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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yonghyunforever


i so miss Suelong and Jinwoon. if they saw how hyun make up for yong, im sure they are totally spazz like us. i cant get yongseo out of my head. really, they just like a part of my life. they are just so lovely, their progress is totally real, nothing can say that not real. we can see from the MCs, they are so anxious for them, they are crazy happy when they hold hands,




this eps just too much for my heart, hahhaah so happy to see how they are so close to each other, happy when they know how to appreciate each other, happy when Hyun never give up and happy when yong just let Hyun to what she will:-)




For translators ::wub:


big thanks to all translators. i have a question. when yong asked do you need a butt masseage, what were the mcs talking?


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Guest Soshimunky
















































































































































Annyeong gogumas :)I'm posting something now because we need to support the 2000 gogumission - 2000 members for Soompi Fanclub and 2000th page, good luck gogumas! ^^
















































































































I'm here not to share anything - because it seemed like everything is shared anyways. Thank you mountainmadman, Tetsuya, screencappers, GIF makers, news sharers and every goguma there is for being awesome :)
















































































































I'm here to spazz about next week's photoshoot episode! If only I'm YongSeo's photographer (and Thank Goodness I'm not because I would be shaking too much of excitement to get a stable photo of them) and can give ideas for their poses and scenes. I know this is what i'll do:
















































































































-bring that yellow couch as a cameo
















































































































-make them use their acoustic guitars just like their Youtube video
















































































































-kiss! not lip to lip, we know that ain't gonna happen but can they please oh please have a nose-to-nose skinship or something cute like that?
















































































































-butt massage!!! - I kid, I kid sweatingbullets.gif
















































































































Keep on sharing gogumas :) Also for those who haven't, please participate Goguma Awards. I love reading the entries!

















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Guest ahn_annann








I love this scene, so close and just only yong..






Thank you so much for translations and .. Big Hugs to Semi-fly ..



Hesperide and ninyaah .. thank you that you like my captured..



ok, I will share my captured of next week's preview later, may I will cry between capturing... T-T






so hard to explain because I used many functions for editing.. such as..















just try and try ..




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aurora82 I’ve noticed that they didn’t wear their rings too. Maybe they’re really recreating the moments of their married life for the photoshoot. So, we can watch their epic ring exchange moment just like in the double birthday episode again? Aww, I can’t wait to watch Yong’s lovely gaze and Hyun’s happy smile just like before again!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the preview...  It's a RETRO Studio =D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Officially... this is THE STUDIO: CLICK (and officially photographer web)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You can see the first picture is the same scenario in the preview =D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope they have pictures in other studios ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































One question...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do all the WGM couples have had a kiss? Forehead, Cheek or Lips??






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Aigooooo... 6 days































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG, thanks for sharing the link Hesperide. I don’t know if everyone here have gone to the website but if you haven’t seen it yet I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to do so. The pictures are so lovely-I hope that the photographer will do the same for YongSeo couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Soshimunky maybe you’ll get your wish for the close kiss. Look at the picture where the models were lying on the carpet! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I agree with everyone here. Thanks a lot ahn_annann for providing your lovely caps. It is awesome as always. Thanks to you I've get to learn how to make screencaps and share them here too :lol:

































































































































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Hye peeps!! Flying without wings, aren’t we eh wink.gif? I haven’t touch the ground yet, and seems am going to float for awhile, thanks to the 18secs of superb preview wub.gif








Just finished this week epi [i was delayed coz have to work weekend~ Boohoo my boss!! tongue2.gif], and I gotta say








“ Dear Yong! You deserve a standing ovation!!! A round of applause!! How can you be that cool??”








It started this way, a strong-willed girl who always seems to be soo good in anything, even for the first time, faced her yet biggest embarrassment, not only in front of the man she *cough* love wub.gif~ but probably millions of viewers. A girl who always look gorgeous and graceful, experienced her most un-pretty day  today~ Not to mention countless falls that most likely bruise her bu**~wacko.gif Yeah~ It is a hurtful bad day!! In Hyun’s mind “It’s a payback time!! Am going to make him suffer like me. Totally!”ph34r.gif








Smart Yong cool.gif however, at the back of his mind, predicted today would be a tough day for his lovely wub.gif wife. So, he planned everything:-








1. Safety gear – Checked








2. Thousands words of encouragement – Checked








3. Holding onto his wife when she was scared – Checked








4. Keeping the thought only to himself  vicx.gif about how messy her wife would look when she fall – Checked








5. Alert about her safety – Checked








6. Reasonable amount of snowboarding show-off [so that my wife would be proud of me cool.gif] – Checked








7. Granting ANY of her wish [though it would cost me BIG time!! But heck, I love her, she gave her best today and I don’t really care if I ended up embarrassing myself] – CHECKED!








So it was after the dinner, when she popped out the request~ Oh yeah!! Crazzzzy wish~ [Note : My hubby loves me, but he said “over my dead body”] I mean, Come on guys! No man wants to be a doll! sweatingbullets.gif But Yong gave in!! 10 points for that dude!! You really really love your wife~ Hahahaha…








Deep inside, he understood that she needed that after going tru a bad day and deep inside, she knew that he would be kind enough to put up with her no matter what…and they didn’t even have to speak about it…it just happened smile.gif~ Now, that’s what I called natural mutual understanding~ And to top it off, it brought them even closer together and discovered new things [Ahaha..face details, eyes details, lips details] about each other~








Haish..what a beautiful relationship they share~ wub.gif








Don’t worry folks, the kiss will come sooner or latetongue.gif~








So again, I award you, Yong, The Intelligent Act of a Husband Prize!!








P/S : Hyun, you don’t need any award, coz technically you’ve won everything that inside Yong’s heart smile.gif~













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ohohoh wally!! what a vision u had! i love it! here's a gif for u... based on ur vision kekeke. it may not be similar but it really does make me imagine that i could just watch them in the globe forever! :wub:


yukiagne, thanks for sharing the caps~! the more i see yong with his black hair, the more i think it makes him look smashing hawt! before i thought he didn't really suit the colour maybe 'cause i was too used to seeing him with dyed hair colour.

ohya i bet there's gonna be a piggyback scene for the wedding photoshoot! hohohohoho can't wait! :w00t:

*waves at goguma1207, magdal, shawie, ahn_annann, soshi3, jnj, maybe07, soshimunky & many more* xD

btw, ahn_annann~! where did u get the HD preview???? i'd like to DL it ^___________^

wokeh, am too sleepy too spazz already... nitez gogumaz!


ohya! hapiangle~! thanks so much for the article from baidu! it just turned my heart into a puddle of goo... (ooOo i love this sentence :P) that could just be what yong was feeling~! :wub:

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Guest SGajumma
































































Wow! I am very surprised by the outpouring of gogumas’ emotions worldwide in response to the preview for next week. It goes to show how much the YongSeo couple is loved, especially by so many people outside of Korea who do not even understand the Korean language. Their power of attraction is just beyond words!! Reading and watching the posts, fan accounts, news, vids and especially the 1st year celebration, there is no denial that the YS couple has earned themselves many international fans who adored them. 































































I have been thinking quite a bit over the past one day. I feel a need to express my personal thoughts especially to “the lurkers from MBC and/or WGM Production Team” (I have a feeling that you ‘spy’ on this official thread now and then).
































































The relationship between the gogumas (fans) and the YongSeo couple is very real and sincere. And especially those gogumas who have followed YongSeo since their debut last February. To many fans, it is like watching a love story happening to their children, a brother, a sister or good friends. So far, YongSeo couple has been most real in spinning the ‘reel’ story. The fans’ love for the YongSeo couple is built over time, not just over a 16-episode drama where you know when the last episode will be and how it will likely end. For YongSeo’s story, we have no idea at all. And that is most worrying! 
































































Regardless whether YongHwa and SeoHyun will become friends or more than friends, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not break our hearts with an abrupt or ridiculous ending. Feelings are most vulnerable so be mindful that many fans are unable to handle rude shocks. Nice surprises are most welcome though.  
































































PD-nim. YongSeo is a beautiful story about two lovely young people that you have brought together by chance. Do not let the beautiful story be marred by mishandling over at your end. Give some thoughts as to how you could end the couple’s participation in WGM without leaving any bitter after-taste….

































































































































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azuwaza163 Love,love,love your post!! :wub: You’ve nailed each and every sweet moment for YongSeo episode and put it in a very beautiful post. Gogumas here never fails to amaze me with their talent of expressing their thoughts about each detail for our fav couple. I really,really love reading them!





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hapiangle thanks for posting and translating the lovely note.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*waves back at dreamyboo* have a good night sleep. Dream of Gogumas :P






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Omo, I’ve been posting a lot today :sweatingbullets: -that’s a first for me. Lol. It’s just that I can’t get over last episode yet and still replaying them again and again for the nth times. And also to help us closer to our next thread. So here’s my random post :





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The question that starts the arm/finger wrestling tradition :






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm late for this, but CONGRATULATIONS for 3 million views for YongSeo's Banmal Song UCC!!

































































































































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Naughty me but, did anyone else think that what Yong said (about the lip gloss) "don't give me an indirect kiss" that either he wanted a real one or has already had a real one and doesn't want a substitute.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, I am wondering if maybe there has been filming that we don't know about. Did anybody have any idea that they filmed the making of the banmal song? Seems to me it just was there all of a sudden. In my previous really long post, I wasn't suggesting that we are coming to an end, I was saying that even though we haven't heard of any filming, WGM still has at least 4-6 episode (depending how they edit) that can be shown so our couple still has plenty of time to do more shooting. Plus, they are still wearing the rings in real time.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I also ask about unknown filming or, they are given time to be together after filming, or the possibility that these two have been together outside of WGM because it seems that they are much more comfortable and at ease with each other (dare say loving) than just random and occassional filming together would create. I also agree that at times it is as if they just forget that they are being filmed.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I like that Hyun has really never intentionally flirted with Yong. Yes she does flirt but it is the natural kind that just happens when a girl is with the guy she likes.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If this will be a wedding photo based on their story then in attendance should be our original announcers, the bils and at least the sils that appeared in the show. Hyoyeon and Jungshin, since they were the ones that celebrated the failed driving test party with them, should be best man and maid of honor. And of coarse the bils have to sing for them, snapping fingers and all. OOps, getting too real here.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think it is so cute that professional Yong, with all his commercial photo shoots and filming, looks nervous as heck in the preview. That double smile at the end of the preview is sooooooo cute.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to all the hard workers on this forum. Love all of you!!!!

































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Guest hakumai88



Hello Goguma world~

This is my first time posting, but my 50 something time I viewed this wonderful Sweet Potato Couple thread.

I really love the energy every one brings into this thread and really want to share a picture that I caught by accident.

My link

Gogume Couple

I paused the video (SONEms.net) around this point and caught this scene.

Seems like Seohyun was so happy that she was going to hug Yong.

A beautiful, careful smile from Seohyun.  

Hope I inserted the picture right :sweatingbullets:

Edit: If someone knows how to insert a picture, please teach me.


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Guest Jess22803








































































































At last i came out of my lurker mode to support our thread to reach 2000th pages. 














































































































































































































































































Finished watching ep 45, i could not just stay silent as before as my heart feel like exploded, why it keeps on duguen,duguen??












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How cute and sweet could yong and hyun be in this ep, they are just like a REAL cp, a married cp, their skinship just come out naturally.














































































































































































































































































Next week ep is going to be DEEBAK, the ep the we gogumas have waited for so long. As for me i am sure i will have mixed emotion watching this ep.














































































































































































































































































Thank you for the translations, screencaps, POV, etc...etc. i really enjoyed reading them.














































































































































































































































































Lets enjoy their journey right now and dont worry for anything that might not be happening so soon.   When the time really come for our lovely couple to end WGM, we can cry together, comfort and hug each other.














































































































































































































































































YONGSEO forever and gogumas are jjangggg.









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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can anyone help me?? ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really wanna know the meaning of question that PD asked them in BlackRoom...And they answered about eyes of each other.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This Ep. so cute...many scenes that I loved but this scene was so lovely for me.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After Hyun put headband at Yong and praised him so beautiful >>>
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong's face ^^ ... He laugh and smile with sparkling eyes ...like just two of us in the world >>>































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And his eyes changed direction a little make me feel like he just noticed that have other (staff) in this room also ^^ >>>































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But he cant stop himself to look at Hyun's beautiful eyes ^^ >>>
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Preview next week DAEBAK CANT WAIT ^^ .... .... Good Night Everyone

































































































































































































































































































































































































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  1. Wow! I am very surprised by the outpouring of gogumas’ emotions worldwide in response to the preview for next week. It goes to show how much the YongSeo couple is loved, especially by so many people outside of Korea who do not even understand the Korean language. Their power of attraction is just beyond words!! Reading and watching the posts, fan accounts, news, vids and especially the 1st year celebration, there is no denial that the YS couple has earned themselves many international fans who adored them. 



    I have been thinking quite a bit over the past one day. I feel a need to express my personal thoughts especially to “the lurkers from MBC and/or WGM Production Team” (I have a feeling that you ‘spy’ on this official thread now and then).




    The relationship between the gogumas (fans) and the YongSeo couple is very real and sincere. And especially those gogumas who have followed YongSeo since their debut last February. To many fans, it is like watching a love story happening to their children, a brother, a sister or good friends. So far, YongSeo couple has been most real in spinning the ‘reel’ story. The fans’ love for the YongSeo couple is built over time, not just over a 16-episode drama where you know when the last episode will be and how it will likely end. For YongSeo’s story, we have no idea at all. And that is most worrying! 




    Regardless whether YongHwa and SeoHyun will become friends or more than friends, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not break our hearts with an abrupt or ridiculous ending. Feelings are most vulnerable so be mindful that many fans are unable to handle rude shocks. Nice surprises are most welcome though.  




    PD-nim. YongSeo is a beautiful story about two lovely young people that you have brought together by chance. Do not let the beautiful story be marred by mishandling over at your end. Give some thoughts as to how you could end the couple’s participation in WGM without leaving any bitter after-taste….








    From one ajumma to another, I couldn't agree with you more.  After watching the preview and our couples' gazes at one another, do you think our Hyun has finally found the answer to her question "what's the difference from liking and loving someone"?


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Guest anatisha








Let the spazzzz begins!!!!












My dear dear & sweet gogumas... ITS THE WEEDING!!!!!!!!




I've been reading all of your comments, and I agree with all of them, like these:




- Yes, guys, It was also for the feeling after watching the preview... I feel like my heart got sinked












But dont be like that, JUST ENJOY, these are the best times of our live, aren't they? So lets keep bringing the love and if it has to end, well we got each other and these awsome episodes and feelings... fighting!!!









-About the episode, what more I can say... for me as a girl, wanting to make-up my boyfriend means different things,







1) Trying his self security (Im not being bad, and dont mean it) my boyfriend sometimes says he will never, ever will get somene ding that, it is not mainly...







2) Having fun...







3) Getting close, and while doing the make up, known him better...




Also, I have to post this too, his face so shocking kkkk....







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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































Hello Goguma world~
































































































This is my first time posting, but my 50 something time I viewed this wonderful Sweet Potato Couple thread.
































































































I really love the energy every one brings into this thread and really want to share a picture that I caught by accident.
































































































My link
































































































Gogume Couple
































































































I paused the video (SONEms.net) around this point and caught this scene.
































































































Seems like Seohyun was so happy that she was going to hug Yong.
































































































A beautiful, careful smile from Seohyun.  































































































































































































































































































sorry for cutting some of your post ..
































































































wow you really good at capturing that scene...I've watched it many times but I can't capture that scene  ^_^  thanks anyway :)
































































































shall we flood this thread with screencp or anything so that we can have our 2nd thread :P  (am I just 2 greedy )

































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Guest muhizzfar

wow...what a daebak episode for us gogumas...(dunno if what i am typing/writing can include me as a goguma)

I use to wonder what will happen with YongSeo couple since initially they were considered the most

awkward among the three in WGM... I told my friend that it was just a waste of time to watch such an awkward couple...

Little that i know, they started to develop...and currently they are... how should i say this...

THE MOST AWESOME COUPLE..haha...I did not know how and when I started to like YOngSeo (maybe because of my friend)

again (liked them initally coz of SNSD and CNBLUE, got boring.... but now after getting enough patience, i followed

their progress entirely)

I seriously could have not imagine how intimate and close they are to each other in

the current episode....

One thing that i'm curios of though..

Since they haven't been recording lately, i wonder will they still be as close as this episode was recorded... Or

will they have some awkwardness between them...

Last but not least.... i hope that time can pass very fast so that i can consider tomorrow as the Saturday of the

Wedding Episode for YOngSeo couple....

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Guest niiychan
































































































































































































































































@sun_sun thx for the caps ! :wub: omo, you're so detailed ,^_^ i almost didn't realise that moment.. :blink:
































































































































































































cant wait for saturday !!! :wub: pali saturday pali !! :wub::wub::wub:
































































































































































































just want to share yong's before debut, (I'm sorry if anybody already saw it, :sweatingbullets:)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































in third photo, I think Yong really adore girl who can play piano. And the girl on that seems like Hyun.. kekeke (in my imagination) :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And also old news about WGM, so I will put this in spoiler.. ;)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hwang Jung Eum·Jo Kwon·Ga In etc...The real lives of the stars that brightened 'WGM'































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































'We  Got Married' had it's fair share of ups and downs. The slowest season  pulled in 3% ratings. Now, 'WGM' is on a high roll, featuring it's  hottest couples, Jo Kwon-Ga In, and Lee Sun Ho-Hwang Woo Seul Hye. Jung  Yoon Jung PD has been with the program since it's birth and shares with  us the secrets and behind-the-scenes of 'We Got Married'.
































































































































































































'We Got  Married' became the nation's first make-believe marriage variety show.  Despite criticisms, the show has held it's head high and is already in  it's third year. 'Fake' married couples are given simple missions such  as, 'Go on a vacation', or 'Go grocery shopping', that are easily  carried out by real life married couples. 'We Got Married' has stayed  loyal to it's basis and have attracted numerous fans.
































































































































































































Jung Yoon  Jung PD (32) first came to MBC in 2002. When 'We Got Married' became her  first program, she poured out all her energy and hard work to make the  show a success. She's always kept 'WGM' in her thoughts even when she  was dating, watching TV, driving, etc.
































































































































































































What was Jung PD's  favorite moment during the past two years? She chose the episode of  Hwang Jung Eum holding an event for Kim Yong Joon's birthday. Yong Joon,  who lived on the 21st floor, went up to his apartment using the  elevator, while his girlfriend ran up the stairs, stopping on each floor  to reveal a handwritten note when the elevator doors opened. Kim Yong  Joon showed tears and many viewers were moved by the event.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Everyone  started crying. I started crying again in the editing room. Only a real  life couple could have pulled off that event. Also, due to a staff  member's mistake, we had to shoot that scene twice. So basically, Jung  Eum ran 42 floors that morning. I can never forget Yong Joon's face when  he started tearing up at the 5th floor."
































































































































































































Kim Yong Joon and Hwang  Jung Eum were added to 'WGM' when the show was receiving 3% ratings.  They're addition slowly brought up the ratings and many old viewers  returned. Kim and Hwang were given missions that real life couples could  accomplish. Jung PD enjoyed these missions and appreciated this couple  even more.
































































































































































































"I think the mission of revealing their bank accounts  was a good idea. It was all thanks to Jung Eum's honesty. Before the  shoot, Jung Eum's mother offered to put in some money into her bank  account, but Jung Eum refused, saying that it was better to be honest.  Her total savings were $4,870 and I remember Yong Joon jokingly saying,  "I'll give you $130 so you can buy gum with that". The 'Find a house'  mission was an idea I thought of while talking with my friends. It was a  very realistic mission. Yong Joon, Jung Eum, and myself were extremely  shocked to find out how expensive homes were in Seoul."
































































































































































































'We Got  Married' was already a big issue before it aired it's first episode in  Feb 2008. Crown J-Seo In Young, Andy-Solbi, and Hwang Bo-Kim Hyun Joong  were the first 'WGM' couples that were embraced by fans and viewers. Since  this show involves two celebrities spending a lot of time together,  many people wonder how celebrities are paired and matched up. "I'm  always asked this question, but, really, there isn't a special process  or anything that we go through. We just interview a lot of stars and ask  them a lot of questions. We ask them why they want to participate in  'WGM' and such. I've recently interviewed 50 celebrities who wanted to  be on our show."































































































































































































































































































































































































































"After their interviews, we pair up the two that share similar styles and personalities.  Interesting, funny things sometimes happen during this process. After  we interviewed Lee Sun Ho, we believed that he would look good with  Hwang Woo Seul Hye so we made them a couple. Later we found out that the  two already knew each other and were previously set up by their  friends. There was once a couple that left the show on the first day of  shooting because he/she dated one of the staff members. We've also  matched up celebrities with one of their top three ideal stars. Jo Kwon  and Ga In were in each other's top three list so we paired them  together.
































































































































































































The houses that the celebrities use also become hot issues. Celebrity pairings are given houses unique to each couple.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What  kind of house does Jung PD see herself in? "A pension giving off a  romantic feeling like the Alex-Shinae couple, or an experimental  container box like the young couple, Jo Kwon and Ga In". However, since  most of the houses are for filming uses only, there were many incidents  when couples had to abruptly pack everything and move. "Hwang Bo- Kim  Hyun Joong, Kang In-Lee Yoon Jin, Kim Yong Joon-Hwang Jung Eum couples  had to move houses during filming. Moving has never been part of a  mission. We had to leave because the landlord told us to leave (laughs).  We rent out empty rooms and use them for filming. However, if someone  decides to move into that room, we have no choice but to move out. We  once used an actual celebrity's house but had to eventually move out.  For instance, in the beginning, Hwan Hee requested that we film at his  actual apartment so that's what we did. However, his neighbors started  to complain so we had to change locations.
































































































































































































































































































































































































There are some strict rules to 'WGM'.
































































































































































































The first is: 'during the filming of the show, members are NOT allowed to date' (*outside of WGM). When the viewers watch the program, their fantasies and perceptions of the couple must not be ruined.
































































































































































































Secondly,  phone calls between couples are restricted. The whole idea behind this  rule is for the couples to be able to spill out their true feelings and  emotions on camera during individual interviews. "However," says Jung  PD, "this one is impossible to enforce" (laughs). The younger couples  become close and comfortable with each other quickly; Jo Kwon and Ga In  are both singers so they were always running into each other at music  programs. It's impossible for them to not communicate.
































































































































































































Although  it is a reality show, there are many accusations of the entire program  being scripted and played out. Jung PD has been working hard to fight  these accusations and shine light on the authenticity of these  relationships.
































































































































































































"Celebrities always need to be careful with their  images. However, on 'WGM', these same celebrities cry, laugh and show  their true feelings. I think that's the real beauty of 'WGM'. Sometimes  there are instances where (celebrity) companies interfere. During a  shoot, someone will drag their entertainer out and tell them, 'You can't  act like that. This is how you need to act'. It's their way of image  training. Of course, there are stars who've gained a lot of popularity  through 'WGM' and they become hungry for more. We understand this, but  such actions do not fit well with our programs. We've had to call some  management companies to stop such behaviors".
































































































































































































Hard efforts are  still sometimes followed with bad rumors: Some celebrities are accused  of acting friendly and close on screen, but once the camera is turned  off, they are awkward and uncomfortable with each other. To this, Jung  PD replies, "It's impossible to shoot 'WGM' if the members do not like  each other. There's actually a lot of cases where it's the exact  opposite. When the cameras are off, they'll cautiously hold hands or  share a whispered conversation. When stylists come out to fix up their  respective stars, they'll go into another room or briefly stop talking. I  guess this is where the rumors came from. During Hwan Bo and Kim Hyun  Jung's segment, they were climbing Mount Gi Lee and they were both so  physically and mentally exhausted that they were quiet during most of  the trip. People saw this and misunderstood the situation."
































































































































































































When  real life couple Kim Yong Joon and Hwang Jun Eum left the show, break up  rumors quickly surfaced online. "That couple was so dynamic. Even  before we started filming, they would fight during meetings. They talked  about breaking up at least three times a day. During the shoot, they  would wake up and say, 'we're done, we're over', but by night, they  would be holding hands and laughing".
































































































































































































Normal couples go through  similar things everyday, but since this program involves celebrities, it  is usually blown out of proportion.
































































































































































































"How she saved a dying 'WGM'"
































































































































































































Jung PD expressed how she feels when celebrities leave the program after gaining a certain amount of recognition.
































































































































































































"Some  leave after becoming popular, but I don't feel upset about it. Stars  should grab their chance when it comes to them. It's a good thing that  'WGM' could become a foundation for that. Honestly, there are times when  it becomes burdensome for staff members to work with busy,  schedule-packed celebrities. They come exhausted to work and it shows  when they're not in a good condition. This is when we step in and decide  whether or not it's a good idea for this star to continue on with the  program".
































































































































































































Jung PD's life revolves around 'WGM'. Although she's  practically given up on her social life, she happily laughs it off.  There were times, however, when things became unbearably hard.
































































































































































































"'When  'WGM' started pulling in low ratings, they wanted to pull the plug on  the show. People were saying that it was a hopeless show, featuring  hopeless celebrities. This made it extremely hard to cast celebrities.  Once, a star rejected our offer and said, "Why should I go on a show  that's on it's deathbed?" We've been able to rise from those problems  and I believe we've become a better, more mature show".
































































































































































































Through  'WGM', a real life couple was born and couple collaborations have become  hits. Although she ended her own relationship with her boyfriend due to  her busy schedule, Jung PD feels pride and joy from watching  celebrities gain more fans and, sometimes, find love on 'WGM'. As of  right now, Jung PD is not hungry for a man's attention, but for more  love from viewers. "I really want men to watch 'WGM'. Truthfully, girls  aren't that picky; they feel love and happiness just from sitting at the  back of the bus with their boyfriends. I know there are some male  viewers who think that 'WGM' only adds more 'nonsense' to women's  fantasies about relationships and raise their expectations. We're not  making this show so that only certain people can do lovely, romantic  things. We're doing it so that anyone and everyone can follow suit and  show appreciation to their loved ones".
































































































































































































Jung PD's 'WGM' stories~































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Thing you couldn't see on TV"
































































































































































































"Due  to his busy schedule, Kim Hyun Joong constantly fell asleep during  filming. I remember the staff members had a hard time keeping him awake.  Also, Ga In has to eat before a shoot no matter what. She's able to  fully concentrate on the shooting when she's fed."
































































































































































































"Stars who adapted surprisingly well"
































































































































































































Jo  Kwon was definitely a surprise. He's an idol member with no dating  experience and he's never really shown a manly side. We casted Jo Kwon  with the idea of showing a different image of him. On our first shoot,  he started showing the same dances and acts he did on other variety  shows. We stopped him and asked, "We don't need all that. Please just  concentrate on showing the real 'man' Jo Kwon". He changed his attitude  immediately after that. Now, he's doing exceptionally well--it's more  than we can ask for. It makes me feel extremely proud."
































































































































































































"What do you want to do with your 'WGM' couples?"
































































































































































































I  want to take a younger couple on a backpacking trip. Viewers who went  backpacking can say, "That's what we did" and share similar thoughts,  while viewers who've never gone backpacking can watch and feel like  they're on the trip as well. We've heard that many newly married couples  go backpacking on their honeymoons and end up fighting. I think that'll  be kind of interesting to watch."
































































































































































































credits: donga.com, jjj06@soompi.com (magazine issue: Feb 2010)
































































































































































































































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Guest yonghyunforever


so happy the thread runs fast again.  i wish they will film back to busan again and then go to yong's house and then see the photo album when he was a kid, and yong will do the same in her house. that will make our couple totally real:-0


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Guest lovekin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I had time afterwards to look my translation again, basically MC Jake responded to someone's tweet about wanting more details for YongSeo's snowboarding trip, so he replied:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Speaking of which, recently I don't have much specifics on the YongSeo couple right? What a coincidence."































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































don't mind me, as i am 90% over-thinking this.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i don't think it's escaped anyone else's attention either that his tweets have become extremely generic.  probably scolded by his higher-ups because he kept releasing too much information.  laugh.gif  no, i'm kidding.  i really don't know.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































that aside, after i read the translation (thank you, btw), i was like, "it's because they're dating, isn't it!"  tongue.gif  the following is an english/grammar dissection (again, likely reading too much into it so take with a grain of salt):






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so the first time i read it, i had my initial silly reaction.  then i saw snappyapple's reply to the first posting about the tweet and noticed that the asker wanted to know about the snowboarding trip.  context is everything, so i reassessed the situation and was like, "oh, then this tweet is referring to something old/is nothing."  but then i really read his tweet, and he doesn't seem to be talking about just the snowboarding trip anymore.  and why so vague?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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