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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest chandrawd












Most wanted episode = wedding photoshoot







I've been watching WGM couples season 1 wedding photoshoot and man i kinda upset why the hell is goguma couple took so long regarding their wedding photoshoot?? hhhhh i wanna see seohyun in her beautiful-goddess-look-alike figure in perfect white wedding dress







and i wanna see our yong seobang turn out from choding boy into a super-smexy-hot-handsome-mind blowing(ofcourse with his super charismatic stare gaze) groom in his tuxedo.







aaahhhhh palliiiiiiii!!





















And i noticed in most of season 1 couples are when speaking about divorce/show end, most of them were end up in crying. both male and female.














when someday yongseo have to end their marrige, i'm really curious will seohyun and yonghwa cry together on a scene, or only one of them are crying and the other just teary and soothing around.







and i just wonder how the PD make the divorce scene for them.... hhhhhhh aiiisshhh shut it up chandrawd, stop talking about it (talking to myself)





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Guest scatterbrain

i keep rewatching yongseo's first episode and is still not tired of it. their first meeting is so magical (how on earth the WGM PD can think of such weird pairing? most popular girl group SNSD's maknae, who's not interested in boys, being put together with leader of rookie band that was still not that popular at that time, CNBlue.it's like hit-or-miss)We should really thank the PD for bringing them together!

You guys should try to rewatch episode 1 n 2 again after watching episode 42. you'll find their awkwardness in the first two episode very endearing. yonghwa trying very hard to make seohyun comfortable while seohyun only talk in one or two sentences or "ne..." both of them were very nervous. and then you compare it with their interaction in ep.42. seohyun talked non-stop. and even nags at yonghwa.

one thing i noticed. MIL told hyun"help me take care of your husband" and yonghwa was all shy and the bubble speech said "aigo, mom..~really..."

and after hyun called MIL, yong thanked hyun. i find it very sweet, dunno why.

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Guest gogumacouple4ever






and after hyun called MIL, yong thanked hyun. i find it very sweet, dunno why.





Sorry to cut your post, but i also find it very sweet as well! ^_^  




The way how he said it, his voice tone, his gestures, his expression, and the timing(seems like yong jus said it out of the blues. i got a bit confuse on what he was thanking hyun for). but anyways  I don't know if anyone is feeling it too.




but for me...  it felt like there was more to his "Thank You" that we will never know for sure except Yong himself.




I'm not really sure how to phrase what im trying to say or get at here. so i'll just leave it up to anyone of you who are also feeling the same to write it in more details =] ( tho i hope you guys are understanding where i'm trying to get at here lol)






well, i guess since i'm not sure how to phrase what i'm trying to say. i'll just tell you guys a little love story of mine where i happened to use " Thank You" because that was all that was right to say. ( in spoiler )






i used to love this one person wholeheartedly... i love that person so much that i would of had done anything just to make that person happy in all ways. Even tho i loved that person so much, never once i confessed. i wasn't a coward, i wasn't scared, and i most certainly wasn't trying to hide my feelings. but because of some unfortunate reasons. i couldn't confess to that person openly. so instead i thanked that person everyday.




My "Thank You" to that person was meant to say: Thank you for coming into my life, thank you for everything and most importantly I LOVE YOU







so that was my little story with no ending lol but. i hope you guys do get a better understanding of what i was trying to say now.




and of course i'm fully aware that i could be or am over analyzing it a bit so i do apologize ahead.




but. anyways TY for taking the time to read my post ^_^













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MBC Cut Shoot from ep 42 OUR couple
































http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod/<br /><br />

































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seems like yonghwa known seo hyun better right now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































he is are in same level with snsd unnies when they talk about seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































habbit when she's angry ,no one known seohyun better beside her parents or snsd unnies (they have been
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































together about 7-8 years and yoona is seohyun childhood friends,they go training together and their home
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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seohyun unnies































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong naempyon
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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MBC Cut Shoot from ep 42 OUR couple
































































































































http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod/<br /><br />































































































































































































































































thanks for sharing..they are so cute....heheh....































































































































































































































































MBC please share more of yongseo unseen cut!.. i know that more sweeter clips in there..

















































































































































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Guest aya otohata


It's an unseen cut from Episode 42!

Click on the Yongseo pic of course...then, scroll down and you'll see a video loading.

The video loads really slow but it's worth it.

OMG they're so CUTE!!!

Lazy Hyun!!!

Yong as SOSHI FAN lol!

How adorable can they get?

Please watch it on MBC guys so we can get lots of view and show the WGM staff that Yongseo's loved by many!

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SM Entertainment made an announcement on February 1st explaining that, “All the SNSD members will be spending the Lunar New Year holiday with their families. TVXQ will also be spending quality time with their families on the Lunar New Year, and afterwards, they will appear on the weekend music program.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hmmm... is this the perfect time for a Jung-Seo family gathering??? Ohhh... we hope so!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gong Xi Fa Choi everyone!!!

















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Guest ikekeyou








































another BTS FOOTAGE!!
















it's taking forever to load but im baring with it (since the more view counts the better right) :D
















edit: just finished watching it ahahah and it was cute!
















hyun being a lazy wife ahahahha
















and the GEE GEE GEE part is hilarious!!





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Guest gogumaforever
































































hello everyone, please watch it and can anyone translate it. its so cute. the lazy hyun
































































please... thanks fellow gogumas.

















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It's an unseen cut from Episode 42!

Click on the Yongseo pic of course...then, scroll down and you'll see a video loading.

The video loads really slow but it's worth it.

OMG they're so CUTE!!!

Lazy Hyun!!!

Yong as SOSHI FAN lol!

How adorable can they get?

@Anink.. thank you so much for your kind heart sharing this video..;)

@ Aya.. indeed! they are so Endearing, charming ,delightful!!! kyupta!

please, can someone translate the video;) so this is the teaser for tommorow's mbc special?

 i want more, we want more right? stay happy gogoma family!


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Guest chandrawd












Omg omg another unseen clip!!! at first i thought yonghwa will show some hoot dances and it turns out that he was scold seohyun's lazyness and also super lol at yonghwa fanboy chant!







Please someone help us with all that unfamiliar conversation,give us a translation pleaseeeeeeee





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Guest deeana55


so sweeet...


can someone putit on youtube so i can download it and rewatch everyday...


thanks before....




these two can't stop making me smile and happy...




yongseo is definitely love 


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Unseen clip...


yong frustrating because  the lazy hyun..




please someone upload video in the youtube..


because I want save the video unseen..









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i have downloaded the video but its in swf file not the normal file seen on youtube.... unless anyone here can help with the conversion?


i have tried to upload to youtube but i dun think it can use that format...


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hello gogumas...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































try to watch this ..got it from KDR blogspot..thanks a lot...hope its fine if i post it here its our couple unseen cut...release by mbc...it takes time to load so be patient kekeke...fighting...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry already been shared..but its worth to watch..ya and lets watch it in mbc site ...for counts puropse...

































































































































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Guest yongseoisreal






can somebody please translate the unseen cut..please3~~~


they are TOO cute!!!!


and i really hope someone would be able to download it to the youtube with sub so that i can download and re-watch it again...


(sorry for my bad English..~)


the ep 42 uncut scene


have just uploaded on youtube....


here's the link...


but i dont know korean so this is still raw



the link is not available.. :(



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hi about the journal thingy , it would be great if some one download it into one file then all gogumas in here can read that story..i totally will print it out and read it as my newest collection of journals. Seem like fun to read fiction..Kekeke..me not so much reading on net ..i prefer something i can hold , laying on my bed and read it...Gosh ...i love that..


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Guest scatterbrain








YH: I am fast at washing dishes












H: aigo i'm really...really...




YH:(wife) take rest








YH: you just relax all day, why don't you do something for a change?




H: (pretend not to listen) go and cook some food~




Caption: a couple scene in meoldrama




H: Ahh..so full




YH: i can't live anymore~i can't live anymore~i can't live with you anymore. you are not working~not earning money. you only sleep around at home




H: make me some ma




YH: you do it~




H: Aah...what^^




Caps: (Finally) in a good relation. washing dishes together




YH: (background musick for washing dishes) Sing Gee




H:Gee?let's sing with fan sing a long version.(sings gee lyric)




Y:Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby baby




Caps: SNSD Seohyun and fanboy performance








H:Well done








H:yo've work hard




Caps: finally finished cleaning the dishes together




YH: you've work hard




H:Well done




YH: thank you.thank you seo joo hyun ssi




H: not a problem
















goguma baidu





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Guest Lumpiere





doing a rough translation based on the chinese one on Baidu!





Y:I'm very good at doing the dishes









H:Aigoo, ahh i'm really, ... really 



Y:take a rest






Y:All you do is stay at home and laze around, 



H:[pretends to not hear] Go cook something!



Subtitle:Reenacting some real life couple scenario



H:Ahhh, i'm so full



Y:I can't do this anymore!(x2)~I can't live with you anymore.You don't work, nor do you earn money, you only sleep!



h:Make me some (the drink that hyun always makes for yoong, forgot what its called suddenly!)



Y:Do it yourself!



H: What?



Subtitle:Washing bowls together



]Y: Sing a song, Gee, sing Gee!



H:Gee? use the soshi fanchant version!



Y:Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby baby Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby baby



subtitle:soshiHyun and Fan live performance



H:Lyrics in Gee






H:Well done!



Y:Is it really like that?



Subtitle:Finally done with the dishes



H:Well done



Y:Thank you, thank you Seo Ju Hyun 



H:It's ok!





Credits to 小茴 @ baidu



Sorry if its a little rough, tide over with this before the resident translators do a professional one!


Looks like the translations are already out! Sorry for double posting!


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