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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hii this is my first post. I have been lurking for weeks.

First of all thanks to M3, DDuk and all who provide the translations. I can't remember all the names so hope you guys don't mind

Just want to share this little image that I made for fun using Photoshop.

I hope you all like it.


Original image credits: DC married (from aneng post)

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Guest Tetsuya9
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've done 2 parts out of 3.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually I can do the subs done today.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But my main problem is uploading... So.. sorry
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here's the first part out of 3. 1/3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and the 2nd part. 2/3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For part 3/3... I think you'll have to wait it tomorrow.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you don't like teasing. Don't watch it first :0
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have to sleep. Midnight here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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110129 Seohyun @ We Got Married S2E42 - English Subbed + Progress
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest aya otohata

Remember in SMA, after Yong sang the line "get get get your love" line, the camera zoomed in to Seohyun. Now, Seohyun sang that line...coincidence? lol.

I think I've rewatched this episode 5 times already and I'm watching it still. And, then when the subs come out...I'm pretty sure I'm gonna watch it over again.

On part 2, Yong was supposed to be looking at Seohyun's necklace but if you look at the angle he's looking...it's way below Seohyun's neck...cough cough...am I imagining things lol.

I really like the side that Seohyun is now showing. Awkwardness gone! DAEBAK!!!

Keep on Spazzing GOGUMAS!!!

Was this the episode that MC Jake watched when he tweeted that he laughed a lot...or is it for another episode?

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One of my most favorite moment ever. Boyfriend Yonghwa teasing Girlfriend Seohyun forever. \O/
















































































credits: dc married
































































































































































Okay, add this too. Whoever thought sitting so close like this can be so sweet. Like real sweet. I wonder if they have any idea how close they were. They totally didn't mind, who am I to mind it.
















































































credits: dc married









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Guest Crystal392








Tetsuya9 thanks so much for subbing it! Thanks Dduk for translating it :D You are Goguma Angels! Thanks MountainMadman for always sharing info about uri YongSeo and translating too!!! ^___^












I am still spazzing over the latest ep ^_^ Seriously how cute they can get? I love it when they are in their love nest house ♥




Thanks to everyone for the screencaps <3




*goes off to rewatch it with eng subs*








aneng: Those screencaps are :wub: hahaha just right now I am listening 'We Just Don't Care (PDA)' by John Legend and then I saw your screencaps and I couldn't help but laugh blush.gif:lol:








lindayeaheayh: It's not something that only Hyun uses, I've heard it before on Kdramas ^^ I think it doesn't mean anything, just a way of expressing a feeling (frustration?). Kind of like when Korean says 'dugeun dugeun' to say their hearts are beating faster. But probably Dduk or MountainMadman can explain it better :)According to http://www.lexiophiles.com/english/korean-interjections-and-colloquial-expressions , ”참(Cham)” is a translation for 'Very', but as kimipot07 said it can probably also be translate as 'really...'



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Guest lindayeahyeah



Hey gogumas, I've a question to ask...

I've noticed everytime Seohyun gets frustrated, she says something sounding like "Cham" or something..

I hear it quite freuqently in the last few epis. Anyone knows what word is that and what it means? Sorry its just buggin me. I think its an exclusive word the only Hyun uses? Its cute btw. I think I'll start using it too! haha! :)

Anyone that knows, do reply yeah! Thanks! :D


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Guest xxxiloveyouxxx










Hey gogumas, I've a question to ask...








I've noticed everytime Seohyun gets frustrated, she says something sounding like "Cham" or something..








I hear it quite freuqently in the last few epis. Anyone knows what word is that and what it means? Sorry its just buggin me. I think its an exclusive word the only Hyun uses? Its cute btw. I think I'll start using it too! haha! :)








Anyone that knows, do reply yeah! Thanks! :D















I'm not really sure myself :sweatingbullets: but, from what I understand it's kinda like another way of seeing "REALLY" in a frustrated way... do you get what I mean? the best I could explain it is, you know in american slang, "for serious" or "seriously". kinda like that. hahaha.. somebody please correct me. but that's how I've been understanding it.








okay... back to Go-Chun. I wonder when reality will pull me back. :wub:



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Hey gogumas, I've a question to ask...
















































I've noticed everytime Seohyun gets frustrated, she says something sounding like "Cham" or something..
















































I hear it quite freuqently in the last few epis. Anyone knows what word is that and what it means? Sorry its just buggin me. I think its an exclusive word the only Hyun uses? Its cute btw. I think I'll start using it too! haha! :)
















































Anyone that knows, do reply yeah! Thanks! :D































































































참 means really/seriously, but in context can mean something along the lines of Oh or Well as well.
















































During the necklace part I've noticed that some lines weren't translated that I thought were really cute. Especially Seohyun, how she has become more... cheeky?! I thought it was adorable, so I'll be right back with translations.









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....Hello! It's my first post and finally I came out from my cave after lurking this thread since forevaaaaah, so I'm sorry again for this mini-essay and super long post :rolleyes:














I'm an Adam couple stan (and still!), when I got bored I'll be watching Khuntoria. YongSeo? One of my friend says they're boring, and I get influenced... lol. I don't even bother to watch their pilot episode.














Um, since Khuntoria's subbed videos are a bit hard to find, and most of them were uploaded at dailymotion -- I always get difficulty when using dailymotion -- I started looking for another couple. And dang, SNJeung (Adam's latest episode sub team) worked with RDRsubs for the horror chuseok special... and well, I'm in love with Yongseo. There's something that makes them different, something subtle, something sincere. I love how WGM PD gave us three different type of couples to watch: Ahjumma-Ahjusshi type, always goofy and funny like they're already married for years (Adam), full of romance (and a bit cheesy, lol! Khuntoria couple), and Yongseo; watching them is like experiencing our first love.














I started lurking this thread since September-ish, but not really frequent since Adam's still at WGM. But now, I checked this thread every 3 hours lol, especially when there's new episode aired. Thanks always for all links, screencaps, gifs, translations, subs, fanfics, allll goodies. Your post and all spazzes always makes my day! Thank you very much, especially Dduk, MountainMadMan, J2Dlee, Synykiss, Lovekin (for your always great fics. Hello!), and there's still so many people to be thanked :sweatingbullets:














watching the latest episode makes my cheeks hurt because of continuously smiling and giggling! OMG why so cute YongSeo? Yonghwa is in his choding-flirt-mode (lol?) that makes him more adorable. And how Seohyun responded to it are too cute. Maybe at first they were awkward, they were boring, Seohyun can't express herself well, but now... see, almost one year later, they can give us so much sweetness like this.














Yong who's choding but responsible and care for his wife, being a playful person and also a protective oppa, Hyun who's more open and can be more comfortable around Yong, always wearing their ring even though they're overseas (okay Yong, you're single. i get it lmao), and especially in this episode, with full flirting and all, just shows us pure love..... I can't express myself well with words ._. (ffff my limited english). Btw, finally I can see them as a "real" newlyweds, being lovey dovey so naturally and approved by mother-in-law xD and Yong cooking for Hyun! fffffff I need Yonghwa's clones really. He introduced Hyun to his mother, brought his childhood friends (everyone knows childhood friends are special), went to his high school, their stares and gazes and how they hold hands.... even the simplest things like Yong absentmindedly playing with Hyun's cellphone, as Aneng and some ppl said few pages back, can make me spazz more :lol:














my english isn't really good, so pardon my english. :P














Okay enough spazzing. Now, I'm back to my lurker mode! Happy spazzing, gogumas. Keep the spazz and goodies going, I love this thread! :lol::lol::lol:





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I'm back :ph34r:
















































During this scene:
































































































cr: DC Married
















































Y: Seohyun's the best!
















































S: Ah~woo, as expected.
















































Y: You're personally wearing it as well. Not quite sure about this line.
















































S: That's right. Ah~woo, you're touched aren't you?
















































Y: To me, you're number one~
















































S: Thank you.
















































I bet you guys didn't hear Yonghwa's last sentence, did you :lol: Ha!









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Guest _SmileGuest_






can someone tell me how to post picture at here !? when i post it always say must be 20 character ~ i not understand~ pls someone ? im still new at here~:sweatingbullets:



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Guest ellaisha












what can i say, this episode is really worth watchingrolleyes.gif, though all their epi is  daebak but this one is 1 of the best....Yongseo is so REAL..how i wish that everyday is SATURDAY...every scene and every move they make is worth spazzing, they are undoubtedly sweet to each other....happy.gif





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Hi everyone, today episode was daebak ^_^




I love how Yonghwa sat so close to Seohyun on the couch, they're so  close now. I can't wait to see them hug, maybe for the wedding episode :wub:




Yonghwa can cook, better than Seohyun I think XD


It was so cute when Yong woke up Hyun, sweet moment of a married life. It would have been fun for us if he had jumped on the bed lol but I don't think it would have amused Hyun :P




Yong's friends are really cool and it's great that Yejie was there. It  was less intimidating for Seohyun I think to have a  female friend in  the group rather than just men. Seohyun contacted Yong's mom outside WGM, I'm so happy to hear that. That means  it wasn't just for the show that they met.


We already saw Yonghwa's family, CN BLUE, his friends, his hometown, his  school, so now  I want also to see Seohyun's personal life (her family,  her friends, SNSD, SM Family etc). It could be great for Yong to know more  personal things about his wife.




I got the Yongseo virus :lol: Now I can't stop smiling when I see them :D They're so cute and funny.




This episode was really cute. I love this couple, they're unique and perfect together. Can't wait for the next episode.



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Can I ask which part is the first cap of aneng's post? _I rewatched the episode like hundred times, and still I cant find that part. Im curious cause it looks cute! n_n please help me n_n
































































































































































































































































































What can I say...THIS EPISODE WAS AMAZING! AWESOME! CUTE! EVERYTHING! I was laughing all the time (in a mute tone LOL cause it was 3AM u_u) and smiling like a fool) REALLY if this isnt love, then I guess ILL NEVER MEET LOVE!
































































































































































































































































































I want to spazz more...but I have my korean final test! waaa so excited and nervous! LOL

































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Guest Fluorescent.Flower




























Forget their skin-ship, forget their eye-ship. Just their subtle and indirect way of expressing their feelings in the backroom interviews are enough to show that they have developed into something. After watching this episode for the 6th time, you'd think I'd be tired of it by now, but I'm not! Seohyun: "Even though I wasn't with Yong in the past" Omo, why do you sound so sad saying that? And then she goes on to say "After seeing how he was, I liked how he was...I think I can...see him more clearly now". I felt like I was watching a melodrama, seriously. The Banmal song didn't help the situation, it just made me more sad.  Perhaps, if they had met at a better time and in a better place their feelings could have blossomed into something but there's probably a reason why Yonghwa refrained from approaching Seohyun so many years ago when he saw her reading, and maybe that's why they've gotten to meet now on WGM. It's almost as if they've taken this long detour and have finally arrived at their destination. I'll laugh if I'm saying all this and in the end they become no more than two idols who were once together for a show. Anyway, when Seohyun said that she could see him more clearly, it didn't sound as though she was just saying she understood him more but also that she could see his sincerity, his ability to remain the same despite him being on the show. I think Seohyun always thought that he was a very good person but was confused as to whether he was putting up a front just for her or not. Now though, she realises he's the same and always has been. And she said "Even though I wasn't with him..." like it was unfortunate that she hadn't met him in the past. I think I'm concentrating too much on her words, but the way she chooses them is far too emotionally in depth. Seohyun did the same when she first held his hand saying his [Yonghwa's] was a little warmer than her father's (I already mentioned this in my previous post). I can't discard what he said either "Visiting was really fun...meeting up with old friends was fun, seeing Mum was really good too...But even through all that, I like that Seohyun now knows me more". The fact that Seohyun got to know him better probably brought him the most satisfaction. Awwww. I think the Busan trip was definitely essential to their relationship, Yonghwa's gotten her to trust him more through other people, his friends perception of him (and the way they are too) has given her insight to his true personality. I hope that sooner rather than later, we get to see Seohyun introduce him to her friends and parents. 





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OMG this episode was....pure love. I think it has become my favorite right behind the Japan trip. Where do I even begin...I love how semi comfortable Hyun and Yong's friends became around each other. It was great to see them all laughing together. I thought it was very sweet of Hyun to call Jinwoo so Yeiji could talk to him I also thought the gift the guys brought them was cute too. The couples shirt was adorable and it was sweet of them to have worn it the next day.
















































The second half of the ep killed me. Words are not enough for how adorable, and flirty and comfortable and so flirty the two were. He watched her sleep the cooked for her. Yong looked so sexy cooking and he is a good cook. I wanted to jump into the scene and have him teach me. The way he woke her up all whispering *melts into a puddle of goo* OMG all the flirting and banter that went on after they ate. The number of times Yong was leaning into her. Omona I just wanted to find away to make their lips and bam...the kiss that killed kpop LOL. I silently (peeps were asleep) squealed so loud when they played footsie and the thumbs up and smiles and just adjakslodjdufmsksddpl :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

















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Guest deeana55


hi guys....


after watch this episode a several time...something pop in my head...


this part when yonghwa said about the list of question that seohyun made for MIL


i'm guessing it's after yonghwa watch their backroom interview so it means after busan episode they filming at their house in another week ?


and also there is a line that yonghwa said in backroom interview that after seohyun perform hoot their go to japan straight away and that only happen when gayo daejun 3 days in the row (sbs mbc and kbs) happen...


does it means that during between does gayo performance they have shooting this episode at night or before they doing the ski resort ?




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