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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Sagua85
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is Sagua85 -- According to Baidu, Yong changed it to 102 just as Hyun interrupted him with her sudden 'goodbye', and he got confused for a moment.

































































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first of all,thanks for the translation to M3 and scatterbrain.thanks also to other gogumas who provides raw,cuts,screencaps etc...
















































i just finished watching the latest episodes with M3 translation,and i have one question to ask to scatterbrain ssi,when was yong said that he want to live until 102 years old?because i can't find it in M3 translation..can i know is it after hyun said "goodbye" to yong and yong asked back,"goodybe?"i just want to know the conversation between them so that i can fly back to go-chun~,hope you can help me for this.thanks again to scatterbrain and M3 for providing the translation!^__^































































































Yonghwa said it really quickly. It's the moment right after Seohyun said Goodbye and just before he asked back. He just said 102. So if you put it in dialogue, it'd be:
















































Y: How old are you going to live?
















































H: I’m going to live healthily.
















































Y: Around 100 years?
















































H: That seems about right.
















































Y: Then I’ll live until 101.
















































H: That’s too much.
















































Y: Why?
















































H: We need to die together…
















































Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain
















































H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.
















































H: Do you really want to live until 101?
















































Y: Yeah.
















































H: Then you’re going to die before me.
















































Y: Why?
















































H: Because you’re two years older than me.
















































MC: That’s right.
















































H: Goodbye.
















































Y: 102... Goodbye?
















































Credits: Mountainmadman. (Thanks a lot for translations ^^)
















































This particular scene reminds me of a quote of Winnie the Pooh (Winnie ftw <3): “If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.”
















































Except in YongSeo's case, it's the other way around. Maybe Yonghwa wanted to try out a new cheesy line and say something like; Then you won't ever have to live a day without me. Ha~
















































And these caps... I love seeing them like that;









































































































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Guest ellaisha












happy spazzing to everybody...i still enjoy this episode though not too much lovey dovey to the couple but still they look lovely in my eye..i try to watch the sonemsub,,,it sez d video is not available....




In this epi you can see that hyun truly concern with yong's health... :D




what makes me squeal is that hyun wants them to die together, How SWEET ;)





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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































































































Today I hadn't see stream and miss the fast translation of M3 and your spazz in chatbox coz Lunar New year holiday. I'm so curios and want to see what happen with YongSeo in this ep? Now it's ok hihi thank M3 for ur translation, you're deabak. Thank u so much *hug* and semi-fly for your best raw video. Thank jnj for your nice caps. Thank u tesuya9 for your sub vid, u guys so fast. Thank u so much so much *hug*































































































































































































































































































































I like when they go to the hospital. Look Huyn's intently when doctor checked his health and the doctor read the results. OMG like Yong's health is also Huyn's health. She's very focused and attentive. And I think after a visit hospital, Huyn will take care of Yong health further, reminding him more and nagging at Yong again if he still drink more coffee and ice coffee. Wa Huyn's so wife-ly. So sweet...
































































































































When they go to spa, this is too intimate for us to see. The eye-ship, words, smiles... so sweet. Like just have them in this world :wub: So in love together <3 Yong grabbed her leg. Now he is very brave :)) And when he teased her and tap her leg and she screamed and hit him, they were so-- intimate. She didn't complain or get angry though. Huyn's so comfortable & natural when Yong touch in her leg. And their smiles, so happy. I have never seen Yong's smile like this. He's 100% happy and comfortable with Huyn. 
































































































































And Yong seobang, do you know? You're so lucky when become the first man touch in SeoHuyn's leg except her father. And she's totally comfortable and happy. This is priceless.
































































































































YongSeo couple, really 100% bf & gf. :wub:
































































































































I love when Huyn call Yong "Oppa" in spa. How sweet her voice :wub: We had heard she call many times but this time, I feel it's so differences. It's more sweet and gently and..... I wonder how Yong can handle it :wub: It can make every heart melt into water huhu. And why I feel they lower they tone when they talking during the massage? Like a private conversation when married couple talk together in the night. So sweet































































































































































































































































And Huyn said: "We need to die together…" <3 Yong totally agree with Huyn hihihi  after say this, she's so shy. How cute is she. I die huhu
































































































































And the best scene I love: After massage body, Yong lay in bed and looked at Huyn lovingly. OMG, my heart is attack by big boom.































































































































































































































































Look at his face, his smile, his eyes guys. How sweet they are.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































And what touched me the most is the way he lay and his hands like they lay side by side so close in a bed and talk together. *naughty me but I really feel it* His sweet smile & face is totally like this.... I love this scene best :wub:And this is also the first time Yong look at his wife when he lay. So intimate and private. <3































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love this ep, don't have many skin ship but it's still make me happy. Coz they're so intimate and sweet. YongSeo is great, even though they're just have eye-ship and talk 2gether, it's enough for sweet and happy feeling and for their intimate <3






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo always make me remember my favourite quote:





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 "Love isn't a big thing. It's the millions of small things "
































































































































I keep YongSeo's memories, your nice post and my happy feeling in my mind. Everyday I review in my head and smile happily. Thank u all for your spazz and everything u made for this thread. I like to read your post and your cap <3 Happy me in Go-chun everyday. I'll made some artwork for YongSeo's anniversary like my small gift for YongSeo and u guys. Hope u like it.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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owh i forgot to add this to my earlier post but awww i miss jinwoo and seulong. Especially Seulong , i miss his comments and the way he cracks a smile everytime yongseo does something sweet together. I think amongst the MC he understands Yongseo the most.
























































the new idol commentators are fine but they don't know our couple like the old MC does. Hopefully jinwoo and seulong will be back soon especially in the wedding photoshoot. We need some epic spazz moments from them :D









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Guest mrsjoker
































































































































































































aigoo...These kids ... :wub: :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Todays episode might not be an obvious "saccharine sweet-toe curling-major squealling-melts into a puddle of gooey" moments BUT...i would like to suggests gogumas who might have felt that to watch the episode again (combine with reading M3 translation), sit back, watch and observe... ^_^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































To me, the little things matters...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Because he can’t have a regular schedule, he doesn’t get enough sleep, so…






























































































































































































































































































































































































Sub: Hyun talking about her husband’s condition






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: and his stomach seems to be hurting a lot. So I was worried about his intestines, or his stomach.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: He drinks a lot of coffee.






























































































































































































































































































































































































Doctor: Well, if you love coffee more than your wife, you could keep drinking it, but…






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Doctor: greasy foods, cold foods, those things can all be bad for your intestines.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: They’re all things that you like.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: I don’t like cold stuff.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Of course you do. You drink iced coffee all the time.































































































































































































































































I can't stop admiring how Hyun said these with so much confidence,it's almost as if she live with him 24/7 (or more like a girlfriend who actually have already nag this things to him in their daily communication~~)
































































































Y: How old are you going to live?






























































































































































































































































































































































































H: I’m going to live healthily.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Around 100 years?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: That seems about right.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Then I’ll live until 101.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: That’s too much.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Why?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: How old are you going to live?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: I’m going to live healthily.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Around 100 years?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: That seems about right.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Then I’ll live until 101.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: That’s too much.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Why?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: We need to die together…






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain






























































































































































































































































































































































































































H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.































































































































































































































































omo omo... looks like someone is getting possesive over her man... tsk...greedy Hyun buin~~  :phew:
































































































































and what's with their voice? they're practically talking with a lower tone, making the whole conversation a tad bit personal and more seductive? (than it actually is...) LOL.
































































































































They seriously can FLIRT in/on/at/with anything, don't they?
































































































































lo and behold fanboys... Yong is marking his teritory. IF any of you fanboys think, "oh Seohyun now is more open towards skinship and boys...yaay!" ,  Let me just say this... If your name is not Jung Yonghwa and obviously you're not a leader of one of the most popular pop-rock band in Korea right now that goes by the name of CN.BLUE... Think again!































































































































































































































































That snsd girl ONLY does skin-pinky-leg-eye-or just about any~ship with that particular one cn blue boy!
































































































































































































































































omo...that cn blue boy can sure grab huh..?! awww...and that snsd girl is really enjoying it!
































































































































































































Don't get me started with this "pinky-ship"... I said the same thing as Misun-unnie did... omo...what are you two doing??































































































































































































































































































cr :gogumalove @ tumblr
































































































































Thank you to all the translators... You guys are THE BEST!!  ^_^
































































































































@jnj.. i LOVE your caps... and yes that's just their secret code... tsk..like we wouldn't know huh... kekekeke.
































































































































shoutout to dreamyboo... where are you? haven't seen you in a while...
































































































































oh and to seychan.. Your quote is the definition of what yongseo is.
































































































































 "Love isn't a big thing. It's the millions of small things "
































































































































*sigh* Yes...those millions of small things... :wub:

































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Guest fabiistar07



Loved this epi!!!

In the doctor scene, for some reason the thing that stuck to me the most is when:

the doctor is talking to Yonghwa and says "if you love coffee more than you love your wife then you should keep drinking coffee"

and while the doctor was saying that Seohyun turned to him and nodded

in my head she was saying "You do love me more than coffee right oppa~?" :wub:

And my favorite was the massage scene

Totally had to repeat the scene when Yong~ grabbed Hyunnie's leg and tickled her foot :wub:

I bet many fanboys are so jealous right now keke

Another part was when Seohyun said "We should die together" :wub:

To me it kind of seemed like when Yong uses his cheesy/mushy lines on Hyun

except that was Seohyun version so it's not as mushy ^_^ maybe she needs to be in pain to say things buried deep inside her ;)

And lastly, i was mad i didn't see who started the pinkyship -_-

but i still enjoyed every second of it :D

Especially loved how MC Jake got all exited, he's deffenitely a YongSeo shipper :)

YongHwa's Ideal Woman [fmv]

EDIT: Have the translations for the preview been out yet?


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Yonghwa said it really quickly. It's the moment right after Seohyun said Goodbye and just before he asked back. He just said 102. So if you put it in dialogue, it'd be:
















Y: How old are you going to live?
















H: I’m going to live healthily.
















Y: Around 100 years?
















H: That seems about right.
















Y: Then I’ll live until 101.
















H: That’s too much.
















Y: Why?
















H: We need to die together…
















Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain
















H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.
















H: Do you really want to live until 101?
















Y: Yeah.
















H: Then you’re going to die before me.
















Y: Why?
















H: Because you’re two years older than me.
















MC: That’s right.
















H: Goodbye.
















Y: 102... Goodbye?
















Credits: Mountainmadman. (Thanks a lot for translations ^^)
















This particular scene reminds me of a quote of Winnie the Pooh (Winnie ftw <3): “If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.”
















Except in YongSeo's case, it's the other way around. Maybe Yonghwa wanted to try out a new cheesy line and say something like; Then you won't ever have to live a day without me. Ha~
















And these caps... I love seeing them like that;
















*quoted image*
















*quoted image*































okkkkkkkkk now i got it...thanks so much aisuo415 for the clear explanation!!love u!!going to watch ep 43 again and again and again and fly away to go-chun now~





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Guest teuksunghae
























Late spazzing ! but OMG !!! before we want to get more skinship from this young lovely couple, now we have all sort of skinship from the headship (during mildang), feetship ( is that a word ), etc etc etc
















Anyway, thanks for the subs sonems !
















part 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cCl_JRnuHQ
















part 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1sfOVZw8Tw
































Go Yongseo !!!!



































and my favorite quote from Seohyun is " we need to die together "



































Lovely !!





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Guest justbulan
































































































































































































humbly say thank you very much.. for the translator and the video provider for giving us such a pleasure to enjoy this week yongseo WGM :D 
































































































































i'm pretty much satisfied with today's episode.. (except for the lack of editing.... please PD-nim.. tears.gif the editing need a lot of fix)
































































































































anyways.. i love this part so much:


Y: How old are you going to live?H: I’m going to live healthily.































































































































































































































































Y: Around 100 years?































































































































































































































































H: That seems about right.































































































































































































































































Y: Then I’ll live until 101.































































































































































































































































H: That’s too much.































































































































































































































































Y: Why?































































































































































































































































H: We need to die together…































































































































































































































































Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain































































































































































































































































H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.































































































































































































































































H: Do you really want to live until 101?































































































































































































































































Y: Yeah.































































































































































































































































H: Then you’re going to die before me.































































































































































































































































Y: Why?































































































































































































































































H: Because you’re two years older than me.































































































































































































































































MC: That’s right.































































































































































































































































H: Goodbye.































































































































































































































































Y: 102... Goodbye?































































































































































































































































w00t.gif i've always find myself smiling like crazy everytime i rewind these part.. i love how hyun cooly said "then you're going to die before me" lol... hyun becoming mushy... this is the first time i guess she becoming this mushy.. lol... and i also love when she said cooly.. "goodbye" and make yonghwa loss a word.. lol w00t.gif
































































































































anyways.. is it true that after adam couple leaving the rating getting lower and lower?  i think it's because of there's only 2 couple in the show.. not 3 anymore... phew.gif but never mind.. 2 couple means more yongseo airing.... phew.gif i love it anyways

































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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































































































From allkpop:
































































Yongseo Couple Go For A Massage on “We Got Married”
































































































































The Yongseo couple got a massage together on the February 5th edition of “We Got Married.”
































































While Yonghwa and Seohyun went to the hospital as Yonghwa was complaining of a stomach ache, he went through various tests and received a checkup. After this they decided to get a spamag-glass_10x10.gif treatment and they later received a massage. During the massage segment, they linked their pinkies together due to the painful nature of the massage.
































































The couple went to a get a massage to enjoy their time together and to relax from their hectic schedules but because Yonghwa felt uncomfortable from the unusually painful massage, Seohyun held his pinkie for him. The painful nature of the massage made skinship happen between the two! This made everyone quite excited, especially the fans and the viewers.
































































When the massage got too painful, the couple raised their hands. Seohyun later commented, “It was painful enough to twist my stomach, but I held the pain in for my health“. Yonghwa responded, “It was the best date ever!”
































































I’m sure I’m not the only one who appreciates the Yongseo couple getting closer by the episode! Check out the fun episode below.

































































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I know this had been shared a lot but I need to do it again

Y: How old are you going to live?H: I’m going to live healthily.

Y: Around 100 years?
































































































































































































































































































































H: That seems about right.
































































































































































































































































































































Y: Then I’ll live until 101.
































































































































































































































































































































H: That’s too much.
































































































































































































































































































































Y: Why?
































































































































































































































































































































H: We need to die together…
































































































































































































































































































































Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain
































































































































































































































































































































H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.
































































































































































































































































































































H: Do you really want to live until 101?
































































































































































































































































































































Y: Yeah.
































































































































































































































































































































H: Then you’re going to die before me.
































































































































































































































































































































Y: Why?
































































































































































































































































































































H: Because you’re two years older than me.
































































































































































































































































































































MC: That’s right.
































































































































































































































































































































H: Goodbye.
































































































































































































































































































































Y: 102... Goodbye?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































every time I read it my eyes get teary, this talk is so freaking sweet. After the line I bolded Yong says something, can anyone tell us what did he say?? Please...
































































































































































































































































































































I swear the doctors are YongSeo shipper LOL! I loved the "if you love the coffe more than your wife"  and "you are chodding" :lol:.
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun seems to know a lot about Yong, isn´t she? I love that she is confortable enough for talk instead of him about his medical problems ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































Well my dear gogumas, you have said it all about this lovely episode. I didn´t care about the lack of skinship, cause that is the last reason of why I love YongSeo in the first place, but how I love the leg-ship and pinky-ship :wub:.
































































































































































































































































































































Yong, after reading this episode it urges me to say you this (a quote of "The little prince", from Jossa´s fanfic)
































































































































































































































































































































“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”, Yeah YongHwa ya, you are responsible for her heart forever!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































... and if you dare to make her cry... I will kill you!! LOL
































































































































































































































































































































Thank U M3, dduck, Scatterbrain, Sagua, and all of you who brought translations to this thread, thanks for the pictures, gifs, raw, subs ( Sonems subs and others) and everything. Thank U bezbebez for your effort and dedication, you are a daebak goguma!!!
































































































































































































































































































































And, as jnj said, also thanks to our beloved J2dlee, sun_sun, redtulip and waffle... (don´t remember the nick) who were the first gogumas helping us out! miss you guys ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































And lastly... I ALSO WANT SEULONG AND JINWOON BACK!!!! :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































Stay in Go-chun gogumas!!!

































































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OK so it's like 5 am where I am at and I haven't been able to sleep from 3 am so I was bored out of my wits. TeukSungHae thankfully posted the subbed links for me to download and watch, thankkk you!!
































































































































Anyway the reason I'm writing is that I was watching these two when a new revelation came to me. Every new thing that Hyun does, is always observed first by Yong. He never called her out on it, never even jokingly confronted her, except for the arm grabbing in Japan which I think resulted from his shock, as he himself admitted. Latest case, the 'dying together' bit. Hyun was the one who said 'we need to die together' then she got shy and then asked Yong to 'pretend she didn't say it'. IMO, it seems like Yong had a personal opinion of what she said, judging from his slight smirk/smile but he didn't push on, and instead settled for and easy 'alright'. This is what I think Hyun meant when she said Yong never forced/pressured her. It's always Hyun who set the pace in the 'relationship/. Thank goodness the pace has increased tremendously. Poor Yong has been waiting long enough. LOL.
































































































































p/s - I sound like a hardcore Yong fan, sorry bout that. I was initially his fan first, but now I think I'm more interested in Hyun and her personality RL. She's very unique and personifying.

































































































































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to magdal

... and if you dare to make her cry... I will kill you!! LOL


sometimes i have the same thought as you. hahah


dont know why but i was as innocent as Seohyun but not that responsible as seohyun. so i admire her a lot. yeah something she need to change, but i really love her because she really eager to learn. and i dont want her to cry... but if happen hyun needs to learn that too. just hope that they can learn from each other and die together like they said :wub:


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My opinion on this week's episode...




What i like :




1. Hyun saying that they should die together, my opinion on this one is because she wasn't that comfortable(ticklish/pain) with massage, and now after she went through it with Yong, it didn't feel as comfortable as she thought it would be and maybe she think that it was because she went together with her hubby. So if they die together, it won't be as bad. :phew:




2. The pinky-ship, i think it's Yong first initiated the pinky-ship, cause he maybe realize that his wife starting to cringing her hand to tolerate the uncomfortableness while being massage. So he put his pinky into her palm so she would have something to hold on to. :wub:




What i don't like :




1. Yong told Hyun to quit nagging and saying that she is worse than his mom. I think that he could say it in a better way or more of playful/choding way. Because if it's the usual couple, the girl would feel offended or at least she'll be in bad mood after she hear it.


Thank GOD that the girl is Hyun, cause she is different from other girls, but i still feel that if i were in her shoes, i'd feel hurt, even if it's only a little bit. -_-



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Guest charmonster






















I totally agree with you magdal ... I miss Seulong & Jinwoon & I also WANT them back sad.gif






I miss their spazzing moment when they witness something new/progress in Yongseo...






Of course, even though sometimes their spazzing moments were kinda bit noisy (y'know, we almost couldn't understand YS convo because of themsweatingbullets.gif) , I kinda like it.... & miss it..  happy.gif  & they are also included in the "studio family", it felt somethings missing without them..






And I'm sure if they are the one's that commenting in the last two episodes, they'll surely be happy & they have a lot to say because they witness how YS Couple grow (like us) and aside from the two elders ( MC Park & MC Kim ), they are the who appreciate what YS Couple have gone through to reach this kind of comfortableness & closeness with each other.. laugh.gif






Anyways, I just want them back. Seulong-ah, Jinwoonie, dorawayo~ tears.gif  neomu bogoshipeosoyo~



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yeah, i miss seulong and jinwoo too. without them i just feek missing something. they are just so lovely and more important they know our couple and their progress. suddenly feel old, we are almost 1 year with our couple. i hope they not change the mcs forever. i hope they will come back soon. should we let a meassage at WGM site:-)


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to magdal
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sometimes i have the same thought as you. hahah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dont know why but i was as innocent as Seohyun but not that responsible as seohyun. so i admire her a lot. yeah something she need to change, but i really love her because she really eager to learn. and i dont want her to cry... but if happen hyun needs to learn that too. just hope that they can learn from each other and die together like they said :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 I know, I always tend to be neutral in this matter (or more to Yong´s side), but in this episode, she seemed so fragile that I can´t help but overprotected LOL!. But you are right, the pain is something she needs to learn too... sigh... so i´m going to join you in your hope that they can grow old and die together  :wub:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































charmonster : IKR! They know both couples, they spazz along with us, they should be back to WGM... ^_^

































































































































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TQ to allkpop bcoz give gogumas some information about pinkie skinship






yong choding like a baby..hehehe









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vid cuts from DC

Leg Grabbing

Lets Die Together

so hyun is ticklish eh?

hmm...lots of imaginative scenes playing on my head ;)

and did anyone else hear that bone cracking sound when yongseo did the

body masssage? aigoo..i wonder whose ribs got 'crushed' :sweatingbullets:

since yong loves massage v much, his next birthday gift could be a yr membership

at a spa.. :phew: those cheeks are bursting from happiness


speaking of jw & seulong, yeah, i miss them too.

since they are close to yongseo, its fun to see them spazz, especially seulong.

seulong spazzes like crazy when it comes to yongseo skinship.. :rolleyes:

a big wave to redrev, shawie, crystal, mrsjoker..thank u :D

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