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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Phoebechiu


Rough translation of fanaccount from Chinese in gogouma couple baidu



Most of them described how pretty Hyun is and how handsome Yong is (I will just skip this part and translat the part regarding the interaction between them.)



In "Spy" store (3rd floor), they sell rainbow boots.  Hyun went inside and tried lots of boots.  Yong recommended about those boots.  Eventually, he picked purple boots, asked Hyun to try them on, and paid for them.



After shopping for boots, Yong saw a white hat inside the store and put it on Hyun's head.  Hyun made some weird noise and tried to scare Yong.  Yong grabbed her arm and and bursted out laughing.   No idea why they were so happy.  They kept laughing.

They looked so sweet while picking boots.  It made me have bursting cheek again.












They went to the restaurant in the 6th floor.  No one can get close to them.  Just watched them far away.



They kept talking, laughing, and eating meals.  They talked non-stop even the filming stopped.




In the 3rd floor, Hyun helped Yong with his coat and this time Yong helped Hyun with her coat.  It was so sweet.

Suddenly, Yong went to downstairs alone and Hyun still waited in the restaurant.  Later Yong came back and left with Hyun.  


It turned out that Yong left his wallet in the 3rd floor and went back to find it.  KeKeKe.  Cute Yong.


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Guest SophiaPia








































wow! we are all so happy to see our YongSeo couple together. Like what fan acct said THEY LOOKED SO SWEET TOGETHER. Wife is so pretty and hubby so handsome. 























































Thanks every one for updating us, thanks for all the photos. BIG THANKS to Kgogumas. So, lucky all that crowd who saw YongSeo couple having a good time together.























































And to wife Hyun re: gifts to Hubby Yong.























































To. Wife Hyun, hubby Yong loads of shoes, earrings, rings, clothes, musical instruments already. Books is fine. Even Oprah 1 of the riches in the world gives loads of books to people.Cause she loves to read also. Wife Hyun if it's alright you can give hubby Yong aside from books. HUG AND KISSES and your LOVE. I guess that will be the best gift ever. Not a material gifts. Your hug, kisses and your love will be the best.























































Cheers to you wife Hyun























































We have so many episodes to wait for our lovely YongSeo couple so let's all be happy we have YongSeo. Cheers







































































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Guest fabiistar07












[FMV] Yong~'s - For First Time Lovers




Phoebechiu Thanks for the translations!!







I really wish we could hear there WHOLE conversation, since they said they talked non-stop..that really shows a big change from the beggining, now they can talk about anything .. well, maybe except for mushy things keke ;)




I hope we can see some skinship in that episode, maybe interlocking arms or holding hands while walking :wub:




Thanks everyone for the pics, translations and updates about uri YongSeo :D





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Guest ploinkypink













And Daebak was taught by CNBLUE Jung Yonghwa ssi. Then I forgot." "I didnt watch WGM. How can I watch? Pleacse tell me. Please teach me easy phrases!"




Hihi, am usually a lurker but just want to clarify the above tweet by Ueno Juri. The translation is a bit off. She didn't mention anything about WGM at all. but i think she's a fan of CNBlue and went to watch their Japan concert before. ;)



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Guest wallpaperfood

Oh piaaa, bravo - well said!!! :D  ...awesome how you brought up Oprah too LOL..nice touch. ;)

At first I also thought, "Why books again, Seohyun-ah~?" , but you're absolutely right ! =)

Many people might have already given him accessories and clothes since he's so into style and fashion - heck, he also gets them from all the endorsements he's involved with! 

BUT no one else gives Yong books (ok I'm going out on a limb here, because I don't know that for sure XP) . Everytime he sees a book lying around his dorm, he will now only be able to think of only Seo Joo Hyun <3

Because reading is her territory.  Only she gives him books with all her heart. And he values that, for sure. Hehehe.

(^ This is unusually optimistic and mushy of me, but I'm just so happy with all the fan accounts/trans and pics - a big KAMSAHAMNIDA to all those who shared! )

What exactly made my day? --> "They kept talking, laughing, and eating meals.  They talked non-stop even the filming stopped."

About the banmal song (the success, the meaning, the reactions)? About Seohyun's semi-rap in Visual Dream ^^? About their respective activities in Japan? Spazzing about the SNSD concert Yong might (hopefully) attend? About things they can't are too shy to talk about on-camera?

Aaah this is driving me nuts in a good way. They must be so ecstatic to spend time like this with each other since Dec.26. Just HUG ALREADY! XD

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Guest BigSmileAgain
















more pic
































































Cr. as tagged









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Guest MoonHeeTae
































hi everyone..^^















i need your help,..















im looking for the couple mug of the yongseo bubu,















can anyone give me the picture of it?















the one they bought as an engagement gift..















thank you much..^^















































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Guest gogumacouple4ever




Hello everyone =].




So today i was browsing through FAN CLUBS on soompi for fun.... guess what i saw?






our very own fan club on soompi =]]] kekeke. 




I don't know if you guys want to wait and confirm if it is our official club or not on soompi.




but hey, it wouldn't hurt to join =]  and i think it is official ( i hope )






link:   http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/yongseo












/edit:  so it is official! everyone go join now! <333


/edit2: oh lord. i topped the page lol. don't have anything share . sorry. >.< Well... i guess i'll just post the link to our soompi official yongseo fanclub page again ^_^



OFFICIAL "YONGSEO" SOOMPI FANCLUB PAGE: http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/yongseo



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Guest soshisoshisoshi






Hello everyone =].




So today i was browsing through FAN CLUBS on soompi for fun.... guess what i saw?






our very own fan club on soompi =]]] kekeke. 




I don't know if you guys want to wait and confirm if it is our official club or not on soompi.




but hey, it wouldn't hurt to join =]  and i think it is official ( i hope )






link:   http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/yongseo
















Hi there!!! to tell you IT IS OUR OFFICIAL FANCLUB!!


2 weeks ago bezbezbez made a request to soompi moderators to create YongSeo fanclub, since the number of fans keep increasing........







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Guest lovekin






i don't get your dislike, which i think is founded on fairly petty reasons.  sorry.  and as for that ueno juri episode and seo being sad about it, yong and seo were still in their push-pull period (timeline was off).  so as nice as they were to each other in the beginning, ueno provided an interesting catalyst to set the two of them off again.  if anyone was at fault, it was simply yong and seo, both of whom were too frustrated with each other and subconsciously (or consciously) wanted to make the other person jealous.







i was just thinking of the shoes, and it reminded me of you're beautiful where shinwoo notices go mi nam (go mi nyu) lusting after a pair of shoes she saw on t.v., and he decides to buy it for her as a gift (that she never personally receives ... it's actually pretty awkward how she obtains the shoes).  i just thought it was funny that he's doing it for seo.  tongue.gif  anyway, i find shoes to be an interesting topic because ... well, okay, it differs from person to person because some girls couldn't care less about shoes and others do.  and i'm not saying that shoes, of all things, has any definitive influence on whether a person likes you or not.  but it's interesting to me that yong has offered his opinion on what shoes he finds are nice and thinks look good on her ... and also buys it for her.




either that boy knows what looks good, in general, or he just knows it looks good on her legs.  i'm joking!  wink.gif  in all seriousness, though, the boy does love shoes.  but i wouldn't put it past him for that gesture to be indicative of a legitimate interest between the two - or at least from yong to seo.




and i don't believe in any of that mumbo-jumbo that people often bring up, like why buy things for someone if you don't like them, especially when you know the whole situation is fake as a scale to measure whether someone likes someone or not.  you can buy things for someone even if you don't like them.  however, it's what yong does before he actually pays for the shoes that makes me wub.gif.    it's really cute.




also, after looking at some more of these extra pictures, i find it weird how natural they are at it.  not weird, per se, but it really does make you wonder what their relationship is really like.  it's also nice to see that yong doesn't look as tired as he has been lately.  i almost kind of wish that a whole mob of fans weren't following them around because it would've been interesting to see what their current dynamic is like - after busan, the snowboarding trip, the wedding shoot, the award shows, the time in which they were away from each other - without a crowd looking in on their reunion.


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Guest winterkay




Hi Everyone!


I'm so glad that YongSeo finally has a fanclub woohoo!!!!! Also, on top of that, YongSeo shopping date!!! Everyone scream!!! AHHHHH!!!!! THANK YOU K GUGOMAS!!!  You guys are awesome!!!  Hopefully they will share fan cams of YongSeo at Seoul Music Awards!!





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Someone has fabricated my fictional YongSeo talks and edited it to look real. It was meant for a joke relating to the white ear muffs that Yongseo had bought earlier at Myeongdong. I was only spazzing and trying to make a girl laughs in twitter. Below is the full fictional conversations in chronological order.
































































































































































































































Yong tried an ear muffs on Hyun. Yong told her to buy 1 but Hyun replied he should buy too. Lastly both have white ear muffs. YongSeo ♥
















































































































'You didn't pierce your ears right? I can't buy you an ear rings. How about ear muffs?' Yong might say this to Seohyun at Myeongdong
















































































































Yonghwa said 'I heard people saying that how pretty you are in real life. I'm jealous. That's why I want you to wear this ear muffs'
















































































































Seohyun replied 'Oppa I'm look silly with this ear muffs, aren't I? Let's look silly together! Hurry! Buy one too! 귀여! Hehehe'
































































































































































































































Yong said again 'Aish, why we always must do things together? What did you say? I'm cute? I will wear this at Gag Concert recording later'
















































































































Seohyun grinly replied '진짜요? 감사합니다 ♥'

















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Guest yongseo_fighting


haha... hi everyone... i laughed at the gift that Hyun bought for Yong. BOOKS again?!!! haha..What can I say? She definitely needs more experience with guys. As for the boots, hmm.. just to share. There is a belief among some minority Chinese that giving shoes as a gift will cause the relationship to end. Means she/he who receives it will wear them to leave/run away.. haha.. means even though Yong bought her the boots, he needs to ask back $$$ from Hyun.. haha.. silly beief...aparently this is not in Korea culture.. Shinwoo and Yong bought shoes as well....My girlfriend once bought her boyfriend a pair of socks but their relationship ended as well. Since she had nothing to blame, she just blamed the socks... haha...


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@yongseo_fighting Before others would (might) freakout and start to worry about your comment... Really, if there's anything her NEW PURPLE BOOTS are good for...
















































































































































































































it's for chasing his BLUES away, while singing RUN DEVIL RUN
















































































































































































































------- well, yeah soon in JAPANESE and in 3D version also! hahaha!
















































































































































































































@kubih Finally, Gogumaland is put to rest. Thanks for clarifying things for us.
















































































































































































































I noticed one thing on your post though. -----> "I was only spazzing and trying to make a girl laugh in twitter." ---> Aiiiiish! THE THINGS WE DO FOR LOVE ei? :wub:

















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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































































hummm so we are on the discussion of "what should buy"?
















































































































Fist of all, well, the shopping date is really couple-like
















































































































After weeks, a couple hasn't met each other, they meet, go shopping, eat lunch.
















































































































A girl tries to find some boots, looking around, and her boyfriend helps her pick. He picks ones, and buys it for her. SWEET right?
















































































































And then the girl buys books for her boyfriend, like she usually does
















































































































Actually, I find it really ridiculous, that we want them do that we want them to do, not what they want to do Yonghwa really doesn't like reading books, but who says he hates it?
















































































































Seohyun may not have that much experience with guys, so , so if she has some experience, she will buy something else for him, not books? So all of the girls who buy books for their boyfriends are now considered as unexperienced?
















































































































You know what, Yonghwa won't ever buy books! that's why Seohyn bought books him, because she knows Yonghwa won't buy it
















































































































And u know what, I think they were having fun shopping together. Please don't analyze something like "this gift means.... or that means...."
































































































































































































































I don't think Yonghwa bought pair of boots for Seohyuun, it means that he wants to run away with her, or break up ....gezz WTH? :crazy:
















































































































I find it really sweet, Seohyun seemed like she wanted to buy them, so there Yonghwa is, picked for her ones and bought it!
































































































































































































































Don't apply what u see in Kdramas to this couple please, they have proven us wrong many times already!

















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Guest harajukudezz
































































I might late too spazz with all this good news bout' our couple filming but I was updated since this morning while at the schoolsweatingbullets.gif phew.gif  thanks to all of you who twitted the info i have to run at my break time just to read all the goodies, fan account, picture's...kekekee.rolleyes.gif..it makes me looked weird in the front of some of my classmates happy.gif diff. races lol!!! i don't care  phew.gif as long as im happy with our couple.. Thanks for all the fan acct. pic's..etc.etc...confetti to all of you who share it..( I bet my aunt will be more excited again if she saw all this)































































































Imagined all that humored yesterday!!! It just make me droll BROILER/HEATHER!!! what the heck is that news..but it makes us happy and to spazz as well.. T_T
































then while reading all the twit this morning KUBIH!! is having fun to zpass as well, but i think some of the reader's take it seriously...imagined that KUBIH  (big bro!!! aunt told me that you guy'z calling chingu's each other before on SPD )..you did well!!! to shaken-ed  the go-chun...T_T.































































































And lastly the Official YongSeo FanClub I just joined..finally..cre.. to INDI for the IDEA.& to ADMIN's..the rest of the go-chun family who agreed and voted for YES!!!!






























































































































































































opps!!!sweatingbullets.gif before I forgot (and I almost) mianhe...THANK YOU SO MUCH to MOUNTAINMADMAN & DDUK and to the rest of the family who alway's make us more happier when they did the TRANSLATION.. and each episode!!! BANSE!!!
































































































































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I was about to sleep because its 2 am already but then i saw the posting of @gogumacouple4ever its says that soompi moderators allowed us to have a fanclub...Yehey...here is the link:   http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/yongseo and i check it out..Cool i click Join then it says welcome and i saw familiar names on the spazz box...Way to go Goguma Villagers!!!  To our couple Yongseo...Fighting!!!:)



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Guest harajukudezz









GIFTS DON'T MEAN ANYTHING UNLESS THE PEOPLE WHO BUY IT MEAN SOMETHINGI don't think Yonghwa bought pair of boots for Seohyuun, it means that he wants to run away with her, or break up ....gezz WTH?  I find it really sweet, Seohyun seemed like she wanted to buy them, so there Yonghwa is, picked for her ones and bought it!  IT's FREAKING ROMANTIC!Don't apply what u see in Kdramas to this couple please, they have proven us wrong many times already!












Sorry to cut your post but, I do agreed with you.."GIFT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING AT ALL" its the Chemistry, Comfortableness,and (REAL) feeling...wub.gif











and who said that Yonghwa will break up..to our Hyunnie after buying that Boots crazy.gif common people if that thing happened.. I'll be like..huhhh!!! mad.gifyour missing half of your life.. he wont be happy no more or should i say  its not gonna be a normal life for him.. without Hyun on his side..











Just sayin' my POV..to those who think buying boots is bad signed for breakup!!!!





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