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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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SPAZZ ATTACK!! :wub: :wub:















OH MY GOSHH! THE PREVIEW!!!! I'm SOOO EXCITED! When I first watched it, the music just hit me and I was sooo touched! It matches perfectly with the feeling and the setting! I even shed tears!! xD Yong looks adorable, he's all nervous! And Hyun is freaking gorgeous!! I'm pumped for next week!!! Once the pictures come out, I'm gonna be making lots and lots of graphics !! :D






























Every Saturday morning, I wake up super excited to see the new episode and I'm never disappointed! Today's episode was soo funny and adorable!! I especially loved Hyun's attitude towards everything. She never gave up and was always positive; even when she fell, she would laugh! And of couurse, who would have expected something sooo unexpected from uri YongSeo! Hahaha, makeup, I love it! Yong looked so cute xD I loved the skinship as well, totally adorable!! They look SO comfortable! :D






























To finish it off, here's a new wallpaper I made. The caps totally inspired me, DAMN THEY LOOK SO CUTE! :wub:






























Hope you like it! :)









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Hello !!


  i'm very happy today


  this sweet couple really make me happy!!




  what a Daebak couple!!:):rolleyes::D






nothing special to share........













really can't wait for the next ep.  WEDDING PHOTO SHOOT!!










Hope u like it..Enjoy!!




THANKS to ALL.... !!!:rolleyes:










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@ Lovekin and every Goguma in here:  I cannot grasp it. Why does Seohyun want to put make-up on Yonghwa? Whats her reason behind it? It was such an intimates scene. an excuse to be this close to Yong, lol?! I don't know but I want to understand it so badly!!!

And her "I don't do makeup for anyone" wth :wub:  ahhhh


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Hi guys! I loved part 3 of this last episode... I like to think there's a certain honesty in their interactions when they are alone in a private setting (their home, the condo). Anyways...




















So, someone here mentioned that their wedding photo shoot will mimic their story... (I'm sorry, I can't remember your name blush.gif ) like a "YONGSEO STORY WEDDING"... In the preview they already showed the arm wrestling part... I'm thinking what else they can show... like....




















1. playing pool with Yong behind her




















2. practice room... Yong playing guitar... Hyun playing the piano




















3. piggyback ride... although I don't see Hyun piggy-backing Yong while she's in a wedding dress (i'm sure the photographer can get creative...




















I can't think of the rest right now... I'm sure there's a lot we can think of...













































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Tetsuya9 thank you for your hard work. I've always love how u can give the most creative title to your video. This time it is -->The Spartan Instructor is getting a Makeup :lol:





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually, Yong cupped Hyun's face TWICE, not once.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When I first watched this ep, I thought he only cupped her face once, and MBC repeated the scene twice. But after watching it a million times, I found this.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The first one: Hyun said "Chincha!" (Really!), her left arm was outside and her hand held Yong's wrist































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The second one: She screamed 'Ahhhh!" when both of her arms were inside.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe once is not enough for his hunger.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry, but I don't know how to cap.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































orchid81 thanks for pointing the moment out :w00t: We got another Goguma FBI in the house. lol. At first i thought the same thing too(me being used to the PD's act of replaying the same cut but with different angles)but when I watched it again after reading your post, i can't stop smiling. Uri Yong nampyeon is not satisfied with cupping her face only once :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope this gif can help






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe the THIRD time during the photoshoot? :P
































































































































































































































































At the beginning of the preview you can see Yonghwa's hands, it seems like he is sitting and nervously waiting for her to come out in her gown ahhhh. So I really hope they will show how they actually go looking for wedding gowns and suits that would be totally daebak and the icing on the cake for us:w00t:
































































































































































































































































aurora82 sorry for cutting your post. But I totally love your post - Yong really seems like he was nervously waiting for Hyun. I've been following WGM since season 1 and I gotta say that the moment the groom saw the bride came out wearing her wedding gown will be one of the best moment for each couple. I still can remember clearly how Alex have a super huge grin hanging from his ears and thanking god for the opportunity to see ShinAe in a gown. And each and every single bride was glowing on the photoshoot day.I'm praying that the PD will be kind enough to show us these moments for our YongSeo couple too.
































































































































































































































































It's almost 3.30AM here. I better go to sleep before I start rambling nonsense :P
































































































































































































































































Thank you all Gogumas for sharing various pics, thoughts and video links. Good Night♥

































































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YongSeo couple to reveal their wedding pictures
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































by ektha16 on February 19, 2011 at 3:00 pm
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun finally take their wedding pictures!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































During the preview for next week’s MBC “We Got Married” viewers were able to get a glimpse of Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun’s long awaited wedding pictures. Because of the preview depicting Seo Hyun in a wedding dress and Yong Hwa in a tuxedo, fans have show an overwhelming interest and anticipation for next week’s episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the preview, the lovable couple are seen holding hands and sitting down while staring into each other’s eyes. Because they look even more like a couple, viewers are excited for next week’s episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Netizens left comments, “I can’t wait for YongSeo’s wedding pictures!” “I want to see the pictures quickly!”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































One netizen even left a photoshopped wedding picture congratulating the YongSeo’s 300th day together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun’s wedding photo shoot will be aired on the 25th.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: allkpop.com

































































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Guest gauri92
































so....i don't know about snsd...but CNBLUE is going to be in the photoshoot....
























i saw jungshin in the preview...at 0:05, look at the background...its jungshin turning around...so yayyy, if cnblue is there, then snsd should b there 2....i can't wait to see who gets paired up with who...as in, they are going to b the bridesmaids and bridegrooms...so, lets c...





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Guest fara_m7





YongSeo couple to reveal their wedding pictures




by ektha16 on February 19, 2011 at 3:00 pm




Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun finally take their wedding pictures!




During the preview for next week’s MBC “We Got Married” viewers were able to get a glimpse of Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun’s long awaited wedding pictures. Because of the preview depicting Seo Hyun in a wedding dress and Yong Hwa in a tuxedo, fans have show an overwhelming interest and anticipation for next week’s episode.




In the preview, the lovable couple are seen holding hands and sitting down while staring into each other’s eyes. Because they look even more like a couple, viewers are excited for next week’s episode.




Netizens left comments, “I can’t wait for YongSeo’s wedding pictures!” “I want to see the pictures quickly!”




One netizen even left a photoshopped wedding picture congratulating the YongSeo’s 300th day together.




Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun’s wedding photo shoot will be aired on the 25th.








cr: allkpop.com







wait... why 25TH???


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Guest harajukudezz
































































Ok!! I know it has been post a lot of time (wedding photos) I just cant resist to repost it again and again until  for the next episode (faint)!!! cant believed that our couple reach this moment, the happiest and unforgettable moment for each couple the "WEDDING" preview really make me feel worried happy and excited!!!  worried that there are lot of fanboys out there who's dying to be on Yhong position.sweatingbullets.gif happy that after a long run this couple really showed us that everything is not on hurry,, esp..being in LOVE.wub.gif.excited..that every week our couple is giving us to much excitement,  anticipation, feelings that we never expect that will happen..but can happen.. ohmy.giflike we always said expect the unexpected to our couple....that's all for today folks hope we reach 2000pages and more before wedding episode...









































































































































































































































































































































































































The Goguma Bride 




















































































































































































































































































The Goguma Groom....






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 The first ever skinship arm-wrestle while eating the dried sagua...(ep4)










































































































































































































































































































































































wahhhh..finally now with all wishes that our couple granted to each other..is it about time for us GO-Peam to wish???










































































































































































































































































how about a wedding KISS????








wub.gif Pls grant our wishhhhhhhhh....














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sweatingbullets.gif re-edit: a million thanks to M3 for the trans...God Bless!!!































































cr:momonsnow for the vid..























































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest toomuchsmiling




MountainMadMan- THANK YOU FOR THE SUBS!!!! ^____^




haha, i've been giving everyone +'s and its only the afternoon, i have a feeling i probably reached my limit for the day for handing those all out. :lol:




Ok so FINALLY!!! The episode i've been waiting for since their whole marriage has started!!!!!! THE WEDDING PHOTOSHOOOOOT!! Preview (like everyone else here) killed me. :lol:


I didn't cry tho, i was just squealing like crazy and going OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG crazy. hahaha~ i musta replayed the preview 20 times at LEAST. and the sooooooong~!!! whoever chose it for the BG was genius. Those lyrics TOTALLY matched the scene. I'm so restless.




HOW CAN I WAIT NEARLY 7 DAYS?!!!! wahhhhhh!! and good ol' Jungshin Chingu was there, which makes me SUPER curious to know if her unnies came too.




Photographer, you better deliver on those wedding photos!!!!! B)


hahaha, and on a very very verrrry random note, i'm ECSTATIC b/c this Tuesday is my BIRTHDAY!!! :w00t: So i consider this ep to be an AMAZING bday present to me!! :lol:



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In the preview...  It's a RETRO Studio =D















Officially... this is THE STUDIO: CLICK (and officially photographer web)








You can see the first picture is the same scenario in the preview =D








I hope they have pictures in other studios ^^























One question...








Do all the WGM couples have had a kiss? Forehead, Cheek or Lips??































Aigooooo... 6 days















I'm not 100% sure cause I haven't watched WGM season 1, but I believe most of them have kissed on the cheeks before if you look at the couples wedding pictures. They all look very close, so let's hope YongSeo will also be as comfortable!!








Here are 2 vids of the wedding pics of the couples from WGM1.
















http://www.youtube.c...h?v=XvTUjLowRPY (at 0:04 you can see a pic of the couples "kissing")








Anywaays, aaarg couldn't help myself, made another wallpaper!! xD Damn, still a week before the next episode, COME ON SATURDAY!!! xD Hope you guys like it :)
















Enjoy! :D  Oh!! And thank you MountainMadMan for the subs!!









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Guest emmanuellee
































They're BFGF, if you are a guy and has an image to protect, you won't allow a girl even if she's a friend to put a make up on you.  Unless, she's a sister or a girlfriend.  I mean, play a girl infront of a girl, and let her watch your awkwardness and uneasyness unless, she is someone you are so comfortable with her like a sister or a girlfriend. 








Ahhhh...LOVE! LOVE, look what you can do.  Yonghwa, GAVE IN to Hyun's request of playing a wife to make her happy.  He knows how hard Hyun gave in, to learn how to snowboard, his favorite sport.  And so that his wife won't be disappointed and disheartened about the outcome of the snowboard thingy.  He had to show her that he really appreciates what she did by granting her request. 














I think this song summarizes their relationship now. Really you don't have to say that you two are together because we can SEE IT.














































Saying I love you








Is not the words I want to hear from you








It's not that I want you








Not to say, but if you only knew








How easy it would be to show me how you feel








More than words is all you have to do to make it real








Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me








Cos I'd already know








What would you do if my heart was torn in two








More than words to show you feel








That your love for me is real








What would you say if I took those words away








Then you couldn't make things new








Just by saying I love you








More than words








Now I've tried to talk to you and make you understand








All you have to do is close your eyes








And just reach out your hands and touch me








Hold me close don't ever let me go








More than words is all I ever needed you to show








Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me








Cos I'd already know








What would you do if my heart was torn in two








More than words to show you feel








That your love for me is real








What would you say if I took those words away








Then you couldn't make things new








Just by saying I love you








More than words
















How sweet of them in their weeding photoshoot.  It's like a real one.  They can't seem to stop smiling while watching each other.  LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.









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Guest Yangie12

































































At the beginning of the preview you can see Yonghwa's hands, it seems like he is sitting and nervously waiting for her to come out in her gown ahhhh. So I really hope they will show how they actually go looking for wedding gowns and suits that would be totally daebak and the icing on the cake for us:w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for cutting your post, but I totally agree with you! It does indeed looks like Yonghwa waiting nervously for Hyun to show her dresses. In the beginning, you can see his sleeve is the exact same color as his jacket that he wore on episode 37 (basketball date after composing together). This means that he hasn't changed into his suit yet and seeing how he nervously played with his hands..he is most likely waiting for Hyun to show her gowns. It must be right? Because I cannot come with another reason for Yong to be nervous while still wearing his normal clothes..I really hope that the WGM crew will do a better job at editing the next episode, especially because we have anticipated for their shoot for a long time; we don't want to miss out the best scenes (:

































































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Guest emmanuellee






I'm not 100% sure cause I haven't watched WGM season 1, but I believe most of them have kissed on the cheeks before if you look at the couples wedding pictures. They all look very close, so let's hope YongSeo will also be as comfortable!!




Here are 2 vids of the wedding pics of the couples from WGM1.




http://www.youtube.c...h?v=XvTUjLowRPY (at 0:04 you can see a pic of the couples "kissing")




Anywaays, aaarg couldn't help myself, made another wallpaper!! xD Damn, still a week before the next episode, COME ON SATURDAY!!! xD Hope you guys like it :)


*quoted image*


Enjoy! :D  Oh!! And thank you MountainMadMan for the subs!!






HELLO, I watched season 1, the original couple: AnSol, Ant couple, AlShin couple, Lettuce couple and the brief marriage of HyungDon and Saori.  AnSol did a kiss, I mean lips to lips but its only a touching of lips. Ant couple, AlShin and Lettuce couple did the lips to cheeks kiss. But HyungDon and Saori didn't because, they got divorced before their wedding photoshoot.



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Guest lovekin








i was dying from the make-up session. laugh.gifi did put some thought into it last night as i was watching it, though, trying to make sense of it. this is one of those times where edits suck because she might have wanted to do it for "revenge," or ... seo really is that wacky. the latter is more believable, to be honest. hah!












yeah, so it's not putting on make-up that's intimate - although, with due credit, it does ease possible tension by making the atmosphere light-hearted - but the physical closeness it creates. you're constantly touching the other person and in a theoretical relationship between a boy and a girl who may have feelings beyond the platonic stage, it kind of sets itself up quite wonderfully.








in my opinion, i think seo just wanted to do it because it would be fun. but it wouldn't be surprising if that's her way of getting close to someone she likes. and maybe not even that. it might be her way of expressing how close she feels to someone.








that aside, though, my cold heart melted into pudding just because of the way yong looks at her. his look isn't particularly intense or anything, but it's with which he is completely serene and willing to relinquish his ~masculinity to let her have her fun that makes me wub.gif. and it doesn't hurt that it gives the both of them an opportunity to really look at each other. as far as this goes, though, i think seo was too distracted to pay any attention, but i imagine it's safe to say that yong had enough time to do so. tongue.gif








and yeah, i'm pretty much dead already. i'm not even sure how i'm going to manage until next weekend, but i guess writing can take the edge off. wacko.gif





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I know teehee!! be jealous!! pwahaha. JKJK!

but no I am really honored that I have the opportunity to translate this episode... I am so excited (not only in the translating part) but also, you know how in all the wedding photo-shoots the photographer always asks for a small kiss or a peck on the cheek!? OMG i am totally looking forward to that!

and not to mention the BEAUTIFUL YONG that we saw today~

I was laughing SOO hard when he was getting his makeover!


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Guest Yangie12
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did anybody notice how Yong -oh so smoothly, I must say- tried to get Hyun to lie down next to him? I just have to point this out!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the first picture you can see him patting the floor next to him, as if he is indicating that he wants Seohyun to lie down. It reminds me when he told Seohyun to sleep on his shoulder while patting his shoulder (Busan episode); it is done in the same manner. And the second picture, well, can it be any more obvious? =D

































































































































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Guest sKiTtLeSrOcKmYsOcKs

do you guys think that cnblue is going to be at their wedding photoshoot because i think i saw jungshin in the the preview. also this is my first post on here even though i've bee a long time lurker! =D

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Guest Crystal392
















*waves at everyone*


























How are all of you?















God I miss you all my amazing Gogumas soo much!


























Thanks to everyone for the info you've shared, and translations (M3 and Dduk you are amazing <3 ).


























I never got to spazz about the ep before the last one, hehehehe it reminded me of the first time I learned to snowboard! I also did good at the beginning but then got a bit scared and I never quite learned how to stop so I kept falling and falling and falling! xD I wish I had someone like YongHwa to help me stand up again!!! hehehe :wub: Both were soo cute and I was laughing soo much! OMG next is the wedding photoshoot? :w00t: can't wait to see that ep!


























*goes off to watch the latest ep*





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