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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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this episode was so cute ^.^ Yonghwa friend seem so sweet and nice, I like them hehe. Omo~! who would wouldn't want to be waken up like that? LOL. Just out of curiosity the meal that Yonghwa made for Seohyun does anyone know what is it? like the name? I wanna try and make it hehe...


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Hello fellow Gogumas!







I am still a pile of gooey unrecognised stuff and have not managed to pull myself up yet since episode 42. Whilst waiting for me to compose myself to something resembling a shadow of myself (which might be never, LOL :D ), I am posting my thanks to all Gogumas, who shared translations, videos, analysis, spazzes, gifs, photos and anything that are Yong and/or Seo related.







Gogumas are just jjang!!! :wub:


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Guest lovekin








tel que tu es || one-shot




so lately i have had this inclination toward this OT3, but there is yong/seo.  oh well.  anyway, this is just a short bit.  i encourage everyone to read this by a friend of mine because it works in the same universe.  this is actually how it started.  sweatingbullets.gif  um, i guess go into it with an open mind.












If you want me, let me know.











Finally in their grasp, they carry her into the ocean until they're waist-deep, and she shakes her head and rambles half-nonsense before they count to three and drop her.



























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Guest gogumaforever
































































do WGM has a special episode on Feb2? is that right?  any idea what it will be????:wub::wub::wub:
































i hope our couples will not get affected by the ratings. they're still on top 20 so it is still safe. allkpop news was exagerated stating "lowest rating for this year where in fact its only the 1st month of the year???

















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Guest vmasterpiece
















































































































our hard work of clicking the mouse endlessly pay off!! we made it to no.3 on the list
































that is really not bad at all considering the competition (GD&TOP, IU, etc) (btw, GD&TOP rank 6, while it should be 4 not sure how they count the rank)
































i think it continue to this week, since last time i check it start from 1000 something ^^
































keep up the good work!!
































although i feel bad for cheating our way on it :( and i'm not sure what is this for
































at least it is good enough to show the popularity of this song ^^
































edit: they are not letting me vote again no matter how many times i refresh the cookies
































not sure why :'(
































yonghwa looks handsome on inkigayo ^^ thanks for sharing the pict
































I can spot the ring as well
































hmm... since when he become loyal of wearing his ring
































last december he barely wear it on-cam and now we see it on thailand, inkigayo, and i think NAN?
































i am wondering what kind of event 'trigger' that loyalty
































after wedding photo shoot?
































































on new year special :
































i am not sure why everyone said not to expect much on it.
































i thought last year special (chosuk) is quite good, gathering all the couple together and compete
































although the horror part seems to be a hastely-put-idea but we get to see yongseo couple hold hand ^^
































and when i read through allkpop, korean seems to take this new year seriously since they make all kind of special show for it
































and if WGM do not want to be beaten by competition they better do a very good job on it.
































they purposely re-schedule the show to wednesday, they must have done some preparation.
































i am looking forward for it ^^
































ps: sorry if I re-edit my post too much, try to post my thought in 1 post ^^









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Guest mandyemily


Came back from watching numerous times of ep 42.


from raw vids to english sub to chinese sub. haha


still can't get over how happy they look.


from the way seohyun talks in the busan episode and the qns she wrote in the notebook,


she really wants to know more about yong. the busan trip is beneficial to both of them.


no wonder in the preview it was stated their relationship have become stronger since busan.


the way yong mentioned the necklace was so funny. :lol:


all the others have been mentioned by everyone so I will not repeat again.


Im looking forward to the next episode especially the massage session. keke :phew:




p.s. not really putting any hopes in the WGM special cuz the wound from last WGM special is


too deep. but please by the slim chance it is the unshown footage that will be the best to spend


Chinese New Year. B)


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Guest fabiistar07












i saw the calendar sally7 posted




and it said something about an unseen clip (22)




and i was like when did this happen?! where was i?! :blink:




i don't recall hearing or seeing it at all, and i can't find it on youtube either :tears:




Could someone that knows about the video post it again pretty please ^_^









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It's amazing how they both displayed real and balanced happiness in the moment when Yonghwa 'randomly' complimented Seohyun for the necklace. So I guess they both are now seeking compliments from each other.
























































































creidts: dc married
















































































I finally realized how the second part of the episode gave out a different feel (I'm not talking generally). I mean whoever thought we would see Yongseo spending a filming like this? They spent the day like a normal couple (I'm saying this now: I don't really treat them as 'married' couple, Khuntoria does that for me) does on weekends. Seohyun looked like she's sick the way Yonghwa babied her. And of course, after they ate, the casual lounging they do. Everything seems so couple-y for me. The creator of these pictures seem to create a story out of the scenes.
















































































I remember last night I was watching the episode again and I was still feeling giddy about the couch scene. I thought to myself I love them so much that I can even cry in happiness seeing this episode. I swear.








































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































Oh yeah, for those who can understand Korean. Can anybody tell me if they just randomly took a selca or what?









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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































luvtokki: About how to leave requests or messages on the MBC WGM website, I hope this link can help you My link ^_^
































































(cr: genxv@sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com - thank u so)
































































About your request, I think it's best for YongSeo and I want to send some same request :)
































































* I think it's time for Huyn's turn. BILs is so good and friendly and treat Huyn like a family and now SNSD SILs needs to reciprocate! I think we don't need to go to SNSD's dorm ( because SM is quite strict and because it was the dorm of the girls, it's different with boys and I think CNBlue will be so shy when go to SNSD's dorm and SNSD is too) I think YongSeo & BILs and SILs hang out together, it will be wonderful and happy.
































































* Huyn should introduce Yong to her parents like the way of Yong. I think it is entirely possible and Huyn should be do it. And Yong can meet Huyn's friends.
































































* Honeymoon is so great. I want they go to somewhere beautiful and romantic. They will be very relaxed and fun and good for their relationship.
































































* Sleepover/pajama party with Yong and Hyun at their house. I think if have some SNSD unnies and CNBlue boys, it's more interesting. I think SNSD and CNBlue will like it.And after the end of party, obviously, BILs and SILs will be come back to their dorms and left YongSeo alone hihi :">
































































* "They take care of a baby for a day, and play parents like 'Hello, baby'." I like it so much :wub: I wish this mission will come true each day. (PDnims plz plz) Imagine when Huyn hug a baby and Yong run around with diapers, baby's food, milk and clothing - 100% young parents. I think they'll be more sweet when give them a baby. They can help together, and know each other more. As you know, a baby make parents more close together and family is more happy.
































































I saw Huyn care for a baby at the show "Hello baby" and I think she'll do it well. And Yong seobang,with his caring and patient and handsome face - every baby will love him :*
































































Do you guys think like me and luvtokki? and friends have more request for YongSeo?






























































































































































































































































I think if all of us - YongSeo shippers send msg, this wishlist will have more opportunities for PDnims to consider them. Because they are so great and not difficult to do for PD and YongSeo. If the requests will be come true, will be wonderful for YongSeo couple and us.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: I like your burning passion for YongSeo, aneng. Sometimes, I cry too when see YongSeo coz think about their happiness, the way Yong piggy-back Huyn (so sweet for me) and now the way Yong treat Huyn like a princess although he's so busy too... And their way stay at home is so couple-ly for me too. I don't know how express but their outfit, and make up (so minimum or not). All bring the feeling so couple-ly, spent the day like a normal couple.:wub:































































































































And based on what I felt after see their long journey and to this episode,at least a few times I have feel that Yongwant to kiss her (of course, only in his mind) I think it is normal when you start to love someone and that person also has feelings for you and Huyn is very beautiful and sweet. One day, if Huyn was really ready, Yong should not hesitate and kiss on her forehead. I think at this moment, Yong  & Huyn will feel happy together. <3






























































































































































































































































Fluorescent.Flower I like your post and ur imagine, make me laugh when I imagine like ur post "if he leans in, she feels it coming and then "Oh, there's something in  your hair...oh there's something here too, and here, here, here and  here...Hahaha...just kidding. Jashik, you believed me right? Oh, why are getting you angry?"" so cute, so YongSeo style

































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































i saw the calendar sally7 posted
































































































































































and it said something about an unseen clip (22)
































































































































































and i was like when did this happen?! where was i?! :blink:
































































































































































i don't recall hearing or seeing it at all, and i can't find it on youtube either :tears:
































































































































































Could someone that knows about the video post it again pretty please ^_^
































































































































































*quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































Hi! Just follow this link: http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/wedding/svod/?list_id=3263122
































































































































































It was an unseen cut released by MBC in the WGM web site... I know someone subbed the video and uploaded on YT but I cant find it.... Sorry!!!
































































































































































































































































































































YT Link NO Subs:































































































































































































































































































































YT is faster than MBC webpage...

































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Fabiistar07: by the screencap of the calendar, I think is this video YONGSEO MUSIC CORE BTS Actually I dont know where it was broadcast, as it doesnt have any watermark like WGM use...but I looks like a WGM edition...but I think its the video.
































































































































































































































































































Regarding luvtokki and Seychan request's...I totally agree...since the time Hyun went to CNBLUE dorm, I always wanted a a visit from Yong to SNSD dorm. Im curious about why SM is so strict about that? I guess it could be possible, as Hyundon went to SNSD dorm when Taeyeon and him where in WGM.
































































































































































































































































































And about a meeting between BILs and MILS, it never ocurred to me, but It would be really funny to watch. And YONGSEO taking care of a baby, would be absolutely LOVELY.
































































































































































































































































































I curious about the broadcast of the next episodes...before the preview I thought we would see this week the snowboarding episode, and then the wedding photoshoot. I was excited about that! as it would have be the same they as they anniversary...now I dont know if there are more missing episodes between next week and the wedding photoshoot...is there something besides the snowboarding date?
































































































































































































































































































AND...Im confused about which day consider as they anniversary. The 11th or 12th? They met at 11th almost 12th, so which one? :S

































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i love this recent ALLKPOP article.

Rising Hallyu star Song Joong Ki recently faced an embarrassing moment during his stay in Tokyo’sShinjuku district.

The embarrassing incident began when the actor took a trip up to Tokyo for the program, ‘QTV Special I’m Real Song Joong Ki.’ For his first night’s stay, the actor lost a game while playing with his affiliated company members and thus had to face the punishment of visiting a nearby convenience store in his pajamas.
















































































































































































































Reluctantly, the star fulfilled the task, but decided to don sunglasses to hide his identity. Despite his efforts, however, he was immediately discovered in the hotel elevator by some fangirls.
















































































































































































































These fangirls joked, “You are not as popular in Japan as you are in Korea, so don’t worry” and “Truthfully I am Jung Yong Hwa’s fan."































































































































































































































































































































































































































that CNBLUE boy is a REAL HALLYU STAR!!!

















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Guest fabiistar07












Kerube-Chan & lizsch thanks so much! :D




i wish i could understand it, all i understood was 'ogeul' xD




They should show unseen cuts for the Lunar year special, we're missing out on so much YongSeo :wub:




I also hope they do an MC together this year too, maybe for Valentine's Day (?)







They'd probably be able to do all that mushy stuff better now ;):lol:





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Nobody translates the preview yet. Preview ): I've been staring at the gif of Seohyun gripping on Yonghwa's poor pinky. Can any kind soul make us understand what should we anticipate on Saturday?

































































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Guest Fluorescent.Flower
































































































































































































i love this recent ALLKPOP article.
































































































































































that CNBLUE boy is a REAL HALLYU STAR!!!































































































































































































































































































































Hahaha! That's hilarious. I love CNBlue and it sucks that they are not as celebrated in Korea as they are in Japan. I'm so glad though, because Korean stars who make it big in Korea then go to Japan, but CNBlue just popularised themselves without having gone through the whole process. They got into the Oricon chart, and that is huge deal in both Japan and Korea. I think the division lies in the preference of music, whilst Japanese prefer bands (where drums, guitar and bass are included), Koreans like boy bands (guys dancing most of the time, like 2PM). CNBlue is also way underrated, like that episode in where YongSeo went to Japan and everyone was just shocked seeing him walk past, the MCs took it as the effect of the Korean Wave but I'm highly doubtful of that, sure the Korea Wave is big in Japan but I'm more susceptible to believe that it was because he was Jung Yong Hwa (CNBlue's leader and You Are Beautiful's Shin Woo). And if it was the Korean Wave that had that effect then why did that old woman (when they were eating) asked for his autograph, and not Seohyun's. Agreed, her granddaughter is a fan of his but it wouldn't of hurt her to ask for Seohyun's as well, it's because his popularity is less to do with the Korean Wave and more to do with his individual popularity. I've seen videos of CNBlue performing on the streets of Japan, now that is a true artist!

































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Guest pancakes&flappyjacks
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey all....
































































































































































































































































































































































































Out from my lurker mode again....
































































































































































































































































































































































































Been...so...so...long since I posted anything here.....but i've never strayed from this thread... :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































And I've sooooo thoroughly enjoyed reading all the posts here from all the unnies and oppas and dongsengs from all over the world!!!Goguma power rulezzzz!!! B)
































































































































































































































































































































































































Been reading about how some gogumas are fervently wishing for first kiss...or kisses in general between our couple....and that got me thinking...
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm a proud SONE...and any SONE would know that one of Seohyun's trade is that she can do everything well (apart from cooking apparently...but practice make perfect right..?!?! :P )and if she's committed to doing something...she'll try her hardest to be the best that she can be at it....hahahaha :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































K.I.S.S.I.N.G.......a terrain previously unconquered by the innocent maknae!!!!The fact that she's naturally good at many things...hopefully this could be another talent that Yong oppa will be able to discover!!!I'm rooting for you..YONG!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Blushing thinking of all the possibilities of our couple practising the art of kissing... :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Ponder this...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: What's the difference between like and love...??




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: Oppa, what's the difference between kissing and deep kiss..??































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To the translators...M3,Dduk and so many others......정말 감사합니다!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Last but not least.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































새해 복 많이 받으세요!!!!

































































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Just for fun:

































































































































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Guest -insideout





Nobody translates the preview yet. Preview ): I've been staring at the gif of Seohyun gripping on Yonghwa's poor pinky. Can any kind soul make us understand what should we anticipate on Saturday?

aww you are always such a good-news bringer to this thread haha here you go~

Doctor: Although you are in your early 20's... {The words used can also mean "Having a disability"}























































Bubble: Serious?




























Hyun: You look --- {this part is kind of cut off but it seems as if she's saying "You look cool~"}























































Subtitle: Will the husband's health be okay?




























Yong: Ahh, couple special?




























Hyun: Wow~




























Subtitle: Finally, receiving the husband's massage wish























































Bubble: Massage massage




























Hyun: Ohh!




























Subtitle: Ohhh




























Yong: It really hurts!




























Subtitle: It really hurts























































Subtitle: The massage wish is looking fairly hard/tiring...




























so it generally seems that yong's health may not be as fab and dandy as he expected (but probs being over-dramatized for the preview, i'm guessing), then since they fulfilled hyun's wish to go to the doctor they also go to fulfill yong's massage wish :)





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