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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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another article, basically talking about the same thing.
































































































JungYongHwa "Seohyun is the prettiest among celebrities" love confession
















































JungYongHwa express his boundless love towards his imaginary wife seohyun.
















































tvN ENEWS - bts star , JungYongHwa during the interview mentioning"SeoHyun is the prettiest among celebrities ". his utmost praise towards her beauty attarcts people's attention. expressing his love of his wife's superiority..also another praise, "even though we starred together in "WGM", between seohyun and I, i consider SeoHyun is more unfortunate". JungYongHwa expressed his real thought.
















































recently released his own composed song "for the first time lovers (aka banmal song)" , he also expressed his gratitute to be in the 1st position in the country's music websites and also for receiving a lot of attention.
















































JungYongHwa said " easy melody as is experiencing for the first time lyric, seems like it's infectious for the public." "seohyun who participated in the making also likes it, making the song more meaningful"
















































Jungyonghwa's honest interview wil be broadcasted on the 8th, 9.10PM tvN-ENEWS-bts star"
















































i wonder what does he mean by saying seohyun participated? does she help with the lyric then?or was she there during the song recording?? :w00t:
















































also, him saying it's more unfortunate for seohyun. it means as a compliment, don't know how to say it in english, but it means like "seohyun can be with a better person, yet she ends up with me" it actually implies that yonghwa is very grateful towards her.































































































hi...above is another trans of yong interview...
















































can i ask you guys that before panicking and stating negative comment TO PLEASE THINK FIRST AND TRUST OUR YONGSEO..
















































we are gather here together to give our utmost support with them..we are here becoz of the happiness this 2 showered to us..we are here because we believed that these 2 are really a good person in and out of the screen..
















































its been a year so i guess being here for that period we have enough understanding that whatever we hear, read and see, we will still believe and trust them. Because in our hearts we know these 2 have such a beautiful hearts.

















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Guest yonghyunforever

yeah, the article is just interview on the spot, and it sounds all good news. but because out sensitive goguma, we are in panic again:-):wub: . dont worry and analyze to much, TRUST YONG, PLEASE. if we analyze too much we will like all crazy fan girls/boys made them more difficult to breath, and they dont know how to talk anymore in their next interview. when the man in love, his woman is the most beautiful lady. that is so TRUE, HYUN IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OUT OF ALL THE CELEBRETIES.  his announcement is clear.


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Guest YuyuSaiyuki
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































w00t.gifYAYYYYY!!!........i've changed my avatar...............:wub:w00t.gif:wub:w00t.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































..............HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YONG n HYUN!!................:vicx:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































::: hope both of you enjoy your life no matter what people say or do....just be true to yourself...don't ever bother all anti's just delight n have fun....we, all g0guma villagers will give huge support to both of u if there's any further relations (i really hope there is!!! kuikui :wub: )
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































n take care of your health...(yong~ hyun will take gud care of u...for sure she will!!)...last but not least, live happily ever after... :D ::

I think there is some mistranslation. The original news was written in Korean and then translated to English. According to China goguma couple baidu, insteading of saying "waste", a harsh word, what YongHwa means should be something like " Seohyun is too good for me".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































::: thanx Pheobechiu 4 the mistranslation...yong seems like lost his confident...i really think yong n hyun are meant to be together forever n ever!..'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































::: also thanks to M3 for the translation :wub:

































































































































































































































































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Guest scatterbrain

have to come back here to share this sweet japan fanaccount.

today CNBlue is in japan for their concert DVD screening. i'll just mention the ones that related to yongseo. Yong wears his ring. also, they did lucky draw and the winner got CNB's signed calendar. when yonghwa n jonghyun picked from row G. minhyuk replied "Gee"

credit:baidu gogumas

My link

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Guest sharmoetz

Hy guys.. this is my first post.. im so happy coz  finally i can join in Go Chun.. actually i want post here so many long time ago but because i'm not good with english language so i decide to be lurker.. kkkk.. i follow this thread since first episode aired and im shock because this thread have 100+ page beafore first episode aired. i'm so happy because find this awsome thread.. u are very awesome guys...!!

BTW My wish for yongseo:

i want when the last episode aired, yong and hyun sit together in backroom interview, and then they said "we are really dating after this show so please support us." and then after 5 or 6 years dating they are get married and have cutes twin babies male and female.. kekeke..

HAPPY 1st Anniversary YongSeo Couple...!!!

sorry my poor english

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Guest cutie_xur














The article made me feel giddy the whole day. how much more the whole interview later. waaaaaaaaaaaah!!










i dont find anything wrong with his statement. oh well maybe because i choose to be positive when it comes to our dear YONGSEO.




















Okay back to my lurk mode.



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Guest tinkershellsoompi








Waah! I love the avatar changes in the thread...we look like united gogumas. don't we? :)




although I'm a girl, I changed mine to blue...Blue is my fav & it also represents CNBlue♥




I'm actually confused about what to say on Yong's interview...It makes me happy that he said Hyun is the prettiest celeb...at the same time I also feel very bad for him that he thinks his own looks doesn't match upto her...you know Yong you know if I had to chose my ideal boyfriend among all celebrities,it would be you, really YOU!!




I'm probably a fan of a dozen k-pop boys but if I want to spend my whole life with someone I want him to be like you...if not, at least he should be close to you..




Yong, do you really think Seobaby is unfortunate??!...who else do you think would gift her a sweet potato field...or who would write such a song beautiful song dedicated to her...that is the dream of all dreams for a girl...I tell you!




hmm...on a brighter note, we have also seen how humble he is...be more confident Yong...gogumas will always support you :wub:




EDIT: my fav is definitely epi 27...like luvtokki said...it was full of surprises...even the MCs were squealing :)



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Guest yonghyunforever

:wub: :wub: KKEKE, i think when people ask them are you dating. they both say no, we are not dating, we married:wub: . i have get out of here because of work but then i come back and then i can not do anything anymore. Yong seo, yongseo, just bring good news to us ok:wub:


let me continue yong sentence ( what he want to say):"....Seohyun is too good for me, but if she has to be with another guy then she is really unlucky, because i am one of rare one. thats why we have to stuck to each other"


edit: just watch MV from YOngseo and Mcs, so touched. i think do we need to do something to thanks to the Mcs to love our Youngseo. seeing them cheering for our couple made me so touch. because they all loves our couple. we you guy plan to do something, i really willing to join in

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hello everyone...

i dont know korean but i think Yonghwa was trying to say that he is luckier that he have Seohyun than Seohyun having him. i think it is very sweet of Yonghwa to say that and so humble too. i dont see anything wrong with him saying that. i would not want Yonghwa saying Seohyun is lucky to have him, though for us Goguma's i think its 50-50. they are lucky to have each other but Yonghwa is humble enough to say that Seohyun is "unfortunate" thus making him luckier to have her.

in an industry where we have to admit that fangirls outnumber active fanboys, there might be some people who loves Yonghwa and would say that Seohyun is lucky to have him but Yonghwa's statement probably will put those speculations to rest...

Happy First Year of Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Jung! :wub:

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Aww yong ,did you know that without your presence we would not have known about this side of Hyun, the happy choding young lady with a bright and happy smile. I think he knows that he is falling for her and is unsure of how things are going to go. He is young and maybe despite all the relationship he had ever had, he is still new to this whole feeling of being in love just like hyun.
























































All i want for them is to have faith in each other and to take care of this precious friendship/relationship they have right now and to not let anyone, media ,fans influence their feelings for each other. Trust their hearts ,maybe the time for them to be together is not now, but hopefully someday when everything would fall in place they can be our lovely Yongseo again .
























































I love this song by leona lewis ,angel. Whenever i hear it ,it reminds me so much of Yong and hyun.So here's something to share
























































I feel it, you feel it















































































































That this was meant to be.















































































































I know it, you know it















































































































That you were made for me.















































































































We can't deny this any longer















































































































Day by day it's getting stronger.















































































































I want it, you want it















































































































It's what the people want to see.














































































































































































We're like Romeo and Juliet















































































































Families can't divide us.















































































































Like the tallest mountain or the widest sea















































































































Nothing's big enough to hide us.















































































































When we make love its overwhelming















































































































I just touch the heavens















































































































You're an angel, you're an angel














































































































































































I said this world, this world.















































































































Could leave us anyday















































































































But my love for you, it will never go away.















































































































And I don't wanna go to sleep















































































































'cause you are like a dream















































































































For every night I say a prayer,















































































































And I swear you are the answer















































































































You're an angel, you're an angel, you're an angel.














































































































































































So we take it each moment our love grows















































































































I see it, you see it,















































































































What we have is made of gold















































































































We're so filled with meaning,















































































































Nothing can make us shallow.















































































































So I hold it, and you hold it















































































































The promise of tomorrow.















































































































When we make love its overwhelming















































































































I just touch the heavens.















































































































You're an angel, you're an angel














































































































































































And I said this world, this world















































































































Could leave us anyday















































































































But my love for you, it will never go away.















































































































And I don't wanna go to sleep















































































































'cause you are like a dream















































































































For every night I say a prayer,















































































































And I swear you are the answer















































































































You're an angel, you're an angel, you're an angel.














































































































































































I don't need three wishes















































































































Well I just need one















































































































For us to never be finished















































































































For us to never be done















































































































When they say it's over















































































































We'll just say I love you















































































































And when they say it's finished















































































































We'll just keep on building.














































































































































































And I said this world, this world















































































































Could leave us anyday















































































































But my love for you, it will never go away.















































































































And I don't wanna go to sleep















































































































'cause you are like a dream















































































































For every night I say a prayer,















































































































And I swear you are the answer














































































































































































You're an angel, you're an angel, you're an angel.














































































































































































Yes you are. You're an angel
























































I want so badly to change my avatar but my internet connection sucks, so i won't be able to participate. But seeing all the lovely Yongseo avatars is making me a little teary, it s so precious and beautiful. If yong and hyun ever knew how much they have touched our hearts from, young to old, female and male ,to all kinds of nationality and background they may have a little more strength to fight on and believe in each other, because we in Go-chun surely do<3
























































Happy anniversary my dear lovely YongSeo:-)









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First of all, I like to wish an advance Happy 1st Anniversary to YongSeo. Next, I would like to share you with our latest parody by Sangdodong Production, Leg-ship Parody. Some people might have conservative approach by the urge to protect some of your beloved idol but the world still needs some laughter instead of just focusing on negative thoughts. Okay, try have a laugh and I'll promise you there will be more parodies coming up!
















































































































Leg-ship Parody

















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Guest yongseoisreal






Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joohyun..


one year ago..


both of you have been fated to meet in this life..


thanks to the destiny that converge both of your road together..


in which from that on, it is the fact that you guys are created for each other..


thanks to the destiny that lead both of your life towards each other..


in which from that on, it is the fact that you guys are meant for each other..


and thanks to the destiny that create the opportunity for both of you..


for you to realize that true love only comes to those who wants to believe..


now, a year has past..


it has been a very wonderful year for both of you and the fans..


thank you so much for all the beautiful journey you've shared..


thank you so much for all the memorable moments you've shown..


thank you so much for all the purest love you've expressed..


thank you so much for all the happiest laughs you've gave..


thank you so much for all the sweetest dreams you've made..


and most of all,


thank you so much for allowing all us fans to be able to join this wonderful journey together with both of you..





and my wish for the next years to come..


may both of you continue to share this wonderful journey with us fans..


may both of you achieve what you've been dreaming of..


may both of you find within each other the meaning of true love..


and may this endless love continue to bloom until death do tears it apart..





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Guest xxraqSTAR

so it's been a year huh? and you can really tell a BIG difference the way they treat each other..


btw, i'd like to share my favorite episode of all episode..

EPISODE 1! :D i know that's kind of weird by choosing episode 1, but for me ep 1 is the start of all these things.. in episode 1 we started loving them and loved them more in the next episodes, but it's just without episode 1 there would be NO episode 2-43.. although they were absolutely awkward in here but isn't how it should be supposed to be? since it is their first meeting you wouldn't expect them to go mushy with each other already and with this episode 1 you can really saw the difference between ep1 and ep 43, on how they treat each other, how they look at each other and how they talk like they were the only people around them.. in episode 1 is the start of all to Hyun, in this episode is where Yo~ng and Hyu~n were born as their nickname to each other, they take their first picture as a couple, where yong suggested that they should be engage first since hyun have no dating experience and he wants hyun to experience it first before marriage, and in this is where the precious couple ring is born (i know those are in episode 2 but i think it will still be cover in episode 1 since it's just a continuation of their first meeting since there is no time available).

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY EPISODE 1 IS THEIR FIRST MEETING. and that is the actual reason why we are celebrating their 1ST YEAR ANNIVERSARY.



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Love can make you do things that you never thought possible





















Hopefully we can fall in love with each other. We can lean on one another and take care of each other - Yonghwa (Banmal Song)  <=  i hope this line of the song is really happen and they become a REAL COUPLE 























Happy 1st Anniversary our dear YongSeo Couple
































 "I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.” it really proves that you're fall in love with her, Yonghwa..... LOL.. 























..Indonesian shipper..











and look at our avatar image!!! 


















i'm so proud being one of yongseo shipper.. 















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“Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”
































































































































































































































































Is yonghwa trying to use this excuse to reject Seohyun? NO.
































































































































































































































































In my opinion, Yonghwa wants and needs Assurance. Sometimes if you do not express your feelings towards your partner, they really do not have any idea how you feel about them. This is what Yonghwa is feeling now.
































































































































































































































































"Does Seohyun like me?"
































































































































































































































































"How much does she like me?"
































































































































































































































































"Am I good enough for her?"
































































































































































































































































Yonghwa has been dropping hints throughout the episodes and even in external interviews that he really favours Seohyun a lot. However, even though Seohyun does show affection towards Yonghwa, she has yet to express her feelings or her liking towards him.
































































































































































































































































Actions matter a lot and we have seen this couple showing loving actions towards each other. However, a step higher to express your feelings would be in Words. It is a double confirmation when you hear somebody saying
































































































































































































































































"I really love you" or
































































































































































































































































"I want to take care of you for the rest of my life" or
































































































































































































































































"You are the best I ever had"
































































































































































































































































Actions and words should be coupled together and use often in a relationship for it to last.
































































































































































































































































I believe that it may be awkward for Seohyun to express her feelings towards him as she has never been in a relationship before, but I am pretty sure that she will one day because of ... THIS ARTICLE/INTERVIEW TODAY.
































































































































































































































































If I am Seohyun, I would realise that Yonghwa feels inferior so I would want to assure him that he is everything to me and there is no such thing as he does not reach my standards and is never a mistake to be with him. It is time for me to express my feelings towards him so that he won't feel negative about our relationship anymore.
































































































































































































































































I hope Seohyun reads that article and meets yonghwa today to express her thoughts about the article. It would be another turning point in their relationship.
































































































































































































































































EDIT: Since I topped the page. Here is a reminder.
































































































































































































































































Change your soompi avatars! Save these picture and reupload it into your soompi profile picture.
































































































































































































































































For female Yongseo fans:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For male Yongseo fans:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Change your twitter display picture and trend #YongSeo1stAnniv at 11PM KST on February 11, 2011. (3 days more!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Participate Yongseo 1st anniversary contest to win CNBLUE first album






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OK. Let's have a game!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm not yet done listing the episode titles, but who cares??? let's just proceed with the game






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everyone is tasked to pick his/her favorite episode among all the 43 episodes that has been aired. It is STRICT RULE that you can only pick ONE episode as your favorite. Grab this opportunity to rewatch/reminisce all the episodes YongSeo had within the past year of their marriage.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Once you have chosen your favorite episode, you have to explain why you chose it as your favorite among the other episodes. You can also add some SCREENCAPS to make your explaination more appealing and convincing for the readers.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do your best on this activity because the GOGUMA that will have the most liked/+ post, with regards to this activity, by the end of the week will receive a FREE CNBLUE'S FIRST FORMAL ALBUM!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good Luck Gogumas!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































:) DON'T USE YOUR (-) POWERS TO LOWER EACH OTHER'S CHANCES OF WINNING!!!! This game was meant for pure fun and goguma love only :)
































































































































































































































































OH BTW! In go-chun, we don't cheat
































































































































































































































































































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Guest honeyjade11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello gogumas,,, this post is just out of the blue,,, just browsing allkpop and see this vid,,, idk if it was posted here yesterday...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's an interview with Daesung and YongHwa... hehe,,, why am I sharing this..? it's because I smiled when i see RING DING DONG is the only jewelry in his hands in this interview.. check it here... (cr: allkpop)

































































































































































































































































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this is the way it should be.

everyone is participating in the discussions.

the more input we have, the bigger picture we will get..

and the more positive vibe injected to the ones effected...

hug u all... :D

so lets seat back and watch this interview.

lets look out for those telling signs..

and to the body language expert gogumas and eagle eye gogumas..

u have some work cut out for u.. ;)

*and i have yet to change my avatar...* :phew:

but how many guys and gals do we have in this goguma family?

i lost count since some girls like the blue avatar while the guys...

is there anyone who feels feminine today..jk jk :lol:


kubih..i love your parodies..

thank u and keep them coming ya.. ;)

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“Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”
































































































I'm not expert in english since it isn't my mother language but from this sentence
































































































I think yonghwa mean about "looks" if you take "the appearance (looks)" seriously
































































































the pretty girl should end up with handsome boy
































































































if the prettiest girl like seohyun end up with ugly(?) guy like him "it's waste"
































































































I hope seohyun response this interview maybe "Oppa I read a book not judge it by cover and I read you enough to consider to be with you"
































































































































































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Hello, everyone.

I think that's were one should quote Oscar Wilde:

"If we men married the women we deserved, we should have a very bad time of it. "

That said, I believe that *if* THAT isn't a love declaration in public, I don't know what it is. I think even though he's playful and choding-ish every time we see him along with her, I think he admires her a great deal. He thinks she's the prettiest - and believes, maybe, he's not worth of her? I don't think this is true, but I think he must be beyond himself whenever he's around her.

I have a friend, who, whenever he's in love, says the most stupid, cringe-worthy stuff just to get her attention. Oh, Yonghwa, dude, your heart's stolen by someone with the mind of general and the body of ..., well, a little girl? Heh. Another good guy down. ;)

Best regards,


PS. REJECTION???? I read comments about REJECTION here. Believe me on this: That is NOT how we REJECT GIRLS.

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Guest mandyemily












Hi, have change my avator too.








due to chingay performance, dun think i can watch live streaming of this sat episode and will be late for the twitter thingy on 11th but will join once i reach home on 11th.








regarding the interview thing, i only thought abt hw yong thought hyun is the prettiest of all celebrities. I always find it strange that how come there are not that many articles abt them as a couple as compared to other couples. keke and through the interview, at least we know abt hyun's view abt the song. keke








Went back to rewatch the episodes. My favourite episode will be ep 22 when hyun went to cnblue dorm and they went to play pools. I like that episode cuz Jungshin used a very good example to differentiate how yong treat them and treat hyun. Its a gd opportunity for hyun to get along with BIL, and she get to know the "hidden" side of yong haha. That means yong doesnt need to show his best side and is able to show the side that his brothers see every day to hyun.








With Minhyuk as guest MC, we knew that they finish the "sea kmichi". seulong and jinwoon were so surprised to hear that. I was too. If it was just a show, they did not need to finish the supper salty kimichi but they did. we would not have known this if it was not for minhyuk. I think thats when they start to give the "vibe" as we saw in the unseen footage of hosting music core together after the dorm trip.



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