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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I don't know what the big deal with the "nagging" situation. For some reason I feel like I've been transported back to a Jr. high lunch room filled with kids who've never been in a relationship and the only thing they've seen are from dramas and movies.

Nagging is part of any relationship. Wives, do it. Husbands, Girlfriends, Boyfriends. There's nothing bad about it, its just what it is and comes with the territory. You don't nag someone if you don't care.

I personally was happy one of them finally started nagging. It show's how much they have grown together and how much they care for each other.

My understanding is that the majority of people here want this relationship to be real. But why is it when they start acting like a real couple people, both fans and antis, come out and bash them for it. Seriously people, if you want them to be real, you're going to have to stop all of this analytical nonsense and let them be real or as real as they can be. Being real means they will argue, they will say things they will probably regret. Thats being a real couple.

I had to wade through 6 months of why or why aren't they wearing their rings. It's like someone calling me a bad dog owner because i walk my dog 6 days out of the week and because I was busy on the 7th day, I skipped the dog walking. Suffice to say that put me off this board for awhile.

Like I said before, if you want them to be real let them be. Because all of this bickering arent helping anyone and you better be sure you want them to be real. Because in real life, its not like a drama where everything they say has far reaching meaning, or it's lovey dovey 24/7. I personally hope Yonghwa and Seohyun ignore all their fans and critics and keep doing what they're doing. I love the show, and I'm going to support them by shutting up and enjoying the ride they're giving me. And hopefully, in time, they will become more real than anyone on this board can hope for. That means a full relationship with all the good and bad. They deserve that more than the sugar coating relationship you guys are always spouting here.

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Guest quisty86












I'll be quick with my post so I can concentrate back on work. For the 365 wishes! (will we reach 365?)




Mama Pia and I vote for this: Make beautiful babies Yongseo! Am I wish number 1? 




Rush come out come out! You gotta do that wish you said in the box :P 








winnieho - totally agree with you haha. I actually like that part, it screamed "real" to me. I'm getting giddy again. Also, without these interactions, they won't learn about each other. In a relationship it's not always smiles and ice cream... Hyun will learn, ah so this is his limit. Yong will learn, ah she really cares for me this much.




and then after that, they can just kiss and make-up! :P 





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Guest angels.disguise
































































































Can we please spazz about the preview for the next episode?
































































Lol I think Yong's impatience will bring out another side of Hyun.
































































Favorite caps of the preview:
































































































































































































































































Yeah just walk away Seohyun :P
































































Why isn't it Saturday yet? :(

















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Let me start the 365 wishes....































































































Make beautiful babies Yongseo!































































































I hope YongSeo can spend more anniversaries in the years to come. I wish that they'll stick with each other through times of trials and difficulties. Please continue to be each other's Love light!!! Live long and die together!!!!

































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Guest Revelmonk






I don't know what the big deal with the "nagging" situation. For some reason I feel like I've been transported back to a Jr. high lunch room filled with kids who've never been in a relationship and the only thing they've seen are from dramas and movies.


Nagging is part of any relationship. Wives, do it. Husbands, Girlfriends, Boyfriends. There's nothing bad about it, its just what it is and comes with the territory. You don't nag someone if you don't care.


I personally was happy one of them finally started nagging. It show's how much they have grown together and how much they care for each other.


My understanding is that the majority of people here want this relationship to be real. But why is it when they start acting like a real couple people, both fans and antis, come out and bash them for it. Seriously people, if you want them to be real, you're going to have to stop all of this analytical nonsense and let them be real or as real as they can be. Being real means they will argue, they will say things they will probably regret. Thats being a real couple.


I had to wade through 6 months of why or why aren't they wearing their rings. It's like someone calling me a bad dog owner because i walk my dog 6 days out of the week and because I was busy on the 7th day, I skipped the dog walking. Suffice to say that put me off this board for awhile.


Like I said before, if you want them to be real let them be. Because all of this bickering arent helping anyone and you better be sure you want them to be real. Because in real life, its not like a drama where everything they say has far reaching meaning, or it's lovey dovey 24/7. I personally hope Yonghwa and Seohyun ignore all their fans and critics and keep doing what they're doing. I love the show, and I'm going to support them by shutting up and enjoying the ride they're giving me. And hopefully, in time, they will become more real than anyone on this board can hope for. That means a full relationship with all the good and bad. They deserve that more than the sugar coating relationship you guys are always spouting here.





WELL SAID!!!...i like the goguma community because they support the couple so much but it seems like some people carry around an idealized view of either hyun or yong or both because they are idols. A few gogumas over-analyze the small things our couple do fogetting that at the end of the day they are not yong from cnblue or hyun from snsd but your average boy and girl going through a relationship. An average relationship has ups and downs, arguments, forgiveness, happiness, sadness, anger and more.. Yong and Hyun allowed us to have a peak into their private lives, we should not be overanalyzing everything they do but let them live their lives.



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I'll be quick with my post so I can concentrate back on work.
































































































































































































Mama Pia and I vote for this: Make beautiful babies Yongseo! 
































































































































































































Rush come out come out! You gotta do that wish you said in the box :P 
































































































































































































































































































































































































Ha Ha Ha Ha I'm here Cz, I'm here :)
































































































































































































My wish for Yongseo
































































































































































































PLEASE KISS! I'm Ok even if you do it offcam, but please, DO KISS!!
































































































































































































And my humble request to whoever compiles the wishes, I think every alternate wish should be PLEASE KISS!!
































































































































































































Am i asking for too much??? I guess I am. Don't mind me :)
































































































































































































So fellow gogumas, please add your wishes for Yongseo couple - we need 365 wishes to send to them on their first anniversary.
































































































































































































































































































































































































And to make it a little easier, I'll start a list
































































































































































































I'll continue the list posted by YSInternational'
































































































































































































I'll also put it in spoiler to save space.
































































































































































































365 wishes for Yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































Make beautiful babies Yongseo!
































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope YongSeo can spend more anniversaries in the years to come. I wish that they'll stick with each other through times of trials and difficulties. Please continue to be each other's Love light!!! Live long and die together!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Please kiss (Offcam is Ok, but I'd love to see at least a peck on the cheek!)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest seohyun_yh
































































































































































































Yonghwa had this attitude, maybe because he was frustrated, his eating habits are bad, and when a wife makes you see it, you don´t care about it, but when a doctor confirms it, it´s a bit frustrating and it hits you directly to the pride, and it's a little frustrating when his wife says, "I was right" or "I told you "
































































Seohyun was cautious with Yonghwa, Seohyun was concerned for Yonghwa, because she feel something for him.
































































Yonghwa's mother said "Take care of Yonghwa" wives always take care of the health of their husbands.
































































their attitude in this episode was interesting and serious. You watched their dialogues, right?
































































Maybe Yonghwa was a little immature but it´s normal, he is a guy of 22 year old and he enjoy his foods, so he´s a man.
































































but the girls, it´s other situation, you must know the diets of the idols, a few years ago SNSD´s members ate only 120 calories per day, but now they´re consuming 150 calories.
































































It´s normal, this attitude of Yonghwa, it´s normal, is unpleasant to hear that your eating habits are worst or food than you love to eat are causing you this bad to your body.
































































it´s too frustrating and obnoxious, I am not justifying to Yonghwa, I am not justifying to Seohyun, I understand perfectly the position of both and each have their own feeling.
































































Perhaps Yonghwa was frustrated, he was nervous or because he has too much confidence to her.
































































although girl´s are sensitive, But I admire too Seohyun, because she never tried to hurt Yonghwa and she always has the patience.
































































Even when people call Yonghwa choding, she says that there is nothing wrong about it and it's fun for her.
































































She was concerned about him like if she is her real wife and not her virtual wife.
































































They acted like a real marriage ...
































































Sometimes it gives me chills their interaction, the way he touched Seohyun´s leg, oh gosh! this pair are the closest thing to reality.
































































Perhaps Yonghwa was a little rude, but it´s too normal and Seohyun had many compliments on this episode.
































































I think Yonghwa greatly appreciates his wife.
































































And an example about it, is his most recent interview in Thailand. "How would your ideal girl?"

































































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just a simple wish.. I wish they'll married for REAL and the whole world knows that wub.gif

















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Hello..I've been lurker in this thread for quite sometime. I'm posting this for the first time just to say  that it is not true Seohyun's fanboys will lose interest in her just because of this episode.I  found her more appealing than she already is. Maybe because i'm old bachelor, i'm 27 years old male ,girl like Seohyun is more appealing to guy my age n my career. Caring ,responsible and smart. Her nagging in this episode  showed her motherly quality. I'm conservative type of  guy in heart even though i did date girls who are fun, cool n carefree but. if i’m about to settle down,i hope my wife is someone who i can trust to raise my kids healthily and wisely .So,i really don’t mind if Seohyun,  especially Seohyun nagging at me.Worst come to worst,i'll kiss her to shut her up..

first of all..i like your nick! but rmbr...hyun is taken! :P:lol:

i really like your idea of kissing hyun to shut her up!

but since yongseo hasn't even hug yet..

so..my wish for yongseo is so simple

1. HUG. hug tightly as if your lives depend on it!

doable and spot on!

i don't like intense atmosphere..such a headache

so lets ALL participate in this wish.

btw, how many wish can we have? 3 wishes right?

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Guest justbulan
































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry i forgot to put under spoiler 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Make beautiful babies Yongseo!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope YongSeo can spend more anniversaries in the years to come. I wish that they'll stick with each other through times of trials and difficulties. Please continue to be each other's Love light!!! Live long and die together!!!! 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please kiss (Offcam is Ok, but I'd love to see at least a peck on the cheek!) 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































JUST hug each other already!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Revelmonk




My wish...hmm...I wish they went to somewhere special where its just the two of them, they can enjoy the sites and be in their own little world like how they usually are(which entraps as yongseo fans :) ).




I would also like to see them bike around and really enjoy themselves...is that too simple of a wish to come true?



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Here's the next batch.....





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What's up with the "nagging" argument... unsure.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lol am i the one who's not bothered by it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He's obviously in his choding self when he said that, you can tell that by the expression on his face. wink.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's stop this discussion already.... it's getting nowhere...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We should spazz about moments like this...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit to the Owner.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anniversary Wish: I wish they'll date for real after their WGM stint... blush.gif

































































































































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Guest justbulan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































is it allowed to post again? :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i wish MBC wouldnt fix the heater back then... so both of them can warm themselves by hugging each other 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tears.gifw00t.gif *runaway*

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
































































1st thanks to M3 for another translations, thanks also to Sagua and mrsworm/bookworm for translations in spd which posted by mirk thanks to u all
































thank you to semi-fly, sonesource for the raw videos. thanks to sonems for the sub videos.
































as always thank u thank u















































































OK for the wishes















































































yes no.1 of course - MAKE BEAUTIFUL BABIES Together ^_^















































































no. 2 - of course, wishing both of u will be together forever. Through thick and thin, through ups and down stay together)















































































no. 3 - wishing u both healthy and happy life. Lots of laughter, lots of love love love and everything will comes out naturally. PLS. DONT FORGET TO SAY I LOVE U TO EACH OTHER coz life is too short u might not hear this word I LOVE U when ur love ones is gone. So, saying i love u to one another and the one u love is important.















































































no. 4 - i wish you Two will HUG AND KISS (i hope this is not too much to ask ^_^. Hug and kisses good for u both kekeke!















































































Cheers Yongseo 






























































































































































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#1 - I wish Yong and Hyun to continue being REAL to each other.




























#2 - I wish they would continue to bicker or argue, then forgive and make up with each other. (Imagine all the eyeships, skinships and sweet-voice ships going on towards the making up part! :w00t: )




























Making up after an argument will make a stronger relationship. I won't really mind if I can't see them making up off-cam, cos making up is really really sweet (well, at least for me in my marriage, wakakaka!)




























Gogumas, remember what Yong's friends said about him to Hyun in their meeting? They said that Yong gets annoyed easily! So what did his friends advised Hyun to do in such a situation? Kekekeke... Imagine all the sweet things going on off-cam! :wub:
























































Man! this is the 2nd time I topped the page and as happened in the previous page, I don't have anything new to share! :ph34r: What about rewatching the Preview to next week's ski episode uploaded by Hesperide2?? :sweatingbullets:




















































































OMG!! Callmedreamer! Your gif just made my mouth fall open! Yong didn't just grabbed Hyun's leg! AHHHHHHH! Faints. *Thud* *Revives* *Thud* *Revives* *Thud* :w00t:





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like hachi said..

we have like 1+++ odd gogumas arnd the world..

so where are u guys? lets join in with the wishes..

okay, who start this 365 wishes? how many wishes can each of us have?

looking back at callmedreamer gif, did yong just slide his hand on hyun's leg?

wow yong...just wow... :wub:

ammel. tks for inki caps.

am i the only one who is happy that yong is not wearing pink? ;)

angels.disguise, i think yong will be a one serious teacher.

looking at hyun walking away from the lesson, maybe his friends did this too.

yong could be too serious in his teachings.

but he is a pro..he can't slack..

hyun walking away..

will he run after her, or will she run back to him? :wub:

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Guest yasyahiera


hello goguma shippers :rolleyes:..i want to ask,where i can watch older episode yongseo ? except from dailymotion..


do u know where i can find it ? blush.gif


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I wish for Yonghwa and Seohyun to always remain true to each other. That their relationship will continue to grow as they learn more about each other - both the good and the bad.






Though the storms may come, the wind may blow my wish is for them to keep a strong foundation so that their relationship is able to withstand it all.






I wish alongside Seohyun and Yonghwa that their relationship will survive until they are 100 and 102 respectively and that we will hear many more wonderful accounts about them even after WGM finishes.



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