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Yonghwa ❤ Seohyun sweet night at Skii Resort
































After getting lecture/training from Yong last week, Hyun almost done on the basic skii training stage, challenging " S-turn". In order to encourage Hyun, Yong promise to Hyun if she successfully done the S-turn, he will grant her a wish and fulfilled it. Will Hyun successfully done the S-turn and got her wish?
































After the skii activity, YongSeo couple enjoying themselves in skii resort VIP room. Yong bugging Hyun to massage. Hyun give him a deathly glare. What is Yong's bold statement to Hyun?
































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After eating the kimbap, the distance between them become closer, what is the reason?  
































Can't wait for tomorrow~~!!! :wub:

































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Share on other sites






































































































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My rough translation based on Chinese translation in Baidu. Cr. 红薯夫妇吧




Yonghwa ❤ Seohyun sweet night at Skii Resort




After getting lecture/training from Yong last week, Hyun almost done on the basic skii training stage, challenging " S-turn". In order to encourage Hyun, Yong promise to Hyun if she successfully done the S-turn, he will grant her a wish and fulfilled it. Will Hyun successfully done the S-turn and got her wish?




After the skii activity, YongSeo couple enjoying themselves in skii resort VIP room. Yong bugging Hyun to massage. Hyun give him a deathly glare. What is Yong's bold statement to Hyun?




After that, both of them enjoy the skii resort special bbq pork meat. Hyun concerns on Yong's health, Hyun made vegetable-with-rice (kimbap?) for Yong. Is the kimbap suits Yong's flavor?




After eating the kimbap, the distance between them become closer, what is the reason?  




Can't wait for tomorrow~~!!! :wub:







thanks for the translation!!!wink.gif w00t.gif


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Guest Lildedprinxez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































정용화·서현, 달콤한 스키장 하룻밤 '화끈'[머니투데이 스타뉴스 임창수 기자]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































씨엔블루 정용화와 소녀시대 서현, 용서부부가 스키장에서 달콤한 밤을 보냈다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































18일 방송되는 MBC '우리 결혼했어요 시즌2'(이하 '우결')에서는 정용화와 서현의 스키장 콘도 뒤풀이가 방송된다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































두 사람은 노란색 커플후드 차림으로 병아리 커플 같다며 병아리 흉내를 내며 즐거운 시간을 보냈다. 보드 특훈에 지친 탓인지 생각과는 다른 쇠약한 병아리 소리가 나와 웃음을 자아냈다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































온돌방에 누운 채로 몸을 녹이던 정용화는 서현에게 마사지를 해달라며 조르며 과감한 발언을 던져 서현의 살벌한 눈총을 받기도 했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































스튜디오 녹화를 통해 이 내용을 먼저 접한 박미선, 김나영 등은 "용 남편 너무 엉큼하다", "얼굴이 화끈거려 못 보겠다"며 아우성을 쳤다는 후문이다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation credits: MountainMadman @ soompi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jung Yonghwa - Seohyun, a sweet night at the ski resort "heating up"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBLUE'S Jung Yonghwa and SNSD's Seohyun, the YongSeo couple spent a delightful night at the ski resort.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The upcoming broadcast of MBC "We Got Married Season 2" (WGM) on the 18th will focus on Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun's winding down after the ski resort.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Dressed in yellow couple sweatshirts, they said they looked like the chick couple and imitated the sounds of a chirping baby chicken. Possibly due to the aftereffects of the snowboarding lesson, the chirps turned out less energetic than usual, creating laughter.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































While warming his body in the ondol room, Yonghwa begged Seohyun for a massage and received a deathly glare in response.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Park Misun, Kim Nayoung, and the rest who first saw the episode in the studio cried "Yong husband is so cheesy" and "I can't watch any more, I'm blushing".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Sweet Potato Days :D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kyak~! I can't wait for tomorrow!!! WHAT HAPPENED AND THE MC's GO WILD! omo~! bobo? :)) In my wildest dream! :P WAAAH~ I can't wait for tomorrow. I need yongseo now! :))  This may be the first time the two stayed in one room for a night. :P In japan they stayed in separate rooms. waah~!! WHA COULD POSSIBLY HAPPENED? :P

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest anne0129
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^Hapiangle.....Thank you so much for the translation. You and M3 have made me spazz so much today. Can't wait for tomorrow. I just want to know what will be happening tomorrow between these 2 kids.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What has happened to this thread? It is so quiet but you can see there are still almost 200 people in this thread. Please spazz with us so we can reach 2000 pages and get a new home... blush.gifblush.gifblush.gif They seem to be so close now compared to where they were when they first met.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you are telling yourself you have nothing to share...then share how you ended up watching these 2. I love reading those posts the most because I more often than not can relate. So to lurkers and non-lurkers alike...Tell us how did you end up watching this couple....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To MountainMadman....love your new fanfic. Keep it coming. Will you be doing live translations tomorrow in YongSeo Fanclub? Again, thank you so much for your and Dduk's weekly translation. Special mention to juhee (Dduk's sister for providing last weeks translation.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































See you guys tomorrow....hope you spazz here before going to SPD to spazz. Or you can do both spazz here and in SPD.

































































































































































































































































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aaahhh....cant wait until tomorrow..seem everyone really cant wait for wedding shoot episode...will be very very good and romantic I guess..
































I remember one think...my favourite episode well actually every episode, they wait getting better and now is SUPER LOVELY DOVEY...hahaha
































I remembered the episode SNSD UNNNIES visited them. episode 12, Yonghwa asked if what he liked about HYUN, He said
































She is PURE, HONEST and those sparkling eyes...made the UNNIES collapsed...hahahaha, SNSD really like this couple...hahahah...I bet they keep teasing SEOHYUN in their dorm....





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@ anne0129 Ironically I started watching Yongseo after I found Khuntoria. I watched the first fourteen epidodes of Khuntoria by the time I was finished it was saturday and then I found a link next to Khuntoria for Yongseo and I started watching that and watched my first streaming that weekend. So yeah I didn't always no about Yongseo. Until we got married I only knew a little about Seohyun and Yonghwa now I know lots about them!!



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Guest quisty86












Before we get to the next episode, my last spazz for the previous one :)


















"FALL! FALL! FALL! HUG!" - These were our thoughts right? Muahahaha.


















What was he thinking? Why so serious Yong Seobang? :P















And you pretty girl, did your heart go dugeun dugeun? Can you hear his heartbeat? Or feel his warmth?




WAAHAHA What am I saying.











Less than 24 hours villagers! Prepare your oxygen tanks, defibrillators, life support machines etc.





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tomorrow is SATURDAY!! and suddenly this thread 'wake up' after the preview text..

thanks to all translator..(since there are many people who try to translate it.. thank you so much)

but really, the preview text leave us with a BIG question about what did really happen with uri YongSeo at that night..

dugudugudugudugu..... can't wait for tomorrow!!

and also, there are many opinion about their wedding photos poses..

i really wish something intimate without much effort.. I mean, since we all know that SeoHyun actually not that comfort with boy (oh, maybe she can pretend to be comfort when take a picture??) so I think it was something too much if we/ the stylist asked them for some romantic and intimate poses..

Just wait and see, guys.. (honestly I can't wait.. LOL..)


when SeoHyun tried to wear her board and YongHwa stared his choding-ness by singing 'Single Ladies', I know why..

Because actually the ski land has played that song.. I realized it while I was watching it again.. just try..

(well, this is just random info..)

Happy Spazzing for Tomorrow, In-Go-Paem..

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Guest Mamablues
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun & yo~ng!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks dreamyboo....and try to share something with u all.....:sweatingbullets:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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yong is getting cheesy and i know some gogumas are getting pervy..

(u know who u are) :P

and this thread finally moves! i love it!

so...yongseo spent the night at the ski resort eh?

and yong asking for a massage? ho ho ho

a death glare from hyun...

but we know she can nvr say no to hubby.. ;):phew:

maybe she WILL give him a massage IF he does the same to her too..

didn't she say she is tired after skiing?

ahhh..why can't Sat come faster?

ooh..our FC has grown to be so huge.

i wish to see our fellow gogumas here posting instead of just lurking..

share those thoughts..i know u want to.. :)

mamablues..nice artwork. thank u

with the black hair, yong is getting fairer and fairer

its been a while since i welcome our new addition in the goguma family..

A Warm Welcome to U All..*borrowing crystal's confetti*

M3, Hapiangle, tks for the translations.

hug u both!

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hey all!




this is my first very post here~ have always been a lurker cos i have never been one who is good at words to join in discussions..




but anyway, i was watching this video of cnblue




100305.Gomtv O4U CNBlue Fan Meeting (chinese sub)




(not sure if this has been shared long ago..) but i found something quite interesting i think rolleyes.gif




cnblue were doing personality tests/quiz (like the ones yongseo did on the train to jeongdongjin w00t.gif) and one of the results about yh was:




starting around 38.31min:




you like unpredicted/sudden physical contact/skinship




and no matter how angry/upset you are, as long as you receive timely 'aegyo's/you are shown love, you will forgive everything




you are one who is easily touched by just a message or a phonecall















and right after the mc read out the explanation, yh immediately affirmed it haha




i thought this was very interesting cos it reminded me of many yongseo moments!




unpredicted skinship? japan? ski mask as mirror? we all know he loved it




and i think there are quite a few incidents of yong being upset(?) but then immediately 'tones down'/'give in' to hyun's aegyos




well, just wanted to say, yong probably really enjoy hyun's company and the things she does and oh i think im starting to lose my point in this post hahahs




-goes back to spazzing-




ps, one of the mc was nayoung and she mentioned at the start that if she had to choose, out of the 4cnblue, she likes minhyuk ^^ (searches in my limited memory, were nayoung and minhyuk ever mcs together on wgm??)




pps, one of the sections towards the end was title "tell me your wish" LoL and all the members starting dancing their legs (they were sitting down)





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  Hello to goguma villagers!!! Thank you so much M3 for the translation...:wub: Love you for that...Can't wait for saturday to come.Its gonna be a spazzing moment again... I love you all guys for all the screen caps, gifs, translation from korean to english and chinese to english and all the guessing games Trent is inventing and all the reaction of the goguma villagers... its just prove a lot of people loves our goguma couple... To M3 i so love your fantics, im so, your fan now. Goodbye for now..See you all tomorrow....





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New picture of Seohyun wearing sponsored clothes during WGM filming
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































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Guest blueshoes




























귀한 손님이 한 분 찾아왔었습니다.




바로 소녀시대의 서현양 입니다.




크리스마스가 거의 다가올 무렵이었죠~




손뜨개를 배우러 왔었어요. 물론 개인적으로 올 만큼 한가한 사람이 아니니 촬영때문에 온 것이죠.




서현양이 샵으로 들어오는 순간 샵이 환해지더라고요..ㅎ




연한 베이지색 코트에 같은 계열의 넥워머를 하고와서 이기도 하겠지만,




그 얼굴에서 더 빛이 나던데요~^^




키도 크고 늘씬하고, 얼굴은 또 얼마나 예쁜지..ㅎㅎ




마음씨도 참 착해보이더라고요.




손뜨개를 배우는 내내 웃는 얼굴로 잘 배우고 갔어요.




손뜨개를 처음 배우는 것이라는데 정말 잘 했어요.




비록 짧은시간밖에 같이 못있었지만 큰 인상을 남긴 아가씨 였습니다.




같이 찍은 사진 한 장 남기지 못하게 아쉬웠지만, 이 나이에 또 사진 한 번 같이 찍자고 말히기도 그렇고 해서..ㅎㅎ




그래도 알아서 저렇게 사인 한 장 남겨주고 갔네요~




서현양이 온 것을 귀신같이 알고 찾아온 초등학생들에게도 친절하게 사인도 해 주는 모습이




정말 착하고 예뻐 보였던 서현양! 앞으로도 항상 건강하고 행복하기만 했으면 좋겠어요~












source : http://blog.naver.com/ehyang09/90107218392








credit DCwgm
















It seems Seohyun went to study knitting








It would be Gift for Yonghwa ???





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