she forgot the 200th day birthday, and a moment later, he finds out that he has been "mildang"-ed again.

Which in turn made him more uncertain.

But considering how he feels for her - pointing towards "Love Light", an invitation to his concert and the Inki pictures here - I'm not very concerned, because:

1. Whenever they spent an entire day together, it was epic. (And from the looks of it, they are going to do just that in Japan.)

2. The preview was quite awesome; they seemed relaxed, un-mildanged and then, there is the "Jessica comment" ("It's good to be married.").

3. If they really were on extremely uncomfortable terms with each other, they wouldn't have greeted each other at "Inki" like that and wouldn't have worn they rings so openly (because if they didn't want to wear them, "Inki" would be THE time to do so - "can't wear it, TV station is going to be angry with me", but they did.)

Yonghwa is just acting like any guy would - and he isn't exactly good with conflicts, so ... to me, everything's quite peachy, considering the cirumstances. :)Don't worry.

Best regards,


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Guest lovekin


while i tried to remain positive, i do write about certain things that some people may disagree with.  read at your own risk.  and if you do read this, please read it carefully.  what you may end up getting from it is probably not part of my intended message.






+ i really can't care too much about the khuntoria house.  they fit the role of a married couple really well, and i feel like they have that vibe about them that screams sophisticated extravagance.  in contrast, yongseo has a very comfortable house.  and as many others have stated, it's fitting for a boyfriend-girlfriend situation as opposed to husband-wife.






+/- yong is type A, right?  and he seems to fall into the personality traits one assigns to type A.  i will say that i agree with those people who said the situation was a little tense/awkward between them.  obviously, others disagree.  i got this sense of being underwhelmed, but to each their own.  *shrug*  also, there were different interpretations to how yong dismissed seo's use of banmal, and i looked at it like, yeah, i think he's sort of "given up" on trying to suggest it.  you can say he's doing it for seo's benefit should you choose to, but i won't elaborate my stance on that.  but my point of bringing this up is that i feel like he really wants her to, but the topic of banmal seems to be something he's willing to relinquish and allow seo to figure out on her own ... even though he insisted she speak formally.  i feel seo was able to sense that too and, on her part, she kind of feels ... put-out?  because she was prepared to speak it for him.




at 6:40 (at theyonghyun YT channel), seo's eyes shift; at 6:44, seo purses her lips.  i really think she was taken aback by it, and i honestly think she senses that he's not being honest.  and in a way that's almost humorously tongue-in-cheek, i think she's a bit disappointed (not in him, but because she wasn't expecting him to deny banmal).  there's a real life scenario i can think of, but it's a little crass ... so ... i'll be vague about it.




boy wants something from girl that she's not ready for.  it's a subject that's brought up enough for both parties to know it's important.  when the girl is finally prepared and builds it upon an important day and the boy shuts her down, saying that it's okay, it's kind of a let-down.




so i think ... even if seo was prepared to speak in banmal to yong as a present, i also think she really wanted to – to show, and convince, him that she feels close to him.




but from yong's perspective, i think the main reason he dismissed her use of banmal ... is because of when she chose to do it.  to him, it seems like she's speaking it just to appease him  – even though we, as an audience, know she's prepared it as a present for him.  i think seo just had bad timing (and when she informally tells him she understands, she kind of says it a little stiffly anyway), and i'm certain yong wants to hear banmal ... but only when it's natural and not in a set-up situation where forethought goes into it. "don't think, just do" kind of thing.  when he says he doesn't think that way anymore (wanting banmal from her), i'm not too convinced by it because he lacks conviction in his words.  you could say it's his way of trying to be thoughtful - by trying to make her feel like she doesn't need to anymore (when, in fact, he wishes otherwise).




for me, i will forever see banmal as a point of contention for both of them, whether or not they see it as important to discuss in the future.  if anything, i expect them to avoid it because of what kind of atmosphere it brings to the both of them, but i also expect (at least hopefully) that seo just naturally engages conversation with him in banmal.




on a different note, though ... even if yong can't understand it (though others say he does, i don't think he realizes the gravity of it), it's actually pretty interesting that seo feels like in order to feel comfortable with someone that's at least her age, she needs to speak in banmal.  i can't say if that's true, but it's definitely in line with her unique mentality.  in this way, yong should feel special.  i know he'll feel better with informal language, but maybe he could look at it as though their relationship sets them apart.  and he'll feel 100x happy when seo commits to banmal, whenever that may be.




+ did i dislike anything from this episode?  not necessarily.  i think this push-pull arc was significant, if not littered with unnecessary trouble, because they were allowed to sort through this conflict.  i don't think they're over that wall, but i do think they're straddling it at this point.  in the earlier episodes, jonghyun mentioned that yong lets out his true feelings little-by-little, and the pushing and pulling helped him do just that.  and with seo, i think she's coming to understand more of yong's personality even if she doesn't say it outright, and she's also understanding the nature of how close relationships work.




+ the way yong naturally wrapped his arm around seo's shoulder, and the way she just moves in a bit closer (even if it's just for a picture).  that was nice.  normally, i'd find something in the way seo or yong shifts that indicates this action is a bit unusual for them, but i found nothing.  though i must wonder where that photo is of yong with his arm around her.  didn't see that in the shown polaroids.




+ this is a bit weird for me, but unlike what many others said after seeing this episode, i didn't really see the kind of awkwardness when they met in japan.  it's relieving because i was anticipating it.  it's almost like yong-seo pre-mildang and pre-fishing (i only say pre-fishing, because there's nothing yet that can amount to how extremely close they were then) ... but still, their relationship pre-fishing was a good/comfortable one.  




+/- i didn't really get too much from yong not being as jealous about trax.  i feel like it's a non-issue for him these days.  the one thing i was a little ... eh ... about was when he didn't want to keep it.  i won't read in too much about why (it could seriously go two different ways), but at least it didn't affect them as much as it could have.





overall, interesting episode.  i don't think it was good or bad, but it was interesting.  i can't confirm my ideas either way until i see the entirety of their japan trip.  looks like the preview might bring another issue to the fore (yong feeling like he's not being understood, but then again i lack any context to derive any proper opinions), but we'll see in 2 weeks.


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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































Good afternoon gogumas ^^
































































So everyone wrote like ESSAYs about what and how they feel about the couple, so I wanna say something, too hahaha just to fit in, go with the flow and kill time cuz it's Sunday! hhaha uki, so first off let me introduce myself so you know where I'm coming from when you read my little opinion ^^ like most gogumas are, I'm a girl :D living in the US, where it's a bit more liberal than other Asian countries and of course I'm Asian hehe and no I've never been in a relationship before :D. I don't know if the introduction is gonna make any difference but just in case hehe. Since I've never been in a relationship before I'm not gonna even try to analyze or suggest if Yong and Hyun are in a relationship or progressing to a real relationship outside of the show. But I want to voice out my opinion, what I see from Yong and Hyun as individuals... I don't know if Yong is tired of their marriage, but I think he is a very persistent guy ^^ He said Hyun doesn't understand his Push-and-Pull game and it's hard on his part sometimes. But with that said, he didn't stop making up for his push-and-pull game despite how mad Hyun was and how she wanted to have nothing to do with him anymore lolz you can tell how mad Hyun was. Her expressions and the way she acted just weren't the same as before, since after the birthday episode? I felt irritated sometimes when I watched these few episodes after the bd episode -.- Yong seemed like he was really sorry after he found out Hyun took his game every seriously. He seemed apologetic but it felt like Hyun just wudn't totally forgive him :D take this latest episode for an example, when they were in the restaurant and were looking at Hyun's camera, Yong was like "Did you take pictures with other guys again?" and She was like "no" and then "maybe" lolz when she said that it gave me a feeling that she's playing mildang to remind him of his own mildang lolz I think Hyun is very much like me. She likes to do things in the right order and when something happens that messes up that sequence, she's gonna unconsciously let out of her other self. Like we all know, Hyun is very polite, nice and oriented. According to Yong in ep 7, Hyun never says no to anything, always seems nice and ok with anything ^^. She writes down stuff to make sure she won't forget. She counts and knows all the special days for couples, like 22 or 200 dayz. But Mildang was an unexpected bomb that I THINK! she didn't take into consideration, especially from Yong! who always take care of and go easy on her. Mildang was the key that unlocked her other self (the devil one hahaha). And like I said, if Hyun is pretty much like me, once she's mad, it's gonna be hard to totally forget and forgive. But her usual, happy self is still there. She's excited to see Yong again, willing to go with his flow, still smiling and everything like how she's in the darkroom. But she just has not yet totally recovered from his Mildang, I think :D She's gonna pull herself back, instead of trusting and letting Yong lead their relationship since he's the more experienced one. Therefore, I think it's all on Yong now to break the wall again. The first one that he broke down was when they first met. He got to know her a little. This time, the wall he hammered down, he thought he could see Hyun getting closer, but it revealed her other self instead. The one that even her unnies haven't seen yet :D I don't know if this is good or bad, but to me, it definitely feels like Hyun is still holding back. But Yong hubby has not given up yet. :D He still cares and monitors her every move lolz maybe he's more.....carefree and easy-going than Hyun? But I'm not saying he's inconsiderate or anything :D just that he can......"free style" his life more than Hyun can with her (inflexibility?) strictly oriented life sequence ^.^ this is why I watch WGM, it can really reveals the insides of celebrities hehe
































































Ok I'm rambling too much, but to sum up that long thing, what I want to say is......Yong is choding and Hyun is serious, rocker and angel, THE mix match that keep me on my laptop every Saturday is sure very interesting and unpredictable! and I want Saturday of next next week to come already!!! >.<
































































PS: I thought the way Hyun was talking in bamal sounded more aloof than when she speaks formally hahaha









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Guest Crystal392



Trent, lovekin, love_ya: I enjoyed reading your posts. :) Actually I enjoy reading all Goguma's posts sharing your opinions because, even though I may disagree with some and agree with others, it makes me see things from lots of perspectives and be able to have a better understanding of the situation.



Yeap Yong is type A, according to his CNBLUE brothers he is triple A (because of his personality)

:lol: I agree with you about the bad timing, I think Yong~ deep inside still wants her to talk to him in banmal and I am sure the day she does that he is going to be super happy (and so will I) hehehe I think the polaroids are the selcas they took, on the first one Yong~ is holding the camera with his left hand and his right hand is on Hyun's left shoulder ^^ and on the second one he is holding the camera with his right hand :P The pics taken by the girl from the bakery weren't shown... I wonder if we will see those pics someday; kind of like when they were decorating their house, on the preview they showed them taking pics but on the next episode that part was edited out :P


*Screencaps from the latest ep:



~Cute selcas~



~Caring boyfriend~



~Happy couple: happy to have a day off and be together ♥~







~How many Gogumas has YongHwa now?~




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