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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest skyrise








I personally like this scene very much (cap from the FanMV). The feel of freedom, joy and happiness can be sense from this capture, I don't know why I have that feeling, the feeling just came to me when I first saw this. Both of them went on a long journey together and now finally, they are confident to show us how proud and happy they are to be together.


I may not able to have a very great description by words, but let me attach this capture, hope you guys will feel what I wanted to mean~~




*quoted image*




P/S: If this is night time with fireworks sparkling in the sky, how great and wonderful this picture will turned out to be..? :wub:






Yeah, this particular cap is just brilliant; even objectively speaking, you see two people being happy. This pic could not capture this feeling more succesfully.


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Guest fabiistar07












Hesperide thanks for sharing those pics




I wonder why they were looking at water boots ... Maybe for going to plant gogumas again! :lol:




Seohyunnie really looks like a Goddess







her hair is super long now and her skin is so white like porcelain




For some reason she looks very mature, maybe it's the combination of long straight hair + make up + black clothes ^_^









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So this is one of Jung Yonghwa's privileges that only Seohyun's sisters and Seo Joohyun's family can do to her. Grabbing her hand then holding it without her minding it. I totally love how suave Yonghwa did this (let's not forget the smug face, he's been using that lately). Though she didn't mind, you can see her still feeling shy about it. Oh cute!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Since you guys posted Seohyun's pictures from SMA. Why not post Yonghwa's?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































These two...they're becoming more beautiful each day. Come on, who wouldn't love the guy? (I swear there must be something in that Ma and Apple shake that Seohyun has been making)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Jung Yonghwa is so gorgeous *___*

































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teoki61, yangie12, aisuo415 - Thank you all for the quick translations - that cured my curiosity!

There's a wild rumor that Yong went to Japan for WGM filming at SM Town Live going around on the chatbox on SweetPotatoDays - anybody else hear that rumor, or have any facts to back it up?   I can't see that happening, but stranger things have happened with our couple.

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Guest DJHinata

She did think of him since the beginning, remember in the first episode she ask him what is his favorite fruit? and he answer apple? in the fourth episode she brought some snacks dried apple ! And now i realized that she brought that for him but actually thinking of him, not just for some snacks. she is so beautiful and kind







i'm spazzing right now ~ just for fun. YongSeo Couple so nice and lovely ♥wub.gif

Thanks for all the sharing !!! 

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teoki61, yangie12, aisuo415 - Thank you all for the quick translations - that cured my curiosity!






There's a wild rumor that Yong went to Japan for WGM filming at SM Town Live going around on the chatbox on SweetPotatoDays - anybody else hear that rumor, or have any facts to back it up?   I can't see that happening, but stranger things have happened with our couple.



This is because a few weeks ago on the official FNC site, a staff member accidentally put up 2 WGM filming dates - 18th Jan and 25th Jan. After some time, it was taken down again but not before people saw the dates.






Since they filmed on the 19th of Jan, many (including myself) are very hopeful that today's filming would happen as well. I have a feeling those dates were never solid, but there is a high possibility of them filming during today's concert since there is no official schedule for Yonghwa. His next schedule is tomorrow in Thailand for an event.






So fingers crossed! Its just a rumour, but from what I remember...a large majority of Yongseo rumours have come true!



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Guest lovekin
















the more human we are








O M G, never again will i do this.  honestly, i have no idea how people like mountaminmadman are capable of writing so much.  ~2000 words is already a stretch for me.  anyway, here's a sad/happy thing for all of you.  i guess it's kind of happy, i don't know.  the first part is all tears, in which i had to recover some memories for the emotions to translate well into writing, but heh, who's to say it actually works?  you get cake if you can figure out the origin of the title!  smile.gif





























"We're kind of a train wreck."



Yonghwa, Seohyun, and an attempt to fall back together again.





























He doesn't notice



, Jonghyun pauses and rubs the nape of his neck, then steals a glance at the young woman beside him.  



But he re-enacts things with her that he did with you



















Acceptance is a hard thing to swallow, she realizes, though she reluctantly admits it's the first step to anything good.



















And one day he won't






















And one day he won't



, he confirms.













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This is Fan MV I made myself.

^ ^ Their beautiful moments from Episode 39 to 41.

YongSeo BooBoo is DAEBAK. These episodes show they really have feeling for each other :D

YongSeo's FAN MV: From Episode 39-41 ^^

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'For the First-Time Couple' is still making news of being number 1 on weekly charts. Yonghwa is just magical, isn't he? Also, there are other articles that connect Seohyun to the song. (Even defeating the hottest Hyun Bin!)


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest wa2kingkong






hi gogumas..


lets vote yong's 'for the first time lover' Vote Here ...


just click as much as you can.. ^^


have a good days gogumas..smile.gif



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Guest loybing

hi gogumas..

lets vote yong's 'for the first time lover' Vote Here ...

just click as much as you can.. ^^

have a good days gogumas..*quoted image*

what to do?

only click it? i do click it many times but then the result is still the same

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Guest Crystal392










Thanks to everyone for everything you've shared. :)


















As much as I love seeing Yong and Hyun pics please remember they have to be somehow WGM related (we were warned by the mods before). If you want to comment about pics from individual activities not WGM related (not ring nor necklace nor secret glances nor anything) remember they have their own individual threads :D Let's all take care of our Go-Chun! ^^


















I just read about the rumour that Yong went to Japan for WGM filming at SMTown! :w00t: I am crossing my fingers too ^_^



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Guest loybing

Loybing actually u just can vote once..

but if u erase your cookies, u can vote again.. ^^

Thanks for the info.

lets make it a daily habit.kekeke.

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Aneng, thanks for posting latest pics at speed of light... thanks to u and others, this thread is always so updated :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DJHinata, yes, I thought when Hyun asked about fave food, she just asking coz there's nothing else to say & they were so awkward,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but she really remembered it and even brought out the mom's made dried apple chips for Yong hehe...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































also during their 2nd date, the one they went to the bookstore & amusement park, Hyun also brought fruits (apples & pears) which she prepared & cut before, and judging by Yong's expression, I could see he's quite touched by it :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't concentrate on work, coz the rumour is really good, hopefully it's true,

































































































































































































































































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haha I re-watched episode 9 and I realised did they ever go and check on their bank account ( they made a joint account) hmm lol



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Guest uh-ohxev

















haha I re-watched episode 9 and I realised did they ever go and check on their bank account ( they made a joint account) hmm lol
















Yeah, I've wondered that too. I guess not since it was never shown on TV. However, I'm very glad they got a joint bank account.. this way even when WGM ends (don't want to think of that day, but it'll happen..) they'll have a reason to meet each other again, since for the type of account they got needs the 2 people who name it's under, to show up. Therefore, I hope they forget.. and one day when one of them is trying to pay for something, they bring up that bank account and they'll have to meet up again! ^~^
















Also noticed it's your first post.. Welcome to Soompi and Go-Chun heaven! Please make sure to post more.. always good having more gogumas! :)

















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Guest Crystal392










I was stalking dcmarried and found a very cute screencap of the latest ep, I think it has been shared before but I really love it... It gives me a very peaceful vibe and somehow I feel I am on the beach with them ^^





























































I think the reason isn't difficult to explain, it's quite simple actually: everything has it's own place.




:) If someone wants to talk/spazz about YongSeo (WGM) then the place to do it is here! ^_^





















Don't forget it's against soompi rules to post less than 20 words... I know it may be a bit tiring to some Gogumas to remember all the rules, and maybe some are a bit afraid to post in case you break a rule; but with time and practice you will learn them by heart :D Don't let fear keep you from sharing your thoughts~~! :)



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the more human we are


O M G, never again will i do this.  honestly, i have no idea how people like mountaminmadman are capable of writing so much.  ~2000 words is already a stretch for me.  anyway, here's a sad/happy thing for all of you.  i guess it's kind of happy, i don't know.  the first part is all tears, in which i had to recover some memories for the emotions to translate well into writing, but heh, who's to say it actually works?  you get cake if you can figure out the origin of the title!  *quoted image*





"We're kind of a train wreck."
Yonghwa, Seohyun, and an attempt to fall back together again.





He doesn't notice
, Jonghyun pauses and rubs the nape of his neck, then steals a glance at the young woman beside him.  
But he re-enacts things with her that he did with you



Acceptance is a hard thing to swallow, she realizes, though she reluctantly admits it's the first step to anything good.



And one day he won't



And one day he won't
, he confirms.









gosh you write so well, i really hope its not the last one you write! :)


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Guest deninja
















Wow. First in Weekly Chart. (as per aneng?)












I really don't know how Yong can walk away from Hyun when WGM ends.












As it stands now, she is his love light, president of his heart, his happy pill, his muse, his lucky charm.












As they continue to film, how much closer can they get? How much of each other's heart will they continue to fill?












I can't really read much from Hyun except that she is enjoying this experience, her first, and she is fond of Yong at least.












Like a keroro, maybe? But that's a start and love does beget love...












But at 22 and 20 with all their dreams before them and within their reach will they realize what treasure they found in each other?












In the end, will they rationalize it that it was just a show and their chemistry just sprung from all the virtual magic around them?












Will they dismiss it as the common garden variety that you can find a-dime-a-dozen that will fizzle out once all the excitement ends?












Personally, I think their chemistry has the potential of a great love story.












It's still just starting, still feels new (after almost a year -LOL) , but its rhythm feels so right.












Even the missteps feels in sync.












Will they realize how rare it is to find this kind of relationship that brings out the best in each of them? Almost effortlessly...












That gift of finding someone who can accept you and even like the very fundamental thing about you.












They both admire each other's musical talents.












Hyun gets Yong's chodingness and even copies it. Yong gets Hyun's 4D thinking and even finds it amusing.












It's like, each is filling what the other lacks and in the process they create this dynamic combination that is so awesome to watch.












I haven't seen the aurora borealis but I imagine YongSeo could create their own version.












Two colors, pink and blue, dancing with each other, across a darkened sky.












Sometimes sweet, sometimes awkward,sometimes separate, sometimes merged,












sometimes playful, sometimes solemn, sometimes calm, sometimes stormy, sometimes passionate (i betcha!),












but always in harmony, weaving with each other,












always telling a common story even as each paints its own.












Each knowing that without the other, the story won't be as brilliant nor as illuminating.












But then again...












it could all be in the PD editing.












THUD! Fall back to earth!












That was just me dreaming.












But dreams do come true












so you never know...












Thanks to all our IN-GO-Paem Super Heroes. You know who you are.wub.gif












Lurker mode on. ph34r.gif



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