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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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does anyone notice that the sky resort playing beyonce "singles lady" and yong sing and dance to the song???? it's so funny w00t.gifw00t.gif












i don't know why he end up doing that? to tease hyun about something maybe? i want to make screencap on the single lady dance but sadly i don't have knowledge about how to do it so anyone??





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Awesome episode as always.lol. Seohyun is so adorable in this, she was falling and stumbling all over the place and Yong can you get anymore sexier than this? there was just something about him being all strict and pro in snowboarding that makes him 10times more attractive than he already is.
























































Seohyun i love this side of her, she was smiling so much and having fun despite of all the stumbling. She depended alot on Yong to guide her but she was not afraid to give it a try and to look silly infront of Yong. She is just naturally adorable and tries her best at everything.
























































Yong was strict but you can see that he is always nearby to help hyun and to guide her when she needed it. Like always he would not force hyun nor make her do things which he was not sure himself. He let her try on her own and gives encouragements and compliments along the way. But you can just see him itching to snowboard by himself since its been years since he had done it. lol.
























































Yong is such a gentle man, there are so many ways for him to teach hyun while having skinship or a hug, but he just concentrated in making sure hyun was safe and knew the right techniques first before snowboarding.
























































I loved the scene where he struggled to get up the hill when Hyun fell, his voice sort of became softer when he asked if she was ok. Maybe he was afraid hyun would cry?lol. That would probably break his heart.
























































And i have to say the eyeship in this epi..the way hyun looks at yong's lips and vice versa, there was a moment in the bus where hyun was tugging at her collar and you can see yong's eyes darting for a bit at her neck. The way yong was looking at her when she was talking. Aigoo tell me i am not just crazily observant of these things but because it was way too obvious.^_^
























































Again thank you so much for the vids and translations everyone. Words cannot describe how much i love this go-chun!
























































Preview: its going to be a daebak episode again next week. But i think they would just be resting and talking, keeping it g rated as always. Hyun is way too innocent for those thoughts and yong is just too gentlemanly for anything to happen. lol. But who knows..keke..cant wait for next week!
























































ps: i soo want to join in the avatar change but i've been trying like mad for the last two days to no avail. I'll try again tonight and join in the celebrations!









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ouuhhh good episode..I think anyone who never snowboard before will definitely be able to snowboard at the end of the day with a trainer like Yong..besides, Hyun is known to quickly catch up with new things...I love how protective and caring Yong was, but he still maintain that 'smugness' in him since he's a pro snowboarder...

































































































































































































































































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<Playing with her cell phone >
































































YH: Who is it at this time?
































































SH: It’s a secret
































































YH: Alright…
































































SH: It came…
































































<What could be the text message they receive so late in night?>
































































YH: What is this suppose to be?































































































































Hai Juhee im sorry to cut your post please bear with me































































































































i just love this part when yonghwa get annoyed with the though of someone text his-girl at this late hour,,































































































































*well i dunno exactly what time*
































































































































Look at yonghwa face carefully,, Ohh i wish i can make a gift, how to make a gift anyway?? kekke































































































































i think yonghwa doesnt like anyone to text his girl at late hour, he really look annoyed.. i bet he really get annoyed :P































































































































just like Psy said it was an intimate time hoho *you guys know what im talking about right?*






























































































































































































































































anyway.. this eps is cool































































































































i really want yonghwa to myself too Geez,, everyweek he show the world how to be a good boyfriend































































































































im definitely will dream about him tonight.... with hyun of course































































































































thanks to all translator u guys are the best!!!































































































































and for fairy,, i always get impressed about how loyal yongseo fans are































































































































and all goguma here,,






























































































































































































































































its 12.27am here somewhere in indonesia,































































































































i need to sleep































































































































have a nice dream..

































































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My scaps for today
























































































































































































Right after their 1st massage together
























































































































































































They rcev a msg.








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Back Rm Interview, Yong so Handsome while Hyun so Gorgeous








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On the bus on their way to Snowboarding








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong famous sketch of Hyun as always wavy hair and
















































































































































































































































































































































































Walking in sync again
















































































































































































































































































































































































Getting ready
















































































































































































































































































































































































Just love Hyun's smile here
















































































































































































































































































































































































Yong fixing Hyunie's boots while Hyun Fix,Yong benie & google








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All geared up

































































































































































































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Guest juicymd

anyeong haseyo goguma lovers...

this is my very first post here..i've been a silent reader of this forum since october last year..but now i couldn't help myself to write something here..

what i like about this episode:

1. how seohyun gave advice to yong to change his habit..

2. their eyeships while looking at each other's lips

3. yong's expression when he saw hyun texting someone very late at night, as if he was really curious and pissed when hyun told him that it's a secret

4. yong changed his expression when hyun showed the txt msg, he looks so relieved after she showed him the mission text (don't worry yong, she won't text other guy)

5. yong's over excitement for their ski trip (so choding..)

6. the way yong teach seohyun, they way he takes care of everything (protective gear, tying shoes, mask, socks) aahhhh he is so detail..

7. yong was so touchy..touchy to seohyun, at the same time he was being protective to seohyun, he make sure that seohyun is comfortable and all right..

8. goggles mirror scene, hyun was really cute here..

9. they way yong hold seohyun from the back...its like a titanic scene...so romantic but funny at the same time when yong became hyun's chair...( yong can be everything from human cup holder---and now a chair kekekekeke)

10. everytime they faced each other, yong's hands guiding seohyun's hands....i just wish that seohyun will fall to yong arms anytime while they faced each other like this..love..love...love...

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Guest DJHinata

& I'm proud of my self..;)

*quoted image*


sorry to cut your post but i think this is not a good idea -.- 

BTW: Thanks For the Translations !!! I cant wait for the Translation preview and the next episode, so will need to spazzing ~~ wub.gif

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Guest yonghyunforever

hey guys, on the bus, when talk about the photo of YOng. is this the first time Hyun said indirect that Hyun handsome. she said. the beautiful picture. she how YOng happy to hear that.

everybody spazzing at the chatroom now thats why our thread so slowly. hope will more caps will come. i dont know hoe to make a caps:(-

our couple is so lovey in this eps. i hope yong just sweet like this with only his Hyun. because Hyun will not be happy if he teach another girl like this.

Yong Hyun figting

To  Juhee, Mountainmadman and other translators thann you very much for your hard work:wub:

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Guest Seychan
















YongSeo couple has a very special thing that only they have and make me love them. They do not need too many skinship, they just looked at each was enough to prove how sweet they are, how real they are,  enough to make us spazz :wub:















Look at Yong's face & eyes. He get jealous when his wife only concerned to message to another person, not his hihi He ask Huyn "Who is it at this time?" So cute, Yong ~ Not only Huyn become a girlfriend what she did not notice, but aslo Yong, he become a real boyfriend without his notice :))
















Yong totally become a chair for Huyn. :wub: How close they are. I bet this is the first time Huyn sat at a boy's thigh <3
















I like Yong's shy face and smile and Huyn's smile. They're so close so close. So couple-ly. They look so happy and beautiful. Imaging when They take a wedding photo and pose so close like this with their happily smile *dreamer*
















they have never stood nearly opposite to each other like this. <3 I scream and pray for Yong hug Huyn as soon as he can
















How couple-ly they are. Like a nice wife, good cocking, with a husband tired of his work. She feed him :wub: Aigoo, So sweet
















I agree with u, Yong seobang. Your wife Huyn buin is pretties <3
















See preview when they're same bed.  Yong have a flu, look he's so tired. At GDA award after this, he look so tired. But their reation for each other is so deabak at GDA hihi certainly because they have spent a happy & sweet day together <3








I swear I want to have a boyfriend like Yong so badly. *lucky Huyn* Look at the way he teach Huyn and his encouragement & patience. My heart want to melt into water. Huyn learn so fast (intelligent & pretty girl)








Two new MCs really want to have husband/wife like Yong & Huyn hihi who don't want? Everyone also want to have :">








"It's hard to you pretend that you love someone, but it's impossible when you love someone and pretend you are not.":wub:





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Guest one_shot








Annyeong-haseyo Gogumas ^^~...




These are 2 clips I made by myself keke, celebrate to YongSeo's 1st Anniversary ^^~.




 Maybe it's not really good, but I hope you like it. ^^~




Love Light cover




Banmal Song cover




On the other hand, today's episode is too sweet.




I think I want to skiing right now after I watching this ep lol.



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Guest BigSmileAgain


[FANCAM] Seohyun Snowboarding




Finally, She can do it well....Yong is the best teacher and Hyun is a genius student ^^...when they're together, I always smile always happy AND MAYBE A LITTLE LATE FOR CONGRATULATION 1ST ANNIVERSARY YONGSEO .>>> I wish you stay together in this program and in real life also...both of you happy and all of us also.(",)

SNSD Fighting CNBLUE Fighting


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Ugh i'm sorry this one is so late...































































its already 1pm here and i haven't slept yet~































































this is the last part of the translation~














































































































if there is anything wrong with it... please pm me~































































im a bit delirious from the lack of sleep~ i seriously don't know how dduk and M3 does this?!































































if not IM OFF TO SLEEP~ NIGHT YOU GUYS im taking a nap!
































<Quickly grabs his wife’s hand while explaining>
































YH: Straighten your waist. This is called an edge.
































SH: What is?
































YH: Look. This is an edge.
































<Board’s edge>
































SH: Are you saying that the board is the edge?
































YH: Right, then using both legs give it equal strength…
































SH: No~!!!
































<During this important time>
































<The board is slipping down by itself>
































MC: Oh, she’s going down, she’s going down!
































SH: No! Save me!
































MC: Doesn’t have to hold her?
































YH: Look forward! Look forward! This way, this way!
































































MC: She has to stop! She has to stop!
































MC: She’s doing great!
































































YH: Alright, you’re doing well!
































SH: Wait…! What am I suppose to do??
































YH: You’re doing well, you’re doing well. Just hold on and come down.
































SH: We’re going down now?
































YH: Yes we’re going down. Ok.
































SH: We’re going down?!
































YH: If you just open up… you shouldn’t open up.
































<Yong teacher calmly explains>
































YH: If you keep yourself open you’ll definitely fall.
































SH: Where? Where, are you not supposed to open, your legs?
































YH: Your thighs but straighten your hips
































SH: Okay…
































<Following Yong teacher’s instructions…>
































YH: Alright we’re going. Pretend you’re walking on the edge.
































<Slowly she’s going down>
































SH: Like this, this is how you stop right?
































YH: Ok! But you can’t just suddenly stop. Naturally… O~K!!
































SH: I can do it!
































MC: He’s teaching her properly.
































YH: Look forward, look forward, look forward!
































<Interested Beginner student>
































<Now letting go of the hands!>
































MC: Wow her posture is good! He’s teaching her well.
































MC: Surely the man should know how to ride well to teach.
































YH: Follow me to where I’ll be.
































SH: I understand.
































YH: Understood?
































SH: But I can come down in a straight line right?
































YH: Just straight, slowly.
































<This time leaving the child to come down herself.>
































MC: He’s going down by himself.
































YH: Up to here!
































MC: Ah still that looks scary.
































SH: Slowly~?
































<Sure enough, can she make it down by herself?>
































<slowly, slowly, slowly>
































MC: But apparently that’s how you learn the edge.
































SH: bending down…No! I becomes likes this!
































<Again the slippery board does what it wants>
































MC: Ah! That’s fast, its fast, its fast!
































































MC: Stop! Stop! Stop!
































YH: Brake Brake! Ok!
































SH: Beginner specialist of downhill slopes.
































YH: You doing great!
































<In the confusion she managed to get the brake…!>
































YH: You’re doing great, you’re doing great, you’re doing great!!!
































<A gradual miracle?>
































SH: Like this?!
































YH: More, turn your body more. Not like this but like this.
































<Yong the the meticulous teacher>
































YH: Only this.
































SH: Like this?
































YH: Ok. You’re doing great. Your body is leaning too far. Your knees, your knees!
































SH: My knees?!
































































YH: Yes you have to learn from falling. Again!
































<Yong coach doesn’t give out breaks~>
































YH: How do you get up again?
































SH: Like this.
































YH: Push up your butt.
































SH: Push.
































YH: Ok and grab (the board) Push yourself up… ok!
































SH: I did it!
































MC: He’s really like a ski teacher.
































YH: Don’t come here by stopping suddenly.
































SH: It won’t go down!
































YH: Smoothly, come down, smoothly.
































MC: It sound like the army.
































SH: I want to go the correct was too!
































MC: Why can’t move forward?
































YH: Ok! You shouldn’t do that because there is a 100%you’ll fall down.
































<Again the board is starting to move >
































YH: Again Again!
































SH: No!
































YH: Don’t purposefully get it wrong!
































SH: No, it just happens…
































YH: Alright~
































MC: Right now he wants to go the highest slope and show of…
































MC: It must be frustrating…
































<Hyun taking her time using the slowly coming down the slope method.>
































MC: Ah, but they look nice together~
































<Right away Yong teacher switches directions.>
































YH: Right,
































<Hyun&Yong’s young fans>
































SH: Hi!
































YH: Alright you’re looking up to them and practicing!
































SH: You guys~!!! Thank you!!!!
































<Automatically turning right.>
































MC: Idols needs their fans.
































MC: Of course, it’s their strength.
































YH: To your left there’s a fan!
































































YH: Seo Hyun Unnie~
































SH: Ah, Hello~
































YH: Seo Hyun come here! Look at me, look at me!
































<Yong Husband making a lot of effort>
































MC: But still he’s teaching her well.
































YH: Okay, again.
































MC: She’s doing well~
































MC: She is doing well.~
































<Yong teacher using fan’s as a method to teach.>
































<Seeing his wife following (doing) well…>
































<Happy Ceremony!>
































MC: YongHwa is really cute!
































MC: I would like to see him fall once.
































YH: Come on! Brake, ok, brake!
































MC: She’s doing well!
































(sorry I can’t translate this one well)
































<She can stop well…!>
































YH: You can now feel what to do right?
































SH: I think I understand, just a bit.
































YH: Should we go to the intermediate level?
































SH: Can I go?
































<Immediately to the intermediate level?!!>
































MC: You have to have the feel to ride it.
































YH: There aren’t any slopes here…! I’ll hold onto don’t worry.
































SH: I understand…
































<With just being a beginner, is it alright to go to the intermediate level?>
































MC: Ah it must be scary~
































<First lift for the intermediate level….!>
































SH: I’m scared of the intermediate level.
































<Starting to get scared by the lift.>
































YH: It’s not scary x2, there are just a little more slopes.
































<No confidence(?) Fighting!>
































<She first got the courage to ride the lift but…>
































MC: Oh they’re really going high!
































SH: I’m riding it well right?
































YH: You’re doing perfectly. Besides falling down twice you’re doing really well.
































SH: Really?~
































MC: Now that I think about it. SeoHyun’s outfit looks like Kim! Tae Won’s outfit from a CF!
































MC: Did you come by alone? (famous line)
































<Would she again be able to get off safely>
































YH: And get off… getting off slowly and put your foot here~
































<Holding >
































MC: Oh she’s doing well, oh she’s doing well! Wow!
































SH: Stop~ I didn’t fall~!!
































MC: Wow she’s doing so well!
































YH: Do we have to go down from here?
































MC: She really learned quickly.
































YH: Come on~!!
































MC: This is really difficult.
































<This is where the slope begins!>
































MC: Look! Look!
































MC: You can’t even see where it goes!
































MC: Even the snow is different.
































YH: You can do this much right?
































MC: You’ve got to be kidding?!
































<The road is steep…!>
































MC: It’s so scary!
































YH: It’s not steep!
































SH: This is the first time I’ve seen this!
































YH: This is the intermediate level.
































<Finally starting the intermediate level...!>
































YH: Come on!
































MC: Wow she starts without having fear!
































YH: Look forward, look forward!
































<Exchanging nervous glances>
































<She came down towards her husband really well…>
































SH: It’s dangerous. Go straight?
































<Letting go of her husband’s hands>
































SH: To the left?
































<Going towards the left direction!>
































YH: Since I’ll hold onto you, don’t worry.
































MC: Going backwards like that makes you look like a professional.
































YH: Look forward and just go.
































<Like a barrier>
































MC: He’s properly teaching her.
































YH: OK! Step on the edge. Completely OK!!! Now to the side!!! You’re going!!!
































SH: Wow, it’s fun!
































YH: You’re doing great!
































MC: That’s how your ride it! WOW
































<Landing by sitting>
































SH: Its fun~!
































<Wife, Hyun has completely the intermediate course!!>
































SH: Its fun!
































YH: It is fun!
































SH: I think this is place is better.
































YH: Right! This place is more fun.
































MC: Already she’s comfortable.
































YH: You’re totally doing fine, you’re the best! Now if you learn how to go backwards, you can easily learn how to turn.
































SH: I want to try it!
































SH: It was like this. A chicken when it’s coming out of an egg it uses all its strength. If the mother chicken helps the chick come out it would not be as developed (reach its potential). Something like that.
































YH: SeoHyun has a lot of will power so do I. So that’s why I believe she’s learning well. Today’s goal is to… turn. A S turn or at least a C.
































YH: Miss Seo Hyun this time we’re going to try going backwards
































SH: Yes, isn’t that going too fast?
































YH: You’re doing so well.
































SH: Aw cute!
































YH: I did that with my dad.
































MC: Ah he did that with his father!
































YH: Go down slowly so you won’t fall.
































MC: Without speaking to each other.
































MC: Now she can do it herself!
































YH: Now, we have to learn going backwards
































SH: Yes!
































YH: Going backwards, if you don’t have any fear you can do it.
































SH: If I’m just not scared?
































YH: Yes~
































MC: Is it necessary to learn to go backwards?
































MC: Perhaps,…
































MC: It’s because when you ride you can suddenly go backwards…and fall
































MC: Ah I understand.
































<First she moves…>
































MC: Oh she’s doing well!
































YH: That’s a turn!
































SH: What?!
































YH: What you just did is a turn!
































SH: Really?!
































<Without realizing she did a turn…!>
































MC: She just did that naturally.
































YH: Now for going backwards, it’s the same but putting pressure on and leaning on the knees.
































<Slowly moving.>
































SH: That’s how you’re going down?!
































YH: First Left! Right…
































<Wide Open Mouth>
































YH: Okay?!
































SH: Yes!
































<It’s finally Hyun’s turn to try>
































SH: Like this?!
































YH: Brake in the front and slowly come down.
































SH: Ah, this is scary though! Ah this really is scary. No, you can do this!
































YH: Brake in the front!
































SH: Brake in the front!
































YH: It’s okay!
































SH: Brake in the front?
































YH: Brake in front…
































<Of course going backwards isn’t easy>
































YH: Are you alright?!
































SH: I’m alright~
































MC: Didn’t she fell like a idol though?!
































MC: Yes~
































MC: An idol has to fall gracefully.
































SH: Oh, when the hat fell off that was… very embarrassing! If he didn’t come! I was grateful for him to help me but I didn’t want to show him that side of me close up. The hat with the pins everywhere! To show the side of me falling apart is really…
































SH: My hat!
































<Yong husband quickly running like the wind to Hyun>
































MC: To run quickly like the wind for your loved one…
































































MC: That must have been hard to do.
































<Worried> <Worried>
































SH: Is it okay to suddenly go backwards here?
































YH: Huh?
































SH: To go backwards…
































YH: You can, (if there is no slope) you can’t
































SH: Really?
































YH: I’ll hold onto you.
































<Not looking back to him>
































SH: Do I look okay?
































YH: No…
































































YH: Come here, look at me.
































<You can still see (the hairs)>
































MC: Ah they look good (its hard to translate but the literal translation is nice to look at [the scene])
































<Yong like a father taking care of his child>
































MC: SunHwa I bet you really want to go there.
































MC: I do want to go!
































MC: You have to go with your boyfriend; it’s no fun going by yourself!
































MC: Seriously! Do you want to go?!
































MC: SunHwa don’t confess to me!~
































MC: You’re making a big fuss over nothing!
































<Firstly starting from near the barriers>
































YH: I’ll hold onto you from the back, get up. You have to at least dig in this deep.
































SH: Like this?
































YH: Put pressure, keep putting pressure Okay?
































SH: Yes.
































YH: Look see, it immediately just goes right?
































SH: Yes.
































YH: It’s because you don’t have enough strength.
































SH: I was doing so well when going forward.
































<What to do?>
































MC: He must be worried for her.
































MC: She might get hurt.
































YH: Alright right first.
































SH: No! No! Not now!
































YH: You feel like you’ll fall right?
































<She’s sitting like if she’s sitting >
































SH: What is this, wait a minute!
































































SH: What am I going to do?!
































MC: What kind of posture is that? “I’ll be your chair~…”
































SH: I’m sorry teacher.
































YH: Now~ Seo Ju Hyun student, let’s try it again.
































SH: My legs hurt~
































YH: Learning the basics is essential If you can’t do this, then you can’t do any of it~!
































<So the classes went >
































YH: Slowly put pressure on it. Okay that’s how you’re suppose to do it.
































SH: This is right?!
































YH: Then just try going straight down~ using your strength.

















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Thank you for the translations ^^
































































































































Ah... first time posting after lurking on this thread for awhile...
































































































































but I just couldn't resist the urge to SPAZ about the upcoming bed scene
































































































































i mean this episode was cute... definitely... but A BED SCENE.
































































































































C'MON. @^#%*^%#$

































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watching this episode makes me wanna go skiing too with yonghwa! haha..

btw as aneng said, their eyes has really gone to that certain other place..haha..examples:

normal eyes-to-eyes level:


but this her-eyes level? hmmmmm..



aishhh just go for it..he's yours afterall, hyun..haha..you are lucky wub.gif

BTW, did anyone notice that every single female MCs has been saying yonghwa is cute..

again, hyun, you're lucky!  biggrin.gif

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Another Hyun's first (learning to skateboard the right way) that she experienced with Yoong. :wub:




And also, i just want to say Hyun is practically glowing in the black room interview. Especially when she was talking how Yong take good care of her and she felt like a 7 years old kid.




A happy woman should be glowing... And Hyun is happy with her hubby... :lol:




Edit :




me272, and don't forget how all of them saying that Yoong is cool. :rolleyes:





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Guest eyena6180








wow!! i just know that at first place goguma couple was opposed even before the show aired yet...this is too much!!! now see..this couple doing really good and match together!!! i will support this couple till end!!! tongue2.gifexcl.gif love this couple :wub::wub::wub:


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Guest archiehon
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much juhee, you've done a great  job! Charanda! (is this correct?) Love the ep so much and i realize that everytime we watch a new ep of this couple it  has become repettitive to say "this is my favorite ep!" but really, this is a favorite ep of mine.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I like Yong Hwa here. I realize something about him. everytime he taught Seo Hyun, he was patient and very encouraging. This is evident when he was teaching her the guitar. At first, I thought he was just trying to make a good impression but after looking at them at this stage and he still has this enthusiasm and confidence with her just show that this is Yong Hwa. He's patient, an enthusiastic teacher and confidence booster to Seo Hyun. He always has this high faith in Seo Hyun 'You can learn to play guitar in a month', and now 'you can learn snowboarding in one day if you're not afraid'. A feminist would be happy to hear that statement from a guy!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i just love this part when yonghwa get annoyed with the though of someone text his-girl at this late hour,,

*well i dunno exactly what time*




Look at yonghwa face carefully,, Ohh i wish i can make a gift, how to make a gift anyway?? kekke

i think yonghwa doesnt like anyone to text his girl at late hour, he really look annoyed.. i bet he really get annoyed :P

just like Psy said it was an intimate time hoho *you guys know what im talking about right?*






Sorry to cut your post!


I'm just so happy to find s.o has the same idea with me! I really love that part. Yong is very protective towards his wife :wub: I have never seen his face like that before!!


Share some caps of this moment














He said "allright" but his face showed a different answer!








And his face was immediately brighten up when she showed him the text! It's so cute of him :D






BTW, thanks juhee for the translation :)



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Another changes i notice with the two of them....before if a mission text come the other one will check their own phone, now if hyun saw it first with her phone she will just pass the phone to Yong and then he will be holding her phone and play with it......They  really trust one another now...



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