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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
















































Just want to go over the previous matter about Yonghwa pulling out of  WGM. I'll put it in spoiler in case nobody wants to read it.

I am a Boice and a Sone. I am not a hardcore fan of  either but if I was, I would have even more of a reason to be supporting  them on WGM. So, it's incomprehensible to me why anyone would want  either of them to be pulling out, whilst being a fan of them. Seohyun is  able to obtain a valuable experience from this, she has only gained  from WGM not lost from it (except a lot of her firsts! Lol). And Yonghwa  gained not only a friend, but a person worth treasuring whatever his  relationship may be with her in the end. They've both learned from each  other and are still learning. Them being on WGM may not have benefited  hardcore fans but it certainly has benefited Yonghwa and Seohyun, so the  hardcore fans should set aside their personal feelings and allow the  two to continue enjoying each other's company. Us, fans don't own them  so we shouldn't have a say on who's to leave. There are limits to fans  rights over their favourite idols e.g. if an idol makes a mistake which  deeply offends the fans then the fans deserve an apology, that is their  right. As they have been supporting that idol by buying their CDs etc.  But if an idol, on his or her right, chose to take part in a show which  would enhance their understanding of reality and help guide them in the  future. Then, fans do not have a right to say that they should leave the  show because there are feuds happening elsewhere on forums. That is not  the idol's issue, it's the fans. Should an argument arise over the  idol, it is best to ignore, unless assumptions are being made where a  fan could correct the anti and the matter could be left alone. The antis  just want a reaction, knowing they won't get one from the idols  themselves, they resort to provoking the fans. I have become a fan of  the two idols ever since I started watching WGM and proudly boast of  CNBlue and SNSD to my friends (who, most of the time, have no idea what  I'm talking about). They have promoted their band and group to someone  all the way in England and it's all thanks to the show, WGM. To the fans  who don't want either of them to participate, you're practically asking  for them to stop being more popular and that is essentially preventing  them from being happy. I'm sure if I was an idol, I'd be happy to know  that I have a fan 8800 km away from where I am. So, please stop the  negativity.




















Now, on to the latest episode. Yonghwa has gotten so courageous with his  skin-ship level. The leg pulling was so hilarious and awfully touchy.  He man handled her and she woman handled him by holding his pinky with  all her strength (although we didn't get to see who initiated it), I  loved it. This episode was calm and loving all the while. I liked it  when the doctor said: If he loves coffee more than he loves his wife, then he can keep drinking.  I bet all of my property (clothes, accessories, laptop, heck even my  room!) that he'll stop drinking coffee for her. The moment where he  tickled her feet, was so funny! I can't get over that. And then the conversation about dying together, shot me - right at the heart.




















I took the liberty of taking some screen-caps of the epic feet tickling scene myself.




















Mischievous look








































Attack of the Yong choding!








































Skin-ship punishment








































Mission accomplished (love his cute-big-grin expression)








































Clearly enjoyed it








































The skiing trip also looks promising. I'll be looking forward to it! Thank you everyone for the translations, screen-caps and links!





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Guest Soshimunky






Annyeong gogumas :)





Our Gochun seems empty but hey there are at least 100+ Soompi members reading this thread. Post away your thoughts. We love to read them!





First and foremost, my deep appreciation to supergogumas Mountainmadman, Dduk, Scatterbrain and Sagua85 (and other translators) for translating the episodes before, now and the future. Thank you very much for being selfless. Most of us cannot fully enjoy Yongseo without your help.





Second, the episode. It wasn't as lovey-dovey as last week's episode but it made me very happy as a fan to see these two busy people enjoying relaxing time and receiving health treatments. Yonghwa especially was very happy with 'the date'. Idol life is pretty tiring. Thank you WGM PDs for allowing them to receive these benefits. 





Happy Yong didn't even realise buin was being 'folded' at the background tongue.gif




Last, but not least, thank you gogumas for being awesome. From the lurkers to the contributors, I have nothing but adoration to each and everyone of you. You make camping here worthwhile - the attitude of this thread... pure love. The thread and community has been through a lot - mostly batting away hamburgers - the roller coaster ride is continuous and annoyingly scary but in the end, everyone joins in the ride because everyone loves Yongseo :)





Happy 1800 page, In-Go-Phaem. You know, I want, Get Get Get Your Love!



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Guest AngelVillian

Woohoo, was out during the day so i missed the streaming today.

The MCs were really funny.

When Hyun said : I feel like i'm younger by 30 years old.

Then the MCs said : 30 years - 20 years = absurd.

That was freaking funny.


Nice one MCs.

Fighting YONGSEO!!

Yay! Happy max, we are going to watch the WEDDING EPISODE SOON.


Hope that they do something unexpected :)

Looking back, YongSeo was the slowest couple in advancing against Skinship.

Look where they are now!

Slowly, but steady.

They couldn't hold hand, nor communicate properly.

Look! Yonghwa is holding Seohyun's leg. LOL!

They're holding each other's pinky.

They talk like they already BELONGED to each other.

Fanfic updated ->http://tspte.wordpress.com/category/dreams/'>"Dreams"

Episode 6!


Fanfic updated -> "Dreams"

Episode 7 up too.

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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've been lazy to comment but i'm enjoying the episodes so much :)) today's episode and last week's episode have been a nice surprise, imo, because they actually strike me as a married couple -- a newly married couple to be exact. from the start, yongseo's image has been different from the other couple/s because their relationship has been more boyfriend-girlfriend-like than that of a married couple. as much as i want to see the ski trip, i'm more excited and anxious for the wedding photoshoot. they've been teasing us for too long!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































mairk0501, mountainmadman, scatterbrain and all the others whom i forgot (sorry!): thank you for the translations. semi-fly, thanks for the raws :))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































pardon me if it's too long. i just missed posting here and wanted to blabber about today's episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































i really like the balance and variety of yongseo's episodes. every week, we never know what to expect from them. last week's episode had me squealing in delight because of all the flirting going on. today's episode, while there's less skinship, still left me feeling satisfied and giddy. i laughed so hard when i heard the word "잔소리" come out from yonghwa's mouth. the meaning of the word is "nagging." he was telling seohyun to stop being so naggy and how she's worse than omoni. rofl. seohyun's been acting more wife-like these days and although yonghwa's complaining, we all know that deep inside, he loves seeing seohyun so concerned about his well-being.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love iced coffee, as well. i also had no idea that chewing on ice is bad -- i do that all the time because it's so hot and humid where i live. yonghwa's right -- all the delicious stuff is usually the ones that are bad for your health. it's a good thing that seohyun is a health-conscious freak since yonghwa's the type to brush off things easily. he's being  stubborn for all the wrong reasons. lol.

H: He drinks a lot of coffee.

H: They’re all things that you like.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Of course you do. You drink iced coffee all the time.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love seeing seohyun fussing about yonghwa's health. so she knows his favorite foods, knows that he doesn't eat breakfast and that he hasn't been feeling well. what else do you know, seohyun-ah? :)) she's really following omoni's advice of taking care of her husband. the busan trip did them well. i noticed that everytime they take a trip, it sort of serves as a turning point in their relationship. the b-day episode, the japan trip, the busan trip ... all of them were turning points in their journey as a couple.

H: I’m going to live healthily.

Y: Around 100 years?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: That seems about right.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Then I’ll live until 101.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: That’s too much.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Why?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: We need to die together…
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain
































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Do you really want to live until 101?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Yeah.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Then you’re going to die before me.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Why?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Because you’re two years older than me.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































how sweet can they get? they turn me into a pile of goo every single time. everything was so perfect until it reached the bolded parts. but damn, are they thinking long-term or something? <3 haha.

H: It was so painful my insides were getting into a knot. But since it’s good for your health, so…it should be good. I should bear it. So…I bore it.

yonghwa didn't want to go for a check-up, but since seohyun was concerned, he went with it. seohyun doesn't really like massages, but because yonghwa wanted to relax, she decided to just go with it. relationships are about give-and-take. things like these may be considered irrelevant by some, but it's actually one of the most important aspects of a relationship -- it's called compromise. although both of them are still young, it's wonderful to see them possess such admirable characteristics and values that even most adults don't give importance to.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































spazz-worthy scenes: yonghwa grabbing seohyun's legs. that felt so intimate. i would never let just any guy touch/grab my leg the way yonghwa did if i'm not comfortable with the person. and the fact that seohyun didn't flinch. gaah, i went straight to heaven. the pinky-holding scene. i wish they'd show us who initiated that. i have a hunch that it's yonghwa, though. how yonghwa couldn't even look when it was seohyun's turn during the blood examination. seohyun randomly touching and hitting him as if it's the most natural thing in the world. how she nags at him like a real girlfriend would. how she called him oppa in the sweetest voice i've never heard her use before. i swear i squealed like a lunatic when i heard her call him that. i mean, she always calls him oppa, but not in THAT manner.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































i miss jinwoon and seulong. is wgm gonna continue shuffling mc's? not that i don't like the other idols, i just prefer that they invite people who are actually close to the couple/s. at least in seulong and jinwoon's case, they're both close to nich khun and yonghwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm supposed to be doing my paper in social teachings but i wrote a goguma essay instead. lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest chandrawd












OMG next time when i get new boyfriend, i will make sure that my step-by-step of getting more intimacy exactly like our Yonghwa-Seohyun couple.







1st step = eyes-ship







2nd step = poke-ship







3rd step = armwrestling-ship







4th step = holdhands-ship







5th step = head-ship (another way to say "i'm sorry please forgive me")







6th step = travelling-together-to-other-country-ship







7th step = holdinghand-in-jacket-ship







8th step = create-new-romatic-song-and-upload-it-to-youtube-ship







9th step = piggybackride-ship







10th step = visit-mother-in-law-ship







11th step = footsie-ship







12th step = shoulder-massage-ship







13th step = pinky-finger-ship







14th step = leg-touching-ship














and maybe in 15th step they will teach me some hug-ship and finally in 16th step they will also teach me kiss-me-on-the-cheek-ship :)







aiiiiiissshhhhh what am i talking about, dang it! i become a pervert and a dreamer after watching our goguma-couple :P














edit: hey would you guys mind teach me how to make 'spoiler' in here? i got many (-) yesterday cuz i share yonghwa past gf pict and someone told me that i should put the picture on spoiler. and to be frank i'm so clueless about spoiler tool thing-y. thanks in advance btw














*sorry again for my bad english





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Since everyone always said what i wanna say..so i just make my post simple and short..








I hope yonghwa realize that no one can even dare to do what he did..




Breaking news: More than half millions of TV in SOuth KOrea got smashed due to male soshi cant control their jealousy..keke


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i dont want to make myself too much a beleiver but sometimes i really wonder that YOng and Hyun hint us they are together ( yeah sometimes i stilll really doubt about them), but through their interview, meeting friends, mother in law, calling family, now dieing together....they just try to convince us, fans they gonna be together, so they will increasing hinting us in the future till the day they end the contract and real dating :wub: dreaming land , i think i just think too much now. have to back to work now. hm all crazy thought. if i can write i think i can write tons of fanfic about them. because everyday i imagine different situations about them :tears:

Breaking news: More than half millions of TV in SOuth KOrea got smashed due to male soshi cant control their jealousy..keke
i hope it is a real news. hahahhaa :w00t:
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@ M3: Thank you so much the fast translation and thank you to kind Gogumas who provided links, insights, news or your general thoughts about this precious couple :wub:


I am one of the major lurkers who wants to join into the spazzing but I am lacking in english and words won't come out as I want them to be:wacko: 


But still here and there  I am trying my best:blush: 


Amazing episode and with the trans even better. I think Yong went to Go-Chun with us as Hyun said they have to die together.


Even if she said it playfully she was immediately embarassed and i think there is some true meaning behind it.


I think at the moment she can't imagine herself without her husband and thats so telling so uber cute soooo real.


And I think Yong also got it:rolleyes:   thus his happiness the whole day after the checkup in the hospital.


As much as I am anticipating the ski trip, that  means the wedding photo shoot is also near yeyyyyy!!!


I hope they give us a major teaser preview and the ratings will be sky high:w00t:  (though I am not caring about ratings but the higher the better)



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credit:baidu gogumas
















Yong: how long do you want to ive?
















Hyun: i wish to live a healthy life
















Y: so 100yrs? then i'll live till 101yrs old
















H: that's too much~~(we)should die together
















H: oppa really want to live until 101 yrs old? that means oppa will die first?
































H: because oppa is older than me by 2 years!
















then yong realised and changed his answer to 102 yrs
















i shared it before in live chat yongseo fanclub. would like to share it again here
















find this convo so sweet. they plan to die together...































first of all,thanks for the translation to M3 and scatterbrain.thanks also to other gogumas who provides raw,cuts,screencaps etc...
















i just finished watching the latest episodes with M3 translation,and i have one question to ask to scatterbrain ssi,when was yong said that he want to live until 102 years old?because i can't find it in M3 translation..can i know is it after hyun said "goodbye" to yong and yong asked back,"goodybe?"i just want to know the conversation between them so that i can fly back to go-chun~,hope you can help me for this.thanks again to scatterbrain and M3 for providing the translation!^__^





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Guest charmonster










Hey! Annyeong Gogumas !! biggrin.gif






I just want to share a song that somehow can relate to our couple in this weeks episode.. The song is called "잔소리" (jansori in romaji; "nagging" in english) by seulong of 2am (i miss him T^T) & IU..











You can check out the song here >>> NAGGING - Seulong & IU






Here's the lyrics: in the spoiler..











Stop being out so late











Try not to drink so often






You don't listen to me like a 10 year old child






I can only laugh






Who are you calling a child?











Really, I can only laugh






You don't know how it feels for me to say these things











You don't know that I only want to say nice things to you











Should I stop? Let's stop






From one to ten, they're all words for you











But since you don't listen to me, it's only nagging to you











Let's stop, let's stop











There's not even enough time to just love






A story told by the heart, not the mind











Stories that I can't help but tell you even if you hate them











Let's stop, let's stop











I only hear your nagging






Are you eating at the right time






Are you staying away from girls






I want to be beside you all day






That's how I feel






If I could keep you in my pocket






I'd be really happy






Our story where we can only be two











A story that would make someone laugh if they heard











Should I stop? Let's stop






From one to ten, they're all words for you











But since you don't listen to me, it's only nagging to you











Let's stop, let's stop











There's not even enough time to just love






A story told by the heart, not the mind











Stories that I can't help but tell you even if you hate them











Let's stop, let's stop











I only hear your nagging






Even if you glare and try to scare me











Your face is just too cute to me











Are you going to keep this up? (You) I can't hold back anymore











I really might get angry






A story that wouldn't be told if we were to give up love











The sound of my heart that thinks only of you











Even if you're angry, even if you shout











Your nagging is just so sweet to me






A story that can only be told if we love











But since you don't listen to me, it's only nagging to you











Let's stop, let's stop











But trust my feelings
















Sorry for my randomness blush.gif






& I just want to thank all of you guys here in this thread.. for the translations & everything else.. you guys are JJANG !! w00t.gifw00t.gif hehe..



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sweet convos made up for the lack of skinship in today's episode.

*i'm just being greedy for yongseo skinship after busan trip* ;)

tks to mark & sagua for sharing the trans, from spd, with us here ..hugs!

and to M3, hug u for the fast translations too.

am forever grateful to u guys..

*not forgetting j2 & sun_sun..wherever u are..* :(

some of the convos that i love sooo much..

Y: I don’t have any luck in life.

Doctor: Can you say that with a beautiful wife like this?

Y: I don’t have any luck when it comes to food.

is the dr also specialises in matters of the heart?

how nice if she turns out to be a yongseo shipper too.. ;)

Y: Cut it out with the nagging. You’re worse than my mom.

men are all alike :rolleyes: they dislike the nagging but deep down they know their woman

cares for them a lot! and he seems to forget that MIL trust hyun to care for him..

when rapper hyun emerges..yong will have no chance to slack..

Doctor: Because you’re a choding, right?

even the dr knows this? must be a wgm fan.. :phew:

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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyeong In-Go-Paem! I've just finished watching the latest episode! :D couldn't watch the live streaming earlier cos I was out.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I swear my 'obsession' with this couple is consuming me..LOL. I tried to explain the awesomeness of YongSeo and WGM to my gfs while we were out earlier. But since they're not into Kpop, they were like "woman, you need help." LOL
































































































































































































































































































































To the wonderful gogumas, thank you(x infinity) for the complete subs and raw videos! Have I told you guys how awesome you are? No? Well, YOU ARE AWESOME! ♥♥♥♥































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For this eppy, I find it so endearing that Hyun cares so much about Yong's well-being. Plus it's dead obvious that they're spending more time talking outside of WGM, if not how would Hyun know about his stomach problems etc? ;)
































































































































































































































































































































It's a pity though, that we didn't get to see who grabbed whose hand/pinky first during the massage. After watching them, I felt like going for a foot/body massage too! I'm glad they got to unwind and do something relaxing together amidst their hectic schedules. I'm guessing that they barely have time to stretch their toes what with flying back and forth between so many countries for concerts etc. Thankfully Hyun is the health-conscious sort, so hopefully she'll convince Yong to start caring more about his health as well ^^
































































































































































































































































































































Ski eppy next week! I can't wait! It can't be easy to snowboard and look like you know what you're doing when you're surrounded by cameras and a curious audience. I'm sure Hyun must've been self-conscious when she was learning from Yong..hehe. Seeing how patiently Yong guided Hyun to play the guitar last year, I'm sure he'll be a great teacher on the ski slope as well!
































































































































































































































































































































Seems like our Goguma Dictionary is expanding! Anyone keeping track of it?
































































































































































































































































































































1. Go-Chun - Goguma heaven































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. Ring Ding Dong - When the precious couple rings are spotted.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. Gollum - Goguma ring detectives































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. Precious - couple ring































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. Hamburgers - Yongseo haters/Antis.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6. Goguma FBI's -































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7. In-Go-Paem - International Goguma Family































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































8. Goguma Planet -































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































9. Goguma Villagers - citizens of Goguma planet/heaven?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. to CallMeDayDreamer of soompi
































































































































































































































































































































Could we add
































































































































































































































































































































10. Goguma Mystery Room - an imaginary room where we store snippets of mysterious YongSeo info that we've yet to decipher






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































11. Doo-Maek-Paem - Yonghwa's group of friends from Busan, who've met Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































p.s should we include eyeship, pinkyship and legship in the list as well? LOL































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's nearly 1 a.m where I am now, so I'm off to Go-Chun + my bed now, hahah. Have a good weekend gogumas! ^^

































































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hyun wants to live til 100 years old.


THEN yong said he will live til 101 years old.




why one year longer than hyun ? .... because he does not want hyun to live alone without him. he knows hyun would be sad without seeing him. he wants to be the one seeing her leaving first.... what a caring husband... see how much he loves his buin...




.... fellow goguma ... forgive my crazy thoughts.... pretend you ever read this post....


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first off thank you M3 for providing the wondefrful translations :D and to others as well thank you so much!
























































H: We need to die together…
























































Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain
























































H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.















































































































I just have to highlight this part of the translation. The seohyun we know almost a year ago would never have let slip anything like this and she rarely lets her guard down. But lately she just says things almost impulsively and would be like 'oh no"! what did i just say infront of Yong?" :lol:
























































Its like that fergie song "clumsy"
























































"You got me slipping, tumbling, sinking, fumbling















































































































Clumsy cause I'm falling in love















































































































So in love with you"
























































Forgive my goguma impaired mind. :P
























































Anyway it was a lovely episode. The health check was daebak! thank you pd nim and hyunnie for taking care of yong and making sure that both of them would at least know their health status before anything bad happens.
























































and how adorable was hyun, when yong was having his tummy checked and the doctor said that he would have to lift up his shirt, I think she was sort of embarrased (as was yong)and kindda moved to the side a bit.
























































Lol at yong telling seohyun to stop nagging at him, that is such a typical bf/gf ,wife/husband reaction right there. Yong is just getting bolder and bolder with his skinship, the way he pulled seohyun's leg into the water ,grabbing her calves like that and slightly rubbing her leg ..ahh yong, this is the happiest date you had so far eh? :D
























































all in all in was a warm and lovely episode. I can't wait for the skiing trip next week. Thank you everyone for the vids and translations!
























































Ahh and another thing. Is it just me or does yong's voice sounds a lot deeper and manlier in this episode?lol. maybe its the massage place ambience or something but the way he spoke to hyun in this episode :wub: and hyun her voice was all cute ,especially the way she said" oppa'. Ok got to stop spazzing now. Thanks everyone!









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catkat, yong forgot that he is 2 yrs older than hyun.

if he lives till 101, hyun will only be 99 yrs old.

so in that sense, hyun will live longer than him..

which is where your thoughts comes in... ;)

but the other way to put it is..

now hyun says that she wants to live till 100yrs old..

that is why yong quickly change his answer to 102.

aigoo..its just their 'secret code' of saying they want to grow old together... :wub:

am i the only one who thinks that the place, where yong soaked his foot

in the water, looks kind of cozy and romantic even.. ^_^

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At the 8:00 mark.
















Y: How old are you going to live?
















H: I’m going to live healthily.
















Y: Around 100 years?
















H: That seems about right.
















Y: Then I’ll live until 101.
















H: That’s too much.
















Y: Why?
















H: We need to die together…
















Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain
















H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.
















H: Do you really want to live until 101?
















Y: Yeah.
















H: Then you’re going to die before me.
















Y: Why?
















H: Because you’re two years older than me.
















MC: That’s right.
















H: Goodbye.
















Y: Goodbye?































sorry to cut your post M3,but can i know when was yong said that he want to live until 102 years old?is it after the
















goodbye?i'm sorry to ask you this,just of my curiosity..thanks in advance!
















and thanks for the translation,you are the best!=) :)





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Guest winbros
















Wow..... another great episode, I totally enjoyed it even though I didn't have a clue what they were talking about during the check-up. 








First off, big thanks to all the dedicated subbers (Mountainmadman, Dduk, Scatterbrain and Sagua85) without whom non-Korean speakers like me would be lost forever.








My wife and I care for each other's health, but we've been married for 11 years already, Hyun's concern for hubby Yong's health is so genuine and heartfelt, you have to have a heart of stone not to feel that there's something more than meets the eye with the both of them, especially since they've only been "married" for a year?  Really, how do they know so much about each other without keeping in touch or tabs on one another.   But what really hit me (and many of you) in this episode was Hyun's simple statement of dying together at age 102/100, if that wasn't scripted, wow, what a simple but powerful statement.








For me, another first....  Hyun's 1st massage, and her leg being handled by Yong, a guy, on national TV.  Celebrity fanboys eat your heart out...... :rolleyes:.  








Yongseo HWAITING, we believe that you have significantly influenced each other for the better, uncovered different facets about yourself that you may not have with somebody else.  Do us all a favor and take this from Reel To Real if you haven't already please.  Happy 1st Year Anniversary! :wub:





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jnj, thanks for enlightening me.




my crazy thought is that :




yong first of all forgets he is two years older than hyun. so when hearing hyun wants to live til 100 years old, he (at that time, still was not aware of their age difference) said he will live til 101 years old. meaning he wants to live just a little longer than hyun.




maybe i watch too many old movies. that is the way how the male leading character shows his love to his another half as he doesn't want his beloved half to suffer from losing him. of course, they want to grow older together. but i think yong is talking about who will leave first.


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Just wanted to say this before I go out:
































































































































Do you guys remember the "Intimate Note" segment where SNSD was the guest? There was a part there where SeoHyun mentioned that one shouldn't marry so early because if you marry at the age of twenty, you'll have to stay with that one person EIGHTY more years. Meaning, she wants to marry a little later so she can do some of the things she wants before she gets settled in. The funny part is, when she said 80 years, it's like she plans on living until she's 100 years old.
































































































































This is where Yong comes in, he wants to live long. He changes his answer to 102 from 100 when Hyun pointed out that he is two years older than she is, and that she wants to die together. :wub: Hyun will pass at 100, and he will at 102.

































































































































































































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Guest Tetsuya9





[sONEms Subs]110205 Seohyun @ We Got Married S2 E43 English Subbed



I'm not sure if i can completely upload part 2 before tomorrow o.o it's midnight 1AM+ here and I'll have to wake up on 5:30AM to go back to my hometown for Lunar New Year o.o



Goguma spirits gogo..



Sorry I really not sure if I can upload complete Part 2. I've done the sub timing and encoding already.






updated part 2





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