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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest archiehon








































Wow! I've been trying to read everyone's post since last thursday and gogumas never failed to deliver. I'm thankful that we found this couple who has been the center of this thread but most of all i'm glad to have found all of you my fellow gogumas.
























I totally agree with glittersparks (i hope i got it right) that no other threads are as vibrant and alive as ours. It makes me emotional to think of the friendship and connection we built across the globe just to celebrate a couple of celebrity we barely know. I mean that spell unity and LOVE.
























I love reading aisuo's post. Each of us can relate emotionally to this couple. That's why sometimes we will get some uncomfortable outburst but that only shows how strongly we feel for this couple.
























I always wonder why I'm so obsessed with this couple to the point of influencing other people to love them and I think the answer is apart from Seo Hyun and Yong Hwa's charm, the bigger percentage would be attributed to all the wonderful gogumas, old and new.
























About the latest ep, I think everyone had said the thing i wanted to say. Just going to watch it again!









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Guest honeyjade11
























hiiii,,, my gosh!! I really can't get over that episode, it's more than GREAT!! I mean, I never thought that they would be at this level.. They've grown a lot!!






























I love how Yong let his wife Hyun to touch his personal life even though they were just married virtually... Yong's friends were also great, Hyun didn't get awkward after all. I love the couple shirt..















And my gosh,, Yong can cook... she's so lucky. I love how they exchange glances and the way they can't keep their hands off each other. Yong touch her couple of times while praising her for wearing the butterfly necklace. And I was surprised when Hyun initiates massaging Yong's shoulder,, haha!!















It's a great scene when he wakes her up,.. and the bickering was cute too.!!















can't wait for next week!! ♥YongSeo♥ fighting!!









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Hello, guys.

I'm just wondering about Seohyun and her feet ... (God, we really discuss *everything* in this forum):

She always wears socks (there was some SNSD instance where they had some sort of palm reader for feet - and all the SNSD members wen barefoot, but Seohyun wore socks).

And when Yonghwa touched her feet, she said: "Don't touch." and hit his foot. And she looks ... well, not uncomfortable, but slightly tensed when the massage woman massages her feet.

I have friends that are extremely sensitive on their feet. I think Seohyun is that, too.

Best regards,


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Hello, guys.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm just wondering about Seohyun and her feet ... (God, we really discuss *everything* in this forum):
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She always wears socks (there was some SNSD instance where they had some sort of palm reader for feet - and all the SNSD members wen barefoot, but Seohyun wore socks).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And when Yonghwa touched her feet, she said: "Don't touch." and hit his foot. And she looks ... well, not uncomfortable, but slightly tensed when the massage woman massages her feet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have friends that are extremely sensitive on their feet. I think Seohyun is that, too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best regards,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think it has to do with her feet being her 'complex'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I read or saw an interview (I don't remember where) but the SNSD girls discussed how their feet are not pretty because they wear high heels all the time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think because of the stress of the type of footwear they wear, their feet must not be pretty to look at.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Therefore, Seohyun always wears socks or covers up her feet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some girls are shy about their weight, hair, height & I guess for Seohyun her complex must be her feet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't think she has anything to worry about. Even if she has 3 toes, she's still perfect the way she is.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest luv_yesung
















































Hello, guys.
































I'm just wondering about Seohyun and her feet ... (God, we really discuss *everything* in this forum):
















She always wears socks (there was some SNSD instance where they had some sort of palm reader for feet - and all the SNSD members wen barefoot, but Seohyun wore socks).
















And when Yonghwa touched her feet, she said: "Don't touch." and hit his foot. And she looks ... well, not uncomfortable, but slightly tensed when the massage woman massages her feet.
















I have friends that are extremely sensitive on their feet. I think Seohyun is that, too.
































































Best regards,







































































if i remember correctly,wgm season 1 when alex give shin ae feet massage she refuse it at first,and the MC in studio said that if women show her feet,that was like she show everything?? but since alex is from canada maybe he didn't familiar with that, i'm not sure though :sweatingbullets:
















please korean gogumas correct me....

















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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































I think it has to do with her feet being her 'complex'
































































































































































































































































I read or saw an interview (I don't remember where) but the SNSD girls discussed how their feet are not pretty because they wear high heels all the time.
































































































































































































































































I think because of the stress of the type of footwear they wear, their feet must not be pretty to look at.
































































































































































































































































Therefore, Seohyun always wears socks or covers up her feet.
































































































































































































































































Some girls are shy about their weight, hair, height & I guess for Seohyun her complex must be her feet.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post. 
































































































































































































































































I can just imagine the global goguma spazz attacks if the day comes when she lets Yong wash her feet ala AlSin in Season 1.  They are just so adorable together, argh!  Each week just gets better and better for us. :)

































































































































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Guest fabiistar07



Hello Goguma Villagers!

Just sharing some thoughts about next epi's preview :)

I noticed how the x-ray shows the mid-section of a person, so i'm guessing it's YongHwa's x-ray

I wonder if he feels a little uncomfortable about Hyun looking at it as well blush.gif keke


Another thing that Trent posted about, I can also see Hyun's shyness, i guess you can call it, when it comes to her feet.

I remember when she went to CN Blue's dorm, she had shoes on but didn't have any socks, but she brought extra socks in her bag, so when she took off her shoes, she stayed behind and immediately put them on. But i also think it's her complex, since she wears high heels so much, her feet might not be so pretty looking, but that can't be helped, Hyunnie is still perfect :D

In the preview, Yong~ seems very relaxed, while SeoHyun is clasping both hands, it may be because of her "complex" or maybe because it feels good? haha


And just as a bonus

This made my heart skip a beat :wub:

it's something so simple, yet it's something you can only do with someone ur comfortable enough

and it's just plain adorableee :wub:

i wonder who was the one that started it :huh: i hope they show it, and secretly, i hope it's Hyun :P hahaha



Sorry about bad caps, i did them so i'm not good at it :sweatingbullets:


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hi kaydee, the pic that u posted... i was also wondering about it. then, it just dawned on me that maybe yong went over to cover hyun up with the comforter & that's prolly how it got an indent. if that's true, PD should've shown us that part!! danggg... but i guess PD is keeping the better scenes for later. LOVE U PD! :wub: HAHA anyway, that's just my speculation~! ^^

oh, i wanted to comment after seeing the yongseo activity calendar posted by sally7 last nite but was too tired to do so. and so i'll resume it now since i'm not in the mood to work (it's almost LUNAR NEW YEAR here... i'm in the mood for some celebration :w00t: ). i was truly surprised to see yongseo's progress right after the japan ep. especially their progress in skinship... it's daebak! it just shows how well yongseo handle each other off-screen. just imagine how much commitment & communication were invested in giving those kinda outputs that they've given to us. it's just too much for a make-believe couple. now that's A COUPLE IN LOVE.

glitterspark, like u... i also think that WGM is a "cruel" show. no doubt it's able to intrigue & entertain us. but, with yongseo's kind of chemistry, i couldn't help but feel for them if it didn't turn out well for them after WGM. but i'll just put that awful feeling aside & hope the best for yongseo~! :D on a side note, it seems like more & more celebrities realize what "other opportunity" WGM provides for them. it's the best gateway to courtship without being pressed by the public, medias & paparazzi. maybe for now.

aisuo, ur post had me teared up! :tears: what a touching post! btw, *hi-5* i also didn't think hyun was beautiful. to me, she was just quite a pretty girl with a very beautiful slim figure. but she gradually became more & more beautiful along the show. kekeke thanks to yong seobang! xD

Trent, rxp... i also think hyun has a complex with her feet! but IDK, they look fine to me in the preview. :blink:

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Guest aya otohata

I remember Nayoung joking that Seohyun's feet smells and I was like "YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT" and was sooo ready to storm in the studio and demand an apology from her lol...(overreact much?)

I also think Seohyun is insecure about her feet (see HAHA Mong Show). And, I think SNSD members have revealed that their feet are probably the ugliest body parts they have especially during the 'Genie' days. They constantly dance in high heeled shoes so of course they would have some wounds, calluses, etc. But, Seohyun shouldn't be really ashamed of it, she should consider it war wounds lol or proof that she works hard. She's still beautiful!

Still spazzing about the latest episode...I've watched the 2nd part or the 'wake up Seohyun, your husband needs some lovin' part about twenty times now...and I still get overly excited. I swear if I can speak Korean, I would have memorized the two's entire conversation by now.

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Guest bettechai












I think it has to do with her feet being her 'complex'










I read or saw an interview (I don't remember where) but the SNSD girls discussed how their feet are not pretty because they wear high heels all the time.










I think because of the stress of the type of footwear they wear, their feet must not be pretty to look at.










Therefore, Seohyun always wears socks or covers up her feet.










Some girls are shy about their weight, hair, height & I guess for Seohyun her complex must be her feet.










*quoted image*










I don't think she has anything to worry about. Even if she has 3 toes, she's still perfect the way she is.



















i saw that news from Soshified.. SNSD feets have Calluses and not pretty due to wearing heels while dancing and for me as a dancer yes our feet have calluses too... and even me i dont really my show my feet too my friends or even in my family.. im shy so i do understand her,.. ehehe



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Guest seohyun_yh
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello, guys.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm just wondering about Seohyun and her feet ... (God, we really discuss *everything* in this forum):
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She always wears socks (there was some SNSD instance where they had some sort of palm reader for feet - and all the SNSD members wen barefoot, but Seohyun wore socks).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And when Yonghwa touched her feet, she said: "Don't touch." and hit his foot. And she looks ... well, not uncomfortable, but slightly tensed when the massage woman massages her feet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have friends that are extremely sensitive on their feet. I think Seohyun is that, too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Best regards,































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think we´re exaggerating with this viewpoint  of her feet,  one occasion in one of the episodes of SNSD - MTV she walked barefoot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but, maybe she feel more comfortable with socks,  Rather, I could assume that she´s shy, I can interpret this as shyness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"when Yonghwa touched her feet, she said: Don´t touch" -  I interpret it as playful. XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe she   thought he was treading  her foot on purpose, I don´t see anything wrong about it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun is tense in the next episode?  I don´t think it will be the reason about it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe she looks  tense  because of the pain, XD This type of massage is painful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to say  thank you so much to all the people who translate these wonderful episodes, I really really enjoy  yongseo´s couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They have something special, they´re too naughty, they have witty ideas.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now I understand  Tiffany´s advice.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun has funny ideas and she is stubborn.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I would love to see a kiss between Yonghwa and Seohyun

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































































































Dreamyboo: I have made a pic for YongSeo. I'm so happy when do it. Hope u like it :wub: thank u

































































































































aisuo415: I'm moved when I read my post. I'm not your case or Huyn's case but I feel sadly when look the scene when they go to Yong's high school. Just a little sad. Because Yong look familiar and fun, but she is quite shy. She's been training since 12 years old, and she doesn't have time to go to school like a normal girl. I thought about it and I feel a bit sad.
































































































































"But I felt my heart watching her and I'm forever grateful to Yonghwa that he brought out the real Seohyun for me, for us, for everyone to see. Because that's how lovely she is." I like your part so :)
































































































































About her feet: I don't remember I saw where I saw Huyn's feet but it's ok, not ugly and no scar. But because they wear high heels many time and make her feet not beautiful. But when see ep 42, I think Huyn's feet is so small. I think it's nice when a girl is tall (like Huyn) but has small feet.

































































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The Gogumafics Livejournal community is happy to present "Stories for First Time Lovers," a collection of stories from the Gogumafics Livejournal community. It is also the Community's present to the YongSeo Couple on the occasion of their first anniversary.
























"Stories" contains the winners of the 1st Gogumafics Awards, a special fic from our resident translator Mountainmadman, and six mods' choices. The result is a 251-page compilation of 20 stories from 14 authors, including authors' messages, credits and foreword.








































































This is Gogumafics' contribution to the International Seohwa Projects.
























Our very, very special thanks go to Rippergirl who designed our cover artwork; to Mountainmadman who translated all the messages; and to bezbezbez for facilitating the sending.
























Our thanks and appreciation, too, to all the writers and readers, even visitors of the community. You have all contributed, in one way or another, to making what the community is today.
























Let's spread the YongSeo love. :)









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Guest laila-chan
































































































uhmmm hi fellow gogumas :)
































just want to share something about the "foot" thing (since we're on it)
































from what i know, it's the culture in korea that a woman (specially) must not shown their feet freely. especially if you're not married yet.
































and if they go to someone's house, it's the polite thing to wear a socks or slipper :)
































so that's why when mc nayoung jokingly stated if seohyun's feet smells, the other mc in studio said that's not it..
































and from my POV about hyun said "don't touch it" i guess she means about her socks not her feet :D
































hope it will help you all :P
































best regards

































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fabiistar07, i also wonder who initiated that pinky-holding skinship :wub: my imagination is telling me that hyun was in pain during the 1st few massages, so yong asked her to hold his hand while enduring the painful massage session. how manly can that be! aha! i hope it comes true!!!

hi hannahgarrido...

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- if u wanna preview ur post, go to USE FULL EDITOR.

hope that helps :)

seychan~! u're such a dear!!! thanks so much for showing me the pic! uhh sorry i just noticed ur PM :sweatingbullets: at 1st glance, u almost fooled me! ahahaha LOVE IT!!!!! *quickly saves the pic* :wub:


hazelnutthursday: wow!! thanks so much for the info & teaser! u guys are jjang!!

laila-chan, thanks for the enlightenment! so it's their culture huh...

uolam21, i also can't get enough of those scenes! keke and yong's simple dish... i'd like to try make one for my guy kekeeke (since i'm a pretty lousy cook :phew: )

hannahgarrido: i've PMed you something. :)

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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































'm just ecstatic with the last episode,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i can't help but share more screencaps...

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest hannahgarrido
































hi hannahgarrido...
















- copy the web address of the image u wanna post.
















- in FAST REPLY box, click on INSERT IMAGE icon (an icon away from the smiley icon).
















- paste the web address of the image u wanna post into the INSERT IMAGE pop-up window.
















- if u wanna preview ur post, go to USE FULL EDITOR.
















hope that helps :)































tnx for answering my question laugh.gif
















but what about if i want to upload something from my computer?? tnx again!!

















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Guest uolam21
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tnx for answering my question *quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but what about if i want to upload something from my computer?? tnx again!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































you have to upload your pictures to any image hosting sites like Photobucket, Flikr, or ImageShack to name a few...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from there, you can get the direct link which you can paste at the pop up window when you click on the insert image icon..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hope that will help you...rolleyes.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oops!!! i topped the page...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































































































After see again and again the ep 42, I jut think about one question. As we know, have eyes-maks of Yong in the couch.
































































































































But why did he leave it at that? It is not natural when take eyes-mask from the bag and let it so without any purpose. Especially this eyes-mask stay in the arm of the chair.
































































































































It gives me a sense of because he was sleeping in the couch all the night before? ( or maybe just few hour but is the night before). Hyun sleeps in the bedroom. Maybe he did not turn of the lights so he need eyes-mask.
































































































































Thank u so, dreamyboo hihi :wub: *hug* I think you're right about pinky-holding skinship of YongSeo. Huyn's face express hurt at 1st massages, maybe yong asked her to hold his hand, OMG to make her feel less pain. So many Yo~ng. Hope it comes true :">

































































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