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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392






Woah I just came back home and the first thing I did was open the thread and it had jumped 10 pages :o Soo fast!






I haven't watched the ep yet but already read the translations by our amazing j2dlee (thanks soo much!!!) and I was squealing soo much.






Every time I read Yong~ said 'Seo Joo Hyun' it reminded me of 'Cinderella's Sister', when KiHoon would call the main actress by her name EunJo and it had soo much power.






Thanks to everyone for the pics, translations, gifs etc. I have lots of posts to read but first I'm off yo watch the new ep.






Part 1






Part 2



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Guest ikay_poks
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































j2dlee - thank you so  so  so  much for the translation
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i have been watching the episode for the 15th time without the subs and i still find myself spazzing ( smiling without understanding the convo ) but I STILL LOVE IT!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for me this episode is the daebak than the chuseok episode BECAUSE  IT ALL STARTED FROM THIS. plus, the bonus meaning song of LOVE LIGHT.  :)

































































































































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Guest teaelle

AHHH School's been eating my life tears.gif but .. MADE SOME TIME FOR MY FAVORITE COUPLE ON WGM <3 

could anybody message me or send me the links to the past 2 episodes that has been english subbed? 

Please and Thank you :) 

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Guest Crystal392






teaelle: You can find the latest YongSeo cuts with eng subs on 'Streaming/Download' on http://www.rdrsubs.co.cc/.






I don't know why Youtube is soo slow today for me :( It has never been this slow before.






I reread the translations hehehehe :lol:







MC Kim: Please be quiet!! Let me hear what they’re saying!!! It’s the important part!!






MC Kim I love you! :lol:^_^



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On the latest episode of MBC’s popular variety show, “We Got Married“, the “Sweet Potato couple”, referring to Seohyun of SNSD and Yong Hwa of CN Blue, finally showed some highly anticipated intimacy on screen. Much overdue, but better late than never.






This episode was definitely a turning point in this couple’s relationship, as the two sat down by the lakemag-glass_10x10.gif and openly chatted away about lingering curiosities.  They shared rings to signify their affection, and also engaged in some long-awaited skinship, which started off in the form of linking arms but progressed into holding hands.






The “Sweet Potatomag-glass_10x10.gif couple” are finally living up to their endearing couple name.






Credits :allkpop.com


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Guest blancface
































































I'm still spazzing right now but I just wanted to say that anyone who thinks Yonghwa writing/admitting Love Light for Seohyun is marketing...I just have to say that the the album came out in May and we, the general public, am getting the news for this 5 months later. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

































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Guest Ae-Rin
























Aw, thank you so much for your hard work, j2dlee! You are DAEBAK! <3 I'm gonna watch the episode all over again, with the help of your text!








Your gifs are cute, Patate-Douce! Are you French, by any chance? It would be so nice meeting another French sweet potato fan, keke!

MC Kim: Please be quiet!! Let me hear what they’re saying!!! It’s the important part!!








MC Kim is the best! I bet he's ready this forum right now! Keke









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Guest Crystal392






I just finished watching the first part and I needed to share my excitement! hehehe :lol:






When Hyun~ said 'YongHwa oppa!' I swear I felt chills, specially because she was wearing that guy's mask imitating SeoHyun... hehehe






I love when they were playing with the little dog. And Yong's letter to Hyun's mom was ♥






This happened on the last week of June, now 3 months and a couple of weeks later I can't imagine how much closer they've become.






*goes off to watch part 2*






Seohyun and Yong Hwa finally act like a real couple on ‘We Got Married’



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really j2dlee you are awesome...you know so well our heart desire..the completion of this translation are the totality of our perfect happiness..so without much ado you made this your priority..again thank you for your hardwork..youre such an angel of the gogumas and yongseo...kisses and hugs to you..








now all we have to do is to wait for the other angels ( for the subbing) like sun_sun and rdrs...gosh today i dont mind even the rock look of my hubby and my 2 sons...my day revolve to our yongseo and you all my gogumas children...









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Okay, uhm ...

... yeah ...

... alright ...

... guys ...

... they are just colleagues, no feelings involved and they are definitely not the most adorable couple on WGM.





Thanks for the translation and everything. I think I'll just need to sort my oppa hormones before being able to communicate with everyone again.

Best regards,


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Guest Nat-sshi

Hello hello Gogumas!!!

This episode was the best ep ever ever!! It was DAEBAK!! Thank you j2dlee for the translation! you are amazing, like always! Thank you again @ Yukilovesyou & redtulip for all others translations everytime. All the others gogumas that i forget the name, thank you for translations, pics, vid.. I really love this thread!! :) it's always a pleasure to read all the comments ;)

YONGSEO IS REAL AND I LOVE THEM! I can't get enough of this ep, I don't know why? lol

Yongseo fighting!

ps: 1000 gogumas for MC KIM ;)

 I'm french too Ae-rin & Patate-douce. D'où vous êtes?

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j2dlee thank you so much for all your efforts <3

I think I could live of this episode forever..

*not true I'm becoming more and more eager, MBC just give us a PV!! please :wub: *

well.. I can't really find anything else to say other than:

PATIENCE has just recompense us, ALOT.

Thank you all for sharing transaltion, caps and sweetpotato-love-

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Oh, what a day... this episode by far surpasses any episode of our yongseo couple.It's a heart wrenching to see 2 beautiful people do it even though cameras are rolling. This shows their sincerity and devotion to each other.You  can see clearly through their eyes what they feel at that time. And lovelight, it"s a profess of love  song. That's why on the fansigning of snsd in korea, 1 of hyun's unnie told her in a letter that she cant lose to sulli and jihyeon maybe because yong sang lovelight to sulli in a show (just a guess). It's her song from yong and she is possesive of it.






I think this was mentioned some pages back (probably a lot now!) in this thread that Yonghwa changed the lyrics....he didn't sing the same lyrics to them. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though. And I agree, I think YongSeo forgot about the cameras rolling at certain points!




And thank you j2dlee for your hard work on the translations!!! Their conversations were not only sweet but also pretty funny.




Two favorites were:




Y: Do you really have to wear that mask?


H: Of course.


Y: Because it’s my birthday gift, please do it without a mask.


H: No, hurry and sit down.


Y: No, hurry.


H: Sit down please.


Y: No, don’t want to.


H: Ah, really! Why are you like this?!




(Because he wants to see your eyes as you sing your song to him!)




Y: Seo Joo Hyun…


H: So you should keep hold (of her).


Y: Your mind is so different from others.


MC Park: He loved it so much.


Y: Haaaaaaaah…….


H: Haha!


Y: Really……..




You just know that he loves that about her....it's her charm. :)




Still skeptical of her agreeing to hold his hand, I liked that he suggested the arm link first. Smooth. :) She stood so far away though and I think he sensed she wanted to hold some part of him, so I'm glad he made the move to hold her hand. That was something I think she wanted him to do once she gave the rings; for the first time ever, I was talking to the screen at Yong to "take her hand, she wants you to take it!" But I guess her reaction on the bus made him uncertain... so I'm glad he had the courage to later on.




Adding in the last 2 episodes, all in all it was a beautiful and eventful day, and I loved watching how it developed!




Edit: Also have to mention a favorite scene was after they talked about Love Light and Hyun said she was feeling good and Yong was off in la-la land...dreaming... and to see the big smile on her face as she looked at him was so rewarding... it was beautiful!


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Guest Patate_douce
































































































































































































gogumas i need some advises
































































































































































i put so much efforts and heart to do my gifs but they are all lost now because to much hotline
































































































































































So i wonder what image hosting you guys using,? I use imageshack and hostimage, is it like this for everyone of them?

















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I missed you, the keepers of our thread: jnj (are you the first ‘Plus’ in my post this time, too? Huhuhu…) dreamyboo (the reason why I posted only the translation of part 3 was because I knew you guys were waiting for my translation, but didn’t have enough time to do the whole episode at that time. Just dropped by to let you know that I was on it. Am still in my make-up and had only two slices of toast and a bowl of cereal all day…T^T), nazweena (Go, go SeoHwa project!), clumsy (Hey~ someday I’ll read all of your fanfics), heartbreak_warfare22 (always enjoy reading your posts), miel_1301 (thank you as always for your hawk-eyed observation, will come back later to spazz with you!), panGG (hehehe~ Can you feel my love, too?), woollylamb (haven’t seen you for a while!), crystal_malfoy, _d3seohyun, genxv, Yukilovesyou, redtulip, and, and… (can't think properly! Please don't be mad even if I failed to remember your names)
























































j2dlee sorry to cut the post (just didnt want to have to put the whole translations again! lol) i feel loved because you mentioned me in your "i missed you, the keepers of our thread" thanks so much for that. and always thanks so much for the translations. my heart is so happy and i reread them all over twice more just so i can memorize it before it gets subbed :) thank you, again.
























































gogumas, this has been a wonderful day. thanks to everyone for all the translations, pictures, and news. goguma world is the best. yongseo is the best. daebak! :wub:
























































Patate_douce are you using your own username in imageshack? i find it easier to just upload without signing in and that way your bandwidth doesnt exceed. thats what i do. lol. and its permanently uploaded online for anyone to view.









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Guest Crystal392
















































I just finished watching the second part and OMG I just fell more for them. I thought it wasn't possible because I've always loved them but seriously I'm shipping them soo much right now.






























































The ending was absolutely amazing. The MCs reactions said it all.






























































Ýong's and Hyun's gifts were amazing, the ways they looked at each other. I swear I could feel their happiness and giddiness emanating from the screen! hehehe






























































YongSeo saranghae! :wub:






























































cailei23: Yeap you are right, Yong~ changed the lyrics of 'Love light' when he sang it to Sulli, and Kwonie also sang a song for her. It was about Yong~ and Kwonie bonding with Sulli because the three are Inki MCs ^^

















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Guest rjcm127






Everyone has anticipated the day they would show more of their feelings and skinship. It was worth the wait. Even though a few of us, at one point or another, may have agreed with 2am Seulong when he said it's frustrating (their progression on skinship), all of it was worth the wait. Seeing them naturally progress as if they were a "Real Couple" and not just a "for Show Couple" is better. :w00t: The long awaited skinship mad us fans, even non-YongSeo Goguma Shippers, Giddy and smile from ear to ear. :D


So far this is the best episode that Goguma Couple has done. They've both prepared something very memorable for their "Yong" :wub: "Hyun"...Past and present couples may have help through missions to do their events, but this couple made their own event without the mission card, which makes it even meaningful..


An out of town trip filled with irreplaceable memories of love and friendship that's priceless = A field of Goguma, a heartful necklace gift, outdoor picnic, laughter and conversation along with a confession of "Love Light" :wub: , a love story book, renewal of wedding bands :wub: rings and an added bonus of skinship. :rolleyes:


It's sooo Daebak!!! Such a successful episode of the two's celebration of Birthdays.


4ever a YongSeo "Goguma" Couple shipper!





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Guest DJHinata

OMG jd2lee You are THE BEST !!! Daebaaaaak !!! Thank you one again for the translations !!! 

And i share this again !! XD because 10 pages have pass in the thread 

Because We LOVE YONGSEO Couple


MC KIM really you are DAEBAK !

Btw hey guys do you realize that wgm stole from us the  100 days of yongseo couple ? 

May 22 May 22Dream Concert 2010

Aug29 Incheon Korean Music Wave Concert. CNBLUE and SeoHyun Performing Together (Run Devil Run and Love light) 

Aug29 SWEET POTATO couple 200Days Anniversary*

Really the two aniversary have in a special date

And well their Birthdays was obviously in june, but remember the day of piggyback? that was later of their 100 days together T_T !! so u.u ugu~

Edit: another fact from yonghwa: if you look back, when he sang the love light in diferent shows,  he really smiled when he singing, so that made me think , oh! He remember to hyun singing that song with the mask and the all event of the ring and the confess too

sorry for my BAAAAD english

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Guest Patate_douce

















Patate_douce are you using your own username in imageshack?  i find it easier to just upload without signing in and that way your bandwidth doesnt exceed.  thats what i do.  lol.  and its permanently uploaded online for anyone to view.
































































































































































no i never sign in when i upload a picture
































































































































































 nobody can help me?  :unsure:  if you can plz  mp me

















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