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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest karrymiss




hi guys,


i just have a small request. when wgm finishes i want this thread to still continue because i dont want stay far from it. i want be close my gochuns and yong seo. i have been following them since episode one. they have became a part of life so tht's why i am requesting to plase keep posting happy thoughts and continuing the thread, any news regarding yongseo is great.




also i wonder once they film the last episode do you guys think they will continue wearing rings.those fingers will look so empty and light without them.




happy saturday is finally here. yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayyayyyyyyyyyyyyywub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif



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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































































































You know everyone has pen down such eloquent and beautiful posts here that I don't know what else to said .































































To tell the trueth I'm a little lost for words and I don't think I could express myself as well as all of you so I'm going to limit myself to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart 1,000,000 THANK YOU'S.






























































































































Thank you for all the beautiful memories, wonderful times and awsome spazzing.:D
































I'm so excited for the second thread and the upcoming episodes although they might be bittersweet they would be cherish, the duet and ofcouse tonight's episode looking forward to it. 
































Thinking about the E I was like saying good by is such a sweet sorrow but then I stumble into this quote that I through was more appropiate and borrowing from the wisdom of Kung Fu Panda:
































There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."






























































































































































So cheer up all'yo because today is a present for us all.
































BTW those anyone know where we can watch the concert is there any links or something.

































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morning...only 1 page to new HOME...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































before the new home start..I want to Thank You to :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ALL Gogumas here that give so many lovely comment,opinion,suggestion, games.. I really enjoy all your post here.. UP and DOWN
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to the translators.. subbing team..that give so many information about our couple..make me understand them more..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so..today is Saturday..the day that I waiting for every week..waiting for today DEABAK episode and hope YongSeo Banmal song in Thailand will be DEABAK also :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG..just saw our new HOME create by YSInternational.. LOVE it :wub::wub:

































































































































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Guest ys4466


To all gogumas who have been so wonderful!!!

Just heard that WGM might be airing at 4:30 instead of usual 5:10 (Korean time)


I can not be positive since I just heard in the passing too.


there's couple of posting in the official WGM


I might be wrong but we don't want to take that chance do we?

We had so much roller coaster ride this week that we don't want to add more to it.

Today is yongseo day! :wub:


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Well, we finally will reach the end next month. YongSeo have given me an opportunity to meet new people, love, friendship, 'family' and discover my hidden talents especially writing cheesy lines and now i can even produce a YongSeo parody video by myself. I'm sorry for not producing more parodies since I've been too occupied with my job. I surely will not stop but continue doing parody even after YongSeo have ended. You can't stop a creative mind from working like that. Hopefully the ending is the most beautiful scene for Gogumas to treasure. You'll never know what those two will prepare for us. Gogumas, himnae!

















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Guest fabiistar07







































We're almost to page 2000! :D















Let's start our new thread with possitive & happy comments








I hope we get many fancams from our chingus in Thailand ^^















They're so lucky to get to see that performance<3








It's only a little while until the new episode, this time i'll try to stream it live and see if it workd out for me hehe









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First, what is it with these two and coordinating outfits. Their third date before they exchanged phone numbers and they show up for the music store date in grey jackets, white shirts, red vests, etc. Then the trench coats and later all the variations on blue outfits. Now Thailand and excuse me but similar color outfits. And not the normal red, blue, green, grey, black or white, but burnt orange? Are they calling each other to find out what they are packing for the trip?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As we now move to a new home, and thank god no packing paper,boxes and furniture movers, I want to say thank you to all of the translators, subbers, fanvid makers, fanfic writers, and especially all the posters on the thread, even the hamburgers who only succeeded in bringing us closer together, for making this a great year+.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You guys got me through almost a year of rehab for a broken arm and other ups and downs so thank you so much. Last April I broke my right arm (Yes, I'm a righty), at the base of the shoulder ball joint (humerus but not funny) while trying to save my flatscreen tv from falling and breaking. Wish I knew how to do spoilers but all the guys, cover your eyes. Just now can put on bra and hook it in the back. First few weeks after the break husband had to dress me and he said that taking the bra off was easy but trying to put it on was hard. Oh shades of teenage dating.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My dream for a duet in Thailand is a black stage, lights come up to see a yellow couch with two guitars and our couple enter, sit on the couch and sing their banmal song. Then Hyng puts down her guitar and Yong sings the really true version, with the really true lyrics to her. I'll go for the first and wish for the second.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Will I watch Yong's drama? I have really been on the fence about this one. Seeing the funny "Date with Yonghwa CF" and if the drama is as funny and lighthearted as has been reported then I think I will at least give it a try. Here in the western world we watch and accept romance in the movies and dramas we watch even though we know the actors are married or in committed relationship so I guess I should approach his new drama the same way. After watching all the BTS from YB, nothing seemed to scream that he and PSH were anything other close "buddies." Plus why in the world would PSH be giving relationship/dating tips to Hyun if there was anything going on between her and Yong. I think PSH is a shipper too and will make sure Yong stays on the straight and narrow path called Hyun. Everyone has said that Yong doesn't have many female friends so maybe PSH is the one he goes to for dating advice.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So if the drama is good I'll probably watch but if not good then won't watch. I will still hope they can come back after all the busy schedules are over. If not then I know I can check in here to find about all the latest happenings with our couple.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is my goodbye to y'all for now. Too much going on with upcoming 44th anniversary cruise, retired husband consulting full time, me having to get my studio in order and start working now that my arm is healing, and then going back from the desert to the Pacific Northwest and our summer home for a while. Lots of work to get the PNW home ready to sell and then look for a new place closer to grandkids in Bellingham. So much to do and so little time. I will lurk and maybe post from time to time but now have so much to do that I have to get my priorties straight. So goodbye and a very sincere 90 degree bow to all of you.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So sorry to be at the top of page 2000 with nothing new to add. Rubbing hands together vigorously and saying sorry hundreds of times.

































































































































































































































































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Guest TizzyGaGaBlank
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas be strong~us kkapliners are with you! We know how painful it's when our lovely couple leaves the show =/ but we better keep smiling and enjoying what we can! I wish I could make something for you, but I'm not creative... All I can say is Gogumas fighting~































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you need anything, kkapliners are here for you~

































































































































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Happy 2000 pages!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas are DAEBAK!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For the last page, I want to share something with everyone:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Promises made, promises kept..

































































































































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Guest carmiekitten






Congrats for reaching the 2000th page Gogumas!!!!


Our second thread in Soompi will provide us a wonderful home as well.


Keep believing in the power of Yongseo.


Keep supporting them in all activities they do.




Keep loving them for they will always love us fans back. :wub:



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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































































































Ok In Go Phaem we reach the 2000 pages here is th link to our new home please enjoy  and we see you there to continue all spazzing:

































































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Guest fabiistar07
























Just want to share some memorable moments on the last page of this thread ^^








YongSeo's selca; for the first time being so close together [and of course the great epi that came along with it] :wub:
















Banmal Song!
















Wedding Photoshoot
















& this that sent shivers down my spine ... how i wish that was what happened :wub:
















cr.to owners









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































well, I think it's almost time for me to say GOODBYE to this WONDERFUL THREAD of OURS!!!!!






























































it has been fun, spazzing in this thread, sharing my thoughts about YongSeo's blossoming relationship, and also reading all of your POVs in this first thread too....... thank you all contributors of this first thread, updating every single thing, including Moderators giving warnings about not posting one-liner and less than 20 words....... I Hope gogumas will not violate the rules on the next thread!






























































This thread has been my only place to share my thoughts about YongSeo. I'm glad I found this thread, because like I said before, I have no place to share my thoughts with you guys, except on this thread.






























































I know it's almost impossible to reach another thread (thread 3), because YongSeo's journey in WGM will end on April, but let's make the new thread a more exciting place for us, sharing pictures, translations, POVs, just like we always do here. The memories that we have made here on this first thread will be cherished in our hearts forever, witnessing these 2 LOVEBIRDS, as fans, supporting them, encouraging them....






























































Meanwhile, I'm quite sad that early contributors of this thread, notably j2dlee, crystal_malfoy, and others are not here to leave their last post on this first thread, but I hope that they will appear again on our second home, ready to spazz along with us, SMILING WIDELY!!!
































































































Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread ♥ CN Blue YongHwa & SNSD SeoHyun #1............... BYE BYE!! :wub: :wub:

































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Guest laila-chan
































































































yey.. we are at page 2000!!:w00t:
































just wanna mark my post too before moving to 2nd thread :phew:
































this time just wanna say thank you to all gogumas/in-go-paem who always make this thread the happy one
































thank you to all translators, subbers, screencappers (?), writers, all gogumas who always post something interisting and funny..
































special thanks to bezbezbez/YSInternational/fairy:wub: !! girl you DAEBAK!! hope you will always lead to a successful life blush.gif
































thank you!! kamsahamnida :wub:
































(though I've never really contributed anything worth, but I'm always grateful here and can feel the love from you all)
































see you al in new home:w00t:
































p.s : my condolences to all citizens of Japan. may God give all of you strength

































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We are already at page 2000. Omg how time flies. I’ve beenaround since day 1 but am always lurking. *shy shy*








Everything feels like a dream right now. At times I feelconfused, and at times happy. But I know we Gogumas, will move on and hold ourhead up high and withstand everything together.








I’ve done some caps for last episode. I’ll share a few here. 




















WumnKs.jpg XAQYss.jpg KnFQDs.jpg cCE44s.jpg












You can get the rest here








happy happy saturday!





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Guest b229b24k

it's page 2000!!

daebak...my journey of almost 1 year following them

so many memories made

although i dont post as much due to my english

i always check this thread daily

and it even critical during this "ending" news

my hope is event though there is confirmation already

the couple try to extend their stint with wgm

of cos it's out of their power to do that

since they already have comeback of their own and activities to juggle with

anyways i hope they earn more popularity

so more news about them

more opportunity to stalk the precious

or their interaction

so let's hope they become more successful

and gain more recognition

yong with his cnblue bros

and hyun with her snsd unnies ;)

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Guest juejashik
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyeong Goguma's
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yeah,like the other goguma's,after all the rumour and finally the confirmation, finally i can accept this situation,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*though i know i'll crying like there's no tomorrow when the final episode air*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i want to leave my last mark here before we start new thread,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seriously,yongseo change me a lot. i mean A LOT but maybe most of you have said what am i going to say,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for the first time i didnt cut my hair because i want to have long hair like seohyun * i hate long hair before this coz i'm kind of  tomboyish*,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i bought goguma at the supermarket,boil and eat it,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wear seat belt at the back *there's one day i wear seat belt at the back in my friend car and finally i got stuck there because nobody use the seat belt before,LOL seriously guys haha*,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 and now i love to read self improvement and go to library more often just to borrow some self improvement book, i'll bring at least one book everywhere i go,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cut down my intake of coffee and many more.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































urm,i just want to give suggestion for those who want to make fanvid,please use this song, THE STORY ONLY I DIDNT KNOW
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 by IU.it is a really nice song to listen to and i bet u guys will cry even just listening to the song without understanding the meaning *well i did*, but i hope for those who wanna use this song,please wait untill the last episode*hate to say this* so that it contain all the memory together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































GOGUMA'S, WE WILL STILL BE FRIEND EVEN WGM ENDS RIGHT?I'M JUST SCARED I MIGHT LOST ALL OF U*MY STRENGTH* because u guys always give the your best opinion in this thread, tears.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































best regard, jue jashik from Malaysia * sorry for my english*

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest quisty86












Ah.... so this thread is almost reaching its end. I was actually debating if I should post or just wait for the other thread. As soon as I finished watching a random episode (not really so random, it's just it's what spoke to me today), I decided, I'm going to leave something here too.




Busan. I don't know why but I suddenly missed this episode so I rewatched it. More specifically, the one with talk with the mother. We all know how that episode ended.








I remember someone posting a map of the distance they walked from the restaurant to the beach. That was far. And it dawned on me, they were holding hands for that long? Very comfortably too. Warmth. Comfort. Protection.




Seohyun.... is holding hands with a guy like it's the most perfectly normal thing for her to do. :) Ahhh it makes my heart full.




And before we move on to the next episode, with my usual favorite moments post.... (Credits to my dear Ammel for the caps)








I know all of us have been screaming MORE MORE during the livestreaming but during rewatching, ah, this sudden feeling of warmth and love washed over me. This kiss was so chaste and pure and it was enough. The song (2lson's Hocus Pocus - press play) made it even more perfect. Like there's that anticipation.... for and from the couple, the staff around them, the studio people, and from us viewers. It was your moment Yonghwa. And if we are to imagine them, like in those fan fic scenarios where Yonghwa would steal a kiss from a sleeping Seohyun, it would be just like this. Something super gentle to not wake her up and let her know of what he just did. Just that little contact is enough.








My favorite of this photo set :) Look at their smiles.








They are so in tune together that even people who just met them notice and comment on it. "Did you ever play together before?" - re the recorder playing. It's like, if you just give them instruments and whatever they can use for music, they would be in their perfect world. Just them. In their own world.








If it's a no, it's a no. If Seohyun won't do it, she won't. :) But she did. And Yonghwa we all know, you liked it. Look at that smug face hahahaha.








MY WISH! MY WISH! I'm so shocked that on this night, half my wish got fulfilled! MY heart! WAhhhhhh.... What's the other half of my wish? That Hyun will give the backhug. Pls pls pls let me see this wish.








But I think this was my most favorite frame of the episode. When they were so close together, just looking at each other, Yong trying to console her girl and convincing her to tell him what was it... It screamed so real to me. I know some here are Filipinos so they'd be familiar with this term - lambing . Something like it. I can't explain it in english... it's like aegyo slash affection. It doesn't have to be cute all the time though so I'm not sure about the aegyo part - like in this scene, it was more of a serious Yong coaxing his girl.








The body language. All that teasing, flirting... But in the end it just comes down to this one frame...








Beautiful. - And even this word can't describe all the emotions that come out of this picture.





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Guest wannabanana






YAY! 2000th page! Congratulations, Gogumas! Keke.


Went out of my hiding place to Congratulate everyone and tell everyone to stay strong! :D


Wow, I've been following this thread for more than a year already. <3


We can do this and we're all in this together 'coz we're one big happy In-Go-Paem! <3


Himnae, Gogumas!


YongSeo will forever be in our hearts. :)



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