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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































































































Today I got a lot of favourite parts;
































































































































































































































































1) Hyun call Yong oppa and ask him to help her to choose a hairstyle and of course Yong choose a one where the hair was let down.
































































































































































































































































2) Then Yong keep on staring on Hyun...I bet he finds his wife is too beautiful
































































































































































































































































3) Yong is speechless when Hyun wore the 1st wedding dress
































































































































































































































































4) Yong choose a wedding dress for Hyun and she looks good in every wedding dress but I am bias against the one which Yong choose
































































































































































































































































5) Yong rejected Americano coz Hyun will be upset if Yong drinks it and he just say that he is not drinking it. Then the shocked Jonghyun face and I bet they did not know the story behind it. I bet the CN Blue boys will disturb Yong for being so obedience.
































































































































































































































































Cannot wait for the translations. Thank you all the regular translators.

































































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Kyaa!! Too many spazzworthy moments in this episode :wub: I bet it's gonna get better with translations! Thanks Dduk in advance for the translations.
































Aww, did the PD-nim skipped the finger wrestling moment? :tears: I was really looking forward to that.
































Another part that I really like is the level of comfort that Seohyun shows with her brother in laws. Jonghyun is not shy anymore and just gave Seohyun her drinks and all of them and joke with each other with ease now.
































And, Yong has been listening to his wife's advise- he didn't drink the coffee that Jonghyun offered him and instead drinks orange juice :P Good job Yonghwa!!
































thank you for sharing many,many lovely caps Gogumas! Keep them coming :lol: *saves them all*
































I must be really weird, as now I have collected 3 different versions of YongSeo's raw video :sweatingbullets:

































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huhu can someone please help me... how can get rid of the annoying frog. errr that imageshack >.<






i can't view all your screen caps :(






pls help me






im using google chrome btw



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Guest lilmssunshine




huhu can someone please help me... how can get rid of the annoying frog. errr that imageshack >.<


i can't view all your screen caps :(


pls help me


im using google chrome btw








me too.. ive tried the one suggested in prev page to delete temporary internet file. but still not working for me.. ive been dying to see the pics shared by everybody but all i see are frogs.. huhuhu


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Regarding the froggy picture.






Go and sign up an account at imageshack.us






once logged in u r able to see the images 






hope that help






<3 this episode






Beautiful Goddess Hyun + Handsome Yong~



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Guest kimbum_leeminho_is_love





huhu can someone please help me... how can get rid of the annoying frog. errr that imageshack >.<




i can't view all your screen caps :(




pls help me




im using google chrome btw







yeah.. im having the same problem... ive done the one suggested in prev page to delete temporary internet file, and nothing happened.. im using google chrome too.. i tried it too in firefox but still the same... can anyone help us? please.. thank you..


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I had that same problem for about 3 days, I was going crazy!!! :crazy:, but found a solution (only for firefox).
































































































































































































Firefox +
































































































































































































































































*quoted image*






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CR: gamercl.com
































































































































































































if you have an account, people says that you need to login and that´s all (I couldn´t login so I don´t know)...
































































































































































































Thank you I use firefox and this addon work well, no Frog now!!!
































































































































































































can't wait for translate Thanks Dduk in advance

































































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Looking forward to the translations! But until then, I thank the PD for letting Yong witness Hyun's transformation thru hair and makeup. He was transfixed and had a difficult time keeping his eyes off of her. I'm also thankful that they let him see her as she tried on the various dresses (simply gorgeous) and he the tuxedos. You could see that they both thought the other looked "daebak" in every one of them! Next week looks like it could be sensual and hilarious all at the same time. I don't blame Yong for being nervous.... :wub:

















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Guest biiianx
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lalacakes I've sent you a PM regarding the preview translation. Thanks :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't wait for the translations, i'm guessing it will be sweet and chessy but the raw video is equally sweet and cute as well ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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yey!!! finally i can view images now!!!















































































































thank you DJHinata, zXavier, fionatansl, and the others for helping out! :)















































































































weeee that was a DAEBAK episode :) i hope tomorrow is saturday :)
















































im happy i can view all your screencaps :) yey!!!!!

















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just like @maybe07, i'm also d/loading all the raw vids from diff providers,

even tho i know it'll all turned out to be the same vids...

crazy..we are just plain crazy... :lol:

keep those caps coming gogumas.

again, even tho some of the caps are the same,

i'm still saving every single one of them... :phew:

abt some gogumas who are a bit put off by yong's lack of reactions,

well..he is just awed by the sight of his beautiful bride..

look at his eyes...

his eyes convey so much of what he is feeling at that moment.. :wub:

and because pdnim is such a teaser, he/she is saving the best for last..

@mrsjoker..nice seeing u at spd!

and i agree with u.

today's the appetiser, next week will be the main course and

we, gogumas will have a BIG FEAST, together with Seulong and Nayoung.

i didnt cry when yongseo don their wedding attire..

but i shed a tear when i saw Seulong!!!! :rolleyes::lol:

next week prev has been on repeat for countless of times..

and looking at yong lying there above hyun..i think there might be a kiss on the forehead after all! weee.... :w00t:


[b@]Hinata...Happy Birthday!!

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aigoo..the episode was indeed a DARLING one!
























yong looking so handsome and cheesy (hahahahahaha) and hyun looking like a GODDESS..
















































hhmmmm..i really wanted it to be private affair for them when they finally do it but it doesn't hurt to ask for a peck right?
























and i LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVEEEEEEEEE yong all through out the pre-wedding process..he always stare at her..
























from putting make-up, hair styling to choosing gowns...it's so cute..he looked like a curious puppy
























and my god, he was trying to control himself not to get carried away much, judging by the times he would suddenly and consciously look at the camera..oohh, our yong is CAUGHT!
























now, how am i going to tell my realistic heart that NO..THEY ARE NOT REAL AND IT'S JUST A SHOW? but come to think of it, what's not realistic of them being ACTUALLY REAL? am i even making sense?!
























argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALLING LOVEKIN, HELP ME HERE!
























anyways thank you M# and Dduk for the translations and all the uploaders, cappers, subber and everone here in Go-Chun.
















































and let's go again and survive the agonizing week waiting for Saturday!!!








































































it's like a reference to Yong's singing Oh My Goddess..hahahahaah
























ahnyeong In Go Pem!





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Guest lilmssunshine




yey!!! finally i can view images now!!!




thank you DJHinata, zXavier, fionatansl, and the others for helping out! :)




weeee that was a DAEBAK episode :) i hope tomorrow is saturday :)


im happy i can view all your screencaps :) yey!!!!!










how? please help me too.. im using google chrome.. thanks thanks!




EDIT! ooopss.. sorry about the one line post! i forgot bec of my frustation.. sorry


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Guest street.k2


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































110226 YongSeo WGM



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 1 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 3































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 4































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Next Week































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest edwin_nobles
































































































huhu can someone please help me... how can get rid of the annoying frog. errr that imageshack >.<
















































































i can't view all your screen caps :(
















































































pls help me
















































































im using google chrome btw































































































































































Hiks..me too..we has same problem..i can't see the screen caps.. what wrong with frog?????crazy.gif:crazy:crazy.gif:crazy:crazy.gif
















































































Sorry..poor english

















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Guest fionatansl




























I'm just here to share my favourite picture of Seohyun in this episode :D I have never seen such an angel in my life before. She really is one.








































How can anyone resist looking at her? Even a girl myself can't take my eyes off her. I think something might be wrong with me. Hmm. Anyway, does anyone know what has happened to the YongSeo Couple fanpage on facebook? I think admin Smilez will head here since she gets her information off this site. Is everything alright?




















EDIT: I just found out that Facebook just closed down YongSeo Couple fanpage on facebook for some reasons. Not too sure why. But do support the new page on facebook. They have just set it up!! The admins are working real hard to bring the number of fans back to 25,000 which they have lost overnight. Do support!!
















































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Guest bAngs_zatie
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































after months being a lurker,finally,i got to say hi..sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anw,i just WOW by this ep....hyun really beautiful,pretty,even cute..huhu..yong,LUCKY U!!~~..pegi cepat masuk meminang..muahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong as usual,mad cool,smart n handsome..haha(i'm jelous hyun..huhu)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mmm..i don't know if anyone notice this but in preview..

C: Yes, slightly link arms<But.. slowly.. the cameraman's wishes(?) continue to grow..>

SH: What??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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