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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I can't stop re-run the second part of episode
































































































they're so sweet
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































my fav scene arhhh PD-nim why you cut it short
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































preview next week































































































































































































saturday pali pali
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































soompi don't let me post more capture sorry!
































































































and Thank you DDuk for episode translate

































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Guest mrsjoker
































































































































































































I'm back from my "puddle of gooey" state... well sort of... still squealing like a fool everytime i get to the 2nd part at their house.:rolleyes:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































@jnj : gosh, you read my mind. When Hyun was saying "you know oppa, you go the bathroom a lot, that must be because your stomach is hurting". I was like O.O what did you just say hyun?? i was wondering, could it be during that day Yong was coming in and out of bathroom a lot, so Hyun was just stating from what she witness that day? or... was it something that they talk bts...you know during those *cough* regular *cough* calls? kekekeke... anyway, i think Yong "stomach" problem was recent? or was it like a "habit" he got if he doesn't sleep (he said it during their walk to the hospital).






























































































































































































































































































































































































































oh and one random thing, I notice the frog eye mask is present at the couch... oh someone must've use it in the car on the way to sangdodong... *cough* i see you use it outside filming, yong~~ *cough* ;)




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh and about the rating, i think it is actually higher in points compare to last week, it's just that the other variety show also had an increase in the points. So basically it's on a maintaining level. besides it's still in top 20, so it's all good. ^_^

































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Please please don't think I am bashing anyone because I'm not but one of the things I have noticed about the other couples is that material things seem to be important but what I love about this couple is that they are not preoccupied with material things. What gives them joy is the hand maded gifts they give one another. Yong may have bought her some things at the shopping mall but I think maybe they would have preferred to just spend time at their house (darn heater).



Do you think it is possible that they will use the ski trip as their "Honeymoon" and the wedding pictures will be shown on the 1st anniversary. WGM has shown other things out of order from when they were shot so why not this aslo. If there is nothing to throw people off, then they could do it.



I watched all three couples and the contrast was amazing. Adam-the couple married for a gazillion years and bickered all the time but you knew they cared about each other, Kungtoria, the modern couple that liked each other right off the bat and then just sort of did their own thing and then involved those around them, and then our sweet couple.



They really are like a couple involved in a traditional arranged marriage and through a long and and careful process have found that they are in love/like/infatuated/crush burdened/etc. I still can't figure out what they are. The lag between the filmed episodes and what we see in real time is frustating.



I think our couple is wonderfully accepting of the fact that they have to protect their images given the fact they they are alway close ( I like to think it is their way of saying I'm here, right beside or close by you, and everything is alright) to each other but not having any actual contact with either each other at major events. Also, most of the other artists around them seem to acknowledge that there is something going on with these two. (The fancam about not holding hands -would she really know someone would be taking a picture or did Onew just know that taking her hand was something that he shouldn't do). The Busan boys always trying to push him close to her and he either refuses or if a chair is near by he sits down.



I wonder about her call to Yong's Mom. My mum always asks me to let her know that I have arrived safely back home after visiting her. Yong's Mom may have given her number to Hyun and said please call me to let me know that you arrived safely after the visit. I have a feeling that Yong is not to type of person to make that kind of call and his Mom is happy to know that she has a DIL that will call and tell her these kind of things. Actually, I think Hyun will call MIL a lot and keep her up to date about all the things that she knows about Yong's ativities that MIL maybe doesn't know about concerning Yong. Even when my now hubbie and I broke up, I talked to his Mom every day.



Oh my, still trying to figure which one of them really likes physical contact more than the other and I think it is a tie.



I do feel a little sorry for Yong in that guys do have a harder time dealing with physical contact than girls (we respond to emotions and guys to any physical contact). Maybe the reason he goes to bathroom a lot has nothing to do with a problem with his tummy but maybe something a little lower. OK, I'm bad. That maybe why he kept saying that there was nothing wrong with his tummy and didn't need to go to the hospital. I am thinking about the consultation at the doctor.



Doctor: There is nothing wrong with him but the reason he goes to the bathroom so much is because...............






in her serious logical mode-REALLY? With a really red blushed face afterwards.



OK I'm really really bad.



No way I will finish this thought but I think we all know what might be his reason for not getting it checked out.



OK- With no sleep I lose it at times.



Sick Husband is sick, I'm sick, 48hours with no sleep for either of us and weird things in my head start to happen.



Back to Yonseo, actually, he was in the hospital for some days not too long ago for the vocal cord nodules and probably doesn't have good memories of being there. He probably doesn't want to have anything to do with hospitals for the time being.



I love this show, this couple and all the people who love this couple. I honestly can't think of any two people that have made me laugh so much but also that relate to each other so well before in my life. A lot of it is becuase they remind me of me and my hubbie but I can see 2 sweet young people taking an adventure together and I hope they will be able to go through the whole adventure together for decades to come.



What I find is amazing is that even from the their very strained beginning was that almost every footstep, every guester, every facial expression, every hand gesture, every everything they did seemed to be in sync. How does that happen?



I think this is two people that, no matter what happens in the future, will always have the beautiful memory of the time they were together on this show.



And yes, I want them to be real and not "reel".



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the reason why viewers get addicted to a drama because they are expecting a change, either a change in personality of the lead actors/actresses or a blossom in love between the couple in a romantic drama. The reason why I like Yongseo is because it is as good as a drama or even better, the initial stages should be the stage whereby they have no feelings for each other and they can't get along with each other.
































































































































































































































































Whereas for other couples, I do watch them not like a drama but a variety show, since they have already expressed interest during the 1st few episodes with each other. Whereas Yongseo couple has 0 interest with each other during the initial stage and today, I am proud to say that the Yongseo drama has reached its climax of the drama. The 0 interest to almost 90% interest is not scripted but created by Yongseo couple itself. Yes, the missions are scripted but the INTEREST in each other is definitely not scripted.
































































































































































































































































To elaborate what I mean by couple being a variety show and a couple being in a drama, here is one exmaple. I have watched We are dating which have ceased just after a few episodes, initally I like the super crazy couple whereby there is no awkwardness with each other, I was laughing and smiling at them because they were so cute with each other on the 1st date. After the subsequent episodes, my interest for them became stagnant, as I see NO PROGRESSION, because as a viewer it seems like they have already reached 100% interest in their 2nd date.
































































































































































































































































Now I know why Yongseo is as addictive as a drama. The lead actor(Yonghwa) seems to be in a one-sided love during the 1st few episodes and he was patiently waiting for his lead actoress(Seohyun) to open up her heart and feelings towards him. On the other hand, the other couples have their own "niche" such as bringing laughter and portraying a perfect couple, definitely fun to watch, but since I am a korean drama person, I prefer the Yongseo couple.
































































































































































































































































What attracts viewers are getting anticpated to look forward to the future episodes like a drama or a story between a couple and Yongseo couple is one of them. From yesterday's episodes, it is like episode 9 of a 20-episode drama, I look forward to more ups and downs, more twists and climax from this couple which I know will be created naturally from the couple themselves.

































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Guest street.k2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the happiness Yongseo brought us every Saturday is priceless. Another chapter is unfold. every Saturday is like a magical journey in go-chun.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BTW let's unite!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































let's support Yong and Hyun's group,CNBLUE and SNSD. keep voting especially Yong's banmal song.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Banmal song






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(hope we can beat 2am. cnblue is in second place)




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sexy and Cute Category http://search.daum.n...A%C6%AEsexycute

































































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celtiheart, thats some PG18 post u have there..hehehehe

mrsjoker, could it be yong sneaked in to have an eye shut too? ;)

naah..that is too extreme for yongseo..

maybe, just maybe..he took a nap while on the way to the house?

sally, tks for caps. the bedroom scene is the MOST FAVE scene for gogumas too...

*my imagination*

seeing hyun getting lazy getting up, yong would've helped pulled her

out of the bed..OR

she would stretched her arms for hubby to pull her.. :w00t:

jastubee, i like your post.

progression AND a happy ending is what we want to see or wish for yongseo..

tks luna ;)

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Guest The Hamzter
































































Once again just in case Youtube takes the links down i have made back ups of this week potato episode i have rendered Tetsuya's vids in HD wide format 640 x 360 and have
































spliced the 3 parts into 2 parts once again all the credit of the vids go to the Sonems Thank You very much for this weeks subs and your hard work and Thank You Tetsuya
































for staying up late at night just to bring us this weeks episode fully subb rest well and take care.
































Back up links are below
































part 1 = http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgt2hk_xrg-42a_shortfilms
































part 2 = http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgt88b_xrg-42b_shortfilms

















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Okay. I just re-formed myself from the puddle of goo these two lovebirds turned me into - and I'm now able to coherently write full sentences in English without making animal noises such as 'waaaooooh' and 'gaaaaaaaahhhhhh'!

What are Y & H doing to us, a large group of logical human beings, with their onscreen antics?!

I got everything I wanted from this episode, a lot more time with Yong's compassionate and interesting friends, (especially Yejie, who I think is cute, cute, cute and should have her own show - with Jinwoon!)  :wub:   And, major lovebird time in go-chun with our lovely couple who now seem to be joined at the hip and cannot seperate themselves from each other.

When these 2 actually get to spend time together, like a day and in this case 2 days seperated by very little time apart, sparks fly between them and they ignite each others caring and love between them.

Hyunnie has found out that her Yoooong is the same Yoooong now as he was back when he was running around with his friends in middle school.   That he is a trustworthy and steadfast friend who values his friendships and will most probably be a trustworthy and steadfast boyfriend/lover/husband.  There is no subterfuge in this guy, what you see is what you get and what you get is quite an amazing package!

Yoong has found out Hyunnie is a humble, down-to-earth, caring person who appreciates his friends and treats them as equals.   I think this is what he wanted to show his friends, that Seo Joo Hyun is not seohyun of SNSD, that off the stage she is a very nice, proper young lady that they can enjoy having as a friend.  Her call to Jinwoon for Yejie spoke paragraphs about how she wanted to help one of Yong's friends have a special occurence in this night by talking to an idol she admired - Jinwoon.  How nice!   And when she and Yejie took the picture together, Hyunnie welcomed Yejie with a bright smile.  What a nice young woman - to care about Yong's friends like that!

Korean interpreters, please!    What was it that Hyun whispered at the end of her backroom talk when she was talking about Yong's friends and how she 'felt' them?  She said. "I

 really want to see my friends!"   Was she talking about seeing Yong's friends again (but now she is calling them her friends) or does she mean she wants to see her own old friends again?

Then the second part with them at their home - gaaaaaah!!!!!  There I go again, sweetness and skinship overload!  Ha! @celticheart47 - when Hyun said Yong was running to the bathroom too often, I had the same salacious thoughts you did!   I'm thinking maybe Yong is relieving some pressures further down his anatomy than in his belly, from having to be so close to his goddess and not being able to fully display his amorous wants and needs!

Imagine having to go into that bedroom and see her sweet face and smell the fragrance of her hair and not doing anything but pat her warm and soft little hand?!   blush.gif   And the way she sweetly looked up at him and asked about food, ah, my heart melted, I couldn't imagine what Yong's heart was doing.  And then she got up with her wild, slept in hair, her face still soft from sleeping.   Gaaaaah!  I would be running back and forth to the bathroom, too!

They were sitting so close on the couch, and faces touching for the selca!   Waaaaoooooh!

I love their arguments!  Even when she's mad at Yong she's cute!  How can Yong do anything else but whatever she wants him to.  He doesn't have a chance in heaven of ever winning any arguments.   Yooong!   Just say she's right and do whatever she wants - you can't go wrong in life, as long as you have her as your wife!                

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About the houses, it was explained before that the houses (apartments) have to be available on month to month rental agreements. In the past some couples had to move several times because the apartments were going to to rented to people who wanted them on a more permanent basis so the staff had to look for new places for the couples to live. Yongseo's home was the closest they could find to her dream home that they could lease on a month to month bases. Most of the places they get is for foreigers who are in the country working on fairly long term contracts. In the US we have the same thing. It is called corparate housing and it is for people having to work in a city for a long time away from their normal workplace. Been there, done  that a lot. Kungtoria's may seem elaborate compared to the other apartments but to be honest, I think Yongseo's place suits them to a tee.



By the way, have they added more jungle (plants) to the balcony? It really looked like the balcony was all plants and no room for the avatars.



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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































































































































































Hi all gogumas!!
































































































































It's me again. I would like to share the moments of YongSeo Teddy Bear in CNBLUE Concert in Thailand.
































































































































I really happy to see Yong's face when he knew that the Teddy Bear's T-shirt named Yonghwa and Seohyun.
































































































































These Teddy Bears are the gifts from my club, The Sweet Potato Couple 167246_197122780301125_100000102127886_803487_1377267_n.jpg167246_197122793634457_100000102127886_803490_5486389_n.jpg167246_197122796967790_100000102127886_803491_1431629_n.jpg180876_197124510300952_100000102127886_803520_1604713_n.jpg180876_197124513634285_100000102127886_803521_2849307_n.jpg180876_197124520300951_100000102127886_803523_7185323_n.jpg180876_197124523634284_100000102127886_803524_7597802_n.jpg

































































































































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Guest loybing



the happiness Yongseo brought us every Saturday is priceless. Another chapter is unfold. every Saturday is like a magical journey in go-chun.





BTW let's unite!



let's support Yong and Hyun's group,CNBLUE and SNSD. keep voting especially Yong's banmal song.





Banmal song






(hope we can beat 2am. cnblue is in second place)












sexy and Cute Category http://search.daum.n...A%C6%AEsexycute



@street.k2 thanks for re-posting.





BTW i don't care about ratings and etc. but then to some people they make noise out of it.



Nate and kpop should check all past episode ratings first before making news about lowest rating issue.



it feels bad. people giving negative comments, making yongseo and khuntoria not capable of giving good ratings.



They can make big news about, complain about it if during those Adam days the show is at number 1 spot but it's not.Even before, the rating is just the SAME and WGM is in the Same spot up to now.


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What can I say.































Lack of sleep (yes I stayed up for live streaming which got over at 3:00 am my time) and





























































































I'm an old lady, give me a break.































But I still there were a lot of us thinking the same thing.































I'm not that senile yet.















































































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One other thing. I think we have to find Jinwoon a girlfriend.



I also hope that Seulong and Jinwoon will continue on the show as MC's They are the funniest and the best. I may be in the minority but I love the comments by the MC's and I really wish the translators would add all of their comments. Some of the comments are so funny and add to the enjoyment of watching the couples. There must be a way to make sure we know what the couples are saying but include the comments of the MC"s witch are truely funny.



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Guest crystalblue
















OK... so the 3rd part of this ep. had tons of close ups right? I swear, they are both getting prettier and prettier (yes, I think Yong is a flower boy now- very pretty! haha). Call me creepy but I can't help it... the more they showed close ups of their faces, the closer their lips got, the more I was REALLY WANTING THEM TO GO FOR IT!!! KISS ALREADY!!!! Choongmael.







The ending of this ep. said it all... Yong - inadvertently singing "You Know"... Seohyun joined in "I Wanna... Get Get Get Your LOVE!". and ladies and gentlemen, THAT was nothing but REALNESS right there! :wub:oh and one more thing- Huyn is a great DIL- since Yong' Oma asked him to call more often, she called on her own (dyin' to know WHAT they talked about!) and then made sure Yong talks to him mom more.... They really bring out the best in each other... I just loved it when he was whining about the hospital. Yong is so cute! ;):P









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Guest anayuson
















One other thing. I think we have to find Jinwoon a girlfriend.



























I also hope that Seulong and Jinwoon will continue on the show as MC's They are the funniest and the best. I may be in the minority but I love the comments by the MC's and I really wish the translators would add all of their comments. Some of the comments are so funny and add to the enjoyment of watching the couples. There must be a way to make sure we know what the couples are saying but include the comments of the MC"s witch are truely funny.



























I also miss Seulong ( i miss his sarcastic laugh and the things he tells Yonghwa) and Jinwoonie ( though he was in the first part). Seulong was one of the reason why Yongseo hold hands after all. I never knew of 2am before WGM but because of this show I got interested in them. I will surely miss their presence in the show I hope they will comeback.I have nothing against the new MC though but it could have been better if they know the couples really well.














Anyways I love this week's episode so much especially the second half. It was so sweet;)



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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































































c:dc married
































He's looking sooo handsome in new hair, well this style also suits him great ! :wub:
































I'm a bit annoyed with the ratings, I mean if they are higher than last week, allkpop made a mistake and they should do sth about it !

































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Guest Lildedprinxez


After their trip to Busan the couple had grown closer to each other now. The awkwardness is already gone. I feel so great. I can't stop smiling while watching these two improved! :D I miss the house! It's really good watching them in their home, they looked like newly wed couple. :"> :">

Here's a photo that I grabbed from SweetPotatoDays. Immediately when I saw this photo I was dying to watch the episode already! It's like clumsy's fanfic. Its just yonghwa the one sleeping and hyun wakes him :"> But still! While watching this I was like shouting "CLOSER! CLOSER! " hahahaha gyaah~! :">


Then here's a shot from the preview of episode 43. I'm super duper excited for the next episode. I was smiling and shouting at the same time. gyaah these two! :">

This is just too SWEET!!!


Gyaah~! I'm loving these episodes more since the Busan episode. LOVE all over! :">

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Guest chandrawd












I'm so into yongseo couple very badly. even my boyfriend said that i like a crazy person. i downloaded 40episode just only in 2 days. every single night i stayed up until 2am watching goguma video. every single fancam i downloaded







and the worst thing is, i become a gollum. everytime i see yonghwa or seohyun like a lighting my eyes focused on their fingers. make sure that they were wearing their wedding rings.







"my precious....... "














And for the latest episode, my favorite scene was when seohyun smiled, nodded and gave big thumbs for yonghwa when he (finally) noticed and flattered her when Seohyun wore the butterfly necklace. She was looks like a little kid. jashik!





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Guest Lildedprinxez

I'm back :ph34r:

During this scene:

*quoted image*

cr: DC Married

Y: Seohyun's the best!

S: Ah~woo, as expected.

Y: You're personally wearing it as well. Not quite sure about this line.

S: That's right. Ah~woo, you're touched aren't you?

Y: To me, you're number one~

S: Thank you.

I bet you guys didn't hear Yonghwa's last sentence, did you :lol: Ha!


OMG I wasn't able to heard that last part

"TO ME, YOU'RE NUMBER ONE" omg hyun!!!! You're number one in his heart! *dies*

They were too close to each other. And gogumas are loving it!!! :D

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ohhh I top the page with nothing much to share































































































































































































can this couple get more adorable ?????and the selca OMG faint






































































































































































































































































































anyways here are my selca scaps






































































































































































































































































































look @ where Yong's Hands are





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo's fingers touching each other





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































how about this, look @ Yong's pouted lips





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































look who's smilling now and their eyesmiles





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun's sparkling eyes that Yong loves





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and dint really notice that Yong has a fine lips,I cant get over @ Yong's Lips its to die for






















































































































































































































































































































































































































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