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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Just a quick couple of comments:



I like the new hair color but I have always loved it when he parted his hair from his right side.



About him getting into the car first-yes there was the problem of the hump in the middle but if she sat in his seat the then the driver could not interact with her at all. With her sitting in the seat she could interact with all of his friends and all of them could look and talk to her (the driver at stop lights and the such).



After watching the video about the MC reactions, and I love the MC's and sometimes think it is the best part of the show, a thought crossed my mind. Maybe the young immature Yong fans could learn something from Jinwoon. He was definately jealous in the beginning episodes and very proud of himself that he knew so much more about Seohyun and was a banmal friend and seemed to be much closer to Seohyun than Yong was. We all knew he wanted to be the husband. But there was the point where he said they looked good together and from then on seemed to be really rooting for them. In some of the BTS videos of the awards shows, Yong and Jinwoon seemed to be having much more fun talking to each other than to their own bandmates. I think some of the very zealous and immature fans should take a second look at Jinwoon and see that if you really care for a person and are not overly obsessed with them, then you want them to be happy, even if it means that it doesn't include you. If you truely are a fan then you want the person that you like to be happy. If you are so jealous that you try to ruin their work and personal lives then that is not love. Just my opinion.



In my day I did have friends that would go to concerts, meet stars, and actually end up sleeping with them. It was the 60's and 70's and that was not unusual, but I was in a stable and long term relationship (at 19 and ended up being married for 44 years) so I really didn't understand why they did it. Some friends said that they wanted to end up pregnant so the star would have to marry them and others said it was just so they could brag to their friends that they slept with this star or the other. All I could think was, how sad.



One of the reasons I love this show so much is because in western years they are the same age as my husband and I were when we got married. We dated for 4 years before we married, so we have been together for a long time. Even though we were together for so many years before we married, I still feel like I am watching my courtship with my husband from so many years ago.



Also, about Yong having a female friend. I was in a folk singing group from junior high until collage. Five guys and me. One of the guys and I tried going on a double date with our friends and honestly we were worst together than most brothers and sisters would ever be. Both of us wanted to go home after 10 minutes. Another bandmated and I tried to kiss and laughed so hard that both of were about to wet our pants. We were friends for six years, but we parted ways. To this day I miss their company so much. They were the ones that shared my dreams and lived and loved music and the theater with me but none of them could ever take the place of the man that I loved and married.



OK, so not as quick as I thought it would be.






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Guest ikekeyou
























lmao! jsut read the text preview for episode 42
















thanks MountainMadman for the super incredible fast translations (:
















anywho... about the Hyun using her "Yong baby prodding strategy"?!?! hmmmm...
















i agree with lovekin :) she is using her aegyo to make yong go to the hospital
















but hmmm i wonder why yong needs to go to the hospital?
















is it because of his voice? maybe he was feeling unwell?
















ahahaha i love when these two bicker! they've been kind of bickering ALOT now (:
















makes it interesting and fun to see their reactions towards each other. ahahhah
















bickering = love :D ahahah
















EDIT: just realized i TOPPED the page!!
































ahahah the title is so funny! (:





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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































The articles have me spazzing like crazy.... Thanks to M3 and Melibu!
















































































Ok, now I am wishing tomorrow is saturday so I can hear SH call YH “Baby Yo~ong ~”
















































































How cute is that! kekekekeke OMG they are quarreling like a married couple and YH can fight against his wife is Aego... I think the turning point of the fight will be when SH called YH “Baby Yo~ong ~” kekekekeke
















































































And to Thai fans, woah great work and so proud of been a Goguma, And if YH sings the banmal song... ahhhhh I envy you, please share some fancams if available!
















































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas! Have a good day!!!

















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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Thank M3 and melibu for translation, haha now Huyn become a true Yong's girlfriend/wife. :wub: They fight like a married couple normal. In the end, the husband always "loses" with her wife (because he's a man, love his wife and compromise her)  The way she wanted to take Yonghwa to a hospital. and Yong have explanations why he didn't, hahaha Huyn deabak. In the end, she must be use her aegyo, she know Yong could not resist all of her aegyo, Yonghwa ended up being dragged to the hospital after all  If she's just a virtual wife, he will never do it if he don't want. haha YongSeo couple is true couple. Huyn worry for Yong and want to Yong have a good healthy. Huyn's beautiful wife and always caring for Yong seobang. <3
































































They remind me of my parents, one day my mother want father go to hospital but he don't want and say anything why he don't. And in the end, my father still go to hospital with my mother. After, my father feel happy, smile and he said with me that:" It's ok for me if I go to hospital but really funny and cute when look your mother want to take me. That mean she worry for me and just wanted me to have good healthy."
































































































































































































































































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Honestly, when I saw the clinic pictures and the expressions on their faces, without the translations, I thought that Yong's vocal cord nodules had become a problem again. After he was released from the hospital it was said that he still might require surgery in the future so that was my first thought.



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I read some fan acc that on day / night before they rec WGM on Busan... yong.. have very bad Flu....also you can see that he look very tired/pale...
































Mybe hyun notice it or heard from some staff... soo She really Worry an Care for Yong Seobang ....
































YOONGGG~~~~~ you know what ???!! Hyun~~~~ eagyo is your Weakness...^^

































































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Guest scatterbrain

i also think it's related to yong's vocal cord nodule. maybe he is supposed to have routine check ups, but he took it too lightly. hyun was very concerned, so she forced yong to get a medical check up.

i find it meaningful to do stuff like this for their 300days. someone will only want to accompany you to the hosp. for check up if you are very close. and i think it's purelu hyun's idea, not some kind of mission. i really like yongseo coz they are just like normal couple. living normal everyday life

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Guest SophiaPia
































































Saturday pali as we always say :))
































Thanks to YongSeo Thailand for all the love for YongSeo couple. 
































Thanks M3 for preview translations. 
































There is a preview viideo if u haven't seen it chingus. 






























































































( pls. ignore the title of the video kubih is doing his fan fiction again kekeke!)
















yes! anink fair enough, it could be that is 1 of the reason also, i read that here that his not feeling well before busan filming, so of course wife Seohyun always concern about health esp her hubby's health.
































so now we've got Yongbaby kekeke! really match w/ Seobaby 































































Cheers to all
































































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Guest fabiistar07












Thanks so much for all translations! :D




ikekeyou thanks for the video preview, i hadn't seen it before, i was soo shocked by the title :blink: ... then i was LOL xD




I seriously love their arguments, they're extremely adorable and cute!







Besides that, it shows how comfortable they are with eachother, to be able to express their own opinions and concerns, like a real married couple :wub:




Also, can't wait to hear "baby Yong~" from mommy Hyun~ keke




I hope she shows lots of aegyo, even though she says she has none, aegyo with her eyes will make Yong~ say "Yes!" right away :wub: hehe





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Whose X-Ray is this???































































































































Yong?? Hyun??





































































































































































































































































































































Vid from kubih... TQ.
















































































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Guest loybing

Saturday pali as we always say :))

Thanks to YongSeo Thailand for all the love for YongSeo couple. 

Thanks M3 for preview translations. 

There is a preview viideo if u haven't seen it chingus. 

( pls. ignore the title of the video kubih is doing his fan fiction again kekeke!)

yes! anink fair enough, it could be that is 1 of the reason also, i read that here that his not feeling well before busan filming, so of course wife Seohyun always concern about health esp her hubby's health.

so now we've got Yongbaby kekeke! really match w/ Seobaby 

Cheers to all

thanks for the preview. kekeke. i love the title though.

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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































zealous: I think its Yong coz he look pale and flu. They seem so worry. I like Huyn's reation, seem she worry about Yong's healthy so much.
































































I notice that in this pic, seem Yong & Huyn wear couple necklace? They look the same shape, but Huyn wear butterfly necklare. Or Yong have a  butterfly necklare too? Or this necklace is different necklace?  Look at the pic, they're like necklaces couple. ;)

































































































































































































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hello gogumas... i was so busy the past days since its the 400th year anniversary of our school.. so now finally i have the time to catch up with the thread.. ^_^
















































































i was reading through and was likewise shocked at the title of the preview!! hahahahah i really thought the PDs are taking it to another level ahahah and LOL at buin's reaction she's too cute for words.. hahahhaha i can't wait.. i wanna watch how she plays it out to force her nampyeon to go to the hospital.. i really really love yongseo!!!:wub::wub::wub:













































































































































































































































































































































































































































soshisoshisoshi sorry for the late reaction,hahahahahah your story about buying gogumas in the market was so funny... and soo coooolll who would have thought that we have goguma shippers in just about every corner... hahahaha  who knows maybe the clerk is also a member of this thread ahahahah :wub:
















































































to mountainmadman.. thank you for the translations.. you are daebak ;)






























































































































































































































































to our thai gogumas... wow i soo envy you.. you guys are so daebak!!! i hope cn blue and snsd will also visit the Philippines..




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love yong's new hair.. he's so handsome!!!!!!






























































































































































































































































to all girl gogumas! lets find ourselves a yo~ng!!!:wub:
















































































































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Yong seobang!  You cannot win against buin's aegyo! (did I spell that right?)

I noticed that after getting chased by the seagulls the first time, Yong was breathing pretty hard for a young man.  He was sick just before Busan, wasn't he?

I think Seohyun is just being her normal, caring self.  Maybe she noticed he seems tired and pale and maybe not breathing good, dunno, but he does work hard with little rest, and probably doesn't exercise much or eat well.

And like most males, Yong will refuse to believe there is anything wrong with his health, that with time everything will heal.   Men like to feel invincible, invulnerable to sickness, disease or injury.  We don't need no stinkin' doctors!  We're tough, yeah!

What we really are are scared little children who are afraid to find out the truth about how bad our health condition really is!  We've hated doctor's offices since our first baby shots.  We don't like to give up control of our bodies to a higher power.  And that's what happens in doctor's offices.  We may find out we need to exercise more, eat less hamburgers and more gogumas, lose weight and get more sleep.

In other words, we may just find out that what our wives (or buins) have been complaining to us about our health is exactly what the doctor is going to tell us, and we will have to shuffle home with our tails dragging and actually have to say 'you were right, dear!'    blush.gif

So, Yong seobang, suck it up and be happy you are blessed with a buin who cares enough about you to risk your wrath against her and who will stick to her guns to make you go to the doctor.   You'll realize in the end that she was right!  ;)

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Guest winsync2PM

OMG..I cant wait to watch next episode...Hyun getting more like a true wife right now..really take care of her hubby...with such aegyo..who can resist her??yong, you better give up, cos you never win with hyun cuteness...^_^

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Guest soshisoshisoshi




LOL, I'm glad that you liked my post!! I know, The situation was too sudden that I was like WTH?????


Oh, about the preview. I noticed that this is the second time MBC gave us a separate preview from the WGM broadcast time. What is their intention on doing that?? to make us curious.... maybe?


lovekin, your post is really funny. So now Hyun is showing her AEGYO??? nothing more I can hope for other than that.......... Yong must be squealing like a baby after being called "BABY YO~NG" by his buin.........




just like you, I don't really care if we're way behind of the episodes. I prefer it to be this way, because after in the end they "finish" theri marriage, we still have plenty of episodes to anticipate, not like in Adam Couple's case......





luvtokki Appa! your post is so true!! we males are always trying to avoid going to doctors, and in my case, just seeing a doctor from afar is already enough to make me scared, and I'm bloody 17 right now!!




since I don't have much time left (class in 15 minutes), I'll just say HAPPY SPAZZING TO ALL!! :wub:





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wow i really got excited after seeing the preview,, Seobaby nag to baby yoong haha






























































































































































































































































well its not a best cap but i just want to recall when seo get angry/ frustated






























































































































































































































































1. first when hyun got angry bcoz yong didnt tell her about CNblue thailand trip and she got to hear that from jinwoon
































































































































2. yoonngg you're soo mean
































































































































3. there are a lot during mildang,, ckck such a hardtime for our yoong but good for their relationship































































































































































































































































































































4. yoonng why did u drink cold tea in such a cold weather































































































































































































5. hyuunn hate hamburger
































































































































6. Girl got upset by a little thing, not the big one
































































































































anyways she still cute whenever she got angry XD






























































































































































































































































i cant wait to see how seohyun nag to yonghwa XDXD































































































































cant wait cant wait































































































































Saturday palliiiiii
































































and i just realize this
































































































































yongseo say that at the same time,, OMG i feel shamefull bcoz i just realize this now































































































































i though it was MIL voice at first































































































































just realize OMG im soo stupid ckck































































































































































































EDIT: another fanart
































































































































cr: Rippergirl

































































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Yong... at Tailand fanmit.. on Q and A said that he said still Singel...
































but if you said soo why you still wear the ring at fanmit...
































some yongseo tailand fan not happy @@
































yong you batter careful what you said if hyun see this she gonna give you Hammbergur...

































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Guest lovekin




Yong... at Tailand fanmit.. on Q and A said that he said still Singel...


but if you said soo why you still wear the ring at fanmit...


some yongseo tailand fan not happy @@


yong you batter careful what you said if hyun see this she gonna give you Hammbergur...






blink.gif is this a fan account or your account?




i actually find this ... a little strange.  and i'm not reading deeply into it, thinking that this is his way of thwarting everyone off his scent, so to speak (because i'm sure many people would like to think that this is the reality), but ... yeah, i find this odd.  mainly because in similar situations where he's asked of his status, he's usually quick to answer/remind people that he does have a "wife."  acknowledging that would only seem appropriate.






and again, i'm not trying to imply anything.  it could honestly go either way for all we know, but i just think that's an answer that's kind of off the beaten path.  beware the spoiler:






the only reason i would find it worrying at all ... and i'm not worried so much as :\ at the situation because i have no idea what to make of it ... is that by acknowledging his single status outside of his show, it implies that there isn't an overlap between WGM and his real life by way of his relationship [with seo].





any more info on this by anyone present at the meeting would be interesting.




EDIT: and while i don't expect any fancams of that event, i'm curious to know how exactly he answered that in conjunction with his facial expression and body language, two things that could totally betray his answer.




EDIT 2:  this one is just to counteract this debbie downer of a post, but you could say that, yes, he is technically single.  it's not like they're exclusive, but sure, that doesn't mean his feelings aren't already reserved for someone.


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new pix from their holika holika magazine;) hope i can post it here? sorry guys dont know how to put it in the spoiler section. ;)can you spot the ring ding dong! OMG!!!! and saturday please come quickly we cant wait any longer!

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