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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest cosmiclatte

































































Sorry to cut your post short but I really wonder if Hyun's expression seen here has anything to do with lopeytop mentioning that Yong and Hyun received the news 2 weeks ago.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yeah I wonder too, we have no real evidence that yongseo "got the notice 2 weeks ago" so I will not try to link the rumour/news with her expression. I just felt really sorry for her she looks very tired and lack of energy which I seldom see in her. Usually Seohyun tries to cover up any signs of exhaustion and is very bright and cheerful when she is out in public with SNSD. Poor Seohyun and SNSD must be very busy preparing for their japanese single...

































































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Guest laila-chan
































































































@winbros appa (can i call you that ^_^)
































I really love to read your post. it's so winbros+yongseo style (?) :D
































it really made a good mood/atmosphere in here.. thanks for your funny and beautiful writing
































(although I usually on lurker mode, but maybe I'll try to post more often)
































to all in-go-paem FIGHTING and always BELIEVE in YONGSEO :)!!
































we can through this, I believe in goguma power!! :P

































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Guest kasia3goguma

















Yeah I wonder too, we have no real evidence that yongseo "got the notice 2 weeks ago" so I will not try to link the rumour/news with her expression. I just felt really sorry for her she looks very tired and lack of energy which I seldom see in her. Usually Seohyun tries to cover up any signs of exhaustion and is very bright and cheerful when she is out in public with SNSD.
















































I aswell was pretty curious about Hyun's face during the performance, she was a bit sad... I thought she was tired! But now I have feeling that it was the time when they got the news....






























































































































































Winbros appa! - Thank You for Your post, it made me smile a lot! You always bring a lot of good thought, smiles to all fans here!






























































































































































I still can't believe it... I knew that I won't be able to say that I was prepared and that it's okay... I will support them forever, but it's just that we won't be able to see them together anymore... Saturdays... this day will be empty now... I will always think in the morning about them, but there won't be anything to spazz about... The Ring Ding Dong... Ehh... I won't have to look at their fingers again... I know that they are both busy so news about them will be all around us... but it won't be the same... Every time I see new episode I have new energy for whole week and can't stop smiling... I wish they will stay healthy no matter how busy schedules they have, and that they will be happy!






























































































































































I just came back from my university and had to come to this thread and read all Your posts (thanks for all of them! :) )






























































































































































And about Seohyun's airport picture - She has guitar! WOW! Maybe it's present for Yonghwa? Or maybe she's practicing something?

















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Guest chachann
















































this is totally random..
















i'm wondering why was seohyun holding guitar in snsd airport pic?
















i hope she's preparing something for yong..
















yong is the one who taught her to play guitar at first..
















maybe farewell song??
















i just hope they will continue to support each other just like they always do and i'm looking forward for them to announce that they're dating for real one day!!

















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Well I guess it has really been a tough day. I was feeling down the whole day because of all the rumors.















Eventhough things seem to be more clear now. I will save my tears until the confirmation comes out.
















It was all so sudden to read all of these but then again, one way or another that time will eventually come.








All I wish for is an amazing ending for our beloved couple. How they will going to spend the last filming day is all up to Yong and Hyun.








I just wanna feel their emotion on the final episode. I might want  to see tears, for I know many of us will cry with them but more than that I wanna see how saying goodbye to each other will affect them. If that happens, I will be relieved that something was really there.
















It has been more than a year since Yongseo joined WGM. They have shared a lot of memories together. And as for us, we also got a lot of great episodes to look back to and new  episodes to still look forward to. I just know that I will forever love Yongseo couple.








After this show, seeing them together again is quite uncertain and that's what breaks my heart.








But at the back of mind, this is reality. They are celebrities.








I just hope that they will still remember each other and all the supporters of Yongseo couple who have shown so much love for them.





























Yongseo Forever!








Listening to this song~
















































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Guest glennpaulo

I've just finished reading all comments/post....I've been away for 6 hrs and the thread jump 10+ pages i think..I'm happy that our thread is moving fast again.. 

But i'm quite dissapointed for all the post that i've read, because its all sadness. I just want to keep quiet but i can't..I know all of us goguma villagers is sad because of the rumor or should i say true news, that Yongseo is living WGM.. But lets not look for what is in front of us, lets look for a bigger picture. Let's look for a new oppurnity that will come for both of them. And they are also the one who make the decision of leaving. So the only thing we can do, is support them in every opportunity that comes to them and love in them in every ways we know.

From my perspective, i watch them from the start, follow every news about them, outside or inside of WGM...And i can say that the memory that they create with each other will last for a long time. It will never be replace by anyone who will be partnered with them in the future. The only thing will end is their cuts in WGM but not them right. So lets just happy and accept the reality.

Or if you want a reason to be happy in their ending, 

Lets just stick to the reason that they will end WGM due to some violation of their contract which is do not date while in WGM, since they started dating they need to stop the contract..hehe...

Let's just be happy for them, if you stick to the fact that they will end, im sure you won't enjoy the remaining episode.. Lets just keep spazzing their happy moments... and forget that sad things about them..

There are still a few episode remaining to be happy..

Do you guys want to reach 2000 pages with this sad topic??? I hope not..Lets Cheer up!!!

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annyong my fellow gogumas...






















































when i first read about yong participation in the drama last night(malaysia time),i already felt uneasy because i know that his time in wgm will come to end..but i seriously didn't think that it will be this day,today that i heard all the rumors that yongseo will say goodbye to wgm...i really really really am upset now,trust me i never felt so much break down like this when my favorite kdrama came to end(i.e secret garden).but after i'm hearing about this rumor(seems to be true from what i read from other gogumas post),i am crying like a baby now in front of my lappy.






















































i can't imagine that they will be no more super lovey dovey romantic couple that i can watch every saturday and never fail to bring smile to my face with their EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED things,i know i will miss my time that keep lurking on this thread and enjoy all post made from wonderful gogumas chingus..i will miss to say thanks to translators,to screencappers that never fail to bring goodies to this thread.
















i will miss this two wonderful human being,JUNG YONG HWA and SEO JOO HYUN..having watch you guys made me think that true love really exist and i promise even after this,i will support both of you individually and as a group..because the two of you really deserves it.
















p/s:anyway i'm from malaysia too..hi! to all my malaysian gogumas friends,i feel a bit relieved knowing that somewhere in my country,there are people crying just for yongseo like me tonight..
















i really hope when i wake up tomorrow,i will only hear good things and great news..YONGSEO FIGHTING!IN-GO-PAEM FIGHTING!









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Guest kasia3goguma
































BTW, It is said that they will film on 14th March right? Isn't it White Day in Korea????? :wub:
































sorry for short post, so I will post this gif (c: tumblr) I love how Yong teases Hyun! :D









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Guest ainaziz












ok...i've been a silent reader since like...FOREVER..ph34r.gifthis rumor really make my heart breaking into pieces..tears.giftears.gif




we're reaching 2000 pages and 2nd thread for GOD sake~!!and the last moment of it would be filled with depressed emotion~ *sigh*wacko.gifcrazy.gif 




well...let's stay strong gogumas...i hope i could stay strong...there's no other artist had make me smile like a crazy person in the class rather than YONGSEOwub.gifso, let's sit back and safe our energy after the official statement had been made...well, it kind of weird that DC are not buzzing around about it...let's have a little hope that it's just a rumor...blush.gifphew.gif









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Guest dingdang








OMg..I've been quietly reading and following this thread for the past 1year++ ever since yongseo started..I'm always reading all of your posts with excitement and gratitude for all the fast uploaded yongseo episodes..and now I'm really too sad and don't know what to think...YONGSEO..made me realise how beautiful love is..they are really heaven's match..I hope their destiny is TO BE TOGETHER..I really hope is they are meant to be together by god's will..not say I doubt their feelings for each other..but I'm a female so I don't know what to anticipate for yonghwa's feelings...but shooting a new drama with psh..hmm..somehow I feel like physical closeness like skinship during the drama eg. hug and kisses..I believe these will make a guy see a girl in a different light or at least slightly more awkward..how can you just have no feelings towards a kiss as nothing even if it is just acting? So I'm really scared that yonghwa is going to shoot a drama with psh..and drama usually makes people sink into the story line and I'm scared that fans will think that psh and yonghwa suit each other...it's depressing to just think about the possiblity of that..haiz..how I wish yongseo will never end...as for seohyun..I strongly believe that she loves yonghwa and she will stay faithful for her heart only belongs to yonghwa..I just hope she can express herself and pluck up courage to her yonghwa oppa and tell him that they should be together for real if yonghwa doesn't take the initiative for whatever reason...yonghwa ar..u r the guy..I know you love seohyun..Pls make this love TRUE..Please confess to seohyun all your feelings from the bottom of your heart..Please do not leave the show and let things come to an end because of shyness or fear or whatever reason! Tell seohyun that you love her and you want her to be with you! OMG...I'M GOING CRAZY..somebody stop me...haiz..not say I do not have confidence in yonghwa but..I just hope he can do something about it...you two are made for each other..please do not let it just end like that..I am sure your hearts are breaking already...busy schedules..no more wgm..what are you two going to do? no more chance to meet? this is heartbreaking..so please do something about it and be official bf and gf and eventually get married in future! (HOORAY!!!!!!!!!) How I wish..I cannot imagine if they just end like that..so heartbreaking for me..the banmal song...yonghwa wrote you two going to fall in love etc right..and the imagination song...those lyrics..I want to believe that's your real feelings for seohyun..you want seohyun too right? Your feelings will be strong enough to overcome anything right? Please stay faithful to seohyun if you are serious about her like what we see you in the show..coz I know seohyun's heart definitely belong to you already..the way you see her transform..in her heart you are the one already..what about you yonghwa? haiz..its comforting to read all of your posts and share your feelings towards the cruel ending of yongseo...Shall try to cheer up and not think about this and cherish every yongseo moment from now...and rewatch the romantic and beautiful story right from chapter 1...you two really made my life full of colours...even though I have a bf for years..when I watch you two...it's just heartwarming..made me feel that love is really really beautiful...you two are great individuals and should be together forever...oh my..I am too engrossed with this couple..somebody save me...


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Posting cause I want to thanks to winbros oppa, cause he could relieve my sorrow. Thank you winbros, please stay here with us for a long time.
















































































































And it is going to sound rude, but after reading some posts regarding to the drama issue and that Yong needs to be portrayed as if he likes his co-star, I don´t understand how the bussiness people can believe that becuase of that, we will stop relating YongSeo as a couple. Last year, in playfull kiss, Hyun Joong played falling slowly in an episode, and all the people who was translating were like... "ahhhhhhhh JoongBo",  "I miss them" ,"lettuce couple forever", and they stay in WGM was really short compared to YongSeo or Adam.
















































































































 When a TV show like this leaves deep marks in the audience´s hearts, you people of the entertaiment bussiness can´t pretend that we will forget that easy. Adam and YongSeo and later Khuntoria will be picture in our memories as a couple... always ¬¬.  I can understand the marketing issues, but not their delusional idea that we will forget that easy...
















































































































Sorry guys, I was needing to take that out of my mind blush.gif































































































































































































































Finally I want to say thank you to Adam fans... we appreciate your gesture, Thanks for being the WGM family that we need so much this time.
















































































































still waiting for the official news, after that I will speak my mind out
















































































































Love you all :wub:

















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Guest gmanalangster




























@winbros... Thanks ...all points taken... upon reading your posts..it... got me into ---> Denial (hold my breath) then Anger (teary eyed) comes Bargaining (Yong's New drama yey.) a bit Depressed (felt closure) and Accepts (So be it)...
























If Goguma Couple would come to an End ... Thank you Goguma Couple for making my saturday a look forward too day up to whenever the new Episodes would be aired... :)



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Guest deeana55












this is totally random..




i'm wondering why was seohyun holding guitar in snsd airport pic?








i hope she's preparing something for yong..




yong is the one who taught her to play guitar at first..








maybe farewell song??








i just hope they will continue to support each other just like they always do and i'm looking forward for them to announce that they're dating for real one day!!













sorry if i kind a miss it, but what guitar, in what picture because when i see that jessica fancam i didn't see any guitar....and a picture hyun only seing an half and she is carrying a bag not guitar...








can you post the picture ?




thank u





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Guest Cjbaby12
















Hello Goguma Friends! It seems like everyone is either confused, saddened and plainly just lost for words with all the news that came about. I personally was shocked to see that Yong will be leaving WGM or that they filmed their last episode. The drama news was something we all talked about before here, but I remember posting something about it before.














I said that it's like a husband going to work. The drama is just another job he needs so he could get paid more and buy that Goguma Field that Seohyun has always wanted. Not just a temporary field, but something they could really own. At the end of the shooting, they could go home and have some of Hyun's Soybean Paste soup... :wub: This is will also give us a chance to see how both of them will behave together or if there would be any set visits... So for me, him having a drama will just give us more chances of seeing them together or how they will change during the process... :P














BUT.... and a big BUUUUUTTTTTT!!!! I was thinking this only with the thought of them not leaving WGM. I mean if he already resigned from Inkigayo that opens up a spot on his schedule, right? I was thinking everyone needs a day off from all the busy things... Wouldn't he want to spend that day off with Hyun? Right? I mean he still needs a break at least once a week maybe he could do that with Hyun. :D They don't have to end WGM. I'm sure they could work some things out. He's been busy anyway and he was able to put up with it. I know he could be tired, but Hyun is helping him not to be tired... She's taking care of his health... :)
















I know that it's just a show, but it's really something hard to watch when they have to leave. Like most of you I am a Joongbo fan. Until now sometimes I still check on what they are doing. Then I started watching Yongseo from day one... I've been a fan of both even before they joined WGM. I always tell my sister who is a big Joongbo fan that they remind me of how it was during the Joongbo days. The awkwardness... the journey... But something even better is that you can see the true sincerity with them. I'm not saying Joongbo wasn't, but Yongseo just really showed me something I didn't expect. Show or not, watching them is something I really look forward to every week and something I learn from even if I'm older than them. Call it withdrawal or fear of not knowing, but I don't want them to leave just yet... :( There's still so much more that we can see from them... I'm sure you will all agree that their journey is really just starting. Now they are really comfortable with each other we could see a lot more coming from them.
















NOW IS THE TIME TO USE OUR GOGUMA SOOMPI POWER! This portal has been in the news and so has the YONGSEO Fans. We should all post together to ask for clarification with this rumor from MBC, SME and FNC if it is true. Better yet maybe we could petition for them to stay in WGM for now... LOL! What do you all think? Since Korean Media always reads us or someone definitely reads our posts we should now take advantage of that, right? Do a twitter trend or something to get their attention.
















I want to end my post with a letter. I could go on and on, but I think this is waaaay too long... so...
















This is my letter to our lovely couple: (I hope they could read it, but if not I want to write it anyway)
















To Yong and Hyun:














Hello! I hope you both are healthy and doing well. We have recently heard news that you will be filiming your last episode. Everyone in Gochun is really sad and some are still in denial. We even have some who try to act like it's ok just to keep themselves from being really sad. Is this true? Are you really leaving?














I just wanted you to know that we enjoy every single episode you've given us and how you both interact with each other. I know it's just a show, but you both give us a reason to smile, cry, get angry, be happy and be in love... :) We are aware that one day this show will be over, but I was hoping that you do it later rather than sooner. Is that possible? Maybe around October? Don't do it soon... We are not emotionally prepared. I mean give us a really long future date so we could all calm ourselves down and just prepare for that day, but don't do it out of nowhere... :( Can you please do that for us? I personally will be able to accept it more if there is a future set date rather than an announced last minute goodbye. Just like a watching a k-drama. When we know there's only 14 episodes we are prepared that there will be that final episode at a certain date... so please... please don't leave just yet. Set a future date that we could all calmly accept emotionally and mentally.














I know you are probably both tired and exhausted from all your activities. This might be requesting too much and who am I really to ask, right? But you know... Life has been hard for me lately... When I say hard I mean, I can't walk straight because of my back injury, I got hit by recession here in the US and some other stuff, but watching you both makes me really happy. It gives a dose of joy in my life that I need... Everyday I replay your videos just to laugh or smile on certain things... :)














I understand if you have to leave. I truly respect your decision. I was just really hoping it's not anytime soon... But of course we all want what's best for you both.














We congratulate you both for a wonderful journey on the show and we hope you could continue that journey outside of the show. Thank you for showing us a glimpse of who you both are and making us happy in the process. For giving us reasons to love and be loved. Thank you for being a way for us to meet new friends. Thank you for working hard and making us all proud to be your fans. We are sorry if you've probably seen some bad comments or if you were subjected to any anti-fans behavior. We are glad you both stayed strong even after that.














We hope you both stay happy together and reach your goals together moving forward. Good luck with everything that you do and know that we are all behind you for support if you need it! :)














We will surely miss you, but we know you'll send us your love time and time again with or without the show. As we will continue to send our love to both of you as your supporters. (with the show will be better... lol!) Take care always and God bless you both! :lol:



















































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Guest eliamae

Hi fellows,

I just found something interesting at DC.

I don't know how to post the pictures, so I'm just gonna post the link.

So, this picture.

our proud goddess at airport in thai Korea. ←SORRY! My Mistake! I edit the post.

Goddess in Thai

Apparently, has GUITAR CASE on her side!

I don't wanna expect too much...

It would be fine, if they have secret guitar lesson during their stay.

But if they are going to play THAT song, together on their stage.....

I will get burst into tears.

Let's just put aside all the rumors and the news and pray!

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Guest dingdang








oh gosh sorry for topping the page without any goodies to share.. heres a link that I watched recently..






http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYdIUJn5BTk --> rdr song






http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV8LHL0GpMQ&feature=related --> hoot song






seohyun dancing in front of yong nampyeon during seoul awards in Jan 2011..i saw in a fancam during snsd performance yonghwa is watching and dancing along with his hands during their hoot song..and he is in the third row..so he must have seen hyun buin dancing so near in front of him..haha nice to tink about that..YONGSEO pls continue...yongseo.. you will stay in my heart forever...be happy always~~ yongseo~~the most beautiful fairytale ever...and let it continue in reality please..


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Guest scatterbrain

i am not good with words, but i need share this with someone ...

rumour or not, yongseo couple will end WGM sooner or later. i've been saying to myself that i'll be ready for it. but with all this overwhelming news and rumours today, turns out that i'm never gonna be ready... :tears:

i've been following this couple for almost a year as i started watching them from episode7. we only get to see them once a week for an average of 25minutes. times that by 47 episodes so far. approximately 1175minutes. that's less than 20hours.not even a day!

yet we love this couple very much. and we will definitely remember them for quite some time. and they will always be missed.

yong and hyun will definitely feel at least 100X sadder than us. they see each other way more than 20hrs! and they learn to understand each other(yong even said that he understand hyun more than anyone!that's a bold statement), forgive each other, please each other, adapt to each other...isn't that what we all do in every relationship? and a relationship that has been going on for a year, it won't be easily forgotten...now it's up to them whether they want to continue this relationship or not outside WGM.

many thoughts run through my mind...

1. what will happen to their couple rings once they en WGM. will they immediately take it off? don't think it will be easy, the rings have been with them thru thick and thin for a year.

2. their wedding pictures. where are they going to put it?are they going to keep it?

3. all the stuff in their house...the elephant pillows, their "kids", who will have them?

4. hyun will always think of yong when she sees goguma.her most favourite thing will always be connected to yong. the guitar that yong bought for hyun will always be there. it will always remind her of yong...

anyway....they have too many beautiful memories they share together... how can they not miss each other?!and think about each other often?

it's a pity that yong hasn't met hyun's parents yet...and they haven't rode bikes together. thinking back at the to-do-list they make, why they randomly wrrote about visiting italy?it's not part of filming...so they really wish to go to italy together?

i really hope yongseo is real and destined to be together. what a beautiful story they have. two pure souls meeting and falling in love with each other. and continue to create beautiful memories together...

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Guest dingdang








--> during seoul awards yonghwa and his cnblue boys watching snsd performance up close.. at about 18:05 you can clearly see yonghwa dancing along to hoot with his hands~~trouble trouble trouble~~

p.s.just a add on..i was pretty excited when i saw these fancam..yonghwa watching his hyun buin perform!!


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Guest just_a_dream
























































 I decided to just sleep after reading sad rumors (rumors then, true now, i guess?)..i thought that when i'll wake up, everything would be JUST_A_DREAM..but i also have to realize that them together in this show is the real JUST_A_DREAM..








































so I woke up and try to find some good news here, but majority of us felt sad..








































what can i say?.my preparations really did me well all this time..








































i previously shared with you my sentiments of them leaving and i have said also how i was feeling all that time because their wedding photoshoot seems like a sign for me of their near leaving, those that i have done for myself at those times really helped me a lot, that's why I'm not breaking down with the news now..But I also had to admit that really hit me hard, that even I prayed to God for Him to grant me something, that not right now, do not let them live us now, not yet!. Even though this may sound silly for some, but 1% of my heart still believes that this would came untrue, the smaller that may seem, still I believe.








































If and if the inevitable will come, I guess I'll just have to be happy for whatever decisions that have been made, either SM/FNC or both of them made that..








































What I'm thinking now is, how can I get through every Saturday without a Saturday dosage of YongSeo couple? I really don't know, I haven't figured out what will I be doing by then. 








































I'm quite sure that after this, news of them together will be as scarce as hell and worst of all imposibble. Guess I'll have to satisfy my cravings with the news of them individually and will be supporting both of their careers, SNSD and CNBlue too.








































before i would end up giving a long essay here, would like to ask @kasia3goguma, what's with white day in korea? is it something like holiday or festivity?.am so sorry for bothering, though i could google it but laziness, honestly, hits me now. thanks in advance!








































for kkapliners..thanks soo much for supporting us Gogumas!.it really does loosen the tension a bit..fighting!








































be sleeping back, and will again pray that my wish will come true...








































Edit: thanks kasia3goguma..so I guess I'll have to expect a very nice and solemn separation?.since we knew how Yonghwa is so thoughtful and loves giving Hyun surprises (both of them though).






























































































































byebye (Yonghwa's style)








































































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Guest dingdang








hihi scatterbrain and fellow yongseo lovers..after reading all of your posts i felt amazingly slightly better...and scatterbrain your post is rather positive and made me felt better..when I saw your post..I think of hyun will always think of her yonghwa oppa whenever she see a goguma..couple rings..hope they will continue wearing it..and a relationship over a year will not be easily forgotten or ended right?? and oh ya~ u reminded that yong boldly said before he knew seohyun better than anyone else! all these positive thoughts..hmm..definitely i feel better now..so late already and I still couldn't sleep...i forgo my assignment just to linger on this thread more..haha..can't bear with the beautiful yongseo...shall go watch their wedding photoshoot before I go to dreamland...ok yonghwa..I have faith in you..I trust that you confess to seohyun at the crucial moment and let the whole thing be true..


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