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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest vmasterpiece
















































I've been re-watching the preview n- time 
































and i suddenly think of something interesting 
































on preview :
































is this what they are going to do : ^^
































it looks " PLAUSIBLE " judging from their poses and the book in his hand. If the photographer want to take a "kiss" scene without actually kissing. LOL
































arghhh.... need saturday!!! ^^









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Guest dangshin

to M3 thanks for the Fanfic.. i'll be reading it before going to sleep.. hehe,, i'll leave a comment after! :-)

to Celticheart47... - it was a relly nice post you have there.. i enjoyed reading it. and i agree with all you have written. thank you!

I'm here in the office and about to have My Lunch when i decided to peek on this thread.

I just watch the subbed Episodes last night. and it was really EPIC.  How sweet YONGHWA is.. he can't take his eyes away from his buin.. Thanks for the screencaps, I'll trreasure all of them. Many people said our Eyes are mirror of our Emotions. And it's reaally there.. this young Couple adore each other, I'm not a Love guru and don't have much experience in true Love, like Seohyun I usually passed my time reading books and try to learn from them,.. and i also try to Learn on other peoples experiences. 

watching them Grow and be comfortable with each other makes me smile and wonder and hoping that they will end up together. they are so perfect for each other... :-)

 to yonghwa thaks for you're effort, Seobaby really warmed up with it. and I'm sure you'll be the Guy she can never forget.. hopefully the guy she will marry .. how about 5 years from now.. (we can dream for it ... no harm trying..:-))

to Seohyun, this guy adores and Cares for you in a BIG BIG way.. and you're such a Lucky Girl and you deserve it... I wish my Bros. find someone just like you..  :-)

sorry i just wanted to write what's on my mind.. trying to ease the work pressure.. kekeke..

thanks everyone for the spazzing.. you've been such a stress reliever.. so i'll be peeking on this thread every now and then.. hehe.. 




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Guest l0okiemaria


hey hey everyone! :] Having watch the episode over and over again, I am very much curious to why Yong looks at the camera at the scene where he says, "for me only" ( approximately 3:40-3:44 of the second part of the episode). Does anyone have a clue or anything? cause i am really curious.. it really caught my eye when he did..










OH! and at the second part of the episode at like 5:25, when hyun was wearing the figure flattring dress, yong seemed so into it. hehe like he couldn't stop looking at her body or something about that dress was appealing to him.. OH DEAR, i feel bad bout saying that.. eeck.. not to sound like a weirdo or whatever, but idk.. that's what i felt like he was intuned to or something..


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Guest hannahgarrido




It's like during the ski trip when she fell backwards and her ski hat tumbled off. She was like "I didn't want him to see that side of me". Sometimes it can be embarrassing when someone is watching you do something personal and mortifying (in the case of the ski hat) especially if it's someone you like.


Seohyun is a person that doesn't like losing her composure and I guess you could say "outer perfection" so she must have been uncomfortable when he said he wanted to watch.




Since I topped a page. Here are the things I will be eagerly waiting to see^^


*quoted image*



ahhh.. thanks.. so does it mean that putting on fake eyelashes is not a pleasant thing to see??



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Guest juita_ejet77








Monday bluess!!!!!








Sleepy & my head hurt like crazy...migrain again...really in need of a dose of yongseo now....Staying in the office during lunch hour so that I can re-watch the wedding photoshoot againnnnn!!!!





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Guest yongseorockin




yongseorockin: I've been posting the couples cuts for some time now. Is there any particular reason you're asking for the couples cuts (presumably from 100227 - present [~11GB]) unsubbed?





I pm-ed you about why I ask. Haha. By the way, another goguma ask me about downloading raw as well. Seems like its a bit in demand. keke.

And Thank You so much for providing raws for subbers to sub and goguma to watch again!!:rolleyes:


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By the way!! I was reading some very old posts on this  cough*some person*cough request for YONGSEO CUTS with NO SUBs. Just wondering if someone with all those episodes can create a website and put them there for this *cough*person*cough* to download.
































































































































































































































































































































































































raw video all episode available at yongseo fanclub
































































































































































































































































































































































































for anyone to want to d/l

it's avi 600p each episode have been split in to 2 or more part you need to join it after finish d/l every part (can join by hjsplit or 7zip)

































































































































































































































































































































































































I have all 1080i episode but I don't understand what do you mean in your spoiler, PM me if you want any help

































































































































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To sally7;































If I'm not mistaken :






















































There's an old post from "somebody" that req an episode with HQ & no need for subs.































We been curious since then. Since, "whose gonna watch a vid wit no subs, unless you really understand Korean" thing..































No 1 take notice bout it at 1st....































Not sure weather at that time you realize it or not....































But then this "somebody" post a link @ YT bout our couple Banmal video.































& because this "somebody" post exactly on that date the Banmal upload on YT.































(also got same origin with YT acc ;) )































After that, this "somebody" stop posting anything here..... :(































I hope to read more of his/her posting, so we can "speculate" more.






























































And this somebody has been called :























































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








okay, we're talking about this "somebody" right?? where did this person go anyway??? he/she disappeared just like bubbles......... maybe sometime later he will bring an OUTSTANDING news again, just like when this "somebody" posted the "banmal song"






gosh sooo mysterious!










whoever you are DUCKDUCKDUCK! we can't thank you enough for posting the "banmal song" link here. please at least show yourself once now just to erase any speculations........












sally7!!!! I need your videos!! 1080i. maybe you can upload the vids onto mediafire.com. actually I've been trying to find the HQ RAW videos for quite sometime, because it's just my habit downloading BOTH subbed and unsubbed videos, and you can actually improve your korean skills by watching those vids......and that fanclub, I just realized that it provides the links :sweatingbullets: silly me!












EDIT: lovekin, after reading your post, now I'm confused :wacko:









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Guest lovekin








this is a repeat for some, but i was hoping a translator could get back to me on this.  i'm actually not sure if it's a translating issue, or if it's simply my misunderstanding or what, but this is bugging the living zombie out of me:












  why are you not concerned?






  what do you mean i'm not concerned?






  look in the mirror, you look like you're not concerned.









seohyun BRI:

  he was like a pickled kimchi.  he looked very tired.  but since he wasn't, i just thought, ah i have to choose it.





yonghwa BRI:

  after all those dresses, why does she beat around the bush?  i kept thinking what are you thinking about?










OK, so i'm of the impression - and i could be dead wrong - that the interview (on yong's end) has something to do with the elephant* that constantly circles around yong and seo during these moments.  to clarify - in case the phrase is a bit alien to some - an "elephant in the room" refers to an obvious problem that the concerned people want to avoid discussing.  (dabbling in delusional land for a minute, to us, the elephant would be the perpetual tension that surrounds yong and seo every time the atmosphere gets steered in this direction of i-know-you-like-me-so-just-say-it).








anyway, my question is:  what on earth does he mean by "beating around the bush" in this context?  what is it they're referring to?  is this a lost-in-translation issue or is it accurate?  are they simply referring to seo wanting to try on more dresses?








my take on it was that it had to do something with the fact seo felt yong was too tired or "unconcerned" to contribute anything (don't take that in a bad way).  that she does, in fact, care about his opinion and wants him to be more proactive in the dress selection.  however, by admitting it, it would be like seo acknowledging feelings on her part - which we know she is BAD at doing or purposefully avoids it because she's so unused to it or what-have-you (doesn't have to be romantic feelings either, but the idea of taking initiative and addressing how she really feels ... which is what yong has reminded her to do numerous times).  and that yong said what he did in the BRI because he had the same feeling (that i'm posing to all of you right now).








do i make sense at all?  help?








lmao, or if you watched it and had a different interpretation of it, let me know.  i'm curious if i was the only one who had trouble with this.












*elephant:  i now deem this animal to be a euphemism for every problem that exists between the two.  just because it sounds cuter than "problem."  i'll probably forget this come next post.





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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































Annyeong fellow-goguma-shippers...
































































































































I started typing this at  lunch break with some thoughts based on what I've read from the earlier posts and realized that it's now tea-break what with having to do real work.... :sweatingbullets:
































































































































Last weekend's episode yet again surpassed the last great episode.... and what I loved most about it was that the degree of comfort with which the 2 have with each other is just amazing.  Again, no real surprise since we've been following uri couple's escapades since Day1 awkward to what we saw last weekend.  I agree with many of the posters that we seem to see a genuine tenderness, care and affection cough*love*cough in their eyes and interactions.  Told you their eyeships would be DAEBAK.......
































































































































celticheart47's post resonates with me as well, I get the sense that Yong is holding back from openly showing his affection, and can only do so through his faithful wearing of their couple ring at every opportunity he gets.  I get the sense that Hyun also wears their couple ring but unfortunately our FBIs aren't able to capture as many shots of her doing so as they do with Yong.  We can also see that Hyun is more transparent/open with Yong now, her interactions are so natural and she jokes and laughs with/at him.  She has been engaging in conversation with him beyond Yes/Nos and Aigoos..... and thinks of his health time and again (veggies for dinner, no coffees for Yong).  Again this is a real breath of fresh air with regards to Hyun.  
































































































































I just watched Strong Heart episodes 11-12 last weekend with the wife and what we saw of Hyun was someone distinctly uncomfortable in a variety show, she looked spaced out and uncomfortable in answering questions though her answers were delivered in her unique way and pretty strong.  Wife :wub:  noted that compared to what we see of her in WGM, granted a different format variety altogether, after the awkwardness in the 1st couple of episodes, she's completely comfortable with Yong and initiating things/conversations on her own now.  I read somewhere that her other recent variety was in Come to Play (? I could be wrong on this) where she paired up with Lee Teuk (her sunbae) for a game and it was awkward.  I'm dead certain that she cannot be comfortable with any other guy in another variety program, and the question that I have is where is this level of comfort with Yong stemming from?  Like I said in an earlier post, she is familiar with her male 91-er friends, aka Jinwoon, Minho, etc.  But I don't recall THIS level of comfort with them as we see her with Yong.
































































































































Based on above + what we observe of their interactions and the looks in their eyes (again pointed out by many chingus here) + the clues that have come from elsewhere, e.g. Taeyeon's message, other SNSD-unnies' messages/comments about Hyun, her manager-oppa's comment in the goguma-harvest episode (innocuous I know but I'm cup-half-full-ajusshi-shipper remember!), Yong's recent comments on ideal type, etc.  I'm fairly certain that they are currently dating/a couple for sure.
































































































































Over this weekend though, like a worried shipper cough*father*cough, I had been wondering what the future holds for our 2 lovely idols.... given the nature of the industry that they are in.  As has been discussed by many before, they are so young, at 20 & 22 years, with a bright and long (hopefully definitely!) successful career ahead of them.   Will our Goddess & Rocker be able to carry on their relationship post-WGM?  How often can they meet and where can they meet?  Many questions I had with no good answer for.  
































































































































The only thing I can take heart in is their strength of characters.  If they are meant for each other, they will make it work I guess, Hyun definitely has shown that she will give her all to succeed in whatever she does, and I imagine that would involve her relationship(s) as well.  Hence to me why she seems so transparent, its like she's giving it her all and Yong is the one trying to manage the feelings of their fans (and antis) with his seeming withdrawal at times.
































































































































Aish, why do I fret over 2 persons whom I've never met before?  I have no answer to that... I only know that they give me a positive buzz each time I see them and read about them, and I'm rooting for them to overcome the odds and have a long and beautiful relationship, hopefully culminating in a real wedding in the years to come.
































































































































EDIT: just saw lovekin's post and I agree that something there seems a bit out of place, not too sure what it is yet.  It could be as per luvtokki's post on guys appreciating her for who she is and not what she wears?  Plus Yong had picked out the dress for Hyun and the rest just tired him out.  (My wife stopped taking me shopping since I hardly contribute anything more than a "yes dear, that looks good on you", nothing constructive at all.... she's happy with my supp-card..... :phew: )
































































































































EDIT2:  thanks klee22!!  That does clarify things.
































































































































EDIT3: @R4TU, I am firmly in your camp on this, I hope for them to have a long and wonderful relationship as well.  Given what we have seen, they have been so good for each other, and I believe they will continue to be a source of comfort and support to each other based on their characters.:D
































































































































Am I making any sense (I suspect not), am I confusing all of you (I probably am), is this a dastardly ploy to get all of you to re-watch yongseo episodes and scour the net for news & clues about their status (what?  who me???  why yes of course!).
































































































































































































































































































































































































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OK, so i'm of the impression - and i could be dead wrong - that the interview (on yong's end) has something to do with the elephant* that constantly circles around yong and seo during these moments.  to clarify - in case the phrase is a bit alien to some - an "elephant in the room" refers to an obvious problem that the concerned people want to avoid discussing.  (dabbling in delusional land for a minute, to us, the elephant would be the perpetual tension that surrounds yong and seo every time the atmosphere gets steered in this direction of i-know-you-like-me-so-just-say-it).





anyway, my question is:  what on earth does he mean by "beating around the bush" in this context?  what is it they're referring to?  is this a lost-in-translation issue or is it accurate?  are they simply referring to seo wanting to try on more dresses?





my take on it was that it had to do something with the fact seo felt yong was too tired or "unconcerned" to contribute anything (don't take that in a bad way).  that she does, in fact, care about his opinion and wants him to be more proactive in the dress selection.  however, by admitting it, it would be like seo acknowledging feelings on her part - which we know she is BAD at doing or purposefully avoids it because she's so unused to it or what-have-you (doesn't have to be romantic feelings either, but the idea of taking initiative and addressing how she really feels ... which is what yong has reminded her to do numerous times).  and that yong said what he did in the BRI because he had the same feeling (that i'm posing to all of you right now).





do i make sense at all?  help?





lmao, or if you watched it and had a different interpretation of it, let me know.  i'm curious if i was the only one who had trouble with this.









Hmm I have a different opinion. When he says "why does she beat around the bush?" I'm pretty sure he's referring to her indecisiveness on which dress to choose.





Earlier back he chose the "bling bling" dress and said "I selected already. For me only" (and then become slightly embarrassed while glancing at the camera).





After that she tried on 3+ dresses and all looked amazing on her but she still couldn't choose. I think it's absolutely normal for him to become a little exasperated like most men become when their girlfriend ask them for their opinion after opinion.





Coming from personal experience, my boyfriend does the same thing Yonghwa does.:sweatingbullets:





For me the only elephant in the room is the camera crew.





I feel like as they get closer and closer it's becoming more apparent that





we are basically intruding in their relationship.





This can be seen in Yonghwa's glances at the camera every time he says something





meaningful to her. Words are more than words in these situations.


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i agree with you... i think the subs could be a little clearer during this scene.




i just rewatched the scene without subs and here's my translation of that part of his blackroom interview...




yong (in the blackroom): she was trying on one dress after another. they were all pretty, so why was it taking so long? i was thinking "what is going on here?"




so basically he just didnt understand why she had to try on so many dresses when they were all pretty on her.




and he was getting tired cause it was taking so long.




hoped that cleared things up ^^





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Guest DongHee






Hey guys, just watching the lastest episode of YongSeo couple...


The wedding!! The photoshot is gonna be awesome! The angel Hyun and the prince Yong has meet..


Btw, if you guys know RDRsubs, why they take a long time to not subbing videos? I wonder, is there something wrong?


Just wanna say that!



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I was rewatching the earlier episode, from the one where they made the Banmal Song and now i'm watching the Busan episode, the skinship explosion... And now i'm wondering the dates of their filming. Was it wedding photoshoot first or Busan first. So if there's anyone here have the complete Goguma calendar/timeline, do you mind share it with me??









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hello, it's been a while i'm not posting here(though i always come to this thread everyday to read comment).






































what can i say, last week ep definetely daebak!!!! all the glances, the eyeship!!! they spoke a thousand word, when i watch it iam smiling like a lunatic alone and can't stop gigling bymyself^^,























i'm not a romantic type of girl and i don't usually ship couple (never) till come the yongseo couple, i don't know what attract me, i watch wgm1 and i love ssangcu couple but not to the extend join forum, stalking news abot them,but with yongseo i have many first:























-first to join a forum;























-first to join fanclub;























-first to try streaming;























-first to screaming and gigling by my self just becos watching them holding hands;























-first interact with other fanclub memeber of chatbox;























-first couple i'm praying to be real!!!!























and many more i can't write here hehe






































@winbros oppa : they are young, but as i said before if seven and park han byul can last to 9 years already why can't uri yongseo? to make it harder seven lives in us for 3 years while han byul stay in korean , despite their hectic schedule they last for almost nine years, i really hope and pray that yong and hyun can be like them too :wub:






































and i wanna say huge thank to dduk and lalacake(am i writing your name correct???), thanks for the translation and to sone with engsub of the video!!!!!




















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Guest gettawa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi ... every one here when I saw yong Choose a hair style to his wife.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Reminds me of this show Maknea Show
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 And generate more questions that































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































how,He will react when his angel came down from heaven:wub:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Epic episode must be spazzed over






1) Firstly, Love you  CN Blue BIL-s….….They neverfail to bring amusement in every WGM episodes they are guested in. Love Jonghyunand Jungshin in this episode. Seohyun is very comfortable with them.




JS: and also we thought you were going to be hungry so we bought ddukbokgi.




<the brother-in-laws that take good care!>






S: and it’s not like you are going to eat it?






cr to Dduk













She even know that the boys definitely buyddubogki because they wanted to, not because she’s hungry. Ahhh…I can’t explain it well. I mean boys are always practical. So when they ate ddubogki, then they thought about Seohyun was hungry and they bought them. Not the other way around like Jungshin said. The Seohyun that we knew before will just say thank you to Jungshin and Jonghyun. But the Seohyun that we know now can tell the boys what she’s thinking that made Jonghyun showed sushed gesture and Jungshin’s laughing in embarrassment. I love their relationship…I do…












2) LOL at Jonghyun’s shocked face over Americano.Jonghyun-ah, if your hyung didn’t want that, you can give that coffee over to me. I don’t care about intestine if that is a gift from you seriously :XDDD.






I always love CN Blue’s team work. And as the main vocalists and the guitarists of the team, Yonghwa and Jonghyun have already showed that they understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses to perform such harmony in their performance. And for that, I think they have “stronger” bond compare to their bonds to the two maknaes. Not they are not close to the maknaes, but as Minhyuk said he grows together with Jungshin because they hold the rythm part, such as Yonghwa and Jonghyun’s bond. So when Jonghyun was shock about the Americano, I can not help but spazz over what Seohyun did and said that is very girlfriend like. She knows something that even Jonghyun didn't know :XDD






3) I always wonder did Seohyun speak Banmal to Jonghyun. But apparently she doesn’t. She said komawo to Jungshin, and then kamsahamnida to Jonghyun. Another proof that she’s consistent. If she speaks Banmal to Jonghyun, Yonghwa will throw tantrum for sure kekekeke.






4) And about SNSD unnies. I think we have to wait for the next episodes whether one or more of them will show up. But even if they won’t, I don’t mind. It’s the busiest time of the year and the mission was a sudden mission.






The interesting thing about Yonghwa and Seohyun is that their missions are not always successful or unfold as what they wanted to, but they always find the positive things in those unwanted incidents. The rainy beach trip, driving test failure, kimchi making, goguma harvest incidents are what come to my mind. Sure both of them show regrets, but then they move on and can even laugh about it after that.






So even Seohyun didn’t have her unnies in this wedding photoshoot, what I see in this episode is enough to tell me that they enjoy this experience. And I admire them for that. It shows how positive those two are. Positive people attract positive things, so I wish the best for them.






5) Their eyes...Nuff said <333333333333333













Thank you Dduk for the translation and Tetsuya for the subvideos. And thank you all again for the screencaps, gifs, and valuable opinions.



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Guest calmocean










what can i say, last week ep definetely daebak!!!! all the glances, the eyeship!!! they spoke a thousand word, when i watch it iam smiling like a lunatic alone and can't stop gigling bymyself^^,



i'm not a romantic type of girl and i don't usually ship couple (never) till come the yongseo couple, i don't know what attract me, i watch wgm1 and i love ssangcu couple but not to the extend join forum, stalking news abot them,but with yongseo i have many first:



-first to join a forum;



-first to join fanclub;



-first to try streaming;



-first  to screaming and gigling by my self just becos watching them holding hands;



-first interact with other fanclub memeber of chatbox;



-first couple i'm praying to be real!!!!



and many more i can't write here hehe












sorry to cut your post.  i also have many first with this couple.  i like you don't ship.  but really are they compatible in real?  she idolizes un secretary, and he bon jovi.  seohyun really is a role model for all young women.  yong is like most naive young men dreaming of being in a successful band and making it big.   my opinion is seo has big dreams she has already set a path to accomplish, and would not be help with real life distractions like yong.  she is only child and in korean society she has big aspirations to fulfill.  yong is more like a lost puppy when i watch them.  he is the lucky one.  too much competition for entertainers in kpop.  he prob won't last so hopefully he will learn more from his wife.  






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