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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello fellow gugumas.I usually lurk and come on weekends to get the links and translations.Thanks M3 for faithfully translating every week.



I was going to come and go as usual but considering I had to go back 9 pages to read the posts.Sigh,Just saying something and leaving.



The N issue is like a drop in the ocean,a storm in a teacup...unsubstantiated issues.It was like one sentence out of so many minutes.I was totally happy with the couple time the last few weeks.



I've followed them from the start and we've all wished them the best and there have been some really fervent wishes that they are a real couple.A real relationship covers all aspect  of a couple's life.Considering we've know that there have had long breaks between episodes and have been worried about their progression...I am happy they have consistent time together recently and the xrays are dated 7th Dec 2010...I was so happy that it's recent.



Right...the reason why I wrote.Goodness.Okay the 'lurker' ahjumma is saying her opinion and showing her age okay?I've assessed thousands of couples-in 3 diferent countries,various nationalities,all age groups, same/different sex couples.The little remark from Seohyun does not constitutes the 'you know what' There are couples who come in concerned or blase.There is usually one partner who is more concerned.They can be anxious,concerned,optimistic the emotions run the full gamut.If you want to see someone doing the full on nagging-wait till you see someone telling the other person off in front of you.I've pointed out unhealthy lifestyle choices (non judgemental just stated the known medical facts) for a person before.Seohyun's remark is like super duper mild and really more understanding than I've seen some partners react.The professional is the silent observer.Just look at their body language.Do they look upset?Both of them don't.It's like you know...a couple talking to each other.Part of their relationship.There is no closed body language or defensive behavour.There are no crossed arms,downward gaze etc.The conversation resumed from there with no pause.



The peak flow test-the round tube looks like a disposable one anyway.



Okay....back to lurking.Thanks for making this thread lovely to come too.You guys have a nice week now.






Since no one is mentioning about the ring and butterly necklace.I will drop by something to keep anyone who has some free time...to learn more about the Korean language.One of the best textbooks around most widely read(used by 160 universities) and it's online.






Isn't Seulong and Jinwoon busy anyway preparing for the 2AM concert in March?That's why they are not around right?


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Guest yongseorockin




Wow, that was very beautifully said. I agree with this one 110%. Hahaha!






i think why you keep getting negatives is not only because others disagree with your comments. but perhaps because you are posting one liner sentences. you might want to type some more instead for the above sentence.:sweatingbullets:


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Yong with his Hyun on Inkigayo today























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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just my POV on the nagging issue that suddenly shooked this thread.  First and foremost,  eric_original (I hope I got his name right) is a guy I presume and the first one who made a comment on his earlier post was a woman ( i am again making presumption on this), let us all remember that men and women will always have a different definition/opinion on the simple term " nagging ".  In general, we women would never admit that we nag at our husbands or boyfriends each time we urge or simply say something at them repeatedly just so we can make a point.  Men in general on the other hand would always consider it as nagging even if it's for their own benefit.  So what am I trying to say now... what happened awhile ago on this thread sad to say is just a matter of difference in opinion. 
















Nagging can be defined as: (source: thefreedictionary.com)
















1. To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging.2. To torment persistently, as with anxiety or pain.
















So basing from the first definition, I would say that Hyun did nag/urge Yong a bit but we all know that we shouldn't be taking it negatively as what she was trying to tell Yong is for his own good anyway.  The reply of Yong on the other hand, shouldn't be considered as being rude to her because in a normal husband-wife relationship, statement like what Yong uttered to her is just normal.  If we review that particular scene on the video I don't see Hyun being offended, maybe because she knows that she did nag a bit and that Yong's statement shouldn't be taken seriously. So you see, these two are just practicing their rights as husband and wife.  Hyun, her right to nag at her husband and the right of Yong to say something like that with matching walk out to end Hyun's nagging :wub: 
















Oh, I hope I don't offend anybody here with my post.
















Anneyeong Goguma's :wub:

















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Guest kasia3goguma






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sonia by Sonia Rykiel: Ruffled Striped Sweater revolveclothing.com $334.00 & cyfashionc.com $92.00































































































































from: soshified style






























































































































































































































































^ I love how Seohyun looks....!:wub:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About nagging issue: (weird to call it an issue) I don't find it wrong... I mean, all the Yonghwa's fans should be happy that Seohyun cares so much about his health. She really wanted him to understand the matter and changed something! But guys are always the same when it comes to health etc... they know everything better.. besides Seohyun was right that sth's wrong with his health... Yonghwa is a type of guy that is pround, likes when everything is good for him... He likes to spend time comfortably, without any worries and any 'naggings'... he's young and he's a guy so it's understandable. He  just wanted to stop talking about it and have some fun, but it wasn't like he didn't like it. He truly knows now how Seohyun is concerned about him in every possible aspect. We can't say that nagging was sth wrong, it was NORMAL in a relathionship... besides after going to hospital, they did sth that Yonghwa wanted, so I think it's really great that they have a relationship in which compromises are natural! I liked that they both do what the second person wanted to..
































































Also, my sister watched with me this episode and she said that she is sooo surprised with Seohyun and the way she behave right now. She said that she's soo natural and behave just like she usually would with for example her unnies. And that's right! I am so in love with their talk about 'dieing together'. I mean I never expected Seohyun to say sth like this. She was a bit embarrased, but she said, what she really thinks, and just wants them to be together. That was really something said from her heart (I hope all Gogumas understand what I mean :P).
































































And other thing about Yong's choding - the leg action, I just love the way he is, hahaha, bravo to Yonghwa! They are such a fresh and youthful couple!B)
































































I think that the progress they made is something more then this program. Seohyun being so natural with Yonghwa, and his actions... it will last forever in their relationship and it won't change. They are really faaaar in their relationship... and I just don't think it's a program anymore... I just can't! I hope they will be brave enough to admit that this is not just a program anymore!































































































































I really can't wait for the next episode!!! (kekeke Saturdays should be every day!):D
































































































































































































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They're being playful about the coffee. As you can see just before Yong gets up (his next response will be the nagging part) you can see Yong is smiling and it's likely Yong has already planned to tell her to quit nagging in this caught frame ... it's a joke ... it's playful couple banter. 8:47 SONEms.net subs clip 1

As a older ahjussi Uncle Goguma who has been in relationships I can tell you "nagging" jokes are typical of real couples ... it's playing on our stereotypes as men and women. Or switch nagging to opinion or suggestion and think to the process of real relationships, it takes time for people in a new relationship to get to the stage they freely offer their own opinion and suggestions without "relationship factoring" and to me this whole subject of "nagging or opinion or suggestion" is just more evidence they've really evolved into having true feelings for each other.

For my lady friends out there who want to understand men more ... nagging only becomes a big issue for men when we say we'll do something and women think we have to do it right now. Example: Snow needs to be shoveled outside and wife mentions it, husband says he'll do it and his plans are to do it in thirty minutes and his wife keeps nagging him to do it now. Men don't like to be nagged to immediately do something, so rather if you suggest your husband shovel the snow in the next hour, it wouldn't be nagging to men. Smart women help guide their men, dumb ones treat their men like children and demand this very instant.

I feel like Dr. Phil now! LOL

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Guest dialysislady



Hello Gogumas, well i know someone already said to stop about this issue about "nagging".I don't think seohyun nag because she just said it or done this in this episode only she is not doing this in every episode that we see. I grew up surrounded with boys from my home to my workplace and from my point of view what seohyun did was just reminding yonghwa about his bad eating habits. Maybe she just keep repeating because she still did not get a satisfactory answer from yonghwa and until she does she will stop. I also do this with my brothers and their reaction is either they will go out of our house or just says they heard me. Sometimes my in-charge would say that he sometimes want to stitch my mouth but my other colleague said it is also good that i keep on reminding them because they will just forget about it and will not do it. And yonghwa needs to be reminded most of the time because as they would say bad habit are hard to break. And in my POV, yonghwa just replied randomly as what most of his age would reply.His your worst than my mom, is simply ok fine i got it. As the episode moves forward and so does their relationship grows deeper and they somewhat, they understand each other more...:)


For my wish, i know they wish this already,but i still wish this for them, i wish that they will hug each other...:wub:



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yonghwa is the person hold her hand first, when he asked her: seohyun are you alive"he moving her hands, then pinky . so im quite sure he just cared how hyun is at that moment. is that sweet? :wub:

































































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Next Batch...















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest scatterbrain

just realised it.

WGM episode 33(broadcast on 27nov 2010)

S:Oh! The music video I shot with TRAX...did you see it?



Subs:He saw it...

Sub:Earlier today...

S:This is when I was filming the music video.

S:Did you see it?

Y:Yeah, I did.

Sub:Stealthily...tried to figure out his thoughts

S:You don't call when there's something small like that. That...just...that's what I felt.Sub:because they were busy, couldn't find time to call each other often

MC:Oh, they couldn't keep in contact because they were too busy.

S:Whether he has an interest in what his wife is doing...does he know or not...

Sub:He wasn't calling as often, so she wanted to find out his level of affection...

S:Because he wasn't calling too often, I got the feeling that he didn't know.

S:And he did see it, but he didn't say anything, so I was feeling a little sad.

translated by M3

Seohyun was a bit sad because Yonghwa seldom calls

Busan filming (30 November 2010)

YHMom: Yonghwa doesn’t call you much does he?

SH: oh yes.

YHMom: at the beginning I was really sadden by that. ( I really don’t understand this part SRRY GUYS!) But I think that that is Yonghwa’s style. Deep inside he does have the feelings

translated by DDuk

Yong's Mom explained that yong seldom calls her as well and say that's how yong is.

she really monitors them :wub: . my guess: after mom watched WGM episode.33 on the 27th of november, she felt that she needs to assure hyun that yong is someone who doesn't call often. so during busan filming on the 30th of november, she told hyun aboit her same experience with yong. She also told yong that women are fussy about small things.

Yong Mom really loves HYUN!!!!!

also, how did yong know that hyun called his mom after Busan meeting? mom must have told yong about it :)

EDIT: sorry mountainmadman, i didn't check it properly since i found the translation in some website. yup, its Dduk. thanks for letting me know.

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Guest MountainMadman

Hi scatterbrain, I felt I just needed to point out that the translation credits on the second quote you quoted doesn't belong to me. sweatingbullets.gif I don't want to take credit for other peoples' hard work, so if you could fix that and credit the right person, that would be awesome. It's probably Dduk's translation, since she was translating that week.

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Guest gita_23
































































































Dear gogumas ...
































finally i finished read all this thread. you're so daebak :)
































i really love when yong said that he drink coffee so he can meet seohyun (actually i still dont watch this episode, i just read M3 translation (thanks a lot for that translation)). thinking he is so sweet (i'm sorry coz i realize coffee is worst for his health). also the part when seo wanna die together with yong. OMG... seems she really loves her husband :)
































hope saturday comes quickly. i wanna see seohyun learn snowboard from her husband. :)
































my wish for yongseo:
































i wish you both never give up and tired of learning to understand each other. always be a lovey dovey couple. plisss be real yongseo :wub:
































thanks for everything that u both share in WGM. i learn many things from u both (sorry for my poor english)

































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Guest sarahcnblue


hi again .. there is something i find it funny maybe because me & my friends do it a lot  to each other tongue.gif






when yong pointed that the spa door in front them  but it was next them then he enter and hyun went straight  




it was a second but i laugh laugh.gif




how adorable this couple biggrin.gif


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Guest yongseorockin








Since no one is mentioning about the ring and butterly necklace.I will drop by something to keep anyone who has some free time...to learn more about the Korean language.One of the best textbooks around most widely read(used by 160 universities) and it's online.








Isn't Seulong and Jinwoon busy anyway preparing for the 2AM concert in March?That's why they are not around right?





I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU ck1Oz. But I used up all m positives today because the thread jumped by a lot. I would have given you a million +++++ for the textbooks link. I believe many Goguma's would heart you as well. Thank you so much for sharing with us.




Of all websites, I really love this thread the most! Because of the people inside, the positive attitudes and JUST about EVERYTHING!:wub:




EDIT: I really wish I can give + to all the great posts out there but I have reached my limit. usually i have plenty but there are just too many great posts today!!:D


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Guest pandasoori
















































annyeong GO-CHUN villagers !






































































































last ep was so so so SWEET <3































































seo now so comfortable with yong and the more i watch them , they really look real !































































i hope all BOICES and SONES will keep pray the best and happiness for them :)































































and about NAGGING issue , we should forget abt it , what is important now is their coming 1ST ANNIVERSARY together :wub:
































so , i also want to tell my wish here ,
































1 , PLS GET MARRIED FOR REAL ! * yah , i know its hard but both of you look so so <3 together
































































































































































lastly , i really hope the best for them :) even if they hve to leave wgm . i promise myself i will always shipp them and support them no matter what .
































FIGHTING yongseo and all fans !









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Guest soshisoshisoshi








I thought I'd post this article about WGM, because it was buried pages ago. This was posted by aneng








‘우결’ 우리 서현이 변했어요, 바른생활⟶익살쟁이




                        //                          뉴스엔                      | 뉴스엔                 | 입력 2011.02.06 15:37                                                                                                                                       [뉴스엔 박정현 기자]












최근 '우결'에서 가장 눈에 띄는 변화를 보인 것이 서현이다.








최초 바른생활 이미지를 고집하며 가상 남편인 정용화 앞에서 어색한 모습을 보여 눈길을 끌었다. 그러나 시간이  지나며 서서히 그간 보이지 않았던 부분이 드러나기 시작했다.
















    2월 5일 방송된 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(우결)에서 서현은 정용화와 함께 병원을 찾아 건강검진을 받았다. 정용화는 이미 어린이  이미지를 갖게 된지 오래다. 투정을 부리는 정용화에게 서현은 마치 엄마처럼 달래기 시작했는데 과거의 말 한마디 건네지 못하던  모습과 비교하면 놀라운 변화라고 할 수 있다.








이날 방송에선 두 사람의 스킨십도 눈에 띄었다. 두 사람은 마사지를 받는 과정에서 손을 잡았다. 정용화의 새끼손가락을 서현이  붙드는 장면으로 많은 팬들을 즐겁게 했다. 서현은 정용화와 말장난을 하며 "(부부인데) 함께 죽어야죠"라는 말까지 했다. 이미  과거의 서현에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 분위기다.








변화는 천천히 찾아왔다. 서현은 독서를 좋아한다고 했다. 반기문 유엔사무총장을 존경한다면서 그에 관한 책을 읽었다. 정용화에게도  독서를 권장해 시청자에게 신선함을 전했다.








많은 팬들이 서현의 그런 "요즘 아이들 같지 않은 바른 모습에서 매력을 느낀다"고 말해왔다. 고구마와 건강에 좋은 음식을  좋아한다는 것도 특이할 만 했다. 제작진은 오래전부터 서현의 변화를 목격해왔다. 최초의 목격지점은 서현이 씨엔블루의 차량에 숨어들어 그들을 놀라게 하는 장면이었다.








제작진은 "평소 진지한 모습만을 보여왔던 서현의 표정에서 장난꾸러기의 그것을 느꼈다"고 밝힌 바 있다. 그렇게 캐릭터에 변화가  왔다.








그러던 중 스킨십도 시작됐다. 서현은 일본 여행에서 정용화의 팔짱을 끼어 시청자에게 충격(?)을 안겼었다. 당시 정용화 역시 놀란  듯 보였으니 굳어진 표정과 굳어진 팔이 이를 증명했다. 어색한 스킨십이었으나 이후 그 모습은 점점 자연스러워졌다. 손을 잡아도  팔짱을 끼어도 두 사람의 표정에선 어색함을 찾아볼 수 없었다.








프로그램에 출연했던 서현의 매니저는 "서현이 그렇게 변화한 모습에 놀랐다"고 밝혔었다. 그런 스킨십이 5일 방송에서 새끼손가락을  잡는 달달한 장면으로까지 이어졌다. 이제 남은 과제는 자연스런 반말 밖에 남지 않은 상황. 혹은 최강커플 '아담'에 이어서 깜짝  키스신도 기대해 봄직하다.








박정현 pch46@newsen.com








기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com




copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지












original souce LINK









can someone translate this article? M3 perhaps? thank you in advance








good night all! off to GO-CHUN dreamland :wub:





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fav. scene this episode from doctor fish spa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"die together" it's about death but how hyun said make it sweet
































































































































































































































































































preview next week
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































more cap

































































































































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Guest Soshimunky






Annyeong gogumas :)


I want gogumas to post more here (we want that second thread, don't we? ^^) but I should start posting too, right? 


I am in the midst of working on Yongseo back-room-interview screencaps. Here is the first batch. Sometimes, Yong & Hyun don't match up during interviews so there are cameos here and there.







Please keep on posting. We love reading all of your comments and thoughts :) And remember, we all talk goguma language here. There's no such thing as bad english or grammar. Don't be afraid to post *ehem* lurkers.. Keke. Saranghae wub.gif



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Guest soshisoshisoshi

















Hi there! love your screencaps! I just want to ask where did you download the WGM video, because it looks like a different version. Is it just me or your video seems to have a slightly better quality?








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Guest yongseorockin



EDIT: ahn_annann!! great caps + great quality as usual!! :w00t:




oh, I almost forgot about the 365 wishes thing!! I have 2 main wishes...





2. GO TO ITALY!! (If WGM have the sufficient budget :lol:)

EDIT2: linh80, not only the MC. I also reacted that way... Yonghwa BAD BOY! LOLOL :P






Hello soshisoshisoshi, I believe many Gogumas here would love to sponsor Yongseo for their Italy trip if the PD-nims dont have money to send them there. Haha!




Here's my wish for them:




May every obstacle YongSeo face make your relationship stronger.


With each step, your love towards each other grows a little more,


and always gaze a little longer in each others' eyes.


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