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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello inluv withyou...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































happy birthday...wish you all the best...ya arent they look so cute with their little drama kekeke..and hyun can now reciprocate to yong funny ways..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ya how i wish that the pd will release more bts..can you imagine they film the whole day and they show only 30 mins...so there should astill a lot of cute moments with our couple...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































me too i will buy a dvd collection if they will produce one...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































fighting gogumas...

































































































































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Guest lovekin
































































aw, i was lurking in the khuntoria thread (haha, i'm creepin' up on everybody's threads), and i found out that their couple gets to go to jeju island. i got a little jelly. tongue.gif though it fits them, i'm not going to lie. anyway, yong and seo better be able to go to, i don't know, nam island (whether or not it was scripted, seo mentioned it in the daum commercial she had with sooyoung as the place she wanted to go bike riding) one day! that place is maybe more woodsy, but goodness, it's so pretty. and just as jeju island is very khuntoria-esque, nam island is very yongseo-esque. smile.gif
































































momentarily distracted! anyway, two things:
















































































  1. in the BTS, i really liked how seo - okay, this is the kind of thing we've been witness to lately - easily picked up on his game. basically, i like that they've been on the same page and she knows how to work with yong's jokes instead of looking him funny or being genuinely confused like she used to. but am i surprised? no. actually, i was reminded of two videos that two different users posted here. one was an old MTV clip of seohyun where she is bestowed the caption of being silly and 4D; the other one was the intel BTS interview where everyone had to pick out the strangest person, and most of SNSD picked seohyun. and yeah, she is and has always been a little out there. so yeah, anyone who says yong or seo are too good for each other need to reassess what's going on because yong and seo are essentially the same (e.g., child-like, cheeky). one is just more careful than the other about their image and seems to only let her guard down around people with whom she's comfortable. (that last bit wasn't in response to anything specific but rather about second-hand comments that are brought up every now and again.)









in part 3/3 of the ep. 42, can someone explain to me what exactly is going on as they're walking to the hospital? for instance, what is he saying at 13:43? and when seo asks him about his health/if he's confident, is she talking in banmal? and is yong talking formally? are they role-playing or something? lmao, i have no idea, but i keep re-playing this part because it is wicked adorable for some reason, especially with the way yong answers that he is confident and his voice hits a lower register and sounds more husky, hnnng. wub.gif












i always say that khuntoria is very romantically gross. they act like a married couple and, i don't know, they have a really classic thing about the both of them that is absolutely, ridiculously ... gross. and yongseo have become adorably gross together, and i'm pretty sure this is a unanimous opinion, but they're very ... date-level about it. sorry, can't think of a proper adjective at the moment. they act exactly as my friends do when they've first started to date and are "honeymooning," and i have to tell them to stop cupcaking because it's so ... gross. LOL. it's a good thing, though, and i'm kind of crazily anticipating saturday because i'm feeling rather deprived of the hand-holding and want to see whether it was seo who initiated the death grip on yong's pinky.





















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Guest ikekeyou
























ahaha dont worry lovekin i was lurking around other couples thread too!































and when i saw khuntoria going to jeju island i was a little sadden though































that our favorite couple didnt have a chance to go anywhere lately































but then i remembered that these two has been really busy lately! being out of the country and such.


















































plus it made me remember an interview that yong did a while ago when he was at jeju for a photoshoot































Yonghwa Jeju Interview


















































remember this guys?!































according to SPD calender this was filmed on march 26































man.... how time just flies (:


















































10 or 11 more days til their ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! :D





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Guest fabiistar07


Did anyone noticed Hyun didn't sing her part in Gee she sang Tiffany's part.

Her part goes

"You're so so handsome

My eyes my eyes are blinded

I can't breathe because I'm trembling"

But she sang Tifanny's part which goes,

"Oh I feel so embarrassed

I can't look at you

I feel shy because I've fallen in love" :wub:

"What should I do?"

Maybe its nearer to the fanchants for gee thats why she sang that part but awww, I will let my Go-chun imagination run wild on this.lol.

I was wondering why she sang Tiffany's part

But I didn't look up the translation so thanks! :)

I think Hyun was subtle to show how she feels?

It can be an option hehe

I remember when they hold hands for the first time (fishing trip)

She started singing "kissing you" ... They part when it says something about walking together holding hands

Also, when they were going to see their gogumas, she said "it's just like tell me you wish" and she sang the part about riding in a car, you sitting next to me :wub:

Oh! And also, how can we forget about the push and pull episode when Hyun was expressing her anger and pushing Yong seobang with "run devil run"

Sorry I don't have exact translations of the lyrics :sweatingbullets: but u get the idea keke


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Ha! I'm back after my last depressing post. No more sadness, reminisces or tears for now - I'll provide you with some really short translations on the last part of this week's episode. I've seen some Goguma's were curious about it and since nobody else has posted translations for it, I'm honored to be the first :lol: Oh, and now I know why their selca is mirrored. They took it with the front camera -_- It only took me three years to find out.
















































@lovekin! As you're one of the people who asked about it; I'm not sure if this is the part you meant? It's the cut right after Seohyun's last black room interview. - Oh and can I say that I absolutely hate the lightning in that room?! It's better now, but that room doesn't do our couple's beauty any justice!
















































BF: Eeh, really.
















































GF: Why? (What?)
















































BF: Are you copying me now?
















































GF: Ah, what do you mean copying~?
















































BF: Stop it, Seohyun-ah.
















































GF: Ah~
















































BF: Stop it, stop it.
















































BTW, doesn't Seohyun's hairstyle during the black room interviews in the second part of their cut remind you of the usual hairstyles brides have on their wedding day? No? Oh, then it must be just me.
















































Edit: Ah, look at this~ The abbreviations... Did I take it a step too far?! :lol:
















































Seohyun's eyesmile. Totally had to post this:









































































































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Guest just_a_dream
























a very cold morning everyone (those from Phil) and happy chinese new year also for those celebrating it!.party,party!.(well, that's how we celebrate holidays here,so am assuming that goes the same, no idea really.hehe)








thanks so much aisuo415 for that translation of yours.,i was also curious on that part too,they seem to play around again..ah sincha,those two chodings really..haha..so the result?.i watch again the whole episode twice (by this moment), one at my laptop and the other in my cellphone.,haha.,i really am obsessed with our couple that i was able to transfer the whole episode to my cp,so that i can watch it anytime and everywhere for this whole week, and i'll replace it with this saturdays ep for next week though.,fighting!








anink, thanks so much for the very fast update and to all who repost the links, and the one who uploaded it in youtube (i forgot the name,mianhe!).








ikekeyou and lovekin, i'm also lurking at others thread and recently in khuntoria's thread.,yes, they will go to jeju island,and fortunately i didn't feel any,i mean some jealousy for that.,i really don't know why when it comes to our couple i became so giggly,giggly and to the others,i don't.,haha.,i really am biased..








i would get this opportunity to thank so many people here, since it's been ages that i have been lurking and not posting..abitan, thank you for the reply,want you to know that it worked though, and i had my brother do the voting for me when i'm asleep (well, because when he's sleeping i'm awake and vice versa,hehe)..








for that copying part of YongSeo, it really is couple-ish..i mean,when your soo comfortable with someone especially if you feel something deeper than friendship for that someone or in any case your in relationship with him, you'll unknowingly copy the other persons way of talking,the attitude, the gestures, expressions and others..i really am a living example of that, that i would not notice how i came to copy my bf attitudes and others, that sometimes he said that i become better than the instructor.,hehe.,if this two really don't feel anything special towards each other, that would be the end of my minds hardwork in analyzing their actuation..i mean, it is so hard to believe nothing is going on here,but who am i to know that there is?.hehe.,silly me!.i really would prefer for them to be together without the knowledge of the public,.








and oh,hehe.,this is just to feed my liberated thoughts, are they too young to date?.well anyway, many have commented that they are still too young, but i guess too young as a married couple but not too young to date?..my POV though!.








that's all for now gogumas!.have a good day everyone!.wub.gif









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Guest honeyjade11
























hey,, I never thought Jinwoon and YongHwa are close... just found this video






























[cr hicn4] 101209 CNBLUE - 2AM at GDA [watch at 04:17 SNSD win]






























credits to: guitarpianocouple









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Guest nafa_yongseo
















i feel happy this morning when i yongseo BTS vid...









i aggre with  eastlight (i can't quote your post)














thats right... she want to tell her feeling to yong... hope yong noticed it...









yongseo DAEBAK...:wub:...:wub:...:wub:














now waiting for mc kim tweet...







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Guest lovelybee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogomas, Happy Lunar New Year!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am waiting for Today special Episode. Hope it will be special things for our yongseo. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Perhaps the unseen footage or some inteview? (cross finger) 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest aya otohata
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey guys, I have a quick question. What was the noise when Seohyun laid on the couch? Was it her cellphone or was it the elephant? lol I'm really curious to know coz it was bothering me when I was watching their vid. It was a cute noise though lol!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope that today's WGM special is not a rerun!!! I want more BTS!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: There's a rumor about all 9 members of SNSD being in a drama. If it's true, I hope Seohyun gets paired with Yong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: Nevermind. SM rejected the offer lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD Drama

































































































































































































































































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Hello! I'm a little confused bout that Special Episode. So tomorrow (Wednesday) there's supposed to be a WGM special episode for the New Lunar Year right? Or is it just a rerun? And also, if there's an episode tomorrow, will there also be one Saturday??



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watch the bts even it takes age loading^^ but i endure it because it's yongseo :wub: , and it's worth it, i laugh when yonghwa act regret married to hyun that was funny












i wanna ask something, it's said that today there's a special ep of wgm right? at what time? so i can stream it? hope it's not air when i'm still at office :( , and i hope the special ep is really special, like more bts not just rerun.












and i wanna says happy lunar year to all of goguma villager who celebrate it, happy holiday!!!!!





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Ep 42 unseen cut subbed
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is the unseen cut ep 42 English subbed,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm coding and timing it myself. Hope u like it :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Original raw video is uploaded by serai409@youtube
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas fightning!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi Guys/Gals!
































































Going to de-lurk mode...
































































Sorry to be asking this but can anyone confirm what time is the special episode going to be shown? I'm gonna try to find a stream to watch it today.
































































As for BTS footage, I love the fact that Hyun is no longer shy or hesitates when Yong makes a request. Episode 42 and BTS footage have really shown a whole new level comfortability with each other. There is definitely something happening between them. And I agree that Hyun treats Yong in the same level as her SNSD unnies. I think this is the real Hyun. No longer the shy and very awkward Hyun, but the warm and very cheerful Hyun.
































































I think these footages have convinced the PD's to start preparing for their wedding photoshoot. I do hope that C.N Blue boys and SNSD unnies did participate in their photoshoot or at the very least someone did come to watch them. I really like to see their reaction. But at the same time, the comfortability of the couple does shines when they do things by themselves.  If not in their wedding photoshoot, I really hope they make a episode involving them. I believe that the next step (aside from a hug and kiss) is to show this kind of comfortability with people close to them.
































































I know that they did hook up their arms and show it to Yong friends. But I felt that they were still kinda reserve in showing affection with each other.
































































Anyway, let's enjoy the upcoming episode.
































































Going back to lurking mode....

































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Guest bettechai












*quoted image*










Yay!! Yong has fulfilled one of Hyun's expectation for her future husband!!



















And not to forget, she now can freely gives compliments to Yong~





















*quoted image*










At last, Yong got to hear his buin sing and dance to GEE *throws confetti* :D



















oh god.. its so perfect.ahhah can you give me the links for BTS 3,4, and 14 pls..thanks










and thanks for the subs..:)



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I may be wrong but I think they didn't use the BTS footage because right after they started washing the dishes, a camera lens and cameraman's leg showed up in the left side of the footage (like nobody is aware that they are being filmed?)































































































































































































































































I wish they had a set up like Big Brother House in the US where there are remote controlled cameras that cover all parts of their house. Yongseo's is a small house so wouldn't take too many cameras. They wouldn't have any other people around and even though they would know the cameras were there, without the people behind the cameras they would tend to forget they were being filmed and maybe able to be even more natural around each other.































































































































































































































































I still have to laugh at the discussion of Yong having to go to the bathroom because his stomach hurts and she will make him better. I have watched this scene several times and the look on his face is priceless. It's like he is saying to himself "If you only knew."































































































































































































































































So apparently she is speaking banmal a lot (and sometimes with a Busan accent). I'm just starting to learn Korean so I didn't realize the difference so she must be doing it with ease and not feeling forced. In this episode was it a lot or just a few sentences? And wasn't this filmed before they did the Banmal Song video, so what the heck is going on with these two.































































































































































































































































Maybe "What happens in Busan, stays in Busan"?































































































































































































































































Someone mentioned about them maybe being to young to date and marry. I think I've mentioned this before but I started dating my husband when I was 15 and got married when I was 19 and he was 21. Same as our Yongseo couple is in western years. One advantage to marrying that young is that my Mom, who had me when she was 20, has been able to see her grandchildren grow to adulthood and her great-grandchildren start into their teens. Even though my sons waited until mid twenties to marry and have kids, I can hope to see my great-grandkids too.































































































































































































































































One things that really stood out in my mind was that both Yong's and Hyun's faces had a very soft look to them in this episode. I don't think I have seen Yong look so georgeous as he did this week. I also don't think we have seen Hyun this beautiful, vibrant, and carefree as we did this week. Also, I have never noticed Yong's smile like I did this week. When I first saw the cell phone photo I thought Wow-he has Lee Joon lips. Later, there is more of the Joonie lips and then there is the whole Joonie expression. (I say Joonie because I can't think of anyone else that has that smile, big or little, with the turned up corners that stand out).I didn't think Yong's mouth could make that beautiful expression. I never ever expected to see that on Yong's face. Those lips and those facial expressions he showed (from mocking smile to pouting to being a little afraid) was what most young girls would die for. And some of us grandmas too.































































































































































































































































Before this couple was picked one PD said she wanted a very young couple on the show bcause she wanted to show what young couples do, like go camping together. So lets give Yongseo hippy clothing, a VW bus (ala Marry Me, Mary) a tent and send them on their way. Yong said in an earlier episode that he knew how to start a fire with a "bow starter" so they are set. I think this would make a really cool episode. We just have to make sure that Yong doesn't have to fight off any bears, wild boars, king prawns, stray dogs, or seagulls along the way.

































































































































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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
































I love seohyun always being so sincere in trying to find out more about Yong. she is meticulous, taking care of his health etc.really a good wife and a wise mother!! What a rare gem! anyway, I'm happy to see that yongseo never failed to use all their body parts for skinship e.g. shoulder bump, head bump, normal way of holding hands, now their legs!
























And yes! I saw Yong's hand over Hyun's shoulder. It's like a bf/gf  kind of photo, unlike the earlier photos that they took during their 200th anniversary, in their uniforms.
























Hope PD nim takes their time to find 3rd couple or better still if they don't find one. I'm satisfied with these 2 couples! :rolleyes:
























Edit: I just read from Khuntoria's forum that there will be a WGM special on 2 Feb 2011 3.20pm(Korean time).














































































I went back a few pages and this is what I found don't know if there is any livestreams available thou.









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as requested by bezbezbez sorry its not the best :((( but i thought the dolls were cute! haha.

































































































































































































































































































































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Guest ikekeyou
























thanks PanGG for sharing! that lovely photo!
















omg i want to see yongseo wearing hanbok in the show!!
















that would be an awesome new year special (:
















i mean look how good they look in it :]
















anyways about the WGM special.. i hope it's not a rerun either
















but from the looks of it... i think its a rerun





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Guest toomuchsmiling




omg, what a nice surprise. I came here like i usually do to read and catch up with the few pages that grow everyday and what do i find? :lol: A pleasant surprise!!! A BTS!!






Yong is so funny srsly. i love how he always makes her laugh but he IS funny so he makes us laugh also. I'm glad she finally sang a part of Gee to him, even though it was Tiffany's part not hers but hey u work with wat u get!! personally, i'm glad she sang that part, hope it made his heart go DUGEUN DUGEUN!! :wub:




so 2morrow a WGM Special huh? :blink: i wonder what's it gonna be about. i hope it isn't re-runs, but if it is i won't be disappointed b/c at least my hopes weren't high. haha.



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