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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy 1st Anniversary to YongSeo Couple, as well as to our thread!! More power to everyone!!
































































































































































































































































Yong and Hyun, hope you celebrate your special day together!! we love you!!! ♥

































































































































































































































































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Guest mayme27
































































exactly 12 midnight in my country so! :)































































Happy 1st anniversary yongseo!
































































Hope they last long!:)
































































Cant help but smile everytime i watch this couple. from the selection to the first meeting and how they progressed... HAPPINESS!!!
































Watching them make me smile even at my lowest times so, thanks to yongseo, subbers uploaders, and all gogumas out there.

































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Guest pandasoori






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Looking back at the one year our YongSeo couple spent time together, I said it back then (p. 1151 & 1500) and I’ll say it again, my favorite episode which ruined Kdramas for me is EPISODE 27, their 14th WGM meeting.








There are so many thing to spazz about in this episode but I’m going to enumerate the most important and meaningful ones. It’s a turning point in their relationship in so many ways.








Celebrations of anniversaries are remembering of being together but birthdays, for me, are opportune times to let you feel a person how thankful you are for her/his becoming. That’s why …








EPI 27 NUMBER 1 REASON WHY IT IS DAEBAK: Yong’s appreciation and respect for the mother of his wife








Yong gave Hyun a couple necklace. Not for them both but for Hyun and her mom, who brought Hyun in this world. By this gesture, we could see how Yong treat women. He gives importance and respect to them and I was amazed by this. This boy is just 21 and he showed so much maturity by acknowledging the ability of women to give birth. And this was not acting. He was consistent. Remember what he wrote for his parents when he gave them cards when he was younger? “Thank you for having me.”








EPI 27 NUMBER 2 REASON WHY IT IS DAEBAK: “From a girl to a lady…”








That was the title of this episode. We were surprised but most importantly Yong was surprised by the ability of Hyun to show her courageous appreciation for a man. Yong exclaimed, “Seo Joo Hyun, so you do have such a side?” Who would have thought that Hyun would be the one doing the serenading? A woman serenading a man? And she was the one who bought the rings! Isn’t that a man’s usual share of wedding responsibilities? Who thought that Hyun is just prim and proper? She might be called pure but she has belief in her actions. She got out of the box! She smashed her stereotyped image! And Yong recognized this. You could see and feel his awe, his eyes wide and glazed with amazement. Truly, Hyun was not the girl anymore that Yong first met at the MBC Lobby, she has turned into a woman.








EPI 27 NUMBER 4 REASON WHY IT IS DAEBAK: Their development as a couple.








This reason has two instances where we could see that the YongSeo couple had their first turning point (Japan episode being the second). First, the conversations that followed after Hyun gave the rings, especially when they were talking about the Sarangbit composition. I very much like how Yong said his lines. They were so raw. I truly believed that even this is a reality SHOW, those were sincere questions and persuasions by Yong: “What is it?” (referring to Hyun’s beating around the bush of whom he got the inspiration for the Sarangbit rap part) and “Say it out. Quickly.”, followed with his jashik explosion. I feel that every time Yong explains something for Hyun regarding very sensitive and personal matters, he explains slowly, contemplatively, and in a low voice (this also happened in Japan, wherein he encouraged Hyun to initiate phone calls for him). For me these are sincere and raw moments for the couple.








Second, the holding hands. Yes, they do have their eyeships and their unusual skinships (hand wrestling, patting each other’s backs, foot wrestling, etc.) but holding hands is the official skinship. This is the episode that they had their first hand holding. It’s not From-a-girl-to-a-lady theme anymore, it’s more of a Couple-relationship-and-no-turning-back. A couple’s relationship is more felt or official or validated when you have your first holding-hands because it is a signal that you are allowing your partner to your personal space. And for Hyun that’s a big deal. After this intimate gesture, there was no turning back. For all of us viewers, and the MCs as well, this was a much anticipated event in their relationship. It was like, finally, they are truly a couple now.








For me, it was like a beautiful ending for a Kdrama, that’s why I said that this episode ruined all the Kdramas for me. Nothing could top that exhilarating feeling of a well-ended anticipation. YONGSEO is REAL!




































































To US, gogumas!






















































PS. Thanks to YongSeo International, bezbezbez and company!!!









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Happy 1st anniversary to the most inspiring.. most favorite n the sweetest couple ever YongSeo!!




hope both of you realize how much we LOVE you being together!!


Wish all the best for both of you n thank you for gave us lots of memorable memories...


We don't know what the future holds for both of you but whatever it turns out to be just believe that we will always support you :)


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  To:   YONG & SEOHYUN :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love happens and Im so glad it happened to both of YOU! May all that you built together, the closeness you've enjoyed, the giving and the sharing combine to make this  special day full of deep lasting JOY, leaving sweet memories that both of you must cherish. HAppy Fisrt Year Anniversary We love you and will support you all the way;) Godbless you both more! Sarangahe! :wub::)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest mrsjoker
































































































































































































































































































































































































Dear Yong and Hyun,






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyong! Happy 1st anniversary.:wub:
































































































































































































































































I wish the both of you many happiness in the future and also many many beautiful days ahead. Stay true to yourself, Keep chasing those beautiful dreams that you both possess, and keep on nurturing this beautiful relationship that both of you have, a relationship i choose to named as a beautiful friendship,( at the least in real life). And if maybe someday (if you haven't already...) decided to take this further...than all my blessing and prayer goes out to the both of you, cause in my eyes both of you belong together.
































































































































































































































































Thank you for sharing your beautiful journey and let us see it unfold every saturday in our screen, thank you for reviving my weak heart to once again believe in fate, thank you for reminding me to take things slow and appreciate the little things in life, thank you for being the brave soul that you are, thank you for being you...my happy pill. And thank you for making me believe in what Jossa unnie dubbed as a magical thing, Yes...thank you for making me believe in magic...the magic of love.:wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*Hugs to both of you* :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ps : and to all my beloved In go-paem...Thank you for being an amazing bunch... ^_^

































































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Whoa, so many people here! It's internet, we meet virtually, but it feels really like there's a big family gathering here, right? :) It's already February 11 in Korea... So Happy 1st Anniversary Yonghwa and Seohyun! Have a long lasting good relationship and always be good to each other. :rolleyes:














Anyhooo, I just want to share (another) wallpaper. I'm not good at mixing textures, yeah, but I'm pretty satisfied with this one. ;) Happy anniversary Yong and Hyun~














It should be worked on any monitor's resolution since the image is centered. Just set it on 'center' and set the background color as black. Btw, the text are some romanized lyrics from Love Light. Yonghwa wrote such beautiful lyrics. He always good on anything he does!


























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Thank you to all gogumas who help to contribute for this thread:translation,pics,art work.subs...1000000000000000 gogumas for you.












Hope Yong and Huyn to be REAL












Episode i love:always ep 27-DAEBAK.I think everyone know the reason why. I hope that ep-wedding will be turning poit,too












Again, happy 1st year anniversary GOGUMA COUPLE. I love you forever












edit: want change my avatar but it doesnt work,i dont know why?





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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just heard the song uploaded by YSInternational0211
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it was daebak  :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goguma World- Fan Song

































































































































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Guest Seychan























HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY – YONG AND HYUN! 365 days of love & happiness








Wish you have many, many more happy years of love!








YongSeo, be happy together <3 Do not worry anything. We love you so much.















Time passed so quickly. I'm so touched at this time. They have been together for a year. A year full of memories, smiles shyly, holding hands for the first time, the first day of a new home, 22 days, 200days, just like everything just happened yesterday. ... And now, YongSeo couple 365days of love & happiness.








I love them because their feeling is true, they did not act just to attract viewers, They could hold hand & skinship from the start. The story will be a bright girl love a handsome guy from the first meeting. No one will blame her and it would be obvious. But they did not, they are embrrassed and walk slowly each step in their relationship. They are like first love, tender and happy, not quick, hasty and personal attempts. I live in an Oriental country, but most young people love each other very quickly and end quickly as well. They just see each other and love, pass by most of steps .... At this time, it's rare that emotional development as YongSeo .... I do not believe in love at first sight. You can have good impression with a person at first sign, but to call that love is not possible. We must have time and attention and care and concern and love, that's true love. YongSeo couple, they reminded me of the right way to love someone. When you realy love someone....








Early days, I totally did not notice to SeoHuyn, she was not very pretty, quiet and completely faded with his sister. I still think Huyn is a girl strange when compared to other female singer, she likes to read books when other singers normally like to talk or show their humor in the show but she did not. And she's also quite weird when compared to other young women, she's innocent and pure, without any experience about your boyfriend or love. YongHwa, Yong had finished YAB, the new band debut, he is complete a new rookie. while watching I'm a loner, I felt he was pretty cool and quiet. They appear in WGM with their shy and quiet, many people do not want to see them anymore. But in fact, his personality is completely different when he's with her, he is energetic, dynamic and day after day, he became the idol-boyfriend because of his worry, concern, patience and sweet for Huyn. He has truly become the boyfriend that every girl dreams of. He can "attack" Huyn by his handsome face but he always so sweet, caring and he had waited. Thanks to Yong, Huyn had gradually changed, becoming a happy girl, highlights and really beautiful, Huyn's beauty came from within. Huyn's pretty in her way, and more and more I find them beautiful and attractive. YongSeo couple shine with their own talents, their sincerity and became most handsome guy & the prettiest girl in my mind. Especially when they're together. Now, they are comfortable and happy together. All deserve for them. They tried and tried, through a long journey and not easy for both sides to they can be together today... Their feeling & memories are priceless.








I've been very confused, not know they are real or not? But gradually, after the episode, the news, I gradually felt that I should trust my feelings, that they are real. Or at least YongSeo have their feeling with each other, it still can not love, but it would be, if have more time for them. I really wish for YongSeo is real. Be real, become  a couple in love!








I gradually known soompi, where there are so many people love them like me, I was only a lucker early days but gradually I posted my comment and I love reading everyone's post. I love the post have two sides. They love but they still write what they truly think, have two side, it helps me understand better with all the problems They can analyze or over analyze, but only because all they care and love YongSeo very much ....















Thanks for all the translator, subber, who has made videos, fanart, fanfic and projects for YongSeo. Thank u so much. You have spent your valuable time for us & YongSeo couple. I am very thankful. And all those of you in soompi, who follow the news everyday and share with us their thoughts, feelings of your post. I appreciate all because ALL IS LOVE. I feel happy. We live in the different countries, when some people sleep, other people start their new day. And you guys make this theard never sleeps, it has always been caring and spazz everyday. Thanks everyone so much <3


























Thank u YongSeo couple :wub: just think of u, it's make me happy all day.


























For 1st anniversary of YongSeo couple & YongSeo fans international, this is my small gifts for u guys. Hope u like them :wub:















 Love u so much








"Love isnt a big thing, its a millions of small things "
































With love,































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Guest my.yonghwa.baby




I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in the last 15 hours or so, Yong's been tangled in a scandal with Kara's Goo Hara because of a few fantaken photos from some award ceremony at the end of 2010. She's recently denied the alleged relationship between herself and 2PM's ChanSung. Now this. I freaking hate the media. And of all days for something like this to break. Freaking YongSeo's 1 Year Anniversary.




I've been waiting for somebody else to post it, but other's are either also waiting for someone else to be the messenger, or we're all on cloud nine because of the first year anniversary festivities. Neither of which, I believe, is okay.




I would hope that this doesn't get blown out of porportion; I hope FNC doesn't have to make an official statement denying the relationship. I would also hope that Yong and Hyun are close enough to each other and trust each other enough to not take any of this seriously, but still, this would bother me a lot if I were Hyun.




I want Yong to have a lot of publicity. I want Jung YongHwa to become a household name. But not like this. I hope it just dies down.




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I'm a silent and faithful lurker of this gochun but for this special day...i just drop by to say a few words to our Yongseo....(it's 12.46am at my place so basically it's already 11th february 2011)


Dear Yongseo.....


Happy 1st year anniversary!!!!....may 'TOGETHER' define you always....and i will faithfully (and innocently)....wishing both of you the greatest...together.... :wub:


One thing for sure..be it next year or 5 years or 10 years to come (..or forever)... 11th February will no longer be an ordinary day for me...for us in gogumaland...and especially for them...coz a wise man once said this to me...


"....memories is the gift from God which death cannot destroy..."


11th February 2010 - the day where the all the magics (and fate) begin....


Happy spazzing everyone.... :wub:



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A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :wub: :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































JOB!( and the rest of the production staff)  THANK YOU AND IM HAPPY THAT I MET YOU!  ENJOY YOUR SPECIAL DAY! hugzzzzzzzz

































































































































































































































































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Guest pen(..^^..)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi goguma <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm so excited for 1st anniversary of our couple <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dedicating this wallpaper..hope u all like it <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































spread yongseo love people ♥

































































































































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Guest icegabrielle






Happy 1st Year Anniversary to our lovely YongSeo Couple!!!


How time flies right Gogumas.. Now, our lovely couple is celebrating their first year of being together.. And, of course, us, Gogumas, won't be left out in the celebration.. tongue.gif Right!!!


Cheers to YongSeo!!!


Cheers to Gogumas!!!


Once again, Happy 1st Year Anniversary YongSeo!!!biggrin.gif



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Guest keira53










i waited for a long time to give a congratulation to Yongseo and all goguma in the world.


Yong met Hyun in WGM was a destiny, they had difficulties from beginning until now but until now they still spend all happiness, sadness together and we will support and love them forever.


I will always protect my belief in Yongseo to against all anti-fans, support them when they do everything.





"True love is when your love and your mind are saying the same thing"





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Finally..coming out from lurker mode… first time posting here ^^ waiting for this day ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My avatar already change ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First of all….
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My favorite episode..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Really like all of episode. Each episode have their own value…BUT for me ep33 (Japanese episode ) is special for me. Really like their honest conversation there. Really..really honest for me, heart to heart and it impossible to be only script or lied. And from this ep their change for current love they are now…
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I’m really happy to be here. really like to read all your post…. Thank you for make my day HAPPY ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To Yonghwa & Seohyun..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My wish….
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wish Yonghwa & Seohyun be in relationship for real….maybe it quit shock if you married now.. ..( yeah ..because the two of you are idols and have another responsible ..for you group and fans) but please maintain your love forever, be successful in your dream and GET MARRIED FOR REAL 5 year later…and give us a couple of cute baby ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
















































                    HAPPY 1ST YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!















































I'm so happy that Feb 11 is finally here, well at least in Seoul it is Feb 11, I'm still on Feb 10.































My wish for YongSeo on this wonderful day that happiness and good fortune will always be by your side.































I also like to congratulated Indi on her birthday and ofcourse is an anniversary for us gogumas on this wonderful fandom.

















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