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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest KuroNeko116































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is seriously crazy... I'm here at Starbucks downloading the latest subbed episode (































































































































































































































































instead of researching for my report
































































































































































































































































) because my internet decided to stop working this week. Thank goodness for free wireless internet!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just wanted to thank the people who replied to my post (you know who you are) i appreciated it. =)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My Saturday morning is never complete without watching the newest episode of the YongSeo couple. They are my































































































































































































































































orange juice
































































































































































































































































wake up call to my mornings...who needs an alarm clock...srsly? Anyways, I believe my friends will be holding an intervention sooner or later...this































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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for the translation, timing and uploading. I hope




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































will get better soon!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It is always































































































































































































































































interesting to see a development in their intimacy































































































































































































































































... Every time Seohyun gives Yonghwa the okay in regards to the hand holding, the linking of arms, the backhug... his confidence level just goes up. I'm sure you guys understand where this leads to...haha...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So how about those kisses?? Do you think he'll kiss her more since he got the okay from her??































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Btw, just saw next week's preview and i laughed so hard and thought it was the cutest thing! Can't wait!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest kay77
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am so sorry about a second post in a row. I feel like I am spamming but few people asked me about this part in the episode so...
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello Gogumas or In-Go-Paem!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































I have a question regarding the translation from last episode. I quite don't get it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SH: I really because you I think I’ll catch asthma.
































































































































































































































































































































































































MC: Why?
































































































































































































































































































































































































YH: Cough?
































































































































































































































































































































































































SH: Yes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































YH: Why do from me would you catch a cough?
































































































































































































































































































































































































SH: Because I…
































































































































































































































































































































































































hmmm is Seohyun worried bcoz of Yonghwa could get asthma since he coughing so much?! Or she has asthma and therefore is worried of his health too?!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry if I am too dumb about this I just don't get it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know... that was kind of random and sudden thing for Seohyun say. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Then again, Seohyun says a lot of things that are completely random and off the wall sometimes. It is one of her charming qualities. She is definitely unique in her thinking and in expression. Just as Yonghwa so often says "it's charming" in references to Seohyun's ramdomness, I think this side of Seohyun is rather cute and lovely. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































The translation was done right. It is just that there is probably a hidden meaning behind what she said. I am guessing that she was trying find a way to surprise Yonghwa with her gift (scarf) but was having difficult time finding ways to do it. Yonghwa didn't help the matter by joking around as he usually does. So she was becoming flustered.
































































































































































































































































































































































































What are the symptoms of asthma? Shortness of breath, coughing, tightness in the chest... etc, right? What she was probably trying tell Yonghwa was that she was starting to feel like she was getting "asthmatic" symptoms.
































































































































































































































































































































































































We know that Seohyun is very shy about expressing feelings and she is inexperienced. This probably was a very first "real" surprise gift that she made herself with an intention of giving it to a guy who is not her family or relatives. She probably was somewhat embrassed but was also very excited about the gift she made for Yonghwa and thoughts of surprising him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































However, she was having very difficult time finding a way to give it to him, especially since it was made even more difficult by Yonghwa with his joking around and playing around. Therefore, she was getting flustered, feeling as though she was getting "asthmatic". Hence, she expressed her feeling by saying that she felt as though she will catch an "asthma" because of Yonghwa... ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































This is my explanation of the scene and what Seohyun might meant by what she said, and I am sticking to it. B):lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































ETA: There also seem to be some speculations in the Go-Chun land as to whether Yonghwa knew about the scarf ahead of the time or not. In the blackroom interview, Yonghwa did say he didn't know about the scarf. He did say it was a random guess on his part and got it right with the first try and that he was sorry for that.

































































































































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Hello goguma chinggus, its spazzing week. Whaa, what an episode to remember..its an epic...maybe for us fans but i don't care for the others...:D... when i first saw the first screen caps i swear i cried, tears are streaming down my eyes, i don't know the reason why my reaction was like that but at that moment i was so happy beyond words... specially when i saw the kiss on the forehead... the kiss was so cute even its just a peck but still the lips of yong touch the skin of hyun not once but twice. i wonder how many volts of electricity run through hyun's body when yong lips touch her skin?...hhmmmnnnn....


but i got to go its very late and i need to wake p early for my duty...goodnight chinggus...have a sweet dreams everyone..and thank you to all...opps...get well soon M3 and Dduk...




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Guest hakumai88



   Hello Gogumas!!!~ :D

So really really grateful for the quick uploads and translations of the the videos!!!

I was just sitting and watching through the videos over and over again.

There are so many awesome scenes that I couldn't help but love everything!!!

I finally figured a way to input the pictures in my post.

Hopefully, this is right ^_^

This picture of Yong's smile while lifting Seohyun is so adorable!! :wub:


This picture, I just loved how Yong looked at Seohyun for confirmation on whether to kiss or not.


Seohyun pulling at the scarf and Yong letting her do so without complaint really made me feel that he is such a accommodating boyfriend.

Often, he is called "Yong choding", but in this scene, it made me think that Seohyun was acting like a child and playing around with a boyfriend so carefree-ly.



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hello! I'm slowly recovering! my cough isn't going away though T^T

I just did some ps work because I just LOVED how they looked at each other during this one part of the photo shoot.


I'll be translating next week can't wait to find out what they are fighting about....


OH and wallpaperfood i LOVE LOVE LOVE your icon. Made me laugh for a good while. I love that MC.

AND ANOTHER THING. I saw that people were asking around what song was playing in the background when Yong gave her a forehead peck... the song is called Hocus-Pocus by 2lson.



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Guest monkie2804

Seriously I hope MBC will post the full set of wedding photos on their website soon because it was simply PERFECT. Seohyun is like a princess/goddess and Yonghwa is like a prince. They are so perfect that it hurts to think one day this will end >.<

Gotta give it to Yonghwa for his excellent fashion sense. The bling bling dress he chose was the best looking one in all of the dresses Seohyun tried on and it made the pictures where she was sitting on the floor look so flawless. It was really like she was riding on the cloud or something. The dress and their beauty made it look like a modern fairytale and in all honesty, even without my biasness, Seohyun beats the hell out of all the fairytale princesses in Walt Disney and all other brides/celebrities wearing wedding dress pictures I've seen. Nobody rocked the wedding dress like she did because they might look awesome too but this is the first time I actually see someone glows/shines in it. Yonghwa is so handsome and his smile is so sweet/charming it hurts because I want a groom like that too [but i'm happy enough with my current bf though :P]

I smiled the whole time watching Yonghwa debating whether to kiss her or not. Honestly, he acted like he really didn't want to do the kiss, but his face kinda said otherwise LOL Honestly, the "No, i don't want" face he tried to pull was so fake [in a GOOD way] that it made it even more obvious that he kinda wanted to do it too but just afraid SH might not. The expression when he was asking SH if she really wanted that has to be the most FAKE [again, in a GOOD way] one and also the CUTEST one LOL He was like trying to convince everyone that he kissed her just bcuz other people told him to [including SH] LOL. He's so shy and innocent that the whole thing just scream CUTENESS to our faces.

This ep was just full of awesomeness. It is currently my favorite ep so far. I love every moment of it, esp the pics when he putting a ring on her finger, when he carried her AND she DID NOT look a tiny bit of discomfort [i mean,if she didn't like the idea of letting him carry her like that, she could always refuse it like she refused to kiss TRAX, or if she was afraid it might hurt him and reluctantly agreed to do it, she has every right to look uncomfortable and we all know Yongseo aren't very good actors - honestly not to bash them but I'm never convinced by his acting in YAB and her acting in SNSD MVs/perf, not sure if this is a good or bad thing].I also love the whole student concept, no actually I love everything the photographer did to their photoshoot. He needs to be praised more.

However, like many have said, the best part has to be after the shoot when they were walking home. It just confirm to me that IT'S OFFICIAL, YONGHWA LOVES SKINSHIP. The boy can't keep his hands to himself esp after the first epic Back Hug was warmly received with a smile and not even a slight rejection. And IT'S ALSO OFFICIAL, SEOHYUN LOVES LOOKING AT YONGHWA. I think she already learned well the art of eyeship from Yong because that is what he did best in the first half of the show.

Sorry i wrote so much. I've never posted a long post before, so this proves how crazy I am about this ep. By the way, this was not even written out of joy right after watching the ep because I honestly watched it on Saturday already. If I were to write this on Sat, I don't know how long it's gonna be

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Guest aneng
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So I was watching the episode again (again 100 times). Randomly, I thought of wanting to see their couple ring again. This was after the photoshoot. This is totally random and it's not even a big deal...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For some reasons, Seohyun was wearing her ring on her right hand.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kill me for my randomness </3

































































































































































































































































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Guest uni343ver








































































































































































































































I'm back for more goodies. I just can't help myself. I just LOVE LOVE this episode.























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong CHODING...to think he wants to fling this gorgeous creature...















































































































































































































































































































































































































































You sure you want to do that YONG??















































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sure *ahem* hundreds of thousands of guys will line up to catch her.



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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(Yeah, we get what you're trying to do when you give him the scarf HYUN... It's like saying YOU'RE TIED TO ME AND I WON'T LET YOU GO).













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest FallenAnjewl
























































































































So I was watching the episode again (again 100 times). Randomly, I thought of wanting to see their couple ring again. This was after the photoshoot. This is totally random and it's not even a big deal...
















































































































For some reasons, Seohyun was wearing her ring on her right hand.
















































































































*quoted image*
















































































































Kill me for my randomness </3































































































































































































































Thats her SNSD ring that she has with her unnies.
















































































































Seohyun usually wears too rings for the two most important in her life besides her parent
















































































































Right hand= SNSD and left hand = YONG !!!
















































































































  Hope to hear some good news soon









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Guest aneng
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ I think it's the ring with Yonghwa since it's a lot thicker than her friendship ring (which isn't thick at all) with SNSD. And she didn't wore her SNSD ring on that day too. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBlue first video teaser is out
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































http://music.naver.com/video/popupPlayer.nhn?videoId=93224 http://cnblue.co.kr/cnblue/teaser_1st_formal_album/index.html
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bad boy CNBlue is bad. Hot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can sense the perfection, CNBlue.

































































































































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Guest meeychan



Just wake up from lurker-mode.. I’m sorry for my VERY-LATE-SPAZZING… I just can’t describe my POVs about this SUPPERR DAEBAK episode with any words..hehee..

I’ve just finished watching the whole subbed episode yesterday with my lil sist n we can’t stop screaming like YEAAAAAHHH~ !! finally… like the tittle gave by tetsuya.. “Our Wish has Come True”.. and even BIGGER than our hopes!! I just cant believe hyun gives her “first kiss” to Yo~ng.. and I SUPER SUPER LOVE how gentle yong towards hyun.. and even said “seohyun mianhae” after (just) pecks on seohyun’s forehead.. oooohhh.. how I wish could have a bf like him! Kekeke~

This couple really match n made from heaven.. jjinja! How yong and hyun play recorder together n this is not for the 1st time they play instruments together with LOVELY HARMONY without practicing before!

And how I LOOOVVEEE (again and again) seohyun made a scarf for yonghwa! Ohh.. I just feel embarrassed with my self.. How obout me? I’ve already almost 4 years be in a relationship with my bf and I never JUST think to make him something made by me! Haha.. if they are not REAL, so I don’t know what REALITY is!

And.. of course, the most favourite scene is this episode goes to.. BACKHUG SCENE~!!! <3 <3

@ Yongseoisreal :

hello, maybe i'm ur senior in our field..hehe.. i'm doctor.. still fresh graduate.. may i know where u come from?


i'm so sorry for my very-short-spazzing.. huhuhuu.. i just cant help with my bad-english.. :(

Oohhh.. HOW STUPID i am! i just forget to say TONS of THANKFUL for tetsuya and juhee for subbing n translating the video, lalacakes for the resume of the episode, bee_ichigo, aneng, angelvillian, and another goguma chingoos whom i cant mention your name one by one.. *kisskiss*


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Something random that I wanted to share about my thought on Yongseo relationship. Perhaps it may not be true, but I would just share out what I see and what I feel throughout the grow of both of them...
































Every time the bobo topic was brought up, Yonghwa is the one who strongly object it, while Hyun just smiled shyly. I would think that this is the way Yonghwa to protect Seohyun.
































From the very start of their WGM journey, Yonghwa always be so caring towards Hyun, care about her feelings, carefully walking step by step towards her, afraid that she will feel annoying or have bad-feelings if he stepped a big step forward, since everything is Seohyun's first time. Therefore, he will just hint and did a small intiation, and the rest, he will let Seohyun lead the way until he sees the approval from her. The double birthdate at KanghwaDo is the best example. Seohyun did an event for him, Seohyun make him a storybook, Seohyun purposely went to custom made their couple ring. All these things done by Seohyun, is an approval for him to take a step closer to her. At the end of their double birth-date, he even asked the permission of arm linking by asking "is it the time we should link arm/ hold hand?" He did not even grab her hand for that. How thoughtful is this guy.
































I would say that Yonghwa is the one who bring their relationship up to the next level. After the double birthdate, he knew how Hyun feel towards him, but he did not wanted to stop at "that level" only. Therefore, he took the courage to intiative mildang. If the result turn out to be possitive, that is his success to bring up their relationship level; if is not, I think he will just treat SeoHyun is a very ordinary & normal
































friend. The mildang thingy, indeed, was very hurt for both Yong and Hyun. When the entire world is pittying Hyun, statement/ opinion/ comment poping out "oh, Yong should not treat her like that","how can be it be like that, she is not suppose to suffer this kind of condition","this is her first time with boy, Yong should not treat her like that" bla bla bla... I think the most suffering was Yong. I'm not sure he was really busy with his schedule until he could not have time to give her a call or even text her, but I pretty sure it is not because of the hactic schedule. If not mistaken, from the blackroom interview, Yong did mention that he wanted to know what Hyun's think about him, how she feels about him. Even he did say to Hyun during the Japan trip, Hyun can always give him a call if she missed him. So, this make a clear picture to me that, the mildang thingy was really a test for both Yong & Hyun.
































The epic Japan trip, both of them finally have a heart to heart talk. They shared how they feel about each other, they missed each other, they monitored each other's activity, they waited each other to call just to listen their voices. Hyun's sudden arm linking--> another permission for Yong to step even closer to her. She hinted him she is ready for skinship.
































After the trip, their relationship significantly brought up to the next level. The gogoma harvest trip (sorry, I forgotten the name of the place. I'm not good with places name), clearly see that how comfortable between them. That is why Yong just grab her hand (held her hand) and place it in his pocket so comfortably. Hyun never reject. The haengbok smile on her face, can see how happy she was. Playing around and feeding each other during the dinner, how comfortable they were with each other existance.
































Enjoying every moment together. Yong knows that he can be even closer to her, make her touched and moved,with all the effort he has done, writting her the Banmal song, brought her to meet up with MIL and his closest friends, brought her to the place (Busan) where he grew up, where he have all his childhood and teenage memories, making her breakfast, went to health checkup with her (even tough he strognly disagree to go at the first place). The final goal that he wanted, just like the Banmal song lyric "you walk towards me slowly, step by step, now look at my two eyes and tell me I Love You". He expressed his feeling well in the song (bear in mind that, this song was intentionally written for Seohyun in the first place, the rest, like company making money offically releasing it bla bla bla is nothing to me), he is really a genuis in writting and composing songs.
































Now, their wedding photoshoot, the bobo suggestion. He strongly disagree it. Why? it is not he do not want it, it is not he is shy, it is because he do not want Hyun to feel embarrassed or scare (since she never do it before). He just wanted to protect his angel. From Seulong & Nayong suggestion during the eating session, until he laid down beside Seohyun, until he move towards her, he stills strongly disagree to do the bobo scene. When the photographer keep on insisted the scene to be carry on (I like this photographer very much, haha!!), Yong knew that he already fight & defended until the end and he lose. Then, he throw the ball to Seohyun, whether he should proceed to kiss her or not. Thank GOD, Seohyun nodded for approval. Haha...
































With all the skinship (bobo, backhug, sidehug) during the photoshooting, Yong have some confident level to initiate it when they walking in the park back home. Hyun did not reject. Tada~!! Another relationship up-level. I bet in future episode, we might able to see these more often.
































In return to all the hard work & effort that Yong have done throughout the year, Hyun made him the-only-handmade-Yongseo-scarf-in-the-world. This scarf is the one and only, just for Yonghwa. From Hyun's blackroom interview, she said that is for gratitude and thankful for him to open-up her, but I would say part of if is for LOVE, this is undenialble, she must have develop a certain feeling towards him that can make her willing to learn knitting and knit for him. Someone in the earlier post, guessing that Yong might lost the scarf in next episode, but pls don't be. jearbal~ jearbal~
































I think this post is way too long to read. Thank you for your time to reading my lost post. :rolleyes:
































Oh ya, I wanted to thank all the translator, video subber for all the great work you've done, screen caps, fanfic, fanMV etc.. sorry that I could not remember the name to be thanked, but my sincerely thank to all of you.. kamsahamida~~:wub:

































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Guest b229b24k

i'm glad that yonghwa just slightly peck seohyun forehead

that just leaves her wanting more!!lol

what did she say in the interview??

"i hope he came closer"

dont worry hyun, u'd get one for your anniversary (wishful thinking) :ph34r:

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Guest SophiaPia
































































can i sing... looking through the eyes of love wub.gifw00t.gifwub.gif hello go-chun, hello to all chingus















































































































































































































































































































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Guest MQPheartsYS
































































From the very beginning Yonghwa has been protective and considerate of Seohyun. I really admire him for that. I remember in episode 6(?) when the CN Blue bros came to meet Seohyun and they asked Yong to feed her, Yonghwa was very gentlemanly about it and said something along the lines "when Seohyun is comfortable, we'll do it later." He is always thinking of her comfort level.
































It's funnier though the way he rejects kissing in the wedding episode. It's like he's protesting too much. lol. I'm sure he wouldn't mind a kiss, but again Seohyun's comfort level is always first in his mind.
































I noticed though, when the CNBLUE Bros suggested Yonghwa feed her she said "No" right away, but she didn't really reject the kissing suggestions during the wedding photoshoot... interesting... lol. She did kind of whine a little but that's to be expected; girls can't just agree to being kissed like that lol we have to put up some sort of a resistance, even if it's a very weak one.
































God, how can I love them this much.

































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Guest l1nn3
































I just would like to say thank you to all gogumas here since it has been sometimes since the last time i say my thanks...
































especially to:
































translation -> juhee, dduk, m3, kay77, aisuo
















subbing -> tetsuya and team
















screencap -> too many to mention :P
































welcome back to sun_sun
































and i miss the old gogumas j2dlee,christal_malfoy, juky and judy (i thk i spell the name wrongly), bezbezbez etc... i hope u guys are doing fine and please come back and spazz together
































and thank you to all active members currently that make tis thread really fun and entertaining (cant mention one by one since it is too many)...
































for the lurkers...do post once in a while please and share your POV...

















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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyeong goguma vilager...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First, I want to say thank you very much for Juhee, lalacakes, Tetsuya9 and bee-Ichigo for superfast subbed video and translation. Also for M3 and Dduk, get well soon :rolleyes:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And for myblueshoes, I know it's a little bit late. But thank you very much for your explanation about Corso Como. Noumu Kamsahamnida :rolleyes:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, time to spazz about this recent episode. Seriously, I think we can't never get enouh with this couple. They never tired to give us a never ending sweetness. Like the other episodes, I never getting tired to watch it again and again. I can't stop laugh to see how Na Young and Seulong tease yongseo that much. I love to see their wedding photoshoot. And of course my favorite is the last part.  What I'm curios now is how will SNSD Unnies and Trax oppa react after watch this episode? They must be tease seohyun a lot right?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well, it's look like my english getting bad these days. So I think I just finish with my part :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I noticed though, when the CNBLUE Bros suggested Yonghwa feed her she said "No" right away, but she didn't really reject the kissing suggestions during the wedding photoshoot... interesting... lol. She did kind of whine a little but that's to be expected; girls can't just agree to being kissed like that lol we have to put up some sort of a resistance, even if it's a very weak one.God, how can I love them this much.




When i read this post of yours, i immediately remember a song that will fit for both of them, the song called Baby It's Cold Outside (I like the one sang by Glee, Kurt ft. Blaine) and now i want both of them sing this song, it's a duet song too... :wub:




Baby It's Cold Outside - Kurt ft. Blaine




I really cant stay - Baby it's cold outside




Ive got to go away - Baby it's cold outside




This evening has been - Was hoping that you'd drop in




So very nice - I'll hold your hands, there just like ice




My mother will start to worry - Beautiful whats the hurry




My father will be pacing the floor - Listen to the fire place roar




So really I better scurry - Beautiful please don't hurry




Well maybe just half a drink more - Put some records on while I pour




The neighbors might think - Baby its bad out there




Say whats in this drink? - No haps to be had out there




I wish I knew how - Your eyes are like starlight now




To break the spell - I'll take your hat your hair looks swell




I ought to say no no no sir - Mind if I move in closer?




At least I'm gonna say that I tried - What the sense of hurting my pride?




I really can't stay - Baby don't hold out




Babe but its cold outside




I simply must go - But baby its cold outside




The answer is no - But baby its cold outside




This welcome has been - How lucky that you dropped in




So nice and warm - Look out the window at that storm




My sister will be suspicious - Gosh your lips look delicious




My brother will be there at the door - Waves upon a tropical shore




My maiden man's mind is vicious - Ooh your lips are delicious




But maybe a cigarette more - Never such a blizzard like this




I've got to get home - But baby you'll freeze out there




Say, lend me a coat? - Its up to your knees out there




You've really been nice - I'm thrilled when you touch my hair




But don't you see - How can you do this thing to me?




There bound to be talk tomorrow - Think of my lifelong sorrow




At least it will be implied - If you've got it hold your head high




I really cant stay - Get over that hold out




Oo baby its cold outside







This is actually a Xmas song, but who knows (crossing finger), i'd love to listen of their version of this song, doesn't have to be the same, similar is good enough for me.




And the guy in this song is quite bold, unlike our considerate gentleman Yong, but it's pretty fun to think about it.. And the girl, is the type who says NO at first, and YES at the end. :wub: Did i sound like a pervert here?? :lol:




Edit : Oh, God... I just realize this is totally random... :P





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hi...jnj (bangapseumnida)

yes i guess...we've missing a lot of scene...but the new epi of YongSeo couple is still daebakkkk....really daebakkkkkk :w00t:

my fav scene is backhug....so lovely :wub:

and so glad i can see Seulong Oppa again...really miss him :tears:

nice to meet u too, iK_fen. :)

yeah, pdnim owes us a lot of BTS..

imagine if that particular scene was not edited, this epi will be super super daebak! kekeke

pia, lovely caps, chingu.

uni, tks for all the gifs..i love gifs.

tks to u too shane..

aneng, tks for the link to cn blue new teaser,

the boys are seriously going to top the chart again...

back to spazzing mode...its a nvr ending obssesion :phew:

sailor moon and the dog (she called him that because of the hairstyle, but adorable puppy suits him best)


yong choding not wanting to be kissed! but his heartbeat goes deguen deguen...


the pink lady and her man..


sometimes i feel that no one reads my post since some of my Qs rgding the

trans parts are not answered yet even tho i asked them 2x. :rolleyes:

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