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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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lucky me just on time to watch their encore performance.

when they were singing the part "ow", yong choding also put his hand

on his waist! funny yong.. :w00t:

hyun looked dead gorgeous tonite! :wub:

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"같은 무대에 서는데 아직 얼굴을 못봤네요." MBC '우리결혼했어요'의 가상커플 정용화-서현이 볼멘소리를 했다. 시상식 전날인 19일 '우리결혼했어요'의 녹화를 한 두 사람은 정작 시상식 무대에서는 오랜 시간 리허설을 했음에도 각자 일 때문에 바빠 얼굴조차 보지 못했다. 정용화는 "아직 서현이를 못 봤다"면서 "스케줄이 서로 잘 안맞는것 같다. 계속 못 보면 대기실로 찾아가겠다"면서 불만을 토로했다.
















































































































































































































































































































































credits: http://news.sportsseoul.com/read/entertain/913920.htm
















































































































































































































































































































































Help? Thanks.

















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Guest yongseorockin


Just posing as what I have read from a SONE translation. Not sure where's the starting time and all that. Just for your reading. If you have watched the show, you probably would know the timings.









Seohyun: For our manager oppas who work hard for us, [Manager names], you go through so much trouble for us, thank you so much. And to the people who love our music, our fans, SONE, I think we find joy in our activities because you give us these great awards.

And unnies, my SNSD member unnies, I love you so much. And SNSD's parents, thank you for bringing us into the world.






MCs said that Jung Yonghwa can go to the toilet, he doesn't need to put his hand up to ask.




  • MCs asked who thinks they deserve an award. Everyone looks uneasy. Jung Yonghwa put his hand up.

cr: oniontaker@twitter


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credits: dc married

















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calling to all Korean gogumas out there!! *quoted image*


can you pls pls pls translate or sub this?? *quoted image*








i really don't understand a thing they're saying but its about yongseo behind the scenes on GDA... and its shows their off WGM moments!! *quoted image*




i would really appreciate your efforts!! thank you very much!! *quoted image*




P.S. i'm in go-chun right now!! *quoted image*






this is what i know, i just learn korean.....from that i can say that, the narrator said when snsd perform OH!, he look at YH and when YH shout SNSD, he said that YH is trully SH's husband......


when CNBlue win, he said SNSD look at SH as her hubby won d award..... all member in SNSD are pointing at SH coz they want YH to recognize her at the front....


when YH made a speech, her wife were looking at him..... concentrate.... not even blink her eyes...


when CNBlue perform, she may said 'He is handsome' to yuri..... and she did some hand gesture at 'Love' song.... yuri said that YH did some sign to SH but she said she didnt see it....


last scene when SH cry when they win award, it said look at YH as he see his wife cry in front him.....




p/s: hope it help.....since im still learning it.....


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Guest MountainMadman

"같은 무대에 서는데 아직 얼굴을 못봤네요." MBC '우리결혼했어요'의 가상커플 정용화-서현이 볼멘소리를 했다. 시상식 전날인 19일 '우리결혼했어요'의 녹화를 한 두 사람은 정작 시상식 무대에서는 오랜 시간 리허설을 했음에도 각자 일 때문에 바빠 얼굴조차 보지 못했다. 정용화는 "아직 서현이를 못 봤다"면서 "스케줄이 서로 잘 안맞는것 같다. 계속 못 보면 대기실로 찾아가겠다"면서 불만을 토로했다.

credits: http://news.sportsse...tain/913920.htm

Help? Thanks.

Let's see:

"We stood on the same stage but we have yet to see each other's faces." Said the Yonghwa-Seohyun couple, currently on MBC's 'We Got Married'. The two people, who recorded 'WGM' on the 19th, the day before the event, did not get to see each other despite having rehearsals. "I didn't see Seohyun yet." Jung Yonghwa said. "I don't think our schedules match that well. If we still don't see each other, I'm going to visit their waiting room." He said, expressing his frustration.

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Guest jerbear89



CHUKAHAMNIDA to our couple and their groups... SNSD and C.N BLUE the best!! biggrin.gif

thanks to everyone for making caps and translations..


i have one thing to ask...... in this video: My link,

 at 1:59 who is that guy that gives "thumbs up" to nampyeon Yong?? haha such recognition...

and look at the face of Yong, so shy.... hahahaha i love their moments.. wub.gif



YONGSEO always the BEST!! fighting.... smile.gif


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Hi all,































































































































































































TQ M3 for the translation..































































































































































































& That's a very "bold" statement from hubby Yong here...














































































































































































































































































































Err... I just top up the page...































































































































































































So I re-post M3 translation....;)














































































































































































































































































































Let's see:














































































































































































































































































































"We stood on the same stage but we have yet to see each other's faces." Said the Yonghwa-Seohyun couple, currently on MBC's 'We Got Married'. The two people, who recorded 'WGM' on the 19th, the day before the event, did not get to see each other despite having rehearsals. "I didn't see Seohyun yet." Jung Yonghwa said. "I don't think our schedules match that well. If we still don't see each other, I'm going to visit their waiting room." He said, expressing his frustration.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's not even Saturday, but the forum-er was actively post here. (tonight only, already 500++ users. DAEBAK)































































































































































































& as happen every week, we really got a very good news about our couple here..































































































































































































Forgot to say here, congrats to CNBLUE and SNSD for their winning tonight.
































































































& bout dosirak (is it??) special performance for "FFTL" (For First Time Lovers), was it really happen???
































































































will Hyun be there also? Hyun should be there....
































































































For sure it will be a very big news... For us and K-entertainment.. hehehe..
































































































For KapterKeirin, congrats for your banner in dkpopnews site this week...
































































































The banner was so sweet....
































































































To M3 again bout Nate news, the cameraman really don't wanna miss to capture their moment.... hahha
































































































So he maybe 1 of the Yongseo fans...
































































































& already on the K-News...

















































































































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thanks Mountainmadman for translation. They just met yesterday and he already misses his wife. hahah. good job Yong husband.

hope this new is official new, because it shows how he misses her. ahhaha, what you are gonna do in waiting room, Yong :w00t:

Is that true that Yong really said that. where is it news from?. im still in Go-chun :wub:


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Guest justbulan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CHUKAHAMNIDA to our couple and their groups... SNSD and C.N BLUE the best!! *quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks to everyone for making caps and translations..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i have one thing to ask...... in this video: My link,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 at 1:59 who is that guy that gives "thumbs up" to nampyeon Yong?? haha such recognition...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and look at the face of Yong, so shy.... hahahaha i love their moments.. *quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YONGSEO always the BEST!! fighting.... *quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's taemin, the maknae from shinee...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CN blue and SNSD win the awards!!! yay yay yay!!! chukahamnida yongseo couple!! hoping this day will be daebak year for both CN.Blue and SNSD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yay yay yay somany yongseo moment.. i'm happy now!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

i have one thing to ask...... in this video: My link,

 at 1:59 who is that guy that gives "thumbs up" to nampyeon Yong?? haha such recognition...

and look at the face of Yong, so shy.... hahahaha i love their moments.. *quoted image*

sorry to cut your post . =)

If i'm not mistaken, that's Shinee's maknae, Taemin ^^. I love how he patiently waits for Yong to finish hanging that silver medal on Minhyuk to fully get his attention. Then he slyly and shyly gives him a thumbs up! LOL

And thanx so much for the translation M3!!! Agreed with zealous, that was certainly quite bold of Yong nampyeon :P. *can't believe it, am over the moon*. I almost thought it was a fanfic ... !!!


thanks for the second trans M3! hahaha the press is so...formal/conservative with "The broadcast drew attention because of its showing Jung Yonghwa followed by Seohyun's gaze, which created a strange atmosphere."

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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo






Let's see:




"We stood on the same stage but we have yet to see each other's faces." Said the Yonghwa-Seohyun couple, currently on MBC's 'We Got Married'. The two people, who recorded 'WGM' on the 19th, the day before the event, did not get to see each other despite having rehearsals. "I didn't see Seohyun yet." Jung Yonghwa said. "I don't think our schedules match that well. If we still don't see each other, I'm going to visit their waiting room." He said, expressing his frustration.







WoWWWWW ~~~~ ^O^




really thank for your great  translation "I'm going to visit their waiting room." nothing to say this show how it real between them wub.gifwub.gif




Thank " aneng and MountainMadman' again  and also everyone who share all post biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




Saturday is coming !!!!!



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Guest jerbear89



oh thank you so much wallpaperfood and justbulan...laugh.gif

yeah, hopefully this year is still YongSeo, SNSD and C.N Blue year...

start the year winning an award.... congratulations again!!!

Go-chun *party*party*party* biggrin.gif

and oh! thank you MountainMadMan for the translation... sweet Yong! wub.gif


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Guest MountainMadman

Also dropping this off here:

http://news.nate.com/view/20110120n26646 (just the YongSeo-related part)

[티브이데일리=최민지 기자] 소녀시대 멤버 서현이 20일 오후 7시  서울 동대문구 회기동 경희대학교 평화의 전당에서 열린 '제20회 하이원 서울가요대상'에서 씨엔블루 멤버 정용화의 무대를 보며 환한  미소를 지었다.

이날 씨엔블루는 신인상을 수상했다. MBC TV '우리 결혼했어요 시즌2'에서 정용화와 가상 부부  생활을 하고 있는 서현은 정용화가 노래를 부르는 모습을 가만히 지켜보며 조용히 박수를 쳤다.

정용화의 모습과 그를  바라보고 있는 서현이 번갈아 보여졌고 이에 묘한 분위기를 풍겨 눈길을 끌었다.

SNSD's member Seohyun smiled happily at seeing CN BLUE's Jung Yonghwa perform on stage at the '20th High One Seoul Gayo Daesang' held at 7:00 PM on January 20th at Seoul's Dongdae-mun district, Hwaegi-dong, Kyunghee University's Hall of Peace.

CN BLUE won the 'Best Newcomer' award. Seohyun, who is currently married to Jung Yonghwa on MBC's 'We Got Married Season 2', watched Jung Yonghwa perform and applauded quietly.

The broadcast drew attention because of its showing Jung Yonghwa followed by Seohyun's gaze, which created a strange atmosphere.

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Guest YukiAgne
































































































CHUKAHAMNIDA to our couple and their groups... SNSD and C.N BLUE the best!! *quoted image*
































































thanks to everyone for making caps and translations..
































































i have one thing to ask...... in this video: My link,
































 at 1:59 who is that guy that gives "thumbs up" to nampyeon Yong?? haha such recognition...
































and look at the face of Yong, so shy.... hahahaha i love their moments.. *quoted image*
































































































YONGSEO always the BEST!! fighting.... *quoted image*
















































































































































































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Guest Yangie12






















^ You mean that blond haired guy? That is Taemin, the magnae of SHINee ^^


















So many Yongseo news this week. Ah, cannot wait for saturday to come.



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hyun's giggle during the encore is oh so cute!

tks aneng and M3 for the translated news.

The broadcast drew attention because of its showing Jung Yonghwa

followed by Seohyun's gaze, which created a strange atmosphere.

yup, the atmosphere IS strange

when a shy girl, well-known for her 'dislike' of boys..

can give out that kind of loving gaze to her 'visual' husband... ;):lol:

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Guest shorty_babygurl03
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The broadcast drew attention because of its showing Jung Yonghwa followed by Seohyun's gaze, which created a strange atmosphere. -------------- i cant understand this sentence/situation......... someone please help me...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when cn blue was performing i have this feeling that yonghwa is looking at seohyuns seat.. which is on the right side of the stage. i think... kekeke just my imagination! anyway im so excited to see the next episode this Saturday! yongseo please be real!!

































































































































































































































































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CHUKAHAMNIDA to our couple and their groups... SNSD and C.N BLUE the best!! *quoted image*




thanks to everyone for making caps and translations..




i have one thing to ask...... in this video: My link,


 at 1:59 who is that guy that gives "thumbs up" to nampyeon Yong?? haha such recognition...


and look at the face of Yong, so shy.... hahahaha i love their moments.. *quoted image*






YONGSEO always the BEST!! fighting.... *quoted image*






it is taemin.....


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