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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Phoebechiu




The broadcast drew attention because of its showing Jung Yonghwa followed by Seohyun's gaze, which created a strange atmosphere. -------------- i cant understand this sentence/situation......... someone please help me...




when cn blue was performing i have this feeling that yonghwa is looking at seohyuns seat.. which is on the right side of the stage. i think... kekeke just my imagination! anyway im so excited to see the next episode this Saturday! yongseo please be real!!












I translated this sentence based on Chinese version posted in China goguma couple baidu




"   The special atmosphere surrounding them caught people's attention while observing Jung YongHwa and Seo Hyun who was looking at JYH."


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O_O Just looked at the pics aneng posted..Crystal Jade? =0 So they went for Chinese food from a Singaporean chain? heeerolleyes.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And on Ueno Juri's tweet...from the Japanese text posted it seems she was just saying that Yonghwa taught her to say 'Daebak' and that was the only Korean she can recall. So she's asking to be taught easier words is all...nothing negative at all that I can see. I think it's quite positive, like someone taught her something she can remember and can stll use months later...

































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Quoting the translation from Mountainmadman





Let's see:





"We stood on the same stage but we have yet to see each other's faces." Said the Yonghwa-Seohyun couple, currently on MBC's 'We Got Married'. The two people, who recorded 'WGM' on the 19th, the day before the event, did not get to see each other despite having rehearsals. "I didn't see Seohyun yet." Jung Yonghwa said. "I don't think our schedules match that well. If we still don't see each other, I'm going to visit their waiting room." He said, expressing his frustration.





Hi mountainmadman, i am just curious did the news article mentioned why yonghwa talked about this? cause it seems so out of nowhere that he suddenly mentioned about wanting to visit SNSD waiting room considering that the two of them have never talked about wgm on any show/interview outside wgm lately.


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hello gogumas.... can someone please clarify.. so we have one more busan episode then its the wedding photoshoot???? am i correct?? thank you.. sweatingbullets.gif















































































































































































im so excited for their wedding shot... i hope PD-nim will give us more blackroom interviews.. i miss those interviews smile.gif

















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Guest omgirly
















































Is it just me who's having a spazz fit about yong's quick interview about not seeing hyun? 
































It's an incredibly bold and seemingly real statement by Yong about his and Hyun's interactions behind the cameras, that it seems so out of character, especially when you consider how they've played it cool with the media these past few months about their virtual coupling. It's unbelievable that Yong would be quoted as answering such a question in that way. Seriously. I don't know whether I can dismiss what he's quoted as a joke (cruel!) or if he really meant it. 
































Real life and virtual marriage have converged for this couple, which is why we are always pleasantly surprised when there's Yongseo news between episodes. They are high-profile musical artists afterall, so them being at the same venues and events is inevitable, but the fact that they're "together" for WGM has positioned them better than any WGM script possibly could. It's a PD's dream come true, plus the show gets extra (and free) promo for this couple without even trying. I mean, think back to all that's happened in the past month. It's really quite amazing. And since episodes are not aired in "real time", fans get to see where they're at now and how they arrived here via previous filmings, fueling more fervor for the fandom.
































As far as I can tell, although previous couples and Khuntoria all have had their moments in the spotlight, I feel like there's much more outside media exposure of this couple. I don't remember another WGM couple being seriously speculated about this much. 
































sorry folks... soompi's being temperamental with my post... 









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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Looks like Hyun paid for the earmuffs (from her white purse). It's a present for Yong! ♥
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So stop doubting her T__T She doesn't only buy what she likes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And look how Yong even brought it to gag concert recording to show it off LOL.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

Hi mountainmadman, i am just curious did the news article mentioned why yonghwa talked about this? cause it seems so out of nowhere that he suddenly mentioned about wanting to visit SNSD waiting room considering that the two of them have never talked about wgm on any show/interview outside wgm lately.

I'm actually really curious about it too. I read the whole article through and it seems that they were on-the-spot interviews or something? The other paragraphs talk about the other guests at the Awards and what they were up to during the presentations. Sort of like a small BTS kind of thing.

It's definitely not a fanfic, and I do believe that Yonghwa actually said what was quoted. Under what circumstances, I can't imagine; he's usually very reserved at talking about his marriage. But who knows, perhaps he had a few drinks earlier. ^_^

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Guest ahn_annann




















my caps :




































42442606.th.jpg 10508230.th.jpg 83810183.th.jpg





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hesperide, thank you so much for clarifying.. smile.gif so this means.. the wedding photoshoot would be probably be shown on February.. can't
































































































































































and.. thank you also for all those who provided us with pictures and up to minute update about our couple and to gogumas who take time to translate for us... thank you soooo much laugh.gif 
















































































is it true they went ice skating? omo! that'll be so sweet!!! im so jealous.. where can get ourselves a yo~ng?!?! hahahah 
















































































and i agree with omgirly... yongseo seems to be the couple with most outside WGM exposure wub.gif or it could be also that i don't pay that  much attention to other couples... hahahahah 

















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Guest omgirly







































































 Under what circumstances, I can't imagine; he's usually very reserved at talking about his marriage. But who knows, perhaps he had a few drinks earlier. ^_^












































































































































































totally plausible, mountainmadman. something is not quite right since a quote like that seems totally out of character. alcohol is liquid courage afterall, but how sweet would it be if he wasn't under the influence when he said it.
































okay, crazy thought... maybe this week's shopping spree filming was a belated christmas?









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Hi Mountainmadman, thank you for answering my question. Anyway just want to say that I enjoyed reading Love Story in Gogumafic.





Another question which may or may not be related to Yongseo. To anyone who watched the streaming of Seoul Music Award and understand Korean, there was this moment when MC said something and Yonghwa raised his hand. Some people mentioned that the MC asked "Anybody here believe that they deserve an award?" and some other people mentioned that the MC asked "Anybody here believe that SNSD deserve an award?" Yonghwa was the only one who raised his hand. After that MC joked "Yonghwa don't need to ask permission if you want to go to toilet" (disclaimer: this is based on the translation done by some people on twitter). Anybody know what actually happened?


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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































I am having lunch and spazzing like crazy..... I just hope that news writer is telling the truth because that statement is so bold.... man I think they are gaining more courage to expose their relationship.
















































































Do you remember during the awards shows in december YH never used his ring, and SH used it in one event and never again.... In that moment I was thinking that they decided to keep a low profile about their relationship, but now they are using the rings in an award show and YH telling that he is going to visit her in the waiting room.... my brain and my imagination arw rolling together with very happy scenarios.... kekekekeke
















































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas! Thanks for all the sharing! I love my goguma family!
















































































sorry for any mistake writing in my mobile is a little difficult.... XP

















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Guest Fluorescent.Flower








Congratulations to SNSD and CNBlue for winning awards! ❤








It's getting harder and harder to believe something isn't going on between Yonghwa and Seohyun, they're getting more and more suspicious. Why did Taemin turn around to give Yonghwa a thumps up, it's not like he's her real boyfriend or... is he? Lol, joking. And why was the cameraman so stalker-ish with YongSeo? I'm glad though, we need more cameramen like him even though we have great spies (a.k.a YongSeo stalkers) who do a lot of this anyway.








Thank you to all who provide such insightful news, pictures, screencaps and translations! You guys truly are...DAEBAK!








P.S. Although, I'm kind of late, I just want to comment on how gorgeous Seohyun looked whilst shopping. She had the aura of a model, and straight hair really suits her (it gives her an edge). Yonghwa, as always, looked very handsome and even more handsome when holding her bag. I love seeing them do what normal couples do, it makes them look...how should I say it? Down to earth.








P.S.S. It would be totally B) if Yonghwa really did say the translated quote from MountainMadman.





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Guest yurilo1234






Hello. Could anyone please help me translate the conversation between Hyun and the host at the Daum Life On Awards. Seems like he's teasing her about WGM. It starts from time: 0.30














Thank you very much in advance!



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Guest Cjbaby12


I just want to say the cameraman or men are DAEBAK in this awards show!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously! I like how when CNBLUE performed they had to shoot a video of Hyun!!! and When SNSD won... they had to show YONG!!! LOL!!!!!! DAEBAK! This link was shared earlier (page before this) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZIAKBoanJo , but I don't know if you also noticed around 7:04- 7:07 Yong was trying to dance to Hoot. He's probably remembering the moment his buin taught him the steps... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He held on to his waist... LOOOOOOOOL!




I wish all shows were like this seriously! Not trying to downplay their reality series, but giving us more reasons to watch it!!! :D I also love the fact that when he said the line, "You know, I want to get, get, get your love!!!", that's when they pan the camera to HYUN!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO NIIIIIIIIIICEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

it's around 3:40 - 3:47. You can also see how Hyun's unnies are singing to the song... so supportive!!! :) Taeyon looked a little tired, but you can see her still watching... LOL!!!! :P








This is truly GOGUMA HEAVEN!!!! Thanks to all the sharing of articles, videos, translations, pictues, fan accounts, opinions and love all around! This is why this forum is amazing!!! :D PS: Credit to all video uploaders!!! Thanks for sharing! :)


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Hello. Could anyone please help me translate the conversation between Hyun and the host at the Daum Life On Awards. Seems like he's teasing her about WGM. It starts from time: 0.30














Thank you very much in advance!



no they dont talk about WGM :(


Hyun seems to misunderstand the question of the host and answer st else,so everyone laughs at that



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Guest kasia3goguma
























c: dc married





























Keke it is already confirmed that Hyun bought these ear muffs....







He looks really cute !!!





































c: dc married























About Yong's interview:








I'm soo super happy ! ! ! They are so open about their relationship, I just love it !








They just show us how close they are !

















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back from work and still in Go-chun. still cant beleive what Yong said. hahaha.i dont care if he drinks some alcohol and said that. hahah then lets spill the feeling out.

They are just the way to cute. i dont why thye just keep me dreaming. even when i driving i listen to their song, thinking of them instead of my husband. hahah.

They are just remind me all lovely memories when you are young. these memories are really important and you cant never forget it. be pure when you still can be pure, be passion as much as you can. this is the most beautiful age to fall in love. i am so happy for Seohyun to meet him in this program. it is better for her than begin a relationship in a drama. now she at least have a rea'/reel memories. very sweet ones.

Yongseo, you are killing me. how can i concentrate on other things now.? :wub:


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OH! uri goguma family... how i've miss you all so much!


















its so sad that i've been away for so long. time is not being a good friend to me right now.


















but i try to lurk by once a day, at least, even if i havent participated in any spazzing in a long while.


















please forgive me!! :)


















so much has happened and i havent had the chance to stop by and express how much i love it all! from the banmal song to yong's digital release, from the news of the wedding photo shoot and hyun meeting her mother in law. aigoo...


















but i've decided, because of dreamyboo and jnj ;), that i'm going to try and start back up here.


















my love for yongseo is still intact, and probably will always be.


















so upon my return, all i have to share are a couple of caps from the 20th high1 seoul music awards.


















is anyone else super happy that they wore their rings? :) i know its not a big thing to a lot of people, and i guess me too. but its a really great feeling to see them wearing their rings in public again. :wub:




































these caps are during PSY and Kim Jang Hoon's performance. i know, i know, not yongseo... but still, yongseo bits are in there :D the caps are when kim jang hoon goes down to the audience and touches taeyeon's head and pulls her in for a hug. its pretty funny, or at least i'm thinking its suppose to because everyone is laughing like a HOOT. but what of course caught my eye, besides onew laughing ;), is seohyun, and how... well giddy she is, and her reaction is exactly like taeyeon's. as if kim jang hoon came to hug her instead. lol. then after the guy leaves, you get a shot of taeyeon, but all i see is... well, yong! haha. his the only one, it seems, that isnt LOLing :lol: like everyone else. and then it looks like he turns to look at hyun who is laughing again with taeyeon. (i cut out everyone else, but the bottom left cap where yong is looking at hyun, his the ONLY one who isnt fixated with the performance on stage, cause his looking at hyun!) when i saw that, i instantly imagine yong thinking to himself, "thats right, he better not have hugged hyun~" lol. i dont know why... maybe its the jealousy thing and protective thing that he has that makes me think that, lol. but the last cap shows him turned away and you can see hyun's ring! :wub: i love it.


















okay... well there was my spazz for the time being.


















have a goguma day everyone.



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