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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest _d3seohyun
















































The way she calls him "Oppa" :wub: *dies*
















Dec 7 - Breakfast/Yellow couch/Massage taping






























































Dec 9 - Golden Disk Awards






























































Dec 14 - Skiing Date
















Looking forward to the next episode. I'm curious to see how their interaction was like after their little exposure on GDA :P




























































































































rewatching some gda clips....































[Ystar Idol Scandal] YONGSEO on GDA
















[Fancam] YONGSEO on GDA
















Can someone please repost the fancam of the YONGSEO hi5 at gda please. tnx :D

















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I haven't watch the last two episode n still loading for today's episode. But, it seems so cute when I look at the caps. 
































































Thanks for sharing those caps...
































































































































































































































































credit yongseo100211
































































































































































































credit lyandsy
































































































































Ah.. it's late, but happy lunar new year for those who celebrate it
































































































































































































I think my post is too short, so i will share my fanfic in bahasa indonesia for indonesian goguma : Reminiscene
































































But, this thread is so quiet...

































































































































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Guest morningblue




























I can not watch the live broadcast today. I take a nap and when I woke up the show is over:tears:




















But thank you so much to Selena and Ummihany for raw video




















Thanks also to you who give screencaps




















although I have not watched today's episode, but based on your post and screencaps, today's episode is very sweet.




















Watch the preview for next week is very exciting.




















I can not wait to see Yongseo Couple Snowboarding




















I agree with you Archiehon, Hyun very lucky because CN Blue BIL very quiet (in the preview .... LOL. Victoria looks very stressful )




















Thank you in advance for the translator and subber




















Now I'm going off for a moment to watch the raw video





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The way she calls him "Oppa" :wub: *dies*

Dec 7 - Breakfast/Yellow couch/Massage taping

Dec 9 - Golden Disk Awards

Dec 14 - Skiing Date

Looking forward to the next episode. I'm curious to see how their interaction was like after their little exposure on GDA :P

rewatching some gda clips....

[Ystar Idol Scandal] YONGSEO on GDA

[Fancam] YONGSEO on GDA

Can someone please repost the fancam of the YONGSEO hi5 at gda please. tnx :D

here u go chingu..

hope i don't break any rules from reposting the link again

its somewhere @4.34

yongseo hi5

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Guest just_a_dream
















































soo quiet the thread for past few days and even if it's saturday already..huhuh
































missed all the endless spazzing here,haven't watched the episode though and based on the caps i guess it's something to be excited of..
































and oh,is there any translation yet?.hehe.,haven't seen one though except that from Goguma baidu..anyway,thanks in advance for whoever will translate it..mwaah!.hugs,hugs..
































and i have to watch now,so that i can start spazzing..please Gogumas,seems like most of us are really busy and tired?.hehe.,i really missed this thread going wild..babye for now..be back in hours..laugh.gif









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yes so quite, i want to spazz but i cant understand a thing, just watching their interation. i think everybody still bysy with lunar new year,hope we will have translation soon. really cant wait, so curious what they talking. goguma chingu, please spazz :wub:


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Guest MountainMadman

Hey everyone. First of all, sorry for missing out on live translation this week, I was...er...asleep. Yeah. sweatingbullets.gif

Anyways, off to watch the episode now. Hopefully will have the translations up in a few hours.

EDIT: Oh my god, so many technical terms in this episode. *dies*

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Guest LennieYongseo
















































maybe goguma fans was celebrating chinese new year..
















so we all have to serve notice.. rolleyes.gif
















if I may be honest, this episode is not amazing as previous episodes, (maybe because I am not interested in the medical) but when they 'r massage it was very funny. when Yonghwa holding Seohyun feet and go to the pool. and yong hubby scare her.. cute ><
















When Seohyun said "we will die together"































wowwwwwwww .. and when they hold hands, but sad, PD don't show who started first, because we definitely want to know, Yonghwa or Seohyun the start.































can not wait for next week. Yonghwa very good at skiing and he would teach Seohyun well. hopefully next saturday can have many many many skinship > <































and hopefully translate quickly come and thank you for those who already upload raw video ..






























































































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First of All - 1800 PAGES!! Congrats Gogumas!! *Showers confetti*
































































































































































































Second of all, thanks semi_fly, lyandsay, selene_alai07, ummihany for the raw links.
































































































































































































Thanks in advance to all translators, subbers, timers, uploaders. You rock!
































































































































































































sally7 - those gifs are ........to die for!! *dies*
































































































































































































Have only watched the episode raw so haven't had time to study it in detail, like I/we all do every single week!
































































































































































































First impression - I LOVE it!! Well, I love them ALL, but Yongseo are so very very adorable here. Again, they always are... but you know what I mean. Right? In every single episode their real couple vibe just gets stronger and stronger and stronger..... :wub:
































































































































































































Where Rush spazzes mindlessly and probably delusion-ally after watching the live stream only.....
































































































































































































Hospital visit....
































































































































































































This totally reminded me of times when I've gone for a checkup along with hubby. Hyun following Yong around everywhere is so wife like. And they're both a tiny bit embarrassed but you can see how concerned they were for each other. My 2 fav moments based on what I thought I understood.....
































































































































































































- When the doc told Yong that coffee's not good for him and Hyun gave him the 'I told you so' treatment. I do that to my hubby ALL the time. :D
































































































































































































- When Yong couldn't watch Hyun getting the needle for her blood test. Aww, poor baby can't handle seeing his Hyunnie get hurt....
































































































































































































And how can I forget this.....
































































































































































































When Yong lies down and the doc is using the stethoscope, did Hyun get to see (semi)shirtless Yong??? I so hope so :w00t:
































































































































































































Couple massage....
































































































































































































Loved the legship, how many different ships we ride with this couple!! Eyeship, shouldership, handship, pinky-ship and now leg ship!
































































































































































































Yong, did you just, in front of the entire nation grab the leg of the maknae of the nation's girl group??? You're a brave man, and obviously feeling more and more confident in your 'virtual' (yeah, right!) marriage. :phew:
































































































































































































Loved all the smiles and the eye contact, and i KNOW i'll love the conversations once i read the translations....
































































































































































































Not even going to talk about the dying together..... it sends shivers down my spine.































































































































































































































































































































































































And by the way, no matter how close I am to a male friend, there is no way I'm going for a couple massage with him. Couple massages are for....... couples! Enough said!

































































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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi Mauntainmadman :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's okay.. just take your time ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we will wait patiently

































































































































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Guest ciel_andina

annyeong chingu!:lol:

first time post here,please be kind and tell me if i break any rules:sweatingbullets:

i've been a lurker since only God knows how long:rolleyes:,lol

wanna say thank you for all pics, news, fanfics, etc.goguma family is really daebak!!!:w00t:

to all the translator kamsahamnida for the amazing translation.

another sweet episode today, these two really now how to make all gogumas happy:D.can't wait for the ski trip:phew::phew:

sorry for my bad english:D

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Guest anne0129
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello! How come this thread is so quiet? This was an amazing episode people...granted there were more talks. Anyway, don't know if the videos posted before still works so let me post the videos given at SPD here. Credit to TheSoneSource20.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hospital Visit... P 1
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hospital Visit P2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks in advance M3 for your translations.

































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































Gogumas why it's so quite here?
































I watched it live, but now I'm studying (yesss still I have exams ... ) but I just had to post something!
































I don't understand anything from today's episode so I'm waiting for translations.. That's why I really don't know what to say.. just the Yoong's action with Hyun's foot hahaha again that was great to watch!































































 M3...:wub: You're great! Will You translate preview as well?:rolleyes:
































PS JNJ thanks for aaall Your posts again! And also aaaalll other GOGUMAS !!!
































Okaaay few pictures from dc married: I just love to look at them :D
































































































































































And preview :































































































































































Yoong is sooo handsome :wub:!
































































Next episode will be daebak ! And we're near wedding photoshoot episode as well ! :w00t:

































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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































just finished to wacth the unsubbed video. even we didn't get more skinship here -unless the leg skinship- I still love this episode.































































Today uri couple show us that they did a good thing again. I mean how many people have such a brave to check their health on hospital. To know what happen to their body. To know wheter they are still on a good health or not? Not many I think, include me :wub:






























































































































And about couple massage. I don't about you all. But when I see them do that, I just feel. Omo..this is too intimate. I think I agree with rushgirl. You can only do massage couple with your husband/wife. And why I feel they lower they tone when they talking during the massage?






























































































































edited : congrulation for 1800th page. 200 more to get 2000 page my fellow gogumas. let's live this thread with spazzing together :wub:
































































































































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Guest kiss-from-roses



Hi guys:)

After I'd finished watching the raw vid, I decided to spazz with you guys. (As you can see, this is my first post:sweatingbullets:)

Well, first of all, I'd like to say thank you for those who share all the good stuffs for this thread. BIG THANKS GUYS

Second of all, we reached 1800 page!! CONGRATS guys. I hope we'll reach 2000 soon.

Now, it's time for me to spazz about my favorite scenes.

 1. In this episode, they look like a real married couple. The way they go to the hospital(or clinic) together. It's sooooo real man!!

 2. After Yonghwa finished changing his clothes for the x-ray, he went straight back to Seohyun instead of going to the x-ray room.

 3. The way Seohyun hit him with a pamphlet. Maybe it's nothing but i like the scene.

 4. I really like that he made her laugh so hard when he did the eye-testing thing.

 5. Yonghwa couldn't watch when the nurse took Seohyun's blood. This scene brings back an old memory when they went to donate blood.

 6. I LOL when he did the blowing thing, and also when he said "fighting" to encourage her. :w00t:

 7. At the massage shop. I really love what happened there.

    7.1 When he tried to put her leg in that bath tub.(is it a bath tub??)

    7.2 When he tickled her feet.

    7.3 When they were on a massage chair. Even though I'm a girl, I fall in love with Seohyun in that scene. How could you stand it Yonghwa?

    7.4 The pinky-holding scene. Did you guys notice that Seohyun is the first one who swing her arm??? I don't know if it's a reflection from the massage or not because the masseuse was massaging her. I knew one thing for sure that i screamed after watching it


I'm sorry for the long post, please bare with me.

edit : 8. They only wore their couple rings and Seohyun with her butterfly necklace during their massage. loved it:wub:


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hi guys.. found this on nate.. hope someone can translate this.. ;) thanks!  im catching up  with  the raw episode!
































































































































































































































































[뉴스엔 박정현 기자]
































































































































































































































































서현과 정용화가 함께 마사지를 받았다.
































































































































































































































































2월 5일 방송된 MBC '우리 결혼했어요‘(우결)에서 서현(소녀시대) 정용화(씨엔블루)는 함께 마사지를 받았다. 이날 두 사람은 마사지가 아팠는지 두 사람은 새끼손가락을 걸었다.
































































































































































































































































결국 서현과 정용화는 엎드려 나란히 마사지를 받았다. 서현은 이런 와중에 정용화의 새끼손가락을 잡아줬다. 마사지가 아프다보니 이런 스킨십이 성사된 것이다. 출연자들을 비롯해 시청자들의 마음을 설레게 하는 모습이었다.
































































































































































































































































아프면 손을 흔들어 아프다는 표시를 했다. 서현은 “장이 꼬일 정도로 아팠으나 건강에 좋다고 해서 참았다”고 했다. 정용화는 “최고의 데이트였다”고 평가했다.
































































































































































































































































박정현 pch46@newsen.com

































































































































































































































































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hello gogumas...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i luv this episode...ya theres not much skinship but as the saying." health is wealth" so im so happy that they decided to do both the internal check up and massage..and im so thankful to hyun that she insist for this check up coz im so worry with yong health..hes a kind of guy who doesnt mind whats good for his body, oh i luv this boy so much that sometimes i cant help to be worrisome how he doesnt care for his health .. and i do admire hyun for that such a special girl..so please hyun never stop looking after yong and i dont mind even to the point of nagging him..kkk

































































































































































































































































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hello guyz... 












nice leg ship we have seen from our couple... kyaaahhh...












i've been reading the translation from spd chatbox  right now.. its awesome...












but i'm waiting for the translation from m3.. thank you for the translation in advance...












-can't wait for the next episode.......--- 












oh gosh! I topped the page...  sorry..
























credit to SAGUA85...












Note: if some translation is missing.. I'm so sorry....(i'm still in go chun)
























Caption: The couple walking towards the clinic on the 2ndfloor












H: You really look like you hate going to the hospital












Together: Hello~












H: (my husband) has stomach aches, don't know if it'spsychological (?)












Reception: Oh, you're here for abdominal pains..












Together: Yes












Caption: Walking towards sofa












Y: Wah, it's so clean, I'm surprised












Nurse: Jung Yonghwa-shi and Seo Joo Hyun-shi..












Together: Hello~












Doctor: Where are you uncomfortable?












Y: I'm not really uncomfortable, just that I have insomniasometimes, so I don't sleep too well.












Doctor: Heartburn? Or abdominal bloating?












Y: Abdominal bloating.












Doctor: Hmm, do you have to go to the washroom often?












Y: Not really, just a feeling of indigestion












Doctor: Oh, a feeling of indigestion












Y: Lack of apetite












Caption: Yong's stomach is sensitive due to irregularlifestyle












H: (my husband's) Irregular lifestyle causes insomnia, andlots of abdominal pain, so his stomach or intestines isn't that well?












Doctor: Let's do some basic examination first, we'll startwith the abdomen, please come over here












Y: Just lie down here? Aigoo...












Doctor: Lie a little lower












Y: You're not going to operate on me right?!












Doctor: Is it your first time at the hospital? Breath in...breath out... Okay, you can rise. Because you are young, so there's no majorproblems. Your weight did not fluctuate over this period, so the chances of youhaving a serious illness is very small. But you sometimes feel nauseous, solet's take a simple x-ray to confirm it.












Y: Ta-taking an abdominal x-ray?












Y: My condition is not that serious












H: Even if it's not serious, it's not good to wait until itis serious..












Y: I'm not in pain~












H: But you don't feel well!












Y: Ahh, I need to remove my clothing?












H: Umm, can I do a simple physical examination?












Doctor: Ah, yes, please look at this first












H: Thank you












H: Ah, it looks good!












Doctor: This is where the image is taken












Doctor: Take a deep breath in, then breath out~ Okay,finished.












Y: Ah? Finished? Your hairstyle looks a lot like mine~












Doctor: So cute~












H: Finished?












Y: (hairstyle) Looks like mine right?












H: It does, haha~












Doctor: From the looks of the film, your large intestine islike this, and your small intestine is like this..












Y: This is the large intestine?












Doctor: We can see all of your large intestine, originallywe're not supposed to see it!












Y: Ah, really?












Doctor: It's not supposed to be seen, but there's someirregularities with your bowel movements. (rough trans.) So when you have timelater, you need to have your internal organs examined. You are in your 20'sright now, so your intestines can still grow, but the most important thing isyour dieting habits. So you will need a regular diet, and you can't drinkinsomnia-causing foods like coffee.












H: Coffee...












Doctor: Right, coffee












H: He drinks too much of it












Doctor: If he loves coffee more than he loves his wife, thenhe can keep drinking... Furthermore oily food and cold food, these you have toeat less too.












H: Ah, those are all your favorites!












Y: I don't eat cold food much~












H: You always do~ Like the American ice coffee you drink~
























H: Ah, why are you drinking something so cold?
























Y: Ah, that was coffee~












Doctor: Coffee is bad, cold coffee is worse! If you keepeating ice pieces in the summer it's bad for your intestines..












Y: I kind of like ice pieces...












H: What food are good for the intestine?












Doctor: Fibrous food, fresh vegetables are the best. Badfood include cold, oily, starchy types of food.












Y: All the delicious ones are bad! There is no enjoyment!












Doctor: Leaving such a beautiful teacher (?!) alone...












Y: There's no enjoyment in food anymore!




































Y: I was surprised too! I never thought of it until now, Iespecially like coffee, now I should quit... I like iced coffee in the summertoo, looks like what should be loss have to be loss.












H: Looks like it was correct to come right? You have to payattention more now. I said so right! Quit coffee! It's true!












Y: Coffee? Then I'll be sleepy.












H: Shouldn't rely on coffee.












Y: Then I won't be able to see you












H: Ah, what is that












Y: Okay, I'll quit, I'll quit everything!












H: Ah, really, anyway!












Y: Ahh, don't nag me~












H: Take off your coat and bag~
























Y: I acknowledged it in my heart, but Hyun kept on sayingit, like nagging a 3rd year high schooler to study harder for the exams...












Y: Unhealthy intestine, do I need to be operated on?












Doctor: This is a pressure-sensing equipment.












Y: This is the type that releases electricity?












Caption: Examining nervous reflex












Y: (Yong choding's curiosity) It's not the ones that let outelectricity right?












Y: (rapidly apologetic) I'm sorry












Caption: And... Hyun-buin's eye exam












H: 6! 3! 2! 7!












H: Can't see it!












Doctor: The result is (left eye) 1.5 (right eye) 1.5












MC: I was 1.5 before too, now it's only 0.7












MC: It's astigmatism (??)












Caption: (but) what is the under-eye (??) examination?












Doctor: We can only capture it in the dark












Y: Ohh! Daebak!












Y: Is this my eye?












Caption: This examination












Y: Oh it's scary, it's scary












Caption: Is the blood test












Y: Do I need to hold my fist tight?












Caption: Confirming the injection












Caption: The husband's pride is maintained












H: Does it hurt?












Y: No, it doesn't hurt












(Hyun automatically pulls up her own sleeves)












Doctor: Hold your fist tight!












Caption: And with this blood test completed as well...
























Caption: And now it's the final lung function examination












Doctor: The first three times I will say "breath in,breath out"












Doctor: The fourth time after you breath in, breath out veryhard












Doctor: (if asked how that would feel) "Like you wantto blow this computer away!"












Y: Can I really try to blow it away?












Doctor: If you can~












Doctor: Please breath in, breath out












Doctor: (fourth time) Take a big breath in, and breath outhard
























Doctor: You did... very poorly












Doctor: Don't breath in just one breath, inhale until youcan't anymore, until I say stop












Y: (secretly surprised) That's difficult, so it's thisdifficult












Caption: Singer-husband's pride, against the lung capacityexamination












Doctor: Breath in, breath out (fourth time) Big breath in












Caption: And this time...?












Doctor: Big breath out
























Doctor: The hand holding your nose can't let go...












Caption: (FUU) Until the very end












Y: (the aftereffect of success) (became very wordy)
























Doctor: This time is also taking a large breath in and thenbreathing out, but the speed has to be quick












Doctor: Hold your nose and try it












H: (Breath in, breath out)












Doctor: Very good












Doctor: You have to continue doing it! Until I say stop












H: (breath in, breath out)












Doctor: Ver good












H: It seems very tiring












Y: Head hurts












Caption: The nervous Hyun-buin's turn












H: Very tiring?












Y: Mmm, very tiring












H: (breath in, breath out)












Doctor: You did very good, compared to Jun Yonghwa-shi












Caption: Now waiting for the results












H: It's very interesting












Y: Very funny












PA: Jung Yonghwa-nim, Seohyun-nim please visit theconsultation room for your results












Caption: Do our couple have any health problems...
























Thank you SAGUA85 for sharing this....





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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































































































Oh! and one more thing!































































































































About Yonghwa's ideal girl's description... it's too obvious! Keke, it's sooo much like Seohyun! Buut.. for me more interesting is now what would Seohyun say if someone asked her about her ideal type. We all know that she didn't have any, but she's with Yong for a year right now, so maybe she changed something and would say something interesting as well...!
































































































































c:dc married
































































in Go-Chun again ... :wub:

































































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after the mushy moments..

i was loling at these funny moments too

hyun must've said something funny since the idols guests MC were laughing


she doesn't care abt her idol image anymore..doesn't care to look pretty


doesn't he give us the loving and caring bf vibe?


while he is happy, she lays there limbless.. :lol:


M3...no worries. don't loose sleep because of us... ^_^

kasia...maybe hyun will say yong is her ideal man in their wedding vows? :w00t:

i'm getting delusionally :crazy::lol:

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