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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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double celebration for u indeed!

hmm..something random just comes to my mind..

and i mean random... :sweatingbullets:

rmbr hyun made a fussed abt yong not noticing her wearing the necklace..and then

we can see yong getting it right by complimenting her after that?

in wgm, each week we see hyun getting prettier and glowing and we know that

she is making effort to look beautiful for hubby (the face mask)

and have we ever hear yong complimenting her on her looks?

i think nvr right?

so this interview could just be the opportunity that he is looking for,

because for him to say seohyun is the prettiest in any of his

wgm darkroom interviews, sounds way off line..

so there hyun..happy?

hubby just declared you as the prettiest of them all..

give him a hug already, girl :w00t:

dezadee..dont get upset over that comment..

one of our thread's motto is..Believe and Have Faith ;)

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Guest yonghyunforever


there is some article about our couple. someone please translate.

we need help here


can somebody translate this. they said st about the differnce between the interview and the article

그래도 우리 이쁜 용화의 과거모습과

다부진 미래에 대한 꿈 보여줘서 ....

그래도 그렇지 케이블이라도 방송은 방송일찐데

너무 유치했어요...

그리고  합성짤은 보여주는건  좀 그렇지 않아요.. 방송 만드시는님아...

썩 마음에 드는 방송은 아니지만 궁금해 하시는분들을 위하여 올리긴하는데

상황보고 내릴수도 있구요..

찌찔이 출몰이 무서운게 아니라 갤 더러워지는거 싫어서리....

찌질한 님들아~~~

그러면 행복해요???  아님 누가 상줘요???   아님 시간이 미친듯이 남아도나???

우리 용서횽들 언제나 긍정의 힘!!!!!!  ^^

약간 피곤해 보이는 용화는 청초해보인다우..

맛나는거 해먹이고싶은 이마음~~~~

Source: cr  DC (indi4ever (SPD)

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Guest wallpaperfood

Can I just say how much I love the fact that most people here have chosen ep27, and yet instead of the descriptions/reasoning getting repetitive, it feels like entering a whole new world each time I read a new 'account' of it?

The only thing that's repetitive is my spazzing!!

I love the individual perspectives! Everyone's is so vibrant and unique - please keep them coming! <3

(I think I stated a few pages back that my fave is ep27 too but I've run out of ways to phrase my explanation after reading all the others, hahaha )


Oh I agree jnj, maybe Yong is taking this opportunity to let Hyun be aware of how he thinks of her in terms of looks/physical beauty. <3 

I think the one time he literally said "yeppuh" was when they took photos in Japan at the dinner table or something (?), but we all know what he thinks even if it's left unsaid. muahaha.


dreamyboooo!!  omo I love your idea too! The whole "marking his territory" thing would fit Yong's jealousy trait too XD. Well, at least we know that this isn't just some fanboy comment, is it? ^^

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Guest reiran18




I love seeing our avatars change to a yongseo logo!!wooooooooooooooo!!!biggrin.gif




wish for Yongseo..


I jut hope that  they will continue to communicate even if WGM will end. Continue being friends or even bestfriends and married at the end..KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! w00t.gif


Remember that love starts in friendship..hehehe!wub.gif



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Guest soshisoshisoshi








Hello everyone!! you guys are  obviously on stand-by for the 1 year anniversary celebration! GOOD JOB!  and boy I think our thread has been moving very fast lately, the fastest  this year! I'm positive we can get that second thread in no time!






Ok so what did I miss? that article about Yonghwa is pure love! To me  it's a confession he made for his "virtual" wife. the statement "Seohyun  is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities" is a definitely  RARE statement to be given by Yonghwa himself. To be honest, I was  actually surprised that he talked about WGM now, because for a very long  time there hasn't been any articles about WGM last time, you know,  avoiding scandals? So I'm glad that he gave that statement. Come on!!  that is definitely clear and to-the-point statement, stating that his  wife is the PRETTIEST, with all other beautiful celebs out there..... IF  THAT IS NOT LOVE, THEN TELL ME WHAT IT IS!! :wub:








and uh, I find it funny that some of you are worried about the "it's a  waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me" statement. Like LalaCakes pointed out  before, some korean words cannot be translated to english directly, so  there will always be a chance of misunderstanding or mistranslation.  I'll rephrase that statement as "She is too good for me, so I must  take care of her and love her more":wub:








I can't describe how happy I am this week! it's almost their 1 year anniv, new epi on saturday, who knows maybe we'll get another news of them filming again!








      jnj, I notice  that changes from Hyun too. now she seems to put more effort to looks  beautiful in front of Yonghwa..... maybe to attract his attention more?  he is already VERY attracted anyway :sweatingbullets:






by the way, I also miss j2dlee and sun_sun. they should join our celebration too. *sigh* we are greatful to have both of you in this thread

















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just would like to chk if my avatar have changed...and in order not to spam the thread...i will just repost the article from
































































































































YONGSEO INTERNATIONAL have prepared a lot of things for IN-GO-PAEM and URI YONGSEO. I hope you'll all participate on the activities that the team have prepared for all of us.
















































































First of all, make sure that you'll tune in at our YouTube channel because we'll be releasing videos there throughout the day. For those who don't know it yet, here's the account YONGSEO INTERNATIONAL
















































Second, Soompi has been our home base since YongSeo started WGM. Our thread have created history in terms of fanbase strength and influence. To show our unity at soompi, we will do a massive change of avatar/ display picture on February 11,2011. We'll all use the same image for our avatars. Let's show some GOGUMA POWER on that day.
















































Third, Twitter has also been a special place for In-Go-Paem. We have updated ourselves on each other's whereabouts and condition through our tweets. We had a stronger bond thanks to twitter and all the chatboxes available. Just like what we will do here at Soompi, I'm also asking Gogumas at tweetville to change their DPs/Avatars to this image. Aside from that, we will also have a trending activity. May the Goguma Gods and Goddesses be with us on this attempt to trend. We will trend #YongSeo1stAnniv at 11PM KST on February 11, 2011. You might be wondering why at this time, but YongSeo met at exactly 11:50PM February 11,2010. To bring back the memories of their first meeting, I have decide to set the trending time at this hour of the day. For those who still don't have their accounts at twitter, please take this opportunity to show your support not only for YongSeo but for In-Go-Paem as well
















































Last, let's all gather on this special day of YongSeo. Post your greetings at Soompi or share your thoughts and shoutouts at YongSeo Fanclub Spazzbox or Sweet Potato Days Cbox.
















































I'm expecting your 200% support on the activities prepared by YongSeo International for February 11, 2011. Let's all show our love for YongSeo!!! In-Go-Paem Fighting!!!
















from bezbezbez @ soompi
























































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Guest justephoy
































3 more days to celebrate our lovely couple, hope all of gogumas will attend the parties :phew: this is my second post on soompi  and  cant help myself to share my fav ep with u guys :rolleyes:
















it’s hard to pick the best of yongseo ep :sweatingbullets: but I think i will choose EP 1 for the most fav ever







































12664892233convjpg.jpg    wgm20100227hanavi001994.jpgwgm20100227hanavi002457.jpg














































When MBC started to pair these two people, Yonghwa and Seohyun look  compatible and matching each other, that guy is the charming leader of CNBLUE and that girl is elegant maknae of SNSD, it so interesting to watching how this couple will be..
















Yong being playfulness with told jungshin pretend being her husband I thought it’s so cute,, mischievous yong kekeke  and when hyun picked yong with her blanket in the mini-prank time I keep believe that it’s called fate :wub: and I couldn't forget Jinwonnie’s  face, it’s too adorable bcoz he is hyun’s loyal fanboy
















their awkwardness and weird just too cute for words. I wouldn't blame seohyun for being shy or blushing bcoz if someone like yong would stare at me like that maybe I will faint over and over hahahha. And when yong play the guitar and sing for hyun with that his wonderful voice it’s so precious :wub: Their playing instruments together kinda came true and really really sweet. This was one epic episode because I couldn't keep smiling! :P







































But now we can see hyun has to go out frm her shyness, express herself and more open up with a guy thing and it’s officially just because his yong nampyeon who has slowly and patient to make her out frm comfort zone and shadows of her unnies.







































And I put a lyric of song that I think really fits with these adorable couple, the title song is ‘Remember’ by MOCCA (Indonesian Band)































I remember...The way you glanced at me, yes I remember































I remember...When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember































I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I































I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn






















































Do you remember..?































When we were dancing in the rain in that december































And I remember..When my father thought you were a burglar































I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I































I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn






















































I remember.. The way you read your books,































yes I remember































The way you tied your shoes,































yes I remember































The cake you loved the most,































yes I remember































The way you drank you coffee,































I remember































The way you glanced at me, yes I remember































When we caught a shooting star,































yes I remember































When we were dancing in the rain in that december































And the way you smile at me,































yes I remember















































































































( if it will happen im surely would die ………………………………….in happiness !!!!! :w00t: )









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Enews behind stars - Jung Yong Hwa
























cr:Dc & baidu
























Am still steaming the video so let's find out what is his facial expression when he talk on his buin~~









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Guest begturtle



hey guys..(bravely coming out from lurker mode..hihi..^^) :ph34r:

i just wanna to check up the new avatar..i wanna join too..^^ :rolleyes::rolleyes:

im so excited to watch this coming episode...

i wonder will there be a scene where seohyun-shi will try something new in skiing but suddenly fell then yonghwa-shi will try to catch her and then HUG!!!

hahahahahaha...it will be DEABAK if thats happened..hehehe.. :w00t:

i am so thankful to all that gives out a lot of news about uri yongseo and you guys are the best!!Jjang!!

and lastly i Really Hope that uri yongse will be Real!!!

(back to lurker mode again..i have lots of assignments that needs to be done but i have to check out yongseo forum atleast twice a day..hehehehehehe..) :ph34r::ph34r:


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hellooo gogumaz! i've changed my avatar too! but it's blue (just like.. was it shelltinkersoompi? sorry if i got ur nick wrongly) 'cause pink's just not my cuppa tea xD

oh, i'd like to join in the fun too. as for me, i can't decide which is my most fav ep 'cause a few of them already are. am torn! i'll still choose ep1, and all the busan eps! IMO, they're the best! they really show the humongous difference between the two separate event.

my reasons to love ep1:

- the intriguing actions of two vastly different people being paired as a married couple.

- the finding of the purest young lady on earth.

- the finding of the most incredible talented artist who's very outgoing, lovable, yet very kind.

- these two made history by the start of an innocent love very rarely seen nowadays.

my reasons to love busan eps:

- skinship/sparks/romance overload.

- how yongseo tenderly show love to each other.

- it confirms their true feelings for each other especially from MIL kekeke.

- no other reason... i just love to see whatever skinship/sparks/romance that Yongseo have 'cause they're absolutely genuine, without any preservatives.

jnj, wallie~!! yahh what a revelation~! i've other thoughts though, i think yong told the media that hyun is the prettiest celeb 'cause he wanted to somehow mark his territory? honestly, there're many who have said some others as the most handsome or prettiest. some say it jokingly, some say it out of motive. and i think yong said it out of motive ;) i can imagine him saying it in a choding way though xD.

and not forgetting all the wonderful gogumas who have posted (sorry for not mentioning ur names 'cause we're such a big family now :lol: ), KAMSAHAMNIDA~!

last but not least, i found a veryyy beautiful song & i just couldn't resist from making a FMV outta it. loveee the lyrics (it suits hyun perfectly), the tune, & the singer's voice~! :wub:

here's the lyric in the SPOILER

Here I am

Standing close to you

And it's still so far away

So many times, I tried to say

But my heart was afraid

Look at you

Is all that I can do

Like a silly girl I stare

Coz u might leave me when I reveal

What my heart is really feeling

If I could just say the words

All the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear

Will you take me in your arms or let me go

Our lovely days

Will they just fade like whispers in the wind?

If I could just say the words

All the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear

Can't you see the love I hide slip through my eyes

This silly girl so scared she just can't say "I love you"

Here I am, holding on to fate

What we have may never change

Coz you might leave me when I reveal

My lips will seal the love I'm hiding

If I could just say the words

All the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear

Will you take me in your arms or let me go

Our lovely days

Will they just fade like whispers in the wind?

If I could just say the words

All the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear

Can't you see the love I hide slip through my eyes

This silly girl so scared she just can't say "I love you"

If I could just say the words

All the secrets in my heart and in my soul you'll hear

Can't you see the love I hide slip through my eyes

This silly girl so scared she just can't say "I love you"

[FMV] YongSeo - If You & Me

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Here I am crazily joining the wagon...changed my avatar!!!















Happy 1st anniversary to our YongSeo couple!!!








^^ While watching (without understanding, translators, pls!) Yong's interview, I saw the photoshopped wedding photos of our Vietnamese gogumas! The Korean media really caught the photos! I wonder how the real wedding photos will top the already daebak photoshopped ones.








And the ring is there! ( I have to admit, I'm one of those who anticipate seeing the rings).








Justephoy, i heard a Mocca song from WGM 1 (it's over now) and I fell in love with it! Sometimes, I'm really amaze that us Asians can do songs that can parallel, or even outdo Western styles. It's just that we need exposure!









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hello my gogumas family n chinggoo... (it will be a long post, because i rarely post something here lately. I hope it
































































will not bored anyone phew.gif)































































































































In a few days is our couple's 1st anniversary right? i can't believe that they almost reaching one year of their
































































'marriage'. So many things has happen to them, an awkward moment, a what-should-i-do moment, a happy moment,
































































a touching moment, a sad moment,a bickering moment, a not-so-sure-about-each-other-feeling moment, 
































































a 'falling in love to each other' moment, a grateful-for-each-other moment, a playfull moment, a nerve-wercking moment, 
































































a caring moment, a jealous moment, a make-n-sing-a-song-together moment, a meeting-in-law moment, an embrasse moment, 
































































and another moment that they have been shared till now. They growth from a baby couple to a mature couple despite of 
































































their playfulness and childish action they might have. I'm really enjoying their relationship and affection in each
































































episode. Everytime i watch them, i always has smile in my face. I remember that i'm laughed hard in the early episode
































































despite of their awkward relationship. From then on i found their cute side and started to followed them.
































































I really love their reaction toward each other, Yonghwa really a good husband to her. He accomodate her well and 
































































always come to her level and never push anything that might hurt her. I found him really charming (the reason why i'm
































































in love with him now because of i'm in love with his character, personality and action that he show in this varshow). 
































































Seohyun, despite of her innocent, pure and clueless in romance, really a great woman. And she grow amazingly in this
































































varshow. Her different mind (maybe because of her innocent and discipline attitude) are her charm. Her cute and 
































































sometime clueless expression are really refreshing. And I'm grateful that she really take a good care of Yonghwa. I'm 
































































happy if it her who will be with Yonghwa in future. I feel i can let him go with her (but, who am I?? xD. Sorry for the
































































fangirling vicx.gif).































































































































So my wish for both of you,
































































I hope both of you stay healthy and have a good life, career and GOD always blessed you in everything you did. And I hope that both of you will going through all the hardest things in a good way. If both of you have a feeling for each other, cherish it and fight for it, maybe now not the time you being together but if you are destine to each other there will be time for both of you being together and happy.































































































































Ah, I changed my avatar. honestly i want the blue one because i love blue than pink and because it CN Blue color. But,
































































i decide to use the pink one, so people won't confuse. And i changed my twitter avatar too. A lot of my twitter's friend
































































who also a goguma has changed to that one avatar. It really cute watching my timeline with the same-moving-avatar but 
































































with different name, but sometime make dizzy of course.































































































































Another great thing about yongseo is to meet all the people from different country here. We really has became a BIG BIG
































































family. We sometime bickering or diagree with some point but we still love each other. I met many wonderful people because of
































































this thread. thanks to this thread, spd chat box (even though i rarely join there), goguma in twitter, yongseo_indo family, 
































































gogumafics family, all single part of you for providing all yongseo related and spazz with me. Someday yongseo will
































































 be end and if that time come i will miss the spazzing time with all of you. (even though I don't really like the 
































































over analyzing thingy but it will become a missing moment later). I hope we can still spazzing together even if they resign
































































from WGM.































































































































I will cherish the moment being with Yongseo and My Goguma Family..... *AReallyReallyBigGroupHug*































































































































Done with my review of one year yongseo. I want to share this one thing with all of you since last month but because 
































































some circumstance I finally have a chance to share now. My friends in college knew that I'm a big fan of yongseo (and CN Blue)
































































so for my birthday gift, they give me a handmade (i'm not sure it can be categorize of handmade but my friends made it in their own)
































































calendar and a mug with yongseo pict in it.. Here's the pict (I'm only share the yong n seo, sorry for the lo quality)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm happy that my friends give me that kind of present.































































































































I want to join indy's game, which episode of yongseo that i really love. I just want to take one moment of episode 4(?)
































































The answer is this one






























































































































































































It's only their second filming, they still shy n awkward with each other BUT they can perform such beautiful performance. The fact that she sang along with him even though she never played it before really give me a goosebump. You can found how they complete each other in their very first duet. Even jinwoon said that it feel like watching a movie at that time.































































































































Ah... about the article of Yonghwa, from the start I read it I didn't have a negative comment that Hyun make Yong feel
































































'little' or that Yong has a bad intention. All I see is how grateful he was with her n I'm really glad that he feel that
































































way. I told him in twitter that he and seohyun are equal and told him that he shouldn't said that she was unfortunate. 
































































The thing that i'm annoyed in the article is, he grade himself 60 in physical appereance. Aigoooo Jung YongHwa you are
































































grade 100 point of 100 you know...































































































































I think it's long enough... sorry gogumas... happy spazzing, don't forget to refreshing our couple UCC, banmal song and
































































change your soompi and twitter avatar (or even your facebook avatar), don't stop loving our couple and our family here































































































































Last thing, can you give me the link of yongseo BTS with engsub in Youtube? thanks in advance
































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








oh, soompi was acting weird just now.... suddenly my posts become duplicated....... <_<






appleheaven , thanks for the link! hope for trans soon!








keep this thread alive guys!!









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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































Enews behind stars - Jung Yong Hwa
































































cr:Dc & baidu
































































Am still steaming the video so let's find out what is his facial expression when he talk on his buin~~































































































































WOW! Thanks for the link! We really have to know what they are talking about! I didn't expect that there is so much Yongseo talk in this interview!































































































































I guess it's the first such a loong Yonghwa's interview about Seohyun! They are mentioning some older interview...































































































































Can anyone translate it? I'm dying to know everything! :w00t:






























































































































































































































































I'm soo happy that we all have Yongseo's avatar now!:wub:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh no! New page... I will post some pics from SNSD photobook, Seohyun is beautiful there, just like Yong thinks ;)




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








dreamyboo!!!!!!  is it your wallpaper on Yong's interview on ENEWS Behind Star  broadcasted just now????? I'm dying to know! I'm sorry if it's wrong....




link  by appleheaven Enews behind  stars  - Jung Yong Hwa (0:51)














waiting for trans......  curious about what he was talkin about.....









EDIT: justephoy! "I remember" is one of my favourite  songs!! thanks for sharing!. btw are you Indonesian?













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thanks for sharing the link of yonghwa ENEWS video...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong and hyun cannot be separated...every topic about yonghwa is always related to seo hyun and vice versa, indeed they are YONGSEO couple...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when he sang the banmal song... i can see his sincere heart for seo hyun, he cant control his self to smile... he is really a nice young man.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so its really possible that our couple can see the fanfics (wedding and etc), it so funny and cute. what could be their reaction?..

































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Guest nikijenlo






link  by appleheaven Enews behind  stars  - Jung Yong Hwa (0:51)


*quoted image*



waiting for trans......  curious about what he was talkin about.....






OMO....i'm dying to know what he was talking about too...coz few times Seohyun name was mentioned...


At first during the interview, when he was holding the guitar...i noticed there's no ring on his finger...


but towards the end at 15.21 when he made love love love and clap clap clap gestures...TADAAA.....ring ding dong appeared :w00t::wub:



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Guest soshisoshisoshi












OMO....i'm dying to know what he was talking about too...coz few times Seohyun name was mentioned...








At first during the interview, when he was holding the guitar...i noticed there's no ring on his finger...




but towards the end at 15.21 when he made love love love and clap clap clap gestures...TADAAA.....ring ding dong appeared :w00t::wub:













yeah, the interview was mostly centered on YongSeo couple. since this s TvN, not MBC, I think he can speak freely about WGM. I hope Seohyun would get a chance to have this kind of interview, so we can know things also from her perspective





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I'm sorry that have to ask this question here: is there any link on YT for this Enews video? My computer can't work on tudou... too bad....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If anyone know the YT link, pls pls pls help to share here.... many many thx in advance..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest winbros
















Praying for a Youtube Eng subbed version of the 16min long TvN interview when I wake up tomorrow morning.....  Night fellow goguma villagers, happy spazzing!! :D





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