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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy 1 year anniversary GoGuMa Love .. YongSeo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit : The Sweet Potato Couple ThaiFan @ Pantip
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ขอบคุณภาพจากน้องแจ๊ค นะคะ ^ ^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo Forever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Tofu_Cloud
















































































































































































I'm sorry but..........Isn't she freaken goregous or what!? :wub:

































































































































































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Guest graxhaie































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well, the celebration doesn't end yet...to continue our celebration...let's go for































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from the SSD pro presents!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[PARODY] YONGSEO is getting married FOR REAL 1/2






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part two and download links will be release later...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lovepingzi























































































Thank you for all the happiness you bring to us.
























This is a Fan MV made my myself.
























Goguma love story~
















































Korean:남과 다르다









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Sorry to be late but it is still the 11th here on the west coast of the USA and I just wanted to say happy first year to Yongseo on WGM. I am not going to use anywords associated with love and the such because I am one of those poeple that jinks everything if I watch them live.







































For our couple, thank you for a year of smiles, laughter, and for us older members remembering obout our first love. I don't think you had any idea that the people watching you would be so touched by the emotions and the rememberances that they felt by watching your story unfold. You have a lot of older fans that were were reminded of their first love, some that were thinking about their current love, and a lot of younger fans that were thinking that this is the kind of love that they want in their future.







































Thank you for being on the show for the past year and thank you for the great moments that you shared. Thank you for being two terrific people and I just want to thank you for being you.







































Honestly don't have any idea what the future holds for you, but whatever it is, I hope you will be close friends, and if the fates are with you then more than that.







































Favortive episode is Yong making breakfast for "his wife". He did this with all the confidence in the world, and he knew he did good. He said this was the way he could take care of his wife.







































Going for the checkup was they way that Hyun could take care of him, her "Husband".( I Still hate using the quote marks when refering to them.) I was thinking about the fact that Yong had to go to hospital, once for the vocal cords , and once for the WGM collapse and that he really really doesn't want to have anything else to do with hospitals. It is so cute to see Yong try to get out of it but Hyun wins in the end.







































The massage, I would suggest a hot rock massage next time. Yong liked the sports massage but Hyun didn't. I have fibromalgia and love the hot rock massages as that is the only one I can do but are great for people not used to doing the more vigorous massages.







































I was going over all of the episodes and interviews and it seems that showing the rings was something they thought of and not a WGM mission. Even if it was a WGM mission it was to wear the rings outside of WGM just in the first episode. It was not to wear the rings for ever and always but except for the time right before CN Blue's concert, that is what they chose to do. And even now, Yong puts the ring back on as soon as he can after a photo shoot or video.







































I don't think this couple has had a lot of missions as compared to the others. They had the amusment park, moving into the house,the deut, and banmal song on the internet. The PDs said that this couple just figure out what to do and did their own thing. I think that is why we feel it goes beyond reality sometimes and we feel that we are peeking into someones private lives. I think that the PDs learned that with this couple that they don't have to intervein and need no help. I think that WGM knows that they have a very unique and much loved couple that should be treasued alwasys.














































































Happy One Year on WGM. Will Love you two and follow you always.





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Guest lovepingzi
































































I don't know how to post video.

































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Hello Fellow Gogumas.....







































Job well done for all the happy wishes on YongSeo 1st Anniversary to all. Superb work to bezbezbez for making all the projects for the 1st anniversary a success














































































Here are some photos to all for making this thread the best place to spread YONGSEO LOVE to the world. LOVE U ALL 





















































































































































737c96977cb4274d35b7e9f646ebc021_large.jpg 5a868676c07767a9e5abc624a9ae2886_large.jpg



























































P/s: Though I'm sad I couldn't live stream today (afternoon class 
















tears.gif) I know there'll raw vids waiting once I got home. THANK U in advance to the kind fellow gogumas who'll upload the vids & translations. Without U guys, this Thread will be incomplete. THANK YOU!!!!
























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Whee, Happy first anniversary Yonghwa & Seohyun! All the gifts from international fans are so beautiful :"> Here's (ANOTHER?? REALLY?) wallpaper from me :) I resized them to cellphone and iphone sizes, too! spread yongseo on your mobile phone? lol  also, the without-text version of my last posted wallpaper, as requested by lovekin.




desktop wallpaper 1 &2 (textless)










































the cellphone versions are under spoiler. sizes available: 240x320, 320x240, blackberry (480x320), iphone (320x480)





















cellphone wallpaper (240x320) (320x240)













































































(480x320) - blackberry

















































(320x480) - iphone (except iphone4)





























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For YongSeo 1st Anniversary on 11th February 2011








































































































































































































Part1- It’s a YongSeo World After All





























































This project have crossed all the borders around the globe. Each continent and race where gogumas can be found were included on this one big project. I am very much thankful that we have succeeded on the goal of showing how GLOBAL we could be. Thank you to all those who sent us their pictures and videos








:) Every GOGUMA can now proudly say that It's a YongSeo World After All. Here's the link for our First Anniversary FMV. Please spread the video!












































































We'll be releasing another video this Monday, February 14, so please watch out for it





























































crew: Gogumas around the World, redtulip, Goguma1207,intoxd, rippergirl, clumsy, DJ Dee



































































































































































































































Part2- Goguma Idol














































This is most exciting part of the First Anniversary Project. Seeking for the best voices out there and then choosing who among them is the BOICE of the GENERATION was really hard. The 12 participants were down to 5 finalists until Serene Unnie was declared as the winner. She sang the Fan Song which entails our daily experience as a fan of YongSeo Couple. I'm am very much thankful and proud to all the participants and those who have helped us in making this sub-project possible.































After the Goguma Idol, we pushed through with the "...With Love" album project. We included a song for SeoHyun, 2 covers of Banmal Song, 4 covers of For First-Time Lovers, and the Fan Song. We also added a bonus feature on the album, our 1st Anniversary FMV for YongSeo. The album was a collaboration of talents from different races. Everything about the album was done intricately by International Fans alone. We didn't seek for any professional help.



































































































































































































































































1. Blooming Affection- SeoHyun's Song













































































2. Banmal Song- English Version













































































3. For First-Time Lovers (Banmal Song)- Chinese Version













































































4. For First-Time Lovers (Banmal Song)- Korean Version













































































5. Banmal Song- Filipino Version













































































6. For First-Time Lovers (Banmal Song)- Indonesian Version













































































7. For First-Time Lovers (Banmal Song)- Malaysian Version













































































8. Goguma World- Fan Song














































crew:  SINGERS (graxhaie23, serene, melissa, vina, participants of Goguma Idol) , LAYOUT ARTISTS (kaptenkeirin and xhachimitsu) , AUDIO EDITOR (trish), VIDEO MAKER (nicole)


















































































































































































































































Part3- Gogumas Give Back














































This is the socially-related part of the project. As fans, we are very much thankful that through We Got Married YongHwa and SeoHyun were able to meet. The couple played a big part in our lives for this year. Most of us can’t resist a day without searching anything about Yongseo or worse spazzing all day and night. Through this wonderful couple we were able to gain not just friends but also a family across the globe. Our love for YongSeo has crossed all the borders and all the rumors. For all those reasons, we are thankful.































To show our gratitude, we have decided that the team will give back to the less fortunate people through supporting the United Nations World Food Programme. We donated $1000 or more than 1 Million KRW to the said organization under the name of YongSeo. We used Paypal to transfer the money. Here's the receipt of our donation.





































































































































































































































For more information/details on the purpose and endeavors of the institution we helped, please check-out their page 








http://www.wfp.org/ . We supported their FILL THE CUP project where in every 1USD you get to fill 4 cups with nutritious meals. To sum it up, we were able to fill 4000 cups under the name of YongSeo.

























































































































































Part4- Goguma Couple Items































It has always been part of any of our project to give some couple items/gifts to YongSeo. For this project we bought a lot. Here's our main gifts first. I'll just be posting the other gifts soon.

















































































































































































































































































































































































SPECIAL THANKS to DC Gallery YS fans for buying and delivering this two principal gifts directly in Korea. The gifts are now with SME and they'll just distribute to YongSeo once they film/meet. For the other gifts, my friend from Korea who have connections with MBC, SME, and FnC will deliver the gifts probably next week once the issue at customs is settled. DC wasn't able to help us on the other gifts because they were also busy with their own gift project, but they did an excellent job on the bikes and piano. Thanks again chingoos!














































crew: tecle, gogumacraze, idashml, myblue, rippergirl





































































































































































































































































































To all the donors, I'm not sure if you want your names to be mentioned publicly so I decided to just thank everyone collectively. You, guys, are the main reason why this project was made possible. Thank you very much for all the dollars you've spent. I hope that upon seeing the summary you'll feel that your donation were spent wisely. I look forward for more Donors on the next project







































































































































































































AGAIN, please call me FAIRY! I'm begging you!!!! Please stick to this alias of mine!!!! PLEASE!!!














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest k.rivera19
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think i need to post this picture again to prepare for todays epi :wub::wub: soooo excited!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks FAIRY!! and Yongseo international team for your hardwork :D I am soo loviing the bikes .. it really suits them well :wub::wub:

































































































































































































































































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Guest fabiistar07



Happy 1 Year Anniversary uri YongSeo !

It's a little late but I still wanted to join all of the congratulatory wishes :D

To Hyun~. You have changed and matured so much. From a nice girl into a goddess-like woman ^_^ You have gained lots of experience and being paired with such a nice and understanding husband has made this experience even more pleasant. Please keep showing this fun, happy and playful Hyunnie side of you to us and your hubby. And I hope you'll be able to speak banmal to your husband soon :)

To Yong~. You're a really great husband. Please never stop being so understanding to your wifey. Also never loose your choding side that always makes Hyun smile. I'm sure Hyun wifey has changed your life in a good way. She's one of a kind so please treat her well and just enjoy every moment together :)

And please become a REAL couple, have a magnificent wedding and have beautiful-music talented-goguma loving children ;)

Also thanks to everyone that posted old news articles, pictures, caps, fan art, etc... It really made me so happy to see this all over, seeing how much our couple has changed and enjoying my trip down memory lane ^_^


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Guest MountainMadman








I have to say, I LOVED reading everyone's congratulatory posts on this wonderful occasion. I'm not a guy that tears up easily, but going through about a dozen pages of heartfelt messages and lovely, sentimental flashbacks nearly did me in. Although I'm proud to say that I didn't succumb to the pressure. I'm still a guy. HA.








Anyways, concerning today's broadcast:








-I will TRY to provide live translations in the Soompi chatbox, as always (granted my streaming works and I don't fall asleep like last time).








-Since Dduk is away for her senior thesis, the translations will be handled by her sister. There's a chance it may be out later than usual, but please be assured that yes, they will be out.












And lastly...








관습도감 (Royal Stanza) - The Second Stanza





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Happy Anniversary to Yongseo couple!!! I'm so happy to know that they r already being for a year..... time went so fast... hoping for them to become a real couple soon....




Thanks to all fans who translate, post the video, made fanmade videos n everything that r related to Yongseo.... without u guys, how can we, the other fans be able to understand what they r talking about..... thanks again....biggrin.gifsmile.gif


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YSInternational have caused a lot of trouble for DC but you guys have been patient with all of us. I'm very much thankful for all the help. The gifts we sent you are not enough to show our gratitude, but I hope that it'll at least make you feel better













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































FOR BAIDU FANS, I wanna be friends with you too, I don't know any of your moderators but please tell them that YS International is always open for communication and collaboration. Just feel free to PM me.






























































































































































































































































































































































































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Guys, who will be streaming today.































































































































































































































































New link from JKpop3 --> talkplaylove































































































































































































































































For me it's less lagging.














































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy streaming...































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Partial Live Translation compilation of Pt 1 by MountainMadman from Soompi Yongseo Fanclub CBOX
































































thank you so much M3!!!
































































Here we go!
































































after their trip to the hospital
































































Yong: give me some coffee.
































































Message: what do you think of when you hear the words "cold winter"?
































































































































Yong: is it asking us to write a poem?
































































message: ski resort!
































































Yonghwa's liking it. ^^
































































Seohyun can't write snowboards.
































































Yong: you'll be able to handle that, right?
































































Yong: if you can't handle that, go home.
































































he has his own board.
































































so they're at the ski resort...
































































they're going to change clothes first.
































































Yong brought along protectors.
































































Hyun's shoe size: 240
































































Yong's measuring the snowboard to her height. brought along socks...
































































Men are handsome when they know so much about what they're doing.
































































Hyun: I felt like I was getting younger. Like, 7 years old.
































































Hyun's using his goggles as a mirror.
































































Yong: try it on.
































































MC: Walking on one leg is harder than it looks.
































































Yong's being strict.
































































Hyun: why is the teacher like this?
































































Hyun's snowboard got caught on the bar.
































































Yong: because we're going to be falling down a lot today...
































































they're loosening their bodies.
































































Hyun: Goodbye. I'm too busy.
































































Hyun's forgotten how to put her board on.
































































Hyun: you're getting snow in my face!
































































Hyun: I'm dead...
































































































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Guest yong_hyun



watch live stream..1st part..but not saw much of it bcoz lagging...tup tup..already finish n khuntoria turn..hope another shipper can upload it soon..tq in advance..

* sorry 4 my bad english...huhu


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Guest LennieYongseo
































just watched by streaming..
















:( too lag, and i just can watched 2/3 second and lag again sad.gif
































Yonghwa really really good at skiing..































he continued to teach Seohyun, and it seems Seohyun surrender ><































skinship lot today (holds hand and maybe hugs back?tongue.gif)   XDDDDDD
















so jealous..































I really do hope they embrace here.































and time Seohyun fall and Yonghwa justify his hat.































huwaaaaaaaaaaaa ~ ~







































can't wait for raw and translation..
















and certainly the preview smile.gif

























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