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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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so excited for next week.....hyun as always is veery beautiful and yong seemed so nervous in the preview....saturday...come fast!..




i want to share a wall paper i made...hope you'll like it!






to all those who want the banner in my signature...here's the link....


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Guest sarahcnblue
































What a fate yonghwa laugh.gif
































first time he had to do it because of SNSD :
















































































the second time he had to do it because of that SNSD girl wish happy.gif
















































waiting Saturday tears.gif

















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annyeong guys~!

i recall yong ever mentioned in an earlier interview that he'd even be a clown for the girl he likes/loves... so far, he has been a "clown" for hyun quite a number of times ne? :phew:

yong's 1st attempt at being a "clown" for hyun


yong's nth attempt & a few others (too lazy to cap them all :D)


yong's latest attempt...


aigooo... his love for hyun is INDESCRIBABLE!

luvtokki, pls don't get disheartened. so what if WGM is gonna end very soon? it doesn't mean that yongseo's relationship will come to an end. instead, it could be a new beginning for them. be it a beautiful friendship or a beautiful real relationship. but if they do choose to be with each other in the end, they will get married for real & we'll all be in GO-CHUN! ;)

intoxd, jeane654: daebak wallies!!! more pls xD

ohya, thanks so much for the trans, M3! and tetsuya, for the subbed vids! keep it up, guys!

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Guest The Hamzter
































































WGM 45 english subbed dishh week bought ta ya gogumaz by Sonems and the great tetsuya!
































back up links are below
































part 1 - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xh46tb_klm-45a_shortfilms
































part 2 - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xh42vw_klm-45b_shortfilms
































p.s. some hardcore Seohyun fan ( id:FinOsin9 ) left a comment on my yutube preview page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIj2TZCm2sw, FinOsin9 said - Jung YongHwa!!! You can take her hand ( he means Seohyun ) ...but please T__T don't kiss her :( hwaiting~...I'll support to you, but I really really scare...you'll get her heart before me.
































I LOLD! hard at that comment, YongSeoBang! ya hear me Kiss Seohyun Allready! and end the dreams of her hard core
































boys fanz worldwide that they will ever take her heart away from you! but ya know what its too late Allready the gurl is allready in love with Yong! YongSeoh Forever!!!!!!!

















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Hello Goguma lovers!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































First of all, this is my new fanfic. It's in AU. I hope you like it. I don't intend to make this too long. 
































































































































































































































































































































































Chapter 1 :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Chapter 2 :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As for yesterday's episode, here's my spazzing :
































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so amazed with Seo Hyun, really, she's Jjang!!!! Maybe she fell down like 50 times. But she never gave up and got back on her feet again, and keep on trying. Really. And she did that because she wanted to follow Yong Hwa's teaching. I admire her perseverance. I would have given up after two hours. But she kept on trying. Seo Hyuuuun! I love you!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































I like that Seo Hyun didn't go easy on her. I think it shows how much he respects her. He taught her how to play guitar, pool, and now snowboarding. He could be gentle, but he didn't, always aiming for Seo Hyun to really understand how to do it, though he risked that she will hate him because of that. But of course, Seo Hyun was too sensible for that.
































































































































































































































































































































































But he was soooo gentle when he helped her got up at the end, helping her up like a baby and fixed her hat.
































































































































































































































































































































































The part 3 was really...honeymoonish? Haha!
































































































































































































































































































































































It's obvious that Yong wanted her to lie down beside him, but Hyun was so shy thus she found an excuse and did the stretching. She was so cute when she asked him to fulfill her wish. And IMO, he didn't resist too much. He must have wanted to fulfill it since the beginning, no matter she did the S turn or not.
































































































































































































































































































































































It's so special I think, how Seo Hyun could act so playful and cheerful with him. Compare it with her at Come To Play and Happy Together. So different.
































































































































































































































































































































































The samgyeopsal dinner, when she made him ate so much garlic and onion and when he made her ate a big pepper, was hilarious. How they keep blowing to each other to make them smell, LOL. 
































































































































































































































































































































































And I love how Yong looked frustrated with Hyun's wish, but yielding in the end. What could he do? She was asking with her smiles and sparkly eyes. He had no choice. And their make up session was soooooo intimate. I feel like watching a lovers episode that accidentally got into Youtube. They were so close, and I bet they could feel each other's breath fanning their faces (though garlic smelled, hehe). Ommmooooo they should just kiss!
































































































































































































































































































































































Yong Gongju was seriously pretty. Seo Hyun could be a make up artist. And when he reached up to touch her face I died screaming.
































































































































































































































































































































































The headlock. OMG so adorable. I don't know how many times I've replayed it already. The selca is adorable. I already saved it in my laptop. 
































































































































































































































































































































































And the preview. OH DEAR GOD, THE PREVIEW!!!! I've always wished and prayed for that episode to happen. Mostly not just because I want to look how gorgeous they will be, all dressed up, but because I want them to feel that heartbeat accelerating seeing each other dressing up so perfectly. Basically I want them to fall deeply in love because of that. I don't wish for a kiss. I just wish for them to be comfortable, Yongseo will do the rest. 
































































































































































































































































































































































Why can't they make WGM aired 7 days a week? I'm sure we villagers won't mind.
































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you MountainMadMan for the translation and the Sonesource for the video.
































































































































































































































































































































































Until next spazz, bye bye. Have a great week ahead everyone!!!! 

































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Guest blueshoes








[sponsor] Seohyun wedding dress by Kate Blanc












[케이트블랑] 우결 용화,서현 커플 웨딩촬영 케이트블랑 웨딩드레스 협찬








안녕하세요 ~ 케이트블랑입니다.




오랜만에 글을 쓰네요 ~~








이번에 저희 케이트블랑 웨딩드레스가 MBC 우리 결혼 했어요 에서




우결 용서, 용화 서현 커플 웨딩촬영에서 웨딩드레스를 협찬해 드렸습니다.~^^








저번에 팬들이 만들어준 합성사진을 올려드린적이 있는데




이번에는 저희 케이트블랑 웨딩드레스를 입은 모습을 보여드리게 되서 정말 좋아요~








예고편만으로도 두사람의 예쁜모습을 보시면 아시겠지만




서현과 용화 둘 다 선남선녀 커플로 촬영하면서도 원장님께서도 화기애애하고 풋풋한 분위기였다고 하시네요~^^








서현은 굉장히 사랑스러운 스타일로 볼륨감있고 아기자기한 웨딩드레스뿐만아니라




여신느낌의 쉬폰 드레스도 소화를 잘 하셨습니다~








다음주 MBC 우리결혼했어요 우결에 서현 용화 커플의 웨딩촬영이 공개되면




용서커플의 다양한 웨딩드레스 사진도 올려 드리겠습니다.~








MBC 우리결혼했어요 '우결' 속




용화, 서현 용서커플의 웨딩드레스가 궁금하시다면




케이트블랑으로 문의주세요~












Kate Blanc is Pure White








source http://blog.naver.com/kateblanc/90107369920




credit DC wgm




















I wanted to share something which I read from Baidu. I guess I should put it into spoiler and let fellow gogomas to perform your spazzing power and have your wild imagination~~












The autograph translation from Chinese from Baidu: Cr: 红薯夫妇吧, 翻译:小小








Thank you very much for your full-hearted teaching me! Really thank you very much! I hope that I can leave a good memory...












I read a Chinese translation in Baidu (I think is based on a fanaccount), it is regarding the day that Seohyun went to the knitting shop.....




Here goes the translation based on Chinese translation in Baidu. Cr: 红薯夫妇吧, 翻译:小雨








21st Dec, at 大致栋 (I'm not sure the building name in English) knitting shop, saw Seohyun and her manager oppa. The manager oppa was recording Seohyun by using a video recorder. Seohyun asked the owner of the shop, what is the common color used for knitting a scarf for a guy? After that, manager oppa said to Seohyun, the scarf have to be done before tomorrow.






Ok. Thousands and thousands question flashing thru my mind:



1. Tomorrow of 21st means 22nd of Dec, do any GOGOMA recalled any WGM shooting on that day? or any special recording with YongSeo?



2. Who is the guy Seohyun referring to? Her father? Yonghwa? ~~ I hope is Yonghwa :wub: Since Seohyun is not really close to any male friend right?






3. The manager oppa was recording Seohyun? Does that mean it is an official video to be released? else why need to be recorded?






Oh~~ I just can't stop thinking... I hope the scarf is special Christmas present to Yong...

















thank you Hapiangle for sharing



I don't want you put this artical in spoiler mode T_T



It would make some people miss to know



a scarf for a guy .... hope it will be Christmas gift for YONGHWA





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this is cute
































































































































































































































































































































































































this week
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































next week so sweet

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yongseoisreal









i just realize that the thread just jump over 10 pages in less than 24 hours..



i guess, everyone knows the reason why..



with the cutest episode ever!!!



i've been saying this in my last post..



about to expect the unexpected..






well, who am i kidding???



last episode is seriousy the UNEXPECTED!!!



with yong's being beautified by hyun..



the battle of beauty...



it's just UNEXPECTED..



i can't seem to get out from the highest voltage of surprise yet~~






and with the preview of...



the long awaited wedding of the millennium..



i guess, the shock will not ceased..



i believe, the thread is gonna reach 2000 pages in the next few days..



everyone's must be reeally excited for the next Saturday..



it's irony just to think that yesterday is just Saturday..



gosh, my heart just couldn't stop beating like crazy and i just can't seem to fall asleep



because every time i close my eyes, I'm afraid i just couldn't wake up on the next day to witness the epic wedding episode in which i believe, is gonna be the most greatest awesomest epic perfect moments for yongseo and us gogumas...






i've got nothing to share in my post anyway..



i just wanna share my overwhelming feeling of excitement that i can't seem to keep it in my heart anymore..



i believe, our goguma CSIs have been performing the investigation needed for the last episode and i believe, they did a really great job!!






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Guest bittersweet_




























Honestly, I cried while watching the 18 seconds preview. I mean it was just short like 18 seconds ,and I didn't know any Korean but tears just came out on their own! I was even surprised myself.




















Aren't they beautiful? Aren't our Goguma Couple the most beautiful? I have seen them ever since episode 1 aired, and I am so so so happy at how far along they have come with pure genuine respect and adoration for each other. They are truly beautiful, words seriously can't describe how I feel right now. Everything about them is so genuine, pure, and beautiful. (End is near* sorry!) Out of all the WGM couples and their relationship+plus wedding pics, with the exception of the closest to reality Ant couple, I think our two is the BEST. I love them together, I love them individually.




















& this week's episode was totally daebak again! Look at how comfortable SeoHyun is so close to YongHwa's face. Everything is so natural. She is also looking at him with loving expressions I can tell. Especially the part where she is putting on the lip gloss.




















I hope they kissed. If they don't do it now sooner or later, they might not be able to see each other often, and they will regret it. Stuff like this happens only once in a life time.





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Eyes are getting bad so having to increase the font size.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My thoughts on this episode was that is was fantastic. It was romantic but really funny.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But I had one sort of naughty thought. When Yong asked if he should give her a butt massage, I wish she had said yes (jokingly of course) just to see his reaction. I can see several scenes being played out in my mind. But then I was wondering, how do you do a butt massage without turning WGM into an X-rated show. Actually, how do you do a butt massage at all?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know all of us are wondering what happens now?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know I'm a proponent of what we think and what do we know but truth is we don't know squat and we are all going on what we think. So































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If they had a contract (be it month to month, two month , six month or one year) then it was probably signed sometime before their first shooting in 2010. Could be anywhere from mid to late January. Last filming was January 10 2011, I think which would be right before the expiration of the contract.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If they decided to not extend the contract, WGM would not have announced it then since they just had Adam couple announce that they were leaving.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WGM has film in the can to get them through the first to mid March depending how they edit the photo shoots (and the preview said the wedding shoot "starts" next week not that it will end next week so think they can get at least 2 or 3 episodes out of it.)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They still have the shopping trip, meal together, and the "possible ice skating" footage that could maybe drawn out for another 2 or 3 weeks.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even if they have decided to not renew the contact, and if it ended in mid-January, it is very interesting that after that time period Yong gave his famous I don't have much in mind for an ideal girl and basically gives a detailed description of Hyun. And the other members "the most beautiful is the person you love" and "Only we know how he really feels" and "I think he has taken WGM too seriously". And, they both still wear the rings. Wearing of the rings maybe until the end of all the epidodes have aired or if they are a couple and they will still wear them. The rings are supposedly not part of any mission WGM gave them and something Yongseo did on their own. Watching Yong especially since he didn't wear it for the valentines shoot but did for the interview makes me wonder. And we know their friends pretty much acknowledge some sort of relationship between the two. Even as early as the infamous Hahamong MC show, remember, both Yong and JoKwon were paired with each other and not with the girls for all the skinship games, the Onew incident and we could see in the new valentines interview that they kept trying to set up something with the girl he did the shoot with but he kept doing his best to avoid it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everyone was aware that they couldn't do much shooting in January because of their schedules but maybe they are taking the time to find out if dating for real is possible for them and if not then filming for WGM will resume shortly.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG- I must be the slowest in this herd of turtles but just dawned on me. In "Love Light" the lyric Yong wrote is "I will be a genie for you girl" and by gosh that is exactly what he has been from day one. Even when she said that he had always let her have her way, and he said no, no, no. He wasn't letting her have her way, but in truth he was fulfilling her wishes, both spoken and unspoken. Honestly,there is a difference. Also, he has been teaching her how to get what she wants. He doesn't give in right away but only after she asks in a nice or really girlfriendly cute manner. He has really been her genie. Maybe even in this last episode with the makeup. He is just fulfilling her wishes but he makes her work for them.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me , the most romantic, epic yong, married moment was that quick snipet of footage when he watched her dragging her foot in the playground to spell out their name . For me, I don't think that I have ever seen a more beautiful look of love and caring than that on anyone's face than that on Yong's in my intire life. (If it were a drama, after that look he would have gone to her,spun her around and just have held her forever).































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Throughout all of the episodes I have been a sucker for the looks Yong gives when Hyun is facing away from him. It's like the eye sex gets hard but he can look all he wants when her back is turned.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































During this past year he has been every kind of bf she would probably encounter. New and not sure what to do bf, protective bf, bad-boy bf, attentive and loving bf, strict and almost uncaring bf, playful and fun-loving bf, sexy bf, but always the bf that is always there for her. He has taken her from a very young girl to being a beautiful young woman. He has taken her from being introverted to wickedly playful and has shown her that being studious and serious can be tempered with fun.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong was so unsure that he could be trusted to not do any damage to her but I think she has shown absolute trust in him no matter what, and I think she knows that this opportunity and knowing him is the best thing that could have happened in her life.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I asked husband about the Yong backing off thing and he said yes, guys get to the point where they are trying to figure out if this is real love with the girl they want to be with for the rest of their lives but they are also trying to figure out if they can take care of them and make their lives happy. When guys are considering this they really can't look the girl in the eyes because they think it will give away all the worry and concern they are thinking about. Sweet thought.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For us, the fans, I think it is also amazing to find that they brought us to a place that doesn't care about age, gender, ethnic background, religion or politics. Just a place that where people from all parts of the world fell in love with two adorable people in Korea and found a peaceful place to talk to each other. This is they way the world should be.

































































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Guest just_a_dream
















































It's been days since my last post and really don't like to post these past few days. I'm contented reading everyone's post and am afraid I'm having the same feeling with luvtokki. Well, this is just how I feel and you can just skip or disregard this,since this can, for sure spoil everybody's spazzing moments with the latest super cute episode and the next week's preview. I really just need to let this all out, and no other way to let this out but by posting in this thread, since I knew that you can understand me better than others when it comes to YongSeo couple. So please bear with me.  
































Again, if you don't want to spoil your mode, skip and disregard this!.I'm just helping myself here, to lighten the burden in my chest. Thanks in advance for your understanding.excl.gif
































I really am just the typical one of those anonymous or *guest in this thread for how many months and decided to delurk last January of this year. Just when I was enjoying so much, came the news made by the antis that they may end by April. I was really disheartened, and to some extent not noticing tears falling from my eyes, and can hardly contain the feeling. I was afraid of my reaction that I decided to keep on believing that they will end soon, by March or April, in order to suppress myself from further emotional torture. I may sound hilarious, exaggerated and give me all those synonyms, but YES!. I have invested emotionally on this couple to the point that I haven’t had enough sleep just to wait for trans, subbed videos and keep on refreshing the thread. So when everybody was so excited for the upcoming wedding photoshoot, I felt the opposite, especially that it was later January that I haven’t noticed any filming news about them after that shopping thingy. Because I shield myself so much, I can only smile, agree or disagree by myself, on the other members post.







































































I was like, NO WAY! How can they end so soon when I haven’t able to learn sharing caps on the thread yet. Forgive me for this, I just couldn’t let myself be happy so much, cause I’m afraid that sadness will outcompete it in the end.







































































I guess this will be my first and last essay that I’ll post here. Thank you so much for sharing the same joyful feeling with me towards these two wonderful people.







































































I wish I had the same strong emotional capacity as u guys out there, but I guess I have to eat more before attaining that. hehehe













































































































































oh don't mind me..i'm just releasing some emotional stress here.,hehe.,
































anyways guyz..back to spazzing..mwaaahphew.gif









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Hello Goguma lovers!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































First of all, this is mynew fanfic. It's in AU. I hope you like it. I don't intend to make this toolong. 
































































































































































































































































































































































Chapter 1 :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Chapter 2 :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As for yesterday'sepisode, here's my spazzing :
































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so amazed with SeoHyun, really, she's Jjang!!!! Maybe she fell down like 50 times. But she nevergave up and got back on her feet again, and keep on trying. Really. And she didthat because she wanted to follow Yong Hwa's teaching. I admire herperseverance. I would have given up after two hours. But she kept on trying.Seo Hyuuuun! I love you!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































I like that Seo Hyundidn't go easy on her. I think it shows how much he respects her. He taught herhow to play guitar, pool, and now snowboarding. He could be gentle, but hedidn't, always aiming for Seo Hyun to really understand how to do it, though herisked that she will hate him because of that. But of course, Seo Hyun was toosensible for that.
































































































































































































































































































































































But he was soooo gentlewhen he helped her got up at the end, helping her up like a baby and fixed herhat.
































































































































































































































































































































































The part 3 wasreally...honeymoonish? Haha!
































































































































































































































































































































































It's obvious that Yongwanted her to lie down beside him, but Hyun was so shy thus she found an excuseand did the stretching. She was so cute when she asked him to fulfill her wish.And IMO, he didn't resist too much. He must have wanted to fulfill it since thebeginning, no matter she did the S turn or not.
































































































































































































































































































































































It's so special I think,how Seo Hyun could act so playful and cheerful with him. Compare it with her atCome To Play and Happy Together. So different.
































































































































































































































































































































































The samgyeopsal dinner,when she made him ate so much garlic and onion and when he made her ate a bigpepper, was hilarious. How they keep blowing to each other to make them smell,LOL. 
































































































































































































































































































































































And I love how Yonglooked frustrated with Hyun's wish, but yielding in the end. What could he do?She was asking with her smiles and sparkly eyes. He had no choice. And theirmake up session was soooooo intimate. I feel like watching a lovers episodethat accidentally got into Youtube. They were so close, and I bet they couldfeel each other's breath fanning their faces (though garlic smelled, hehe).Ommmooooo they should just kiss!
































































































































































































































































































































































Yong Gongju wasseriously pretty. Seo Hyun could be a make up artist. And when he reached up totouch her face I died screaming.
































































































































































































































































































































































The headlock. OMG soadorable. I don't know how many times I've replayed it already. The selca isadorable. I already saved it in my laptop. 
































































































































































































































































































































































And the preview. OH DEARGOD, THE PREVIEW!!!! I've always wished and prayed for that episode to happen.Mostly not just because I want to look how gorgeous they will be, all dressedup, but because I want them to feel that heartbeat accelerating seeing eachother dressing up so perfectly. Basically I want them to fall deeply in lovebecause of that. I don't wish for a kiss. I just wish for them to becomfortable, Yongseo will do the rest. 
































































































































































































































































































































































Why can't they make WGMaired 7 days a week? I'm sure we villagers won't mind.
































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you MountainMadManfor the translation and the Sonesource for the video.
































































































































































































































































































































































Until next spazz, byebye. Have a great week ahead everyone!!!! 

































































































































































































































































































































































































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There is a beginning, there will be an end.  We are born and we will die




What else can we do about that?  If all of us are scared of death, we can't enjoy the happiness now.  




The same goes with Yongseo, we are scared of the ending, but can we change it? Why we lose our spazzing moments just to worry about ending??




I can't get it! I have an illness, but I'm not sad, worrying, crying , nope instead, I'm enjoying every single moment of this life, smiling , laughing and loving




the same goes with YongSeo, the ending can't be avoided, let all be happy! Instead of feeling sad, scared, how about we COOLLY accept it, becuz we are GOGUMAS!




Let's cheer up, we are supposed to celebrate the MOST WANTED EP ever, not just this......!





I must say that I do really love your comment! ^^

Yes I agree with your opinion here..sometimes we just too focus with the ending and ignoring the process...

Afraid of an ending is human..but there's just something in this world that we can't avoid...

I know it's hard even for me since I love this couple SO MUCH! but I think it's better to enjoying their moment right now... :)

Be strong Gogumas! we still have each other right? ;)


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Guest inorhaniza
































I must say that I do really love your comment! ^^



















Yes I agree with your opinion here..sometimes we just too focus with the ending and ignoring the process...






























Afraid of an ending is human..but there's just something in this world that we can't avoid...



















I know it's hard even for me since I love this couple SO MUCH! but I think it's better to enjoying their moment right now... :)






























Be strong Gogumas! we still have each other right? ;)



















Me too agree with ur words......for now let focus to their relationship.......i believe even this show is finish they will still keep contact each other. Both of them still young and have big dream to be success in this world entertainment.....so they still have long journey to go......and that i believe they will keep supporting each other.



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Guest Tetsuya9




















Just to inform you guys, the download link for YongSeo E45 are done.












Here are the preview and information of it .




































Also I need to tell you guys something. Please read.












Do not view our subbed video on other site.












I mean... you can view it on other sites but not sites that you need to click on Advertistment to get through.












They're making profit from What I and M3 Did.












M3 did the translation and I did the others.. I took my whole midnight to Sub those video.












And for what? For everyone can watch it for Free right? I didn't work for them so that












I do the subs they get the money. I mean ... what is that ?












Actually I don't want to officially announce which site was that.. I saw some of them.. but I would like to expose this.. This site is too over.. I mean... they Many Kpop subbed show and make profit on them. They didn't even did a thing. I better put it on spoiler.

Ks_ _w_ _w (you don't even have to visit their site, you're just wasting your time there waiting for Ads to load. Also, they've filter their comment system. They only pick up '' good '' comment.)












I'm not only helping myself here, I also helping other hardworking subbers who work so hard.












So next time, Please please please don't visit sites like that.. (clicking ads before watching)





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For all of us just remember that to always expect the unexpected with this couple whether they are on WGM or not.

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








am I allowed to screah here??? coz' screaming at home will make my parents think I'm crazy












woah, I feel relieved now. sad that I have no one to talk with about YongSeo. envious of you guys whose parents or children like YongSeo too...... wish at least one of my siblings is a yongseo lover, but sadly, no.....






Ok, back to topic....






first of all, thank you M3 for translation and also tetsuya for the eng sub vids. you guys are jjang!! Dduk! just like M3 said, you will have the privilege to do the english sub for next week's wedding photoshoot episode! just make sure you don't be like "aww......... cute...... aishh" until the sub gets done in a very long time! (haha just kidding, we will patiently wait! ;))








now for the episode.................... I know I'm late, but still the episode is really something..... I mean SOMETHING!!! I believe everyone of you were like "closer....closer....." right?? there are some scenes where they were just inches away from each other's faces.........60137273.jpg
































charismatic YONG TEACHER!






























besides that, I just cannot believe that they are already in this stage of relationship............. is it because during november-december 2010 they met  so often for WGM filming or something happened during that time THAT WE WERE TOTALLY UNAWARE OF??












This is a little bit off from what we are discussing now, but it has been troubling my mind. you guys know the so-called "aquarium filming" right? last time you guys posted here that some K-netizens saw YongSeo for this "aquarium filming", but until now there has been no official news by WGM. Moreover, I am more surprised that until now no one has brought up this topic again............ I don't know whether the K-fans from DC comfirmed it already or not, but if there is such WGM filming, then goguma FBIs will find it very quickly right? :lol:. I don't want to raise any speculations from what I'm posting right now, but there are 2 possibilities which I can think of...






1. It is indeed a WGM filming but it hasn't been shown and could be shown as another BTS footage released by MBC.



2. It's up to your imagination *cough*secret.date*cough :P

















I'm really sorry if my post is nonsense to some extent, but IT IS HAS BEEN TROUBLING MY MIND FOR A LONG TIME.....









EDIT: I forgot to mention the wedding photoshoot! how stupid me! I know you guys are excited right???? hmm, how to say this...... omomomomomo I'm still not ready to see the wedding photoshoot just yet! I blame the PD (?) for making me like this. let me ask you guys something. choose between these 2 options....






1. Do you prefer having a preview for next week's episode, when it's totally a blast since it's a WEDDING EPISODE, but you have to wait for another one week.. or



2. Do you prefer having no preview AT ALL, but you'll definitely receive a BIG SURPRISE for next week's episode??






honestly, i'd rather choose option 2! the PD leaked most of it in my opinion, from the wedding clothes and also the pose............ grrr it's only sunday, but my heart is lalready dugeun dugeun like :wub: :wub::wub:









oh, I noticed some of you are worried whether this is the beginning of the end for YongSeo, possible disappear just like bubbles (omo secret garden fever!) let me tell you something......






do you think SNSD leader Taeyeon said "Seohyun should date Yonghwa for real" without a reason?






do you think they won't remember all those moments when they are together?






do you think they can just erase all the memories just like that??






the people surrounding them are giving us hints about YongSeo






even Yonghwa's mom approved Seohyun!






that's all I can say...... if you ask me whether I'm worried or not. yes I AM WORRIED! but then all the statements by people around YongSeo are not something we can take lightly! they are actually giving us hints, sometimes ambiguous, slowly and slowly..... it's up to us how to






EDIT2: semi-fly!!! thank you! I have been looking for the 600p version!









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Guest kasia3goguma








































Ring Ding Dong On INKIGAYO B)
















































c: dc married
























We're not dreaming Gogumas, we have a wedding photoshoot!!!














































































celticheart47 - that's right! Unexpected things !














































































Everything's changing, and I'm happy about it! We all should be happy! Don't worry about what will come, because this moment is really precious to us :)















































I'm soo happy to be one of Yongseo fan with You guys :D









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I have to admit that I have the same feeling as luvtokki and just_a_dream . I mean, yes, we are human, it is natural for us to be sad and depress over something which we love so much going to be an end soon.
































Honestly, when I saw the preview, I got tear in my eyes, not only because of happiness seeing my beloved couple finally get a wedding
































photoshoot, but with a little bit of sad feeling, afraid that the wedding photoshoot episode is an alarm of they are going to leave WGM soon. Thousands of positive and negative questions/ statement straight pop into my mind..
































1. How sweet both of them in wedding dress?
































2. OMG, finally the wedding photoshoot episode has come! I can't wait for next Saturday!!
































3. Wedding photoshoot, meaning the day they leaving will be coming soon...
































4. How am I going to survive without seeing YongSeo every Saturday anymore?
































5. Wow, I hope SIL & BIL appear in the studio as well...
































Bla bla bla..... You know, this kind of mixture feeling & emotion, can drive you crazy. This is how I've passed yesterday... re-watching their
































episodes,  reading all your post here, spazzing the latest episodes, listening to "sweet holiday", "Banmal Song" bla bla bla...did everything Yongseo related to indulge myself in reminiscence all their moments together just to overcome my frightening feelings. I know it sounds crazy to some of you but I would not deny that there are sure gogomas lovers like me doing the same thing and having the same feeling as well. :crazy:
































After all this, I read all your post here, and I've finally make up my mind that, I should not be like this anymore. inorhaniza & celticheart47, I have to agree with you.. we should be enjoying and happy during the process. "Expect the unexpected with this couple whether they are on WGM or not"--> This is very true, as we all know, this is YongSeo style, haha... :rolleyes:
































Anyhow, I would say that, although they will leave WGM one day, they still have their life to go on as well as ours. No matter how badly we wanted them to be real, the final decision is still in their hand. If it turns out what we wanted (dating & get married for real), wow this is a super extra bonus of happiness for us, but if it is not, at least we do believe both of them showed affection towards each other during WGM and off WGM. Hope that they still will be close friends. The days that they've spend together, no one can replaced it. The memory that only belong to both of  them.
































To Yong & Hyun~ I'd cross my fingers, hoping all the best will be happening to both of you in future. Pls be honest to your true feeling in your heart and face it bravely. Hug to both you~ :wub:
































To In-Go-Paem~ Be strong guys, this is the only way we show our love to our beloved YongSeo.
































YongSeo hwaiting!! In-Go-Paem hwaiting!!:)

































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