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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseorockin




thanks a lot Anink for sharing the link! =) and also a million thanks to scatterbrain and Lumpiere for the translations!!








soshisoshisoshi lol. yup, i think so too-maybe other gogumas are busy for the celebration. So, to spice things up a lil bit(i hope so =p) I'll post some of my goguma findings (lol,i sound like i'm doing a research for my university assignments)






*quoted image*




Yay!! Yong has fulfilled one of Hyun's expectation for her future husband!!

And not to forget, she now can freely gives compliments to Yong~


*quoted image*




At last, Yong got to hear his buin sing and dance to GEE *throws confetti*  :D







Ahh...so sorry soshisoshisoshi!! I wanted to click on the plus but accidentally hit the minus instead! I am so sorry! I wish soompi can do something like letting us reverse our votes. its problematic when we accidentally hit the wrong button. so sorry!! :tears:


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This BTS is DAEBAK!! I just randomly open the thread and find this BTS..

Don't you think that Yong is really maniac with Gee??

He always ask Hyun to do Gee perform, right??

Really, PD-nim should put more BTS cut..

It's totally cute..

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Hello fellow Gogumas!














I have not recovered yet from the daebakness of ep 42 and then we are hit by this 1:26 minutes of unseen footage!!














She was so comfortable that she could lie down and relax on the infamous couch in front of Yong... just like her husband!! That's what really impressed me. Now... that is what I would call an exclamation point!














Further to that, Hyun is at a whole new level of comfortableness with Yong during this particular day. She had also put both her feet up to the couch with Yong beside her. Now, I wonder what happened between Busan and ep 42 that made her arrive at this level of comfort? That is the million dollar question that I would like an answer to!














Thank you to anink, scatterbrain & lumpiere for the link and translations. Thanks to soshimunky for the youtube link too, which I have saved and rewatched numerous times already. LOL



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Guest shenibabi
































































































































































































































































































































thanks so much gogumas
































































































































































































why did they cut it?
































































































































































































yongseo so cute
































































































































































































yong choding so funny and i find seohuyn very comfortable
































































































































































































yongseo is real
































































































































































































ah keep watching it on imbc to increase views

































































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my thanks to anink, aya, soshimunky, scatterbrain and lumpiere

for BTS links and translations!

i hope this is just a 'teaser' for MBC WGM Special, tomorrow.

there are more bts clips PDnim is keeping from us, <_<

but more than anything else, i want to see the bed and couch scenes

unseen footages..:phew:

to In-Go Paem celebrating lunar new year..GONG XI FA CAI!

and to the rest...Happy Holiday..

also will be looking forward to MC Jake's tweet!


ahn_annann...daebak caps!

ooh..the color combinations of yellow and pink looks cheerful!

at a glance, i thought hyun wore the 'touch is love' pants again kekeke

blind me, i haven't check my PM.

but u are most welcome, dreamy..

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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































































































I like it clip BTS so much. PDnims, Had u known how many YongSeo shipper want to see more & more YongSeo and always think one ep with 30' is too short and you gave us more like a cute gift? Thank u so much. I love u :">
































































































































Huyn is so cute and natural, just lazy with her husband, of course because he's so good husband, cooks good & wash good hihi and look at her face when she's in the couch - face's choding 100% like Yong seobang :wub: Now, Huyn tease Yong so natural and comfortable
































































































































Yong seobang is so good husband, cooks for wife, after eat, clearing dishes. And his wish come true, wife sing and dance Gee just for him :lol:
































































































































At this BTS, They're not SNSD's maknea & CNBLue's leader - they're wife Huyn & husband Yong, live a normal life at their house :wub: everyday and everynight, flirt & flirt, choding & choding, love & love <3
































































































































This is the true way YongSeo live in our house, happy and comfortable together.
































































































































magdal: I'm waiting for u. Thank u so *hug* hope u like it :)
































































































































Thank to anink for the link, thank to scatterbrain & Lumpiere for the translations

































































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Guest ahn_annann










Thanks for all Translations.. and Thanks Semi-fly for raw vidoes






oh.. just 1.2 mins but so sweet and cute..






my pics :





















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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































screencaps from the BTS...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is really a whirlwind week for us!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest fabiistar07



Kyaa~! the iMBC clip was daebak!

Thank u for uploading it to YT <3 :D

I wish they would give us a whole year of unseen footage of uri YongSeo

First I LovE how Hyun just goes with the flow when it comes to her hubby's jokes keke

She has truly become Yong choding's wifey ^_^

also, gotta love the fanchant,

Hyunnie's voice is so pretty!

I remember how before (to sing 16 going on 17) she wanted to be prepared to show the best performance, and said 'no' q couple of times

But now, she just sang the song w/o hesitation and of course sounded amazing :D

Also I gotta love fan boy Yong~

"ottokeyo?" "OTTOKE~!" xD


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















woops! this thread suddenly becomes lively again! I thought most of you are busy :sweatingbullets:. thanks ahn_annann and uolam21 for the caps!














so this BTS clip is like a holiday present for us right?? especially those celebrating lunar new year! ^_^ Now I wonder what will be shown on wednesday's WGM lunar year special......... it could be a re-run again though.  COME ON PD!!! ONCE YOU SURPRISE US,  WE EXPECT MORE SURPRISES FROM YOU! (as if he's going to read this <_<). nevertheless, the whole BTS is sweet and lovey-dovey.
















how can we bear watching 30 minutes of YongSeo when we'll surely FAINT because of just 1:26 minutes of BTS clip???? :wub::wub:
















yongseorockin ,  it's okay dear! no need to worry about that!
















so, to those celebrating the new year..... HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR / CHINESE NEW YEAR!! the rest, happy holidays (including me :lol:)and don't forget!

































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thanks for the incredible caps!!! you gogumas are jjang :wub:.
































































































































































I'm worried guys, RDR subs's team is upset because people keeps asking them about things that are written in their news section and they even are thinking to make their subs for selected people only :tears: . Besides there are some people who are criticizing their new layout and they are ungry for that too.
































































































































































I know we have our amazing angels here but I like to watch rdr subs too. I think we should show them our support. There must be very hard and tiring to do subs for us, and the only thing they get back is our gratitude, so I don't really get why some people is so rude to them <_<.
































































































































































So let's show our support, they have been great help for us when noone can translate...
































































































































































By the way ep 39 was released by them ^^!!!
































































































































































happy spazzing gogumas!

































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Guest Lildedprinxez

thanks a lot Anink for sharing the link! =) and also a million thanks to scatterbrain and Lumpiere for the translations!!

soshisoshisoshi lol. yup, i think so too-maybe other gogumas are busy for the celebration. So, to spice things up a lil bit(i hope so =p) I'll post some of my goguma findings (lol,i sound like i'm doing a research for my university assignments)

*quoted image*

Yay!! Yong has fulfilled one of Hyun's expectation for her future husband!!

And not to forget, she now can freely gives compliments to Yong~

*quoted image*

At last, Yong got to hear his buin sing and dance to GEE *throws confetti*  :D

gyaah~ I love this post. CUTE!! The wall between them has finally demolished! :)) I love it. Yong and Hyun much more closer to each other. We'll wait for the day Hyun talks to Yong in banmal! :D

After see again and again the ep 42, I jut think about one question. As we know, have eyes-maks of Yong in the couch.

But why did he leave it at that? It is not natural when take eyes-mask from the bag and let it so without any purpose. Especially this eyes-mask stay in the arm of the chair.

It gives me a sense of because he was sleeping in the couch all the night before? ( or maybe just few hour but is the night before). Hyun sleeps in the bedroom. Maybe he did not turn of the lights so he need eyes-mask.

Thank u so, dreamyboo hihi :wub: *hug* I think you're right about pinky-holding skinship of YongSeo. Huyn's face express hurt at 1st massages, maybe yong asked her to hold his hand, OMG to make her feel less pain. So many Yo~ng. Hope it comes true :">

Omo~! I totally agree with you! I also think Yong slept in the couch while hyun stayed in the bedroom. Aww. But still sweet. He made breakfast for her. :">

OMG I can't wait for the next episode because of that pinky preview! :">

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Guest lady_07

yongseo so cute!

I'm happy when it is saturday!bcoz the day yongseo will air~~

since adam couple leave...

i keep thinking how yongseo will saying their goodbye.,..~

just imagine it make me cry~~

HOPE they will date after leaving WGM~ ^_^

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Guest Lildedprinxez

Hello Goguma Villagers!

Just sharing some thoughts about next epi's preview  :)

I noticed how the x-ray shows the mid-section of a person, so i'm guessing it's YongHwa's x-ray

I wonder if he feels a little uncomfortable about Hyun looking at it as well blush.gif keke

*quoted image*

Another thing that Trent posted about, I can also see Hyun's shyness, i guess you can call it, when it comes to her feet.

I remember when she went to CN Blue's dorm, she had shoes on but didn't have any socks, but she brought extra socks in her bag, so when she took off her shoes, she stayed behind and immediately put them on. But i also think it's her complex, since she wears high heels so much, her feet might not be so pretty looking, but that can't be helped, Hyunnie is still perfect :D

In the preview, Yong~ seems very relaxed, while SeoHyun is clasping both hands, it may be because of her "complex" or maybe because it feels good? haha

*quoted image*

And just as a bonus

This made my heart skip a beat :wub:  

it's something so simple, yet it's something you can only do with someone ur comfortable enough

and it's just plain adorableee :wub:

i wonder who was the one that started it :huh: i hope they show it, and secretly, i hope it's Hyun :P hahaha

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

Sorry about bad caps, i did them so i'm not good at it  :sweatingbullets:

gyaah~! I can no longer wait for SATURDAY because of this. That last screencaps makes me want to see yong and hyun's face under that bed (is that a bed? massage table? I dunno) I can imagine them smiling and blushing while having that skinship. Gyaaaahh I can't help not to smile whenever i see this preview :)

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Guest charmonster
















































































Hi !!  Annyeong to all gogumas out there .. smile.gif
















































Just wanna spazz with you all with the latest 'surprise' that PDnims gave to us ..
















































I honestly LOVE that 1:30 sec clip wub.gif , I LOVE the 'fanboy' Yong & especially... the 'choding' Hyun wub.gifwub.gif
















































I cant stop admiring the two of them .. biggrin.gif
















































BTW, one of my wish that YongSeo would do is to appear in other variety show in MBC ('Come To Play' to be exact).
















































Im watching the WGM Season 1 special on Come To Play & suddendly crossed in my mind that, what if.. the current couple now will do the same as the season 1 couples? I dont think its a bad idea right? sweatingbullets.gif and thats a another opportunity to know what our favorite couple running into their minds about their marriage (or should i say 'sudden' pair up), are they satisfied?, are they confuse as much as we are about their status of relationship?, etc. Well, sorry for my nonsense rambling (maybe this is the effect of being an "alone goguma" here in my place blush.gif) & I just wanna know their reactions & answers to the questions that were asked in there since it was very intriguing, especially if our couple was the one to be asked.smile.gif
















































I want to do some screencaps but I dont know how.. sorry tears.gif
















































On a lighter note, THANK YOU very very much for all of the gogumas out there who provide us with translations, fanarts, fanfics, screencaps, news & many many more w00t.gif Jeongmal Kamsahamnida w00t.gif
















































sorry if my english is bad & please tell me if I did something wrong or if i should put it on the spoiler.. blush.gif thanks.

















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Did anyone noticed Hyun didn't sing her part in Gee she sang Tiffany's part.
























































Her part goes
























































"You're so so handsome
























































My eyes my eyes are blinded
























































I can't breathe because I'm trembling"
























































But she sang Tifanny's part which goes,
























































"Oh I feel so embarrassed
























































I can't look at you
























































I feel shy because I've fallen in love" :wub:
























































"What should I do?"
























































Maybe its nearer to the fanchants for gee thats why she sang that part but awww, I will let my Go-chun imagination run wild on this.lol.









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Guest dyahalcheon








Love this couple so much.From recent episode I think they are together now (as a real couple), according to their interaction with each other. Perhaps, In Busan trip, they actually do it (make a commitment).




Hope their togetherness long lasting ^^



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【Broadcast】llOlϨ7 MNԑᴛ's τhԑ Tԑɾᶆ!ɳαtor E.06 - ϜΤІϩland vs CNBLUE







At 28.44-28.55. There were scenes from YongSeo episode with Yong from his trainee days (I guess) saying something about Seohyun very shortly and feel embarrassed suddenly after saying it.







Anything worth translating here?


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Hi Goguma Village
































































































































































































































































Thanks so much for the vid of Yongseo and the translation (you guys made my Birthday spazz worthywub.gif). I hope that the vid was a little preview of what we are going to see tomorrow it will be so daebak. And I think this scene is what the preview text suggested wife Yong husband Hyun, but it was cut due to time.
































































































































































































































































I was thinking about this for some time now (like in the USA they have a DVD of Seasons:whatever of TV shows) we shoud suggest to PD or MBC that they do that with WGM with extra vids or PD cut, so we could get to see what they couldn't fit into screen time/show time. I would definitely purchase that.blush.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































PS. If memory serves me rightsweatingbullets.gif(correct me if I'm wrong) WGM in Season1 previewed new couple(s) in the Lunar Year Special. I was thinking may by they were going to do that for tomorrow seeing that the show is one couple short. What do my fellow Gogumas think.

































































































































































































































































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