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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest missmoomin101

About what they were talking about in the bus:

While I was watching the live streaming someone was subbing in the chatbox, and I also got the general gist of the conversation. Hyun was saying that he didn't txt her Happy Birthday, and Yong's excuse was that it was past midnight, and she said that 'everyone says that'. Then Yong said something like he was waiting all day for her txt, but Hyun was adamant that she sent it!

It's sooo cute, they were arguing over such a trivial thing, but it was meaningful to them blush.gif

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i love how their birthdays are only a week apart~ i kept squealing. i still am sort of. does anyone know what yong was saying in the beginning on the phone? was he talking to the manager or something? asking for permission to take hyun on a trip maybe?









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Oh, I just realized, Hyun's birthday is the day before the trip!




So maybe Yong planned to wish her when they met because it was past midnight when he was done with his schedule. Sometimes the importance of these things escape guys.




Stil... tskk




And poor Hyun must have waited a while




Hope he makes it up to her really good... kkkkk XD





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Yong looks da best & smartest in just simple T-shirt and jeans !!  
































































































































































































I hope Yong meant to not send her a bday msg to make a  surprise trip this day. I dont think a romantic guy like him will forget the special days of his loving girl.   
































































































































































































I start to think its him who bought them new couple rings to appease Hyun for this occasion. Becoz yong didn't join her bday party or sending her a bday text, he at least  would prepare a  gift  for her in the fishing trip. Dont u think so? 

































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Guest ahn_annann







this ep. we could find many react of Hyun btw Yong and Juri that expecting.





what yong's wrong, I heard he said sorry or something ..





my caps ..












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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seems like Yong was talking to the owner of the place they're heading to and asked about the weather, etc.

































































































































































































































































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even if its past midnight, yong could've still sent her one..

it cannot escape his mind since his bro, minhyuk is also celebrating his birthday.


on the other hand, of all the texts that hyun received, she is still waiting for

the one that matters the most!! ;):wub:


u don't flip like that if the guy is just another guy... :P


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whoa! great caps ahn_annann! you got their facials expressions dead on during the bus argument.
















































so does anyone know when they normally show the preview for next week? is it after the whole episode ends or when the commercials/cfs finish?
















































cosmiclatte thanks for the clarification! :)
















































jnj :) you read my mind.









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so this is like a yong choding 'retaliation' to hyun cause he thought that hyun didn't send him any text wishes. hmmm... i think hyun did send him wishes, it might get send elsewhere. hyun's not the type to disregard something in her life esp yong's b'day.


yong, i'm disappointed with yer lame excuse... -_-




i think on that day, hyun must have kept looking at her cellphone...feeling down though there's fans and her unnies to celebrate wit her. honestly, the power of yong's love could mean the world to her!




whhhaaaattt....did i miss the next preview!!!???




EDIT: did i say something wrong here to deserve that '2 1 negative'?!?!


i'm writing this in a happy mood and my comment merely shows my inner feelings...i didn't mean to give a negative vibe here!




EDIT AGAIN: yeah thanks for showing love here...no hard feeling pls!



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Sounds like Yong's in big trouble! It was so awkward in the bus!






























But we know that it all ends well because of how they were in the last two episodes, so I'm not worried...just excited to see how Yong makes it up to Hyun!






























Looks like there was no preview this week...:( Leaves us completely hanging! Also, does anyone know what's happening with the MC backstage footage?









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Guest magicaL.chubi3
























hm~ i was also waiting for a preview but i haven't seen any preview~ shocks. :ph34r:
















ahn_annann great caps. :D:w00t:
































wah~ so many users~ :w00t:









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now i am anxious to know what yong said in his darkroom interview,

after the juri part.


did he realised how jealous he make hyun feel?

did he still go ga-ga over juri?





even if yong did forget to wish hyun, i am satisfied that he planned to take her out.

who knows he might have arranged something up his sleeve, but now backfired

after hyun's confrontation. poor yong -_-


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wow check out the numbers this thread is getting!
































































































































































































yongseo fighting!









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wow, thanks sun_sun for the video post! you are definitely a fast one! :)
















































and did i mention how good the kimchi pancake looked? i really want some now too! i need pancake mix!









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Ottoke!!! Daebak..




Today we saw a different side of Seohyun. A seohyun you can only see when she's with her unnies or managers.











Seohyun's stares today is different from their usual stares. today's stares is full of jealousy and what i call "stopwhatyourdoingyongorillkillyourighnow" stare lol!




Oh and i was right, seohyun is upset bec yonghwa didn't send her a message on her bday.. ekekke im not upset, im all happy cause im seeing this side of seohyun! yay!!! yonghwa ftw! you are now up there! you're level is almost with her unnies level kekekkeke




And genxv is right, this was taped a day after seobaby's bday. they had a surprise fanmeeting that night, i guess that's the reason why seohyun was late :)




kyah! i hated wgm today cause i waited for the preview.. but i guess that's fine.. im sure next week's bday trip epi is daebak!!!





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Guest Cherryhana88






part 1 from me (sorry for low quality)




Hyun surprise me a lot when she show her jealous...^^







:wub: ...Thanks sun_sun




edit: Something that I made previously...a wallpaper ( sorry if it's too simple)











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There's no preview for next week >.<
















































































































Yonghwa looks guilty for not greeting her on her birthday but not the same type of guilt he showed when he forgot to tell her about his Thailand trip. I mean he's way cooler this time so I guess there must be something up his sleeve that we'll be able to witness next week :)

















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i agree with you jnj... what are we re-analyzing? lol.
















































lol @jinkee's comment about yong being cooler. i agree!









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