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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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semi-fly thanks for providing the raw dload links as always =)




and kasia3goguma thanks for sharing the HQ caps from DC. Love it <3




another week, another Daebak episode. Hyun's voice is becoming more and more lovely when




she's speaking to YongHwa especially the one moment that she call Yonghwa 'oppa' during the massage and when she asked him if he's finished right after taking the X-ray~ so sweet :wub:




Yonghwa was really happy when they're going to the massage place- the rise of Yong choding :lol: he was super playful. When Hyun was talking about 'dieing together' I guess our Yong choding forget to take into account that he's 2 years older than her :P




another thing that amazed me is that how both Yonghwa and Seohyun is willing to do the things that they are reluctant to do for their partner. For Yonghwa, he's not that enthusiastic to go to the clinic for the check up and SeoHyun on the other hand really tried her best to endure the painful massage without complaining as they both are doing what each other preferred for their health. This beautiful relationship of give and take or being tolerant to each other is really considered as a matured relationship to me(i'm talking from a 22 years old female point of view here) :wub:




and last but not least, an advance thank you to mountainmadman for the translation. I'm off to do my assignments! Keep spazzing fellow Gogumas :lol:




EDIT YongHwa highest level of happiness :lol:






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Guest K1L1On1Mr4
































































































































































































































































































































Currently buffering the vids, just wanna point out something :D
































































































































































































Hyun really pays special attention to Yonghwa, she knows Yong's habits now. On previous episode Hyun even knew that Yong rarely had breakfasts. I wonder that do they always call each other in the morning just to ask about breakfast thing w00t.gif
































































































































































































Wanna say hi and thank you for translators, subbers, reporters, writers, and posters in this thread wub.gif

































































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Guest bezbezbez




























































































































































































































































We had a very unusual episode today. It's a normal act for couples to go on check-ups and massage parlor/spas but YongSeo made those actions different and interesting. We saw the nagger Hyun and baby Yong in the hospital but we also saw the girly Hyun and prankster Yong while they were in the massage parlor. Is it just me, or this two looked so glowing despite their busy schedules???


























































































































I would like to thank PD-nim for coming up with this mission. You've proven that you're not just after for the viewer's entertainment, you also care about your artist's health. Keep it up PD-nim!!! create more unique missions for YongSeo. Last request, please do minimal editing on the Skii and Photo shoot episodes...LOL


























































































































OK. enough spazzing....time for my duty....
















































































































































































































What's happening on February 11, 2011???











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONGSEO INTERNATIONAL have prepared a lot of things for IN-GO-PAEM and URI YONGSEO. I hope you'll all participate on the activities that the team have prepared for all of us.





































































































































































First of all, make sure that you'll tune in at our YouTube channel because we'll be releasing videos there throughout the day. For those who don't know it yet, here's our account YONGSEO INTERNATIONAL


























































































































Second, Soompi has been our home base since YongSeo started WGM. Our thread have created history in terms of fanbase strength and influence. To show our unity here at soompi, we will do a massive change of avatar/ display picture on February 11,2011. We'll all use the same image for our avatars. Let's show some GOGUMA POWER on that day.


























































































































Third, Twitter has also been a special place for In-Go-Paem. We have updated ourselves on each other's whereabouts and condition through our tweets. We had a stronger bond thanks to twitter and all the chatboxes available. Just like what we will do here at Soompi, I'm also asking Gogumas at tweetville to change their DPs/Avatars to this image. Aside from that, we will also have a trending activity. May the Goguma Gods and Goddesses be with us on this attempt to trend. We will trend #YongSeo1stAnniv at 11PM KST on February 11, 2011. You might be wondering why at this time, but YongSeo met at exactly 11:50PM February 11,2010. To bring back the memories of their first meeting, I have decide to set the trending time at this hour of the day. For those who still don't have their accounts at twitter, please take this opportunity to show your support not only for YongSeo but for In-Go-Paem as well.


























































































































Here's the guide for creating a Twitter Account:


























































































































1. Go to The Twitter homepage and scroll all the way to the bottom. Click on the "Get Started" button.















































































2. Create a username and password. Twitter will automatically check the availability of your username. Once you find one that is unique, enter your email address and continue.















































































3. After you create your account, you can manually see if any of your e-mail contacts are on Twitter. Just enter your e-mail username and password, and twitter will automatically import anyone it recognizes.















































































4. Invite friends. Any emails Twitter didn't recognize, it will display on the next page. You will be able to check different email addresses to send invites to.















































































5. Search for friends. Chances are good that your friends have multiple email addresses, so it is a good idea to enter their name in the search bar and double check.




















































































































































































































































































































































































































Fourth, I'll be releasing some pictures too of the gifts that we sent for YongSeo. I can't promise to release them all on February 11 because the filming date where the gifts will passed to YongSeo hasn't been decided yet. Once Yong and Hyun receive the gifts, I'll be posting all the pictures here :)


























































































































Last, let's all gather on this special day of YongSeo. Post your greetings here at Soompi or share your thoughts and shoutouts at YongSeo Fanclub Spazzbox or SPD Cbox.


























































































































I'm expecting your 200% support on the activities prepared by YongSeo International for February 11, 2011. Let's all show our love for YongSeo!!! In-Go-Paem Fighting!!!!










































































































































































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Good morning! well it's morning here in NYC~ teehee <3

I just got up and saw today's episode and OMGG so adorables!

I just love it that Hyun buin is so serious when it comes to her husband's health. And I must say what the MC said is right,...

"even though it sounds as if she is nagging seohyun is just saying what Yong isn't."

can I say Hyun & Yong are on the same wavelength?! pwahaha aigoo Yong~! she isn't nagging she is just saying what you can't say outloud!

and I love the part when they went to the massage place and he tricked her saying that the place is over there when he went into the store... aigoo YONG and your choding!

CAN i also say that when she calls him OPPA my heart just flutters? i mean come on! she is so adorable when she calls him that! and when they were getting the massage together and they hooked pinkies... awww! it's so childlike... but isn't that what optimizes our couple? at times especially Yong they act like a child~!

I can't wait till next week for the snowboarding trip! Yong seems SUPA excited while Hyun Buin ... not so much~ pwaha I can't wait till I see Yong teach her how to snowboard!! I can't wait to translate the conversations that they are going to have!

Until then CHAO!


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Guest MountainMadman

Here you go. My apologies for being later than usual.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.c...n_order&list=UL

Part 2: http://www.youtube.c...n_order&list=UL

Part 3: http://www.youtube.c...n_order&list=UL

Starting from the 0:28 mark.

Sub: heading towards the 2nd floor hospital

Y: Second floor.

Y: Hello.

H: Hello.

H: Uhh…he says that his stomach hurts, I don’t know if it’ss omething neurological, or…

Doctor: Then we’ll take a quick…

H: Yes.

Y: Yes, then…#$@%

Sub: Yong slightly ashamed of his stomach

MC: You generally do those kinds of things with your mom, but now that your wife’s doing it with you, there’s a different feeling.

Sub: having to wait in the waiting room…

MC: And the mother-in-law also told her to take good care of him.

MC: That’s right, the responsibility.

Y: Why is the couch so hard?

MC: When you’re in the waiting room, you get a little nervous.

MC: Nervous?

MC: Well, most guys are…is it just me?

Doctor: Jung Yonghwa, Seo Joohyun!

H: Yes!

Y: Yes!

At the 1:20 mark.

H: Hello.

Y: Hello.

Doctor: Hello.

Doctor: So you have any trouble anywhere?

H: Uh…

Y: Well, not trouble, but sometimes when I don’t get sleep,or something like that, I tend to get an upset stomach.

Doctor: So does your insides hurt, does it feel clogged?

Y: Clogged.

Doctor: It feels clogged. Do you…have a lot of diarrhea, or…

Y: No, nothing like that. Just a slight upset feeling, like when you’re not feeling hungry at all.

Sub: Intestines are stressed because of his irregular schedule

H: Because he can’t have a regular schedule, he doesn’t get enough sleep, so…

Sub: Hyun talking about her husband’s condition

H: and his stomach seems to be hurting a lot. So I was worried about his intestines, or his stomach.

Sub: It’s like going with your mother.

Doctor: Then…it would probably be good to have a basic checkup on your insides.

Sub: Receiving a stomach checkup…!

At the 2:23 mark.

Doctor: This way, please.

Y: Do I have to lie down?

Doctor: Yes.

Y: Aigooo….

Sub: slightly shy at receiving treatment in front of his wife

MC: He must be worried.

H: I don’t have to pull up my shirt, right?

Doctor: Is this your first time at a hospital?

Doctor: Pull up your shirt, please.

Y: Really?

Doctor: take a deep breath, and let it out.

Sub: finished with the basic checkup…

Doctor: you can get up now.

Sub. Giving him the results immediately

Doctor: First of all, you’re still at a young age, your family history is fine, and your weight hasn’t changed, so there’s a very low possibility that you have a disease. Even so, considering the stuffy feelings, the digestion problems, and so on, we should take an x-ray to make sure.

Y: Oh.

Doctor: Yes. This way.

At the 3:28 mark.

Sub: In the end, getting an x-ray as well

Y: I don’t think it’s that bad…

H: Exactly, you should come here before it gets bad.

MC: That’s right.

Y: It doesn’t hurt!

H: In any case, it’s uncomfortable.

Doctor: Jung Yonghwa!

MC: It’s always best for the man to listen to the woman.

MC: I wish I had a wife like that.

Y: I have to change my clothes?

Sub: Protector Hyun waiting for her husband to finish changing

H: Um, is it possible to get a quick health checkup here?

Sub: Hyun wife browsing the brochure

H: Ha, you look handsome.

MC: He looks like a sage.

MC: He looks like one of those servers at a traditional restaurant.

Sub: entering to take the lower-body x-ray…

At the 4:41 mark.

MC: Those things can be a little scary too when you haven’t done it before.

Doctor: Take a deep breath and let it out.

Doctor: Okay, we’re done.

Y: Huh? We’re done?

Sub: the simpler-than-expected x-ray

Y: Your hairstyle is similar to mine.

Sub: anything is good news after the exam

MC: Is that hairstyle in fashion now?

H: Are you finished?

Y: Yeah.

Y: It’s similar, right?

H: Totally.

Sub: the laughter subsides…

Sub: what will the x-ray results show…

Doctor: As you know, below the ribcage, there’s the large and the small intestines. Here, we can see all of your large intestine, but we’re not actually supposed to.

Sub: the large intestine can be seen?!!

Doctor: And that’s usually because your intestines aren’t running at full efficiency, so we call that a stagnant intestine. So later on, when you have the time, make sure you get an endoscopy done on your intestines.

MC: That’s a big problem with idols. We probably all have that problem.

MC: Why don’t everyone go get theirs checked together?

At the 6:10 mark.

Doctor: Even though you’re still in your early 20s, the reason why your intestines are so weak can be because you have a naturally weak intestine to begin with. But the more important thing can be your dietary habits.

Sub: The most important thing is dietary habits…!

Doctor: So make sure you eat on a regular schedule, and avoid foods that could cause lack of sleep, like caffeine…

H: Coffee.

Doctor: Yes, coffee.

H: He drinks a lot of coffee.

Doctor: Well, if you love coffee more than your wife, you could keep drinking it, but…

Doctor: greasy foods, cold foods, those things can all be bad for your intestines.

H: They’re all things that you like.

Y: I don’t like cold stuff.

H: Of course you do. You drink iced coffee all the time.

At the 6:54 mark.

Sub: after their Han River date in winter

MC: Look at that, iced coffee in winter.

Moving on to Part 2.

H: You drink cold coffee a lot.

Y: But that’s coffee.

MC: The worst thing is iced coffee.

Doctor: Coffee’s bad for you, but iced coffee can be worse. Also, when you chew on raw ice, things like that, then that is also bad for your intestines.

Y: I like chewing on ice.

MC: He’s doing everything that’s bad for him.

Doctor: Yes, so that needs to be changed.

H: What are some foods that are good for you?

Doctor: Foods with a lot of fiber, like fresh vegetables.You need to avoid cold food, greasy food, and food with a lot of flour.

Y: So everything that’s tasty is bad for you.

Y: I don’t have any luck in life.

Doctor: Can you say that with a beautiful wife like this?

Y: I don’t have any luck when it comes to food.

At the 0:53 mark.

Y: I was surprised, too. I didn’t think that it would be that serious, but…I tend to really enjoy coffee, and I decided that I really should start drinking less. And I prefer iced coffee, so I thought that I should fix what needs to be fixed.

Sub: getting a dual checkup after his intestine work!

MC: Getting one of those can be a chore. The time…

MC: You need to make the time.

H: See, it was good to come here, right? Gosh, there’s a lot more that I need to take care of now.

H: I told you so. Really, cut down on the coffee.

Y: Coffee? Then I fall asleep…

H: So don’t rely on the caffeine, but…

Y: I can’t look at you properly.

H: Ahh…what are you talking about? Ridiculous.

Y: Okay, okay, I’ll cut down.

H: Hah…anyways.

Doctor: Jung Yonghwa!

Y: Cut it out with the nagging. You’re worse than my mom.

At the 1:56 mark.

H: The coat and the backpack.

Y: I’m already thinking about it to myself, so it’s like…for example, it’s like a mother telling her son who’s applying for college to study harder when he already knows he has to.

MC: But then, you shouldn’t think that she’s nagging. She’sjust saying it because the husband’s not doing it. But they call that nagging.

Sub: the couple health checkup begins…

Y: My intestines have problems, do I need to operate?

MC: Men have a lot of fear when it comes to hospitals, so even before a routine checkup, they think that they have this huge disease or something.

MC: Does he think he’ll grow taller by rolling his eyes?

MC: Wow, Seohyun is really tall.

Sub: Also getting the weight and body fat…!

MC: It’s not a capture screen, right?

Doctor: Okay, now we’re going to measure your stress level.

Sub: measuring reflex rates related to stress level

MC: Oh, I want to do that too.

Y: There aren’t any jolts of electricity or anything like that, right?

At the 3:12 mark.

Sub: what will their stress levels be like…

Sub: Then…eyesight exam!

Y: Three. Two. Seven.

MC: He has good eyes!

Y: Six. That’s…nine or three?

Sub: Still getting a good eyesight of 1.2!

Y: Sorry, I misread the numbers.

Doctor: If you can’t read that, should we do it with this? This is for the kids…

Doctor: Because you’re a choding, right?

Y: Why are you doing this, you’re hairstyle’s similar to mine…

Sub: taking on the child eyesight exam

Doctor: What picture is this?

Y: A puppy.

Sub: Our Yong choding never losing when it comes to joking around

Doctor: Then what about this?

Y: A car.

H: Six. Three. Two. Seven.

H: I can’t see that.

Doctor: You got 1.5, and 1.5.

MC: I got that score too, but now it’s down to 0.7.

MC: It’s old age.

At the 4:40 mark.

Doctor: One moment, please. We need to do this in the dark.

Doctor: It’s going to be very short, hold on one second.

Y: Oh, daebak.

H: Why?

Y: It’s really bright.

MC: Haven’t you guys done anything like this before?

MC: No.

MC: I heard you do it every week?

MC: I’m planning to buy a machine.

Sub: What is this exam…?

Y: Wow, this is scary.

Sub: Immediately time for the blood test!

Doctor: Make a fist with your hand.

Y: Do I keep clenching?

Doctor: That’s right.

Doctor: There’s going to be a slight prick.

Sub: making sure he’s getting his own shot!

H: Does it hurt?

Y: No, it doesn’t hurt.

Doctor: Make a fist with your hand.

Sub: more nervous(?) than his own shot

Sub: finishing the blood test…

At the 6:33 mark.

Sub: the last lung capacity test

Doctor: The lung capacity test will measure the health of your lungs.

Doctor: The first three times, I will tell you to breathe in slowly and breathe out. And on the fourth time, take in as deep as a breath as you can, and I will tell you to blow hard.

MC: It’s that test when you have to blow as hard as possible.

MC: Like that.

Doctor: You should think about blowing this computer out of this room.

Y: Can I really blow it away?

Doctor: Sure, if you can.

At the 7:00 mark.

MC: So that’s actually testable?

MC: Yes, it’s possible.

Doctor: Breathe in slowly. And let it out slowly, now breathe in again. And now breathe in as much as possible, and as hard as you can.

Doctor: Ohhh, well, you didn’t do it right at all. You’re not supposed to stop after one second, but blow it out as long as you can.

Sub: Have to keep blowing as long as possible…!

MC: You have to keep doing it?

MC: As long as you can.

Doctor: Until I tell you to stop blowing.

Y: Oh, this is really hard.

MC: He’s a singer, so he wants the results to be as good as possible.

Doctor: breathe in as much as you can, and…strongly exhale.Okay, good job.

Doctor: Okay, this time, you need to do it as quick as possible.

MC: The doctor’s really enthusiastic.

Doctor: Oh, you shouldn’t stop, keep doing it. Until I tell you to stop.

MC: Is this some sort of secret camera?

At the 9:00 mark.

Doctor: Okay, well done.

H: It looks hard.

Y: I have a headache.

MC: That’s strangely addicting.

MC: You end up doing it with them.

Doctor: You should be feeling a bit dizzy.

H: Yes.

Doctor: Still, you do it better than Jung Yonghwa.

H: Thank you.

Sub: finally finishing all of their tests

H: I feel so dizzy.

Y: I was completely dizzy, too.

Sub: now waiting for the results…

Y: I hope everything comes out fine.

H: Yeah.

Doctor: Jung Yonghwa, Seo Joohyun, please go to the examination room for your test results.

H: Why are you sighing?


Moving on to Part 3.

Sub: Will their combined health results be all right…?

Doctor: I will only show you the results that are available right now.

MC: You get nervous when you’re about to hear the results.

Doctor: First, the body results. The weight, body fat, etc. is normal if it’s inside this green rectangle here. For Yonghwa, his weight, muscle mass, body fat, etc. is all normal. But it seems like your body fat is slightly higher than what is completely healthy. So about 1.3 kilograms…

Y: I gained a bit of weight recently because I’ve been eating a lot.

Doctor: For Seohyun, there are a few areas that doesn’t quite reach the rectangle. Such as your weight, and your muscle mass.

MC: Wow, that’s a lot.

MC: She needs to gain weight.

Doctor: You need to gain about 9 kilograms, but shouldn’t consist only of body fat, but muscle mass as well. For your blood work, we got the results, and…Yonghwa, are you sick anywhere?

MC: Huh?

Sub: Suddenly asking if he has a sickness…!

Doctor: You don’t have anemia, and your platelet level is normal, but…your leukocyte level is very high. The leukocyte levels tend to rise when there’s an inflammation in our bodies somewhere. The normal level is around 4,000 to10,000. But Yonghwa has around 17,000 leukocytes in his bloodstream. The reason could be an infection, or when you take medications such as steroids.

Y: Oh, I had to take steroids before because of my throat.

Doctor: Oh, it could go up because of that.

At the 1:50 mark.

Sub: eyesight test results!

Doctor: Everything seems to be fine with your eyes. Next, the results from your lung capacity exam. Normally, the lung capacity should beat around 80 percent. In Yonghwa’s case, he has 115.8 percent capacity, and Seohyun is the same with 121 percent. Both are very good.

MC: They’re definitely singers.

Y: A singer should have good lung capacity.

Sub: All in all, their health exams checking out normal!

MC: They did hard work.

Y: It’s a relief. Actually, I was…a bit scared of the results. But then I thought about getting the massage, so my mood went up.

H: Like a family…it’s the wife’s duty. Since I’m there, I should be caring for him.

At the 2:56 mark.

Sub: On their way to get massages

Y: Anyways, we’re a singer couple.

H: That’s right. Our lung capacity is good.

Y: She said that 80 percent was normal.

H: We’re 120.

MC: They’re so happy over the smallest stuff.

Y: Ah, massage time, massage.

H: I, massage…

Y: Did you ever have one before?

H: Once.

Y: Once?

Y: I really like massages.

H: I’m really ticklish.

Y: Actually, I only got it twice.

H: Really?

Y: But it felt really refreshing.

H: Mmm…

Y: That way, that way.

H: There?

Sub: joking around in happiness

H: Ah, what?

Sub: looks slightly like a sauna…^^

Receptionist: There’s a foot massage, and you know about the sports massage, right?

Receptionist: There’s also a couple special.

Sub: foot massage + sports massage = couple special

MC: I got a couple massage with my wife once.

MC: Me too.

MC: And I thought it was very nice.

At the 3:50 mark.

Sub: A little while later…

Y: Seohyun, let’s go.

H: Hi.

Y: It fits you well.

H: Oh, there’s fish inside it!

Y: These things, they latch onto your feet.

H: Where do we sit?

Y: Here.

H: They’re not coming?

Y: Huh?

Y: Oh, they’re coming!

H: Ahh!

H: Ohh, they’re like anchovies.

MC: That actually feels quite nice.

MC: It feels refreshing.

MC: It’s like when you eat live octopus, the feeling when their suckers latch onto your throat. [NOTE: This isn’t as disgusting as it sounds…trust me.]

At the 4:46 mark.

Y: They’re my friends, along with the Busan seagulls.

H: You sure have a lot of friends.

Y: Doctor fishes go crazy over my feet.

H: Then you can do it a lot. Until your feet are completely eaten up…

Y: Hurry, you do it too.

Y: It’s like you put your feet in, and there’s grass brushing against it.

H: Really?

H: No, no, ahh!$@%^&@ Save me!

Sub: Hyun wife scared of fish

Y: It needs to go deeper.

H: Okay.

H: Ahhh, I’m not looking…ahh, this is grass!

H: I’m seriously going to cry!

Sub: Yong husband getting hit a lot lately

Receptionist: We’ll be starting the massage now.

Sub: time for the actual massage!

Y: I like it!

H: You like it?

MC: It looks like he’s receiving a bit of a sensation from the doctor fish.

Sub: the comfortable interior!

At the 6:00 mark.

Y: Please treat us well.

H: Please treat us well.

Y: Seohyun, why are you praying?

H: Huh? Nothing.

MC: Yonghwa’s legs…he’s a man.

MC: He’s a man?

MC: I didn’t know it was that much.

H: How is it?

Y: It’s totally awesome.

H: Oppa.

Y: Yeah.

H: How are you doing?

Y: It’s refreshing.

H: Refreshing?

Y: It hurts, but it’s refreshing.

Sub: that feeling has yet to reach her

Y: It hurts a little right there.

Masseur: that’s the intestines.

MC: It looks like she’s hurting.

MC: If you can’t tell it’s refreshing, then it hurts.

Masseuse: Are you okay?

H: I…I’m fine.

Y: What’s this?

H: Relief from pain.

At the 8:00 mark.

Y: How old are you going to live?

H: I’m going to live healthily.

Y: Around 100 years?

H: That seems about right.

Y: Then I’ll live until 101.

H: That’s too much.

Y: Why?

H: We need to die together…

Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain

H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.

H: Do you really want to live until 101?

Y: Yeah.

H: Then you’re going to die before me.

Y: Why?

H: Because you’re two years older than me.

MC: That’s right.

H: Goodbye.

Y: Goodbye?

MC: Oh, it’s like she’s being roasted on a spit.

Y: If it hurts, it hurts. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. Why can’t you say it out loud?

MC: That looks good.

MC: That part is really good.

Sub: finishing with a steam towel

MC: It’s like you’re melting.

Masseur: It’s done.

Y: Yes, thank you.

MC: He’s liking it too much.

MC: Seohyun’s a bit embarrassed.

At the 9:38 mark.

Sub: getting a sports massage for their backs

MC: You’re getting the massage while you’re on your face, sowhen you’re done, your face is swollen.

Sub: 30 minutes later

Y: Seohyun, are you alive?

MC: Yaaaaaahhhh! That…

MC: What are you two doing?

MC: Is it some sort of signal?

Masseur: You’re done.

Sub: Then, Seohyun…

MC: Oh, Seohyun…

Sub: “The Ring” fitness edition

MC: Is she a ghost?

Y: Seohyun, are you feeling good?

H: Seriously, without mind control, this would’ve been impossible.

At the 11:14 mark.

H: It was so painful my insides were getting into a knot. But since it’s good for your health, so…it should be good. I should bear it. So…I bore it.

Y: I was so happy. I could feel my blood stream getting better. It really relieved my stress. I'm really wondering if it wasn’t our best date, by far.

MC: The newly born couple.

Sub: finishing their 2 hour massage…

H: I feel like I’m 30 years younger.

MC: She says she feels 30 years younger.

Sub: 20 years – 30 years = absurd

MC: She needs to enter into the negatives.

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for bringing yong to the doctor
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for observing his bad eating habbit
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for telling him what bad for him
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for that concern look while his undergoing that examination
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for nagging him (lps dont stop until he listen and follow )and im sure yong knows that you care and though he
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































complain at times , just think of it as his choding side..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you for the luv and care to our yong...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































HYUN..you are such one great goguma in this world...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PS..oh ya becoz of you i decided to join the sones fan club..im a boice from the start and yong is like a son to me
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and now your like a wonderful daughter inlaw kekeke

































































































































































































































































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Guest xxraqSTAR

just finished watching the raw video.. blush.gif

while some is a bit disappointed due to lack of skinship, but for me it is one of the best episode because we can see how Hyun really care for Yong, a different side of her, we've seen how Yong cared for her in the previous episodes how he guide her, be supportive and even be patient to her because he knew (even us, knew it) how naive she is when it comes to relationship, but now we can already say how Hyun became a real wife, caring for her husband's health, it was like showing her love to him..

btw, this episode remind me of my parents.. i will put it spoiler in case i'm breaking any rules..

it was once my mother feel sick having an abdominal pain and my father being a nurse want her to go to hospital for a check up but my mother (being a stubborn as she is) insist on not going to, we even have to beg her to come and when she agreed we found out not having serious problem and after that she said she doesn't want to go to hospital because she's afraid of finding a serious problem. looks like Yong have the same feeling that's why he doesn't like to go to hospital in the first place.

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Guest krystala

i have a question, i think twas not translated.. why was hyun praised by the emcees when she was rolling up her sleeves for blood testing?

-- thanks m3, sagua from spd for the translations..

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This is super fast M3, thanks a lot for your hard working, thanks and thanks ^ 3 ^
















We can always wait for your sweet translation and hope this didn't take some time off your resting time :sweatingbullets::wub:
















Again, super thanks~!!!!









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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks a lot M3 for the translation...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































you don't have to apologize for being later than usual..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we appreciate the effort you put in for providing us the translation
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































M3 fighting!!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































special thanks to sagua85 from SPD for the translations too..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































in go paem is really a nice place to be in!!

































































































































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Hello! Okay, first, I'm going to let you know that I wrote another fic (Yongseo, of course). I hope you like it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And, I just watched ep 41 and 42 with subs, and the raw of 43. Haven't read the translations yet (thank you M3, in advance).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so amazed by how long they held hands at ep 41. Yong Hwa looked so natural everytime he had to let go and to reach out again. The handwarming at the boat! Wow, that was so sweet! My favorite is not that though. My favorite was when Hyun protested about Yong not noticing the Nabi Necklace. She was so cute and so Girlfriend-ish. And Yong Hwa was shocked to see that she was that bothered by it. It makes me want to buy a Nabi necklace too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep. 42. I'm happy to understand the chat between Yongseo and Yong's friends. They were all so kind and so supportive. Love it when Hyun called Jin Woon for Yejin (and poor Jinwoon, he really needed to get a nice GF). The ending message was *love* too. I can't help thinking that they are talking about Yongseo as a couple not Yongseo of WGM. My favorite part of that part was when Yongseo wrote with their feet on the sand at the basketball field. I don't know. It looked like a scene out of a major Korean movie. I felt it so romantic. It felt like something small but very meaningful, and you would remember it forever.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And part 3 was.....awesome. I want to eat that too! It looked so delicious! Just reading your comments and seeing the pics of Yong waking Hyun up made me grinning like crazy. Seeing the scene was....made my hair on my hand stand up. I melted. The way he whispered to her was AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!. Even the girl who commented wanted to shut her eyes because it looked--so intimate?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was squealing too much watching Yong touching Hyun so much. Tapping her shoulder and arms, leaning onto her, and the foot war. I wanted to ask Yong for "Moooore! Make Hyun blush mooore!!!". LOL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And ep 43 felt too close for me. Hyun trailing behind him waiting for him to be examined looked really like a loyal wife. And when they were at the little tub with small fish in it, and Yong grabbed her leg just like that, my jaw dropped. I repeated that scene so many times. I mean, it was like he owns her. And when he teased her and tap her leg and she screamed and hit him, they were so-- intimate. I have no other adjectives to explain.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why does it feel lately, that I'm intruding upon a private time of a newlywed couple everytime I watch them? I feel like I should close my eyes and let them enjoy themselves. But, no way in hell I'm gonna listen to my conscience haha!  Saturdays just keep getting better and better.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And Valentine's day and their first anniversary are coming up soon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(pleasebereal, pleaseberealyongseo, pleasepleaseplease).

































































































































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Hello fellow gogumas....







































Finished watching today's episode & loving every moment of it wub.gif




















YongSeo at the clinic is just like 'real couple'. Hyun really cares about her hubby's health, thus the nagging. I find she is cute when she nags Yong tongue.gif. Yong is being a bit rebellious but deep inside I'm sure he's happy that there's someone else aside his mum, who really cares about his health. Hyun seems to know things about Yong well. She knows he seldom takes breakfast & he loves coffee too much. 







































Hyun is really getting more relaxed and comfortable around her hubby. She has been comfortable enough to spontaneously pat, hit or tap her husband at times. Looks like she is becoming touchy like her hubby. But keep in mind, she only touches her hubby Yong biggrin.gif







































Love the way she spontaneously touches him at times...

































































































The In sync singer couple. 

































































































Their reactions when the other half had blood taken for health test. Yong reactions are the best. He can't sit still the time Hyun had her blood taken. It seems like he can't bear to see his lovely Buin in pain that he's sort of in pain too... 
































































































































These scenes are just too sweet. Sitting close to each other, Yong bravely grabbing his Buin's leg (she didn't complain or get angry though), Yong tickling her feet and her reaction to it.... 


































































































































































I've read the translation at SPD Chatbox . Thank U to mairk0501 for sharing sagua85's trans here.







































ahh... Finally, the long awaited trans from M3.
















biggrin.gif Thank you M3 for the hardwork and great trans. Love U wub.gif






















































jnj, love ur caps 




































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knock...knock...go-chun? anybody here??:phew:  threads gone quiet indeed :mellow:
















Just finished watching today's episode and can't stop myself from feeling so giddy specially the scenes at the massage parlor, i totally love the scene where yong was trying to tickle hyun's foot and i can't wait for the full translations from M3.  Speaking of translations, I'd like to say thank you to Mairk0501 for the partial trans, and one part that totally caught my attention  was when Yong and Hyun were having this conversation:
















H: Shouldn't rely on coffee.
















Y: Then I won't be able to see you
















AHA! Gotcha Yong!! so you are really making yourself wide awake, just so you can see your buin despite of your busy sched :wub::D this is just random thinking goguma's...can't hold myself from feeling so high after watching today's episode :P
































Sorry about that Maik0501, but still thanks for sharing the link to the earlier translations.  To Sagua85 and of course to M3, thank you for the translations.
















To Jnj, thanks for the sc's.

















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Guest archiehon








































Thank you MountainMadMan for the translation. You are superb!
























Hyun is living up to her reputation of a health ambassador. I love the fact that the other MCs are really conscious about the issues and give some input which are helpful to us.
























It seems like everybody is still celebrating, the thread is so quiet. Not like usual.









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Guest vanilla88






Look like this thread quiter than last week..



Maybe many goguma still enjoy the lunar new year holidays..



I'm done with my family celebrating and can't access this thread..but i'm still monitor this couple with FB and Twitter.. :)









I'm just finish watched this raw episode..



YAY!! it's very cute epi with another TOP SKINSHIP COUPLE SPA "LEG-SHIP" :wub: :wub:



we just have to wait maybe some writers / directors film will make scene with this type of skinship..hehe..>o<..*just like the Winter TOP Skinship*






and OMO!! sweetest convo I've ever heard..






Quote from M3 translation..






Y: How old are you going to live?






H: I’m going to live healthily.






Y: Around 100 years?






H: That seems about right.






Y: Then I’ll live until 101.






H: That’s too much.






Y: Why?






H: We need to die together…


We always know that Hyun almost said to Yong to do everything together..


But " DIE TOGETHER" is that not too much if she doesn't have special feeling for her nampyeon? :wub::phew:


Go off to Go-Chun right now..


Happy spazzing gogumas..


And Thank you very-berry-much to awesome translator and everyone who post links, pics, gifs, fanarts..


Dugeun Dugeun for Yongseo Anniversary!!


special thanks to bezbezbez (our PD Indi)..U're Jjang-Daebak siz!!..



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Guest scatterbrain

credit: 小蓝

baidu Goguma


Caps: Yongseo Couple going skiing! Yong choding & Wifey Hyun


Y: I like it very much

H: i really can't ~!

Caps: Turns out he even taught his friends..?

Y: i even taught my friends before, but gave up halfway..

H:why gave up halfway?

Caps: finally arrived at the skiing resort

Y: where did you go?

H: i am all geared up~

Caps: Teacher Yong's leoosn begins

H: that's too much

caps: harsh teaching method

H: it's not working ~~

Y: where are you going?

H: i'm too busy

caps: too tired, that's it bye~

Caps:can the snowboard lesson end well?

i'm liking the preview. seems really fun and can see that hyun really let loose. she seems so show her true colour more and more in front of yong.

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hyun wants to die together with Yong. yong drink coffee because he wants to see hyun properly. they just blurt this line out naturally without knowing that. really, what they have in their mind. love? that must be. or just my imagination. no it must be love, right?


yeah....if i was a man, i will love Hyun. Hyun is the type the more you know her the more you get attracted to. not kind of love at the first sight. :wub:


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Guest Crystal392








It's been soo long .... well... just a few days since the last time I checked this thread and read about uri YongSeo but I thought about them every day!












I haven't watched the latest ep yet and probably I won't be able to watch it until later today but I just wanted to thank all of you amazing Gogumas for the screencaps, translations, links and everything you shared!!












All the screencaps are sooo cute <3 I love specially the pic posted by jnj where uri Yong is looking at Hyun lovingly :wub: seriously this two are just way too cute!! I really hope they will always be happy, I want good things for them.












Yay! their 1st year anniversary is soo close. I wonder where they will go... maybe to Italy? hehehehe












YongSeo fighting!












Gogumas happy 1800 page :)



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Thank you M3 for the complete translation... I watched the episode 43 while reading your translation.. 












AWESOME!!! Daebak!! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif












knock...knock...go-chun? anybody here??:phew:  threads gone quiet indeed :mellow:












Just finished watching today's episode and can't stop myself from feeling so giddy specially the scenes at the massage parlor, i totally love the scene where yong was trying to tickle hyun's foot and i can't wait for the full translations from M3.  Speaking of translations, I'd like to say thank you to Mairk0501 for the partial trans, and one part that totally caught my attention  was when Yong and Hyun were having this conversation:












H: Shouldn't rely on coffee.












Y: Then I won't be able to see you























note: hello shawie... you're right... the thread was so quiet indeed for now as our fellow gogumas are still in gochun...rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif












Btw, the translation is from SAGUA85 (spd chatbox)...












cr to SAGUA85 





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Guest Raindeer



thank you m3 for the translations. thanks to all the gogumas who contribute to the thread.

This episode was kind of dull in comparison to the other recent episodes but its good because health check up is something that is very important and those massages look really good, makes me miss Thailand.


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