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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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0MG! It's nearly 2am at my place here and I'm wide awake with a silly smile stuck on my face. :lol: :lol::lol:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(imagine Yonghwa's black room during the birthday episode-I can't stop smiling!!)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thai Goguma Fans Jjang! Daebak! \(^.^)/\(^.^)/\(^.^)/\(^.^)/ hehe.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for sharing the fancams.keep them coming <3






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think this is the 1st song I hear all 4 CN BLUE boys singing together-they sound lo lovely ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Aah, can't stop spazzing right now!! Off to watch the video again































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(aigoo, i think most of us will sleep with a smile on our faces and spend the rest of the days on cloud 9 lol)

































































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@jazziejec why are you asking goguma fans not to bash him? if you read all the comments about his statement, there were no goguma fans bashing him. most of the fans offered their POV on his statement respectfully. please be careful when you wrote such things in this forum because it would give the false impression to non yongseo fans or antis who happened to browse this forum and read your post without backtracking the pages that goguma fans were bashing Yonghwa. i know you meant well but "bash" is a really negative word which is not equal to "giving opinion".









fellow fans, i may have different opinion from most of you. being a logical person, as long as they are still filming wgm, i will set my mind in denial mode that they are not dating and whatever actions they did and said regarding WGM (wearing a ring, saying that Hyun is Yong's ideal girl and vise versa) could be planned to keep the fans attached to their persona as a couple. I may sound like an anti but I am one of Yongseo's biggest fans, I am just trying to prepare myself when WGM ends and nothing really happens between them (romantically). i still squeal like crazy whenever i watch their episode and small parts of my illogical mind keeps saying that they are real they are real haha I feel like having a split personality. yongseo has this effect on me. anyway just enjoy the show as much as we can.


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i'm....speechless...seriously...no words...i thinks yonghwa really enjoy the fact that fans knew the lyrics too =)
































































































However, i wish he would have sang the last part of the song!! i wanted to see his face sooooooooooooooo bad...i love it anyway xD

































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Guest greed_island
































































































































































































































































Hello In-Go Paem,
































































































































































































































































it's been a week and this thread already reached this much pages. Wow.
































































































































































































































































I've been reading this thread backwards and so much things happen. First  of all thank you to all of you, especially for all of you who shared  Yong pictures with black hair. It made my day.
































































































































































































































































I want to add my comment about few things :
































































































































1. Yonghwa in NAN with GD and TOP from Bigbang. Honestly i'm a VIP, before CNBLUE come to my life. That is why I  won't miss this episode. There's something I want to point out. About Yonghwa kind a 'admire' GD. I don't know if it's true. For me  both of them are awesome. But anyhow GD is the sunbaenim in music industry. I like GD because he's a total hard worker in music , and  for me Yonghwa have a kind of similar personality. And hopefully maybe  in the future yonghwa will make a lot of great music as many as GD made. (Go Yonghwa!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































i thought That was quite random but then i found yonghwa yay!! :D
































































































































but thanks soo much!! and Yes i love GD!! he is the only big bang member who writes his own songs.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As far as I know, Bigbang members can write their own songs. But I guess GD is the one who often meets the high quality standard of YG. I guess CNBLUE members are trained to write their owns songs too, but Yonghwa (just like GD) are the one who often come out with the masterpieces. 
































































































































































































































































2. About Yonghwa black hair.  I don't get it. Some korean artist are  handsome with painted hair, but they are more stunning with the  original version colour. Yonghwa with black hair are GORGEOUS. When he stand  between CNBLUE brothers, I kind a feel he's the maknae...hehe
































































































































(I'm sorry I can't manage to put a picture here...hmmm)
































































































































































































































































3. About this week preview. Wow! They left a lot of episodes to air. When we think they're gonna show us the ski episode, and then JJAN! (hyun version) there is a hidden treasure. But I won't complain about this hehe..
































































































































































































































































4. About CNBLUE singing 'First Time Lovers' in Thailand. Thai fans - you're so lucky! Just watching the fancam can make me smiling vee~ry widely. Thank you very much. Hyun must watch this video.
































































































































































































































































I got this interview when I search about SNSD : http://www.soompi.co...tiffany-of-snsd
































































































































We were able to catch up with Tiffany and Jessica, the lovely Korean  American ladies of SNSD, while we were in Korea for a quick trip. After  spending some time getting to know them and talking to them about their  experiences as Korean pop stars, we were amazed at how down to earth and  friendly they both were – and yes, they are as cute and pretty in  person as they are in photos and videos!  We asked them a few questions  from you, the Soompi members, and a few questions of our own. The entire  interview was conducted in English. Read on and make sure to check out  the video shout-out at the end!  
































































































































































































































































Soompi: One of the questions our members are really curious about is: Do you know Soompi?































































































































Tiffany: I definitely know it and I'm amazed at how much it's grown. My sister's a frequent user. I knew it when I was back home.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Soompi: Right, it's been around for a long time.
































































































































Tiffany: But it wasn't like, this major.































































































































































































































































































































































































Soompi: K-Pop  is really making it grow and it's actually your guys' work that is  making it grow a lot more. So have you been to the site yourself, then?
































































































































Tiffany: Oh, I've been to the site myself, of course!































































































































































































































































































































































































Soompi: And were you a member back in the day? Or were just a lurker?
































































































































Tiffany: [laughs] Ah, I was just a lurker. I was just getting into the site.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Just wondering, maybe Seohyun is a lurker too? Hyun & Yong english are quite good. Is there any chance they might read all our posts? If yes, Please you two...get REAL!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Close-up shots of Yonghwa singing Banmal song. Only 34 seconds for the first link, though.







Second one is also close-ups at the ending part of the song.







Yonghwa with ban mal song







cn blue@ end of party











From Thai fan account about the order of the performances yesterday.










Some fans said these orders were like story-telling of YongSeo.











- I'm a loner (Start off by saying I'm lonely.)







- Love Light (I met someone and so compose this song.)







- Never or Now







- Let's go crazy







- One time (Just three upbeat songs to kick up the mood.)







- Love (I'm in love and I'm not lonely anymore.)







- Banmal Song (I love you and I will forever.)











And with many rings in his collections, YH wore only his couple ring while performing throughout.











When fans shouting Seohyun's name during the time all CNBLUEs were presented to their gifts, Yonghwa really blushed and just can't stop smiling.











Cr. The Sweet Potato Couple Thai Fan @ Pantip.com











































Not quite sure what's exactly they're doing.








































I don't know why I can't find Yong got hugged in any pic.








For the pics. All credits to Anziez Juiziez @ CN Blue -Thailand FanClub @ Facebook






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Geez!! I wish I could be in Thailand right now!
































































































































































































































































































I just watched the fancam and Im amused, amazed, excited...the song...live is perfect! You can see Yong is really happy singing it...and, when I read that all the CNBLUE Brothers sing it, I was like "Ohh no! Why! It´s YONG'S SONG!". What a mistake...the fact that the other members also sign it, made the song more emotional (or at least thats what i felt. Since the beginning I was excited, emotional, crying/smiling like a fool, because it was THE song...and when JS or MH sang I was like awwwwwww, super proud and happy; JH too, but I was expecting him to sing.
































































































































































































































































































And OMG Yong's smile while singing the song, is EVERYTHING! I dont care If he said he's single (even though its probably tru)...but no matter what you say, what you do, is WHAT IS IMPORTANT. And after almost one year, we can say that Yong already showed A LOT...

































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Close-up shots of Yonghwa singing Banmal song. Only 34 seconds for the first link, though.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Second one is also close-ups at the ending part of the song.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa with ban mal song































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cn blue@ end of party






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks kun_cheero for sharing the links and awesome pictures!
































































































































































































































































how i wish soompi allows me to click + for ur post multiple times =)
































































































































































































































































aww yonghwa looks so happy receiving his bear-look at his smile^^
































































































































































































































































this is something i found out after playing the song and video multiple times and this assumption is purely done by hearing and with no intend of bashing what so ever - did jungshin chingoo accidentally sang the wrong lyrics during his part? If he did, i think it was really a cute mistake~
































































































































































































































































He seems to be really nervous singing it- there were really loud cheers when he started singing.
































































































































































































































































I guess everyone got a pleasant surprise when brother-in-laws started singing. <3
































































































































































































































































































































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Guest skyrise


This version of Banmal song is purely brilliance; it's really something new seeing pretty much everyone singing a bit of the song.


The whole performance seemed that it delivered, all fans were cheering skyrocket.




Thanks for sharing pics+fancam guys.


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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































































































































































Hi all gogumas!!






























































































































































































































































I was at the concert. Really happy to listen the song that's so special for all gogumas.































































































































"ฺBanmal Song" in Thailand is so great. So touching and spazzing. :wub: I think Yonghwa's really in the good mood.































































































































He sang all songs with powerful voice, played around with CNBLUE Boys and of course the audiences.































































































































And Hi-light of the concert was when MC said that Thai fans wanted to give some gifts for CNBLUE so the gifts in the big box was presented to them. But....On the top of the box was four teddy bears wearing T-Shirt which MC picked up one that named Yonghwa and Seohyun. :wub: MC read the name "Yonghwa and what?" All Thai gogumas shouted "Seohyun" kkk Yong picked up the bear and hug it. So meaningful for us Right? This is the clip that i'm talking about. :D My lovely sisters sat in the second row of VIP. They sent this to me.






























































































































































































































































Cr : codename2able@YT
































































































































YongSeo Teddy Bear






























































































































































































































































Cr : as tagged + CNBLUE Thailand fanclub@facebook




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And for a song for first time lovers, first time to listen in the live performance, first time for 4 boys singing in the same song without playing instruments (except Jonghyun for guitar, They're so talented in music. CNBLUE JJang!!) and absolutely first time of the world but in Thailand. :wub:































































































































I'm so happy and nothing to say but it's Daebak!! I can feel that Yong put his heart to sing this song especially the last word "Saranghae". It can tell something in his sweet voice and smiling face. I hope Seohyun will see these clips. How do you feel, Hyun? He sings a song that written cos u're the inspiration. Moreover all the time of the concert he only wore the couple ring. :wub: Are you happy, Hyun?






























































































































































































































































Cr : Uploader Thank you so much for loveyongseo@YT and icecoffee0707@YT






























































































































































































































































Banmal Song in Thailand Full































































































































Yong's Banmal Song in Thailand































































































































CNBLUE@The end of Concert






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































พี่ CheriMerci น้องคนที่ตะโกน ซอฮยอน เสียงใสๆ เด่นๆ นี่ใช่คนเดียวกับที่ถ่ายหรือเปล่าครับ เสียงใสดีจัง































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To kun_cheero

































































































































































































น้องเค้าไม่ใช่คนถ่าย แต่นั่งอยู่ข้างๆคนถ่ายค่ะ อิอิ ทำงานกันเป็นทีม เดี๋ยวพี่บอกน้องเค้าให้ว่าเสียงใสดี เรียกพี่ว่าพี่เชอร์รี่ก็ได้นะคะ ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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The longer version of P'CheriMerci's link.




[FANCAM]110127 HoLika Thailand :: CNBLUE - Gifts from BOICE




So the game they played on stage is make-up game. And you can see how Yonghwa helped a fan playing the game here.




[FANCAM]110127 HoLika Thailand :: CNBLUE - Make Up Game 5/5








YongSeo Teddy Bear















พี่ CheriMerci น้องคนที่ตะโกน ซอฮยอน เสียงใสๆ เด่นๆ นี่ใช่คนเดียวกับที่ถ่ายหรือเปล่าครับ เสียงใสดีจัง




อ้อครับ พี่เชอร์รี่ กุน นะครับ





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first of all....aaaahhh such a long time not to post in this thread.. you guys really rocks...!!! update everything with Yongseo...really nice that Yonghwa sang "for the first time lover in Thailand...can wait also for Saturday to come. giggling to see this couple..
































anyway..about Yonghwa said that he is single....welll I can only say this to his statement...SINGLE but Not available hahaha...which mean only available for Seohyun....hahahah





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Guest riaheaven
















hi! do someone know where i can download yong seo ep 39 to 41 with english subtitles?








thank you.









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Guest Tofu_Cloud


















hi! do someone know where i can download yong seo ep 39 to 41 with english subtitles?
















thank you.































Not download.. but u can watch it here i know none of the other websites vids are working right now alot got taken off but this one works


















































Hey guys can i request for the video of when Soompi gave out Gift boxes to the "You're beautiful cast"??? I really want to see the video when YongHwa recieved his box from Soompi members. ^__________^



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Guest lovelybee































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































you can feel how deep is Yong love Hyun when you watch and listen more and more banmal song fancam.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is one more link for banmal song live version, watch and feel togetherwub.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(fancam)BANMAL SONG:CN BLUE:27012011

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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heck soompi is not working good on me...































































































































i cant give + mark T___T,, say that i have reached my quota positive for today































































































































good morning gogumass...






























































































































































































































































i just woke up and saw a lot of facaccount cnblue at thailand































































































































and.. wow u guys are soo lucky to hear our national anthem song (banmal) for the first time and live






























































































































































































































































i envy u guys soo much































































































































and the bear gift...






























































































































































































































































Yeah yoonngg hug that tighly and give it to your wife






























































































































































































































































i wish im not top the page...































































































































rock uu goguma :D
































































































































































































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Guest Phoebechiu










Ok some people may not really like what I am going to say. Its just some doubts in my mind. So I am gonna put it in spoiler mode.






I just can't help but think what if Yong and Hyun wore the ring just to satisfy us, the fans. And since WGM is ongoing, and the fans know of the existence, they can't don't wear it in public lest interest in WGM falls because of that. I just hope it isn't this case. But every now and then Yong makes me doubt a bit, perhaps to keep people down to Earth. This is just another theory. Of course I would very much prefer the satisfy some BOICE fans while protecting Hyun and YongSeo fans part. I remembered watching this video where this fan shouted for Yong to get a divorce very early on in the show of WGM. Its a reason for him to be wary. But at the same time, in my mind I have these questions...









Please don't forget that he intentionally not wear the ring in last July and December.  If the reasone that he wears the ring is to satisfy us, he should wear it whole time.  When the Banmal song was released in January 14, one of Taiwan SONE posted "Yong really loves Hyun with his sincerity" in Taiwan PTT forum.  Tones of SONEs repeatedly posted the same sentence to show their agreement and support.  Even SONEs can feel the true feeling between them.  Dear goguma shippers.  Please don't over-analyze everything and just believe your heart. 



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Guest baby_bo































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please don't forget that he intentionally not wear the ring in last July and December.  If the reasone that he wears the ring is to satisfy us, he should wear it whole time.  When the Banmal song was released in January 14, one of Taiwan SONE posted "Yong really loves Hyun with his sincerity" in Taiwan PTT forum.  Tones of SONEs repeatedly posted the same sentence to show their agreement and support.  Even SONEs can feel the true feeling between them.  Dear goguma shippers.  Please don't over-analyze everything and just believe your heart. 
















































































































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Hai all, Morning.






































































































































































































Dear riaheaven, you can download it from our sister page here;































































































































RDR Page --> Still in hiatus for site migration. Hopefully we can get their update soon.































































































































KDR Page --> Subs until ep 40. They will be back for ep 42































































































































Sun_sun list of files --> ep 21 - 35































































































































Sonems Youtube































































































































Sonems Page --> ep 41 and below





































































































































































































































































































































Hachimitsu compilation of YongSeo OST































































































































The pwd you can get by following her in tweeter.@xhachimitsu































































































































TQ girls. It's a tough job, but you really do it..;)






































































































































































































Banmal 1st live performance































































































































Thai fans was so lucky to hear them for 1st time singing live.































































































































Even not K-fans get this chance yet...































































































































& TQ for all the sharing fancams of their perf.































































































































Hearing BIL sang a long the song it's a bonus it self.































































































































Additional :































































































































[FanAccount] Holika Holika Magic Party with CNBLUE @ Thailand (01.27.2011)































































































































cr to cnbleustorm.com






































































































































































































Bout Ring+"I'm single" thingy..































































































































It's so funny how the the phrase can make this thread go wild. (Every Wend/Thursday.. we will get some new news bout this couple)































































































































What will it become if he said other than that, maybe "I'm single..but taken" or "I'm single.. but have someone in my mind" or to make it more DAEBAK..































































































































"NO..I've got someone already..."






























































































































































































































































Confirm this thread will be in 2000+ at no time at all. Not to mention in online news also.































































































































But we know it, that phrase like that can kill the idol career at no time also...































































































































Maybe for short time just like Jonghyun case..
































































They still young.. Give them a chance hehe.
































































Another thing, this event is for CNBLUE, so Yong probably will stay low bout WGM thingy.
































































Also promotion for this product.
































































So not to offense any BOICE's there, or YongSeo fans.
































































He's a leader with "perfectionist" type.
































































He takes the roles seriously, but still not to forget the other side of him, like wearing the Ring.
































































Unconsciously, he still cover the ring with bigger ring for his fans, BOICE's.
































































I think the action speak louder than words.
































































He cares for his fans, even for BOICE's or YongSeo.
































































He try to satisfy both side.
































































This is just my POV.
































































Bout Fanny lurker in Soompi..
































































Really hope this couple also read and be a lurker in this thread.
































































Since I got a feeling that the duckduckduck was Yong.. hahaha..
































































& his reply to Hyun bout how he got the lyrics ep Banmal writing ep. He just reply with "Internet???" with shy face..
































































Did he also been stalking bout them self on internet.
































































Hope he been stalking here.. hahaha..
































































How I wish it's true.
































































What I wish....(for their next filming... can I??)
































































I watch 2d1n for latest broadcast international ep where the ep filming without cameraman around them.
































































They interaction and action was a very spontaneous & honest. Hehe...
































































Seldom, they remember bout the camera installed around them.
































































How do I wish just for 1 day, PD agree to just install the camera around their house and make they do what ever they wanna do, without any cameraman around them.
































































Just themselves in their own house.
































































Some time, they tent to forget bout the camera. Maybe we can watch their really interaction between them.
































































Do what regular couples do. Cooking, eating, watching movies, study for Hyun, Yong creating song, just with guitar, or Hyun trying to study more bout playing guitar. Or Yong sleeping???? hahaha































































































































Since the celebration for Chinese New Year is around the corner, I take this chance to great all of you "HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR".
































































I will not be around until 7 Feb. So, it's an early wishes to all whose celebrate this festival. ;)
































































I wish all of you will be happy always and healthy.
































































So I still miss 2 ep for YongSeo. :(. Hopefully our friends will upload both episode to download.
































































& TQ in advance to M3 & Ddukalso all teams in KDR & SONEMS for vid later.
































































& happy spazzing to all...
































































& I do know I will catch up this thread maybe 20,30 pages later. ;)
































































BTW, where's j2dlee... How I miss her/his posts and translation. Please come out and great us...









































































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Guest seohyungeneration
































Good thing Banmal song is doing well in all charts in korea. FNC already has discovered good formula (good sales/marketing strategy) for the song same as love light. I mentioned this in another blog and one person said yongwha is not promoting the song yet. Some people just don't understand marketing  as you sing a song live it is a way of promoting and advertising the song. Directly or indirectly. What timing. Congratulations to FNC. They should not forget the --- Thanks to a wonderful and inspiring person like Seohyun. 
































I really admire Seohyun. With all glitz and glamour in the kpop industry (including the good and the bad in the industry) she still has the good qualities that korean should admire. Yes there "might" be similar girls like her but each person is unique. She is one of a kind. I really wish her the best. Good things will come in her way more very soon. People feel so blessed just knowing her (either personally or watching her just onscreen).  I hope SM entertainment and her unnies continue to support and protect her. She is just 20 years old. Can you imagine these years to come? She is very smart and for sure she will make the right decisions especially on the people she choose to trust and be close in all aspect of her life. God bless you alway Seohyun. 

















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Guest Crystal392








Thanks to everyone for sharing all that info, pics and links :D I haven't had much time lately (and I will probably have less free time in the future) but I will always visit Go-Chun. I may not share as many things as I used to but I am glad there are lots of new Gogumas who are sharing lots of stuff about uri YongSeo :) (but new Gogumas please remember to follow soompi rules ;) )












zealous: Aww your wish is so awesome! I wish the same :)












seohyungeneration: I agree with you, each person is unique. SeoHyun, YongHwa, you, I, and every single Goguma is one of a kind and that's what makes us all amazing :D I'm really happy to have met so many awesome people here ^^ and even though I may not be as active as I used to be I wanted to tell all of you you are always in my heart and prayers (this is specially to my CNRainbow girls! I hope you are reading this! I miss you girls :tears: and I hope you will always be very very very happy).












Again thanks to all the Gogumas who have shared lots of things of uri YongSeo.












YongSeo fighting!







Goguma forever ♥



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