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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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To Yong & Hyun































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First Year Anniversary































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Each year of marriage is very special and unique. And the soul sings anthems of love.Wish you to hear this divine music of love enternaly "






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG, I'm 10 pages behind need to catch up































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest justbulan
































































































































































































































































































































hello goguma shippers :rolleyes:..i want to ask,where i can watch older episode yongseo ? except from dailymotion..
































































































































































































































































do u know where i can find it ? blush.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































you can try at thi unnoficial facebook account 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































my next wish is...
































































































































































































































































I WISH EVERYDAY IS A SATURDAYtears.gif so i can watch more and more yongseo everydayphew.gif

































































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  • Please be a real and respectful couple


  • Kiss and hug on your first anniversary.


Work hard to gain support both from BOICES and SONES. Make them proud with both of you.


Marry for real in future.



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hello gogumas..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow..i just woke up, its only 9am here sunday, so happy when i opened this hauz but then as i read all the post i suddenly fell a bit taken aback..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for me theres nothing wrong with seohyun nagging, in fact ive been doing it for my hubby for almost 25 yrs now ( gosh we are reaching our 25 yrs anniverssary, 2 yrs morekkk)it started b4 our marriage.Until now im doing it with my husband...as he still never stopped smoking though he lessened it to only 3 stick a day and just 5 yrs ago that he stop drinking alcool.Im like seohyun so mindful of health..(for me i never drinl any soda since i got pregnant with my 1st son (21 yrs ago kkk), never eat meat 3 yrs ago, and canned food with all this chemical mixture..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as im a health conscious person (even friends said too much) and i do luv yong (like a son) even b4 wgm, and since i know seohyun thru this wgm , i find her perfect for yong and i want her to look after yong health coz hes just a very stuborn boy when i comes to food preference.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ya seohyun nag him, since you said you will get old togeter and die together then dont stop reminding him what good for his health( dont woory about his reaction my hubby is like that )coz at the right moment he will thank you for that, i recieved already that acknowledgement from my hubby, exactly 1 year ago he said to me " thank you, for you never stop worrying for my health..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun..i admit b4 im yong bias..but now you are into my heart as deep as yong now..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i guess im yongseo for life kkkk

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest saintvalentinedove




Yonghwa had this attitude, maybe because he was frustrated, his eating habits are bad, and when a wife makes you see it, you don´t care about it, but when a doctor confirms it, it´s a bit frustrating and it hits you directly to the pride, and it's a little frustrating when his wife says, "I was right" or "I told you "


Seohyun was cautious with Yonghwa, Seohyun was concerned for Yonghwa, because she feel something for him.


Yonghwa's mother said "Take care of Yonghwa" wives always take care of the health of their husbands.


their attitude in this episode was interesting and serious. You watched their dialogues, right?


Maybe Yonghwa was a little immature but it´s normal, he is a guy of 22 year old and he enjoy his foods, so he´s a man.


but the girls, it´s other situation, you must know the diets of the idols, a few years ago SNSD´s members ate only 120 calories per day, but now they´re consuming 150 calories.


It´s normal, this attitude of Yonghwa, it´s normal, is unpleasant to hear that your eating habits are worst or food than you love to eat are causing you this bad to your body.


it´s too frustrating and obnoxious, I am not justifying to Yonghwa, I am not justifying to Seohyun, I understand perfectly the position of both and each have their own feeling.


Perhaps Yonghwa was frustrated, he was nervous or because he has too much confidence to her.


although girl´s are sensitive, But I admire too Seohyun, because she never tried to hurt Yonghwa and she always has the patience.


Even when people call Yonghwa choding, she says that there is nothing wrong about it and it's fun for her.


She was concerned about him like if she is her real wife and not her virtual wife.


They acted like a real marriage ...


Sometimes it gives me chills their interaction, the way he touched Seohyun´s leg, oh gosh! this pair are the closest thing to reality.


Perhaps Yonghwa was a little rude, but it´s too normal and Seohyun had many compliments on this episode.


I think Yonghwa greatly appreciates his wife.


And an example about it, is his most recent interview in Thailand. "How would your ideal girl?"








I agreed too.


Always has been a silent reader but the whole nagging part commotion really _______.


Different people have different perspective towards that scene.


It may prick a little as it seems like the first time Yonghwa said something harsh to Seohyun? :(


But i don't think Yonghwa meant anything bad as he said before Seohyun's care for others is one of her charm?




When other people say YongSeo couple are boring but what makes them special and shippers addicted to them is that they are so real and sincere in this virtual marriage. Instead of hurrying in skinship, they build their foundation step by step that make us crave for their growth. We can see they're truly concerned for one another. :wub:




SNSD may be a fantasy to some boys. But they made up of humans too. If Seohyun is to lose some fanboys just because of the 'nagging' i don't think they're her fans. A fan suppose to admire not only her appearance but also her character and talent. Not just because she can't live up to the expectations of their whatsoever dream girl or wife. Perhaps just imagine your bolster is your dream girl. <_<




PEACE! ^_^


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Guest gogumaforever
































































































(credit to iloveyongseo.wordpress)
































wish for YONNGSEO:
































True love cannot be found where it does not truly exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does.  Love is magic.  The more we hide it, the more it shows; more you suppress it, the more it grows.
































people can see how real they are. 















































































i wish them to become the real person behind all cameras and limelights.  that they will truly  love and cherish one another until they reach 100/102 y.o. as finding your better half is like conquering the world 100x over.















































































i just realized that, hope all single individual in our goguma planet may find their yong and hyun someday... 

















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Next Batch...



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Yikes, what happened a few pages back? :crazy:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, although I was pretty much an underground Goguma I really need to come out to the surface and spazz over SeoHyun's statement that "They should die together" isn't that the sweetest?? and then she realized she was being hopefully blunt (which I don't mind :rolleyes:) and told him to forget that she said it, but I'm sure Yong would think about it from time to time later on.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This episodes and I think next week episode as well will definitely test them as a couple. Seo Hyun has come out from her shell be it good or bad, and Yong Hwa has also comfortably express his feelings to her whether she likes it or not, and it shows how real they have become. No more "I should do this just to make her feel happy" or "Should I have not said that so that he won't be upset?" all out in the open, and even though YongHwa was upset about it, he told her to stop nagging, its understandable...maybe other men would just go "Okay okay okay" just to shut her up anyway. But it definitely give them something to think about, but not right now, because it's a bit too much to take in. Especially with all those people around.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All she wanted to do is make sure he'd still be there and as healthy as she claimed she will be for a long time. If it takes her to nag about it to him I'm sure after along while (lets say in 2031) Yong would look back and thought "Aahh I'm glad SeoHyun forced me to go through those exams and made me realize how unhealthy some of my habits are back then so I can cut back on those coffees and be able to do this 20 years anniversary CN Blue concert with my bandmates." And he'll be rocking the stage as if he was 21 years old again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And who knows, maybe in 2031 SeoHyun will still be there for him to nag him to eat more veggies, make him health smoothie after their morning exercise, and drag him to do couple health check-up and do couple massage afterwards (with her cringing to hold back the pain) just to make him feel better. :rolleyes:

































































































































































































































































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Ahh, I shall contribute my wishes.








#1 My wish is for Yonghwa & Seohyun to continue loving and respecting each other. I shall leave it to them to do all the skinships they want. But please hurry, waiting for 80 more years will make me go nuts. 








#2 go bunjee jumping! 








I shall share one more picture of Yonghwa and the RING shared by an anon at SPD's chatbox. *drool*
















@JNJ LOL! The R rated fics are the works of Kubih and fellow goguma leaks. :P 





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Guest dadilala
































































































































































































Hey guysss~ I did a female cover of For First-time Lovers =)
































































I ♥ the song so much, I wished they released a duet digital version~~~~~~
































































hmm not sure if i can post this here, but if I can't, I can delete this =)~































































































































♥ Goguma

































































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Article talks about Seohyun's changes because of WGM. Oh joy!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope someone can see and share us what it says.

















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Guest archiehon








































OMO.... Yesterday the thread was REALLY slow but I left u guys for a few hours and the pages moved like 6 pages. So we are pre-schoolers now? Yes, welcome to Go-Chun International Pre- school:sweatingbullets:.
























I just want to say that probably because most of us Gogumas here are women, we can relate to what Seo Hyun goes thru and without any bad intention putting meaning into her every facial expression, tone of voice etc. While Yong is quite a loner here with a few guys to back him up. I find it interesting that even from the beginning, the no of female MCs are less than the male but they wr definitely vocal and voted out the male POV. It was quite obvious in ep42 when Yong Hwa asked about the diary and MC park asked why he wanted to know about the Questions and MC Kim said because she is hiding it. So we got a different perspective from the MCs. I'm not going to start with MC Na Yong becoz she obviously on Seo Hyun's side frm beginning to the end.
























So, my point is we are human with a definite different POV and we come from all over the world with a lot of different background. If we just try to accept each other's opinion and have a big heart to accept the not -so- heavenly comments once in a while, we are good to go. I don't really want to see us too rigid in our acceptance of other less -than- positive opinion.
























Sorry if my opinion offended anyone. Let me give us something to remind us why we love this two equally. It's an FMV by orihararan







































































EDIT: Sorry i forgot to thank gogumaforever for the explanation, next time i will refer to wikipedia myself, i'm so sorry to bother people here with such a simple question. Thank you!









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Guest EriesBoyd
















Well..i can accept FAIR opinion from male POV regarding this 'nagging' issue but 



























not from a poster who join 'Critique your girlfriend' forum and who ask other guy to ditch their girlfriend as he please.A bitter ex bf is not someone who can give a fair,legit argument about this issue.He may still..well bitter and it is clouding his judgement


























Btw,this week episode is ok and fun.





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Guest winbros
















Here is my wish for the both of them:  "I wish that both of you will continue to have many "Firsts" with each other, share each other's burdens and celebrate your successes together - Happy Anniversary Yongseo!"








Re: the whole nag-debate, chincha..... I'm happy for my wife to nag me, she's usually right anyway blush.gif , what I liked about the last episode as a follow-up to the week before was Yong's mother telling Hyun to take care of her husband, now they are at the hospital for a check-up and he's not 100%, hence her concern.  Nag him all you want Hyun, I'm sure he loves it deep inside... and if he doesn't he can always tickle your feet some more!!! w00t.gif








Happy spazzing all.............. YONGSEO HWAITING!





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Hi goguma,




Just wanna share that, i am so happy that i get to know this couple . Until now i still wondering how i get to know about our couple. I dun know how, i knew about them since i watched them from ep1 until now..starting last year every week on saturday and i will lurked around here invisible or not it is a must to come here . Sometimes i spazz and sometimes i just love to read :)




How i wish i knew how i accidenly watched them on . I cant remember but i do remember someday in february i watched WGM season 1 maybe that time i accidenly watch WGM seohyun,idk .But i remember clearly, the next episode i watched it LIVE streaming ..and from that awkward moment of goguma i already fall in love with both of them..




I think old goguma knew about this, when we defend our couple when people said our couple is boring and not interesting and etc. And i am happy to see now, tons of people starting to love our couple too..




anyway i hope mbc show us unseen clip about their pinky - ship. Cuz i am dying to know who started it first..


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I finally wrote a fanfic for this couple. Please take a look at it (:
























It's a quick read and I incorporated part of the scenes from the current episode in it.
























Thank you!
























The Limit
























The aftermath of when he let her go.









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