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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest hellokitty290
































Guys..at first like all of you, I was really sad when i found out that YongSeo was leaving..it literally felt like I was breaking up with someone. Now I've gotten over it and accepted (like many of you have said) that there will eventually be an end sooner or later. It was a pleasure reading all of your post and and looking at all the pics, mv's etc. Thank you to all! Lets enjoy the rest of this couple's journey and keep supporting them in their career's. If there meant to be together then they will end up together in the future.
































Lastly for the last episode, one thing (among many other things) that i really hope would happen is for Hyun to finally be able to talk in BANMAL to yong. :wub: Also I do hope they do not grow distant from one another after they leave "we got married" but to remain good/close friends.
































...Yong :wub: Seo FIGHTING!

















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i have a feeling that we may be moving in to our 2nd home tonight or tomorrow.

so i am taking this chance to say my goodbye to this thread... :tears:


since i am not good with words and since i tend to get emotional,

i will just say these..

Thank You to Yong Hwa for letting me see this other side of u which i admire

Thank You to Seo Hyun for letting me into your beautiful world. i love u!


Thank You to YongSeo for making this wonderful journey TOGETHER

(i believe many more memories will be made...)

Thank You to my IN_GO_PAEM for always being there for each other.


But most of all...i will miss


so lets go crazy tonight and everyday after,

to celebrate the birth of a new beginning. :w00t:


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PS. Remember this from one of their earlier episodes? Their impromptu piano duet in a music store proves they belong together. If that’s not fate telling them they should be together, I don’t know what is <3 (Sorry for the quality, I don’t know how to do caps).























































Not to mention, Hyun's "We need to die together." Do you remember Yong ever saying no to Hyun? :D
































It is sad because we will not have the treat of viewing their weekly escapades; especially so b/c they are drawing closer and closer to each other as the weeks go on. We WAITED SO LONG for that, and we were FINALLY rewarded at episode 27. Remember that lovely episode? That one episode turned most of our worlds upside down in gogumaland; I remember that being the first live stream I ever watched and I had to get up at 3:45 a.m. to do it. Do Yong and Hyun know that? :lol: What would they think if they did? ;)
































It has been a real joy and pleasure to watch these two, and still will be right up until the end. But seriously, do we really think it will be the end of these two? I don't. We may not have the privilege of watching their relationship progress every week but you can't deny that these two have formed a real bond. It will be hard to let go of each other; even when off the show; b/c they seemed to have formed for themselves a relationship off the show. Remember? Who calls and who texts each other and who doesn't is VERY IMPORTANT...if someone does not, we know the other will not get away with it! ;)
































Hyun is just starting to verbalize and show her appreciation of Yong. She has started to live to please Yong. Whether it is by her appearance, her words, her thoughtfulness towards his friends and family, her gifts, her letting him touch her like no one else has before.... she has started to show us how much he has come to mean to her.
































And Yong, well, I think we all know what he thinks and feels for Hyun. He has done well and seems to be a boy every mother would be proud of to have for a son-in-law. His extreme care, patience and attention towards her every need, putting her first before himself, his desire to protect her at all costs... had I think most of us in awe. And even more cute was his never-ending praise of her "cuteness" and more recently, his admiration of her BEAUTY.
































I know they'll both do well individually because they are that talented and driven as individuals. But put them together and they're like fireworks. They always played to each others strengths and filled in each others weaknesses. A true team.
































I will miss watching them. (and can't wait for tomorrow's episode!) But for them, being off the show means one thing; they can finally date. For real. :)

















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Guest Thika

I hope EVERYDAY I always hear news about YONGSEO......

I will to be a GOGUMAS forever !!!!

and I will LOVE YongSeo F.O.R.E.V.E.R !!!!!!






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Guest surreal_v
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just wanted to say something here so that my fellow Goguma shippers can hold me .. I'm seriously sad over the fact that they're leaving. HOW CAN THEY EVEN THINK OF LEAVING? Damn you MBC producers. I dont know whether to hate you guys or love you guys because you brought me such joy every saturday with a new Goguma episode and now my saturdays just became meaningless... Every saturday I wait for new Goguma episodes to be subbed. But no moreeee... I need to rewatch every episode :(
































































































































































































































































































































I feel for the both of them. 1+ year ago, they didn't know they're getting into when they first signed up for WGM. Found each other, became friends, became best friends, became a happy awkward engaged couple, then moved on to being married.... They'll mean so much to each other because all these memories.. how can we forget them? The eye-sex, the hand holding, the CUDDLING that JUST STARTED omg.. I feel like crying already..
































































































































































































































































































































He was so patient with her.. She in turn cared for him none of his CNB members can.. Both of them helped each other to grow and mature over this period of time..
































































































































































































































































































































I don't know what to think anymore, honestly. Being so involved in one "so real but it's fake anyway" couple just brings so much heartache.
































































































































































































































































































































What are we going to do Goguma shippers? What will be left of us? I might just cry when they air the final episode...

































































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Guest outofurReach
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Surprisingly, I'm not crying, just really sad. Well, more like a mess of a pack of emotions. The end was going to come eventually, I just wished it wasn't so soon. At least they still have one month left according to AKP so I'll just look forward to that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's Friday night here, so I am not-so-patiently waiting for the upcoming episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thai Goguma fans, you guys are awesome! Can't wait for more updates.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you everyone for the videos, the subs, the updates and the fanfics.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Stay strong In-Go-Paem!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P.S. Is there anyone who could direct me to a link or links to the raw YongSeo episodes? I'm thinking of coming up with something. Thanks in advance :)

































































































































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Guest myblue
































































































































Oh it’s time for us to relocate to another home but before that let me  thank all the Gogomas who made this thread worth spazzing for;) Im happy & blessed to know some of you and even though were miles apart in spirit we are one!
































































































Thank you to all the contributors, the translators, the production team, the fbi’s  nypd’s and to each everyone! This is not the end but the new begging of our friendship, our journey with YONGSEO!
































































































To m3,dduk,juhee, winbros & luvtokki oppa,sohi3,seychan,magdal &Sophia nuna, jnj, mamablues, dreamboy,cjbaby12, ah_ann,aneng, anacapridge,puge2 and the rest of the GOGOMA  family Thank you for being part of me most especially to fairy_indi..i miss you darling;) 
































































































































































































To Yong & Hyun
































































































May you always remember those happy memories that you have created, treasure it because opportunity, chance doesn’t come often to individuals, you are so lucky to have each other. You have taught me a lot of things, thank you for all the laughters and tears, for everything! Please love each other dearly I have faith in you!!!! God Bless you always:wub:  saranghe!

















































































































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Guest just_a_dream
























































annyong, annyong, annyong!.















































































waaah.,i've been distancing myself from this thread for how many days already because of all the sad posts and I know if that continues I might break down and cry, cry, cry..But I really am happy now for majority had already accepted the ending and is calm about it..hmmn, I've decided to post this day because 2 more pages and we'll be moving on to the 2nd thread and I still do want to put my last mark here.,Honestly am really proud of  you Gogumas, we maybe in a roller coaster ride this past few days but still we get through it all.,I am now hoping that both Yonghwa and Seohyun will still be in a close friendship kind of relationship after WGM or more than that I guess?.hehe,.















































































I guess that's it for now, I'm in my laboratory class right now, and the instructor is asking why I'm so busy doing something on my laptop.,wahaha.,byebye.,








































edit: O MAH GOD!.i topped the page!.promise be back in few hours, i'll edit this again.,hope that i can share something by that time..i'm quite in a hurry now..sorry muuucccch..









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Guest lunasol








What a week! I usually write long posts, but right now I am not able to...






The only thing I can quickly say is that I just wish that I could be in Thailand and see the concert live!! Please, Thai fans, take lots of videos of them and thank you for what you have done for them!!!






Sadly, due to a conference I have to participate all day tomorrow Saturday,  I may not be able to wake up and live stream at 4:00 am, spazz with you guys later on, neither pay much attention to to the concert. At least, I shouldn't!!! This will be my first time to not stream live since july but knowing me I will just probably still wake up by instinct because I can't resist them lol happy.gif In case I may not be able to watch it, please gogumas post EVERYTHING!! Raw video links, caps, episode summaries everything so I can at least see it through my phone while listening to bureaucratic boring stuff since 9:00 am and wait for my part at 3:00 pm. Yes, so late in the day!!






Regarding their Big-E, I believe that although the show will end, they will not end their friendship (possibly love? :-)  ), so lets think it will be a transition in their journey together.






We are also approaching the end of the thread but before this one is closed I wish to give again my deepest thanks to EVERYONE from lurkers, translators, subbers, spazzers, FBIs, philosophers, artists, writers. You are all DAEBAK!






May I ask a favor?






I wish the beginning of the new thread will not start with sadness. Instead I wish it will start the first pages with all the excitement, anticipation, spazzing, videos, photos of the Thailand concert and new episode representing all the happiness Yongseo has given us. So Gogumas, lets quickly finish this one!!






In addition, lets pray for the people of Japan and help them in whatever way we can after their Earthquake and Tsunami. If something have been strongly emphasized with our love for Yongseo is that It is a Small World After All, no matter where we are from, right?  So lets be there for them in their time of need with love, kindness and support.


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Guest rainie029








let's go gogumas.... just one more page.. let's start the goguma love with a brand new page..




today is a special day.. WGM and YongSeo's DUET.. can't wait for fancams and pics.. :)





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Guest SNSD4evah







Annyong Everyone!  I've been a lurker for toooo long. I just wanna contribute to this thread before we start another. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW EPISODE COMING UP SOON! YONGSEO DUET ALSO!! although I am not writing much, I am feeling a lot, with the news lately of yongseo leaving and the being of Japan.(PRAY PLEASE) Im feeling just like you other gogumas. I wanna thank everyone who works hard on helping us with the language barrier and easing our anxiety with your creative fanfics. I'm reaaaaallly thankful! Komawo!





























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wow....hurmmmmm...i just came back from my trip, for 3 days i didnt managed to open Soompi, cause a lot of things to do....but this morning, this news really hit me.... it's hurt:tears:.but i think it will be ok.....i think all of us already prepared about this news..maybe we dont expect it will be this soon(even they didnt say when, but i think it's just around the corner)....

OMG....What should i do during Saturday after they left..... :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:....

BTW...to Seohyun & Yonghwa, i wish all the best to both of you...hearing regarding theor next project in the E-Biz...really make me happy for them.....we will see Yonghwa soon in his latest drama....

i will wait for REAL wedding announcement from both of you....hehehehehhee

To ALL Goguma's Villager...Thank You So Much....start from the 1st episode until now....you're the best....:wub:

edit : so sad and shocked to hear about tsunami in Japan...BE STRONG to all of you

May I ask a favor?

I wish the beginning of the new thread will not start with sadness. Instead I wish it will start the first pages with all the excitement, anticipation, spazzing, videos, photos of the Thailand concert and new episode representing all the happiness Yongseo has given us. So Gogumas, lets quickly finish this one!!

i hope so too....we start with something fresh......


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It's a Goguma day!















I can't wait for the new episode of WGM and their duet of Banmal song in Thailand.















There's a lot of things to look forward to!















Im starting this day with good vibes and happiness!















All my love for our dear YONGSEO!















Wow! This thread is really jumping so fast. Soon. we'll be moving to our new home/thread!















You guys are daebak! Lets end this page with more love.






























Yongseo forever!






























I wonder why I haven't seen any pictures when CNblue arrived at Thai Airport.















Hope to see more pictures of them especially in their performance!





































































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Guest monkie2804

Just one thing randomly popped out of my head after rewatching the old eps. Before they end everything, please let me see them USE THE COUPLE JOINT BANK ACCOUNT once. I only saw them make it and add money, but never use LOL

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Guest butterflyz




hello to all,ok my post started with negative first..




regarding the confirmation, yes,i admit..i'm crushed.i hve never felt this way before since my 1st broken up with my vry 1st bf,now i'm total heartbroken.


i'm very regret, regret to the extent that i know about them too late, as i was only begin to cherish them, nah, there the news..they are leaving.i have no one


 to talk about this matter since i'm the only one that crazy about this couple,my husband aren't their fan,all my friend are not watching this show...all i 


have is this thread..and all of u goguma here..at least i have some place to pour out all my sadness..in here..i'm just like all of u..we all share the same 


sentiment..we r all vry attach to this couple..




ok, the positive one...


this couple brings many positive side of me..watching them brighten my days,i've been more cheerful...i started to work hard on my life no matter 


how tired i am..i'm started to eat healthy..i'd started to have courage to pursue my dream (i'm a teacher but i hve a lot of passion in music and art),


rethinking of taking music class n doing part-time jobs in my dream job...all of this, thank to yongseo...they teach us many positive thing in life..by their


hardwork n many2 positive attitude to follow...i'm not regretting knowing them eventhough i know after this,i'll never got to watch them together again..


yong and hyun, i'll forever watching u from afar, follow your own individual career..and forever be your supporter...




TO YONG n HYUN (hopefully u read this,eventhough the chance is near to zero haha)




we all know, we ALL the goguma know, both of you hve invest your feeling towards each other...yong, you fall hard for that SNSD girl rite?all of your 


song from lovelight,IDKwhy,dont say goodbye,banmal song,hyun is the inspiration,rite?.and hyun, u also fall for that CNBlue boy rite?my advice, whatever


state of your relationship right now, have the COURAGE, be BRAVE,to face all the obstacle that may come in your way,whether it was your personal life,


or your career.LOVE is the most beautiful things on earth,so have the COURAGE to cherish it and be STRONG.i know both of u can.and all the goguma here, will be stay behind you,will be forever supporting both of u. i believe that leaving WGM may be the beginning of happiness for both of u...




                                                                      "When one door of happiness closes, another opens......."




to all the gogumas, the one who always post in here...as well as the lurkers...i had soo much fun by reading all the spazzing,all the analysis, all the POV..


this thread is the most positive one...and amazing...and i believe all the people in this thread are as amazing as our couple..thats why we attach to them 






to all the hamburgers,just put yourself in their shoes..they are just like you..they have feelings, they are young, they have their own needs and happiness,


dont make it harder for their living by all the bashes..criticizing or whatever it is..let them be..if u r not their fans, then just keep quiet..if u r BOICE or SONES


but doesnt like their pairing, just be a true fan.just accept whatever decision they made as it may be the best for themselves.as we, goguma accepting them


 leaving WGM.




ok,so much rambling from my side..sorry if i might offend anybody..i feel like i have to write something before this thread is close and before all of this ending.


yes, it is inevitable..but i hope it was for the best.




lastly, all gogumas,stay strong...and plz dont forget this thread..do share some good news and rumour after their leaving..and keep on spazzing...till


the day they announce their wedding ( delusional me, hehehe)...we,unite as one!




there was a lot i wanna share, but i'll save it for later..lastly, i leave this quote from Helen Keller




                  "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart..."



and another song review of  'For the First Time Lover',taken from anjellhaven.net




........So, what was this song?  It comes from his heart, that we can tell.  From his heart to someone he wants to teach, someone who appears to be falling in love for the first time.....



.......So it becomes this masterpiece, with a simple melody, voice almost cracking with emotion, bringing forth everything that he would like to see from someone who has come so near, yet still so far.  A request. A statement. A serenade.....



.......That’s why he becomes That Man, who appears to love this person wholeheartedly, able to hold his own against that other equally amazing man on the charts this week.  And with any man in love, he just needs to be regarded fondly and closely as the words and music he played in this song. His song. For her.....






YONGSEO, thank you very much for letting us share your wondeful & beautiful love journey together. we won't be forget it......



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like most of us here, my heart is just saddened with the latest news about our Yonghwa and Seohyun. i know its cliche to say that it is bound to end somehow, some time, but then again one cannot really love YongSeo and not feel sadness that Saturday afternoons won't be the same anymore. like it used to be...

but then there are still Saturdays left, though i dont know until when, but i am looking forward for this saturdays. to build more wonderful memories. i know they are sad too. they are probably more sad than us because they have made wonderful memories together. they encountered many firsts and they have done things they never thought they would. Yonghwa for all his Busan Namja styles, would just freeze whenever Seohyun shows her boldness and links her arm on his and then melts whenever she gave him her eye smiles. the things that she does for him, be it preparing banana/ma/herb shake, the bland soy bean paste stew, the ocean kimchi simply makes him smile and his just a shy choding kid afterall, who would call his wife jashik and would do everything to take back his depleted goguma points.

seohyun on the other hand, the awkward seohyun who would not listen to what others will tell her to do regarding skinship, talking in banmal would in her own time and pace would learn to show her closeness to Jung Seobang. can now look into his eyes, hold his hand naturally. the girl who would sleep before 12 midnight for her skin to regenerate, would stay up all night and beyond so he can prepare a birthday surprise to him. the inexperienced girl who would grab her husband's arm and would love how to learn to cook and knit so he can make him feel warm against the bitter winters of Korea. the girl whose kindness and thoughtfulness can melt not only her husband's heart but also his mother and friends.

i would love it so much if they will date for real. it would be too much yes if they still wear the wedding rings after the end of their WGM stint. but i am really hoping for that, i admit.

and i wish i knew earlier of this concert in Thailand then i would have been there and see them perform and on the same stage... wahhhh... i love them soooo... i wish WGM would get some footage from Thailand for the show. that would be wonderful...


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































BUT I WISH YOU KEEP YOUR POSTS POSITIVE (i know we can't help but be sad, but we still have so much to spazz right?)
































































































we are daebak!
































































































yongseo daebak!!

















































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest uh-ohxev

































Just one thing randomly popped out of my head after rewatching the old eps. Before they end everything, please let me see them USE THE COUPLE JOINT BANK ACCOUNT once. I only saw them make it and add money, but never use LOL
































That's what I was saying! They're still gonna have a reason to see each other even when WGM ends. A bank account is not something you can send your manager to solve for you! :P They'll have to go together! ^_^ So in a way.. I actually hope they don't do anything with it, so that after the show one day in the future they will be trying to make a bank account and it'll show up! :wub:
































This is the last page.. let's start the new page with happiness! I hope it will be made before the episode airs and before the duet! I'd hate to have no where to spazz! :lol:

































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Guest fabiolanoir

I'm coming out of almost a year's worth of lurking to post about the departure of our beloved Sweet Potato couple.  Yongseo you will be dearly missed.  Your story on WGM was better than any drama I've watched this year.  I loved Yongseo couple from the start.  I still remember that look of utter joy on Yonghwa's face when he knew it was Seohyun that would be his wife.  Ep four was my first favorite ep.  From "Falling Slowly" to Yonghwa brushing Seohyun's hair away from the guitar, to the way he joked about her rapping lyrics in Genie, I just really fell for these two.  But I also loved the way he looked at her when she came walking into that cafe with her little mini skirt on full of joy.  You could really tell in this ep that things were really happening with these them.  Reading in-law autographs, two finger wrestling, bonding over music and instruments at a music store.  I really fell for Yongseo completely at this point.  Thanks Yongseo for devoting a year to WGM and letting all of us viewers into your world.  I could go on and on about all the other eps I adored but that would truly take forever.  My hope is if you two truly like each other, go for it because you only live once and finding someone that truly brings you joy is a precious gift.  Don't let anyone take it away from you.  Remember you guys have a global fanbase rooting for you two so even though you might not have your adorable place with your avatar world anymore, there's a new journey that awaits you that will be even more special.  Make and break your own rules and live life to the fullest.  Wishing you two much success in your careers.  Can't wait to see what the future holds for our favorite couple.  Thank you to all the posters in this thread, the subbers, posters of gifs and pics, and fan made vids.  Thanks for making this thread a great escape and thanks to WGM and whoever was the cupid that put the most wonderful Yongseo couple together. 

Many prayers for Japan and everyone affected by the earthquake and Tsunami.

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